antenna effecthole是什么

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A Tree Friendly 2 Meter Halo Antenna
Having purchased an
all-mode, all-band (160m - 70cm) transceiver, I became curious about
what 2-meter weak signal operations have to offer. I have a 5/8th over
5/8th vertical collinear antenna hanging in a tree at some 30 odd feet
high, but I never heard anything on it, except on FM. The reason for
that, I learned, is most 2-meter weak signal operations take place
using horizontal polarization. Cross polarization is good for about 20
dB attenuation, which easily translates into the difference between
perfectly good copy and inaudible signals. So I decided I needed a
horizontal polarized antenna.
As is usually the
case with antennas, there are a bazillion designs to choose from
and none of them really fulfills all your requirements. I do not
have a mast or tower, and I love to use trees for supports, so I
wanted something that I could hang from a tree branch. Since I
have no means to rotate the antenna, I required that the new
antenna have an omnidirectional radiation pattern. It didn't have
to be the best performer, because I just wanted to get my feet wet
in this new mode of operation. There are few designs that would
fit that bill. I settled on the Halo antenna because of its small
footprint. This is important because larger designs would require
a longer branch, with sufficient clearance in all directions, to
hang from. The Halo I describe here has a diameter of only about
12 inches and can be hung virtually anywhere in a tree.
The Halo Antenna
Halo stands for
&HAlf wave LOop&. The antenna is in fact nothing else but a half
wavelength dipole with the legs bent in the shape of a circle.
However, the ends do not meet, (especially near the end of the
month) so technically it's not a loop. This loop can be fed with
coaxial cable using a gamma match.
The Halo is
certainly not a new design. Laurence M. Leeds and Marvel W.
Scheldorf obtained a patent for this antenna in 1943. You can find
their design at the U.S. Patent Office under
. Click on the &Images&-button to view
the patent. You'll need a special browser plugin to access the
patent. See the U.S. Patent Office website for more information on
designs you find on the internet have moving parts. Often they
require some sort of tuning capacitor and have a capacitor in the
gamma match along with a slider construction that connects the
gamma arm to the radiator. I prefer a design without moving parts
so that the antenna doesn't get detuned easily when a bird decides
the antenna makes a good resting place. I found the design that I
describe here in a German antenna book &Antennen Buch& by Karl
Rothammel, Y21BK.
Basic Design
The design of
this antenna is very simple and straightforward. It basically
consists of a half wavelength piece of copper tubing bent into a
circle. Between the ends of the tube there needs to be a gap of at
least 1 3/16&. This is to minimize capacitive coupling between the
ends. This antenna is fed by a coax feed line through a gamma
match. The gamma match is constructed from 6 1/4& #4 or #6 copper
wire. This wire is bent into an L shape. The short end of the wire
is soldered on the inside of the loop at the point where the long
end of the gamma arm aligns with the halfway point of the loop.
See below:
You could feed
the loop directly with 50 ohm coaxial cable as shown above.
However, I added a 1:1 current balun (choke) to the original
design. I did this to force all the RF current, on the inside of
the braid of the coax feed line, to go into the antenna and not to
come back down on the feed line on the outside of the coax braid.
This will help keep the feed line from radiating, causing
potential RFI problems and changing the radiation pattern of the
Building the Halo
Building this
antenna is like making the pieces of the puzzle first, and then putting
the puzzle together. First you build the antenna itself, then the
support boom, the choke balun, the mount, and finally, you put these
parts together.
The Antenna
Start out by
cutting a string to a length of 41 inches. You'll use this to
measure the correct tube length. Thick monofilament wire as used
for garden trimmers works very well. Mark this wire at the halfway
point. A piece of electrical tape will do fine. This is the point
where you’ll later have to mark the copper tube and where the coax
braid will get soldered to the tube.
probably find the soft copper tubing material in a 10-foot length,
coiled up in a bag. Fortunately, the coil diameter is about the
same diameter as the final loop will be. So there will be very
little bending involved to get the circle shape needed for the
loop. Eyeball how much tube you'll need from the loop coil and cut
it. Don't attempt to make an exact measurement yet. In fact, the
measurement I give here for the main loop is deliberately somewhat
too large anyhow. Put the part you cut off on a flat surface and
now measure how much you really need using the string from the
previous paragraph. Cut off the excess tubing. Use the string
again to find the halfway point of the tubing and mark it. This
will be the point at which you will later solder the coax braid.
Make sure the tubing is shaped like a circle, and that the ends
are at least 1 3/16& apart. To keep the ends apart, I cut a piece
of hexagonal Bic pen tubing to length and put it between the ends.
