
  (The University of Manchester),八大最著名学府之一,世界50强顶尖名校,历年最高世界排名为全球第26名,英国著名的六所“红砖大学”之首,英国常春藤名校联盟罗素大学集团的创始成员,始建于1824年,位于英国第二大城市曼彻斯特。
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伦敦大学学院,或称伦敦学院大学(University College Lon...英国约克大学成立于1963年,英国约克大学是位于英格兰约...巴斯大学(University of Bath)是英国大学中规模较小的...埃克塞特大学位于英国埃克斯特市,The University of Exet...谢菲尔德大学位于英国南约克郡的谢菲尔德。谢菲尔德大学由...莱斯特大学在英国113所大学中多年稳居前十五。莱斯特大学...
英国留学热点介绍The University of Manchester
Arms of the University of Manchester
拉丁语: Cognitio, sapientia, humanitas
"Knowledge, Wisdom, Humanity"
2004, by the merger of the Victoria University of Manchester (established 1851) and UMIST (established 1824)
?127m (2009)
Tom Bloxham
Professor Alan Gilbert
Manchester, England
Urban and Suburban
Blue, Gold, Purple
Russell Group, EUA, N8 Group, NWUA, ACU
The University of Manchester is a "red brick" civic university located in Manchester, England. It is a member of the Russell Group of large research-intensive universities and the N8 Group for research collaboration. The university was formed in 2004 by the dissolution of the Victoria University of Manchester (which was commonly known as the University of Manchester) and UMIST (University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology) and the immediate formation of a single institution inaugurated on 1 October. The University of Manchester and the constituent former institutions combined have 23 Nobel Laureates among their former students and staff, the third largest number of any single university in the United Kingdom behind Oxford and Cambridge.
Following the merger, the university was named Sunday Times University of the Year in 2006 after winning the inaugural Times Higher Education Supplement University of the Year prize in 2005. According to The Sunday Times, "Manchester has a formidable reputation spanning most disciplines, but most notably in the life sciences, engineering, humanities, economics, sociology and the social sciences".
In 2007/08, the University of Manchester had over 40,000 students studying 500 academic programmes and more than 10,000 staff, making it the largest single-site university in the United Kingdom. More students try to gain entry to the University of Manchester than any other university in the country, with more than 60,000 applications for undergraduate courses alone. In 2007 the University had an annual income of ?637 million.
In the first national assessment of higher education research since the university’s founding, the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, the University of Manchester came 3rd in terms of research power after Cambridge and Oxford and 8th for grade point average quality when including specialist institutions. The university was also ranked 8th in Europe and 26th worldwide by the Times Higher World University Rankings 2009.
Main articles: UMIST and Victoria University of Manchester
The university's Whitworth Hall. This archway was the inspiration for the logo of the Victoria University of Manchester
The University's history as an academic institution began in 1824 and is closely linked to Manchester's emergence as the world's first industrial city. The English chemist John Dalton, together with Manchester businessmen and industrialists, established the Mechanics' Institute (later to become UMIST) to ensure that workers could learn the basic principles of science. Similarly, John Owens, a Manchester textile merchant, left a bequest of ?96,942 in 1846 for the purpose of founding a college for the education of males on non-sectarian lines. His trustees established Owens College at Manchester in 1851. It was initially housed in a building, complete with Adam staircase, on the corner of Quay Street and Byrom Street which had been the home of the philanthropist Richard Cobden, and subsequently was to house Manchester County Court. In 1873 it moved to new buildings at Oxford Road, Chorlton-on-Medlock and from 1880 it was a constituent college of the federal Victoria University. The university was established and granted a Royal Charter in 1880 to become England's fi it was renamed the Victoria University of Manchester in 1903 and then absorbed Owens College the following year.
By 1905 the two institutions were large and active forces in the area, with the Municipal College of Technology, the forerunner of the later UMIST, forming the Faculty of Technology of the Victoria University of Manchester while continuing as a technical college in parallel with the advanced courses of study in the Faculty.
