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  成吉思汗与蒙古征服史          十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共80多张              每本定价:RMB 46 元        About this book(本书英文简介)    The history of the Mongol conquests is a catalogue of superlatives. No army in the world has ever conquered so much territory, and few armies have provoked such terror as the Mongol hordes. So vast was the extent of the Mongol Empire that the samurai of Japan and the Teutonic Knights of Prussia had each fought the same enemy while being unaware of each other‘s existence. This book provides a concise yet thorough account of the Mongol conquests, including the rise of Genghis Khan and the unification of the tribes with up to date information on campaign logistics, tactics and horse breeding.  
  成吉思汗与蒙古征服史 内页 1  
  成吉思汗与蒙古征服史 内页 2
  布匿战争      十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共90多张                  每本定价:RMB 46 元    
Punic Wars
公元前264~前146年古代罗马与迦太基之间的 3次战争。罗马人称迦太基人为“布匿”,故名。第一、二次布匿战争是作战双方为争夺西部地中海霸权而进行的扩张战争,第三次布匿战争则是罗马以强凌弱的侵略战争。    
第一次布匿战争(公元前264~前241) 公元前3世纪时,迦太基是地中海西部强大的奴隶占有制国家。罗马于公元前 3世纪上半叶统一意大利后,与迦太基形成对峙之势。两国争夺西西里岛导致第一次布匿战争爆发。这次战争的导火线是“墨西拿事件”:在皮洛斯战争期间,叙拉古雇佣军中的一批意大利人强占了西西里岛东北端的墨西拿。公元前265年,因与叙拉古僭主发生冲突而处于不利形势,这些意大利人分为两派,分别求助于迦太基和罗马。迦太基抢先控制了墨西拿。公元前264年罗马军队开进西西里,揭开战幕。罗马先后占领墨西拿和阿格里琴托,迫使叙拉古与之结盟。但在海上迦太基却占优势。罗马人迅速建立一支舰队。在公元前260年的米列海战中,装有接舷吊桥的战舰组成的罗马舰队获胜。公元前256年罗马海军又在埃克诺穆斯海角大胜。同年罗马远征军在非洲登陆,但以失败告终。此后主要战场移到西西里,罗马在陆战中略占上风。公元前241年,罗马海军以新建的200 艘战船组成的舰队大败迦太基舰队于埃加迪群岛附近。迦太基被迫求和,将西西里及其附近利帕里群岛让给罗马,赔款3200塔兰特(10年内偿清)。罗马遂在西西里建立第一个行省。公元前 238年罗马乘迦太基雇佣军暴动之机,又出兵强占了撒丁和科西嘉,于公元前227年将两岛置为一行省。    
第二次布匿战争(公元前218~前201) 公元前237年,迦太基将领哈米尔卡·巴卡率军渡海进入西班牙东南沿海地区,进而扩充势力。至公元前221年其子汉尼拔掌军权时,埃布罗河以南地区已为迦太基人控制。公元前219年,汉尼拔攻占与罗马结盟的萨贡图姆,翌年与罗马再次发生战争。    
战争伊始,罗马计划派遣远征军进攻北非和西班牙。不料汉尼拔于公元前 218年率领庞大雇佣军,从西班牙东南沿海的新迦太基出发,经高卢南部,翻越陡峭难行的阿尔卑斯山,出奇兵突入意大利。经过休整和补充,他在特列比亚河畔击败罗马军队。次年春,罗马人在特拉西梅诺湖畔遭汉尼拔伏击,几乎全军覆没。随后汉尼拔率军南下,罗马形势危急。独裁官Q.费边避其兵锋,采取拖延战略,但遭一些人反对。公元前 216年,罗马两执政官率军与迦太基军会战于坎尼。汉尼拔采用两翼包抄战术,重创罗马军队。此后,南部意大利许多城市归顺汉尼拔。但是,战事拖延愈久,形势对罗马愈有利。汉尼拔的雇佣军孤悬敌境,补给困难,得不到迦太基的有效支援;而罗马在本土作战,又有公民兵制的有利因素,加上意大利中部各城市仍然忠于罗马,向其提供大量兵源,因而逐渐从守势转入攻势。公元前 211年,罗马严惩倒向汉尼拔的同盟者,攻陷叙拉古和卡普亚。公元前209年,占领新迦太基。公元前207年又在意大利北部歼灭了由哈斯德鲁拔率领的来自西班牙的援军。罗马名将大西庇阿肃清迦太基在西班牙的势力后,于公元前204年率军远征北非。次年汉尼拔奉召回国,双方于公元前202年在迦太基城西南的扎马决战,汉尼拔失败。公元前201年订立和约,迦太基被迫放弃北非以外的一切属地,交出舰队(仅保留10艘巡逻舰)和战象,在50年内赔款1万塔兰特,规定非经罗马允许不能与其他国家交战。迦太基丧失了军事和外交的自主权,罗马成为西地中海的霸主。
迦太基战败后,在政治上一蹶不振,但在商业以及物质财富的积累方面,到公元前2 世纪时又迅速复兴,招致罗马的忌恨,决心消灭迦太基。公元前 150年努米底亚国王马西尼萨进犯迦太基,后者被迫自卫。罗马借口迦太基破坏和约,于公元前149年向迦太基宣战,第3次布匿战争开始。罗马军队在北非登陆后,迦太基曲意求和,答应交出人质和武器。但罗马提出极为苛刻的条件:拆毁迦太基城,居民迁至距海至少15公里的内地等。迦太基人愤然拒绝,起而抵抗。罗马军队围攻迦太基城两年未下。公元前146年春,迦太基发生饥荒,疾病流行,罗马军终以强大兵力破城而入。迦太基陷落后,城市被夷为平地,25万居民经过战争幸存的约 5万人,均沦为奴隶。罗马在迦太基设置了阿非利加行省。至此,独立的迦太基国家便不复存在了。    
  阿拉伯-以色列战争简史    十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共90多张                     每本定价:RMB 46 元    About this book(本书英文简介)  The Palestine War has been by far the most important military encounter in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. This book examines the origins of the war and its progression through two distinct stages: the guerrilla warfare between the Arab and Jewish communities of Mandatory Palestine, and the conventional inter-state war between the State of Israel and the invading Arab armies. In doing so it assesses the participants, their war aims, strategies and combat performance. Finally, it examines the reasons for Israel‘s success in the face of seemingly impossible odds and for the failure of the Arab nations to turn their military and numerical superiority into victory on the ground.
  一战美国远征军简史    十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共90多张                      每本定价:RMB 46 元      About this book(本书英文简介)  Upon the entry of the United States into World War I, the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) were created by the War Department on short notice from existing units, filled up with men from the training camps and deployed with only their personal weapons and equipment. The US Army was not prepared for combat in France, and the remarkable achievement of the AEF’s commanding officer, John J Pershing, was the creation of an American field army, built and nurtured from the bottom up. This book details the organizational structure, training and doctrine of the AEF and illustrates how it came to make a significant contribution to Allied victory in World War I.
  一战美国远征军简史 内页 1    
  一战美国远征军简史 内页 2
  美海军陆战队简史-激战太平洋    十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共90多张                          每本定价:RMB 46 元        About this book(本书英文简介)    The outbreak of World War II set in motion a massive expansion of the United States Marine Corps, leading to a 24-fold increase in size by August 1945. This book is the first of several volumes to examine the Corps‘s meteoric wartime expansion and the evolution of its units. It covers the immediate pre-war period, the rush to deploy defense forces in the war‘s early months, and the Marines‘ first combat operations on Guadalcanal, New Georgia, and Bougainville. It focuses on the 1st, 2d, and 3d Marine Divisions (MarDivs) and the provisional 1st, 2d, and 3d Marine Brigades (MarBdes).   