You can secure it with some shrink tubing, but don't shrink it
until you're done with the final tuning later on.
Now build the gamma
from a piece of #6 or #4 copper wire. Use the measurements from the
detail diagram above and bend it as shown. Solder the short end of the
gamma arm to the inside of the loop at the point where the long end of
the gamma arm lines up with the halfway point on the main loop (as marked
The Support Boom
To support the
antenna, I used a piece of 3/4& schedule 40 PVC pipe. Lay the
antenna on the pipe and cut it so it's just a bit longer than the
diameter of the loop. Now drill holes through the pipe to mount
the antenna. On one end of the pipe you need two holes
approximately 1 15/16& apart for the main loop and the gamma match
to go through. Make sure you drill the hole for the tube very
close to the end of the PVC pipe. This will make it easier to
solder the coax braid onto the copper tube. Also be careful not to
drill the hole for the gamma match all the way through the pipe.
The gamma match only goes in halfway through the pipe and will not
come out the other side.
On the other
side of the PVC pipe, drill a hole in the same plane as the first
two holes for the piece of plastic tubing (hexagonal Bic pen) that
is being used to keep the ends of the main loop apart. Next, drill
the holes necessary to mount the SO-239 (panel mount) connector.
The last hole
you need to drill is for mounting purposes. This hole needs to be
drilled in the middle of the PVC pipe, all the way through. Make
absolutely sure that this hole is perpendicular to the plane of
the antenna. This hole needs to be the size of a bamboo skewer you
can buy at the grocery store (sold in a bag of 20 or so). This
skewer is later used to mount the antenna. You can use something
else if you like as long as it's thin, strong, sturdy and
Even though the
original design does not call for a balun, I decided to add a 1:1 current
balun in order to prevent RF currents from flowing back onto the outside
of the coax braid, perhaps causing the feed line to radiate, create
interference and change the radiation pattern of the antenna. The balun I
built for this antenna consists of 12, 1/2& long, type 43 ferrite beads
that slide over a short piece of RG-58 coax with the outer jacket
removed. The hole in the beads I used was not big enough for the coax to
slide through with the outer jacket intact.
The length
of the piece of coax needed for the choke can be measured from the
end of the boom where the gamma match is to the farthest edge of
the SO-239 connector, plus about 3/4&. The balun itself is about 6
inches long. If you use a different size of beads, just make sure
you have enough beads to make a 6-inch long balun. You can secure
the beads with some shrink tubing or electrical tape. This should
be enough to make an effective balun for VHF that can handle up to
100 Watts of power.
One side of the
coax should be prepared so you can solder it to the SO-239 connector.
You can already solder the connector to the coax if you wish. The
other side needs to be prepared so that the braid will reach the
middle of the loop, and the center conductor meets the gamma match. Do
not cut the center conductor to length. Instead, only remove the
insulation from the center conductor so that it can be soldered later
to the gamma match. Leave the excess wire intact. Put some shrink
tubing or electrical tape around the braid to insulate it, except for
the very end, of course.
not have any ferrite beads available, you can construct an air
core choke balun instead. There are several ways to make one. One
method is to wind about 7 turns of the feed line on a coil form
made from 3/4& PVC pipe. Place this choke near the antenna. If you
prefer the choke to be part of the antenna, then you can wind 7
turns of the coax going from the SO-239 connector to the gamma
match around the PVC boom.
Since I've
chosen to hang this halo from a tree branch, I needed to find a
way to mount this antenna onto a rope coming down from a branch in
such a way that the antenna itself will remain in the horizontal
plane. I came up with a method that will use gravity to hold the
antenna perfectly horizontal.
built the PVC boom, you drilled a hole in the middle for a skewer.
Now imagine you put the skewer through the boom, put the support
rope alongside of the skewer and then tie the rope to the skewer
with some wire ties. If you'd hold just the rope above the skewer
and boom, the boom would just dangle in all kinds of directions
and stay far from being horizontal. However, if you'd make a small
loop in the bottom end of the rope and hang a weight from it,
you'll see that the boom stays perfectly horizontal. See the
diagram below.
Putting It All Together
Take a piece of pen
tubing, or whatever you chose to fill the gap in the main loop, and push
it in the PVC boom.
Next you can
join the antenna with the boom. Take one end of the antenna and guide
it through the hole next to the hole for the gamma match in the PVC
boom. Slowly move the tubing through the PVC support pipe. You'll
notice some resistance because the loop is round and the holes through
the pipe are in a straight line. This causes some friction. With a
small amount of force you'll see that that the tube will go through
the pipe quite easily. Stop when you reach the gamma match. Do not
push the gamma match into its hole in the boom yet.
