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摘要: 3月11日,《美国新闻与世界报道》(US News
World Report)发布了2015年美国最佳生命科学研究院(Best Graduate Schools)排名。其中,哈佛大学、麻省理工学院与斯坦福大学并列第一,加州大学伯克利分校第四、加州 ...
& 3月11日,《美国新闻与世界报道》(US News & World Report)发布了2015年美国最佳生命科学研究院(Best
Schools)排名。其中,哈佛大学、麻省理工学院与斯坦福大学并列第一,加州大学伯克利分校第四、加州理工学院与约翰霍普金斯大学并列第五。此外,本榜单还根据 生物化学/生物物理/结构生物学、细胞生物学、生态学/进化生物学、遗传学/基因组学/生物信息学、免疫学/传染疾病、微生物学、分子生物学、神经科学/神经生物学 8 个细分生物学专业进行了排名。详细榜单如下:排名校名评分1哈佛大学 4.9 1麻省理工学院 4.9 1斯坦福大学 4.9 4加州大学伯克利分校 4.8 5加州理工学院 4.7 5约翰霍普金斯大学 4.7 7加州大学旧金山分校4.6 7耶鲁大学 4.6 9普林斯顿大学 4.5 9斯克里普斯研究所 4.5 11康奈尔大学 4.4 11杜克大学 4.4 11华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校 4.4 14哥伦比亚大学 4.3 14洛克菲勒大学 4.3 14加州大学圣地亚哥分校 4.3 14芝加哥大学 4.3 18威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 4.2 19加州大学戴维斯分校 4.1 19加州大学洛杉矶分校 4.1 19密西根大学4.1 19宾夕法尼亚大学 4.1 19得克萨斯大学西南医学中心 4.1 19华盛顿大学 4.1 25贝勒医学院 4.0 26威尔康乃尔医学院 3.9 26西北大学 3.9 26北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 3.9 26范德比尔特大学 3.9 30埃默里大学 3.8 30科罗拉多大学博尔德分校 3.8 30伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校 3.8 30德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 3.8 34布朗大学 3.7 34印第安纳大学伯明顿分校 3.7 34加州大学尔湾分校 3.7 34明尼苏达大学双城分校 3.7 38凯斯西储大学 3.6 38达特茅斯学院 3.6 38梅奥医学院 3.6 38亚利桑那大学 3.6 42卡内基·梅隆大学 3.5 42西奈山伊坎医学院 3.5 42俄亥俄州立大学 3.5 42宾夕法尼亚州立大学 3.5 42莱斯大学 3.5 42阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 3.5 42佐治亚大学 3.5 42匹兹堡大学 3.5 50密歇根州立大学 3.4 50加州大学圣巴巴拉分校 3.4 50马萨诸塞大学伍斯特分校 3.4 50弗吉尼亚大学 3.4 50耶什华大学爱因斯坦医学院 3.4 55亚利桑那州立大学 3.3 55布兰代斯大学 3.3 55佐治亚理工学院 3.3 55普渡大学西拉法叶分校 3.3 55纽约州立大学石溪分校 3.3 55加州大学圣克鲁斯分校 3.3 55佛罗里达大学 3.3 55爱荷华大学 3.3 55马里兰大学学院公园分校 3.3 55马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校 3.3 55俄勒冈大学 3.3 55南加州大学 3.3 55犹他大学 3.3 68纽约大学 3.2 68俄勒冈健康与科学大学 3.2 68罗格斯新泽西州立大学新不伦瑞克分校 3.2 68塔夫茨大学 3.2 68加州大学河滨分校 3.2 68堪萨斯大学 3.2 68罗切斯特大学 3.2 75科罗拉多州立大学 3.1 75爱荷华州立大学 3.1 75北卡罗莱纳州立大学 3.1 75俄勒冈州立大学 3.1 75德州农工大学 3.1 75科罗拉多丹佛大学 3.1 75康涅狄格大学 3.1 75伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 3.1 75德克萨斯大学休斯顿健康科学中心 3.1 84贝勒大学 3.0 84波士顿大学 3.0 84克莱蒙特研究大学 3.0 84乔治城大学 3.0 84迈阿密大学 3.0 84密苏里大学 3.0 84内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 3.0 84圣母大学 3.0 84德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥健康科学中心 3.0 93佛罗里达州立大学 2.9 93乔治华盛顿大学 2.9 93堪萨斯州立大学 2.9 93蒙大拿州立大学 2.9 93伦斯勒理工学院 2.9 93罗格斯大学生物医学和健康科学部 