app是什么软件是find my app软件?

我要评分 :
更多发行商应用程式For finding your way to the party, keeping track of family at a crowded amusement park, or getting picked up at the airport, Find My Friends is your app.
Your friends mark the spot.
Meet up with friends at an outdoor concert. Keep track of the family during a day on the ski slopes. Or see when your out-of-town guest has finally made it past baggage claim. The Find My Friends app is a great way to share your location with people who are important to you. Friends who share their locations with you appear on a map so you can quickly see where they are and what they’re up to. And since Find My Friends works with Contacts and Maps, you can do things like find the quickest route to a surprise party and avoid running into the birthday girl — all at once.
Good friends aren’t hard to find.
Get location-based alerts — like when friends or family members leave or arrive at a specific location. Or have them notified of your whereabouts.
Set up automatic notifications — like when your husband leaves work, your kids arrive home, or your BFF is en route to the party.
Find My Friends can also notify others about your location, so you can stay coordinated or let the ones you love keep track of you.
Play by your rules.
With Find My Friends, you can choose when you want to be located, by whom, and for how long. It’s all up to you.
Choose to temporarily share your location with a bunch of people, when you’re on a group trip, for instance. Share locations for a couple of hours — or a couple of weeks. When the trip is over, the sharing ends, too.
When a new friend request notification appears, you decide whether to give permission to see you. Want a little privacy? Go off the grid with the flip of a switch.
Use parental restrictions to manage how your children use Find My Friends. They’re quick and easy to set up and require a password to override your settings. So your kids have fun — and you make sure they stay safe.
Some features may not be available for all countries or all areas. .
Find My Friends enables you to locate iOS devices only when they are on and connected to a registered Wi-Fi network or have an active data plan.
iCloud requires iOS 5 or later on iPhone 3GS or later, iPod touch (3rd generation or later), iPad, or iP a Mac computer with OS X L or a PC with Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 (Outlook 2007 or 2010 or an up-to-date browser is required for accessing email, contacts, and calendars). Some features require iOS 6 and OS X Mountain Lion. Some features require a Wi-Fi connection. Some features are not available in all countries. Access to some services is limited to 10 devices.推荐到广播
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来人啊,太冷场啦~我在手机上的app store下find my iphone,结果那灰色图标一直下载中~~~
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在线时间4542 小时 UID
Guitar & Ideal
金苹果, 积分 2372, 距离下一级还需 628 积分
急急,我在手机上的app store下find my iphone,结果那灰色图标一直下载中,点住也删不掉,
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在线时间4542 小时 UID
Guitar & Ideal
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在线时间1266 小时 UID
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重启 在删除
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在线时间4542 小时 UID
Guitar & Ideal
回 3楼(irenexiaobao) 的帖子
引用第3楼irenexiaobao于 14:28发表的
:重启 在删除......重启后也删不了~~
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在线时间4542 小时 UID
Guitar & Ideal
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间971 小时 UID
同步助手 桌面管理
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间4542 小时 UID
Guitar & Ideal
回 6楼(heqiuli9) 的帖子
引用第6楼heqiuli9于 14:55发表的
:同步助手 桌面管理......同步助手桌面上根本就不显示那个正在下载的灰色图标
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间971 小时 UID
回 7楼(ideallbk) 的帖子
引用第7楼ideallbk于 15:01发表的
:同步助手桌面上根本就不显示那个正在下载的灰色图标......那你软件管理 呢 之前我也出现过这个问题
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间4542 小时 UID
Guitar & Ideal
沪ICP备号-1 丨 深公安网监备案号 5
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