  美海军陆战队简史-激战太平洋 内页 1    
  美海军陆战队简史-激战太平洋 内页 2
  本店这些书真是便宜之极,可参考这些书的出版社网站定价、还有大陆某个军事书店的定价:      /Class.asp?aid=36&nid=351
  Once Upon A Time (流金岁月)    此书由美国著名图片公司Getty Images出版。书中汇集了美国二十世纪三十年代到八十年代近半个世纪的图片,取材于著名《People》、《Life》等杂志,内容主要是记录美国上流社会和中产阶级浮华生活,让你看到政界要人、商界大亨的真实一面,更有名士美人、衣香鬓影,让人流连,难以释手。    全品新书、大十六开、布面精装、铜版纸彩印、厚逾220页。内有彩图逾300幅。    (注意:本书暂无下图的封面套纸,只有蓝色精装布面版本。)    定价:138元 (只有一本)    About the Author(作者简介)   Slim Aarons is now acknowledged as one of the most influential photographers of his generation. During World War II he served as a combat photographer for Yank magazine in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. After the war he became a freelance photographer for many magazines including Holiday, Town & Country, Harper1s Bazaar, Vogue, Travel & Leisure, Look, and Life. Currently, Slim Aarons is a contributor to Quest magazine and lives in Bedford, NY. Frank Zachary, legendary magazine editor, commissioned many of the photographs in this book for Holiday and Town & Country.     本书简介  Increasingly heralded for his influence, Slim Aarons has established his place in the pantheon of great postwar photographers. It was Aarons who perfected, if not invented, the environmental portrait while photographing the international elite in their exclusive playgrounds during the jet-set decades of the 50s, 60s, and 70s, carrying out his self-described mission: to document &attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places.& This luxurious book is the ultimate insider‘s view of the lifestyles of the wealthy, privileged, and powerful. Aarons‘s first book in nearly 30 years (his long-out-of-print A Wonderful Time is a collector1s item fetching more than $1,000 a copy) is an eagerly anticipated publishing event. Presenting Hollywood royalty, European aristocracy, the grande dames of high society, captains of industry, media moguls, statesmen, and luminaries of various stripes, across a vast geography of opulent and glamorous settings, Slim Aarons‘s photographs some 250 of which are included here define the Beautiful People and document a lost era of style, grace, and grandeur.       
  Once Upon A Time (流金岁月)
内页 - 《花花公子》的兔女郎
  Once Upon A Time (流金岁月) 内页 - 肯尼迪夫人贾奎琳
  (流金岁月) 内页 - 梦露    
  F/A-18 (大黄蜂)舰载超音速战斗/攻击机 秘史    十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共110多张                              每本定价:RMB 46 元    /A-18“大黄蜂”(Hornet)是原美国麦克唐纳·道格拉斯公司(波音公司)和原诺斯罗普公司(诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司)为美国海军研制的舰载超音速战斗/攻击机。    1974年美国海军提出研制多用途战斗机的要求,称为VFAX计划。1975年5月海军选中1975年年初在美国空军轻型战斗机竞争中输给YF-16的YF-17作为原型机,经重新设计的飞机编号为F-18。同年11月海军与通用电气公司签订了为F-18研制F404-GE-400发动机的合同。1976年1月又同麦克唐纳·道格拉斯公司签订合同,F-18的研制工作全面展开。    麦克唐纳·道格拉斯公司由于在研制舰载机方面比诺斯罗普公司更有经验而被选为主承包商,负责60%的制造工作;诺斯罗普公司则负责其余的40%。最初计划研制两种单座型,即执行空战任务的F-18和执行攻击任务的A-18,但这两种型号非常相似,只在作战装备和导弹上有些小差别,因而将它们统一为一种机型,称F/A-18。    第一架原型机日首次试飞,1980年5月开始交付美国海军。此后,加拿大、澳大利亚和西班牙也采购了这种飞机。1986年,麦克唐纳·道格拉斯公司在F/A-18A/B的基础上改进生产出了F/A-18C/D。1992年,由于海军迫切需要一种新的舰载攻击机取代60年代的A-6和A-7,而美国国防部取消了计划中的替代机A-12的研制计划,于是F/A-18E/F被美国海军选为下一代攻击机服役之前的过度机种。  
  F/A-18 (大黄蜂)舰载超音速战斗/攻击机 秘史
内文 1  
  F/A-18 (大黄蜂)舰载超音速战斗/攻击机 秘史 内文 2
  哈德良长城小史    十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共110多张                                  每本定价:RMB 38 元    哈德良长城是在古罗马在英格兰(England)和苏格兰(sacotland)之间,沿着分界线有一条逶迤的土墙,称为英国的长城,或哈德良长城(Hadrian’s Wall)或罗马长城(Roman Wall)。至今仍有城墙遗迹是一旅游胜地。       古罗马人占领不列颠时修建。公元43年,罗马人侵占不列颠。不列颠成为罗马帝国的45个省份之一。哈德良(76-138年)是古罗马皇帝(117-138),他对外采取谨守边境政策,对内强集权统治。他**犹太人暴动(132-135)。编篡罗马法典(code),奖励文艺。当时罗马帝国只是占领现在的英格兰这个地方,而北方的民族屡次进犯罗马帝国的占领地。为了抵御北部凯尔特人对不列颠岛南部的入侵,哈德良皇帝亲自来到大不列颠视察,下令修建长城,由3个罗马军团历时约6年(公元122-127年)分段筑成哈德良长城东起泰恩河口,横贯英格兰,至西海岸的索尔韦湾(Solway Firth),全长117公里.    哈德良长城最初由泥土筑成,后来又砌上石块。城墙南北两侧挖有壕沟,约10英尺深30英尺宽。长城与南沟之间有一条军用道路,是连接东西的要道。长城沿途建有16座城堡每隔1英里建有1座碉堡,所以被称作“里程碑”(mile-castle)。 在碉堡之间有两座小角楼(turret),供士兵休息隐蔽使用。 在豪斯戴德(Housesteads)有最著名的城堡,在此可看到当年罗马人的军部、粮仓、兵劳、医院、塔楼等。     在苏格兰南部还有一城墙,名叫安东尼墙 (Antonine Wall),东起福斯河湾(the Firth of Forth),西至克莱德河湾(the firth of Clyde),全长59公里,高3米多。因为它太短,一般译成安东尼墙,而不译成它东尼长城。建于140-142年间,当时是为了保卫罗马的占领地。后来罗马人放弃此城墙而退到哈德良长城。为纪念罗马皇帝安东尼·庇护(Amtpmomis Pius)(公元86-161年)而得名。庇护是哈德良皇帝的义子安东尼(adopted son)和继承人。安东尼墙现存遗迹不多。 在当时,修建哈德良长城和安东尼墙也称得上巨大工程,仅哈德良长城的护城沟就挖掘了150万土石方.