2.9 93辛辛那提大学 2.9 93马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校 2.9 生物化学/生物物理学/结构生物学排名校名1哈佛大学 1斯坦福大学 3加州理工学院 3耶鲁大学 5麻省理工学院 5加州大学伯克利分校 7约翰霍普金斯大学 7加州大学旧金山分校 细胞生物学排名校名1耶鲁大学 2斯坦福大学 3哈佛大学 3约翰霍普金斯大学 5加州大学旧金山分校 6洛克菲勒大学 生态学/进化生物学排名校名1加州大学伯克利分校 2康奈尔大学 3加州大学戴维斯分校 4斯坦福大学 4芝加哥大学 6哈佛大学 7德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 遗传学/基因组学/生物信息学排名校名1哈佛大学 1斯坦福大学 3加州大学伯克利分校 3华盛顿大学 5华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校 6麻省理工学院 免疫学/传染疾病排名校名1约翰霍普金斯大学 2加州大学旧金山分校 3哈佛大学 4斯坦福大学 4耶鲁大学 6宾夕法尼亚大学 微生物学排名校名1哈佛大学 2斯坦福大学 3加州大学伯克利分校 4威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 分子生物学排名校名1哈佛大学 1加州大学伯克利分校 3约翰霍普金斯大学 4麻省理工学院 4斯坦福大学 6耶鲁大学 7加州理工学院 7加州大学旧金山分校 9普林斯顿大学 神经科学/神经生物学排名校名1斯坦福大学 2加州大学圣地亚哥分校 3加州理工学院 3约翰霍普金斯大学 5哈佛大学 5麻省理工学院 5加州大学旧金山分校 8哥伦比亚大学
Powered by加州理工大学和加州大学伯克利分校哪个好
当然是伯克利分校好! 两个学校没有可比性!
楼上说两所学校没有可比性的,你一定不了解加州理工是所什么样的牛校才会这么说。。。 首先从综合排名上来说,2011年全美综排 加州理工大学(CIT)排名全美第5 加州伯克利(UCB)排名全美第22 其次从专业排名上来说,机械工程专业的排名为 1ssachusettsInstituteofTechnology麻省理工学院 2StanfordUniversity斯坦福大学 3UniversityofCaliforniaBerkeley加州大学伯克利分校 4CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology加州理工学院 5UniversityofMichiganAnnArbor密西根大学-安娜堡分校 航空航天专业的排名为 1CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology加州理工学院MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology麻省理工学院 3StanfordUniversity斯坦福大学 4GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology佐治亚理工学院 5UniversityofMichiganAnnArbor密西根大学-安娜堡分校 加州伯克利排名在哪里,似乎前十都没进去哦 电子专业的排名为 1美国麻省理工学院\\MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology 2美国斯坦福大学\\StanfordUniversity 2加州大学伯克利分校\\UniversityofCaliforniaCBerkeley 4伊利诺伊大学厄本那―香槟分校\\UniversityofIllinoisCUrbana-Champaign 5加州理工学院\\CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology 以上排名很说明问题了,加州理工学院(就是加州理工大学)绝对不比加州伯克利差哦!从某种程度上来讲,是好过加州伯克利的,回答完毕
机械工程专业的排名为1 ssachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院 2 Stanford University斯坦福大学 3 University of California Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校 4 California Institute of Technology加州理工学院 5 University of Michigan Ann Arbor密西根大学-安娜堡分校 航空航天专业的排名为1
California Institute of Technology加州理工学院
Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院 3
Stanford University斯坦福大学 4
Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工学院 5
