it was terrible rainy wet allwinerr day 阅读理解 ...翻译

Welcome to Chengdu
When my mother searched online, she found the website for ChinaWay volunteer activities, and thought I should join as well because it would be a great opportunity for me to be introduced to teamwork and living alone. It would also be a great help for college applications. Right when school was over and summer was starting, I follow my mother’s instructions and went to the plane to Chengdu.
At 3 pm, I arrived at Chengdu. Because the plane was late, they told me that there would be an escort at the airport. Right at the airport exit, there was a ChinaWay volunteer lady holding a sign to pick me up. I thought it was nice, now I wouldn’t need to call anyone or do anything else. She and I talked a little, saying that there was a lot of other volunteer people who also arrived at Chengdu. Then, the lady told the taxi driver to deliver us and other volunteers to the meeting room to meet with the other volunteers. At 4 pm, we arrived at the meeting room. Other teachers passed us all orange t-shirts with the company logo on it and nametags. Everyone wore similar clothes with the other volunteers, and the clothes were very bright and noticeable. I found that almost everyone could speak both Chinese and English. My English is not that good, so it was a good chance to learn! Later, we did a short introduction with simple categories like name, grade, and where we came from. Then we did a name game, where the loser would do push-ups. It was hard to remember other people’s English names. I tried desperately to remember the twenty different volunteer names and was very scared that I would lose, but still was able to remember a lot of names. Later, we played cards and was free to do anything we wanted. At noon, we ate some food, which was boring. I then started to sleep. Halfway into my nap, some new volunteers came and I didn’t realize it. I asked an instructor who told me some of them came with their grandfather or mother, and some came by themselves. The biggest group though came from San Francisco from the same plane. There was around 7 or 8 people. Because their plane was late, when they came, the sun had already set. We quickly split into 4 groups. These 4 groups would be the teaching group that would teach the students. However, our computer software group was not there. The instructors told us to get acquainted with out groups so I went to find our computer group. With our teacher, we have a total of 5 people. The teacher is very fat, always holding his fan, sitting on his chair, talking humorously. Another group member named Owen did not like to talk, he seemed autistic, and very cute. The other two members were one called Haobo, who liked to shake his head, and Eric, who is our team captain. The instructor gave us all nicknames, the most memorable one was the one for Haobo. Because he was always shaking his head and saying he does not understand, the teacher called him "Don’t Understand". I am looking forward for working with this group.
After about an hour, we took our luggage from the fourth floor to the bus and then got on the bus. After I put my clothes and nametag on the top rack for stowing luggage, I started sleeping. After we drove for about an hour, we arrived at the hotel, SanYuanJu. After we took the luggage out of the bus, we split up into rooms. I thought that the room would have bath towels and soap and did not expect none of those. After I took a shower, I slept with my roommate, Crystal, who was also a Chinese volunteer.
I had a rough start to my two week long stay in Chengdu, participating in the Chinaway program.
It all started the day I left home to travel to China. You see, I'm a fourteen year-old from Massachusetts. My parents deemed this an appropriate age to allow me some independence, mainly by letting me fly halfway across the world, alone. Of course, I was excited at the whole prospect of being on my own. But I was also nervous about all of the things that could've gone wrong on the trip. Would I forget something important, like my passport? Would I mess up at customs and border control, and be held back? However, I missed the most glaringly obvious "what if", the one that all frequent fliers fear: delayed flights.
My first flight from Boston to San Francisco was delayed by two hours, as they told everyone on the plane. As we passengers were already boarded, we remained at the boarding gate unable to get off and switch flights. I desperately hoped that I would be able to make my connecting flight from San Francisco to Chengdu. One of the teachers from Chinaway, and many other students, would be on the same flight taking us to Chengdu. I only had a two hour layover time, and when the plane finally took off, I was mentally preparing myself to sprint to the gate of my second flight.
My worrying would be for nothing, though, as the other plane had already took off by the time I set foot into San Francisco's airport. With the help of my parents (on the phone), and the airline customer service counter, I ended up having to switch airlines. In fact, I managed to snag the last remaining seat aboard an Air China flight to Beijing, where I would take another plane to Chengdu.