In 1987 Emeritus Professor John Griffith, then Chancellor of Manchester University, warned in a prescient article entitled "The Attack on Higher Education" of the serious danger posed by government policy which seeks to control the management of higher education. He pointed out the political weakness of the universities in the face of such governmental attack, a weakness which he saw as stemming from the universities' hierarchical structure, and the consequent antagonisms of political viewpoint between university heads and their staff. He concluded: "The history of this century in many countries warns us that democracy depends on a large degree of autonomy for the institutions of higher education. No governments of any political complexion must be allowed to destroy their freedom". 'Since that article was written the independence of both universities and individual academics has been savagely eroded, and one of the principal mechanisms for that erosion has been the corruption of the principle of collegial governance.' George Wilmers, elected member of Senate and Post Graduate Tutor in the Dept of Mathematics, writing in 1994.
Before the merger, the University and UMIST between them counted 23 Nobel Prize winners amongst their former staff and students. Manchester has traditionally been particularly strong in the sciences, with the nuclear nature of the atom being discovered at Manchester by Rutherford, and the world's first stored-program computer coming into being at the university. Famous scientists associated with the university include the physicists Osborne Reynolds, Niels Bohr, Ernest Rutherford, James Chadwick, Arthur Schuster, Hans Geiger, Ernest Marsden and Balfour Stewart. However, the university has also contributed in many other fields, such as by the work of the mathematicians Paul Erd?s, Horace Lamb and Alan T the author Anthony B philosophers Samuel Alexander, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Alasdair MacI the Pritzker Prize and RIBA Stirling Prize winning architect Norman Foster and the composer Peter Maxwell Davies all attended, or worked in, Manchester. Well-known figures among the current academic staff include author Martin Amis, computer scientist Steve Furber, literary critic Terry Eagleton, economist Richard Nelson and biochemist Sir John Sulston, Nobel laureate of 2002.
In 2004, the Victoria University of Manchester (established in 1851) and the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (established in 1824) were formally merged into a single institution.
The university today
The Sackville Street Building, formerly known as UMIST Main building
The newly merged University of Manchester was officially launched on 22 October 2004 when the Queen handed over the Royal Charter. It has the largest number of full time students in the UK, unless the University of London is counted as a single university. It teaches more academic subjects than any other British university. The President and Vice-Chancellor of the new university is Alan Gilbert, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Melbourne, who has announced that he shall retire at the end of the
academic year. One of his stated ambitions for the newly combined university is to 'establish it by 2015 among the 25 strongest research universities in the world on commonly accepted criteria of research excellence and performance'. Manchester has the largest total income of all UK universities, standing at ?637 million as of 2007. Its research income of ?216 million is the fifth largest of any university in the country.
The university has a very high quality research profile. In the first national assessment of higher education research since the university’s founding, the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, the University of Manchester came 3rd in terms of research power after Cambridge and Oxford and 6th for grade point average quality (8th when including specialist institutions). Accordingly, Manchester enjoys the largest amount of research funding behind Oxbridge, UCL and Imperial (these five universities being informally referred to as the 'golden diamond' of research-intensive UK institutions). In addition, the university is also one of the richest in the UK in terms of income and interest from endowments: at a recent rank it was placed at 3rd place behind Oxbridge. Historically, Manchester has been linked with high scientific achievement: the constituent former institutions combined have 23 Nobel Laureates among their former students and staff, the third largest number of any single university in the United Kingdom behind Oxford and C in fact, excluding Oxbridge, Manchester has graduated more Nobel laureates than any other university in the UK.
The Times Higher World University Rankings 2009 ranked Manchester overall 26th in the world and 5th by employer reviews by receiving a maximum 100% rating which the university has retained since 2008. The Academic Ranking of World Universities 2008 published by the Institute of Higher Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University ranked Manchester 5th in the UK, 6th in Europe and 40th in the world. After several years of steady progress Manchester fell back in 2009 to 41st in the world and 7th in Europe. Excluding US universities, Manchester is ranked 13th and 11th in the world for 2009 by THES and ARWU respectively. According to the ARWU rankings the university is ranked 9th in Europe for natural sciences and 4th in engineering. Similarly the HEEACT 2009 rankings for scientific performance place Manchester 5th in Europe for engineering, 8th for natural sciences and 3rd for social sciences. And finally THES ranks Manchester 6th in Europe for technology, 10th for life sciences and 7th for social sciences.
According to the High Fliers Research Limited's survey, University of Manchester students are being targeted by more top recruiters for graduate vacancies than any other UK university students for three consecutive years (). Furthermore the university has been ranked joint 20th in the world for 2009 according to the Professional Ranking of World Universities. Its main compilation criterion is the number of Chief Executive Officers (or number 1 executive equivalent) which are among the "500 leading worldwide companies" as measured by revenue who studied in each university. The ranking places the University only behind Oxford nationally. Also a further report places Manchester within the top 20 universities outside the US.