University of Michigan Ann Arbor密西根大学-安娜堡分校 加州伯克利排名在哪里;University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 5 加州理工学院&#92。;California Institute of Technology
以上排名很说明问题了!从某种程度上来讲,你一定不了解加州理工大学是所什么样的牛校才会这么说楼上说两所学校没有可比性的。首先从综合排名上来说,似乎前十都没进去哦电子专业的排名为1 美国麻省理工学院\Stanford University
2 加州大学伯克利分校&#92,加州理工学院(就是加州理工大学)绝对不比加州伯克利差哦;Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2 美国斯坦福大学\University of California–Berkeley
4 伊利诺伊大学厄本那—香槟分校&#92,2011年全美综排加州理工大学(CIT)排名全美第5加州伯克利(UCB)排名全美第22其次从专业排名上来说。,是好过加州伯克利的
GPA:3.88/4.30 Rank: 10/152
:580/800/4.0 Toefl:109/Speaking 22
研究经历: RoboGame2007剧场组进决赛,队长
2008 UCLA暑期研究交流项目
2009 数学建模美国赛MCM 一等奖Meritorious
申请方向:Micro/Nano-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS/NEMS)
推荐人: RoboGame的指导老师;
UCLA的visiting Professor chair
Fellowship: MIT(嫁了),Stanford,UCLA
Admission: U Washington,U Michigan
Rejection: Berkeley,北卡州立
Withdrawal: GIT,UIUC,UC Davis,U Pennsylvania,
自始至终我都觉得,相对于拿到的offer 而言,我的硬件真的没那么好。仔细想来,我的申请优势可能更在于:
关于 Research
对Research interests的理解
兴趣这个词其实很难定义,因为它包含了太多的主观因素在里面,加之大家用的越来越水,就更加看上去不可捉摸了。大一的时候听了太多科学家的故事,觉得一个人得对某件事痴迷到废寝忘食抛头颅洒热血才叫有兴趣,然后很伤心的发现自己没兴趣。大二的时候降低了标准,觉得至少应该时时刻刻都喜欢才叫有兴趣吧,结果继续很伤心的发现对什么都没有那么稳定的感情。大三进一步放低要求,但是再低怎么也得不讨厌吧,可是说实话不管做什么,总有那么些个时刻让你觉得真的很受挫。于是,我就彷徨了。你说咱怎么也算一个积极乐观健康向上的青年,在这么一个大家高唱兴趣万岁的时代,咱咋就没有个兴趣呢?就在我一边彷徨一边自责的时候,我参加了08 暑假的那个交流项目,那可是一大批来自各大高校的积极乐观健康向上的青年啊,但是我居然惊喜的发现,啊,原来不只我一个人没有兴趣啊!之后慢慢地我对这个词儿就有平常心了。
其实对绝大多数头脑正常心智健全的人来说,对啥也不可能那么执迷吧,大家对谈恋爱都多感兴趣了,但是真让你一天14个小时一周7天坚持50年在TA身边,你也得抱怨吧。其实平平常常的喜欢也是兴趣啊。一件事情,如果它能在有些时候让你很开心很满足,在其它大部分时间你能平静地继续它并且发自内心地认为这是你的责任,在小部分时候它虽然让你郁闷,但是你相信这郁闷是暂时的并且一旦过去了就会带来更大的快乐,那这就足以称之为兴趣了啊。而且,兴趣其实是可以通过努力逐渐增强的。一般大家都喜欢自己做的好的事儿,不喜欢自己做不好的事儿。其实这就是positive feedback的作用(personally觉得人在这方面跟巴甫洛夫的狗也没啥太大区别)。一件事有没有 positive feedback 要看这件事做的好不好,而这件事做的好不好又要看各人的能力和用心程度了。所以,与其费尽心思去找那个令你&见之忘忧的&兴趣,倒不如用心挖掘一下自己的长处,看看自己更适合做什么,然后就踏下心来好好的投入一把,等你的努力得到了认可,有了positive feedback,自然也就会更感兴趣了。
所以,如果你还没有找到自己的research interests的话,放~轻~松~~,找几个不讨厌的(貌似每个人都有几个一看就讨厌的方向,呵呵),先付出一点时间去了解了解,说不定就喜欢了呢。
为了下面的叙述方便,我们设集合A={你的兴趣},first and foremost,你得保证你的A不是空集,如果它现在还没有元素,那就赶紧去找吧。
对Research Area的评估
不得不承认,研究方向对申请结果是有很大影响的。对于一些已经开始衰落的领域,吸引不到 funding,自然不招人;而有些领域虽然研究很火,但咱们国家或是咱们学校在这方面不够出名,人家也不爱招。所以 a)能够找到一个目前生命力旺盛的方向,并且 b)和一个在此方向很牛的机构(是咱们学校当然好,此外还可以是中科院研究所啊、知名的大公司研发机构比如微软亚洲研究院之类的)挂上钩,对申请是非常有帮助的。作为一个小本科,找到一个这样的方向其实是很不容易的,毕竟我们知道的还很少,也不太能接触到最新的研究。要做好足够的心理准备,留出时间好好去找,有个方法师弟师妹们可以参考一下:
