
in can the you picturein can the you picture see who 请把这些词连成一句话_百度作业帮
in can the you picturein can the you picture see who 请把这些词连成一句话
in can the you picturein can the you picture see who 请把这些词连成一句话
Who can you see in the picture?在图片里面你能看到谁?★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆
Who can you see in the picture .In addition to my love who can you 中文是什么_百度作业帮
In addition to my love who can you 中文是什么
In addition to my love who can you 中文是什么
小学英语PEP第2册教学进度表周次日期教学内容12.9-2.13Unit 1 Welcome back to school A22.16-2.20Unit 1 Welcome back to school B32.23-2.27  Unit 2 My family Part A43.1-3.5  Unit 2 My family Part B53.8-3.12  Unit 3 How many? Part A63.15-3.19  Unit 3 How many? Part B73.22-3.26Recycle One and Revision/Comment83.29-4.2Unit 4 Do you like peaches? Part A94.5-4.9Unit 4 Do you like peaches? Part B104.12-4.16Unit 5 Where is my ruler? Part A114.19-4.23Unit 5 Where is my ruler?Part B124.26-4.30Unit 6 At the zoo. Part A135.3-5.7INTERNATIONAL LABOUR DAY145.10-5.14Unit 6 At the zoo. Part B155.17-5.21Recycle Two Revision and Comment165.24-5.28General Revision175.31-6.4General Revision186.7-6.11Oral Test196.14-6.18Final English Test本册教材的教学目标:1、能听懂、会说12组会话,并能进行简单的交流;2、能听、说、认、读66个单词和听、说、读、写26个字母并且能听、说、读、写36个单词(包括学校、家庭、家具、数字、文具、食品和饮料、动物等几个话题),并能简单地运用;3、能听、做7个"TPR"活动;4、能学会2个小制作;5、能学唱8首歌曲;6、能听、说、唱8首歌谣;7、能完成8个自我评价活动;8、能听懂6个幽默小故事;9、能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。学生分析:        四(5)班:46人
优秀学生:        四(4)班:27人
优秀学生:  (5)班由于班主任的关系,我可以对需要帮助的学生进行经常性的帮助;平常也可以利用谈话课、班队课或午自修、早自修来提高学生学习的积极性。  (4)班的学生接触得比较少,但大部分学生的学习氛围还是比较浓厚的,只需要抓住小部分同学的注意力;安排好英语学习的组长,及时对学生的学习情况进行反馈。Unit 1
Welcome back to schoolLesson 1教学内容:Part A
Let's talk and let's practise教学目标:1. 巩固问候语Good morning. Hi.2. 学习新句型We have a new friend today. I'm from...(国家). Welcome!并通过会话,学生会介绍他人及做自我介绍。教学重点:学会本课新句型,并能学着做自我介绍。教学难点:解决American, Canada及China的发音,然后掌握新句型。教学准备:1. 主要人物的头饰(Mike, Amy, Bailing)。2. 公众人物的头饰(Miss White, Sarah, Wu Yifan, Mr. Black)3. 三个国家的国旗或者其他标志物。教学过程:一.Warm-up.1. Sing the "Hello" song.2. Greeting:The pattern is:T: Good morning, A. Welcome back to school. Nice to see you again.A: Nice to see you, too.1) Explain the difference between "Nice to meet you" and " Nice to see you".2) Emphasis the word "WELCOME".二.Presentation.1. Leading out.Let's me guess what you do in the winter vacation. (See a lot of cartoon film.) Then lead out the CARTOON film TOM AND JERRY.2. Practice the sentence "I'm from....".Now I want to show you my friend (while take out the toy JERRY). Do you know where is he from? (America) Then lead out the word AMERICA.1) Follow me to read the word AMERICA more than twice.2) Follow me to read the whole sentence "I'm from America." (show them the pattern "I'm from....)Now let's see, what's this in English? (show them the Canadian flag) Lead out the word CANADA.1) Follow me to read the word CANADA.2) Try to use this pattern to make a sentence. "I'm from Canada."Using the same way, showing them the Chinese flag. Lead out the word CHINA.1) Read the word CHINA.2) Make a sentence. "I'm from China."3. Game time-Introduce yourself.1) Give them some card which is written of the name of the places' or country's. Practice the sentence "I'm from...."2) Now see it, if I am Jerry, I will introduce myself as "Hello, I'm Jerry. I'm from America." So can you introduce yourself?Practice to introduce themselves.4. New lesson.You did a good job, boys and girls. Now let's go back to Sarah's school. They have a new friend today.Lead out the NEW FRIEND.1) And following to read the phrase.2) Following to read the whole sentence "We have a new friend, today."Open your book, please. Let's go over the contect.5. Show time.Act it out.三.Assessment.Activity book P1.Lesson 2教学内容:Part A