I only remembered my other concern after the plane had taken off: my luggage. Since I switched airlines, my luggage destination and timing also needed to be switched. Along with my dad (again on the phone), I tried to arrange for the luggage to arrive when I landed in Chengdu. It ended up that my luggage arrived three days after I arrived.
In the end, I was the last person to get to Chengdu, arriving at the hotel at 3:00 in the morning the day the program started. It was strange, not having my luggage bag with me. I had to go out to buy necessities, but other than that, I had nothing extra to survive with. In close contact with my dad and one of the Chinaway teachers, I was able to get the luggage picked up and sent to the hotel we were staying at. Since that little adventure at the beginning, this trip has been amazing and unforgettable. - Sophie Zhang
Little Kids and Pandas
On the second day, I woke up early at 5 am. I couldn’t sleep anymore, so after I used the bathroom, I just laid on the bed reading on my phone. I read until 7:30 am, when my roommate’s alarm rang. Right after, I washed my face and brushed my teeth to prepare to eat breakfast at 8:00 am. Because my roommate is the ChinaWay volunteer, she hurried to help the foreign students get food. When it was close to 8:00 am, Crystal and I went down to eat breakfast.
The first meal that I had in Chengdu was indoors. We ate porridge and side dishes. We had three different side dishes. The first was peanuts. The second was spinach. The last was spicy tofu. When my roommate and I arrived, there was only 5 or 6 people there. Some people did not even come in the end. I think it was because the plane arrived too late yesterday. I think it was ok because there was still enough people to eat. Those people who did not live in China did not eat too much, probably because they thought it did not suite their tastes. Teacher Cindy told us if there was anything that we wanted to eat, we can tell the staff members and they would make it.
After we finished breakfast, both the teaching group and the computer group went to an activity. Though not everyone went, because a lot of people slept very late and were very jet lagged, so they didn’t go. We went to QiYiQingChengShan School, which I at first thought I would be surprised. However, there was not enough people, so we split into 4 new groups to teach 4 different classes. Because they didn’t tell us we would be teaching children English. The teaching materials and children took us by surprise, so we were all very embarrassed.
On day two of camp, we jumped many of us had never had an experience like it before. Having to juggle speaking an unfamiliar language, collaborating with your newly-assigned teammates, and dealing with twenty-seven rambunctious fourth-and-fifth-graders is definitely not an easy task. But it was a huge learning experience! I’ve noticed several things about C although their energy, at first, seems wild and randomly directed, it’s actually just a really enthusiastic attitude towards learning. Our problems with controlling them stemmed from the fact that they were too
every time we’d ask a question, we’d be answered by a loud chorus of “Me! Me! Me!” Students were so eager that sometimes they’d simply blurt out their thoughts, forgetting to raise their hands. During games, they became almost unbearably loud. Sure, these are problems, but at least the students are willing to learn, rather than apathetic. I, personally, find the change very refreshing. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a classroom culture like this, and I love it. - Annie Zheng
Right after class, I talked a little with the little kids. They were either in school for enjoyment classes or make-up classes. The children we were teaching were primarily fourth and fifth graders. They were all very cute, none of them were naughty. We talked about how we would teach the children. Following the workbook, we read some English, felt it was pretty easy because they all were respectful. We also let them choose their own English names. Later we ran out of ideas on how we should teach the children, so we just let them outside to play. However some kids did not understand the rules, so we played “Eagle Catch Chicken.” However, later, we all got a little tired. In fact, teaching little children was very boring. Also having them listen to my instructions, it doesn’t seem very nice. When it was 12:00 pm, everyone got on the bus and went back to our hotel. When we got out of the bus, I went to the shop next door and bought some laundry detergent. I thought there would be laundry service for each room, didn’t think there wasn’t, so I was annoyed. After we finished lunch, those of the teaching group went back to the QiYiQingChengShan School to continue teaching. Those of the computer group, including me, went to the DuJiangYan Panda Reservation Center. We sat in a conference room for a little while, until the staff lady finished preparations. Our group then went to the office contemplating about how to make our panda · charity website and how to spread out the work among us. In the end, we decided that the website would be clean and simple. Work distribution would be me providing pictures and videos, as well as translating Chinese to English, and writing the daily activities for our group. Owen and Eric are to create the website. Haobo is to work partially on both, helping me translate to English, and helping Eric along the way. Time passed very fast. After a while, it was already 5 pm. The staff already ended work, so we left as well.
