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The Lost Prince (Iron Fey Series #5)
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Don't look at Them. Never let Them know you can see Them.
That is Ethan Chase's unbreakable rule. Until the fey he avoids at all costs—including his reputation—begin to disappear, and Ethan is attacked. Now he must change the rules to protect his family. To save a girl he never thought he'd dare to fall for.
Ethan thought he had protected himself from his older sister's world—the land of Faery. His previous time in the Iron Realm left him with nothing but fear and disgust for the world Meghan Chase has made her home, a land of myth and talking cats, of magic and seductive enemies. But when destiny comes for Ethan, there is no escape from a danger long, long forgotten.
Don't miss the first book in Julie Kagawa's highly anticipated new series, TALON, AVAILABLE OCTOBER 28, 2014
Average Rating 4.5
After Ethan Chase's sister Megan left and made her home in the I
After Ethan Chase's sister Megan left and made her home in the Iron Realm, Ethan has spent his time figuring out how to stay away from it.
He wants nothing to do with the Iron Realm or the Fey.
He has rules he lives by, the most important being to avoid them and never let them know you are there.
Ethan has been able to see the Fey ever since he can remember.
To Ethan, they are nothing but trouble and have terrorized him his whole life, causing him to get into trouble time after time.
He finds himself at a new school, yet again, as a result of the havoc these fairies caused at his old one.
Ethan is 17 years old now, he's a loner and likes to keep to himself, keeping everyone at arms length, never getting close to anyone.
This has worked for Ethan, well at least until he met Kenzie, then his world kind of turned upside down.
When strange and threatening new beings begin to enter into Ethan's realm, and the magical beings living there begin to mysteriously disappear, Ethan must choose between his and Kenzie's safety, and going somewhere he swore he never would.
He winds up finding himself in the middle of an adventure that will change things forever.
I love fantasy, so I was excited to be able to read The Lost Prince, which is the first book in The Call of the Forgotten Series.
Some of the characters from the Iron Fey books, make an appearance in this novel, and there are also quite a few new characters.
I must say that I read The Lost Prince before the Iron Fey books, and I absolutely loved it.
I didn't feel like I was missing anything by not reading the Iron Fey Series first, but, of course, I immediately went out and bought the entire Iron Fey Series because I was dying to read more.
However, it was not something that required reading the previous books to enjoy, and I really did enjoy it.
I liked Ethan, and he proved to be a very strong male lead in this story.
He was kind of hard, but I understood where he was coming from.
He was really hot to, even though he didn't seem to know it.
He has the whole bad boy thing going on, and I love bad boys.
The other characters in the book were great and so fun to get to know.
You can read a little bit about them below.
The story is filled with magic, adventure, some danger, and some really sweet romance.
All you Iron Fey Series fans are definitely going to want to read this book.
Julie Kagawa has done an outstanding job in providing readers with another epic fantasy to sink their teeth into.
If you are a fan of fantasy, fey, magic, adventure, a little danger, and romance, then this is one book you will want to check out.