Let's learn and let's play
Part B Let's sing教学目标:1.能听说、认读boy和girl。2.听懂Watch out!这个短语。3. 会唱Boy and girl这首歌。教学重点:单词boy和girl的教学,及了解Watch out!这句话的意思。教学难点:单词的发音。教具准备:人物图片,裙子,裤子,头饰。教学过程:一.Warm-up.Ask and answer.T: Hello, A. /Good morning, A.Where are you from? /What's your name?A: I'm from.... /I'm ....T: Nice to see you.A: Nice to see you, too.二.Presentation.Who is she? (show them Amy's photo.)Lead out the word GIRL. She is a girl.1) Read the word "girl" more than twice.2) Read the whole sentence "I'm a girl."Are you a girl, Tony/Mark?Lead out the word BOY. He is a boy.1) Read the word "boy" more than twice.2) Read the whole sentence "I'm a boy."三.Practice.1.Say out. I have a skirt and a pair of trousers. I think the skirt is fit for girls and the trousers is fit for boys, right?When I show you "skirt", then you say "girl"; and I show you "trousers" then you say "boy". Understand?2.Guessing game. Boy or girl?3.Drawing lots.There are a lot of papers in the box. Then you pick out one of them, and say 3 sentences.Pattern is:I'm....I'm a ....I'm from....四.Let's sing.Sing the song "Boy and girl"五.Assessment.Activity book P2Lesson 3教学内容:Part A Let's say and let's chant Part C Let's check.教学目标:1.四会字母Aa,Bb,Cc及这些字母开头的单词ant, apple, boy, bag, coffee, coke.2.能唱这首歌谣,并通过听、说、唱复习字母,增强语感。3.完成Let's check。教学重点:四会字母Aa,Bb,Cc及这些字母开头的单词ant, apple, boy, bag, coffee, coke,并学会与字母Aa,Bb,Cc有关的歌谣。教学难点:四会字母Aa,Bb,Cc及这些字母开头的单词ant, apple, boy, bag, coffee, coke,并学会与字母Aa,Bb,Cc有关的歌谣。教具准备:卡片、图片、四线格。教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Everyday practice.A: Hi, I'm.... I'm from....B: Hi, I'm.... I'm from....A: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.A&B: Goodbye.2.Part A Let's practice.
Reviewing the name of the countries.二.Presentation.Today, we'll begin to learn the letters. Now we should learn how to read, write, and try to listen and speak out.1) Look at the blackboard. Give them the example "Aa".What does "A" look like? A tower.What does "a" look like? A girl's face.2) What's this? (show them the picture of an apple)Try to use the whole way of answering "It's...."Tell them the rule to use "an" and "a".3) Teach Bb, Cc as the same way.三.Game time.1) Find the neighbors and be in the queue. Then call out the letter, give them the papers written by A, a, B, b, C, c. After I say 1, 2, 3, they should be in the queue quickly and then call the letters out.2) Call out the letters, when I say "Aa", then you call out the words which include "Aa".四.Let's chant.1) Review the letters.2) Let's chant.五.Assessment.1)Let's check.2) Activity book P3.Lesson 4教学内容:Part B
Let's talk and let's practice
Culture教学目标:1.学习句型Where are you from? This is my friend....2.巩固、操练两个句型,并鼓励学生在真实情景中会话。3.了解妇女节的知识,并在这一天为妈妈做一件事。教学重点:学习句型Where are you from?教学难点:from的发音,及真实情景中的表演。教具准备:头饰,名片教学过程:一.Warm-up.1. Everyday exercise.2. Listening the Tel. Number.3. Review the chant, letters and the words.4. Draw a clock on the blackboard and review the sentence of "Good morning."二.Presentation.1.Make a dialogue with students.1) I have some paper here. And there is name, number and the name of the country on it. The number stands for the age, the name and the name of the country as well. That's all your imformations. When I call you up, then I will ask you some question. Please2) The imformation of the card is your friend's. Trying to introduce him/her to me. Use "This is my friend...."2.Teach the sentence "Where are you from?"3.Ask and answer in pairs.三.Listen and say.1) Listen and catch the main idea.2) Read the context.四.Culture.  Happy Women's Day五.Assessment.  Activity book