When we got back to the hotel, teaching group already came back. They said that the children were not easy to teach. Because the initial excitement already passed, they felt it was boring. One of the groups taught the children outside, with the results pleasing. Before we started dinner, I washed my clothes. After I finished, to prepare for dinner, the indoor room was too small, so we brought the table to the center courtyard. At 8:00 pm, the ChinaWay volunteer called us for a meeting. Around 8:30 pm, it was our American volunteers’ meeting. Teacher Cindy explained this organization, which should have been explained yesterday, but was delayed because people were late. The Chinese and American volunteers introduced themselves, while the Chinese volunteers seemed like housewives, each of them doing a certain task. For example, my roommate Crystal is in charge of the dormitory arrangements. Because Teacher Cindy is very busy, if we have any problems, we can ask the Chinese volunteers to help us.
Later, my roommate switched rooms because the SanYuanJu rooms were better, so we gave it to American volunteers. Just on time, there was a girl that was late because her plane was late so she got here at 3:30 am. She did not arrive in time for the room arrangements. Conveniently, we have a spot for her to move in, so now my roommate is Sophie.
Then I washed and slept.
Taking Care of Pandas
On the third day in Chengdu, I woke up very early. When I got to China, I waked up at around 5 or 6 every day. My new roommate was still sleeping, so I read a novel. Sophie’s attitude was very soft, very warm. At 6:30 am, my roommate woke up. Our hotel is shaped like an O. From the doorway, on the left is a steel door with no rooms. By the door on the first floor is our eating place, as well as the cashier and the kitchen. The second and third floors are dormitories. This way, anyone that comes out can be easily spotted.
After washing, it was still early, so Sophie and I decided on whether to leave the door open because the air was a little cleaner. When my roommate and I were walking and chatting, there was a girl that came out. She said that her roommate was still sleeping. She wanted to write her homework, but she did not want to wake up her roommate, so she came out. At 8:00 am, all three of us went to eat breakfast. We went early to eat, and now afterwards, us computer group are going to take care of pandas.
When we arrived at DuJiangYan Panda Reservation Center, the workers gave us special work clothes for us to wear. Around 9:30 am, the workers took us to the pandas TaiShan and LinBing homes. The rooms had two connected cages, but only one has a door that opens to the yard. When we arrived, the worker was already there and had already started working. He told me that ever 5 pandas had 3 workers to take care of them. He told us to use the broom and dustpan to sweep up the feces and leftover bamboo.
Then we used water to rinse off the floor. Then we washed the walls and floor, and then rinsed with water again. I think that once in a while, doing this would make their home cleaner. However if we did this every day, I wouldn’t be able to take it. I like to smash the bamboo on the ground, but I didn’t do it because I knew I could not smash it. I asked the worker, and he said that the bamboo needs to be smashed in order for it to be easier to eat. The workers picked up one end of the bamboo and smashed it into the floor, which was very fun. Both the pandas were very cute, and very obedient. Cutely eating the food was very cute! However, I saw the pandas in one bite, break a bamboo that was as thick as a glass cup. I felt like I got a heart attack. The worker told us to stay farther away from the panda, because if their teeth bit us, we could be horribly hurt. They said that the panda could eat about 15 kilograms of food per day. Those bamboo that the pandas did not eat would be swept out and put into little blue bins. Every day, a special car would come and pick them up, as well and the feces. After we cleaned up the panda stalls it was already 10:10 and so we went back to the office to work on the website. Then, half and hour later, we left again to go feed the pandas.
We split into two groups of two because we wanted to avoid frightening the pandas with too many people. The workers took out something yellow that looked like bread. Apparently, it was composed of corn flour, flour, and carrots. We fed each panda 2-3 big slices of the bread. Unfortunately, there was one panda whose leg was amputated. He was hurt and was rescued by the reserve from the wild. After a while, the other group came over to us. We fed three pandas, but the other group only fed two. After feeding the pandas, we went to the cafeteria to eat lunch. It was delicious! Back in the office, we worked until 2:30, when a staff member told us that we were to make some bread for the pandas.