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I fell as** over elbows for Meghan, Ash and Puck throughout the
I fell as** over elbows for Meghan, Ash and Puck throughout the first 4 books and the Novellas. When I discovered there would be a new chapter in this world I almost came unglued! Thanks to Netgalley I was approved for an ARC of this book. I finished it in less than 24 hours it was that good! Not only is it a spin-off of the other books but it features Meghan's brother ETHAN! It starts off with Ethan as a teen in high school desperately trying to be normal after his ordeal in the Fey realm. He meets up with a half Fey named Todd who can't help but dabble in making bargains with the fey to prank his high school bullies. Poor Ethan gets roped into helping him and the adventure begins! Needless to say Todd gets apprehended by a new type of Fey no one has heard of. Mackenzie, One of the popular girls at school follows Ethan on the day he is chased into the NeverNever and ends up right alongside him in the fight to find Todd. They fall right into the hands of everyones favorite cait sith Grimalkin!!! I love this cat! He talks, he rolls his eyes and he takes his sweet a** time when he answers your questions! I usually hate cats because you have to scoop their crap from a box and dispose of it. I don't like wiping my own a** much less a cat but Grim requires no maintenance! Grim explains he is to lead Ethan and Mackenzie to Meghan in the Iron Court upon their arrival. Once there, Ethan is reunited with his long lost sister but he is bitter towards her for abandoning her human family to rule the Iron Kingdom. He informs everyone about the new Fey that are kidnapping half breeds and exiles. Meghan instructs Ethan to stay within the Iron Court so she can protect him but a new Fey boy named Keirran helps them sneak away. I love how reminiscent Keirran and Ethan are to Puck and Ash. It had the feel of the Three Musketeers. Keirran leads everyone to the exile queen Leanansidhe, where they enlist her help in figuring out the newest threat to The fey! Did anyone else picture Leanansidhe as the evil queen from ONCE UPON A TIME? That is all I could think whenever she would come onto the scene. (BTW Lana Parilla does a fantastic job on that show!) Ethan discovers a family secret that made me choke on my gum for gasping in surprise! I felt so bad for Ethan. OMG! He lost his sister, his life was hectic and everyone believed him to be a bad apple. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and tell him everything will be alright! Of course they all get into more trouble than you can shake a stick at and the drama surrounding the trio is Koo Koo! We find out there is more to Keirran than meets the eye, and NO! He isn't an Autobot. When they find the Queen of these new Fey she wants Keirran on her side and manages to get inside his head a little. Once everything comes out in the wash we are left with plot twists aplenty, somewhat unresolved issues (leading into the next book I'm sure) and an overall sense that what we just read was a beautiful escape from our own crazy ass existence! I enjoyed this book tremendously and once again I am left captivated for the next installment in the series! You have to read this simply because I say so!
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I enjoyed the Iron Fey series, so I was looking forward to this
I enjoyed the Iron Fey series, so I was looking forward to this spin-off featuring the adorable Ethan, Meghan's older brother. Unfortunately, I was a bit disappointed in this one. The Lost Prince just did not live up to any of the Iron Fey books, in my opinion. While this novel did have the characters I know and love from the Iron Fey series, the new characters weren't terrific additions. The plot itself was good, and the writing, of course, was fantastic. However, the characters really killed it for me.&Ethan is the narrator, and he was such a cute kid in the Iron Fey series that I was really excited to read a book from his perspective. Apparently dealing with the fey problems his whole life really ruined his personality, though, because he was whiny and super emo. I just did not enjoy reading things from his perspective at all. I understand, to an extent, the bitterness and anger, but he was just really overboard with it. I think if he'd been a tiny bit more positive, then I would have enjoyed the book more.&The secondary characters were more likable than Ethan. Kenzie was okay. She's not my favorite female lead ever, but she was okay. She was a strong enough character, and she was fairly brave considering all she had to go through. Kiernan was pretty awesome and was reminiscent of the characters from the Iron Fey series, but still not quite as good. He was, by far, my favorite new character, though.&Puck, Meghan, Ash, and GRIMALKIN!!! were all back in this one, just in smaller doses. I freaking love Grimalkin. Ahem. They've all grown since the end of the Iron Fey series, and it was interesting to see how much stronger Meghan was. She really grew into her role as a queen. Ash was still bad ass as ever, and Puck was still as puckish as ever. Grimalkin was still the best character in the world!!!! Anyway, it was good to see them. I enjoyed them much more than the new characters.&The world-building and writing were top-notch, which I've come to expect from Kagawa. The plot was pretty good. There were no huge surprises. I didn't expect the ending with Kenzie, but that didn't shock me. However, I never felt bored, and I kept turning the pages. The romance was okay, but it moved a bit too quickly for my liking. Also, the chemistry that Ash and Meghan have was not really there for Ethan and Kenzie. The romance wasn't totally cold, it just wasn't as hot as Ash and Meghan were.&Overall, I'd recommend this book to anyone who loved the Iron Fey series. If you're a fan of that series, then you're sure to like this new one, too!
