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2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwi【宝山】 Are you a graduate trying to plan out the best career path for yourself? Here, some tips are given on how to go about it. A university degree is no __51___ of a job, and job hunting in itself requires a whole set of skills. if you find you are not getting past the first interview, ask yourself what is happening. Is it a(n) __52__ to communicate or are there some skills you lack? And find out what you need t do to bring yourself up to the level of __53__ that would make you more attractive t them. Do not be too discouraged if you are __54__ for a job, but think about the reasons the employers give. Those who made the second interview might have been studying the same subject as you and be of __55__ ability level, but they had something which made them a __56___ match to the selector‘s ideal. That could be experience gained through projects or vacation work, or it might be that they were better at communicating what they could offer. Do not take the comments at __57__ value: think back to the interviews that generated them and make a list of where you think the shortfall in your performance lies. With this sort of analytical approach you will eventually get your foot in the door. Deciding how long you should stay in your first job is a tough call. Stay too long and future employers may question your ___58__ and ambition. Of course, it depends on where you are aiming. If you are a graduate, spending five or six years in the same job is not too long provided that you take full advantage of the __59__. However, do not use this as a(n) __60__ for lacking interest or enthusiasm. Graduates sometimes fail to take ownership of their careers and take the initiative. It is up to you to make the most of what‘s available within a company, and to monitor progress in case you need to__61__. This applies particularly if you are still not sure where your career path lies. It is helpful to think through what kind of experience you need to get your __62__ job and it is not a problem to move around to a certain extent. But in the __63__ stages of your career you need a definite strategy for reaching your goal, so think about that carefully before deciding to step forward from your first job. You must cultivate __64__ to be competent for any role. There is no guarantee that you will get adequate training, and research has shown that if you do not receive proper help in a new role, it can take 18 months to __65__ it. 51. A. input 52. A. failure 53. A. highlight 54. A. asked 55. A. different 56. A. closer 57. A. depth 58. A. character 59. A. knowledge 60. A. substitute 61. A. pass by 62. A. part-time 63. A. critical 64. A. patience 65. A. know B. cause B. key B. comment B. refused B. high B. better B. face B. personality B. experience B. equivalent B. switch on B. dream B. last B. love B. prohibit C. guarantee C. introduction C. fluency C. headed C. similar C. stronger C. data C. behavior C. skill C. excuse C. move on C. secure C. middle C. habits C. master D. preparation D. contribution D. qualification D. helped D. low D. poorer D. test D. drive D. loyalty D. requirement D. stick to D. well-paid D. early D. friendship D. select【崇明】 It‘s a high-risky, multibillion-dollar industry with tight deadlines, demanding customers and lives in danger.1 2015 年二模 完型填空 KiwiThe business is __51__. And it‘s booming. The number of jobs for translators and interpreters doubled in the past 10 years while their wages steadily __52__ before, during and after the recession. During a period of stagnating (停滞 的) wages across the labor market, the language-service industry with its 50,000 jobs is a __53__ spot in the jobs outlook. Lillian Clementi is a French translator working in corporate communications from her home in Arlington, Massachusetts and is routinely on tight deadlines to hand in translated material. DThe risks can be huge,‖ said Clementi, DThere‘s tons of __54__ pressure.‖ In some cases, a(n) __55__ translation or interpretation is also vital. If a user‘s guide for medical equipment is not translated well, it could lead to __56__ during an emergency. Soldiers in conflict areas require excellent interpreters to speak with community members. Any change of tone or context could put lives __57__. Translators‘ and interpreters‘ immunity (免疫力) to the nation‘s economic downturn also __58__ the growing demand for people who can speak several languages in an increasingly globalized economy, experts said. DGood translators who __59__ a particular subject and become really good at it can really make six-digit figures annually,‖ said Jiri Stejskal, spokesman for the American Translators Association. Multinational corporations, U.S. demographic (人口的) changes and the Internet economy raise the need for translated and localized information. Companies increasingly want their content __60__ to the tongue of the town, even between dialects of the same language. DAs more people __61__ the worldwide economy, that‘s going to drive more commerce, and that‘s going to drive more language services,‖ said Bill Rivers, executive director of the National Council for Language and International Studies in the Washington region. __62__, qualifications for translators and interpreters are not as simple as they may seem. Speaking two languages does not mean a person can work in the language-service industry, experts said. Learning how to translate or interpret is a __63__ skill beyond knowing the language. Furthermore, the most successful translators and interpreters maintain a __64__, such as legal documents, quarterly earnings reports or a special knowledge of industry. Technological advances may cut jobs in some industries, but online translation services like Google Translate __65__ raise demand for human translators and interpreters, experts said. Online sales companies also drive demand for translation. 