When we got to the place that makes food. We had to put on blue airtight uniforms, which were very hot to wear. The flour and the water were mixing, so the four of us plus the supervisor walked around. Not long after, the worker got out a plate and thin towels, telling us to put the towels on the plate and place the plate on the table. The worker called the food buns (wo wo tou). I thought that it was very similar to buns. The flour’s texture was similar to clay, just that it was rougher. We put the flour in tight bundles, and shaped them into cylinders. I thought it was very hard. Even after we finished, I still did not fully understand how to make it. I asked the worker who made the buns, and she told me that 3 or 4 of them could in one day make 3 days’ worth of panda buns. If they work alone, they work faster. They only need about 20 minutes to finish making all of that.
Cleaning the tables was very easy. We just took a towel and wiped the table of the scraps and table infused flour. The workers washed the water to clean the floors of the flour. However, because the drainage pipe was at a higher level than the floor, we had to push the water to the pipe. After we swept the water, we had to wash the floors for the rest of the rooms. It was hard labor. Being with the airtight clothes, I started to sweat. After we finished, we went back to the office. By then it was almost 5:00 pm. We made a little bit more of the website. At 4:40 pm, the teacher that was to pick us up came. So we just sat in the car back to the hotel. On the way to the hotel, we passed a duck selling store. Our instructor went to buy a duck for us.
Us of the computer group came back, while the teaching group did not come back. The others say that they went shopping and out to eat. Aw they were so lucky, I want to go too! It’s just that walking is too far. After we put our stuff in our room, we went downstairs to eat duck. Teacher Cindy and our advisor talked a little, saying that a teaching group girl named Elizabeth got bitten by a cat. There was a small kitten in the classroom. The children like cats, so they all chased the cat. Elizabeth tried to catch the cat, so she got bitten. She had to take 4 shots for rabies.
Right after we finished eating, the teaching group came back. After getting themselves organized, I looked for the blog group leader so that I can get some pictures.
Later, my roommate, Sophie, and I went talked about shopping. We went to another hotel to tell the other Chinese Volunteers about going out. We also wanted to invite Crystal, but after we got to their dorm, they were planning their 8:30 pm meeting. I realized that in order to better teach the students, the volunteers held daily meetings in order to improve their teaching methods. Thus, I went back to my room in order not to disturb them. After a while, Sophie left to do something and I decided to go to bed.
Working Full-Time
On the fourth day, at 8:00 am, we of the computer group met up and went to the panda reservation center. Because there was no panda work to do today, we just stayed in the office and worked on making the website. The atmosphere was very good, except that there was no more water to drink. Originally, we planned to finish putting in the past few days of journals into the website and then interview some staff members who took care of the pandas, but in the end, we did not have enough time by 5:00 pm to finish.
At 12:00 noon, we went to the cafeteria to eat, costing each person 30 yuan. Because it was for staff members only, it was little more expensive. After we finished eating, me and Haobo took a stroll around the center. Because it was high noon and very hot, the pandas normally do not come out. However, we were very lucky. We did not walk far and saw a panda named "ZhiChun" (知春). They said it was adopted from Japan. However, our presense might have disturbed him. After a while, he slowly crawled back to his little home.
In the afternoon, Haobo and I translated more writing, while Owen and Eric put up on the website what we wrote. After 5:00 pm, we rode back to the hotel on the bus.
Work Hard, Play Hard
The fifth day of working! As of now we have completed a large part of the website. The homepage seems to be complete, as well as the basic structure for the articles. We will continue to update the article pages when we obtain new content. The only thing that we still need is a description of the program and photos to put on the gallery page.
Thus, today was spent finalizing designs on the website, since the skeleton was pretty much complete. We spent a large amount of time working on the home page’s banner. We experimented with what to put at the top of the page, from banners to headers to titles to descriptions. We finally decided on a description under the navigation bar, with a logo the right of the description. At the same time, we worked on a way to view all the activity journals from the home page. To do this we implemented a feature where clicking left and right on the arrow keys faded out the first set of articles and faded in the next set. At the same time, we had to do a lot of work to find out exactly how the arrows should look. In the end, Haobo designed the arrows on Microsoft Paint. They looked very nice and Owen and Eric modified the design to fit the needs of our website.