1. 先到牛校的网站上看看它们 &不太老的&professor们在做什么方向的研究,如果是EECS的话就definitely要看MIT, Stanford和Berkeley。首先,通常越牛的学校做的东西越新;
其次,别找太老的教授,他们一般都功成名就了,而让他们当上 Professor 的是他们 n十年前的研究。做完这一步,你就基本对a)有了一定的了解,又得到了一个集合B={你的目标}
2. 多和身边的老师们、师兄师姐们聊聊,多了解自己所在系、院的强项;和自己搭边儿的所里什么做的比较前沿;有哪些推荐、交流的机会。。。总之,尽量了解你拥有或有可能拥有的资源,即扩大集合C={你的资源}
3. 取A、B和C的交集。一开始你可能会发现它是个空集,呵呵,那说明你的集合们还不够大,还需要多花点心思,或者扩展一下思路。如果仍然不行,那或许你还需要多努力一些,增强自己的实力,争取得到本来得不到的资源,或者再多付出一点,发现新的兴趣。
麻省理工EECS招生的一位老师写了篇文章叫The Importance of Research,原文见http://eecsblogs.mit.edu/blog/jvoldman//the-importance-of-research/
1. 本科研究极其重要
2. 因为它展示了你解决tough, open-ended problems (也就是Research)的能力,而这种能力正是Professor们想要的
3. 对一个项目的深入研究要远胜于对多个项目的走马观花。
4. BE Independent!
&The best way to get into a graduate program is to:
1) find a way to separate yourself from your competitors
2) find a way to convince the program you want to join that you will HELP THEM ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS.
And for research, you have to be able to do&..research! Which involves thinking and acting independently, which, as you probably know, it very rare. Hard work is not enough. In fact, thinking and acting independently is far more valuable than mere hard work(especially the thinking part).&
其实说白了很简单, &真正的&research 对申请才是最有帮助的。作为一个 Engineering student,你得做出东西来才有说服力啊。在大学期间,我觉得最接近真实研究的时候就是做机器人的时候,那时候要解决各种各样很现实的问题,不管那些问题有多琐碎、多没技术含量、多看上去不像research,但它其实就是research,因为它对于当时的我们就是 &tough,open-ended problems& 。在 UCLA 的时候,我把我们队的视频给大叔看过,而他后来也证实了我的这种想法。
&What convinced me you were one of the people we want was not only the work you did for me, since you were not acting as a researcher, but as an assistant, but some of the other things you did, such as the robot project.&
&I was also very impressed by your desire to learn new things, and your initiative in changing your situation here in the lab until you were doing something that would help you in your career,rather than just do some project that was given you but that didn&t expand your brain.&
此外还有一点很重要,就是尽可能的让自己的努力被别人所认可。不要放过向别人介绍 53 / 61你的研究的机会,不论是Group meeting, presentation还是平时聊天,并且尽量让人家听 懂。要知道,人们不会appreciate他们不了解的东西。你的工作,能被老板认可很好,能发 paper很好,能有实物能工作也很好。总之,申请的时候,被认可的才是有效的。说到这里,既然对申请有帮助的 research只需要是&真实的&并且&被认可的& ,好像研究方向就不重要了似的。这是关于研究方向的比较容易出现误会的地方。在写你以后想从事什么方向的研究时,选择正确的research areas是极其重要的。就好像联通想招架信号塔的,你进门说你以后想卖手机,那肯定没戏。但是在写你以前做过什么的时候,研究方向就不那么重要了,只要研究经历能说明你的潜力就行,这也是本科申请的一个特点。你可以跟联通说:我来应聘架信号塔,我以前卖过手机,因为吃苦耐劳善于思考卖得很好,希望你们相信我会以同样的热情来对待新的工作,把信号塔架得又高又牢。。。