51. A. tourism B. language C. technology D. economy 52. A. shrank B. changed C. grew D. remained 53. A. bright B. scenic C. historic D. tough 54. A. money B. peer C. blood D. time 55. A. proper B. quick C. direct D. innovative 56. A. disease B. depression C. violence D. confusion 57. A. in order B. at risk C. under control D. out of state 58. A. highlights B. understands C. increases D. resists 59. A. set up B. depend on C. specialize in D. object to 60. A. limited B. accustomed C. related D. tailored 61. A. agree with B. have access to C. are confident of D. insist on 62. A. Instead B. Therefore C. However D. Otherwise 63. A. separate B. genetic C. learnable D. worthwhile 64. A. certificate B. diploma C. strategy D. specialty 65. A. automatically B. respectively C. actually D. immediately 【奉贤】2 2015 年二模 完型填空 KiwiMost American magazines and newspapers reserve 60 percent of their pages for ads. The New York Times Sunday edition __51_____ may contain 350 pages of advertisements. Some radio stations devote 40 minutes of every hour to __52_____. Then there is television. The vast majority of television ads today consist of brief advertising spots, __53_____ in length from a few seconds to several minutes. According to one estimate, American youngsters sit through three hours of television commercials each week. By the time they graduate from high school, they will have been ___54____ 360,000 TV ads. Television advertises in airports, hospital waiting rooms, and schools. Major sporting events are now major advertising events. Racing cars serve as high speed ___55____. Some athletes receive most of their money from advertisements. One top-ranking basketball player earned $3.9 million by playing ball. Advertisers paid him nine times that much to ___56____ their products. There is no escape. Commercial ads are __57_____ on walls, buses, and trucks. They ___58____ the inside of taxis and subways --even the doors of public toilets. __59_____ messages call to us in supermarkets, stores, elevators --and __60____ we are on hold on the telephone. In some countries so much advertising comes through the mail that many recipients proceed directly from the mailbox to the nearest wastebasket to ___61____ the junk mail. ___62____ Insiders’ Report, published by McCann-Erickson, a global advertising agency, the estimated amount of money spent on advertising worldwide in 1990 was $275.5 billion. Since then, the figures have soared to $411.6 billion for 1997 and $434.4 billion for 1998. Big money. What is the __63____ of all of this? One analyst put it this way: DAdvertising is one of the most powerful socializing forces in the culture. Ads sell __64____ than products. They sell images, values, goals, __65_____ of who we are and who we should be. They shape our attitudes and our attitudes shape our behavior.‖ 51. A. lonely 52. A. commerce 53. A. ranging 54. A. taken to 55. A. flashes 56. A. improve 57. A. symbolized 58. A. modify 59. A. Audio 60. A. since 61. A. throw away 62. A. Except for 63. A. effect 64. A. less 65. A. outlooks B. alone B. consumers B. varying B. spent in B. billboards B. promote B. illustrated B. decorate B. Studio B. while B. lay down B. Apart from B. affect B. same B. opinions C. singly C. commercials C. changing C. expected of C. attractions C. urge C. demonstrated C. polish C. Oral C. unless C. blow out C. According to C. result C. similar C. concepts D. individually D. contracts D. adjusting D. exposed to D. messages D. update D. displayed D. fix D. Video D. if D. break down D. Including in D. purpose D. more D. implications【虹口】 Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. In any planning system, from the simplest budgeting to the most complex corporate planning, there is an annual process. This is partly due to the fact that firms __51__ their accounting on a yearly basis, but also because similar __52__ often occur in the market. Usually, the larger the firm, the longer the planning takes. But __53__, planning for next year may start nine months or more in advance, with various stages of evaluation leading to__ 54__ of3 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwithe complete plan three months before the start of the year. Planning continues, however, throughout the year, since managers __55__ progress against targets, while looking forward to the next year. What is happening now will __56__the objectives and plans for the future. In today's business climate, as markets constantly change and become more difficult to __57__, some analysts believe that long-term planning is __58__. In some markets they may be right, as long as companies can build the sort of flexibility into their operations which allows them to __59__to any sudden changes. Most firms, however, need to plan more than one year ahead in order to __60__.their long-term goals. This may reflect the time it takes to commission and build a new production plant, or, in marketing __61__, it may be a question of how long it takes to research and launch a range of new products, and reach a certain __62__ in the market. If, for example, it is going to take five years for a particular airline to become the __63__ choice amongst business travelers on certain routes, the airline must plan for the various __64__ involved. Every one-year plan, therefore, must be __65__ in relation to longer-term plans, and it should contain die stages that are necessary to achieve the final goals. 51. A make up B carry out C bring about D put down 52. A patterns B guides C designs D distributions 53. A surprisingly B contrarily C equally D typically 54. A approval B permission C admiration D objection 55. A value B confirm C review D survey 56. A restore B promote C influence D maintain 57. A guess B advocate C recognize D predict 58. A pointless B meaningful C realistic D inevitable 59. A lead B respond C refer D contribute 60. A share B handle C develop D benefit 61. A expressions B descriptions C words D terms 62. A reputation B position C situation D direction 63. A reserved B selected C preferred D supposed 64. A acts B steps C means D points 65. A handed over B left behind C made out D drawn up 【黄埔】 Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. The United States does not have a government office that regulates the film industry. Government, __51__, does link with the movie business in several ways. In the United States, films generally come from two __52__ : large studios that produce many films and television programs each year and independent filmmakers, including both students and experienced filmmakers. Sometimes―through grants from universities or arts or humanities