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  英美经典童谣(鹅妈妈童谣)    全品新书、特大十六开、紫色布面精装、铜版纸彩印、内有彩图逾200幅。        (注意:本书暂无下图的封面套纸,只有蓝色精装布面版本。)        定价:68元     《鹅妈妈》(Mother Goose)不是雌鹅,而是英国的一本童谣集。学过英语的人多会唱的那首《闪闪亮的小星星》(Twinkle Twinkle Liitle Star),正是出自于它。像所有的童谣一样,它不是个人的创作,而是民间的结晶。初次结集,是在1744年。童谣本是天籁之音,无所谓新旧,小女曾爱看的一种名叫《鼻涕虫》(Babybug)的美国儿童杂志,就常常选登其中的歌谣;二百多年来,世风丕变,英美的孩子们能“守之不辍”、“弦歌不绝”,进而“西学东渐”到小女身上,可见经典之为经典,不是说着玩儿的。    童谣的好处,一是念起来好听,二是胡说得有趣。《鹅妈妈》里的童谣,念起来都有“叮咚叮咚”的感觉,和歌谣的情节浑仑无间,引得孩子不由自主要加入进来,可惜英汉之间难以转换,不在此具引。惟近日翻看了几种儿童的英语课本,殊不见佳,上来就学相当于中国“你吃了吗?”之类的问候语,我见犹觉得乏味,就不论儿童了。盖最易引起儿童兴奋的,是声音和图画之类的感官震撼。且儿童学东西,最初不在学多少,端在于逗起兴趣,不先在辕下放萝卜,开始就上夹轭,无怪乎孩子们日后视外语为畏途了。编书的人若同意我的道理,不妨去《鹅妈妈》里找找课本的材料。    《鹅妈妈》收童谣约三百多篇,纯粹的“胡说(nonsense)”者可占五分之一。墙上坐着个胖墩儿,一跤跌到了墙跟儿,六十个大汉来抬,上墙还是没门儿。这真是“胡为乎来哉”;胡芭老妈妈,去翻食橱子,橱子空空也,狗儿没得吃。她去面包店,为狗买面包,等她回家来,狗儿死掉了。她去棺材铺,给狗买棺材,等她回家来,狗儿笑开怀。她去小酒馆,红酒打两升,等她回家来,狗儿拿大顶。她去找帽匠,给狗做帽子,等她回家来,狗在喂猫咪(译得太差,见笑了)。真是哪儿都不跟哪儿!而童谣的趣味,也多在这里。人爱逗孩子,无非也是爱听孩子“胡说”而已。国人向有“诗以载道”的说法,连童谣也不放过,清人编《古谣谚》,搜集古代“童谣”几至完备,但都是关于王朝兴替的谶语,时下的书店里,也每有大人们新编的“童谣”,但都是拿韵语包教益的糖衣片子,不是为甜而甜的糖果;小小年纪,就得国运世风一肩挑,看过《鹅妈妈》,真觉得我们儿童的可怜。孩子胡说是有趣,大人胡说怎么算?    当然,胡说不是《鹅妈妈》的全部,如教孩子字母和数字的歌谣便是。再如著名的“雨儿雨儿快走开,换个日子你再来,苏西想要出门玩儿”一首,就界于胡说与不胡说之间。只是我们向不许儿童胡说,只许大人胡说,故单捡出其中的“胡说”来胡说一顿。
  英美经典童谣(鹅妈妈童谣) 内叶1  
  上图的配文    See Saw
    See-saw, Margery Daw,   Sold her bed and lay upon straw.        About the Bush    About the bush, Willie,   About the beehive,   About the bush, Willie,   I‘ll meet thee alive.   
  英美经典童谣(鹅妈妈童谣) 内叶 2    Banbury Cross     Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross,   To see a fine lady upon a white horse.   Rings on her fingers, and bells on her toes,   She shall have music wherever she goes.        
  英美经典童谣(鹅妈妈童谣) 内叶 3    Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
     Baa, baa, black sheep,   Have you any wool?   Yes, marry, have I,   T   One for my master,   One for my dame,   And one for the little boy   Who cries in the lane.   
  美图实在太多了,有兴趣的书友可到这个网站看看:  /MotherGoose/index.htm    Goosey, goosey, gander,   Whither dost thou wander?   Upstairs and downstairs   And in my lady‘s chamber.   There I met an old man   Who wouldn‘   I took him by the left leg,   And threw him down the stairs.   
  《丛林故事》吉卜林 著        十品新书、大三十二开、硬皮封面、铜版纸彩印、内彩色插图共200多张、                                每本定价:RMB 52 元    (此书的最新版本的底色已经换成棕色封面,与下图略有不同)    此书印装精美之极,装帧插图俱是美轮美奂,不惜工本。插图的画家是著名的Nicola Bayley。    《丛林之书》和它的续篇所包括的十五篇故事中,七篇是互不相关的动物故事,如《白海豹》和《“里基—蒂基—塔维”》就属于这一类。另外八篇则是以少年莫格里为中心人物的系列动物故事。莫格里是印度樵夫的儿子。当他还是个婴儿时,在森林里受到老虎谢尔汗追逐,父母逃散,他误入狼穴,被母狼收养,成为狼群中的一员。他长成了一个勇武而又聪慧的少年。他的朋友有慈祥的狼妈妈,忠诚的狼兄弟,以及足智多谋的黑豹巴希拉,憨厚的老熊巴卢,正直的狼群头领阿克拉,孔武有力的蟒蛇卡阿等等。他们在莫格里周围形成了一个温暖的集体,教给他生活的智慧和谋生的本领,教给他丛林动物必须遵守的“丛林法律”。老虎谢尔汗仍然不时前来捣乱。莫格里具有人类的智慧,学会了使用火。他从附近的村子里取来了动物们称之为“红花”的火,帮助阿克拉平息了狼群的叛乱,把煽动叛乱的老虎烧得焦头烂额,落荒而逃。后来,莫格里被村子里一位失去儿子的村妇收养,当了放牧牛群的牧童。但是老虎谢尔汗跟踪而来,要加害于他。莫格里和狼兄弟们定下计策,利用牛群设下埋伏,谢尔汗陷进牛群的包围,被牛蹄践踏而死。但莫格里也因冒犯村里的巫师而被村民用石子驱赶出来,回到了丛林。在本书中还可以读到莫格里不少冒险故事。而《在丛林里》这篇故事则讲述了莫格里故事的大结局——他离开了兽群,回到人类中间,结了婚,当上了看林人,帮助林务官保护森林。从出版时间上说,这个故事比《丛林之书》早一年出版,吉卜林对朋友解释说,“这个故事是莫格里故事里最先写出的,不过它讲的是他的事业的最后章节……时间估计在他最终和丛林里的朋友们分手两三年之后。”这个故事显然比他后来写的那些神奇的莫格里故事要逊色些,试想一个能震慑森林里凶猛野兽的天神般的少年莫格里,竟然降格为英国文官制度下一名小职员,并且期望将来能领到一份退休金,这实在有点儿“煞风景”。不过我们应该记住,吉卜林的灵感和才华在这最初一篇里只是刚刚被启发出来,而在后来的故事里得到了充分的发挥。    
  Once Upon A Time (流金岁月)        定价:138元 (只有一本)  ----------------此书100元可否?  
  《丛林故事》吉卜林 著(这才是本店所卖的封面)  
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  这里什么都有 货好又便宜
  罗马帝国战争史          十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共300多张、厚310页                                      每本定价:RMB 88 元      About this book  The story of a small town that rose to become the most powerful empire of the ancient world has been an inspiration to generations of people. Even after the collapse of the Roman Empire, many nations and their leaders have styled themselves ‘heirs of Rome‘, emulating its society, technology and warfare. This book details the wars that shaped the Roman Empire, from the Gallic Wars of Julius Caesar and the subsequent civil war between Caesar and Pompey which tore apart the ageing Republic, through the expansion of the early Empire to its ‘decline and fall‘. Contains material previously published in Essential Histories 21: ‘Rome at War’, Essential Histories 43: ‘Caesar‘s Gallic Wars’ and Essential Histories 42: ‘Caesar‘s Civil War’.