While as a rule world rankings (such as the ARWU, THES and HEEACT) typically place the university within the top 10 in Europe, national studies ar the Times 'Good University Guide' 2009 ranked Manchester 27th of 113 Universities in the UK, as did the Independent's 'Complete University Guide', while the Guardian has ranked it as low as 32nd place in the UK. This apparent paradox is mainly a reflection of the different ranking methodologies employed by each listing: global rankings focus on research and international prestige, whereas national rankings are largely based on teaching and the student experience.
Campus and facilities
One Central Park
The main site of the University contains the vast majority of its facilities and is often referred to simply as campus. Despite this, Manchester is not a campus university as the concept is commonly understood. It is centrally located and the buildings of the main site are integrated into the fabric of Manchester, with non-university buildings and major roads between them.
Campus has a roughly hourglass shape and, like the Americas, comprises two parts:
North campus, centred on Sackville Street
South campus, centred on Oxford Road.
These names are not officially recognised by the University, but are commonly used, including in parts of its website. They roughly correspond to the campuses of the old UMIST and Victoria University respectively, although there was already some overlap before the merger.
Fallowfield Campus is the main residential campus of the University. It is located in Fallowfield, 2 miles (3 km) south of the main site.
There are a number of other university buildings located throughout the city, and throughout the further region, such as One Central Park and Jodrell Bank Observatory, the latter in the nearby county of Cheshire. The former is a collaboration between Manchester University and other partners in the region which offers office space to accommodate new start-up firms as well as venues for conferences and workshops.
Despite its size The University of Manchester is divided into only four faculties, each sub-divided into schools:
Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences consisting of the Schools of Medicine; Dentistry; Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work; Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; and Psychological Sciences.
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences consisting of the Schools of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science; Chemistry; Computer Science; Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Science; Physics and Astronomy; Electrical & Electronic Engineering; Materials; Mathematics; and Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering.
Faculty of Humanities includes the School of Arts, Histories and Cultures (incorporating A Art History & Visual S Classics and Ancient H D English and American S H M M and Religions and Theology). The other Schools are Combined Studies; Education; Environment and Development; Architecture; Languages, Linguistics and Cultures; Law; Social Sciences and the Manchester Business School.
Faculty of Life Sciences unusually consisting of a single school.
Major projects
The atrium inside the new ?38m Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre
Following the merger, the University embarked on a ?600 million programme of capital investment, to deliver eight new buildings and 15 major refurbishment projects by 2010, partly financed by a sale of unused assets. These include:
?60 m Flagship University Place building
?56 m Alan Turing Building: housing Mathematics, the Photon Sciences Institute and the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics.
?50 m Life Sciences Research Building (A.V. Hill Building)
?38 m Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre (MIB)
?33 m Life Sciences and Medical and Human Sciences Building (Michael Smith Building)
?31 m Humanities Building - now officially called the "Arthur Lewis Building"
?20 m Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre (WMIC)
?18 m Re-location of School of Pharmacy
?17 m John Rylands Library, Deansgate
?13 m Chemistry Building
?10 m Functional Biology Building
John Rylands University Library
Main article: John Rylands University Library
The university's library, the John Rylands University Library, is the largest non-legal deposit library in the UK, as well as being the country's third-largest academic library after those of Oxford and Cambridge. It also has the largest collection of electronic resources of any library in the UK. The oldest part of the library, founded in memory of John Rylands by his wife Enriqueta Augustina Rylands as an independent institution, is situated in a Victorian Gothic building on Deansgate, Manchester city centre. This site houses an important collection of historic books and manuscripts, including the oldest extant New Testament document, Rylands Library Papyrus P52, the so-called St John fragment. The Deansgate site has recently (April 2007) reopened to the public, following major improvements and renovations, including the construction of the pitched roof originally intended and a new wing in Spinningfield.
Jodrell Bank Observatory
Main article: Jodrell Bank Observatory
The 76 m Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank Observatory.
The Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics is a combination of the astronomical academic staff, situated in Manchester, and the Jodrell Bank Observatory near Goostrey, about ten miles (16 km) west of Macclesfield. The observatory boasts the third largest fully-movable radio telescope in the world, the Lovell Telescope, constructed in the 1950s. It has played an important role in the research of quasars, pulsars and gravitational lenses, and has played a role in confirming Einstein's theory of General Relativity.