P4Lesson 5教学内容:Part B
Let's learn Part C
Story Time教学目标:1.学习单词teacher, student要求学生能听、说、认读。2.能听懂、会说 "Come in." "I'm sorry." "It's OK."三个短语和句子。3.复习巩固 "I'm the teacher. I'm the student."并通过故事理解 "I want to be the teacher./ Can you read this? /Sure. /Oh, no!"教学重点:能听说、认读单词student, teacher;能听懂、会说 "Come in." "I'm sorry." "It's OK."三个短语和句子。教学难点:能听说、认读单词student, teacher;能听懂、会说 "Come in." "I'm sorry." "It's OK."三个短语和句子。教具准备:名片,头饰教学过程:一.Warm-up.Everyday exercise.A: Good morning/afternoon. I'm Miss....What's your name, please?B: I'm....A: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.A: I'm from.... Where are you from?B: I'm from....A: OK. Goodbye.二.Presentation.1. From now on, if anybody late for class, you should say "I'm sorry." After I say "Come in." then you can come into the classroom. OK?2. Read the sentence.3. Let's try once.三.New lesson.Now I have a question: Who I am?
I'm a teacher.1) Teach the word "teachter". And then the sentence "I'm a teacher."2) Lead out the word "student". You are a student.3) Review the sentences as follows:1.Do you remember how to express you name?
I'm.... (Name)2.How about to express where you are from?
I'm from.... (Country)3.How to express your job?
I'm a.... (Job)4) Can you say three sentences as follows:I'm.... I'm from....
I'm a....四.Story time.1.Listen to that story, try to catch the main idea.2.Review the sentences "I'm the teacher", "I'm the student."五.Assessment.Activity book P5Lesson 6教学内容:Part B
Let's say and let's do教学目标:1. 能听、说、认读字母Dd, Ee。2. 复习巩固单词Duck, dog, elephant,及学习egg。3. 能做TPR活动。教学重点:字母的教学,并在此基础上,巩固学过的单词。教学难点:字母教学,发挥想象,记住字型。教具准备:教学图片教学过程:一. Warm-up.1) Review the letters : Aa Bb Cc4) Review the words: ant, apple, boy, bag, coffee, coke.二. Presentation.1) What's this in English? (Show their the picture of "duck" and "dog" )2) They have a same letter in these two words. Try to find out it.3) What does "D" look like?4) Read the letter and these two words.5) Teach the letter "E" as same way.6) Emphasis that the we should use "an egg" or "an elephant", not "a".三. Practice.1) What's missing.2) Who can pat it quickly.四. Let's do.1) Listen to the tape and catch the main idea.2) Try to imitate.3) Let's do.五. Assessment.Activity book P6Unit 2
My familyLesson 7教学内容:Part A
Let's talk and let's practise教学目标:1、学习新句型Who's that man/woman?He's/She's....2、通过会话,学生练习介绍自己和学会询问他人的家庭成员。教学重点:学会本课新句型,并能询问他人的家庭成员。教学难点:正确使用人称代词he和she,然后掌握新句型。教学准备:人物的头饰、朋友和家庭成员的照片教学过程:一.Warm-up.Everyday exercise.A: Good morning/afternoon. I'm.....(name)I'm from....(country,province)Where are you from?B: I'm from....A: Nice to meet you.(indroduce B)Hi! This is B.We have a new friend today.B: Welcome!二.Presentation.1.Look at the picture: Who's that girl? Do you know? Oh, she's Amy. She's my friend.Follow me the sentence: she's Amy. She's my friend.Repeated the word: she. (Notice the pronunciation)  Do the same thing: Teaching "he".2.Do you know who she/he is? Try to ask me"Who's that woman/man?"Read the sentence again. Teaching the word: man/ woman.3.Look! (Show a photo): There are 4 people in this family. She is mother, and he is father. Teaching the word: mother and father.三.Practice1.Make the dialogue with students2.Listening the tape of" Let's talk"3.Who can try playing the dialogue?4. Show time.四.AssessmentActivity book P7五.Add activitiesLesson 8教学内容:Part A
