Kim hasi livedd in Canada since he birth为什么用birth

ABACD&BDDCB1. A。由下句“妇女仍然不愿在家照看孩子”可知,这里应选择表示让步关系的in spite of;at the cost of的意思是“以牺牲……的代价”;in addition to指“除……以外”;due to的意思是“因为”。2. B。这里指丈夫们去工作之后,妻子们被留在家里照看孩子。3. A。照看孩子的工作是繁重的,如果男女共同来分担这项工作的话,或许妻子们愿意生更多的孩子,那么对提高人口出生率而言是好的。4. C。从下文丈夫们不愿利用带薪假期看,这里使用了表示转折关系的连接词。5. D。此处使用single来强调时间的少。其他三个选项前面不能加不定冠词。6. B。妇女使用产假这种趋势有可能会产生老板们不情愿让年轻妇女做长期工作的后果。表示否定意义的有B、D项,D项表示“没有能力”与题意不合。7. D。既然是警告,那么语气是严厉的:要么休假,要么取消休假;reserve表示“保留”;misuse指“滥用”;ignore指“忽略”。8. D。under pressure指“承爱压力”;under discussion指“在讨论中”,under attack指“遭受袭击”;under control指“在……的控制之中”。9. C。build up和relationship搭配的意思是“建立关系”;make out表示“辨别出”;add up指“合计、总计”;set aside表示“把……放在一边”。10. B。从下文挪威70%的父亲休产假来看,挪威采取了和瑞典相似的政策,所以人口出生率在欧洲是最高的。impersonal“无人情味的”;severe“严厉的”;global“全球化的”。
Patti discovered the meaning of running when she was 23. At that time she was smoking two packs of cigarettes a day and had1over 50 pounds. “I decided to2,” she says. She took a clock and started3what she did every day, and then she4an hour a day as a “be nice to Patti” hour. “I started having bubble(泡沫)baths with a candle5, because Cosmopolitan Magazine6that this would be good for me. But I got7of that soon,” Patti remembers. She wanted to do something really pleasant. She found that the8times in her life were times when she was physically active. So she took up9. She decided to start10the next day. She ran for an hour, 11a total of 7 miles on her first run. “I couldn’t walk for 2 weeks 12I felt painful all over!” Patti recalls. “But I felt so wonderful!” Patti wasn’t crazy about running yet, but she was in13with the after effects of it. Within seven months, Patti had run her first marathon, qualified for the Boston Marathon, and placed 25th in the world for14distance runners. Over the next years, she15records and set standards for women in the sport. She was the first American woman to run a marathon16than 2 hours 30 minutes, and then broke another two records17an 8-month period. Patti believes that, if we can18standards for ourselves, we can pull ourselves out of the most difficult19and come out on top. “Everybody has to be a/an20and everybody has that in them.”1.A.lostB.gainedC.earnedD.reduced2.A.changeB.moveC.walkD.cry3.A.rememberingB.collectingC.sharingD.recording4.A.set outB.set upC.set asideD.set about5.A.litB.swungC.surroundedD.burnt6.A.spokeB.saidC.wroteD.went7.A.afraidB.fondC.tiredD.ashamed8.A.happiestB.saddestC.loneliestD.luckiest9.A.smokingB.bathingC.dietingD.running10.A.onlyB.rightC.evenD.again11.A.overcomingB.spreadingC.passingD.covering12.A.butB.althoughC.sinceD.because13.A.peaceB.lineC.loveD.touch14.A.menB.womenC.adultD.children15.A.keptB.heldC.brokeD.cleared16.A.fasterB.moreC.slowerD.rather17.A.forB.overC.atD.on18.A.setB.followC.requireD.seek19.A.pleasuresB.pitiesC.challengesD.purposes20.A.expertB.runnerC.athleteD.champion
Like poorly managed stress, anger that isn’t handled in a healthy way can be not only uncomfortable, but even damaging to one’s health and personal life. Consider the following research on anger:One study from the University of Washington School of Nursing studied1problems in husbands and wives. Researchers cited(引用) previous evidence that anger problems and depressive symptoms have been linked to all major2of death, but found that wives specifically found a greater association between anger and3of depression,4men tended to instead experience an5between anger and health problems.According to a study from Ohio State University, those who had less control over their anger6to heal more slowly from wounds. Researchers gave blisters(起疱膏) to 98 participants and found that, after 8 days, those who had less control over their anger also tended to be7healers.8, those participants also tended to have more cortisol (a stress hormone) in their system during the blistering procedure,9that they may be more stressed by difficult situations as well.10study from Harvard School of Public Health studied hostility(敌对行为) in men and found that those with11rates of hostility not only had poorer pulmonary functioning (breathing problems), but experienced higher rates of decline as they aged.Research with children and12shows that anger13is important for the younger set as well. Findings showed that youth who cope inappropriately