In the meantime, we updated the articles on the webpage. As such, there was not exactly that much work compared to the previous days and we had a lot of free time. During the free time we learned a lot about authentic Chinese culture through card games and mahjong. I never knew that Mr. He was so good at mahjong! After playing for a while under his tutelage I felt that I became a master myself. I realized that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of way to win at mahjong and win the most money. Of course, we did not play with real money!
We also did not go to the panda reservation center today. We worked straight from home on the website and it was both relaxing and fun. Mr. He even took us out to eat some authentic Sichuan food like Mapo Tofu and Dan Dan Mian. It was really good! I wish we can go out to eat again.
Preparations for and Examination
Today is the important last day, because tomorrow we have to turn in our website for checking.
In the morning we rode in a car to the Panda Reservation Center. Eric put the last bit of writing on the website. Because I was making the “Panda Charity Circle” Map, he helped me translate yesterday’s daily log to English and write it down. After I finished the “Panda Charity Circle” Map, I started working on translation work. I did not write yesterday’s daily agenda log. After I finished translating the rest of the text that needed to be translated, Eric and the others put the final page layout on the website and added the new pages, so I was very bored, walking around. A worker lady saw me pacing around and offered to take us around the reservation. I was very surprised because I didn’t expect that the worker would take the initiative to invite us. I agreed to go, and called Haobo as well. However, Owen and Eric seemed tired and did not want to go.
On the way, we saw the three-legged panda DaiLi (戴丽). He was found in the wild and was already injured, so he was amputated. The worker said that his name is shorthand for QiDaiZhanLi (期待站立). He normally does not leave his small home, so his yard is full of grass and plants. We also saw LinBing (林冰) again. He was from Thailand. When we saw him, he was just eating bamboo leaves. The worker lady that led us called his name two or three times, but he paid no attention to us. The worker said that when the pandas are eating or sleeping, they won’t pay attention to people. Later, we saw a panda that just came from Yunnan Wild Animal Park called MeiQian (美茜). There was also a panda that the worker called LaoDaGe (老大哥) which had a big temper. The worker lady said, once the workers fed that panda too slowly and he got mad, shaking the bars of his home. There was another panda that came only a few months ago. He always felt uneasy and used to climb trees to get away, but now he is much calmer.
After we finished strolling around the whole center once, we went back. But when we got there, Eric and Owen were gone. Teacher He told us that they went to find us. However, once they got back, because we had nothing to do, our whole group including Haobo, Eric, and Owen strolled around the center again. However, some of the pandas went back to their homes already.
The teacher that was to pick us up came, so we rode the car back to the hotel.
Interview Day
Today is the seventh day, and it’s also the day when we need to check the website. In the morning, right when we arrived at the Panda Center, we turned in our website to the panda center workers. Later, we helped the workers translate and review some documents. When Haobo and I were translating, Eric was preparing some questions for the interview because later in the afternoon, we scheduled an interview with a panda worker, Mr. Zhou, who taught us how to take care of pandas. At lunchtime, we set the interview time with him. Because everyone had something to do, the time passed very quickly. The four of us went to listen to Mr. Zhou’s stories.
1.Where did you grow up?
2.What inspired you to work at the panda reserve?
I loved animals when I was just a child, so I choose Animal Science as my major.
3.When did you start working with pandas?
4.What is your fondest memory working with pandas?
I was most impressed by a panda named Qiang Qiang, who was rescued from the wild. Before that, he had lost one of his hind legs in the wild, but luckily, he recovered. Then, when we rescued him, his other leg was also broken and bleeding. With our care, he had a recovery, but still couldn’t fully move, so his breeder had to induce him with food in order to get him to crawl. His courage to face his adversity inspired us.
5.What is your favorite aspect of working with pandas?
I like them all, and I like most of all their courage to fight with nature.
6.What do you like the most about pandas?
The courage and strength of the pandas to face nature.
7.About how long do you interact with pandas per day?
We spend most of our time with the giant pandas, about 8 hours a day, sometimes we work overtime.
8.Which panda is your favorite?
Qiang Qiang, because of his courage to face his adversity.
