htc amaze 4g评测 是A310吗

HTC Amaze 4G (T-Mobile)
Fast. Beautiful, high-res screen. Solid HSPA+ 42 speeds. Terrific Web performance. Excellent camera features.
Expensive. Heavy. HDMI out requires an adapter.
Bottom Line
The HTC Amaze 4G has a big beautiful screen, a great camera, and fast HSPA+ 42 speeds, making it a top choice for Android smartphones on T-Mobile.
The HTC Amaze 4G ($259.99 with a two-year service agreement) is a powerful, cutting-edge Android&&that's an excellent addition to T-Mobile's roster. Along with the &($229.99, 4.5 stars), it's one of only two options currently available if you're looking tap into the carrier's excellent HSPA+ 42 network. With a fast dual-core processor, great camera, and blazing download speeds, the Amaze 4G is a top choice on T-Mobile. The Galaxy S II has a slight edge, but really, if you're an Android fan, you can't go wrong with either one.
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Physical Design, Phone Calls, and InternetOne snazzy smartphone, the The HTC Amaze is constructed of& brushed aluminum, glass, and soft touch black plastic, and feels very solid in your hand. But at 5.1 by 2.6 by 0.5 inches (HWD) and 6.1 ounces, it's also pretty big and bulky. The rounded edges help to disguise it, but this thing is a beast. Luckily, much of that size is devoted to the gorgeous 4.3-inch, 960-by-540 qHD Super LCD. It may not boast the same penetrating blacks as the Super AMOLED Plus display on the Galaxy S II, but it's sharper and brighter.
The Amaze is a good voice phone. Reception is average, and voices sound clear in the phone's earpiece. Maximum volume is a touch low, but it should be loud enough for most users. On the other end, calls made with the phone sound sharp and clear, with good noise cancellation. The speakerphone sounds fine, but it doesn't get loud enough to use outdoors. The Amaze paired with our &($129, 4.5 stars), and voice dialing worked well, but voices have a thin, muted quality over Bluetooth. Battery life was average at 5 hours 21 minutes of talk time.
The phone uses T-Mobile's HSPA+ 42 network and 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi. It connected to my WPA2-encrypted Wi-Fi network without a problem. It also works as a tethered modem or Wi-Fi hotspot with the right service plan. Download speeds were downright fantastic. In a series of head-to-head tests against the Samsung Galaxy S II, both phones averaged 13Mbps down and 1.6Mbps up. 13Mbps down is impressive, even if the 1.6Mbps upload speeds pale in comparison to Verizon's 4G LTE network, or even AT&T's recently launched LTE network (which is so new there aren't any phones that support it yet). Still, these speeds are excellent, and as fast as you can get on T-Mobile right now.
Processor and Apps The Amaze is powered by the same dual-core 1.5GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S3 processor as the Galaxy S II, which means that it's extremely fast. It benchmarks better than any other smartphone out there, save for the Galaxy S II, with which is mostly ties. But the Amaze scores higher points for browser performance. In fact, it boasts the highest Web scores we've seen so far, surfing felt incredibly fast and responsive in my tests. Pages load on the Amaze in about half the amount of time it takes for them to load on the Galaxy S II.
The phone runs the latest version of Android, 2.3.4, along with HTC's well-designed Sense UI skin. Sense adds a number of useful, attractive features to Android. You can immediately jump to popular apps from your lock screen, for instance. It also comes with a way to remotely track your phone via a Web site. The address book and email client are both better-looking and easier to use than the standard Android apps. And the best part is that Sense doesn't seem to slow things down at all. On the contrary, the Amaze is super smooth and responsive.
There are seven different home screens you can swipe between, which HTC pre-populates with a number of useful apps and widgets. Some solid apps come preinstalled, like Facebook and Slacker Radio, but there's also a fair share of undeletable bloatware like a T-Mobile app store and T-Mobile TV HD.
Camera T-Mobile recently made this claim for the excellent &($199.99, 4.5 stars), but is now calling the Amaze 4G's camera, the "most advanced camera of any smartphone." It's a solid camera, but there's a healthy dose of hyperbole in that statement.
There's a dedicated camera button on the right side of the phone. The 8-megapixel camera snaps clear, natural photos with accurate color detail. It&also shoots sharp, smooth 1080p high-def video at 30 frames per second both indoors and out. Indoor video performance is exceptional&every bit as bright and clear as video recorded outside on a nice day. There's also a 2-megapixel forward facing camera for self portraits and video chat. It can record video, but it looks somewhat dark and grainy.