councils―independent filmmakers do receive __53__ indirectly from funding that originated with the local, state, or federal government, but more often funding comes from private investors or through charity organizations __54__ either promotion of arts or promotion of a cause being addressed by a film. While there is no __55__ of film, there are many government offices that interact with the film industry. At the state and local levels, government film offices promote local film locations because use of their locale brings employment and other __56__ advantages to promote local tourist sites. These offices also help filmmakers work with the police and others to __57__ filming that impacts traffic, uses public buildings, or otherwise needs special consideration.4 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwi__58__, government organizations, especially the branches of the military, have offices that help coordinate(协调) filmmakers‘ use of facilities, equipment, and even personnel. It would be __59__, for example, for a filmmaker to construct a make-believe aircraft carrier or to hire a cast of extras to be in the __60__ of a movie who look like real soldiers, sailors, airmen, or marines (whose haircuts, fitness levels, and posture are often different from that of civilian (群众) actors). The military is willing to make their facilities __61__, within reason, for approved projects, and each branch has an office that handles these requests. Other branches of the government __62__ requests to use public spaces and buildings, such as monuments or parks. Many years ago, the U.S. government did produce quite a few feature films and worked closely with Hollywood on films that would encourage public morale during wartime. However, since World War II, these programs have been __63__ due to a combination of budgetary and philosophical concerns. The United States Information Agency, __64__, for many years produced films for exhibition to overseas audiences to complement its other educational programs. One such film, John F. Kennedy: Years of Lightning, Day of Drums, a posthumous contribution to the president, even won the 1965 Academy Award for best documentary. This __65__, now a part of the U.S. Department of State, no longer produces such feature films. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. A. therefore A. factors A. criticism A. regarded as A. ministry A. educational A. cooperate with A. Hopefully A. flexible A. industry A. academic A. address A. promoted A. for example A. agent B. moreover B. sources B. invitation B. compared to B. feature B. economic B. focus on B. Similarly B. impatient B. background B. artificial B. introduce B. initiated B. by contrast B. program C. however C. studios C. support C. made of C. promotion C. enormous C. arrange for C. Surprisingly C. neutral C. civilization C. available C. receive C. eliminated C. in reality C. director D. otherwise D. methods D. guidance D. concerned with D. need D. effective D. make up D. Obviously D. difficult D. entrance D. apparent D. propose D. highlighted D. as a whole D. organization【闵行】 Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Just as the stock market rises and falls in response to what people are willing to put their money behind, we have inside ourselves an inner economy that rises and falls in response to our beliefs about what is possible. Sometimes the degree to which we are willing to __51__ our belief systems determines the success of our inner economy. For example, imagine that your family of origin had a belief that musical talent was not something they __52__. As a member of that group, you would likely __53__ that same belief about yourself. As a result, even if you had a great desire to create music, you might be __54__ to really get behind yourself. Because you might fear that your __55__ would not pay off. Even if you had the courage to follow your passion, your inner belief that you are not __56__ would probably stop your trying. And that would be a major __57__ to invest your energy in your dream. On the other hand, belief isn‘t anything __58__. If you found a way to __59__ that negative belief, a great flood of energy would pour forth, greatly increasing the possibility of your success. How much energy we are willing to invest in the various ideas and dreams is like the money5 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwipeople are, or are not, willing to invest in the various products available for trade on the stock market. And in both cases, __60__ plays a key role in determining how willing we are to get behind something. One way to open up the possibility for greater success in our inner economies is to understand that belief is not the reliable __61__ we sometimes think. There are other more reliable things of success that we can put our __62__ in, such as passion, feeling, and sense. Some of the most successful investors in the stock market are the ones that go against the grain, trusting their sense over the __63__ opinion held by ordinary people about what will work. In the same way, we can learn to trust our heart‘s desires and our sense to guide us, __64__ any beliefs that stand in the way of our ability to fully invest in ourselves. As we take out energy from limiting ideas about what is possible, we __65__ the resources that have the power to make our inner economy prosper. 