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Synovial sarcoma a clinico pathological study of 27 cases in 20 years
Lodha S.K.; Sareen P.M.; Kalra V.B.; Utreja S.R., 1983: Synovial sarcoma a clinico pathological study of 27 cases in 20 years. Indian Journal of Cancer 20(1): 23-26
A clinoco-pathological study of 27 cases of synovial sarcomas diagosed at Sardar Patel Medical College and Associated Group of Hospitals, Bikaner, India, over a period of 20 yr, is presented. Synovial sarcomas affect primarily the younger age group subjects. The lower extremity was the most commonly affected (80%). The tumor showed a male predominance. Histologically, they are biphasic in character. Due to a spectrum of histological patterns they have to be differentiated from a variety of other neoplasms. Early radical surgery appears to be the treatment of choice.
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Other referencesProject MUSE - Marx & Engels Collected Works Vol 22
Index of Quoted and Mentioned Literature
741 INDEX OF QUOTED AND MENTIONED LITERATURE WORKS BY KARL MARX AND FREDERICK ENGELS Marx, Karl The Civil War in Trance (this volume, pp. 307-59). London, 1871.—364, 366, 367, 370, 372-73, 375-77, 386, 398, 400, 562, 563, 567, 592, 593, 595, 610 [Concerning the Conflict in the Lyons Section] (present edition, Vol. 21), manuscript.—556 [Concerning the Persecution of the Members of the French Sections] Declaration of the General Council of the International Working Men's Association (present edition, Vol. 21). [London, 1870.]—427, 557 Confidential Communication to All Sections (present edition, Vol. 21), manuscript.— 558 [Draft Resolution of the General Council on the French Federal Section in London] (present edition, Vol. 21). In: The Penny Bee-Hive, No. 418, May 14, 1870.—557 [Draft Resolution of the General Council on the Policy of the British Government Towards the Irish Prisoners] (present edition, Vol. 21). In: Reynolds's Newspaper, No. 1006, November 21, 1869.—555 The General Council of the International Workingmen's Association on the War. To the Members of the International Workingmen's Association in Europe and the United States (this volume, pp. 3-8). London, 1870.—259, 263, 361, 558, 575 The General Council of the International Working Men's Association to the Central Bureau of the International Alliance of Socialist Democracy (present edition, Vol. 21) — Le Conseil Général au Comité Central de l'Alliance Internationale de la Démocratie socialiste, manuscript.—411 [General Council Resolution on the Federal Committee of Romance Switzerland] The General Council to the Romance Tederal Committee (present edition, Vol. 21) — Le Conseil Général au Comité fédéral romand. In: Le Mirabeau, No. 53, 24 juillet 1870.—558 The General Council to the Federal Council of Romance Switzerland (present edition, Vol. 21) — Le Conseil Général au Conseil fédéral de la Suisse romande, manuscript.— 411, 420, 421, 430, 555, 556, 558 26* 742 Index of Quoted and Mentioned Literature General Rules and Administrative Regulations of the International Working Men's Association (present edition, Vol. 23). London, 1871.— 413 Herr Vogt (present edition, Vol. 17). London, I860.—298, 299 Inaugural Address of the Working Men's International Association (present edition, Vol. 20) — Address and Provisional Rules of the Working Men's International Association, established September 28, 1864, at a Public Meeting held at St. Martin's Hall, Long Acre. London, [1864].—3, 364, 426 The International Working Men's Association and the International Alliance of Socialist Democracy (present edition, Vol. 21) — Le Conseil Général à l'Alliance Internationale de la Démocratie socialiste. Londres, 1868.—358, 362, 411 The Lock-out of the Building Trades at Geneva. The General Council of the International Working Men's Association to the Working Men and Women of Europe and the United States (present edition, Vol. 21). London, 1870.—558 Mr. Washburne, the American Ambassador in Paris (this volume, pp. 379-82). London, 1871.—563 [Programme for the Mainz Congress of the International] (present edition, Vol. 21), manuscript.— 558 Provisional Rules of the Association (present edition, Vol. 20) — Address and Provisional Rules of the Working Men's International Association, established September 28, 1864, at a Public Meeting held at St. Martin's Hall, Long Acre. London, [1864].—357, 361, 425, 427 [Resolution of the General Council on The Bee-Hive] (present edition, Vol. 21), manuscript.—557 Resolution of the London Conference Relating to the Conflict in Romance Switzerland (this volume, pp. 419-22) — Différend entre les fédérations dans la Suisse romande [Résolution de la Conférence de Londres]. In: L'?galité, No. 20, 21 octobre 1871.—430 Rules and Administrative Regulations of the International Working Men's Association (present edition, Vol. 20).—259, 412, 413, 425, 426, 428, 566, 600, 616 Second Address of the General Council of the International Working Men's Association on the Franco-Prussian War (this volume, pp. 263-70). London, 1870.—311, 362, 515, 559-61, 571, 574, 575, 577 [Statement by the General Council to the Editor of The Times and other papers] (this volume, pp. 286-87). In: The Times, No. 27018, March 23, 1871; The Eastern Post, No. 130, March 25, 1871.—289, 562 [To the Editor of The Daily News] (this volume, pp. 370-71). In: The Eastern Post, No. 144, July 1, 1871.—374, 376 To the Editor of the 'Gaulois' (this volume, p. 395) — Au Rédacteur du 'Gaulois'. In: Le Gaulois, No. 1145, 27 ao?t 1871.— 396 [To...
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