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I just have to say, before I say anything else, that The Lost Pr
I just have to say, before I say anything else, that The Lost Prince reminded me why I fell in love with the Iron Fey series in the first place.What I Liked: 1) Ethan. Remember the bright-eyed, curious little boy from Meghan's story? Well, he's back and now he's a 17 year old bad-ass martial artist with a serious attitude. It's funny because when I was reading the first books I just wanted to protect him. Now he's a dangerous bad boy with an attitude that I think most girls can hardly resist (especially on paper). Anyone who loved the first books will definitely enjoy seeing what Ethan has grown up to become. 2) Back into the Fey. Heh - that was supposed to be funny. The Fey world of both the Nevernever and the parts of the human world that they inhabit are fascinating, and it's only become more so now. For me, the differences are tangible, and I'm amazed that Miz Kagawa has brought these places to life so vividly that just turning the page from one place to the next feels like stepping through a portal to another world. 3) Old friends. Some of my old favorites have made a reappearance in The Lost Prince, and I'm so very glad they did, because I didn't think it would be the same without them. I won't say who for spoiler reasons, but that's something fans can look forward to. 4) A whole new story. 13 years later, it's a completely different story. This isn't some continuation of what Meghan had going on when she had her first encounter with the Nevernever, no this is Ethan's story in his own right and had Meghan and others not been mentioned, it could be it's own wonderful, standalone series. 5) The love story. I don't think a faery tale is incomplete without a romantic angle, and Miz Kagawa delivers. I was holding my breath at one point waiting for The Moment. You know, the one where they's good. Trust me.What I Didn't Like: I loved it all. I'm not wild about the cover though.Overall Thoughts: Again, I'll say this book reminded me of what I loved about the series. The writing is incredible, the characters are rich, interesting, and have such great back stories that they become your friends instead of characters on a page. And the plot keeps you completely engaged from page one. I can't say how awesome I thought this book was and absolutely cannot wait for the next book!
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Ethan is cute, but Ash is WAY hotter:)
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Julie Kagawa does it again!!!
The Lost Prince is another amazing book related to the Iron Fey series. You do not have to read the first four iron fey books plus the three short stories first, but the characters, settings and events in that series are present in this spin off type series and will boost understanding. They are all great reads. (I kinda wish ash was in this book more.) Anyway, I dont want to spoil anything but this book is amazing and completely worth it! Enjoy!
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The story picks up 15 years after Megan has left to become the I
The story picks up 15 years after Megan has left to become the Iron Queen in Nevernever. Ethan has been trying for those past years to forget the Fey even exist and live a normal life, but he might as well forget that as things spiral out of control when he's attacked by Fey he's never heard or, or seen before. Leaving him no choice, Ethan is forced to disappear into Nevernever with a fellow student in tow, and the adventure truly begins. I got this book free from publisher in exchange for an honest review, now let me say that I have never read the Iron Fey series from Julie Kagawa, but now I really want to! The book as itself, though clearly a spin-off from the aforementioned series can certainly stand on it&s own. Like any good book there were moments that I laughed, got angry (at other characters because Ethan was angry at them.) and was shocked. I even cried. (This is rare. The last time I actually burst out in tears when reading a book, was at the death of Fred in Harry Potter.) The story sucked me in from the word GO and I never put it down, except when I was forced to charge my tablet! When I finished it, I looked up at the time and in shock saw it read 4:56AM! Only a good book can make me loose track of time and The Lost Prince is no exception.
I highly recommend anyone to read this, whether they&ve read the Iron Fey series or not. It&s an excellent read and I'll be looking out for the next!
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The reluctant Prince of the Iron Kingdom It doesn't seem that lo
The reluctant Prince of the Iron Kingdom It doesn't seem that long ago since I read the first book in the series and tiny Ethan was a mere babe in the Fae woods. Now he is all grown up and facing Fae trouble of his own.It feels as if Kagawa is turning this boat round and heading in a new direction with a strong set of fresh characters that are connected to the old ones. It is a clever way to breathe new life into this popular series.That also means we will be seeing less of the favourites, if this book is any indication of the future storylines. Puck and Ash only reared their heads for a short time in this book. Although I am happy to say Grimalkin popped up quite a bit it lacked his usual witty repertoire.Using the younger generation, Ethan and Kierran with female sidekicks, to generate a new interest has emboldened Kagawa to create another interesting sub-plot. The Iron Queen wanders into the waters of being one of the bad guys. She now confers with past enemies to make the right choice for her kingdom. Just one thing wrong with that, what's right for the kingdom isn't always right for her family. Suddenly The Iron Queen is no different from the Summer or Winter Royalty.Doesn't that make her the enemy?I received a free copy of this book for my review from NetGalley.