  罗马帝国战争史 内文 1  
  罗马帝国战争史 内文 2  
  1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die   《一千零一部电影经典大全》    全品新书、大三十二开、布面精装、铜版纸彩印、厚逾960页。内有彩图逾300幅。        (注意:本书暂无下图的封面套纸,只有红色精装布面版本。)        定价:108元 (只有一本)    Moviegoers and film buffs alike won‘t want to miss this! This reference book catalogs 1,001 of the best films of every genre from around the world, scanning over a century of movie classics
  The Anglo-Saxons 《英国古代史》    十品新书、超大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共300多张。本书是由牛津大学的古英国史权威James Campbell主笔,详细介绍了古代英国的历史、文化、风俗和社会,文笔缜密、风格平易,是一本了解英国古代历史的扛鼎之作。此书由著名的Penguin Books (企鹅书店)出版,在著名各大网上书店上受到广泛好评。                        
每本定价:RMB 85 元    内容简介  This survey, an introduction to the history of Anglo-Saxon England looks at political history, and religious, cultural, social, legal and economic themes are woven in. Throughout the book the authors make use of original sources such as chronicles, charters, manuscripts and coins, works of art, archaelogical remains and surviving buildings.The nature of power and kingship, role of wealth, rewards, conquest and blood-feud in the perennial struggle for power, structure of society, the development of Christianity and the relations between church and secular authority are discussed at length, while particular topics are explored in 19 &picture essays&    亚马逊网上书店的五星评价:http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN//qid=/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_10_1/202-5025  
  古代七大奇迹史    十品新书、大三十二开、硬皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共110多张、厚252页                          每本定价:RMB 68 元      内容简介:  Now they exist only within the precise, rectangular pits of excavated remains that capture a once-powerful dream whose images continue to echo around us. But, centuries ago, the Seven Wonders of the World were advertisements for a contemporary, thrilling, and heroic way of life, the finest examples of a brand-new civic architecture, the ancestors of every modern city on the planet. Here is the history behind these legendary lost structures: the enormous statue to the Greek god Zeus, carved by Phidias and holding a figure of Victory in one hand ...    书评:  “The Seven Wonders of the ancient world symbolize all that was magnificent and mysterious in the pre-Christian West. Using the words of ancient writers and modern archeological techniques, John and Elizabeth Romer recreate the images of these lost monuments.    “This remarkable book tells the story of the ‘archaeology of wonder’: stories of the travelers and scholars who came in contact with these seven ancient monuments, the stories of the wonders themselves, and the histories of their making and breaking. It traces the archaeological hunt to find the Seven Wonders, from the earliest digs to the latest discoveries of current excavations. It also includes fresh translations of the accounts of those who sailed the seas and rivers of the ancient world to walk among the seven fabled monuments and wonder at them.”    Reviews:     “A story of fabulous wealth and inevitable decay … the book wears its erudition gracefully’ - Independent on Sunday.    “It is a rare man to make a pile of old stones interesting to a non-archaeologist … John Romer is such a man.” - Daily Express.    “John Romer – the most exciting archaeologist working in the world today.” – Birmingham Post.  
  Classical Music (DK古典音乐之友)    十品新书、小三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸彩印、内有彩色插图共900多张、厚512页                          每本定价:RMB 78 元    内容简介:  An introduction to classical music, and a chronological survey of its development since Medieval times, through era overviews and biographies of 338 composers, this books is the freshest, friendliest and most attractive listener-focused guide on the market, spanning 1,000 years of classical music history from medieval chanting monks to the minimalists of the 20th century.
  新奥尔良鬼怪录    本书是International Society For Paranormal Research(国际超自然研究协会)创立人 Larry Montz 博士的名著。以丰富细腻的图片和绘声绘色的文字带人神游新奥尔良名闻遐迩的神怪之地,灯前窗下,读来颇有“夜听秋坟鬼唱时”的趣味。    十品新书、三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸彩印、内有黑白插图共200多张、厚160页                              每本定价:RMB 42 元    
  新奥尔良鬼怪录 封底
  新奥尔良鬼怪录 著者Larry Montz小像    Larry Montz, Ph.D., founded the International Society For Paranormal Research, (ISPR) in 1972.     With 31 years of professional field experience, Montz is recognized worldwide for developing and implementing the most innovative new concepts in parapsychological field work, rocking the foundations of Parapsychology, a science that was officially adopted into the Academy in 1964. Because of his own clairvoyant abilities, Montz became the first field Parapsychologist to develop studies of Psi in the field, as well as incorporate these enhanced abilities as additional methods of data collection (1970s). After revolutionizing paranormal field research, Montz has continued to stay far in the forefront of progressive research with his growing endeavors of blending scientific studies wit works which have spanned more than a decade.    Montz became the first recognizable parapsychological expert in the early 1990s through a continuous variety of int‘l television and radio programming in addition to int‘l print. Montz was the first to bring together, for the first time in history, the most talented, widely accomplished and knowledgeable experts in the field of paranormal research on one team.    Born in Rhode Island to a military family, Montz learned strict disciplines early on. Educated in Catholic Schools for primary and secondary education, Montz questioned the dogma and information he was offered at every turn. His E.E. degree and post graduate degrees in Parapsychology pale when compared to his real life experiences, both professionally and personally. Dr. Montz has had his salary requirements met in many capacities, from Telecommunications Consultant to foreign countries, to developing and installing the first Fiber Optics Network, installed at the 1984 World‘s Fair in New Orleans, to a multi year deal with Playboy‘s Hugh Hefner as Telecommunications and Security Systems Engineer, Private Investigator and Personal Bodyguard for Hefner, and Playmate Promotions/Playboy Model Agency Photographer.     In 1990, Montz returned to New Orleans to implement a six year parapsychological research study of the city and the state of Lousiana. Montz is credited with establishing the Big Easy as ‘one of them most haunted cities in America‘. It was during this time that Montz developed and implemented what is known internationally as ISPR Ghost Expeditions&; another 1st in paranormal field research and the first and original opportunity worldwide, for the lay person to participate in such research.     In 1997, in Hollywood, he partnered with Daena Smoller in the four year parapsychological field study & restoration project of the Vogue Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard, part of the multi-billion dollar Hollywood Revitalization Project. The Vogue became a sought after filming location and screening venue for Indy filmmakers and high profile Film Festivals, as well as becoming internationally known for it‘s seven resident entities.    
  新奥尔良鬼怪录 著者Larry Montz小像  
  Ghosts: Washington Revisited 《美京华盛顿幽玄录》    十品新书、A4纸开本、软皮封面、铜版纸彩印、内有黑白插图共200多张、                         每本定价:RMB 42 元      内容简介  A reporter for the capital‘s Washington Star newspaper wrote in 1891, &Washington is the greatest town for ghosts in this country.& John Alexander has collected and preserved tales about the famous and infamous of the nation‘s capital who still revisit the White House, the U.S. Capitol, and many other buildings and homes said to be haunted. Ghosts! Washington Revisited is a revised and updated edition of Ghosts! Washington‘s Most Famous Ghost Stories. Among these tales are ghost stories from neighboring Virginia and Maryland communities including Mount Vernon, Arlington, Alexandria, Manassas, and the Blandensburg dueling grounds. These spectral tales are accomopanied by over 180 images of haunted sites and famous individuals said to return to Washington long after departing this life.
  插图本《圣经》    全品新书、大十六开、紫色布面精装、铜版纸彩印、内有彩图彩照逾700幅、厚400页        (注意:本书其中一页有皱褶,但不影响阅读。)    书价:人民币 88 元    本书是著名出版公司DK的镇店之宝,除了选取以翻译精准的 New International Version 作为文字之外,还请了鼎鼎大名的画家 Peter Dennis 负责全书的插图。另外还附上与圣经历史相关的最新考古成果彩照。图文辉映,披卷之际,让人对这部奥衍宏深的伟大书籍肃然起敬。
  插图本《圣经》内文 1    注意:此书只有一本!