51. A. simplify B. challenge C. eliminate D. maintain 52. A. possessed B. trusted C. objected D. missed 53. A. reject B. preserve C. deny D. share 54. A. willing B. sorry C. reluctant D. ready 55 A. success B. knowledge C. profession D. investment 56. A. devoted B. talented C. concerned D. interested 57. A. obstacle B. excuse C. chance D. principle 58. A. important B. fixed C. changeable D. stimulating 59. A. enhance B. reserve C. release D. follow 60. A. energy B. hobby C. expense D. belief 61. A. guide B. ability C. goal D. policy 62. A. aim B. faith C. task D. dream 63. A. unacceptable B. strange C. unbelievable D. common 64. A. questioning B. understanding C. interpreting D. believing 65. A. stick to B. lead to C. free up D. leave out 【浦东】 Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. (大学英语六级模拟) Sometime when you take a common drug, you may have a side effect. That is, the drug may cause some effect other than its __51__ one. When these side effects occur, they are called adverse reactions. __52__ you have an adverse reaction, you should stop taking the drug right away. Ask your pharmacist(药剂师) whether he can suggest a drug that will __53__ the symptoms(症状) but that will not cause the adverse reaction. If an adverse reaction to a drug is serious, consult your doctor for advice at once. Drugs that are __54__ in the dosage(剂量) stated on the label may be very dangerous in large doses. As for aspirin, it is __55__ thought of as dangerous, but there are many reports of accidental poisoning of young children who swallow too many for their young bodies to handle. In adults, __56__ use of some pain-killing drugs may cause severe kidney(肾) damage. Some drugs for relief of stomach upsets, when taken in excess, can cause an upset in the body's secretion of enzymes(酶的分泌), perhaps causing serious digestive problems. You should never use any over-the-counter drug on a regular, continued __57__, or in large quantities, except on your doctor's advice. You could be suffering from a serious illness that needs a doctor's care. Each drug you take not only acts on the body but may also __58__ the effect of any other drug you are taking. Sometimes the consequences of this change can lead to dangerous or even fatal reactions. __59__, aspirin increases the blood-thinning effect of drugs given to patients with heart disease. __60__, a patient who has been taking such a drug may __61__ hemorrhage(出血) if he uses aspirin whenever he gets a headache. When it comes to __62__ certain drugs can safely6 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwibe taken together, you should ask your doctor and follow his advice. Alcohol may increase the effect of a drug. With alcohol, Sleeping pills and antihistamines are two types of drugs that combine with alcohol to produce drowsiness(半醒半睡). When taking any drug, you should ask your doctor whether drinking alcohol could be dangerous in __63__ with medicine. Experts believe there is a relationship between adult abuse of legitimate(合法) medicines and the drug culture that has swept our country. You can do your share to __64__ the chances that your children will become part of the drug culture by treating all medicines with __65__. 51. A. imagined B. intended C. created D. extended 52. A. Wherever B. Whatever C. Whenever D. However 53. A. reduce B. recover C. relieve D. remove 54. A. safe B. reliable C. adequate D. available 55. A. merely B. generally C. particularly D. hardly 56. A. adequate B. excessive C. direct D. full 57. A. basis B. ground C. level D. control 58. A. have B. create C. alter D. take 59. A. In addition B. In conclusion C. By contrast D. For example 60. A. However B. Moreover C. Therefore D. Namely 61. A. avoid B. discover C. slow D. risk 62. A. how B. whether C. what D. when 63. A. combination B. harmony C. association D. comparison 64. A. increase B. improve C. reduce D. take 65. A. respect B. doubt C. patience D. permission 【普陀】 Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. GM (转基因) crops are debatable. On one hand, some farmers and scientists feel that GM crops can make the world a __51__ place. If bioengineers can create crops that are resistant to insects, __52__, then they won‘t have to worry about insects destroying plants. In the __53__ of insect damage, crops can grow to feed the poor and hungry. Genetic engineering can create plants with other desirable properties as well. Plants that don‘t require much water, that can live even in times of drought, can help prevent the widespread __54__ that would occur if people have nothing to eat. It‘s easy to see why many people believe that GM crops will help the world meet the difficult __55__ that it will face as more and more people need to be fed. But not everyone thinks bioengineering is a good idea. Other people are __56__. They mistrust the claims made and don‘t believe that biotechnology is without __57__. The possible dangers include harming the ecosystem―the inter-related community of plants and animals and bacteria that __58__ the Earth. They __59__ that changing plants can harm our environment, and damage to our surroundings can hurt us. One danger is that GM crops can transfer their characteristics to other plants. Plants that reproduce by spreading their pollen (花粉) in the wind can possibly fertilize wild plants, making them more __60__ to control. Another problem is that GM plants might be a source of allergens (过敏源). This seems __61__, but in the process of making GM foods, genes are transferred that are known to cause problems for some people. Allergic reactions can __62__ from coughing and sneezing to death. Indeed, people hold very different opinions about __63__. While some people look forward to crops that will not rot during the trip to market, others claim that we will ruin our cropland and destroy what we are trying to save. While some people look forward to crops that can __64__ droughts, others claim that contact with GM plants can pollute other crops, making them __65__ for7 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwiuse. For some people, GM crops are th for others, they are a poison that will harm or destroy our farmland. 51. A. worse B. better C. less healthy D. more peaceful 52. A. in no way B. by all means C. for example D. by contrast 53. A. absence B. appearance C. case D. effect 54. A. war B. poverty C. starvation D. robbery 55. A. challenge B. specification C. standard D. principle 56. A. knowledgeable B. supportive C. ignorant D. suspicious 57. A. control B. risks C. criteria D. doubts 58. A. turn up B. make up C. give up D. take up 59. A. ensure B. worry C. deny D. demand 60. A. temperate B. difficult C. efficient D. enjoyable 61. A. inevitable B. inaccessible C. unavoidable D. unlikely 62. A. suffer B. arise C. start D. range 63. A. bioengineering B. allergens C. drought D. future 64. A. cause B. reduce C. stand D. change 65. A. efficient B. expensive C. unfit D. possible 【徐汇】 【松江】 【金山】 Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. An examination is a very important part of life, which is used to test a person‘s ability. But as you know many of us has __(51)___ and are afraid of it. Though they know that exams are there for their benefit, they still have