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Julie Kagawa is a great writer, who is able to create these fant
Julie Kagawa is a great writer, who is able to create these fantastical worlds with such memorable, one-of-a-kind characters. The Lost Prince is no exception. Oh, how I thrilled at seeing Ash, Meghan, and Puck again, even if it was all too brief. Grimalkin is back, as well. That silly, riddle-speaking cat! Ethan Chase, Meghan's younger brother, is the hero in this one. He is a little bit of a bad boy here, which makes him all the more intriguing. I really thought after Ash's story that Mrs. Kagawa might be all out of ideas with the Fey and the Iron Realm, but I stand corrected. Kudos to her for giving us another wonderful story with beloved characters. Fans of the Iron Fey series will cheer for this new series, but don't fret if you haven't read the others because you shouldn't feel too confused with this one. &
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Fantastic Fantasy!
Sometimes spinoffs of an original series can be a little lackluster, but not so with The Lost Prince! This story belongs to Ethan, Meghan's younger brother all the way!
Ethan must learn to come to terms with dealing with the loss of his sister Meghan, to her duties as the Iron Queen. This is also Ethan's story about dealing with all of the repercussions of being able to see the fey, but being human at the same time. He has anger issues, trust issues, and feels the pressure of his parents' worry over 'losing' him, as they did his sister.
When a friend of his, who happens to be half-fey goes missing and he is attacked by fey, he uses the 'magical' coin given to him by Meghan to enlist her help in Nevernever. Problem is, he was not alone when he escaped, alongside him is Kenzie, an annoying school photographer/journalist who has seen too much!
Together they embark on a magical journey that started out only as a mission to save Todd and ended up being a mission that 'saved' Ethan from his own 'demons.'
The author has done a wonderful job of worldbuilding, setting the scenes, sounds, sights and smells! She also has the male teen angst thing down pat, Ethan's emotions were those of a teen male caught between being a child and being an adult! When Ethan was tense, I was tense! The book is THAT good!
Kenzie was strong, stronger than Ethan, more mature and had her own secrets that when revealed, Ethan was able to look outside of his 'me world' to want to comfort her! I loved seeing him grow up emotionally!
Although there were still many old characters, (who have matured), I wonder how many of the new ones introduced will carry on throughout this new series!
I'm hooked! I can't wait for the next book's adventure into Nevernever, villains, heroes and all!
This copy was provided by NetGalley and Harlequin UK in exchange for an honest review!
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I am a cat...
I am not sure I can wait till May 2013 for the next book.
This was an awesome series and I am glad Julia is going to keep on with the series.
I read the series twice and the second time was even better because I picked up on things I missed inmy 1st read.
But after all I am only human, and not a cat.
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Just finished it! MELT!!!!!!! If u havent read it then go right now and buy it this second. Im seriouse. Go.
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This series is the most amazing series ever!! Well... no tthe best, but one of the best
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I received this book as a gift, but I haven't read it yet. I not
I received this book as a gift, but I haven't read it yet. I noticed that it is the 1st book of the Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, but should I read the Iron Fey series first? Thanks!
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Im pretty sure that it it is Ethan.
Whoever it is, they are HOT!!!