  插图本《圣经》内文 2
  The American Fighter Plane &图说美国战斗机历史&    全品新书、横长十六开、布面精装、铜版纸彩印、厚逾180页。内有黑白、彩图、飞机构型图逾400幅。         (注意:本书暂无下图的封面套纸,只有蓝色精装布面版本。)            定价:78元 (只有一本)    内容简介  The American Fighter Plane includes in-depth information about the design and development of forty groundbreaking planes (including such technical data as armor, armament, rang, and so on), tracing the evolution of America‘s fighters from the first pursuit planes to today‘s state-of-the-art jets. Featuring the stunning renderings of artist Ted Williams as well as a wealth of full-color and black and white archival photos, The American Fighter Plane brings to life some of the most legendary U.S. warbirds.    书评:  School Library Journal  Adult/High School-From the Hellcats in the Pacific and the Mustangs in Europe during World War II to the F-4 Phantom in Vietnam and the F-16 in the Gulf War, American fighter planes are the stuff of legends. This book looks at 40 of the most famous ones, from the Thomas-Morse MB-3 that was designed in 1919 to the futuristic stealth F-22 Raptor. The author provides detailed information on each vehicle, including its design history, its capabilities and weaknesses, where and when it was used in combat, and how successful it was as a fighter aircraft. The text is well written and easy to read, although it contains some military jargon. The book is profusely illustrated with black-and-white (and some color) contemporary photographs of the planes from a variety of vantage points, including on the assembly line, inside the cockpit, and in combat deployments throughout the world. Additionally, there is a full-page original painting of each aircraft, and many of the chapters also have paintings of the patches worn by the pilots to identify their squadron. This visually appealing work will attract casual readers and is packed with useful material that will answer most students‘ questions.-Robert Burnham, R. E. Lee High School, Springfield, VA Copyright 2003 Cahners Business Information.   
  拿破仑战争军事地图全集    全品新书、横长十六开、铜版纸彩印、厚逾150页。内有黑白、彩图地图逾200幅。             定价:48元 (只有一本)    内容简介  Based on the unique collection at the Public Record Office at Kew, England, this amazing assortment of more than 100 military maps charts the Napoleonic conflict from its start in 1803 to the defeat at Waterloo in 1815. Each one is beautifully hand drawn, accompanied by a caption explaining its significance. The maps reveal in fascinating detail how the events were plotted out, including the major battles at Trafalgar and Austerlitz. Follow the fighting and clashes in the Eastern Front in Germany, Russia, and A the Southern Front in Spain and P and the crucial encounters in Belgium. Simon Forty, a highly praised military writer, presents a concise history of both the war and military mapping. This collection is an essential compilation, providing a unmatched insight into the organization of one of the greatest campaigns of all time.
  The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Civil War   图解美国南北战争百科全书    全品新书、横长大十六开、铜版纸彩印、厚逾300页。内有黑白、彩图地图逾600幅。                 定价:78元     内容简介  Contains more than 440 full-color and black-and-white original photographs, drawings, and lithographs, including rare images specially commissioned by the author. Visit the battlefields of Gettysburg and Antietam and see great leaders such as Grant and Lee in action. View the war as it really happened - through the eyes of the photographers and artists who were there.  
  Lake District Landscapes 《湖区山水揽胜》    作者Dave Coates是扬名欧美的风光摄影大师,这本摄影画册是他流连景色醉人的湖区二十多年的精选。除了心旷神怡的大幅精美照片之外,还有摄影家的拍摄心得和对风景的介绍。闲来展卷,令人顿起卧游山水之慨。    全品新书、横长十六开、铜版纸彩印、厚逾150页。内有黑白、彩图地图逾200幅。                 定价:48元
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  Walking the World‘s Most Exceptional Trails  《寰宇步行探奇》    全品新书、小十六开、铜版纸彩印、厚逾160页。内有摄影大师名作近160幅。                定价:48元    (注意:本书暂无下图的封面套纸,只有蓝色精装布面版本。)      内容简介  From the Atlas Mountains in Morocco to the West Highland Way in Scotland and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and Montana, there are diverse walks presented here for hikers of all ages and abilities. Included in this collection of healthy and fun holidays is the Patagonia walk across the Argentina-Chile border, which traverses mountain paths and passes through pampas grass and nearby glaciers. Another singular trail on the Paths of Pindos in Greece is situated in one of Europe‘s finest wilderness areas, where bear and eagles dwell on the hillsides, and meadows, alive with wildflowers and butterflies, are edged by rustic villages.     Each trip featured here lasts between 7 and 14 days and is organized by a well-known travel specialist. It‘s your decision whether to travel alone at your own pace following detailed notes and maps, or with a guide, or in a group. Most walks offer a choice of mileage options. At the end of each day‘s excursion you will reach a cozy inn or hotel where you‘ll spend the night. And the next morning you are given a packed lunch while your luggage is transported to the next stopover.     To help you decide about a trip that appeals to you, the author fully describes each tour and provides a map of the region illustrating the route and the accommodations that are available. Whatever adventure you have in mind — walking cross-country, on gently sloping hills, or on a more challenging trail — this book will help you find an unforgettable vacation.     作者简历   Eloise Napier is a freelance journalist and travel writer, who regularly contributes to several publications in London. She is the author of Abbeville‘s Spas: Exceptional Destinations Around the World.
内文彩照 1  The vertiginous Angel’s Landing in Zion National P Utah
  《寰宇步行探奇》 内文彩照 2  Lake V Patagonia  
  《寰宇步行探奇》 内文彩照 3  A traditional Black F Germany      
  Tik-Tok of Oz 《绿野仙踪-奥兹的机器人》    全品新书、大32开、铜版纸彩印、厚逾350页。内有黑白、彩图逾200幅。               定价:58元    本书是美国儿童文学经典系列《绿野仙踪》其中的一本。善良的小姑娘多萝茜被一场龙卷风刮到了一个陌生而神奇的国度——奥兹国,并迷失了回家的路。在那里,她陆续结识了没脑子的稻草人、没爱心的铁皮人和胆小的狮子,他们为了实现各自的心愿,互相帮助,携手协作,历尽艰险,遇到许多稀奇古怪的事情。最终,他们凭借自己非凡的智能和顽强的毅力,都如愿以偿地完成自己的心愿。    作者简介  法兰克-包姆(L. FRANK BAUM,)是一位当今广为人知,并深受世人喜爱的儿童文学经典名著作家。包姆于日出生于纽约州的奇帝南戈镇。他的父亲在宾夕法尼亚州因经营油矿而致富,所以包姆的童年是居住在豪华的乡村别墅,一处称为「玫瑰草原」的地方所度过。当他十五岁生日时,父亲送他一部印刷机,自此开启了他对写作的兴趣。    1882年,他与蒙德-盖奇小姐结婚,蒙德-盖奇的父亲是一位推动妇女参政论的领导者,随后他们就举家迁往南达克达州。自此之后,包姆即涉足各种行业,他在剧场、报社与杂志社工作,卖过汽车传动轴的润滑油,也经营过杂货店,甚至做了一阵子养殖家禽的工作,因此他于1886年问世的第一本书,就是教人如何养鸡。其后他又出版了一份周报,上面所刊载的大多是他自己的文章,并且撰写专栏,而后由于经营失败,于是在1891年包姆与家人又搬迁到芝加哥。    由于自己所经营的多项事业均告失败,所以他急于为自己找寻新的工作。包姆向来很喜爱为自己临睡前的孩子在床边讲述故事,所以他决定也为其它的孩子撰写故事,他最早的两本书虽是改写自传统故事,不过在《鹅妈妈散文集》当中,他已经向读者介绍了一位名叫桃乐丝的故事主角。之后他又塑造出一个奇妙的欧兹王国,并以此为蓝本,在1900年,《绿野仙踪》一书终于诞生。    这本书使得他一夜成名,并且在短短两年间,便出现了歌舞剧版的「绿野仙踪」,该剧的歌词均是由包姆所写的,满足了他原本希望成为剧作家的心愿。也由于「欧兹王国」所缔造的佳绩,使得他后来共出版了十三本相关系列的作品。此外,他还以笔名「伊迪斯-梵丹」写作了其它的童书。终其一生,他共完成了六十本作品,并在1919年逝世于加州好莱坞,享年六十三岁。  
  拿破仑战争军事地图全集        全品新书、横长十六开、铜版纸彩印、厚逾150页。内有黑白、彩图地图逾200幅。                 定价:48元 (只有一本)  ------------请确认
  1。确认搜到 xuelin_fang 的第二笔汇款,谢谢!  2。确认:xfyz 购买拿
  The Texas War of Independence   美国德州独立战史      十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共110多张                                  每本定价:RMB 38 元    About this book 内容简介  The Texas Revolution is remembered chiefly for the 13-day siege of the Alamo and its immortal heroes. This book describes the war and the preceding years that were marked by resentments and minor confrontations as the ambitions of Mexico‘s leaders clashed with the territorial determination of Texan settlers. When the war broke in October 1835, the invading Mexicans, under the leadership of the flamboyant President-General Santa Ana, fully expected to crush a ragged army of frontiersmen. Led by Sam Houston, the Texans rallied in defense of the new Lone Star state, defeated the Mexicans in a mere 18 minutes at the battle of San Jacinto and won their independence.
