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CU AMIGA Issue 081 1996 Nov
The feature this month, about connecting your Amiga to the Psion Series 3 and Siena could prove fortuitous with Christmas approaching. We're big fans of these little computers here in CU Amigaland and if you don’t already have one then check them out now. Of course the big bonus is connecting them to your Amiga. Write documents on the move and then download them to Final Writer or whatever your fave word processor is. Our cover story this month is the long awaited Chaos Engine 2. We thought it might be ready for review but in the end, although it was nearly there, there were a few minor alterations to be made so instead we were given unprecendented exclusive access to the game to test each level and get a feel for the gameplay. And it looks impressive. See the feature on page 34. This is my final month at the helm of CU Amiga Magazine. I am moving off to another project so by the time you read the next issue there will be a replacement face grinning away at you from the top left hand corner of this box. Who will it be? Can’t say, but rest assured whoever it is will maintain the high standards CU Amiga Magazine sets as the most innovative and exciting Amiga magazine in the business. It has been an exciting two and a half years in the editor's seat and the Amiga has seen many changes during it. Like everything it needs the boost of new technology to survive long term, and hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later. CU Amiga Magazine will keep you informed of events as they happen. Goodbye and thanks for everything. Alan Dykes, Editor Feature 20 Psion palmtops & the Amiga The Psion palmtop computer could bring portable computing to the Amiga at last. Like the Amiga, the Psion also has a superb multitasking operating system and makes an excellent portable buddy to the Amiga. We look into the Psion's capabilities and the superb shareware software package for connecting the Psion palmtops to your Amiga.
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