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Is that Ethan or Ash on the cover? ~Val
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amazing book one of my favorite
While I was reading the book I just kept saying &Oh, bady Ethan what happened?& I remember him when he was only for 4 years old. so cute, always wanting Megan's attention. But now he has a jerkish attitude and it makes me sad that he turned out so brooding. And his hate for his older sister is so strong, he couldn't even be happy to see her for the first time in Years. (I want the sweet, adorable Ethan back)
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Wildly imaginative world building and a great continuation of an
Wildly imaginative world building and a great continuation of an already solid seriesMy Rating: 4 StarsGood Reads Rating: 4.08Series: The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten #1Genre: YA Fantasy/ParanormalPages: 377Publisher: Harlequin TeenCheck it out: Good Reads | Amazon | Barnes and NobleGood Reads Summary:Don&t look at Them. Never let Them know you can see Them.That is Ethan Chase&s unbreakable rule. Until the fey he avoids at all costs&including his reputation&begin to disappear, and Ethan is attacked. Now he must change the rules to protect his family. To save a girl he never thought he&d dare to fall for.Ethan thought he had protected himself from his older sister&s world&the land of Faery. His previous time in the Iron Realm left him with nothing but fear and disgust for the world Meghan Chase has made her home, a land of myth and talking cats, of magic and seductive enemies. But when destiny comes for Ethan, there is no escape from a danger long, long forgotten.I&m a huge fan of Kagawa&s writing. I have the Iron Fey series sitting on my shelf, and I really enjoyed The Immortal Rules. Suffice to say I was thrilled that she was continuing the Iron Fey series with Meghan&s younger brother, Ethan.The biggest thing that struck me about The Lost Prince was how hard it must be to write a new series in a world that readers have already come to love. I really enjoyed Ethan&s story, but I was continually reminded of how much more I enjoyed Meghan, Ash, and Puck&s story. Our favorite trio just seemed more interesting, more endearing, and more entertaining than Ethan, Kenzie, and Kierran. This was most apparent when Puck, Ash and Meghan themselves showed up in The Lost P they lit up the pages in a way that our current hero was unable to. I found myself almost giddy when the Iron Queen appeared, or when there was a short exchange between Puck and Ash. Of course, after four books, you feel as if beloved characters are good friends, so it was hard to see a new hero take the spotlight.All that sap being said, this book does a fantastic job continuing the world and the story that Kagawa created through the trio in the first books. All the imagination and creative storytelling is there, illustrating the dark and fascinating Nevernever. The main conflict is a follow up from The Iron Fey, centering around the mysterious beings known as The Forgotten. They fit perfectly into the world Kagawa has shaped, making it feel less and less like a spin-off the deeper our heroes get into trouble.As I said previously, I didn&t like the main characters as much as Ash, Meghan, and Puck. In some ways that&s not fair, because if I hadn&t read the original series, I wouldn&t know any better. It seems as though everyone in this book is seriously damaged. Ethan has to keep everyone at arm&s length (if not farther) to keep them safe from the fey. He&s a jerk to everyone, but he loathes himself for it.You really feel bad for him, having to constantly look over his shoulder, making sure the fey aren&t messing with him. The only person stubborn enough to break through his armor is Kenzie, who refuses to back down even when he is repeatedly rude to her. Kenzie was fiery, brave&I liked her. She responded to all the cra she was shocked, astonished, disbelieving, and then she realized there was nowhere to go but forward, so she just went with it. I liked her a lot. Her confession near the end seemed completely out of the blue, and I wasn't really sure why Kagawa chose to add it. I'll be interested to see how it affects the story later on.Kierran. I really really really wanted to love him. And I liked his character, don&t get me wrong. But he was too&static. A little boring. I wanted him to be more Puck-ish, with a huge personality, probably because Ethan was quite Ash-like with his brooding and his bad-boy behavior, and I was looking for the foil that I just didn&t quite find in Kierran. But then again, I&m comparing the two series, which isn&t fair. Kierran is a very romantic character, a nice mix between Ash and Puck, so there&s that.Grimalkin plays a huge part in The Lost Prince, which made me exceptionally happy. It was fun having our favorite feline at the helm again, mysteriously leading our heroes around.Fans of Kagawa&s should NOT miss this book, and it&s a book that I think will satisfy lovers of The Iron Fey series. I don&t think it&s absolutely necessary to read The Iron Fey first, but it would certainly give you a lot of back story, as there are four books worth of material there to explain the Nevernever and give Ethan&s history. I&m very excited about The Iron Traitor, which is sitting on my Kindle, waiting to be read.
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Better in the end
I absolutely love this series! After reading through all the other books preceding this one in the series, I found myself a bit disappointed in the complete character swap in this one. It took me a while to get into
The Lost Prince but it did happen, just closer to the end than the beginning. All I can say is hang in there because this book is the lowest point out of the series ( books 1-6 I did not read the novellas ) . That being said, although it was my least favorite book out of all of them, it was not a bad read and it gets better in The Lost Traitor.
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I absplutely love Etjan's perspective. I liked the plot of this book, and the new characters, as well as the quick glimpses we are given of the other characters. You should definitely read the Iron Prophecy before starting this book since it explains quite a bit. The only thing that annoyed me about this book was that no one, even those wjo went on Ash's quest knew what the ghostly fey wrre. It was just so obvious that it got on my nerves.
But, all in all, I abdolutrly loved this book!!!!!!!
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