with their anger are at greater14for problem-ridden(受…支配的) interpersonal relationships. Their15 those who cope poorly with anger tend to have more negative16when it comes to both mental and general health. This highlights the fact that anger management is an important skill to17early.These are just a few of the many studies linking anger to18and emotional health problems, from the obvious to the19. Because poorly managed anger presents such a significant problem in so many areas of life, it’s important to take steps toward learning and using healthy anger management techniques in daily life,20stress management techniques.1.A.angerB.healthC.emotionD.spirit2.A.causesB.effectsC.excusesD.factors3.A.timesB.resultsC.influencesD.symptoms4.A.butB.ifC.whileD.though5.A.appreciationB.attentionC.associationD.attraction6.A.preparedB.addictedC.accustomedD.tended7.A.fasterB.moreC.slowerD.quicker8.A.As well asB.In additionC.ExceptD.What’s worse9.A.predictingB.promisingC.expectingD.suggesting10.A.OtherB.MoreC.AnotherD.The other11.A.higherB.lowerC.thickerD.fewer12.A.adultsB.adolescentsC.eldersD.citizens13.A.developmentB.managementC.argumentD.engagement14.A.chanceB.choiceC.rateD.risk15.A.bodyB.feelingC.healthD.emotion16.A.outcomesB.meaningsC.effectsD.pains17.A.reciteB.learnC.understandD.explore18.A.facialB.spiritualC.psychologicalD.physical19.A.unperfectedB.unexpectedC.unprotectedD.uncovered20.A.along withB.along withD.for with
I know I should have told the headmaster at the time. That was my real 1.He had gone out of the study for some2, leaving me alone. In his absence I looked to see what was on his3. In the 4was a small piece of paper on which were written the 5“English Writing Prize 1949. History Is a Serious of Biographies (人物传记)”.A(n)6boy would have avoided looking at the title as soon as he saw the7. I did not. The subject of the English Writing Prize was kept a8until the start of the exam so I could not9reading it.When the headmaster10, I was looking out of the window.I should have told him what had11then. It would have been so 12to say: “I’m sorry, but I 13the title for the English Writing Prize on your desk. You’11 have to14it.”The chance passed and I did not take it. I sat for the exam the next day and I won. I didn’t mean to cheat, but it was still15anyhow.That was thirty-eight years ago when I was fifteen. I have never told anyone about it before, nor have I tried to explain to myself why not.1.A.planB.faultC.gradeD.luck2.A.reasonB.courseC.exampleD.vacation3.A.bookB.headC.clothesD.desk4.A.drawerB.bookC.middleD.box5.A.namesB.wordsC.ideasD.messages6.A.honestB.handsomeC.friendlyD.active7.A.deskB.paperC.bookD.drawer8.A.questionB.keyC.noteD.secret9.A.helpB.considerC.practiseD.forget10.A.disappearedB.stayedC.returnedD.went11.A.existedB.remainedC.happenedD.continued12.A.tiringB.easyC.importantD.difficult13.A.sawB.gaveC.setD.made14.A.repeatB.defendC.correctD.change15.A.cheatingB.havingC.stayingD.finding
In the past, most American mothers were at home to take care of their children during the day. Now, 1, many mothers are working. More than half of the American women 2 young children have 3 outside the house.American families settle the child care 4 in different ways. Some parents permit 5 children to stay home alone after school. The parents 6 be sure the children, usually not younger than 10 years old, understand 7 rules and can deal with emergencies (紧急情况). Other parents say they would 8 permit their children to be at home alone. They usually 9someone to take care of the 10.Some parents in the U.S. find their own way to 11 the cost of child care in12. Each person in one group 13for the children of other group 14 at different times. Some parents ask local15, schools and social organizations to help 16 activities for the children. These child care choices often cost 17 or no money. Many American parents, however, still 18 with the problem of 19 good child care at a 20 price.1.A.thereforeB.otherwiseC.thusD.however2.A.likeB.asC.withD.from3.A.childrenB.jobsC.housesD.money4.A.problemB.questionC.chanceD.choice5.A.olderB.youngerC.sickerD.happier6.A.canB.mustC.mayD.ought7.A.dangerousB.safetyC.funnyD.true8.A.ratherB.certainlyC.alwaysD.never9.A.sendB.stopC.payD.invite10.A.houseB.neighborsC.oldD.children11.A.protectB.endC.reduceD.increase12.A.schoolsB.groupsC.clubsD.hospitals13.A.caresB.sendsC.asksD.pays14.A.strangersB.membersC.officialsD.teachers15.A.shopsB.membersC.churchesD.restaurants16.A.equipB.offerC.playD.join17.A.muchB.littleC.enoughD.more18.A.enjoyB.discussC.quarrelD.struggle19.A.takingB.findingC.losingD.suffering20.A.highB.lowC.reasonableD.real