a lot of fear for it. It is very often we find such people. You will find such people a little anxious and a little stressed about their exams. Many a time such nerves can be __(52)___ and useful to you, for others it‘s nerve wrecking. To overcome these nerves we got some tips for you. Don‘t get too excited about the exams and for that don‘t drink too much of the coffee or tea to cope up with the exam __(53)___. Eat a healthy and proper diet and don‘t worry about the exams while eating. Stress can be harmful to you __(54)___ sometimes. It can cause a lot of problems in your body, which can be increased heartbeat and breath, sweating palms, nervous attitude, stressed about exams, etc... Before moving to the examination hall you prepare thoroughly about the exams. For that firstly make a list of what is to be studied and then make an overlook for that. Now divide each subject into some easy sub-classes. Go through some __(55)___ question papers and study your earlier mistakes made in it. Make a perfect schedule for your study. Overlook the __(56)___ used for answering the questions I mean their pattern and style of writing. Solve few more question papers to achieve a proper time __(57)___. Take some quick breaks in your study time so that you can __(58)___ an interest in your study. Now while taking the exams just relax, control your breath and believe in yourself. Don‘t panic and be optimistic. Try to reduce your stress and be happy. Don‘t __(59)___ at least an hour before the exams, just get yourself calmed down. Keep your focus on the paper and tell yourself that you are __(60)___ prepared. For exams reach before the time and try to __(61)___ in the surroundings. Don‘t listen to any of the exam rumours before exams. If you still can‘t control your exam stress then go for some meditation or hypnosis(冥想或催眠). Yes, hypnosis, a real good and __(62)___ way to control your nerves and reduce your stress. It can be seen that a person‘s whole life changes completely only from few of the __(63)___ instructions. In hypnosis a person directly deals you‘re your subconscious mind instead of your conscious mind. The fact is your subconscious mind is a lot more __(64)___ and following than your conscious mind, so instructing correctly to your subconscious mind results terrific in8 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwireducing your nerves. Hypnosis reduces your fear of failure and __(65)___ a sense of confidence in you. It decreases your negativity and forces you to think positively about your exams. You also multiples your potential. You simply need to get your hands on the hypnosis for examination MP3. This is easily downloadable and you‘ll be well on your path to combating and overcoming the condition. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. A. interest A. motivating A. participation A. mentally A. previous A. preparations A. administration A. entertain A. revise A. normally A. mix A. instructive A. appropriate A. impatient A. enjoys B. panic B. suffering B. motivation B. physically B. patient B. lessons B. management B. contain B. rush B. informally B. resolve B. significant B. splendid B. obedient B. shakes C. faith C. shocking C. expansion C. continuously C. personal C. schedules C. limitation C. maintain C. instruct C. comparatively C. adjust C. effective C. original C. ordinary C. generates D. concept D. spreading D. tension D. exhaustingly D. current D. techniques D. scale D. complain D. discuss D. completely D. focus D. romantic D. negative D. desirable D. generalizes【杨浦】 Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. How many New Year‘s resolutions have been made, only to dissolve before the end of the month or even the week? As we all know, making a decision is easy, but being consistent is not. This is __51__ true when a sense of achievement is not enough __52__ to reach a goal. Dean Karlan, an economics professor at Yale University, knows all too well that people don‘t always follow through with what they say they want to do. __53__, provided with the right incentives (奖 励、激励), people are more likely to __54__ their goals, such as losing weight or exercising __55__. Mr Karlan believes, __56__ on his own experience and years of research, that commitment contracts help people __57__ commitment they would not otherwise keep. Karlan brainstormed about his idea with a fellow professor and a student at Yale. Together, they soon __58__ , a website where people __59__ commitment contracts. The second K in stickK is the shorthand symbol for contract used in legal documents. In a contract, a person usually agrees to place a bet on a certain goal. If the goal is not reached by a __60__, the amount of money that is bet is __61__ to a charity, a friend, or even a(n) __62__. Losing money is a very __63__ threat as well as a strong incentive. That is why people that are eager to get rid of those unwanted pounds __64__ give out their credit card information when they place their bets on stick. Office workers, college students, and even athletes have had __65__ taking advantage of this service. If you still need stimuli to lose weight this year, rush to stick, place a bet, and start exercising right away. 51. A. gradually B. obviously C. especially D. desperately 52. A. demonstration B. motivation C. preparation D. instruction 53. A. Moreover B. Otherwise C. However D. Anyway 54. A. attempt B. keep C. abandon D. achieve 55. A. regularly B. automatically C. willingly D. formally9 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwi56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65.A. focused B. based A. adapt to B. worry about A. set B. entered A. sign B. dissolve A. degree B. deadline A. donated B. voted A. relative B. team A. dangerous B. economic A. urgently B. readily A. terrible experience C. negative influenceC. relied D. taken C. hold on D. stick to C. founded D. activated C. renew D. break C. requirement D. force C. sponsored D. exchanged C. opponent D. owner C. vivid D. realistic C. responsibly D. randomly B. good relationship D. great success【闸北】 Recently, Pew Research Center announced that over a quarter of Americans have shared a selfie online. Unsurprisingly, the practice of photographing oneself and sharing that image via social media has ___51___ among all age