Bend the end
of the braid of the coax that goes inside the boom at a 90-degree
angle. Just over 1/4& from the end should be sufficient. This will
make it easier later on when you solder the braid to the tube.
Also bend the exposed center conductor at a 90-degree angle about
1/4& from the end.
coax inside the PVC boom through the hole for the SO-239
connector. While you do this make sure that the end of the center
conductor kind of scrapes on the inside wall of the pipe, on the
side where the hole for the gamma match is located. At some point
you'll notice that the wire will get caught in this hole. Pull the
wire through the hole with needle nose pliers while you continue
to slide the coax inside the pipe. Stop when the insulation around
the center conductor appears at or through the hole. If you bend
the wire a bit at this point, it will stay in place.
Solder the
center conductor to the gamma arm. You can cut off the excess
wire, but I simply bent the remaining wire along the gamma match.
Or, wind it around the gamma match, just in case you have to do it
again. Now slowly push the gamma arm in the hole of the PVC boom.
If it doesn't quite fit, you can cut a tiny wedge out of the hole
where the center conductor passes through the hole. Stop when the
gamma match reaches the middle of the pipe and the center marking
on the copper tubing is in the middle of the PVC pipe.
look into the pipe you'll see the braid near the copper tube on
the inside of the pipe. Pre-tin the copper tubing at the halfway
mark. Make sure this mark is in the middle of the pipe. Now you
can solder the braid to the tube.
If you haven't
already soldered the SO-239 connector to the coax, then do so now. Push
the remaining coax into the boom and fasten the SO-239 connector to the
piece of shrink tubing over each end of the antenna. Mate each end
of the copper tube with the piece of pen tubing protruding from
the support boom and slide the shrink tubing back a bit so it
covers the piece of plastic tubing also. Do not heat the shrink
tubing yet. This will hold the ends in place. You can also use
electrical tape to do this. Just make sure the ends of the copper
tubing stay flush with the plastic tube.
Mounting the antenna
The antenna
is now finished and we're ready to mount it for testing and
tuning. Find a place where you can hang the support rope, like a
tree branch. Make sure that there are no metal objects nearby, as
they will detune the antenna. You can tune the antenna at a
different place than the final destination if you wish.
Put a wire
tie just below the middle of the skewer. This will prevent the
antenna from sliding down the skewer. Secure the bottom half of
the skewer onto the rope with two or three small wire ties. Make
sure the skewer cannot slide along the rope. Drop the bottom end
of the rope through the loop of the antenna and push the skewer
all the way through the support boom from the bottom up. You may
have to wiggle it a little bit when you're halfway into the pipe
in order to get past the coax inside. Once the skewer is all the
way through the support boom and the boom is resting on the wire
tie on the middle of the skewer, you can fasten the top half of
the skewer to the rope with two or three wire ties.
Your antenna can
now dangle freely from the rope. You'll see that the antenna does not
really stay horizontal yet.
Make a small
loop at the bottom end of the support rope and hang a weight from
it. I used a brick. Even if the antenna is going to be mounted
very high up in a tree, try to keep the weight near ground level.
This serves two purposes. First, if for some reason the weight
would fall, it will not fall on top of someone and no one will run
into it. Second, it will keep the whole system very stable in the
wind. If the weight would be higher than just a few feet of the
ground, the wind would catch it also and start swaying the weight.
Not only is this dangerous, it will also take a long time before
the system is stable again once the wind drops.
you could opt not to use a weight and simply tie the bottom of the
rope down. However, that makes the whole mechanical system very
inflexible. The rope would move back and forth over the branch
when it's swaying in the wind, and eventually the branch might be
If you later
find that the rope and weight are swaying too much, you can
minimize this with a guide rope that is tied to, say, a post, or
the trunk of the tree, and goes around the support rope. The guide
rope will then allow the support rope to move mainly in the
vertical direction.
finished, the antenna should look something like this:
Testing and Tuning
Before you
test the antenna, double check you made all the right connections.
When you use an ohmmeter to check the connections, you should be
measuring a short (zero ohm resistance) between the center and
outer connections of the SO-239 connector. This antenna is what is
called &DC grounded&, which may help reducing static buildup on
the antenna.
Now you can
attach a 50-ohm coaxial feed line to the antenna to test and tune
it. Use a wire tie to attach the feed line to the skewer. This
will make the feed line run along the support rope and help
stabilize the system. If you plan on weatherproofing the antenna,
then read the part on weatherproofing below first before you tune
the antenna.
