wjy可以翻译成什么大正偶像浪漫 翻译的话

想你 屋塔房王室子 人鱼小姐 你是我的命运
1. One should not conclude, however, that desire always culminates in physical intimacy or that desire is the same as romantic love. (名词性从句)2. Some liberals dream of extending subsidies t all eligible low-income families, but that $1缉耿光际叱宦癸为含力00 billion-a-year solution was unrealistic even before the budget deficit ballooned again. (词汇)3. Tally up all these factors and consider them independently, and you could arrive at a statistical prediction tat
a disturbed, drunken young man driving in the middle of the night is 2.7 million times more likely to be involved in a serious accident than would a sober, middle-aged woman driving to church seven hours later.(长句)
1。人们不应缉耿光际叱宦癸为含力该结束,但是,这种愿望总是在身体上的亲密高潮或愿望是相同的浪漫的爱情。 (名词性从句)2。一些自由派的梦想补贴吨扩大所有合资格的低收入家庭,但即使在预算赤字1000亿美元1年期的解决方案是不现实的膨胀了。 (词汇)3。符合了所有这些因素,并考虑他们的独立,你可以得出一个统计预报达1不安,喝醉酒的年轻人在半夜驾驶270万倍,可能会在较严重事故涉及的清醒,中年妇女驾驶的教堂7个小时后。(长句)自己翻译的,还请多多关照
1。人们不应该结束,但是,这种愿望总是在身体上的亲密高潮或愿望是相同的浪漫的爱情。 (名词性从句) 2。一些自由派的梦想补贴吨扩大所有合资格的低收入家庭,但即使在预算赤字1000亿美元1年期的解决方案是不现实的膨胀了。 (词汇) 3。符合了所有这些因素,并考虑他们的独立,你可以得出一个统计预报达1不安,喝醉酒的年轻人在半夜驾驶270万倍,可能会在较严重事故涉及的清醒,中年妇女驾驶的教堂7个小时后。(长句)
The Romance of a Busy Broker证券经纪人的浪漫故事Pitcher, confidential clerk in the office of Harvey Maxwell, broker, allowed a look of mild interest and surprise to visit his usually expressionless countenance when his employer briskly entered at half past nine in company with his young lady stenographer. With a snappy Good-morning, Pitcher, Maxwell dashed at his desk as though he were intending to leap over it, and then plunged into the great heap of letters and telegrams waiting there for him.The young lady had been Maxwell's stenographer for a year. She was beautiful in a way that was decidedly un畅笭扳蝗殖豪帮通爆坤stenographic. She forewent the pomp of the alluring pompadour. She wore no chains, bracelets or lockets. She had not the air of being about to accept an invitation to luncheon. Her dress was grey and plain, but it fitted her figure with fidelity and discretion. In her neat black turban hat was the gold-green wing of a macaw. On this morning she was softly and shyly radiant. Her eyes were dreamily bright, her cheeks genuine peachblow, her expression a happy one, tinged with reminiscence.Pitcher, still mildly curious, noticed a difference in her ways this morning. Instead of going straight into the adjoining room, where her desk was, she lingered, slightly irresolute, in the outer office. Once she moved over by Maxwell's desk, near enough for him to be aware of her presence.The machine sitting at that desk it was a busy New York broker, moved by buzzing wheels and uncoiling springs.Well--what is it Anything asked Maxwell sharply. His opened mail lay like a bank of stage snow on his crowded desk. His keen grey eye, impersonal and brusque, flashed upon her half impatiently.Nothing, answered the stenographer, moving away with a little smile.Mr. Pitcher, she said to the confidential clerk, did Mr. Maxwell say anything yesterday about engaging another stenographerHe did, answered Pitcher. He told me to get another one. I notified the agency yesterday afternoon to send over a few samples