内文彩照 1  
  美国德州独立战史 内文彩照 2  
  美国边疆堡垒小史(1820-91)    十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共110多张                             每本定价:RMB 38 元    About this book内容简介  A major period of westward expansion took place in the United States during the first half of the 19th century. Fur trading, the coast-to-coast railroad, the California gold rush and the removal of Native American tribes both facilitated and encouraged America‘s &manifest destiny& to become a transcontinental nation. The task of protecting the settlers from the tribes that inhabited the Great Plains fell to the US Army, and to do this an extensive network of permanent forts was created via construction and acquisition. This title examines why the forts were built, as well as their design, defensive features and the role they played in the settlement of the American West. The daily lives of the garrison soldiers and fort inhabitants are also covered, together with the fighting witnessed at key sites.
  美国边疆堡垒小史 内文彩照 1  
  美国边疆堡垒小史 内文彩照 2
  英文本圣经如果还能入手的话,兄台一定要通知我啊。切切。    那么就确定书单好了。鹅妈妈童谣、《绿野仙踪-奥兹的机器人》、再要一本《丛林故事》。具体的价钱,短信通知我好吗?
  DK插图本英文本圣经 已经售给了xuelin_fang 兄了。下次有货再出通知。谢谢!
  烦请楼主把你所有的Osprey的书列个表,其他军事历史相关的也最好都包括,我想批量购买。    另:批量买有优惠否?
  燕尘, 款已汇出!查收后请尽快寄书!叶
  作者:近卫骠骑兵 回复日期: 15:56:57 
    烦请楼主把你所有的Osprey的书列个表,其他军事历史相关的也最好都包括,我想批量购买。        另:批量买有优惠否?   ----------------  Osprey系列和其他军事历史的书我暂时手头上就这几种了,批量购买的话当然是可以优惠得了,请天涯短信或电子邮箱与我联系!祝元宵节愉快!    作者:且听冰吟 回复日期: 14:19:17 
    燕尘, 款已汇出!查收后请尽快寄书!叶  -------------  好的,汇款一经确认立刻给你寄书,谢谢你的信任!祝元宵节愉快!       作者:ywy1976 回复日期: 14:58:20 
    以后有新书可以尽早通知吗?如果邮寄的话,费用如何算?  ---------------  因为买书的书友比较多,请原谅我无法一一通知的,你可以不时的搜索我得帖子看看!邮寄费用的话我会根据邮局的收费适量收取的,不过请你放心,我邮寄书籍都是用邮局得纸箱挂号邮寄,从书友的反馈还是比较稳妥的,谢谢!    
  古希腊战争史        本书由著名的战争史出版公司 OSPREY 出品。作者三人都是英美研究古代战争史的权威。全书描写了古希腊的大大小小的战争,包括波希战争、伯罗奔尼撒战争等。考据精确,落笔严谨,描写异常生动。书中附有大量地图、精美的古希腊瓶画、战场遗址等等。        可到其网站看看:/        十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共250多张、厚300页        每本定价:RMB 68 元 (原书定价:US Price: $24.95)  
  日本武士传        作者Stephen Turnbull是欧美学界日本研究专家,尤精日本武士道的研究。此书是他的力作。        十品新书、大三十二开、布面精装、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图近200多张、厚220页                      每本定价:RMB 58元
  日本武士传 内文 1  
  图说北美印第安人史            十品新书、超大16开、硬皮精装、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图逾300多张、厚256页                          每本定价:RMB 128元        (本书英文简介)An in-depth visual survey of Native American life is divided into nine cultural areas and discusses their traditions, political and spiritual leaders, and the impact of European settlement on native societies.  
  作者:sweet-tiger 回复日期: 22:02:09 
    燕尘兄,下次有了DK版的英文圣经,我先订一本!       作者:Victoryin 回复日期: 22:57:37 
    我也是,圣经订一本    --------有很多书友都想要这本书,我会密切留意的了,一有货便通知各位,谢谢
  我要DK古典音乐之友,另外有没有同系列的Wines of the world?  如果圣经有的话,我也要一本。谢谢 !  
  作者: 回复日期: 10:43:07 
    我要DK古典音乐之友,另外有没有同系列的Wines of the world?    如果圣经有的话,我也要一本。谢谢 !  -----请看天涯短信!谢谢
  作者:且听冰吟 回复日期: 11:28:32 
    燕尘,书已收到,谢谢.叶    --------谢谢你的信任!寄出的书籍能完好地到达书友手中,那便是我最大的愉快了!希望以后多多捧场!
英美经典童谣(鹅妈妈童谣)如果还有各要一本.  你的定价是否包括邮费?  
  「當代最偉大的英雄」《盖瓦拉》传记    定价:98元(硬皮本,小32开,431页)
  被法國哲學家沙特稱為「當代最偉大的英雄」的蓋瓦拉,出生於阿根廷的富有家庭。而後他在墨西哥遇到卡斯楚,並一起創造了古巴的社會主義革命。在新古巴政府中身居要津的他,因為不習慣成為官僚體制且與卡斯楚日益不合,於是再度出發到非洲剛果、拉丁美洲其他國家繼續他的革命旅程。最後,在1967年,他在玻利維亞山區被美國C.I.A.逮捕,並於翌日立即處死。        而革命者並非生來就知道自己的天職。就在他投身革命之前的學生時代,1952年,蓋瓦拉和他的同伴決定從阿根廷的布宜諾斯艾利斯出發,以摩托車進行一趟拉丁美洲大地之旅。他們的確是更想要接近土地和人民,但是他們也不乏各種邂逅女孩的春夢,以及窮困時的騙吃騙喝,一如所有年輕人。但是在旅途中,他們也遇到飽受迫害而流浪尋找工作的共產主義者夫婦,看到了礦工場對勞工的剝削,在印加文化遺跡前反思文明的興衰,且在亞馬遜河畔的痲瘋病治療區看到一條河如何分隔著兩個世界:一邊是醫生、另一邊是貧苦的病人。志願在這裡醫療服務數週的的蓋瓦拉,在他生日的那一夜,當醫生們在河的這岸飲酒狂歡時,他決定夜游過亞馬遜河到彼岸,試圖穿越這世界的一切不公平藩籬…。  這段旅程的隨身筆記,「摩托車日記」,終於在九0年代中期出版,成為一部馬克思「資本論」加上Jack Kerouac經典反文化小說「在路上」(On the Road)的迷人故事。今年由巴西著名導演塞立斯(Walter Salles)和製作人勞伯瑞福,將這段故事影像化,並在最近於紐約上演。於是,我們得以重新巡禮當年蓋瓦拉和他的伙伴走過的足跡,認識一個青年如何在發現他所熱愛的土地的同時發現了自我,並回溯一顆畢生獻身於反抗不義的心靈的形成。並且,我們知道,蓋瓦拉對於改變世界的獻身,不是來自於閱讀馬克思,而是來自與土地上人民的接觸。他的名言是:「一個真實的革命者是被偉大的愛所指引」。   當代思想家蘇珊宋坦(Susan Sontag)曾說,蓋瓦拉是「當今世界上革命性戰鬥中最清晰的人類形象」。當然,這句話的重點在「形象」。他在1960年拍攝的頭像照片,可能是二十世紀最著名的人像照片。在狂飆的六0年代,這張照片懸掛在無數反叛的旗幟、牆壁,以及心靈上。在冷戰結束後,這張相片並未隨著共產主義的消失而隱沒在人們的記憶中,但是卻產生一種奇異的扭曲:蓋瓦拉的這張頭像出現在各種商業產品上:T恤、啤酒、明信片、Swatch手錶,成為另一個行銷的logo,讓人不知這是資本主義吞沒了共產主義,還是是革命火花顛覆了資本主義?  