Statement of Purpose 和推荐信
通常情况下,申请的学校越牛,Statement of Purpose和Recommendation Letters的地位就越高。当所有申请者的GPA和GT都相差无几的时候,这几乎是你stand out的唯一机会。然而在申请的时候我们往往下意识地把它们看作一种负担,而不是一个机会。这也挺容易理解的,毕竟我们已经花了那么多的心思在学习、英语和研究这些实实在在的事儿上,干嘛还要费劲去做这种花里胡哨的东西呢?问题是committee并不是我们的朋友或老师,看不到我们努力的过程,从他们的角度来看,录取其实是从一个个&离散数据集(即申请材料)&中反推出申请者 research ability,technical aptitude&的过程。设想一下,如果你是committee中的一员,要从1000份其实看不出啥太大区别的applications中找出the so-called &best 10&,还是挺艰巨一活儿的,而且最讽刺的是,结果将不可避免地带有相当大的随机性。所以, the easier you make the job for them,the better。
回想我的申请,SP和RL的统一是我受益最大的地方。除了成绩和 GT,你在大学期间为申请付出的其它努力基本只能通过 SP 和RL来体现,而最佳的方式,就是在SP里陈述你做了什么,然后找一位了解过程的老师在 RL中认可你的工作。就像MIT一个负责招生的老师所说:
&So find a lab you like. Stick around. When the opportunity arises, innovate, solve problems, think up better ways to get from here to there. Then communicate that you did so in your application, and your advisor will do the same. That&s what we&re looking for. And that&s what you should be looking for.&
如果能做到这一点,你的申请就具有了完整性,因为不论你在SP里写了什么,都会立刻有和你密切接触过的Professor在推荐信里为你back up。这样的话,相比那些SP和推荐信看上去没啥关系的申请,你的材料就更有说服力。
写 SP 的一点经验
Before You Write
要提前开始为 SP 做准备,不用提前太多,也就一两年吧,呵呵。既然打算申请,心里就得惦着点儿,大二大三就得开始参加参加比赛,进实验室做做项目,找个机会交流交流什么的。认真做事情才能有体验有收获,有体验有收获了才好写 SP,做的太多规定字数内写不完固然是一种愁,但是再愁愁不过没东西可写啊。真到了大四上申请的时候,最好留出一个月左右的时间,一周用来学习写法和构思,一周写,两周改(别指望发给人家了人家就能立刻给你回)。瀚海 AE 的精华区有很多关于 SP写法的文章可以借鉴,Berkeley 和 UIUC 等学校的网站上也有范文。一开始可能无从下手,多看看别人的文章就有思路了,注意在看的时候摘抄自己觉得可能用得到的段子。
写之前建议大家先列一个提纲,确定自己 SP 的主题(稍后继续讨论),每段写些什么,想要表达什么,怎样与主题呼应,可以参考哪篇文章的写法。这样能够帮助你在写的时候整理思路,使文章更有整体性。以我的提纲为例(红字是贯穿全文的主题):
THEME: A future generalist //我的主题是generalist/cross-disciplinary
1 Summarizing good qualities, unique experiences, & the objective //考虑Kan给UCLA的开头
2 Academic curiosity in the first semester with diligent work, ranked 1st in the class, chose EEIS for the broad academic background. Exploring the courses on my own initiative, derived a new algorithm to draw the tree-structure //主要讲对课业的认真态度
3 RoboGame Experience
Determination: the ability to analyze the situation comprehensively andl   independently&ne the courage and strength to stick to my decision&established the team after many difficulties.
