一篇 超人特工队 迅雷下载英语观后感,60-80词,要原创,谢谢。

《奔腾年代》的英文影评(单词数306):Seabiscuit is a story of how negatives can be turned into positives to give a bright outlook for the future showing that the sky is the limit in becoming successful for anyone achieving a dream.The setting of Seabiscuit takes place during the 1930's Depression era narrated by McCullough who speaks of the changing times from bicycles advancing to the successes of the automobile.The story evolves around the lives of three men existing from different backgrounds who suffer set-backs on their road towards success as a result of the Depression and how their deflated dreams have become successful realities.The director's usage of wide angle and close-up shots throughout the film while filming Maguire riding Seabiscuit during the horse race sequences were very alluring to give one the excitable feeling of being apart of the race.These shots also captured the expressive feelings of facial and body movements showing the energy of defeat and success.This also allowed the viewer to experience the energy of the highs and lows associated with the drive to win.Cinematographer John Schwartzman captured the essence of colors by dominating the scenes with reds,purples,and hues of browns to give a low contrast emphasizing depression,power,control,and wealth.The light variations in contrast were used to symbolize security,truth,and the joys of achievements after the win of a race - by horse or by humanity.Seabiscuit was an excellent film that I would recommend for individuals and families to view.The wholesome feeling of compassion for your fellowman and the will to strive in spite of all odds makes one appreciate what life has to offer no matter how big or small.Director Ross executes a fantastic job at capturing actual and realistic events that occurred during the 1930's Depression without losing the focus of the film.
As a result, they go to a holiday in Paris. But in the coming danger, but forget the little boy at home, the little boy was always getting into trouble! The little boy with a lot of smart and witty way, there is a lit with deep feeling, which determined that no one at home. Us mother hugged tightly, s favorite target. The main character is a little boy. His parents, Christmas is the day to come back《小鬼当家》的观后感(网络)Today, I saw large areas of the United States &quot. Since then. Christmas is fast approaching. I would like to tell you that the smart money is not unusual in some small inexpensive, to finally seize the thief, and the boy&#39. THome Alone&quot, after a long period of the study, the boy became everybody&#39
动画喜剧 海底总动员
Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks). Smothered by pop's paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad's dread is justified when a passing diver whisks him away.
Taken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean. Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and sets out to save his son...
The splendour of natural history hit The Blue Planet is matched by the wit of the script and stars. Barry Humphries has a terrific cameo as a ...
出门在外也不愁七年级水平的英语作文 60词 写看英文电影的观后感 !!!!_百度知道
七年级水平的英语作文 60词 写看英文电影的观后感 !!!!
以前我喜欢看卡通,but recently I saw an action movie called Transformers!我喜欢这部电影里的每一个角色I loved watch cartoons before. The leading man was brave and he saved the world with his wisdom. The robots didn't disappointed me too.I love each of those characters.They were cool as much as they could be。变形金刚们也特别的酷. From this movie。 希望采纳,I learned a lot,不过最近我看了一部名叫《变形金刚》的动作片。它告诉了我们正义总会打败邪恶。男主角很勇敢,他用智慧拯救了世界。从这部电影中我学到了很多,谢谢.It tells us the righteous will definitely beat the evil
Today, I saw large areas of the United States &Home Alone& with deep feeling. The main character is a little boy. Christmas is fast approaching, the little boy was always getting into trouble. As a result, they go to a holiday in Paris, but forget the little boy at home. There are two thieves, after a long period of the study, which determined that no one at home. Unexpectedly, there is a little devil at home it! The little boy with a lot of smart and witty way, to finally seize the thief. His parents, Christmas is the day to come back, and the boy's mother hugged tightly. Since then, the boy became everybody's favorite ta...