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HTC X715e(Amaze 4G/G22)Ruby,x715e
3G网络:GSM,WCDMA 网络类型:单卡 主屏尺寸:4.3 英寸CPU型号:高通 骁龙Snapdragon S3 CPU频率:1.5GHz
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HTC X715e(Amaze 4G/G22)价格区间¥1 ~ ¥4895
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> HTC G22 X715e Amaze 4G
HTC G22 X715e Amaze 4G参考价格:停产(最后一次报价¥1070)本周成交:3笔
HTC G22 X715e Amaze 4G最新报价
【外观】外观不错,整体很简洁大方,配色也很舒服,金属感的后壳感觉也挺上档次的。边框是圆弧形的设计,很圆润的感觉,乍一看上去和Nexus挺像的。不像之前HTC的机子,这款整体感觉比较偏女性化一些。机子拿在手里很舒服,手感也不错。【系统】系统很流畅,操作起来也简单。但是手机自带的捆绑式软件太多,其实根本就用不到,删都删不掉,很是头痛!而且这机子也太耗流量了吧,与我之前用的联想乐PHONE比简直天壤之别啊,我包的300兆的流量,以前的机子一个月也就是耗一百兆不到,顶多一百出头,现在恐怕要2、300兆哦,这还要省着点用。【屏幕】我觉得屏幕很差,不像大家说的那么牛啊。虽然像素960*540,但色彩不好,最恶心的是机子角度稍大点,看屏幕就很费力,可视角度极差。大小对我而言倒是刚好,一只手操作起来很方便,不会按错。【电池】玩游戏发热,这也是大多数大屏手机的通病。电池不给力一天一充,感觉1730mah不可信。不过耗电快是智能机通病,不算是缺点了,解了ROOT权限之后,没有后台自动运行的软件,电量还算很给力的。手机机身发热量过大,特别是夏天放在包里生怕它会爆炸!【性能】刚买回来我不装软件时开机是用了10秒,后来我装了一大堆软件后开机要40秒吧,我觉得这个也是可以接受的。系统是安卓2.3.4。软件什么都非常好装。玩大一点的手机游戏时最好将后台关掉,会比较流畅些。【拍照】带闪光灯,像素也有800万,2.2的光圈也还可以,再加上HTC的品牌质量保证,拍照效果还是值得肯定滴,拍出来的照片直接在手机上看效果很好。【通话】开机时候搜索信号比较慢,信号强度还行吧,我住的房间信号也不好,但是别人诺基亚的中低端手机没信号的时候,我没漏接过短信和电话。【质量】没有发现漏光,在官网查过销售地是新加坡,出厂是2012年6月,还有一个问题就是外放声音偏小。但整体而言,对HTC的质量比较放心。【综合评价】虽然有些瑕疵,不像网上传说中的那么牛逼,但我觉得G22性价比其实非常高,配置比IPhone4s其实有过之而无不及,运行效果也还蛮出色,系统虽说是2.3,有人嫌系统不是最新的,但我个人感觉够用就行,最新的也不一定就是最好的,摄像头800w算是高配了,音乐外放也还行,娱乐功能应该属于中上水平,总之,这款HTC机子是一款比较不错的中高端智能机。用久了玩熟了会爱上它,虽然外形没有那么张扬,但是他有有一颗双核的心和高端的配置。个人觉得G22是3000以下机子的首选。【外观】女生买手机对外观的要求还是挺高的,想买个漂亮些但是又想整体也比较强悍的,G22还是很符合我的要求。看到的第一眼就觉得很时尚,而且有质感,不会显得很轻浮很山寨,拿在手里也很有品哦。我买的白色款,尤其喜欢后盖白色加银色的搭配,很有科技感又不会太单调。【系统】一直用的安卓2.3的系统,还没有升级。虽然是第一次用安卓系统的手机,但是觉得还比较好用,各种操作都很简单,没几天就适应了,没觉得有啥不方便的也就没有升级了,但是捆绑的软件确实不少,平时很少用到。还有不满意的就是安卓的很多软件不如ios给力啊,质量参差不齐的,还有好多都有最讨厌的广告。【屏幕】屏幕看上去还蛮有质感的,屏的样子我也蛮喜欢,屏大小刚好可以单手握住,显频颜色也不错。平时比较喜欢拿手机看韩剧,效果还不错,挺流畅的,MP4都已经闲置好久了。【电池】由于屏幕大的原因,耗电量大,我的机器屏幕耗电达到90%以上,不知道是不是不妥,这是大屏幕机器通病,一天一冲必须的。还有就是智能机器的通病,玩游戏的时候机身比较热,有的时候能感觉烫手。【性能】CPU差一点,不过只是相对于高端手机,双核1.5G足够运行大部分游戏了,对于我这样的女生用户来说,性能完全没有问题,肯定是够用了,平时玩玩切水果、连连看之类的很轻松,看视频也不错,基本不会出现卡屏的现象【拍照】拍照放心,后置800万,比一般的相机好多了,色彩亮度都没问题,带自动调焦距也就是防手发抖。