Fast learner&design the mechanical structure from zero, creativity&ourl   unique design,resourcefulness&solving practical problems, versatility&technical and artistic
Leadership&the ability to manage complex project, take advantage of anyl   possible resource, motivate others
Diligence and extraordinary time-managing skill&stayed up several nightsl   to perfect the performance, stage available only at night, following GRE test and course work, the only one to lead a team and take GRE at the same time, the remark on the homework
Learnt about various fields during this comprehensive project,l   strengthened my faith to become a generalist among engineers// 第一个比赛/研究经历
4 About CSST
Fierce competition&the only participant in SIST
Activities selected to maximize our exposure to the interdisciplinary fields&lectures given by distinguished professors on a wide range of topics
Group activities guided by professors, familiarized us with various specifications under the scope of EE/CS //UCLA的交流经历
5 MEMS Ventricular Catheter&for which I got full mark on the opening presentation, my mentor was surprised by my efficiency //我的第一个project
6 MEMS Magnetic Sensor&for which I was selected to give an presentation on CSST final showcase, holding the PCboard in my hand before I left //第二个project
7 Summarizing the above two, deeply attracted by the true cross-disciplinary environment in Judylab and interdisciplinary nature of MEMS //申请方向
8 Restate the objective, the determination to pursue Ph.D with Jack, understandings about MEMS& future career goal&becoming a generalist whether in Industry or academia //申请
导师和future career goal
1. 第一稿先不要限制字数,把你能想到的都写下来,然后根据具体情况进行删减,因为一旦写完,你很难想到还缺什么。
2. 如果没有很特别的创意,第一段建议还是开门见山,说说你的特点,想申的方向,点明主题。想想如果你是committee,看多了言不由衷的抒情也会烦吧。
3. 关于研究的部分,不要写的太宽泛,要写明白&你&到底做了些什么,如何make difference。如果是team work,就写你做了什么,组里共同实现了什么。建议再多强调一下你做的和别人做的有什么不同,不然人家没理由appreciate的。
4. 如果你曾经当过某个项目的leader,那么写team work的时候就千万要注意写法,弄不好不仅没写出team spirit,还给人留下很不好的印象。像&my team&(为什么不用our team呢?),&under my leadership&,&I put together a team of four students&(说I established a team of four不是更好么?),其实更多的时候,我们只想要个nice teammate,而不是powerful leader,Professor招学生的时候大概也是一样。
当内容确定了以后,想尽一切办法找几位学术界的native speaker帮你修改,这一步也许会有化腐朽为神奇的力量。实在找不到了,可以去Essayedge花钱请人改,虽然贵了点,但是据一位去Yale的mm说还是挺专业的,不单是语言更地道,而且文章的整体水平都会有所提升。话说当年我也想找essayedge来着,后来去LA交流的时候认识了非常好的美国大叔,就不用了。
Statement of Purpose
Encouraged by the Cross-disciplinary /*偶的主题词*/ Scholars in Science and Technology(CSST) Program that I participated in at UCLA this year /*第一句指出了我的交流经历,显摆一下*/, I have decided to pursue my PhD studies in Micro/Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems, and related interdisciplinary fields. /*指出申请方向*/ With my broad academic background,extensive experience in interdisciplinary projects, and my goal to become an engineer and scientist with wide-ranging expertise /*指明了我的特点和目标,都和主题呼应*/,I am applying for the Ph.D. program in Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Currently I attend the School of Information Science and Technology (SIST) which is a part of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Their educational philosophy allows first year students the freedom to explore all the various areas and branches of today&s technologies. I took full advantage of this policy, and so feel that my goal to pursue electrical engineering in MEMS and NEMS is both well researched and considered. During this period I finished with a rank of 7th out of 508 students in SIST, something I am very proud of. /*说明了信院第一年统一培养对扩展知识面的帮助,第一年成绩比较好,所以写了写rank。其实我不是第一年就决定做MEMS的,我大三下了才知道MEMS是啥东西,是LA的师兄改的。。。*/
Having chosen a path, in my second year I joined the Electronic Engineering and Information Science (EEIS) Department which has the most comprehensive curriculum in the SIST, as well as a long history and outstanding reputation for excellence./*夸夸俺们六系好~*/ The undergraduate curriculum of EEIS covers a wide range of research areas, including Electromagnetic Theory,Microwave Technology, Computer Science and Information & Communication Engineering. /*说说六系课程的综合性*/ Although there was fierce competition for many of my chosen classes, I was able to attend a wide variety of major courses and got A in most of them, as you can see from my transcript./*温和地介绍了一下我们班大家成绩都很好这个不那么温和的现实*/ As an example of my creative and pro-active approach to study, in my Data Structure class I was not satisfied with the way data-trees were graphically represented (using simple indentation), so I designed my own algorithm to draw the data structure as a tree with leaves and branches.