Manchester Museum
Main article: Manchester Museum
The modern entrance of the Manchester Museum
The Manchester Museum provides access to nearly 4.25 million items sourced from around the world. Collections include butterflies and carvings from India, birds and bark-cloth from the Pacific, live frogs and ancient pottery from America, fossils and native art from Australia, mammals and ancient Egyptian craftsmanship from Africa, plants, coins and minerals from Europe, art from past civilisations of the Mediterranean, and beetles, armour and archery from Asia. In November 2004, the museum acquired a cast of a fossilised Tyrannosaurus rex called "Stan", which was unveiled.
The history of the museum goes back to 1821, when the first collections were assembled by the Manchester Society of Natural History and later added by the collections of the Manchester Geological Society. Due to financial difficulties and on the advice of the great evolutionary biologist Thomas Huxley, Owens College accepted responsibility for the collections in 1867. The college commissioned Alfred Waterhouse, the architect of London’s Natural History Museum, to design a museum to house these collections for the benefit of students and the public on a new site in Oxford Road. The Manchester Museum was finally opened to the public in the late 1880s.
Whitworth Art Gallery
Main article: Whitworth Art Gallery
The Whitworth Art Gallery
The Whitworth Art Gallery is home to collections of internationally famous British watercolours, textiles and wallpapers, as well as modern and historic prints, drawings, paintings and sculpture. It overall contains 31,000 items in its collection. A programme of temporary exhibitions runs throughout the year, with the Mezzanine Court serving as a venue for showing sculpture. It was founded by Robert Darbishire with a donation from Sir Joseph Whitworth in 1889, as The Whitworth Institute and Park. 70 years later the gallery became official part of the University of Manchester. In October 1995 a Mezzanine Court in the centre of the building was opened. This new gallery, designed chiefly for the display of sculptures, won a RIBA regional award.
Manchester University Press
Main article: Manchester University Press
Manchester University Press is an academic publishing house which exists as part of the university. It publishes academic monographs as well as textbooks and journals, the majority of which are works from authors based elsewhere in the international academic community, and is the third largest university press in England after Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press.
Contact Theatre
The Contact Theatre
The Old Quadrangle
Main article: Contact Theatre
The Contact Theatre largely stages modern live performance and participatory work for younger audiences. The present fortress-style building on Devas Street was completed in 1999 but incorporates parts of its 1960s predecessor. It features a unique energy-efficient system, using its high towers to naturally ventilate the building without the use of air conditioning. The colourful and curvaceous interior houses three performance spaces, a lounge bar and Hot Air, a reactive public artwork in the foyer.
Old Quadrangle
The buildings around the Old Quadrangle date from the time of Owens College, and were designed in a Gothic style by Alfred Waterhouse (and his son Paul Waterhouse). The first to be built (in 1873) was the John Owens Building (formerly the Main Building: the others were added over the next thirty years. In fact, the Rear Quadrangle is older than the Old Quadrangle. Today, the museum continues to occupy part of one side (including the tower) and the grand setting of the Whitworth Hall is used for the conferment of degrees. Part of the old Christie Library (1898) now houses Christie's Bistro, and the remainder of the buildings house administrative departments.
Chancellors Hotel and Conference Centre
Main article: Chancellors Hotel & Conference Centre
Main article: Manchester Conference Centre
Chancellors Hotel & Conference Centre
Formerly named The Firs, the original house was built in 1850 for Sir Joseph Whitworth by Edward Walters, who was also responsible for Manchester’s Free Trade Hall and Strangeways Prison. Whitworth used The Firs mainly as a social, political and business base, entertaining radicals of the age such as John Bright, Richard Cobden, William Forster and T.H. Huxley at the time of the Reform Bill of 1867. Whitworth, credited with raising the art of machine-tool building to a previously-unknown level, supported the new Mechanics Institute in Manchester – the birthplace of UMIST - and helped to found the Manchester School of Design. Whilst living in the house, Whitworth used land to the rear (now the site of the University's botanical glasshouses) for testing his "Whitworth rifle". In 1882, the Firs was leased to C.P. Scott, Editor of the Manchester Guardian. After Scott's death the house became the property of Owens College, and was the Vice-Chancellor's residence until 1991. The old house now forms the western wing of Chancellors Hotel & Conference Centre at the University. The newer eastern wing houses the circular Flowers Theatre, six individual conference rooms and the majority of the 75 hotel bedrooms.