My father and I were very close. I loved pleasing him, and he was always1of my success. If I2a spelling contest at school, he was on top of the3. Later in life whenever I got a promotion, I’d call my father4and he’d rush out to tell all his5. In 1970, when I was6as president of the Ford Motor Company, I don’t know7of us was more excited. Like many native Italians, my parents were very open with their8and their love not only at home, but also in public. Most of my friends would9hug their fathers. But I hugged and kissed my dad at every10—nothing could have felt more11. He was a(n)12man who was always trying new things. He was the first person in Allentown to buy a motorcycle.13, my father and his motorcycle didn’t14too well. He fell off it so often that he15it just a month after buying it. As a result, he never again16any vehicle with less than four wheels. Because of that motorcycle, I wasn’t17to have a bicycle when I was growing up. Whenever I wanted to ride a bike, I had to18one from a friend. However, my father let me drive a car as soon as I19sixteen. My father and I loved and20each other. We were close to each other all the time.1.A.pleasedB.contentC.proudD.satisfied2.A.wonB.beatC.gainedD.failed3.A.mountainB.worldC.spiritD.earth4.A.ever sinceB.just thenC.on timeD.right away5.A.familiesB.relativesC.workersD.friends6.A.honoredB throughB.get alongC.get offD.get over15.A.put up rid ofC.broke away fromD.did away with16.A.soldB.trustedC.playedD.believed17.A.allowedB.hopedC.suggestedD.demanded18.A.rideB.requireC.borrowD.use19.A.turnedB.wentC.changedD.grew20.A.thought ofB.took careC.attended onD.cared about
It was early in the morning, on a lonely road. It's1heavily. A 9-year-old boy was in the car with his mother, who was2him to school. Suddenly, the car went off the road, 3several times, and came to rest upside down in a ditch(沟渠) filled with water.Luckily, both the mother and son were 4seatbelts. The mother suffered a blow to her head and was unable to move. The boy was frightened but 5. As water came through broken windows in the car, he 6unbuckled (解开) himself, climbed out of the 7window, made his way around to the driver's side, and reached inside the 8to free his trapped mother. With great effort, he managed to 9her, pull her through the window and up to the road, where they were soon 10.His mother later recalled her experience of the 11. Being unable to move or even 12to offer instructions ( 指导) or encouragement to her son, she was 13by her little son's action. She recalled 14her boy saying out loud as he pulled her through the water, “I think I can, I think I can!”It seemed 15that this little boy's act of courage was from one of his favourite books: The Little Engine that Could. In that 16, when everyone else had17hope, the Little Engine carried the heavy load of toys and good things to eat over the hill to the children waiting on the other side. He had 18and took action. Obviously this book had left a 19impression before the accident that rainy 20and motivated ( 激励) the son to take action if the terrifying moments.1.A.snowingB.smokingC.blowingD.raining2.A.orderingB.drivingC.pushingD.flying3.A.rolledB.fellC.movedD.stopped4.A.makingB.watchingC.wearingD.missing5.A.afraidB.deadC.tiredD.unhurt6.A.quicklyB.carefullyC.nearlyD.happily7.A.studentB.passengerC.familyD.worker8.A.boxB.roomC.carD.ditch9.A.respectB.introduceC.recognizeD.free10.A.acceptedB.rescuedC.welcomedD.fed11.A.accidentB.experimentC.travelD.fire12.A.listenB.sleepC.speakD.look13.A.excitedB.frightenedC.woundedD.amazed14.A.seeingB.hearingC.smellingD.feeling15.A.clearB.sorryC.usefulD.necessary16.A.poemB.noticeC.storyD.dream17.A.realizedB.wakenC.kept upD.given up18.A.courageB.foodC.spaceD.time19.A.badB.deepC.falseD.general20.A.afternoonB.nightC.morningD.evening