groups. Evidence of its mainstream nature is seen in other aspects of our culture too. Last year, &selfie& was not only added to the Oxford English Dictionary, but also named Word of the Year. Yet, despite the huge number of people practicing it, ___52___ is also surrounding selfie. An assumption that sharing selfies is embarrassing runs throughout the journalistic and scholarly coverage on the topic. Negative words like &self-centered& and &___53___& have inevitably become a part of any conversation about selfies among scholars. But, over a quarter of all Americans are relying on it. Why? The usual reasons given by scholars―self-center and fame-seeking―seem too ___54___ to explain such a crowd acting. There is always more to a social cultural practice than what ___55___. Simply put, physical and digital technology make it possible. The idea that technology ___56___ the social world and our lives has been recognized by people. To some extent, world is shaped by technological revolutions. The selfie is not a(n) ___57___ form of expression. Artists have created self-portraits for centuries, from cave to oil paintings, to early photography and modern art. People are ___58___ their feelings and thoughts through certain media. What's original about today's selfie is its public popularity. Technological advancement ___59___ the self-portrait used to be restricted to the art world and gave it to the masses. Those digital front-facing cameras, social media platforms, and wireless communications conveniently available make selfie a job ___60___ any time anywhere. Besides, We are not ___61___ beings living by ourselves. We are social beings who live in social communities, and as such, our lives are fundamentally formed by social relations with other people. As photos meant to be ___62___, selfies are they are social gestures. Selfies, as well as our presence on social media generally, are a part of Didentity work&--the work that we do on a daily basis to ___63___ that we are seen by others as we wish to be seen. In fact, the crafting and display of identity has long been understood as a social process. The selfies we take and show are to present a ___64___ image of us so as to become a part of our identity formation and ___65___. 51. A. flowered B. returned C. imposed D. functioned 52. A. negotiation B. criticism C. regret D. punishment 53. A. self-contained B. self-evident C. self-absorbed D. self-financed 54. A. necessary B. smart C. certain D. shallow 55. A. meets the eye B. takes the lead C. raises the alarm D. makes the point 56. A. operates B. produces C. structures D. ruins 57. A. advanced B. new C. intelligent D. available10 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwi58. A. offering 59. A. liberated 60. A. at length 61. A. isolated 62. A. saved 63. A. claim 64. A. fashionable 65. A. summaryB. revising B. tagged B. with ease B. courageous B. shared B. suppose B. skillful B. evaluationC. inspiring C. honoured C. at large C. traditional C. updated C. ensure C. mysterious C. monitoringD. conveying D. maintained D. with regards D. civilized D. deleted D. signal D. particular D. exhibition2015 上海高考英语二模各区二模答案 【崇明】 第 I 卷 I. Listening Comprehension (共 30 分。 第 1 至 10 小题, 每题 1 分; 第 11 至 16 小题, 每题 2 分; 第 17 至 24 小题,每题 1 分。 ) 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. A 11. D 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B 16. B 17. 298 18. Extra 19. breakfast 20. tax 21. (visit/attend) the opening 22. waitin g for 23. her subject‘s personality/ a person‘s character 24. (The) well-known/famous people 听力 17―24 题评分标准: 1. 17-20 题,每小题 1 分,每一个拼写错误扣 1 分。 2. 21-24 题,每小题 1 分,每一个拼写错误或冠词错误扣 0.5 分。 II. Grammar and Vocabulary(共 26 分。每小题 1 分。 ) 25. as 26. has been flying/has flown 27. the 28. inspired 29. that 30. that 31. saying 32. wh ether 33. more relaxed 34. where 35. being forced 36. to have restarted 37. was called/ had been c alled 38. By the time 39. had to 40. It 41. G 42. K 43. E 44. A 45. F 46. I 47. B 48. J 49. C 50.H III. Reading Comprehension(共 47 分。第 51 至 65 小题,每题 1 分;第 66 至 77 小题,每题 2 分;第 78 至 81 小题,每题 2 分。 ) 51. B 52. C 53. A 54. D 55. A 56. D 57. B 58. A 59. C 60. D 61. B 62. C 63. A 64. D 65. C 66. A 67. B 68. D 69. A 70. C 71. A 72. D 73. B 74. D 75. B 76. B 77. C 78. replacing studying subject with discussing topics / teaching by topic instead of by subject 79. To prepare people for working life. / To adapt people to modern society. 80. It teaches cross-subject topics and focuses on team work. / It focuses on vocational skill develo pment and team work. / It focuses on vocational skill development and cross-subject topics. 81. emphasizes mere fact-based learning that promotes memory expansion 第 78 至 81 小题评分标准: 1、内容正确,语法基本正确,得 2 分。 2、内容基本正确,语法正确或虽有错误,但不影响理解,得 1 分。 3、即使语法正确,但是内容错误,得 0 分。 4、答案超过规定字数过多,得 0 分。 I. Translation(共 22 分)11 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwi1. We learn English not to take exams but to develop a tool for communication. (1+1+2) 2. We should kindly treat those who love and care for us with a grateful heart. (1+2+1) 3. As long as you know how to reflect on your mistakes, you can learn lessons from them. (1+1+2) 4. Despite his poor family, the boy is ambitious and dreams of getting the Nobel Prize one/some d ay. (1+1+2+1) 5. Out rushed the boy who had just been criticized, crying and not knowing at all that in fact it ma de his parents sadder. (1+1+2+1) 翻译评分标准: 1、第 1―3 题,每题 4 分。第 4―5 题,每题 5 分。 2、在每题中,单词拼写、标点符号、大小写错误累计每两处扣 1 分。 3、语法错误每处扣 1 分。每句同类语法错误不重复扣分。 4、译文没有用所给单词,扣 1 分。 【奉贤】 I. Listening: Section A 1-5 BBAAC Section B 11-13 CAA6-10AABDD14-16BADSection C 17. assistant 18. surgery 21. change her/the position 23. pleasant climate19. schooling 20. two 22. further advancement/promotion 24. in salarySection A: 25. why 26.that/which 29. safer 30.examining 32. Thanks to/ Owing to/Because of 33. it 34. to get 37. Despite 38. are 40. as long as/on condition that Section B: 41-45 FHEGC III. Reading Section A 51-55 BCADB Section B 66-69 CBDB27. Fearing 28. had been appointed 31. when/as/while35. has been developing 36. uncovered 39. shall/should/must46-50JADIB56-60BDBAB61-65ACADC70-73CBBA74-77CCDBSection C ? want to make a lot of money/ make a fortune/ earn a lot ? sensible ideas to reform the legal system12 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwi? ?allowing people to study law as an undergraduate degree. Because non-lawyers may not own any share of a law firm./ Because law outsiders are kept out of a law firm. 