9.Do you feel like the current efforts to help pandas have made a significant impact on the pandas? What do you think we could do more to help them?
Of course, they were just a few in the 90’s. But later, their number gradually increased. Since 2005, their number increased a lot. Numbers matter a lot for a species. We must guarantee there are enough pandas to prevent inbreeding, because it will cause illness and disease, which leads to extinction.
10.Do pandas do anything other than eating, sleeping, or pooping?
Give birth, but wild pandas have a lot more stuff to do, like when wolves pass by, they have to stand still to observe their surroundings. Generally, they stay in the holes of trees to prevent wind or rain. Sometimes they will sleep on their own feces to keep warm.
11.Do pandas like to interact with other pandas?
They don’t, pandas have territorial awareness. They barely come into contact with other pandas except their babies and their significant other.
12.How fast can pandas move? Do they ever move quickly?
We have never recorded that, but if they get scared, they will run away. However, normally, they will climb trees instead of running away. Their maximum running speed might be slower than that of a human’s.
13.How does the presence of tourists affect pandas? Do they get scared or are they unaffected?
It will have a small impact on them, but not so much that it would hurt them.
14.Does the panda reserve release pandas back into the wild? They get pampered a lot here, how do they fare in the wild?
For a few years, we have started our research on taking them back to the wild, but we have not finished.
15.How intelligent are pandas compared with other animals?
They have a lot of intelligence, as the species has evolved for over 3 million years.
16.Are pandas aggressive? How dangerous is it to be close to an unfamiliar panda?
Sometimes they get aggressive, same as people. Definitely dangerous. In the past, there were pandas who had escaped. Workers have to go to the mountains to find them, then using food to make them forget that they escaped and put them back. If they can’t get them back in the cages, they have to give them anesthetics.
17.What are pandas’ favorite foods? Do they like to eat meat?
Pandas are vegetarians, generally, they won’t eat meat. However when they have nothing to eat in the winter, they would have to eat dead wild animals.
18.Why doesn’t panda poop smell bad?
Because they are vegetarians, their feces contain cellulose.
19.Do pandas have any predators?
They do not have natural predators, however, they compete for mates.
Growing up in America, I believed that pandas had it all. Food, sleep, free space, popularity. Pandas had the ultimate lifestyle, one befitting that of a king’s. Yet, after coming to the DuJiangYan Panda Reserve, I learned that this is not the case for all pandas. Through an interview with Mr. Zhou, I learned that wild pandas experience great challenges in the wild, yet they have the tenacity to persevere through all of them. This aspect of pandas has allowed them to survive for tens of thousands of years and is the source of a strong bond pandas and humans.
While Mr. Zhou appreciates the cuteness of pandas, it is not the main reason that he loves them. He loves their tenacity, and his favorite panda in DuJiangYan, Chiang Chiang,
embodies that ideal. Chiang Chiang was found in the wild with one leg amputated and one leg covered in blood. He was in tremendous pain and could not walk. Yet, he persevered. After being rescued, he slowly began to learn how to overcome his crippling challenge. He underwent months and months of rehab in order to learn how to move by dragging himself with his arms. This, of course, was not new to Chiang Chiang. He had to do exactly the same thing when he lost his first leg. But this was in the wild, not in the comfort of a loving panda reserve. He was vulnerable to hunters and other pandas for months, but he survived. In the wild, pandas have no free time. While pandas in reserves are pampered with bamboo for four seasons, wild pandas must scavenge for frozen meat in the winter. For the crippled Chiang Chiang, his tenacity must have been truly strong.
In the end, pandas are not the princes of luxury I imagined them to be. They have real problems, and their tenacity that carries them forward is an attribute that I, like Mr. Zhou, have grown to love. — Eric Yu
Eating Stick Hot Pot
On the morning of the eighth day, we stayed at the hotel to talk about what we would teach at the high school. I feel like our group is like a brick, wherever they need us, we would go. Because all the members of the teaching group had to go to the elementary school farewell party, they needed some people (like us) to fill in for the high school. Because all the members of our group except the captain seem a little introverted, I thought that the arrangement was just a joke. They said that we need to teach a total of 3 periods, each consisting of 50 minutes of class and 10 minutes of break. In the end, we decided to make the first period self-introductions, the second period playing games, and the third period group activities.