Let's learn and Let's sing教学目标:1.能听说、认读man, father, grandfather, woman, mother和grandmother。2.会唱Father and Mother这首歌。3.能听懂故事大意。教学重点:单词的教学。教学难点:单词的发音。教具准备:家庭照,挂图,单词卡和图卡。教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Revision: number2.Ask and answer.  T: Hello, I'm.... This is my family.A: Who's that man?T: He's my dad.A: I'm.... This is my family.T: Who's that woman?A: She's my mom.二.Presentation1.Show the picture of family tree: This is my family. Her are 7 people in my family: my grandpa, my grandma, my dad, my mom, my sister, my brother and me.2.Teaching the word: grandfather. Repeat the word again.3.Do the same thing: Teaching the other words.Point: grandma and grandpa are speaking language.三.Practice1.Play game.1) Who quickly2) Find out the photo2.Listen and read3.Trishaw me the picture of your mom.(...)This is my mom.四.Let's sing.Sing the song "Father and Mother"五.Assessment.Activity book P8Lesson 9教学内容:Part A Let's say and let's chant Part C Story time教学目标:1.学习字母Ff,Gg和以这些字母开头的单词father, fish, girl, goose.2.能唱这首歌谣,并通过听、说、唱熟悉字母,增强语感。3.能听懂故事,并巩固已经学过的句型。教学重点:学习字母Ff,Gg和以这些字母开头的单词father, fish, girl, goose.教学难点:字母及单词的掌握。教具准备:卡片、图片、四线格。教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Everyday practice.2.Sing the song "Father and Mother"3.TPR4.Read word二.Presentation1.Revision: review the word Aa-Dd2.What's the next? Oh! It's Ff.
Read the word some times..  Teaching the "Gg" as Teaching "Ff"3.Show the picture: What's this? It's a fish.
Teaching the word: fishTeaching "goose"in the same way.4.Listen and read.三.Practice1.Game: find out the friend.2.Writing the words.3.Let's chant1) Review the letters.2) Let's chant. Notice:"under" " tree"四.Story time.1.Listen to that story.2.Remembering: She's beautiful! My mom is an actress. Look at me! How wonderful!Reading it follow the tape.五.AssessmentActivity book P9Lesson 10教学内容:Part B
Let's talk and let's practice教学目标:1.巩固句型Who's this boy/girl? This is my brother/sister/....2.学习感叹词:"Cool! Great! Wow!"  学习常用口语"Come on! Really?"。3.学习一般疑问句"Is she/he your....?"教学重点:句型Who's this...? This is...? 和一般疑问句"Is she/he your....?"在实际场景中的学习。教学难点:一般疑问句"Is she/he your....?"的正确运用。教具准备:家庭成员的照片教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Everyday practice.2.Game: find the right words and right photo.3.Revision: Part A Let's talkAct it.二.Presentation1.TPR  Teacher say: Come on, children Stand up, please! Sit down, please! Open your books. Look at the blackboard. Watch TV. etc.  Student
act it right.  Teacher
praise: Wonderful! Good job! etc.2.Teaching these words and sentences.3.Point: pronunciation and meaning to these words and sentences.4.Open your book, please. Let's read the context.三.Practice1.Show a photo and ask: Is she/he your mom/dad/grandma/grandpa...Say the sentence some times. Answer:Yes or No.2.Teaching: Is she your mom?Yes, she's my mom.No, she's my sister.3.Review the sentences as follows:Play the short talk.四.AssessmentActivity book P10Lesson 11教学内容:Part B
Let's learn and Let's chant
Culture教学目标:1.学习单词sister, brother要求学生能听、说、认读。2.复习巩固感叹词"Wow!"和学习句子"What a big fish!"3.能有节奏地唱歌谣,复习巩固本课所学单词。4.对中西餐饮食习惯和chopsticks, fork, knife三个单词有初步的认识。教学重点:能听说、认读单词sister, brother;能说感叹词"Wow!"和句子"What a big fish!"教学难点:能听说、认读单词sister, brother;能说感叹词"Wow!"和句子"What a big fish!"教具准备:挂图,照片教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Sing the song "Father and Mother"2.Everyday practice.3.Show a picture and ask:T: Do you know who he is ?Ask me please. Come on !Who can try?A: Who's that man?T: Guess.A: Is he your dad/friend...?T: No, he's my grandpa.二.Presentation1.Listen and read: Part B Let's talkAct it.2.Look at the photo: This is my family.Then lead out: This is my sister. This is my brother.Teaching the words:"sister" and"brother"3.Ask and answer:T: Who's that woman/girl/boy?A: She's my mom/sister. He's my brother.4.Teaching the sentence:"Wow!
