Iowa state, florida international, johnson &princess of waless这三个学校哪个学校的酒店管理研究生专业比较好了?

  酒店管理专业是现今较为热门的专业之一,随着我国国民生活水平的提高,假期旅游已经成为一种潮流一种时尚。2008年奥运会、残奥会的举行,吸引了大批国内外游客。加上2010年的世博会在中国上海的举行,我国的旅游行业真是发展迅猛。  旅游业的发展一般谈到酒店管理,大家都会认为瑞士的酒店管理专业很不错,其实美国作为全球教育资源最为发达的国家,其酒店管理专业有极强的教育实力,在全球数一数二。特别是美国拥有瑞士无法比拟的强大的国内市场以及众多的高级酒店,使学生不用担心找不到实习单位。  接下来小编就给大家推荐几所美国着名的酒店管理专业学院:  强生.威尔士大学(Johnson and Wales University)美国酒店管理专业排名第二  强生.威尔斯大学创校于 1914 年,初期为一所商业学校。而后,以杰出的教学、优良的师资,和完善设施等遍布全美各大校区,进而闻名全球。本校亦是全美少数几个高等教育学府中,替学生未来的事业生涯作准备,并以此为重心的学府之一。设有 47 项学位,包含商业课程( MBA )、烹饪艺术、餐饮管理及教育等,为学生提供良好的就业机会。所有的科系均设有学士、硕士。  康奈尔大学(Cornell University) 常春藤八大盟校之一  处于美国东海岸,属于常春藤八大盟校之一的康奈尔大学(C ornell University )的酒店管理专业,在全美排名顶尖。其一年的学费约为3.9万--4.2万美元,托福成绩要求100分以上,另需要提供GMAT成绩。如果你家里经济情况良好且孩子成绩优秀,这是首选的推荐学校。  内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校(University of Nevada,Las Vegas)  内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校是一所州公立大学,始建于1951年。占地335英亩,拥有200座的大型报告厅及各项设施。学校共有来自全美及77个国家的学生超过2.2万人,并为他们提供超过160个学士、硕士和博士专业。其酒店管理专业在美国大学中排前5名,就业前景最为看好,学生有机会在拉斯维加斯城市内酒店实习。  内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校新生入学要求,一般大学GPA2.5分,托福80分以上。每年费用相对较为便宜,包括食宿费在内共计25300美元。 申请截止日为2月1日。  一般来说,就读美国的酒店管理专业,学校的一贯政策是保证入学及就业的平等,提供实习和在校内外兼职工作,并会帮助学生在全球范围内寻求更好的职业发展机会。学校还会为公司和机构推荐可靠的应届学生,使学生在就业竞争中把握先机。  可以选择的提供酒店管理的美国大学如下:  1. Pennsylvania State University  2.University of Central Florida  3.University of Nevada, Las Vegas  4.Florida International University  5.Florida State University  6.Michigan State University  7.University of Houston  8.Cornell University  9.Washington State University  10.Purdue University  11.Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University  12.University at Buffalo - The State University of New York  13.Ashland University  14.Bethune-Cookman College  15.Cal Poly Pomona  16.California State Polytechnic University-Pomona  17.Delaware State University  18.Georgia State University  19.Indiana University of Pennsylvania  20.Iowa State University  21.New York City College of Technology  22.Kent State University  23.Mercyhurst College  24.Missouri State University  25. Kansas State University  选择好自己理想的学校了吗? 有了目标学习就更有动力,酒店行业这个人才紧缺的行业需要您这样有理想的有魄力的青年来一起推动。打包好自己的行李,准备出发吧,踏上酒店管理专业的最顶峰……Go!Iowa state, florida international, johnson & wales这三个学校哪个学校的酒店管理研究生专业比较好了?_百度知道
Iowa state, florida international, johnson & wales这三个学校哪个学校的酒店管理研究生专业比较好了?