第二卷I. Translation: (4’+4’+4’+5’+5’) 1. We long for a planet free of pollution. 2. With the breeze blowing through her hair, the little girl watched the colorful butterflies dancing in the sea of flowers. 3. The film released newly is meant to arouse people‘s concern about/attention to the children in poor mountainous areas. 4. He assured his friends that under no circumstances would he break the promise that he should/would be faithful/trustworthy and honest. 5. It was the learning experiences in Senior Three that convinced us that however hard the process was, our efforts would eventually pay off. 【虹口】 第Ⅰ 卷 II Grammar and Vocabulary 25. would leave/be leaving/were leaving 26. which 27.crying 28. the 29. more complex 30. to 31. even though/if 32. to design 33. How 34. leading 35. afforded 36. it 37. whose 38. if 39.have been focused 40. what 41-50.CFAED JGHKI 51-65 BADAC CDABC DBCBD III. Reading Comprehension 66-69 BCCA 70-73 ADBB 74-77 CADB 78. in their middle twenties 79. her age and the lightened work 80. return to full or part-time job 81. Their abilities and interests 第Ⅱ 卷 Translation: 82. As far as I know, the size of their school is twice that of ours. 83. What if you forget to inform him of the time for interview? 84.Not only are mobile phones a means of communication in modern society but also a means of entertainment. 85. The economist has found in the survey that the more some people earn, the more they want to buy. 86. Since the participants have devoted themselves to the match, you had better not find fault with the result even if is far from satisfactory.【黄埔】第 I 卷 1-5 CADBC 11-13 DAD6-10 14-16CBCAD BBD13 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwi17. today 19. charge 21. log onto 23. The book title 25. a 29. which/that 33. who/that 37. going 41-45 51-55 66-69 GCIAB CBCDA ABCD18. 250 20. hundreds 22. confirming their purchase 24. English Dictionary 26. to strengthen 30. filling 34. other 38. turned 46-50 56-60 70-73 JEDKH BCBDB DABC 27.because 31. better 35. were searching 39. in spite of 61-65 74-77 28. can 32. what 36. was discovered 40. has CACAD DDAC78. That the population would increase rapidly. 79. They no longer needed several babies to ensure their survival. / Children were no longer an economic property for working./ Children were a responsibility to be fed, housed and educated./ Having too many children made a mother hard to work./ The young were no longer a guarantee against the old. /… 80. better living standards and health condition 81. Because the death rate in developing countries falls much faster. 第 II 卷 I. Translation 1. This agreement will pave the way for the cooperation between the two countries. 2. It was said that the young professor objected to the headmaster‘s proposal in public. 3. Nobody can persuade the engineer to change his original decision once he has made up his mind. 4. Yesterday I returned the useless air-conditioner to the shop where it was sold /I bought it and got a/the refund. 5. So excited was David that he failed to fall asleep the whole night when/after he learned that he would participate in the final competition to be held in Beijing. 【闵行】 I. Listening Comprehension 1-5 CADBC 6-10 DACDB 11-13 BDA 14-16 ACD 17. philosophy 18. mental 19. ambitious 22. analyze current situations 23. detailed II. Grammar and Vocabulary (A) 25. was flying 26. could 30. to fly 31. more skillful (B) 33. are 34. their 38. supported 39. If/When (C) 41-45 CIKAE 46-50 GFHJD20. Thursday 24. justice21. literature/novels27. going 28. that 32. until 35. a 36. taking 40. In spite of29. was honored 37. as/though14 2015 年二模 完型填空 KiwiIII. Reading Comprehension 51-55 BADCD 56-60 BABCD 66-69 BDAD 70-73 CADB61-65 ABDAC 74-77 ABDC78. print out all their bosses‘s me-mails/ keep paper copies of their bosses‘ e-mails 79. Because important documents are sent both by e-mail and by fax. 80. workplace dissatisfaction 81. personal/private communication (with friends) 第 II 卷 I. Translation 82. I was so tired last night that I went to bed without finishing my homework. 83. However busy we are, we should regularly spend some time talking with our parents. 84. The school (authority) and parents have/ hold different opinions on whether students must wear school uniforms. 85. Although this product is in favor of environmental protection, few people show interest in/ would like to buy it because of its high price. 86. Cycling can not only make us physically strong, but also help us avoid suffering from the increasingly serious traffic jams. 【浦东】 I. Section A Section B Section C1-5 CBBBB 6-10 CDDAD 11-13 ACB 14-16 BCA 17. Beach 18. car 19. Friday 20. friends 21. All staff 22. Marketing Manager 23. 5 Jan. 2003 Conference24. SalesII. (A) 25. bringing 26. had brought 27. before 28. why 29. which 30. Whatever 31. should 32. furnishing (B) 33. self-funded 34. was released 35. an 36. deeper 38. but 39. as 40. to help (C) 41-45 DBCIF 46-50 KEAGH III. 51-65 66-69 IV. 78. 79. 80. 81. BCCAD BDCB BACDC DCACA 70-73 ABCD 74-77 ACCB37. thatsetting slaves free and allowing people to choose their religion can be taken away at someone‘s sudden desire. (For) 80 years The development/evolution/history of human rightsV. Translation 1. I have/had(great) difficulty (in)finding vegetarian food/dishes on this menu. 2. Everyone is expected to express/voice his/her own opinions, as lack of communication may lead to/give rise to/ bring about/ cause misunderstanding.15 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwi3. In addition to/ Besides improving the public transport, widening roads is another effective way to relieve traffic pressure. 