When we reached Dujiangyan high school, we thought that the school seemed very strange because it was very big and it was a dorm school. In America, the public schools all have students go back home after school. Very quickly, we arrived at the classroom. After the students arrived, we started to do what we planned—self-introductions. This took up almost the whole first period, with the rest of the class time talking about football. The main speaker was the team leader, while Haobo and I sat around doing nothing, and Owen wrote things on the board. The children really loved to play games, so for the second and third periods, we could finally do something and play with the children. At the last 10 minutes, Haobo and I led a group to talk about interesting things. After class, Eric and Haobo seemed popular among the students, as they rushed to get a picture with them. After facing the reluctant crowd, we said that we might be able to come tomorrow, but most of the time, “maybe” means “no”.
Not long after we arrived back at the hotel, I heard that we would eat hot pot with sticks. The whole group then went to the nearest hot pot with sticks store. Because we sat with Teacher Ma and Teacher He, we ate a wide arrangement of foods. It was happy. After I finished eating, I walked around a little with Haobo and bought a bowl of bean curd. After, we went back to the hotel. After taking a bath, Haobo and I went downstairs to translate more documents. Then I found out that I got a lot of new mosquito bites. Besides mosquitoes, today was a happy day!
Haobo's Journal
On the ninth day, I woke up pretty early, tried to keep sleeping, and finally had to wake up to leave for the Panda Center. We had a pretty uneventful morning when we arrived. There was nothing to add to the website because the teaching group did not give us any memoirs or daily activities. They are the laziest group of people I have ever seen. We ate, we did nothing some more, and finally, we scheduled another meeting with Mr. Zhou to read what we wrote of the questions he asked.
When we went to talk with Mr. Zhou, he took a pretty long time to read what we gave him. And with what we gave him, he had a whole lot of questions and concerns about what we wrote. Because we were only high school students and only one of us knew how to write, our Chinese writing skill was horrifying to look at, and the English was also not perfect. He spoke to us for an hour about how what we need to change for the questions and answers to make more sense. It was a long, long hour. While Eric and Owen talked about League of Legends, Haobo played around with his fan and walked around, while Yuxin tried to listen to the teacher.
We went back to the hotel by bus again. The teaching group did not come back yet. We went out to buy meat. The four of us including Teacher He went out and bought beef, pig tail, duck, and some mangos. We walked back to the hotel later. We wanted to play mahjong, but there was a blackout, so we went out to buy more mangos. However, the cart that sold the mangos left, so we continued to do nothing. Later, the teaching group came back, but there was still no electricity. We went out again with another volunteer named Alan to buy a fan. After he bought it, he also bought a lot of junk food. Even when we came back, we still had no electricity. We also planned to finish a lot of the translations today, as people should have made their memoirs by now. However, the teaching group had left their USB at the high school and could not give it to us. Because of this, we planned to wait until midnight for them to make a duplicate memoir. Even then, they still didn’t give it to us, so basically, we stayed till 12 am to wait for them and they didn’t do anything. How nice.
Haobo's Journal Second Edition
On the tenth day, we did nothing like usual. We left by car and arrived just like every other day. We did basically nothing for the rest of the day because there was still nothing to translate and everything else was finished. When it was 5:00 pm, we went back to the hotel.
The teaching group had already arrived at the hotel. We ate some more food and then tried to blackmail the teaching group. We told them that if they did not pay 5 US dollars, then they would not be included in the website. However, still none of them paid the money, so we just left the Chinese translations for them blank. We decided to translate nothing, so we just did nothing again for the rest of the day. Then our teacher left us so we had to give him gifts. Eric gave a cup, Owen gave hot chocolate powder, Haobo gave chocolate, and Yuxin gave a fan with money in it. It was a boring day again.
Panda Teachers Part 1
Today’s weather a little humid and humid. The computer group and part of the teaching group went to the Panda base. In the morning, the teaching group went to feed the pandas. The computer group led them because we did this already. Some of the students were afraid of the pandas, so when they fed them, they pulled back. This was dangerous because the panda’s claws were very sharp and if they were in a hurry, they would try to grab the food and might injure someone. Then all of us went to the cafeteria. It was interesting that the computer group ran to the cafeteria to avoid getting in a long line. The teaching group went with the staff so they were lagging behind. They had to wait in a long line while we had already gotten our food, haha.