this morning. It's 9.45 o'clock, and not a single picture hat or piece of pineapple chewing gum has showed up yet.I will do the work as usual, then, said the young lady, until some one comes to fill the place. And she went to her desk at once and hung the black turban hat with the gold-green macaw wing in its accustomed place.He who has been denied the spectacle of a busy Manhattan broker during a rush of business is handicapped for the profession of anthropology. The poet sings of the crowded hour of glorious life. The broker's hour is not only crowded, but the minutes and seconds are hanging to all the straps and packing both front and rear platforms.And this day was Harvey Maxwell's busy day. The ticker began to reel out jerkily its fitful coils of tape, the desk telephone had a chronic attack of buzzing. Men began to throng into the office and call at him over the railing, jovially, sharply, viciously, excitedly. Messenger boys ran in and out with messages and telegrams. The clerks in the office jumped about like sailors during a storm. Even Pitcher's face relaxed into something resembling animation.On the Exchange there were hurricanes and landslides and snowstorms and glaciers and volcanoes, and those elemental disturbances were reproduced in miniature in the broker's offices. Maxwell shoved his chair against the wall and transacted business after the manner of a toe dancer. He jumped from ticker to 'phone, from desk to door with the trained agility of a harlequin.In the midst of this growing and important stress the broker became suddenly aware of a high-rolled fringe of golden hair under a nodding canopy of velvet and ostrich tips, an imitation sealskin sacque and a string of beads as large as hickory nuts, ending near the floor with a silver heart. There was a self-possessed young lady connected wi and Pitcher was there to construe her.Lady from the Stenographer's Agency to see about the position, said Pitcher.Maxwell turned half around, with his hands full of papers and ticker tape.What position he asked, with a frown.Position of stenographer, said Pitcher. You told me yesterday to call them up and have one sent over this morning.You are losing your mind, Pitcher, said Maxwell. Why should I have given you any such instructions Miss Leslie has given perfect satisfaction during the year she has been here. The place is hers as long as she chooses to retain it. There's no place open here, madam. Countermand that order with the agency, Pitcher, and don't bring any more of 'em in here.The silver heart left the office, swinging and banging itself independently against the office furniture as it indignantly departed. Pitcher seized a moment to remark to the bookkeeper that the old man seemed to get more absent-minded and forgetful every day of the world.The rush and pace of business grew fiercer and faster. On the floor they were pounding half a dozen stocks in which Maxwell's customers were heavy investors. Orders to buy and sell were coming and going as swift as the flight of swallows. Some of his own holdings were imperilled, and the man was working like some high-geared, delicate, strong