Moreover, the University owns and operate the Manchester Conference Centre on Sackville Street that offers conference facilities in its two theatres (seating up to 300) and 19 seminar rooms.
Residential campuses
Ashburne Hall is a catered accommodation offered to mainly undergraduate students, though some places are reserved for postgraduate students
Prior to merging, the two former universities had for some time been sharing their residential facilities.
The Sackville Street Campus is the former UMIST Campus, comprising five halls of residence central to the Sackville Street building (Weston, Lambert, Fairfield, Chandos, and Wright Robinson), and several other halls within a 5-15 minute walk away, such as the Grosvenor group of halls. Whitworth park halls of residence are on the southern edge of the Oxford Road Campus which also includes a few smaller blocks of accommodation: the former Moberly Tower is now vacant.
The Fallowfield Campus, situated 2 miles (3.2 km) south of the main university campus (the Oxford Road Campus), is the largest of the university's residential campuses. The Owens Park group of halls with its landmark tower lies at the centre of it, while Oak House is another large hall of residence. Woolton Hall is also on the Fallowfield campus next to Oak House. Allen Hall is a traditional hall situated near Ashburne Hall (Sheavyn House being annexed to Ashburne). Richmond Park is also a relatively recent addition to the campus.
Victoria Park Campus, situated between Fallowfield and the Oxford Road Campus, just off Wilmslow Road in Rusholme, comprises several halls of residence. Among these are St Anselm Hall with Canterbury Court, Dalton-Ellis Hall (with Pankhurst Court), Hulme Hall (including Burkhardt House), St Gabriel's Hall and Opal Gardens Hall.
Clubs and societies
See also: University of Manchester Students' Union: Societies
The University's Boat Club is one of many Athletic Union Clubs that Manchester offers [1]
Athletics and outdoor games
Unlike some universities The University of Manchester operates its own sports clubs via the Athletics Union. Student societies on the other hand are operated by the Students' Union.
Today the university can boast more than 80 health and fitness classes while over 3,000 students are members of the 44 various Athletic Union clubs. The sports societies in Manchester vary widely in their level and scope. Many of the more popular sports have several university teams as well as departmental teams which may be placed in a league against other teams within the university. Common teams include: lacrosse, korfball, dodgeball, hockey, rugby league, rugby union, football, basketball, netball and cricket. The Manchester Aquatics Centre, the swimming pool used for the Manchester Commonwealth Games is also on the campus.
The university competes annually in 28 different sports against Leeds and Liverpool universities in the Christie Cup, which Manchester has won for five consecutive years. The university has also achieved considerable success in the BUCS (British University & College Sports) competitions. It is currently positioned in 10th place in the overall BUSA rankings for 2007/08 The Christie Cup is an inter-university competition between Liverpool, Leeds and Manchester in numerous sports since 1886. After the Oxford and Cambridge rivalry, the Christie's Championships is the oldest Inter–University competition on the sporting calendar: the cup was a benefaction of Richard Copley Christie.
Every year elite sportsmen and sportswomen at the university are selected for membership of the XXI Club, a society that was formed in 1932 and exists to promote sporting excellence at the university. Most members have gained a Full Maroon for representing the university and many have excelled at a British Universities or National level.
Political activity and performing arts
Manchester also has a reputation for producing many active members of the Labour Party. Former students have included Phil Woolas, John Mann, Margaret Beckett and Liam Byrne.
In addition to this the university is also home to Manchester University Music Society (MUMS) which promotes many classical and jazz ensembles including MUWO (Manchester University Wind Orchestra), a large wind orchestra whose members include present students, alumni and other wind players in the Manchester area. The band were awarded Gold at the National Concert Band Festival at The Sage Gateshead in 2007 and again at Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama in 2009. In 2008 the University of Manchester Symphony Orchestra (a MUMS ensemble) was a finalist in the inter-University Symphony orchestra competition SymphUni. In 2009 MUMS appointed Sir Peter Maxwell Davies to be their patron.