I borrowed
an antenna analyzer to tune the antenna, but you can also do it
with just an SWR meter. When you use an SWR meter and cannot find
a near 1:1 SWR anywhere in the 2 meter band, you need to make note
of three SWR measurements. One at 144 MHz, one at 146 MHz and one
at 148 MHz. If you find that the SWR is lower at 144 than at 146
and 148 MHz, then you know the antenna is tuned below the 2-meter
band. If you find that the SWR is lower at 148 than at 146 and 144
MHz, then you know the antenna is tuned above the 2-meter band.
probably find that the antenna is tuned somewhat below the 2 meter
band. I deliberately listed the measurement of the main loop
slightly too large which results in a lower than desired resonance
frequency. Cut a tiny bit of each end of the copper loop until
your antenna resonates near 144.200 MHz. That is the SSB calling
frequency in the U.S.A. Of course you'll have to decide at which
frequency you want the antenna to be resonant. The 1:1.5 SWR
bandwidth of the antenna is about 1 MHz.
gamma match is fixed, you will probably not be able to get an
exact 1:1 SWR reading. More realistic is 1:1.1 to 1:1.3. Don’t let
this scare you. SWR readings other than 1:1 are perfectly fine as
long as they do not go much higher than 1:1.5. At that point many
rigs will throttle back the power. If you really cannot sleep
peacefully if the SWR isn't perfectly flat, then by all means
desolder the gamma match from the loop and solder it at a
different point until you've found that serene 1:1 SWR spot. I
will warn you though that things can get messy real quick while it
really isn't worth the effort.
If you find
yourself in the position where you cut too much of the antenna
ends in order to find that elusive 1:1 SWR, don't panic! There's
an easy solution. Solder a half inch or so piece of solid copper
wire (#14 will do) to the inside of each tube end as shown in
second diagram on this page. The wire ends protruding from the
copper tubing will fit inside the plastic separator tube. This
will help maintain a clean look of the antenna while you get a
second chance at tuning the antenna. Now simply cut small pieces,
like 1/16& or so each time, off of each wire until the antenna
resonates at the desired frequency.
antenna is tuned you can heat up the shrink tubing around the
copper tube ends so that everything remains in place.
Weather Proofing
You can weather
proof the antenna by filling all holes and gaps with RTV, or silicone
sealant. Care should be taken when you want to seal the end of the boom
where the ends of the loop meet. Putting RTV in that side of the pipe
will detune the antenna. Make sure the sealant only goes to the inside of
the PVC tube, and don't be tempted to put any sealant on the loop ends.
The reason for this is that there is some stray capacitance between the
loop ends. By adding sealant you change the dielectric between the tube
ends, and therefore the value of the stray capacitance. This in turn
changes the resonant frequency of the antenna. So it is better to seal
this end of the support boom first before tuning the antenna if you plan
on weather proofing the antenna.
If you feel that
you need to seal the area around the small piece of spreader tubing, then
use something like a very thin layer of nail polish. Also, if you want to
make the loop very shiny, use some very fine steel wool to polish it.
I described
how you can build a Halo antenna for two meters that does not
require a mast, has a very low part count and can easily be built
with a minimum of tools. This project description may seem more
complex than similar ones you can find on the internet, but that
is simply because most other plans leave out a great deal of
detail, especially in the area of construction. I like to include
the lessons I learned along the way when I built the antenna.
This article
also described a unique way to mount these types of antennas on a
rope. This makes the antenna an attractive alternative for use in
the field where the usual support structures may not be available
or for those folks who, like me, do not have a tower or mast. Of
course you can mount the antenna on a mast with a U-bolt if you
I have built
a 2 and 6 meter version of this antenna, mounted them on the same
support rope and feed them with separate feed lines.
The 2 meter
Halo is mounted at 24 feet, and the 6 meter Halo is mounted at 20
feet high. As you can see, the Halo makes for a stealthy antenna
even though that was never one of the design goals. If you really
want the antenna to blend in with the background, paint it light
gray or light green, and add some random black strokes here and
there. When you break up any symmetrical lines and patterns, any
object can be made invisible against the background.
These Halo
antennas allow me to dabble a bit in VHF weak signal operations
given the restrictions mentioned in the beginning of this article.
While the performance of this type of antenna is limited compared
to other types of antennas, I'm rather surprised with the DX
contacts I’ve been able to make with a modest 50 Watts of power.
If you have
any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to drop me an
--Alex, KR1ST


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