Ultimately, my code was adopted by many of my classmates and even our teaching assistant. /*举个例子说明一下对课业积极主动的态度*/
In addition to the comprehensive education, I also benefit from the traditional emphasis of our university on mathematics and physics. After two years of systematic study of physics and corresponding experiments, I have become well acquainted with different theory systems with a clear understanding of their merits and limits of validity. In the meanwhile, my appreciation of mathematics has been deepened, not only by three-year study of pure mathematics, but to a greater extent, by learning of its origination and application in engineering. These trainings have been helpful throughout my undergraduate experience, and I believe they will continue to be so in graduate study and research. /*这段是专门为MIT加的,强调了一下科大对数理基础的重视,基础好,学什么都会比较快*/
I value the knowledge I gained in class, but what I value more is the ability to apply it to solving practical problems./*往下就开始讲Research了*/ So, in the second semester of my sophomore year, I volunteered to lead a team in the RoboGame Contest, which spanned 5 months./*这辈子最投入的一段时间,一写就激动*/ Our university has been winning gold medals in world robot games, likes RoboCup, for many years. This tradition makes RoboGame Contest the most important and featured event in USTC./*宣一宣RoboGame,省得老美不知道*/ As the group leader, I raised ¥3000 through a proposal to the university in which I described our goal to build 3 robots to enact the musical Beauty and the Beast. Initially, I was in charge of the mechanical design in addition to my duties as project leader./*偶是做机械滴~*/ Guided by the requirements of the plot, we came up with a design that enabled the human-shaped robots to bend forward or backward to near 90&, and to rotate freely while following prearranged routes. None of these elements were seen in previous games./*我们的机械设计有啥不一样*/ However, realizing our design was the real challenge. Because of the many difficulties encountered during the project, it was not uncommon to work until midnight, only to return early the next morning armed with my box of tools and some new ideas to try./*煽情一下,讲讲俺们那时候辛苦*/ To expedite progress, I also assumed the task of programming the non-chassis movements of all the 3 robots using 52-series-SCM./*后来又开始编程*/ We adopted software timing to synchronize the performance so that Beast could lead Bell in dancing, and she could hold him when he fell./*写得挺玄,其实就是单片机数时钟*/ Also, I was able to exhibit my artistic talents by adapting the musical,composing the background music, choreographing the dance, and co-designing the costume./*还干了点别的*/ The performance at the final showcase brought me great satisfaction and a feeling of pride I still feel and cherish. The success not only strengthened my conviction to become an engineer with broad expertise ranging over many disciplines,/*承上*/ but it also helped me win the chance to participate in an even more competitive program the following year./*启下*/
After two rounds of strict selection at SIST and USTC, as well as interviews given by two professors from UCLA, I was chosen as the sole representative of the SIST to participate in the Cross-disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology (CSST) program at UCLA. Apart from attending activities aimed at maximizing our exposure to interdisciplinary research, I spent most of the summer working in the MEMS laboratory of Professor Jack W. Judy. /*介绍了一下CSST,当年选上还是挺不容易的*/