蜘蛛侠Plot summary: Peter Parker is a high school student. By accident, he is bitted by a genetically-altered spider and after that, he found that he gains the strange power of spider. Therefore, he uses his power to fight crime. However, Norman Osborn with the new source of energy has become an enemy of Spider-man, Green Goblin. Spider-man needs to fight with Green Goblin, but he confuses as Norman Osborn is the father of his best friend. On the other hand, Peter Parker struggles to fall in love with Mary Jane. My opinions: I like this film because its fight scenes are great and the animation in Spider-man is impressive, especially the part of Spider-man flying in the sky, it looks realistic. The music in Spider-man made me feel excited. However, the part about the love between Peter Parker and Mary Jane is quite boring. Besides, I like the story of the film, it is outstanding and teaches me “With great power comes great responsibility.” We have our own responsibilities in our life and now, my responsibility is to work hard.
剧情简介: 彼得帕克是一个高中生。偶然的,他是bitted由一个转基因蜘蛛和在此之后,他发现,他赢得了奇怪的力量蜘蛛。因此,他却利用他的权力,打击犯罪。然而,诺曼奥斯本的新能源已成为一个敌人,蜘蛛侠,绿哥布林。蜘蛛侠需要绿色哥布林斗争,但他混淆作为诺曼奥斯本的父亲是他最好的朋友。另一方面,彼得帕克斗争爱上玛丽简。 我的意见: 我喜欢这部电影,因为它的打斗场面是巨大的和动画蜘蛛侠令人印象深刻,特别是部分蜘蛛侠飞行在天空中,它看起来现实。中的音乐蜘蛛人让我感到兴奋。然而,部分之间的爱情彼得帕克和玛丽简是很无聊。此外,我喜欢这个故事的电影,这是杰出的,并教我“在大国意味着巨大的责任。 ”我们有我们自己的责任在我们的生活和现在,我的责任是努力工作。
Travelling Park Of Terror The story was about a girl who was named Norma in 1981 ,she lived in a kingdom ruled by evil man. So Norma used a gun from deamon,and shot all villages to die,but t...
“五壮士屹立在狼牙山顶峰,眺望着人民群众和部队......”读完了这篇课文,我的神思仿佛驰往那个感人肺腑的现实中。 有一次,六班为了掩护大部队和老乡转移,和鬼子接上火。他们边打边往后退,在班长马宝玉的指挥下,给敌人沉重的打击。后来,为了牵制敌人,他们上了棋盘陀,这是狼牙山主峰,是条有来无去的绝路。有我们的英雄把守,敌人冲不出棋盘陀,就动用了飞机。几架敌机在主峰上空盘旋着、嘶叫着,投下许多...
扫描下载二维码淄川区实验小学2011级9班→文章频道→查看文章→《超人总动员》观后感&欢迎您,游客!&&┊┊┊┊┊┊┊&当前位置:→→→《超人总动员》观后感[&推荐:★★★☆☆┋作者:秦锦歌┋来源:未知┋发布:秦锦歌┋发布:日┋阅读:94次&]《超人总动员》观后感超能先生巴鲍伯有着强大的超能力,后来他和弹力女超人巴荷莉结婚,生了三个孩子。每个人都有着神奇的力量,巴鲍伯力大无穷、巴荷莉弹力十足、巴小倩有防护罩、可以隐身、巴小飞的速度快得让人看不见,而小杰克,他有着巨大的超能潜力。超能先生经常嫌弃超能小子,因为他经常帮倒忙,并且没有超能力,只是爱搞发明。他长大以后,决心要到一名新的超级英雄。15年过去了,鲍勃已经像普通人一样生活,当上了保险公司的理赔员。当他知道有发明家要展开攻击超人特工队、毁灭人类的计划,鲍勃终于按捺不住了。他要重出江湖,挽救人类护卫地球。但中年的超人已经大腹便便,他和敌人的斗争充满了悬念。鲍勃的妻子也跟丈夫一起投入到这场艰巨的战争中。最终,毫无疑问,酷冰侠和超能先生、还有他的孩子们获得了胜利。弹力女超人是家庭主妇,从喂小儿子杰克吃饭可以看出, 她卸下了超人的角色,变身成为尽职尽责的母亲。更可贵的是弹力女超人在照顾自己幸福的家庭的同时还要承担拯救世界的责任。这部电影锻炼我们的想象力,在电影中,许多高科技大楼会呈现在我们的眼前。
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