In 1883, a creative engineer, John Roebling, was inspired to build a splendid bridge connecting New York with Long Island. However, experts throughout the world thought that this was 1 . Even so, Roebling could not 2the idea in his mind. After much discussion, he3convince his son Washington, an up-and-coming engineer, that the bridge in fact could be built. They hired their 4and began to build their dream bridge. Only a few months 5the project was underway a tragic on-site accident killed John Roebling and 6injured his son, leaving him brain-damaged and unable to move or 7. Surely now the project would have to be 8. Though Washington Roebling lay in his hospital bed, he was not 9and his mind remained as 10as it was before the accident. Suddenly an idea 11him. All he could move was one finger, so he 12the arm of his wife with that finger, 13to her that he wanted her to call the engineers again. Then he used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to do. For 13 years Washington tapped out his 14with one finger until the bridge was 15completed.Perhaps this is one of the best examples of never-say-die attitude that 16 a terrible physical disability and achieves an impossible 17. Often when we face difficulties in our daily lives, our problems seem very small 18what many others have to face. The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that even the most 19dream can be realized with 20no matter what the chances are. 1.A.impossibleB.unnecessaryC.hardD.excellent2.A.recognizeB.acceptC.ignoreD.believe3.A.attempted toB.sought toC.failed toD.managed to4.A.familyB.crewC.classD.team5.A.sinceB.beforeC.afterD.when6.A.severelyB.slightlyC.poorlyD.hardly7.A.workB.sayC.eatD.talk8.A.continuedB.abandonedC.interruptedD.accomplished9.A.defeatedB.hurtC.frightenedD.destroyed10.A.sharpB.broadC.nobleD.advanced11.A.beatB.occurredC.happenedD.hit12.A.wavedB.feltC.touchedD.held13.A.appealingB.speakingC.indicatingD.advising14.A.ordersB.instructionsC.suggestionsD.movements15.A.quicklyB.partlyC.eventuallyD.slowly16.A.overcomesB.acquiresC.fightsD.removes17.A.awardB.fortuneC.statusD.goal18.A.combined withB.separated fromC.compared toD.concerned about19.A.primaryB.distantC.lifelongD.good20.A.determinationB.knowledgeC.confidenceD.strength
Diamonds may be forever. But what’s a girl to do when she gets dumped (失恋) or divorced (离婚) and those rings, necklace and love gifts lose their emotional (情感) sense?Help is just a click away on new Web sites that provide an outlet for selling jewelry(珠宝) from past relationships, sharing break-up stories and helping broken hearts heal (愈合).“You go through a divorce. What do you do with that ring? Maybe you have a child you can pass it on to. Maybe you don’t. It just sits there, ” said Megahn Perry, who with her stepmother (继母) Marie Perry runs .Three months after its start with the slogan(口号) “You Don’t Want It. He Can’t Have It Back,” the web site has 3,000 registered users and more than 600 postings of rings, bracelets and earrings for sale—all with a personal tale attached.As one woman posting a diamond ring for $3,500 wrote:“Beautiful ring came with a wrong man. Decided to sell to regain the money that I spent finishing payments on the ring that my ex didn’t.”The idea was born when Megahn Perry, a Los Angeles actress and writer, was looking for a safe place to sell a wedding set after a divorce and realized others might have former boyfriends’ jewelry with memories(记忆) that make them too painful to wear.The local pawn shop(当铺) proved an unattractive choice. So she teamed up with her stepmother Marie, researched the market and found a gap in it.1.The passage is mainly about a web site is set sad the love stories areC.How much a website can makeD.How many people like the web site2.How long is it since the start of this website?A.Less than three months.B.At least three months.C.Less than one month.D.Not known.3.How many people have registered on this website within three months?A.About 600.B.About 3,000.C.About 3,500.D.Not know.4.Who set up this website?A.Megahn herself alone.B.Megahn and her best friend.C.Megahn and her stepmother.D.Megahn and her exboyfriend.5.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “gap” in the last sentence?A.Gulf between two people.B.Misunderstandings among each other.C.Differences from a pawn shop.D.A market worth developing.


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