machine--strung to full tension, going at full speed, accurate, never hesitating, with the proper word and decision and act ready and prompt as clockwork. Stocks and bonds, loans and mortgages, margins and securities--here was a world of finance, and there was no room in it for the human world or the world of nature.When the luncheon hour drew near there came a slight lull in the uproar.Maxwell stood by his desk with his hands full of telegrams and memoranda, with a fountain pen over his right ear and his hair hanging in disorderly strings over his forehead. His window was open, for the beloved janitress Spring had turned on a little warmth through the waking registers of the earth.And through the window came a wandering--perhaps a lost--odour--a delicate, sweet odour of lilac that fixed the broker for a moment immovable. For this odour belonged to Miss L it was her own, and hers only.The odour brought her vividly, almost tangibly before him. The world of finance dwindled suddenly to a speck. And she was in the next room--twenty steps away.By George, I'll do it now, said Maxwell, half aloud. I'll ask her now. I wonder I didn't do it long ago.He dashed into the inner office with the haste of a short trying to cover. He charged upon the desk of the stenographer.She looked up at him with a smile. A soft pink crept over her cheek, and her eyes were kind and frank. Maxwell leaned one elbow on her desk. He still clutched fluttering papers with both hands and the pen was above his ear.Miss Leslie, he began hurriedly, I have but a moment to spare. I want to say something in that moment. Will you he my wife I haven't had time to make love to you in the ordinary way, but I really do love you. Talk quick, please--those fellows are clubbing the stuffing out of Union Pacific.Oh, what are you talking about exclaimed the young lady. She rose to her feet and gazed upon him, round-eyed.Don't you understand said Maxwell, restively. I want you to marry me. I love you, Miss Leslie. I wanted to tell you, and I snatched a minute when things had slackened up a bit. They're calling me for the 'phone now. Tell 'em to wait a minute, Pitcher. Won't you, Miss LeslieThe stenographer acted very queerly. At first she seemed ove then tears flowed fro and then she smiled sunnily through them, and one of her arms slid tenderly about the broker's neck.I know now, she said, softly. It's this old business that has driven everything else out of your head for the time. I was frightened at first. Don't you remember, Harvey We were married last evening at 8 o'clock in the Little Church Around the Corner.证券经纪人哈维·马克斯韦尔于九点半在年轻女速记员陪同下步履轻快地来到办公室。机要秘书皮彻那通常毫无表情的面孔不禁露出一丝好奇和诧异。马克斯韦尔只随口道了声“早上好”,便径直奔向办公桌,匆忙得好像想一步跨过桌面,随后就一头扎进一大堆等着他处理的信件和电报。
Boys and girls are classmates, as in a secondary health school, but at the same table, from first grade to establish a relationship, secondary school for three years, one year internship relationship is very stable, the boy, though not perfect, However, the girl is his only loved one. After graduation, should be faced with the marriage, and one year after graduation, the boy to the girl's home, but, obviously felt the girl's strong resistance family, the girl's family fairly well-off, revealing the words in the word outside, Arrangements for the family to work for girls, do you? Do not affect our daughter's happiness. Unpreceden...