My first project was working on a MEMS ventricular catheter for hydrocephalus. The ultimate goal was to considerably improve the performance and reliability of current commercial catheters by incorporating micro-actuators onto them. These micro-actuators could be driven by external AC magnetic field to clean the pore holes when they were blocked by protein adhesion and cell proliferation./*介绍项目的,感觉写的有点多*/ I was in charge of modeling the magnetic field generated by driving coils. This gave me the opportunity to demonstrate my mathematical ability as well as my logic and programming skill. I derived the expressions of the vector field at any given point in space. Moreover, after I simulated the field in MATLAB, I realized this model could be applied to the micro-actuator and proceeded to find the coil equivalent of the MEMS device. I then used the model to estimate the field created by the deflection of the actuator to help find a practical method to test the deflection./*我干了点啥~*/ My work pleased Professor Judy, especially the initiative I took to do more than he had asked for: making the model better and more useful./*说说它为啥please了我老板,我在组里做完presentation的时候老板就是这么说的,他后来还说会写到RL里,这种一唱一和就是我在(三)中说到的完整性*/ My presentation about this project at CSST earned me a full mark from our group supervisors./*就是这个presentation让我意外赢得了最重要的一封RL,当时的感动至今难忘*/
At the start of my time working in Professor Judy&s lab it was thought that my only project would be the model I discussed in the previous paragraph. However, I finished that rapidly, and so requested that I be allowed to participate in another project, one which allowed me to learn new skills in my chosen field./*写没事找事做的精神,我知道这个也会在RL中出现的*/ My request was granted, and I joined the team creating a novel MEMS magnetic sensor. Through this project,I gained some knowledge about the various fabrication processes in the UCLA micro-fabrication facility. Meanwhile, I was in charge of designing the electronic circuitry used to test the sensor. I designed a PC Board to complete the MEMS sensor so that we could test its performance. I also created a testing platform using LabView. /*做了个板子,搭了个采集器*/*看了我的research大家估计也能明白我为啥选generalist了,就是啥都做过一点,啥都做得不深,sigh。。。*/
At the end of CSST program I was honored by being selected to give a presentation at the California NanoSystems Institute on behalf of the EE/CS group which was made up of 20 excellent students from 6 top universities of China./*也是个honor吧,说明我在UCLA的表现*/ My keen interest in engineering, and the dream to benefit society with my potential findings, point towards my pursuit of graduate study and research in engineering. With my broad academic background, my solid foundation in physics and mathematics, my creativity and diligence, I am confident that I will do well in graduate study and research in MEMS, NEMS, and related interdisciplinary fields, which will, of necessity, bring together elements and knowledge gained in many areas and disciplines. I believe, some future engineers will have to become more &generalists&than &specialists& and I hope to become a leader in that movement. /*重申我的目标,总结我的特点,阐述我对MEMS的理解*/ Therefore, I choose the Electrical Engineering Department at Massachusetts Institute of Technology both for its outstanding renown in these fields as well as its free and collaborative academic atmosphere. /*我要去你家,你家项目好*/
After obtaining the Ph.D. degree, I will continue to do research in these areas, to realize my dream to become an engineer and scientist who can bridge disciplinary boundaries with ease. Meanwhile, I will devote myself to industrializing the production of MEMS/NEMS technologies,improving the life of human being with my efforts and expertise./*我将继续Research,并致力于MEMS成果的产业化*/
路美丽 金东方留学资深顾问
谢华 金东方留学咨询总监 清华大学建筑学学士 美国宾州州
常梦妮 北京大学 工商学院 计算机系电子商务专业本科 金
宾大TESOL硕士 美国高端项目组顾问
天大建筑学士 英国AA建筑学硕士,建筑学专家
何煦 新浪金牌顾问团队成员 资深留学顾问
桑广慧 新浪金牌顾问团队成员 资深申请顾问
张帝 新浪金牌顾问团队成员 资深申请顾问
厉新颖 新浪金牌顾问团队成员 资深申请顾问
宋凯 加州大学伯克利分校
容建 马里兰大学
张珊珊 加州大学洛杉矶分校
林青 佛罗里达大学
于天 康奈尔大学 运筹与管理学硕士
赵珊珊(Alicia Zhao)康奈尔大学环境及环境保护
咨询专线:010- /
/ 传真:010-
&& 教外综资认字【号 | 京公境准字【号 | 京ICP备号


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