[在kzeng的大作中提到] "4.15"协议在一九九九年的招生录取过程中正式实施的,它是由多数美国大学联合制定、用于约束某个申请人同时接受多个学校录取但在开学前很短的时间内才通知其中的一些学校无法按时就读情况的协约,毫无疑问申请人的这种作法会大大地影响学校的正常招生与教学秩序,并损害本国后来申请者的形象。 "4.15"协议的主要内容是在每年的四月十五日之前,申请者可以在已被录取的学校中任意选择,或干脆不对学校的录取通知作出最后的答复,在这期间申请者任何的接受学校录取的承诺或保持的缄默都不承担任何责任;但明确答复接受何所大学的录取的时间应当不超过四月十五日,并应当尽可能早地提先通知各个学校自己的决定、留足时间将已经收到但决定拒绝的学校的各类录取资料,包括I-20表格,在四月十五日之前寄回(当然,material可能不一定必要在四月十五日之前到达被拒学校,但电子邮件通知一定在事先进行)。如果在这之后反悔,受损害的学校有权请求所有签署该协议的其它大学拒绝该生, 从而将破坏协议的申请人排除在协议缔结的学校联盟之外。应该说"4.15"协议的实施对学校与申请人双方都是有利的,对学校而言避免了因被录取人突然反悔造成的混乱,对多数申请人而言这意味着更加平等的竞争及比以前更大的录取机会,因为有在学校明确获悉被录取者的拒绝答复后才会将该入学机会转给其它人。 4.15 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION REGARDING GRADUATE SCHOLARS,FELLOWS,TRAINEES,AND ASSISTANTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Acceptance of an offer of financial support(such as a graduate scholarship, fellowship, traineeship, or assistantship)for the next academicyear by a prospective or enrolled graduate student completes an agreementthat both student and graduate school expert to honor.In that context,theconditions affecting such offers and their acceptance must be definedcarefully and understood by all parties.Students are under no obligation to respond to offers of financial supportprior to April 15;earlier deadlines for acceptance of such offers violate theintent of this Resolution.In those instances in which a student accepts anoffer before April 15,and subsequently desires to withdraw thatacceptance,the student may submit in writing a resignation of the appointmentat any time through April 15.However,an acceptance given or left in force after April 15 commits the student not to accept another offer without firstobtaining a written release from the institution to which a commitments hasbeen made.Similarly,an offer by an institution after April 15 is conditional on presentation by the student of the written release from any previouslyaccepted offer.It is further agreed bythe institutions and organizations subscribing to the Resolution that a copyof the Resolution should accompany every scholarship,fellowship,traineeship,and assistantship offer. The following list includes CGS members and those institutions that indicatedtheir support of the Resolution as of August 1997 with additions through July1999. Abilene Christian University@ Adelphi University@ Alfred University@ American University@ Andrews University@ Angelo State University@ Appalachian State University@ Arizona State University@ Arkansas State University@ Auburn University@ Austin Peay State University@ Ball State University@ Baylor College of Medicine Baylor University@ Bloomsburg University@ Boston College@ Boston University@ Bowling Green State University@ Bradley University@ Brandeis University@ Bridgewater College@ Brigham Young University@ Brown University@ Bryn Mawr College@ California Institute of Technology@ California State Polytechnic University,Pomona@ California State University,Bakersfield California State College,Stanislaus California State University,Fresno California State University,Fullerton California State University,Hayward California State University,Long Beach California State University,Los Angeles California State University,Northridge California State University,Sacramento California State University,Stanislaus California University of Pennsylvania@ Case Western Reserve University@ Catholic University of America@ Central Michigan University@ Central Missouri State University@ Central Washington University@ City University of New York ,Graduate School & University Center Claremont Graduate University Clark Atlanta University@ Clark University@ Clemson University@ Cleveland State University@ College of New Jersey@ College of Saint Rose College of William and Mary@ Colorado School of Mines - public research university devoted to engineeringand applied science related to resources. Columbia University@ Columbus State University,River Forest@ Coppin State College@ Cornell University@ Creighton University@ Dartmouth College@ DePaul University@ Drew University@ Drexel University@ Duke University@ Duquesne University@ East Carolina University@ East Central Oklahoma State University@ East Tennessee State University@ Eastern Illinois University@ Eastern Kentucky University@ Eastern Michigan University@ Eastern Washington University@ Emerson College@ Emory University@ Emporia State University@ Fayetteville State University@ Fielding Institute Fisk University@ Fitchburg State College Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University@ Florida Atlantic University Florida International University@ Florida State University@ Fordham University@ Fort Hays State University@ Gallaudet University@ George Mason University@ George Washington University@ Georgetown College@ Georgetown University@ Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Southern University@ Georgia State University@ Glassboro State College@ Hampton University@ Hardin-Simmons University@ Harvard University@ Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Hofstra University@ Hood College@ Howard College@ Idaho State University@ Illinois Institute of Technology@ Illinois State University@ Indiana State University@ Indiana University@ Indiana University of Pennsylvania@ Iowa State University@ Jackson State University@ James Madison University@ John Carroll University@ Johns Hopkins University@ Johnson & Wales University - Providence@ Kansas State University@ Kent State University@ Lamar University@ Langston University@ Lehigh University@ Loma Linda University@ Louisiana State University and A & M College@ Louisiana State University ,Medical Center Loyola Marymount University@ Loyola University Chicago@ Mankato State University@ Illinois Institute of Technology@ Illinois State University@ Indiana State University@ Indiana University@ Indiana University of Pennsylvania@ Iowa State University@ Jackson State University@ James Madison University@ John Carroll University@ Johns Hopkins University@ Johnson & Wales University - Providence@ Kansas State University@ Kent State University@ Lamar University@ Langston University@ Lehigh University@ Loma Linda University@ Louisiana State University and A & M College@ Louisiana State University ,Medical Center Loyola Marymount University@ Loyola University Chicago@ Mankato State University@ Marquette University@ Marshall University@ Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)@ Medical College of Georgia Medical College of Wisconsin Medical university of South Carolina Miami University @ Michigan State University@ Michigan Technological University@ Middle Tennessee State University@ Mississippi State University@ Montana State University@ Montclair State University-Bozeman@ Morehead State University@ Murray State University@ National University@ Naval Postgraduate School@ New Jersey Institute of Technology@ New Mexico State University@ New York Medical College New York University@ North Carolina A&T State University@ North Carolina State University at Raleigh@ North Dakota State University@ North Texas University North East Missouri State University@ Northeastern Illinois University@ Northern Arizona University@ Northern Illinois University@ Northern Michigan University@ Northwestern State University of Louisiana@ Northwestern University@ Nova University@ Oakland University@ Ohio State University@ Ohio University@ Oklahoma State University@ Old Dominion University@ Oregon State University@ Pennsylvania State University@ Pepperdine University@ Pittsburg State University@ Polytechnic University of New York@ Princeton University@ Purdue University@ Queen's University at Kingston@ Queens College of the City University of New York Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute@ Rhode Island College@ Rice University@ Rockefeller University@ Russell Sage College Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey@ St. Bonaventure Unviersity St. Cloud State University St. John's University Saint Louis University@ San Diego State Unviersity San Francisco State University San Jose State University@ Sangamon State University Santa Clara University Seattle University@ Shippensburg University@ South Carolina State University@ South Dakota School of Mines & Technology@ Southeast Missouri State University@ Southern Illinois University at Carbondale@ Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville@ Southern Methodist University@ Southern University Southwest Missouri State University@ Southwest Texas State University@ Spalding University@ Stanford University@ State University of New York at Albany@ State University of New York at Binghamton@ State University of New York at Buffalo@ State University of New York - Downstate Medical Center@ State University of New York - Upstate Medical Center@ State University of New York at Stony Brook@ Stevens Institute of Technology@ Syracuse University@ Temple University@ Tennessee State University@ Tennessee Technological University@ Texas A&M University@ Texas Christian University@ Texas Southern University@ Texas Tech University@ Texas Woman's University@ Towson University Trinity University Truman State University Tufts University@ Tulane University@ University of Akron@ University of Alabama@ University of Alabama at Birmingham@ University of Alabama at Huntsville@ University of Alaska@ University of Arizona@ University of Arkansas@ University of Bridgeport@ University of California,Berkeley@ University of California,Davis@ University of California,Irvine@ University of California,Los Angeles@ University of California,Riverside@ University of California,San Diego@ University of California,San Francisco@ University of California,Santa Barbara@ University of California,Santa Cruz@ University of Central Arkansas@ University of Central Florida@ University of Chicago@ University of Cincinnati@ University of Colorado at Boulder@ University of Colorado at Denver@ University of Connecticut@ University of Dayton@ University of Delaware@ University of Denver@ University of the District of Columbia University of Florida@ University of Georgia@ University of Hartford@ University of Hawaii@ University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School University of Houston@ University of Idaho@ University of Illinois at Chicago@ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign@ University of Iowa@ University of Kansas@ University of Kentucky@ University of Lowell University of Louisville@ University of Maine University of Maryland,Baltimore County@ University of Massachusetts,Amherest@ University of Massachusetts Boston@ University of Massachusetts Lowell@ University of Memphis@ University of Miami@ University of Michigan@ University of Minnesota@ University of Mississippi@ University of Missouri,Coumbia@ University of Missouri,Kansas City@ University of Missouri,St. Louis@ University of Montana@ University of Nebraska-Kearney@ University of Nebraska-Lincoln@ University of Nevada-Las Vegas@ University of New Hampshire@ University of New Haven@ University of New Mexico@ University of New Orleans@ University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill@ University of North Carolina at Charlotte@ University of North Carolina at Greensboro@ University of North Carolina at Wimington@ University of North Dakota@ University of North Texas@ University of North Texas Health Science Center- Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences@ University of Northern Colorado@ University of Northern Iowa@ University of Notre Dame@ University of Oklahoma@ University of Oregon@ University of the pacific@ University of Pennsylvania@ University of Pittsburgh@ University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras Campus@ University of Rhode Island@ University of Rochester@ University of San Francisco@ University of Scranton@ University of South Alabama@ University of South Carolina@ University of South Florida@ University of Southern California@ University of Southern Mississippi@ University of Southwestern Louisiana@ University of Tennessee at Chattanooga@ University of Tennessee at Martin@ University of Tennessee,Knoxville@ University of Texas at Arlington@ University of Texas at Austin@ University of Texas at Dallas@ University of Texas at San Antonio@ University of Texas Grad School of Biomedical Science at Galveston@ University of Texas Grad School of Biomedical Science at Houston@ University of Texas Grad School of Biomedical Science at San Antonio@ University of Toledo@ University of Tulsa@ University of Utah@ University of Vermont@ University of Virginia@ University of Washington@ University of Wisconsin-Green Bay@ University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire@ University of Wisconsin-La Crosse@ University of Wisconsin-Madison@ University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee@ University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh@ University of Wyoming@ Utah State University@ Vanderbilt University@ Villanova University@ Virginia Commonwealth University@ Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VA Tech)@ Wake Forest University@ Walden University Washington State University@ Washington University@ Wayne State College@ Wesleyan University@ Wake Forest University@ Walden University Washington State University@ Washington University@ Wayne State College@ Wesleyan University@ West Chester University@ West Virginia University@ Western Carolina University@ Western Illinois University@ Western Kentucky University@ Western Michigan University@ Western Washington University@ Wichita State University@ Worcester Polytechnic Institute@ Wright State University@ Xavier University@ Yale University@ bellie928


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