前置200万也非常强大了,我朋友说的一句搞笑的话:“哇,可以拿来当镜子用”。确实可以拿来当镜子用用,没事臭美一下,哈哈。【通话】听筒音量小了点,坑爹,我在嘈杂地方开扩音器,隐私全没了,带上耳机解决!信号稍微有点差,室内可能会无信号。手机信号偏弱,很多地方信号收不到,也可能是我手机卡的问题,只是做一个参考。【质量】掉过一次装满水的桶,摔过几次!到现在,机子整体很结实!材质也不错!屏幕下方确实漏光。但是不影响使用。除非你在黑黑的地方看电影才能感觉得到。【综合评价】因为是女生,我买手机,只看屏显、摄像头、价格、外形,CPU什么的不是特别在意,所以当时I9100和G22价格差不多,但看了I9100那个外壳白色的塑料,真心觉得山寨,再看屏显,果断选择G22。虽然有些小问题,但完全不影响这款手机的性价比,它还是款十分霸气的高端机,我听老板说这款机价格还在涨,现在入手很好。【外观】外形相当之霸气,有了那么大的屏幕,不想霸气也难啊。全铝的材质也很上档次,科技感挺强的,一看就是高端机的感觉。背面的造型也很简洁,背壳的材质手感也很好。不过我不太喜欢圆润的感觉,但是HTC的造型好像都是这个风格吧,看久了也是蛮顺眼的。【系统】机子内置的是Android 2.3系统,还有Sense 3.0界面。当然HTC Sense是HTC最为骄傲的,据说在原生系统基础上二次优化后流畅度高了很多。Sense的界面也挺华丽的。但是自带的软件太多了,用起来还是不爽,建议入手后还是刷机好了,把不用的软件都给删了,看着也舒服很多,速度也流畅些了。【屏幕】4.3寸的屏幕够大,分辨率也很高,HTC的显示效果都差不多,色彩很艳丽,上网看视频看照片都很爽。但是大屏幕是双刃剑,看起来很爽,但单手握起来确实不方便,男生如果手比较大倒还凑合,单手勉强能拇指打字;女生的话基本是要双手操作的,想要单手拇指敲键盘是不可能的事情。【电池】关于耗电,其实有很大的关系跟ROM有关,官方4.0很耗电,之后刷SuperSayain3 ROM +CPU sleeper 待机能力还能接受。经常玩的情况下1天一充,不常玩的话一天半一充,安卓机中算可以接受的了。游戏玩久了机子就会发热,这个也是安卓手机都有的问题吧。【性能】虽说是双核,但是流畅性还没到完美的程度。拉网页如果有图片或者网页很长的时候经常会不流畅,水果忍者豪华版街机模式下切到疯狂的香蕉后,出现大量水果很卡,而且一次切10几个就直接退出程序。【拍照】我个人认为,如果要评选最强的拍照手机,我不知道是谁,但如果单独在HTC里头选,那应该是HTC amaze 4G,那可是专业的拍照手机。虽然这手机拍照跟单反是没得比的,但是比其他800万像素的手机效果好,用来分享、微博是完全足够用了。遗憾的是,虽然有闪光灯,但是夜晚拍照的效果比较一般。【通话】信号还是稳定的,在二楼是---54至70之间,在一楼信号稍为弱点,我觉得对我来说不影响使用,我家里是郊区的。但是我在高铁上基本听不到一个完整的电话,换完电池后搜信号的电间太长,半天反应不过来。【质量】比较重有手感,开盖设计很合理很容易开关,有挂手机绳的小窟窿,白色款的非金属部分有点磨砂的感觉,很不错。USB接头有点异形,一般的接口插进去不稳当,玻璃面板不知道是不是大猩猩玻璃,官网上查不到。【综合评价】可以说这款机子还是性价比很高的,别人看到我手机第一眼就问这个是什么机子,我当然臭美一下,你当然没看过,这个机子在中国没有行货,然后随便吹一下配置是双核,照相机机800万4.3的屏看电影很爽。貌似一个手机我觉得这几个功能对我们年轻人就很重要了,再跟三星I9100对比参数,哈哈,我的机子也不赖么,各项参数都还不错,还有几项都超三星,价格还很低,这就是我喜欢的G22。共3条,
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HTC G22 X715e Amaze 4G采用双核1.5GHz芯片,屏幕显示效果出色。另外,HTC G22 X715e Amaze 4G的摄像头成像效果非常不错。HTC G22 X715e Amaze 4G缺点
HTC G22 X715e Amaze 4G待机能力一般,在高负载的情况下有发热现象。HTC G22 X715e Amaze 4G总结
HTC G22 X715e以其清新亮丽、圆润的外形设计、舒适的手感深得时尚一族的青睐,高通MSM7227处理器,Android 2.3智能操作系统,性价比非常高。
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