  百老汇101部歌舞剧    超大十六开,硬皮,全彩照  
定价:128元  about this book:  This richly visual, information-packed celebration of popular theatre‘s most enduring artform brings to life the best-loved shows of all time - from Annie Get Your Gun to the Ziegfeld Follies, including Brigadoon, Cabaret, Evita, Chorus Line, Cats, Carousel and Anything Goes. These are the very greatest musicals that were either created on Broadway or transferred to Broadway. Each entry includes: expert commentary that sets the play in historical
features the show‘s cre a plot synopsis, cast & song list, production details, backstage anecdotes, four or five beautifully reproduced colour photographs from each show
  燕兄,  「當代最偉大的英雄」《盖瓦拉》传记  若还有货,我要一本。  谢谢!
  作者:raymondzk 回复日期: 22:37:05 
    燕兄,    「當代最偉大的英雄」《盖瓦拉》传记    若还有货,我要一本。    谢谢!    -----请看天涯短信!谢谢
  提!    再次冒昧在燕尘处大个广告,谢谢了!    /
  作者:raymondzk 回复日期: 8:53:02 
    燕兄,款已汇出,是邮政汇款(因为邮局最近)。  --------好的,明天便给你寄书去,谢谢信任!祝好
  古希腊战争史  十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共250多张、厚300页            每本定价:RMB 68 元     ---------------请确认
  没看到已经卖完了,算了,那就  罗马帝国战争史                十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共300多张、厚310页                                          每本定价:RMB 88 元  ----------请确认
  作者:hnywn 回复日期: 21:43:15 
    没看到已经卖完了,算了,那就    罗马帝国战争史                      十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共300多张、厚310页                                              每本定价:RMB 88 元    ----------请确认    -----------好的,请看天涯短信!
  海明威在古巴    全新十品 大十六开 全书每页都有海明威生平一些珍贵相片  厚铜板纸印刷
146页    定价:76元    about this book:  Hemingway in Cuba lacks the full color of Wada, Dean, or Gajdusek‘s work, but Carlene Brennen‘s original photography lends a crisp visual quality to the book. Although some of the photography is copy work from the John F. Kennedy Library collection, Brennen‘s own shots provide clues to issues that have piqued the curiosity of Hemingway scholars for many years. For example, a photo on page nineteen shows the ledge between Jane Mason‘s and Ernest Hemingway‘s fifth floor rooms at the Hotel Ambos Mundos. Purportedly, Jane had walked the narrow strip in order to sneak into Ernest‘s room-and bed. For many years scholars have wondered if such a feat was possible. Brennen‘s photography shows that indeed it was. Another Brennen original on page twenty-three shows the second story studio balcony at Jane Mason‘s home from which she is said either to have jumped or fallen, perhaps because of Ernest, Hilary Hemingway‘s text suggests.    Additional photographs from the estate of Leicester Hemingway (pages 104, 109, 110, and 115) reveal holographs and typed correspondence never before published. However, they appear as miniscule rectangles, legible only with ten-power or greater magnification, and they are relegated to the margins of the pages. The scholar who is interested in original documents, especially holographs, might wish the book designer had given more prominence to these items and less to full page portraits. Still, one must be grateful that they appear at all.    Like its predecessors, Hemingway in Cuba liberally quotes the short stories, novels, and nonfiction of Ernest Hemingway to elucidate the author‘s points about the biography. The title of the work appears next to the quotation. For example, on page 70, Hilary Hemingway uses a four-line, copper-tinted quotation from Islands in the Stream to support her argument that during his hunt for German submarines off the Cuban coast during World War II, Hemingway had the crew of the Pilar disguise themselves as scientists by wearing &wide straw hats& described as &sombreros cientificos.& She does not include the edition or page number, however. Similarly, a passage based on Arnold Samuelson‘s book, With Hemingway: A Year in Key West or Cuba (1984) describes the repeated jumps of a blue marlin. &...[I]t was the moment of surrender and Ernest later captured it beautifully in his famous novella,& Hilary Hemingway states on page thirty before quoting The Old Man and the Sea, again without benefit of page number or edition.    An abundance of such quotations in Hemingway in Cuba may stimulate the general (but not necessarily the scholarly) reader‘s interest in Hemingway novels composed in Cuba, especially Islands in the Stream, The Old Man and the Sea, and For Whom the Bell Tolls. Although the lack of footnotes or endnotes limits the book‘s usefulness for serious scholars who wish to re-examine the authors‘ secondary sources, the omission presents much less of a deterrent to a broader audience of interested non-academic readers. Furthermore, the Acknowledgments page (139) credits Hemingway experts in the United States and Cuba for assistance with research for the book. Among those listed are such luminaries as Scott Donaldson, Hemingway biographer and past president of the Hemingway S Linda Wagner Martin, current president of the Hemingway S Sandra Spanier, editor of the Hemin Stephen Plotkin and Megan Desnoyers of the John F. Kennedy Library, and various members of the Hemingway family. For Cuba, the list is equally impressive: Gladys Rodriguez Ferrero, former curator of the Museo Ernest Hemingway at the Finca V Maria Caridad Valdez Fernandez and her husband Francisco Ecevarria Valdes, chief researchers at the M Denise Jacques, owner of the former Jane M and President Fidel Castro. The bibliography includes the standard reference works. Clearly Hilary Hemingway and Carlene Brennen thoroughly researched their topic.    The chronology of Hemingway in Cuba moves from the point when Ernest Hemingway first fished the Gulf Stream waters from Key West, until he left Cuba after the success of the Revolution. While chapters three, four, and five (&Fishing Off El Morro Castle,& &Jane Mason,& and &The Cientificos&) cover material readily available elsewhere, the attention granted to Carlos Gutierrez, who taught Hemingway about billfishing, exceeds that typically found in other Hemingway biographies. In chapters six (&Life Among the Conches&), seven (&Bimini-The Other Island in the Stream&), and eight (&Boxing Heavyweights&), the author establishes a dual rationale for Ernest Hemingway‘s exodus from Key West via Bimini-specifically Martha Gellhorn and billfishing, not necessarily in that order.    
  作者:hnywn 回复日期: 14:16:04 
    燕尘,钱以通过邮局汇去,请查收  ----好的,汇款一到立刻给你寄书,谢谢你的信任!
  成吉思汗与蒙古征服史    这本有多少也呀?  能便宜些吗?  
  我想订这两本:    罗马帝国战争史  成吉思汗与蒙古征服史    请问还有吗?
  作者:木木卯 回复日期: 19:25:29 
    成吉思汗与蒙古征服史      这本有多少也呀?    能便宜些吗?           作者:韬哥 回复日期: 21:57:51 
    我想订这两本:        罗马帝国战争史    成吉思汗与蒙古征服史        请问还有吗?    -----请两位兄看天涯短信,谢谢!