We went back to the office. Eric put the English memoirs on the website, while Haobo and Owen had nothing to do. Yuxin took an afternoon nap. Afterwards, we went to find Teacher Zhou to check what we wrote. After that, we went back to the office. Eric was correcting the English essay. We just played our games afterwards. When it was about 5:00 pm, the teaching group and Eric went back on bus, while the computer group left on a teacher’s car to go back to the hotel.
Panda Teachers Part 2
Today is the final day of working on the website! We have come very far since the first day. Although there were many days where there was not much to do, it was certainly because we worked so hard the first few days. The website has really grown, and today we spent the final hours of work putting in each volunteer’s photos in their personal memoir. At the same time, we finalized a lot of the small issues that Mr. Jin told us to resolve. Now, our website is robust, functional, and beautiful. I am very proud of our team and our work, and for me the Chinaway 2014 Program has been extremely rewarding. I know that all of my teammates think the same way.
Meanwhile, the other half of the teaching students today came to explore the DuJiangYan Panda Reserve. They were certainly excited, and made a lot of noise as they came in. Hopefully they didn’t scare off the pandas! Since they arrived on time today, they were able to participate in all the volunteer activities like cleaning the panda pens, feeding the pandas, and making panda bread. It was all very fun to watch, because we had already done everything they were doing! They left very happily and definitely loved pandas more now than before.
最终,我是最后一个人到达成都的。我在活动开始的那天早上3:00才抵达旅馆。没有我的行李袋和我在一起我感觉很奇怪。我不得不出去买生活必需品,如果不这样的话我没有办法生活。在与我的爸爸和Chinaway的一位老师帮助之下,我拿到了行李。并且它被送达到我们住的旅馆。因为这个在此行之初的小小冒险,这次活动已经变得令我难以忘怀。 - Sophie Zhang
在活动的第二天,我们直接就进入了教学。我们很多人都从来没有经历过这样的事——忙里忙外地说着一个我们不熟悉的语言,试图和新的队友合作,还有安排27个吵闹的四五年级学生。这绝对不是一件容易的事,但是这是一个巨大的学习过程!我已经注意到了有关中国学生几件事情;虽然他们的热情,但是第一,他们似乎有些野蛮以及喜欢随性而为。实际上他们对学习有个非常热情的态度。我们的问题是需要控制他们。因为他们太想参与,每一次我们问一个问题时,便会收到大声回应“我!我!我!”学生们特别渴望回答,所以有时候他们会把答案脱口而出,而忘记举手。在比赛期间,他们的声音大声的几乎令人无法忍受。当然,这些都不是问题,至少学生愿意学习,而不是精神萎靡。我个人觉得,发现这个变化是很令人愉快,我很长时间没有遇到过一个这样的教学环境了,还有我非常喜欢这个环境。- 安妮 郑
周先生欣赏大熊猫的可爱,但这是不是他爱熊猫们的主要原因。他热爱它们的坚韧,他最喜欢的熊猫在都江堰。强强,它代表了它的生活态度。强强被发现在野外,发现时,它的一条腿已经是断肢了,另外一条腿全部是血。他在承受巨大的痛苦,因为不能走路。然而,他坚持了下来。获救后,他慢慢的开始学会如何克服这个巨大的挑战。经历几个月康复治疗,他为了学习如何通过拖动自己与他的手臂进行移动。这,当然对蒋蒋来说不是新东西了。当他失去了他的第一只腿的时候,他不得不做同样的事情。但是,那是在野外,而不是在一个舒适且充满爱的熊猫保护区。那几个月,他很容易被猎人和其他大熊猫了攻击,但他活了下来。在野外,大熊猫没有空闲时间。当大熊猫在养尊处优的环境中四季都有竹子,而在 野生大熊猫必须在冬季吃腐肉。对于残缺的强强,他坚韧的品质一定是真正强大的。
最后,熊猫不是奢侈的王子。他们要面对真正的问题,他们的坚韧品质是他们的特点,像我和周先生,已经喜欢上了。” — 余瑞成


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