University Challenge
The university has done particularly well in recent years on BBC2 quiz program, University Challenge. In 2006, Manchester beat Trinity Hall, Cambridge to record the university's first triumph in the competition. The year after, the university finished in 2nd place after losing out to the University of Warwick in the final. The team has progressed to the semi finals every year since 2005.
In 2009, the team battled hard in the final against Corpus Christi College, Oxford. At the gong, the score was 275 - 190 to Corpus Christi College after an extraordinary performance from Gail Trimble. However, the title was eventually given to the University of Manchester after it was discovered that Corpus Christi team member Sam Kay had graduated 8 months before the final was broadcast, and the team was disqualified.
Manchester reached the semi-finals in the 2010 competition before being beaten by Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
NHS hospitals
Old Medical School on Coupland Street (photographed in 1908), which now houses the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
The Manchester Medical School, established in 1874, is one of the largest in the country, with over 400 medical students being trained in each of the clinical years and over 350 students in the pre-clinical/phase 1 years. Approximately 100 students who have completed pre-clinical training at the Bute Medical School (University of St Andrews) join the third year of the undergraduate medical programme each year.
The university's Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences has links with a large number of NHS hospitals in the North West of England and maintains presences in its four base hospitals: Manchester Royal Infirmary (located at the southern end of the main university campus on Oxford Road), Wythenshawe Hospital, Hope Hospital and the Royal Preston Hospital. All are used for clinical medical training for doctors and nurses.
The School of Pharmacy at Manchester University also benefits from the university's links with the Manchester Royal Infirmary and Wythenshawe and Hope hospitals. All of the undergraduate pharmacy students gain hospital experience through these links and are the only pharmacy students in the UK to have an extensive course completed in secondary care.
Moreover, the university is a founding partner of the Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, established to focus high-end healthcare research in Greater Manchester.
Notable academic staff and alumni
Main article: People associated with the University of Manchester
Many notable and famous people have worked or studied at one or both of the two former institutions that merged to form the University of Manchester, including 23 Nobel prize laureates. Some of the best known include John Dalton (founder of modern atomic theory), Ludwig Wittgenstein (considered the one of the most significant philosophers of the 20th Century), George E. Davis (founded the discipline of Chemical Engineering), Bernard Lovell (a pioneer of radio astronomy), Alan Turing (one of the founders of computer science and artificial intelligence), Irene Khan (current secretary general of Amnesty International) and Robert Bolt (two times Academy Award winner and three times Golden Globe winner for screenwriting Lawrence of Arabia and Doctor Zhivago). Additionally, a number of politicians are associated with the university, including the current Presidents of Belize, Iceland and Trinidad and Tobago, as well as several ministers among others in the United Kingdom, Malaysia, Canada and Singapore and also Chaim Weizmann, a chemist and the first President of Israel.
Nobel prize winners
Overall, there have been 23 Nobel Prizes awarded to staff and students past and present, with some of the most important discoveries of the modern ages being discovered in Manchester.
Ernest Rutherford (awarded Nobel prize in 1908), for his investigations into the disintegration of the elements and the chemistry of radioactive substances (He was the first to probe the atom).
Arthur Harden (awarded Nobel prize in 1929), for investigations on the fermentation of sugar and fermentative enzymes.
Walter Haworth (awarded Nobel prize in 1937), for his investigations on carbohydrates and vitamin C.
Robert Robinson (awarded Nobel prize in 1947), for his investigations on plant products of biological importance, especially the alkaloids.
Alexander Todd (awarded Nobel prize in 1957), for his work on nucleotides and nucleotide co-enzymes.
Melvin Calvin (awarded Nobel prize in 1961), for his research on the carbon dioxide assimilation in plants.
John Charles Polanyi (awarded Nobel prize in 1986), for his contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes.
Michael Smith (awarded Nobel prize in 1993), for his fundamental contributions to the establishment of oligonucleotide-based, site-directed mutagenesis and its development for protein studies.
Joseph John (J. J.) Thomson (awarded Nobel prize in 1906), in recognition of the great merits of his theoretical and experimental investigations on the conduction of electricity by gases.
William Lawrence Bragg (awarded Nobel prize in 1915), for his services in the analysis of crystal structure by means of X-rays.
Niels Bohr (awarded Nobel prize in 1922), for his fundamental contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum mechanics.
Charles Thomson Rees (C. T. R.) Wilson (awarded Nobel prize in 1927), for his method of making the paths of electrically charged particles visible by condensation of vapour.