  作者:燕尘 回复日期: 22:49:26 
  丛林故事    还有吗
  作者:rosin 回复日期: 22:41:09 
    丛林故事        还有吗    ---请看天涯短信!谢谢!
  1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die     《一千零一部电影经典大全》        全品新书、大三十二开、布面精装、铜版纸彩印、厚逾960页。内有彩图逾300幅。            (注意:本书暂无下图的封面套纸,只有红色精装布面版本。)            定价:108元 (只有一本)      
  作者:武汉王二 回复日期: 11:14:37 
    1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die       《一千零一部电影经典大全》            全品新书、大三十二开、布面精装、铜版纸彩印、厚逾960页。内有彩图逾300幅。                (注意:本书暂无下图的封面套纸,只有红色精装布面版本。)                定价:108元 (只有一本)             这本书还在不在?    ----很抱歉,这本书已售完!希望还有你喜欢的书!谢谢
  作者:只坏一点点 回复日期: 19:01:16 
    成吉思汗与蒙古征服史 谈谈    ---我在等你的消息,谢谢!
  书早收到了,包装得很细致,谢谢.  但是我回帖是回错地方了.这个,顺便提个建议,你的帖子标题都差不多,你下次是不是把书归归类?大家可以目标明确一些?
  作者:竹壳茶 回复日期: 23:33:34 
    书早收到了,包装得很细致,谢谢.    但是我回帖是回错地方了.这个,顺便提个建议,你的帖子标题都差不多,你下次是不是把书归归类?大家可以目标明确一些?  ---谢谢兄的建议,我会在下次上帖时注意的了,祝好!  
日本武士传            作者Stephen Turnbull是欧美学界日本研究专家,尤精日本武士道的研究。此书是他的力作。            十品新书、大三十二开、布面精装、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图近200多张、厚220页                          每本定价:RMB 58元 (仅剩一本)  
  作者:tlcl2004 回复日期: 21:03:43 
    燕尘兄,钱已存入帐户,请看短信。  ---谢谢兄,书已于今天寄出,请注意查收!请以后多多捧场,谢谢!
  我想订以下图书:1、日本武士传                作者Stephen Turnbull是欧美学界日本研究专家,尤精日本武士道的研究。此书是他的力作。                十品新书、大三十二开、布面精装、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图近200多张、厚220页      
2、古希腊战争史            本书由著名的战争史出版公司 OSPREY 出品。作者三人都是英美研究古代战争史的权威。全书描写了古希腊的大大小小的战争,包括波希战争、伯罗奔尼撒战争等。考据精确,落笔严谨,描写异常生动。书中附有大量地图、精美的古希腊瓶画、战场遗址等等。            可到其网站看看:/            十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共250多张、厚300页            每本定价:RMB 68 元 (原书定价:US Price: $24.95)          
3、罗马帝国战争史                十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共300多张、厚310页                                          每本定价:RMB 88 元      
4、《丛林故事》吉卜林 著            十品新书、大三十二开、硬皮封面、铜版纸彩印、内彩色插图共200多张、                                    每本定价:RMB 52 元  
5、布匿战争          十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共90多张                      每本定价:RMB 46 元      
6、阿拉伯-以色列战争简史        十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共90多张                         每本定价:RMB 46 元      
6、成吉思汗与蒙古征服史              十品新书、大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共80多张                  每本定价:RMB 46 元              
  英美经典童谣(鹅妈妈童谣)        全品新书、特大十六开、紫色布面精装、铜版纸彩印、内有彩图逾200幅。
  作者:xxxclub 回复日期: 18:46:54 
    楼主能不能把书目重新列一下或是开个新贴啊,太长了,眼花花绿绿  ---抱歉抱歉!天涯的规定是不能删除书友留言的。麻烦书友了!       作者:hyb2003大刀 回复日期: 18:59:55 
    好书,哪里有卖?  ---兄可以用天涯短信和我联系的,谢谢!  
  插图本《圣经》      全品新书、大十六开、紫色布面精装、铜版纸彩印、内有彩图彩照逾700幅、厚400页      书价:人民币 88 元  我要了,请速回信  
  作者:ecologyy 回复日期: 18:16:25 
    插图本《圣经》        全品新书、大十六开、紫色布面精装、铜版纸彩印、内有彩图彩照逾700幅、厚400页        书价:人民币 88 元    我要了,请速回信  ---迟复为歉!请看天涯短信!谢谢!祝好!
  The Anglo-Saxons 《英国古代史》        十品新书、超大三十二开、软皮封面、铜版纸印刷、内有黑白/彩色插图、地图共300多张。                           每本定价:RMB 85 元  这本还有吗? 我要.
  作者:李国庆 回复日期: 23:30:48 
    燕尘兄:书已于今日收到,书品很好,也是我所需要的.期待以后继续合作.   ---谢谢!请以后多多捧场!祝好!    作者:ecologyy 回复日期: 15:03:41 
    燕尘兄,请把你的书单重新整理一下不好吗?  ---好的!这段时间很忙,工作、家庭。。。。,等有时间一定会整理以方便书友的!祝好!  
  呵呵 预定一本&圣经& .拜托楼主了
  中联书屋代理大量外版图书,均为2004年以后的版本,主要是教材,包括(经济学.市场营销.商务英语.财政金融.会计.管理.理工.艺术.小说),主要是英文的,少量日文。另经营特价图书及大中小学校图书馆装备用书  以下是易趣在线购买网址,  .cn/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=  种类繁多,网上不易一一列举,如有需要,联系我们qq:  email:lijiarong_
   想买以下几本书:     1 阿拉伯-以色列战争简史  每本定价:RMB 46 元  2 罗马帝国战争史
每本定价:RMB 88 元   3 插图本《圣经》  
   每本定价:RMB 88 元  4 古希腊战争史     
每本定价:RMB 68 元     
  太好了,   想买  
布匿战争     我的邮箱: richardx@mail.
  我要买以下书籍:  1.成吉思汗与蒙古征服史  2.布匿战争  3.阿拉伯-以色列战争简史  4.哈德良长城小史  5.英美经典童谣(鹅妈妈童谣)  6.《丛林故事》吉卜林 著  7.罗马帝国战争史  8.《英国古代史》  9.插图本《圣经》  我的email:   请告知我汇款方式,是否含邮费等。谢谢。  
1.成吉思汗与蒙古征服史    2.布匿战争    3.阿拉伯-以色列战争简史    4.哈德良长城小史    5.英美经典童谣(鹅妈妈童谣)    6.《丛林故事》吉卜林 著    7.罗马帝国战争史 --(售完)    8.《英国古代史》    9.插图本《圣经》--(售完)      寄书未含邮费,不过如果您确定购买7本,可以赠送一本《成吉思汗与蒙古征服史》。谢谢!邮费、汇款方法请看天涯短消息。  
  燕兄,    书已收到,谢谢    
  好的,我要一本《成吉思汗与蒙古征服史》.告诉我汇款方式.  我在海口,几天可以到呢?
  : 兄,书已经发货。:)
  哥们弟兄们,成吉思汗与蒙古征服史和哈德良长城,我30元就卖!全部是惠普激光高清黑白打印版,A4纸装订,虽然是打印的,但是高度清晰!    书目不断增加中。。。。。。            Email            MSN            QQ                最新英文原版杂志仅售2元!        /members/accaning
  Alleuia,不客气。有空多过来看看 :)
  lz:  寡人欲购一下两本:  成吉思汗与蒙古征服史    日本武士传    我的email:zhou-  请确认,计价并告知汇款帐户,谢谢!
  .lz好,想买:      《丛林故事》吉卜林 著


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