4. It is obvious that our modern society is stepping into a new era, when robot-to-robot communications are made very easy. 5. When employing a new staff member, a company should take into consideration/account his or her ability and work experience, independent of his or her appearance or family background.Writing: Sample One: Parents‘ words and behaviors have a great influence on their children. Patents are their children‘s role models. By observing and communicating, children usually follow their parents‘ examples, and form proper values. There is no doubt that my parents play an important role in my life and it‘s certain that they influence me in many aspects. I can still remember when I was four, out of interest, I began to play the piano. It was, of course, amusing at first. However, later on I found that I had to spend a lot of time practising if I wanted to play a short piece of music. It was tough and I almost wanted to give up. However, my mother told me, DIf I wanted to play the piano well, perseverance is very important. Remember: ?no pains, no gains.‘‖ What my mum said that day is still very clear in my mind now. Thanks to her encouragement, I can play the piano excellently and I won‘t give up easily. ( 168 words) Sample Two: It‘s generally acknowledged that actions speak louder than words. We can hardly imagine what great impacts the behaviors of parents can have on their children. I can still clearly recall the day when my mother taught me a lesson. That day, my mother and I went to visit the newly-opened amusement park. When we arrived, a Mickey Mouse show was on its way , so I sat with an ice cream in my hand and waited patiently . Soon, the 90-minute show was over, and then I hurriedly rushed to the exit because there would be a parade outside in ten minutes. However, my mother stopped me that I was totally confused .Then slowly and carefully, she cleared away all the rubbish that was left behind by me. Seeing I was impatient, she said to me in a serious tone that I had never heard before,‖ Always remember that it is your duty to do so.‖ Then she walked with me to the rubbish bin and I put the bag into it. Although I missed the parade in the end, I learned something more important. Every time I leave a public spot, I will take away all the rubbish. And there is no denying that my mother has deeply impressed me by her own behavior. I hope all the adults in the world will set a good example. (228 words) 【普陀】 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. B 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.B 16.C 17. personal 18. social 19. efficiently 20. management 21. a garden view 22. single rooms 23. noisy 24. (the) 15/fifteen dollars 评分标准: 1. 1-10 题,每小题 1 分。 2. 11―16 题,每小题 2 分。 3. 17―24 题,每小题 1 分。19 题填写 efficient 扣 0.5 分,21 题填写 garden view 不扣分,2216 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwi题填写 single room 不扣分,23 题填写 noise 扣 0.5 分,24 题填写 fifteen dollar 不扣分。 25. into 26. to form 27. delivered 28. wondering 29. a 30. them 31. most successful 32. that/ which 33. if 34. even though 35. have been studying/ have studied 36. could 37. is wasted 38. using 39. what/ something 40. where 评分标准: 1. 25―40 题,每小题 1 分。 2. 拼写错误扣 1 分。 3. 第 34 题,两空格只写正确一空扣 1 分 41. D 42. H 43. I 44. F 45. B 评分标准: 41―50 题,每小题 1 分。 46. K 47. E 48. J 49. A 50. C51. B 52. C 53. A 54. C 55. A 56. D 57. B 58. B 59. B 60. B 61. D 62. D 63. A 64. C 65. C 评分标准: 51―65 题,每小题 1 分。 66. C 67. C 68. C 69. A 70. A 71. B 72. D 73. A 74. B 75. A 76. B 77. D 评分标准:66―77 题,每小题 2 分。 78. chimps 79. Inspecting various parts of their bodies and learning an elementary symbol-based language. Inspecting their bodies and learning a symbol-based language. 80. complex social structures and a high level of emotions. 81. The brain size relative to the body. 评分标准: 1. 78―81 题,每小题 2 分。 2. 内容正确,语法正确,得 2 分。 3. 内容正确,语法虽有错误,但不影响理解,得 2 分。 4. 内容正确,语法重大错误,影响部分理解,得 1 分。 5. 第 79 题,内容缺失,即只回答出一部分(inspecting their bodies 或 learning a symbol-based language)扣 1 分。 6. 第 80 题, 内容缺失, 即只回答出一部分 (complex social structures 或 a high level of emotions) 扣 1 分。 6. 第 81 题,回答内容不完整(如:the brain size)扣 1 分。 7. 即使语法正确,但是内容错误,扣 2 分。 8. 答案超过规定字数 12 词,扣 2 分。1、学校里约半数的学生热衷于玩手机游戏。(keen) Around half of the students in school are keen on playing games in cell phones. 评分标准:满分 4 分 Around half of the students(1) in school(0.5) are keen on(1) playing games(1) in cell phones(0.5).17 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwi2、事实证明,你尝试的越多,就越有可能提前取得成功。(the more…) It is proved that the more you try, the more likely you are to achieve success in advance. 评分标准:满分 4 分 It is proved that(1) the more you try(0.5), the more likely you are(1) to achieve success(1) in advance(0.5). 3、他从没像现在这样渴望得到父母的理解和支持。(Never…) Never before has he been so eager to receive parents‘ understanding and support as he is now. 评分标准:满分 4 分 Never before(0.5) has he been(1) so eager to(0.5) receive parents‘ understanding and support(1) as he is now(1). 4、自从有了互联网,消费者足不出户就可以轻松买到各种心仪的商品。(access) Since there came the Internet, customers have had easy access to various goods they like at home. 评分标准:满分 5 分 Since there came the Internet(1), customers(0.5) have had easy access to(2) various goods(0.5) they like(0.5) at home(0.5). 5、鉴于日趋严重的环境污染,政府正呼吁市民合理处理废旧电池。(appeal) In terms of the increasingly serious environmental pollution, the government is appealing to citizens to deal with the used batteries properly. 评分标准:满分 5 分 In terms of / Owing to/ Because of(1) the increasingly serious environmental pollution(1), the government(0.5) is appealing to citizens(1) to deal with the used batteries(1) properly(0.5). 假设你学校两种学习安排:一是学校为学生安排解答困惑或补习知识遗漏点,二是鼓励 学生自己学习解决困难。你会选择哪一种学习方式?请结合实际情况,举例并说明你选择的 理由。 评分标准: 1、本题总分为 25 分,其中内容 10 分,语言 10 分,组织结构 5 分。 2、评分时应注意的主要方面:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性以及上下文的 连贯性。 3、 评分时, 先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定所属档次, 然后对照相应的组织结构档次给予加分。 其中, 内容和语言两部分相加, 得 15 分或以上者, 可考虑加 4-5 分, 15 分以下者只能考虑加 0、 1、2、3 分。 4、词数少于 70,总分最多不超过 10 分。 档次 内容 语言 组织结构 A 9―10 9―10 4―5 B 7―8 7―8 3 C 5―6 5―6 2 D 3―4 3―4 1 E 0―2 0―2 0 各档次给分要求: 内容部分 A.内容充实,主题突出,详略得当。 B.内容较充实,能表达出作文要求。 C.内容基本充实,尚能表达出作文要求。 D.漏掉或未能写清楚主要内容,有些内容与主题无关。 E.明显遗漏主要内容,严重离题。18 2015 年二模 完型填空 Kiwi语言部分 ? 具有很好的语言表达能力,语法结构正确或有些小错误,主要因为使用了较复杂结构或 词汇所致。 ? 具有较强的语言表达能力,语法结构和词汇的应用基本正确,错误主要因为尝试较复杂 结构或词汇所致。 ? 有一些语法结构和词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解。 ? 语法结构与词汇错误较多,影响了对内容的理解。 ? 语法结构与词汇的错误很多,影响了对内容的理解。 组织结构部分 ? 自然地使用了语句间的连接成分,全文流畅结构紧凑。句子结构多样,词汇丰富。 ? 能使用语句间连接成分,全文流畅结构紧凑。句子结构多样,词汇较丰富。 ? 能使用简单的语句间连接成分,全文内容连贯。句子结构有一定的变化,词汇使用得 当。 ? 尚能使用语句间连接成分,语言连贯性较差,句子结构单调,词汇贫乏。 ? 缺乏语句间的连接成分,语言不连贯。词不达意。 整体作文分类得分 A类 20―25 分 B类 16―19 分 C类 12―15 分 D 类7 ― 11 分 E类 4―6 分普陀区 2014 学年第二学期高三英语质量调研 听力文稿 听力测试现在开始 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and


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