James Chadwick (awarded Nobel prize in 1935), for the discovery of the neutron.
George de Hevesy (awarded Nobel prize in 1943), for his work on the use of isotopes as tracers in the study of chemical processes.
Patrick M. Blackett (awarded Nobel prize in 1948), for developing cloud chamber and confirming/discovering positron.
Sir John Douglas Cockcroft (awarded Nobel prize in 1951), for his pioneer work on the splitting of atomic nuclei by artificially accelerated atomic particles and also for his contribution to modern nuclear power.
Hans Bethe (awarded Nobel prize in 1967), for his contributions to the theory of nuclear reactions, especially his discoveries concerning the energy production in stars.
Nevill Francis Mott (awarded Nobel prize in 1977), for his fundamental theoretical investigations of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems.
Physiology and Medicine
Archibald Vivian Hill (awarded Nobel prize in 1922), for his discovery relating to the production of heat in the muscle. One of the founders of the diverse disciplines of biophysics and operations research.
Sir John Sulston (awarded Nobel prize in 2002), for his discoveries concerning 'genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death'. In 2007, Sulston was announced as Chair of the newly-founded Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation (iSEI) at the University of Manchester.
John Hicks (awarded Nobel prize in 1974), for his pioneering contributions to general economic equilibrium theory and welfare theory.
Sir Arthur Lewis (awarded Nobel prize in 1979), for his pioneering research into economic development research with particular consideration of the problems of developing countries.
Joseph E. Stiglitz (awarded Nobel prize in 2001), for his analyses of markets with asymmetric information. Currently, Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz heads the Brooks World Poverty Institute (BWPI) at the University of Manchester.
Offshoring Research Network
Third oldest university in England debate
^ The University of Manchester, Financial statements for the year ended 31 July 2009, p18. Manchester.ac.uk
"Table 0a - All students by institution, mode of study, level of study, gender and domicile 2006/07" (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet). Higher Education Statistics Agency. http://www.hesa.ac.uk/dox/dataTables/studentsAndQualifiers/download/institution0607.xls. Retrieved . 
^ "University of the Year". The University of Manchester. http://www.manchester.ac.uk/international/news/universityoftheyear/. Retrieved . 
"Manchester unites to target world league". London: Sunday Times. . http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/education/student/news/article626449.ece. Retrieved . 
^ The University of Manchester is the largest single-site university in the United Kingdom. The Open University's total number of students exceeds that of Manchester but specialises primarily in correspondence courses and distant learning programmes, while Leeds Metropolitan University (which is based on two campuses), Hesa.ac.uk and University of London (which is more a collection of separate institutions) are not single-site institutions. News.BBC.co.uk "Largest single site university".
"Finances". The University of Manchester. http://www.manchester.ac.uk/medialibrary/governance/accounts2007.pdf. Retrieved . 
^ The RAE is undertaken every 5 to 7 years on behalf of UK's higher education funding councils and is the determining measure for governmental funding allocation in the country's higher education sector.Research Assessment Exercise
"RAE 2008: The results". Times Higher Education. http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?storycode=404786. Retrieved . 
^ Charlton, H. B. (1951). Portrait of a university, . Manchester, England: Manchester University Press. pp. x, 185. 
^ "Leading economist joins Manchester Business School". Manchester Business School. http://www.mbs.ac.uk/newsevents/16-07-2007.aspx?rssNE. Retrieved . 
^ "President and Vice-Chancellor to retire". University of Manchester. 2010. http://www.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/news/display/?id=5362. Retrieved . 
^ "Towards 2015". The University of Manchester. http://www.manchester.ac.uk/medialibrary/strategy.pdf. Retrieved . 
^ "RAE 2008: results for UK universities | Education | guardian.co.uk". London: Guardian. . http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/table/2008/dec/18/rae-2008-results-uk-universities. Retrieved . 
^ "Hefce university funding tables for 2009-10 | Education | guardian.co.uk". London: Guardian. . http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/table/2009/mar/05/university-funding-research-england-table. Retrieved . 
^ "Golden diamond outshines rest". Times Higher Education. . http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?storycode=190219. Retrieved . 
^ Guardian.co.uk
^ "World University Rankings". The Times Higher Education Supplement. 2009. http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/hybrid.asp?typeCode=438. Retrieved . 