致谢大家好,我是本片字幕的译者。日下午我花了大约五小时完成了翻译、校对、调节时间抽和将字幕上传到射手网的全部工作。从大家的反馈来看,满意度还可以,所以我也很欣慰。正如之前提到了,这是我翻译的第一部字幕,基本上就像自己的孩子一样,于是又有了这篇后记。关于电影到目前为止,这部电影在豆瓣的看的人数不多、评分也不高,但那又怎样,咱就是喜欢里面那份纠结和小清新。为了避免对电影本身过度解读,也为了不重蹈写(500) Days of Summer影评时和人打嘴仗的覆辙,我就简单说两句吧。首先,我认为有几类同学不适合看本片,建议绕行(不针对个人,切勿对号入座)。1. 看完(500) Days of Summer骂Summer,看完The Romantics骂Tom的同学2. 将故事简单得概括为Laura、Lila、Tom三角恋的同学3. 看完电影后还问电影和浪漫主义有什么关系的同学其次,建议大家在观看过程中适当地想象电影中没有用画面呈现出来的细节,毕竟这部电影是根据2008年Galt Niederhoffer出版的同名小说改编的,所以出现这样的现象也很正常。具体来说,几名好友在大学时期的情感纠葛,以及每个人的性格特征,这些通过台词的前后指涉是可以揣摩出端倪的。再次,感情是最不可捉摸的东西,因为它是不断变化的,这还不包括深埋在心里的那种,而每个人又有着自己表达感情的独特方式。所以真爱,从本质上来说就包含着吸引、心灵相通、牺牲、勇气和宽容这些要素。至于影片结果模糊化的剧情处于方式,相信大家也自然有答案了,说的太清楚不是咱浪漫主义者的风格。关于原声后续不断有同学提到原声的问题,还有人问我再那里有下载。电影原声很棒是大家一致公认的,我在看这部电影时也想到了同样的问题。不过根据我的搜索结果,这部电影(至少到现在为止)还没有出OST,因为不是所有电影都有原声的,尤其是相对小众的电影。   现在网上能找到的就是歌单,仅供参考。 重点推荐:Brutal Hearts, Bedouin Soundclash (feat Coeur de pirate)
试听下载地址:&Preparedness, The Bird and The Bee We Can’t Be Friend, Lorene Scafaria Girls Aren’t Supposed To, Lorene Scafaria Betray, Son Lux Funbags, Rod Thomas Gentle Floss, Rod Thomas Giggle Stick, Andrew Willingale Ready Steady Flow, Andrew Willingale &多谢大家捧场! 日更新关于那首诗 最近有几位豆油提到电影中引用诗歌的译文,我再补充两句。首先,这首诗不是我翻译的。原诗夜莺颂(Ode To A Nightingale) 是英国诗人济慈(John Keats)的代表作。大家都知道诗歌翻译是翻译中最难的,我也不敢贸然挑战。所以经过比较,我选择的著名的翻译家查良铮先生的译文。原本应该在视频内嵌字幕中加以说明,因本人一时疏忽造成不严谨,特此说明。PS 大家如果对济慈的生平感兴趣,可以去看2009年的电影明亮的星(Bright Star)。日更新勘误感谢dizzydancer友情提醒,电影52分24秒处paper之前误译为“报纸”,应译为“论文”,特此致歉。日更新勘误感谢hurter友情提醒,电影47分46秒a heads up之前误译为“抬头”,应译为“提醒”,特此致歉。Thanks,Rachel
  片尾曲 This Will Be Our Year by The Zombies
  哈哈 就是这个 太感谢了~ 和电影里伴奏不太一样
  best cliché ever! platitude story, but exceptional actors and actress, glittering songs, unforgettable scenes, and spectacular ending!
  Thanks for your great effort! cheers~
  楼主在字幕里标注Brutal Hearts 超有爱=v= 哈哈
  楼主底蕴深厚啊 中间的诗句翻译的都超好
  能找到那首诗么 就是在放brutal hearts时 两人kiss时说的 ps:向你致敬 翻译的真好!
  Thanks a lot!! 浪漫主义者果然只能物以类聚的啊。
  那问一下呢 我下的不是高清的 看的很不爽 在哪可以下到清晰的捏
  致敬!的确很有爱,看到如下字幕:——“注:男女主角XOXO时的背景音乐是Bedouin Soundclash的《Brutal Hearts》,太好听了!”时,我乐喷了!哈哈
  想问Trip和Jake xoxo 的时候那首歌叫啥呀?
  谢谢翻译!great movie
  Funbags, Rod Thomas ----这首一直找不到。。。郁闷。。。
  我说把Lorene Scafaria的歌儿全放进去是不是adam brody的主意啊哈哈哈
  谢谢你 真的超棒
   The Zombies 这张专辑超棒
  用搜狗和百度可以下到brutal hearts,betray,this will be our year和preparedness。根据搜索情况来看,andrew willingale和lorene scafaria都是myspace上的,要下载只能碰运气等好心人。lorene scafaria的可以在myspace上购买和试听,网上有零星她的歌下载,不过都不是我们这两首。rob thomas也不是matchbox20的那个,大囧
   Rachel (仰望) 谢谢无私的奉献。
  《Bright Star》《500 days of Summer》都是我最喜欢的电影之中的。他们都给我带来了很大影响。这部电影的受众和这两部电影有很大的相似之处。
  5小时就翻译好了 神速!你的英语专科?
  Laura和Tom在树下争吵中的一句话。You know, a heads up would have been really nice. 翻译成了“你知道,抬起头来可能会更好”。错大了吧?
  @hurter, thanks for the heads up。我仔细看了一下,的确是大错特错,应译为“提醒”。@JUNYCHEN,我说的5小时是包括翻译、校对、字幕制作和上传全部过程,也就是说实际用于翻译的时间更短,这恰好解释到目前为止字幕出现两处大的错误。再次向所有观看本字幕的人致歉,也欢迎大家继续找茬,我会在勘误中悉数列出。谢谢!
    1. “If she doesn’t make your wiener hard”
    2. “If you are a guy, you spend your life trying to sleep with her.”
    对他们老外来说,“sleep with someone”只是上床的意思,一生都在一起又是另外一种定义了。
    3. No, I need hours, maybe days of silence.
    4. I think we have a fugitive on this case.
    5. Wanna take a last shot?
    另:我不知道LZ翻译这部电影是出于兴趣爱好还是get paid. 不管哪种,如果我的意见正确,包括之前的问题,希望都能在电影中能够体现出来。
  @hurter. Here is the counterargument you've requested. First and foremost, I get no payment whatsoever for translating this film and I find your accusation a bit offensive. I never expect my translation to be perfect and I appreciate rectification once it's released to the public domain. I apologize for mistranslated words and phrases, i.e. paper, heads up, fugitive and take a shot. Your argument that literal translation is better in some sentences is fine by me. However, one thing people need to understand is that translation, for the most part, is subjective. I don't like my translation to be vulgar, so I tend to use euphemism wherever applicable. Lastly, this subtitle was published on February. Once it's integrated with the video for distribution, there is little I can do about it. I understand that you're pretty serious about the translation. My suggestion is to release your own translation. I hope you'll find the experience as rewarding as I do.
  Hey Rachel,
  Thanks for your reply, which I have been looking forward to for the last couple of days.
  I apologize if you find my words offensive, but also I hope you understand I am doing this for the possibility that I may have found someone with whom I have connection. As I was never good at social craps, sometimes I tend to be direct with things I care, which would probably end up with hurting someone. My point stays that meaningful argument is always better than awkward silence, which is actually an easy way to go cuz it wouldn’t hurt at all.
  Well I have to admit, your passion for translation and the fact that you are actually doing it instead of empty bullshit talk deserves better compliment. Translation is something I always want to be engaged in but I never get myself into it. If I need to give some lame excuses, it would be busy work, and little disposable time. But the truth is I guess I am not passionate enough to give up what I do for translation.
  So, if you are ok with it, I will continue to check for the translation you did for The Romantics, and let you know when I come up with something. Honestly I stopped enjoying that movie as I thought I might never be able to receive any counterargument.
  Another thing is about the fact you think a fine translation according to the movie is vulgar, which I can’t agree with you.. Translation should never be about what a translator wants, actually it isn’t about translator at all. I think it is vital that original meaning is properly expressed. A good translator is best described as a message deliver or messenger, without manipulating original meaning by any misleading translation. Anyway all I would like to say is you have to get your hands dirty sometimes if the original words are “vulgar” as you said.
  Here is the fun part. Regarding “if she doesn’t make your wiener hard”, I did check with someone and got something I think we can settle for, 假如她不能驾驭你那话儿...
  Look forward to your reply.
  @hurter. Your critical comments are always welcome here as long as you've something meaningful to say. As you would probably agree that literal translation(直译)and liberal translation(意译)are not dead enemies. Why can't the translator have the free will to choose a style (语言风格) that he or she sees fit. That's why in many cases the same source text ends up being completely different. Every style choice is unique in its own right, and that's exactly the beauty of translation.
  Hey Rachael,
  You’ve successfully transferred the topic by changing the scope from movie translation to literature translation. Just so we are clear, what you have stated is all right and I never meant a translator can’t have a free will to choose a style. Actually we are not arguing about style at all.
  It is about the movie and this movie only.
  As it is an American movie, some people may need the subtitle to understand what actors say. If those people see”如果她对你没有吸引力”, just for an example, while the reaction of the audience to the speaker didn’t fit at all, a conflict may have happened between their understanding for the movie in an objective way and the true meaning the speaker meant. This should never happen, I mean, the objective understandings what every audience is supposed to get are blocked by the misleading translation. After all, you may find this offensive again, what you have done doesn’t mean anything without the movie itself, as words would change their own meanings once they are placed differently.
  Thank you and finally......
  我还以为 “多谢大家捧场” 这句词儿是归导演的
喜剧 / 剧情 / 爱情
Galt Niederhoffer
凯蒂·霍尔姆斯 Katie Holmes / 玛琳·阿克曼 / Anna Paquin / 亚当·布罗迪
& 2005-, all rights reserved


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