^ "Top 500 World Universities". Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 2007. http://www.arwu.org/rank2008/EN2008.htm. Retrieved . 
^ "Top 500 World Universities". Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 2009. http://www.arwu.org/ARWU2009.jsp. Retrieved . 
^ "ARWU FIELD 2009 Natural Sciences and Mathematics". Arwu.org. http://www.arwu.org/FieldSCI2009.jsp. Retrieved . 
^ "ARWU FIELD 2009 Engineering/Technology and Computer Sciences". Arwu.org. http://www.arwu.org/FieldENG2009.jsp. Retrieved . 
^ "2009 by fields Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities". Ranking.heeact.edu.tw. http://ranking.heeact.edu.tw/en-us/2009%20by%20Fields/Domain/ENG/Continent/Europe. Retrieved . 
^ "2009 by fields Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities". Ranking.heeact.edu.tw. http://ranking.heeact.edu.tw/en-us/2009%20by%20Fields/Domain/SCI/Continent/Europe. Retrieved . 
^ "2009 by fields Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities". Ranking.heeact.edu.tw. http://ranking.heeact.edu.tw/en-us/2009%20by%20Fields/Domain/SOC/Continent/Europe. Retrieved . 
^ "THES - QS World University Rankings 2009 - Engineering/Technology". Top Universities. . /university-rankings/world-university-rankings/2009/subject-rankings/technology. Retrieved . 
^ "THES - QS World University Rankings 2009 - Life Sciences & Biomedicine". Top Universities. . /university-rankings/world-university-rankings/2009/subject-rankings/life-sciences-bio-medicine. Retrieved . 
^ "THES - QS World University Rankings 2009 - Social Sciences". Top Universities. . /university-rankings/world-university-rankings/2009/subject-rankings/social-sciences. Retrieved . 
^ "Most wanted students". The University of Manchester. http://www.manchester.ac.uk/international/news/students/. Retrieved . 
^ Highfliers.co.cuk
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^ "2008 Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities". Ranking.heeact.edu.tw. http://ranking.heeact.edu.tw/en-us/2008/Continent/Europe. Retrieved . 
^ "University Rankings League Table 2008| Good University Guide - Times Online". London: Extras.timesonline.co.uk. http://extras.timesonline.co.uk/gug/gooduniversityguide.php. Retrieved . 
^ chriscotto wrote: (). "The main league table 2009 - Higher, Education". London: The Independent. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/higher/the-main-league-table-.html. Retrieved . 
^ "University guide 2010: University league table | Education | guardian.co.uk". London: Guardian. . http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/table/2009/may/12/university-league-table. Retrieved . 
^ "Campus Map". http://www.manchester.ac.uk/medialibrary/googlemap/index.php?&width=512&height=528. Retrieved . 
^ Manchester Evening News 31 July 2007 "Cash-strapped uni sells assets". http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/business/s/_cashstrapped_uni_sells_assets.html. Retrieved . 
SCONUL Annual Library Statistics
^ "Manchester Museum's Our collection page". http://www.museum.manchester.ac.uk/collection/. Retrieved . 
^ The History of The Manchester Museum, University of Manchester. Retrieved 25 November 2007.
^ "A Short History of The Whitworth Art Gallery". http://www.whitworth.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/history/. Retrieved . 
^ Hartwell, C. (2001) Manchester. London: Penguin (reissued: New Haven: Yale U. P.); p. 311-12
^ "Manchester conference facilities". http://www.conference.manchester.ac.uk/. Retrieved . 
^ "Battle of the North". http://www.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/news/display/index.htm?id=133663. Retrieved . 
^ Championships - BUSA
^ "The New Statesman Profile". New Statesman. /. Retrieved . 
^ "School of Medicine". The University of Manchester. http://www.medicine.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/. Retrieved . 
^ "School of Pharmacy". The University of Manchester. http://www.pharmacy.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/history/. Retrieved . 
^ "Manchester Academic Health Science Centre". http://www.mahsc.ac.uk/. Retrieved . 
^ "Nobel Prize Winner to Chair New Institute". The University of Manchester - UniLife. http://www.staffnet.manchester.ac.uk/medialibrary/unilife/vol5-issue2.pdf. Retrieved . 
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: University of Manchester
"Official page of the University of Manchester". http://www.manchester.ac.uk. 
"Official page of the University of Manchester Incubator Company/UMIC". http://www.umic.co.uk. 


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