What a big fish!"三.Practice1.Read the words of family tree.2.Game: Let's practice3.Find out the right words and right photos4.Let's chant四.Culture五.AssessmentActivity book P11Lesson 12教学内容:Part B
Let's say and let's do
Part C Let's check.教学目标:1.能听、说、认读字母Hh, Ii及以该字母为首的单词。2.能做TPR活动。3.完成Let's check。教学重点:字母的教学,并在此基础上,巩固学过的单词。教学难点:字母教学,发挥想象,记住字型。教具准备:教学图片、卡片、四线格。教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Greeting:2.Let's chant: Part a3.Game: Find the right word as quickly as you can二.Presentation1.Revision: review the word Aa-Gg2.What's the next? Oh! It's Hh.
Read the word some times..Notice: prononciation of "Hh"  Teaching the "Ii" as Teaching "Hh"3.Show the picture: T: What's this?
S: It's a hamburger. T: Do you like it.
S: Yes.(No) Leading out the word: hamburgerTeaching "hot dog/ice-cream/ice"in the same way.4.Listen and read.三.Practice1.Writing2.Game3.Let's do四.Let's check五.AssessmentActivity book P12Unit 3
How many?Lesson 13教学内容:Part A
Let's learn and let's play
Let's learn教学目标:1. 通过游戏的形式,使学生能听、会说1-20个数字。2. 让学生体会到快乐。教学重点:数字的发音教学难点:数字的发音教学准备:教学图片教学过程:一. Warm-up.1.Everyday exercise. Revision the sentences: Where are you from?
I'm from....
Who's that/ this boy/ girl/ man/ woman? He's .... She's ....二. Presentation.1.Game one-Listen to the phone number.Give them some number to write down, which people can write it the fastest, he/ she can get on point for their group. The group that can get the most points can win the game.--In order to review the numbers from 1 to 12.2.Game two-Find the neighbour.I give them some numbers and who can find the neighbour the most quickly can get one point for their group.3.Teaching the numbers from 13-20.I put them in two lines to learn.1) Thirteen, fifteen, twenty2) Fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen4.Game three-Plus game.Give them two numbers and they should plus them together, and just tell me the answer they get. The one who get the answer the most quickly can get one point for their group.5.Game four-Line up.I wanna 10 students each game. And let them dismiss at the very beginning, when I say "Line up" then they should be in a queue quickly and count the numbers as I give them the first number.三. Practise.1.How many... can you see?I take out some school things, for example: pencils, pens, erasers...Ask and answer: How many... can you see? Then they give me the answers.2.Assessment.Activity book
P14Lesson 14教学内容:Part A
Let's talk and let's practise.教学目标:1. 能学会对别人的东西进行评价It's beautiful.及简单的OK。2. 能听、会说句型How many... can you see?及回答I can see....教学重点:学会评价的话,及句型学习。教学难点:句型的变换,能举一反三。教学准备:图片教学过程:一. Warm-up.1.Review the numbers from 11-20.2.Everyday exercise.A: Look XXX. I have a new.... (Use the word they learn last term such as kite, doll, ball....and
explain the meaning of new)B: Cool. /Great. /Super.二. Presentation.1.Teaching "It's beautiful."A: Look XXX. I have a.... How beautiful it is!Another way to say something is good we can say beautiful.1) Repeat the word BEAUTIFUL.2) Repeat the whole sentence "Oh! It's beautiful."3) Let's fly it! Ok? (while do as I say)4) Repeat the whole part as we say.Pattern is:A: Look, XXX. I have a new....B: Oh, it's beautiful.A: Let's fly it!B: OK!2.Open the book. How many rabbits can you see?They answer use the pattern: I can see....How many cats can you see then?3. They may answer 11. Then I lead out the sentence "The black one is a bird."三. Listen and imitate.1.Listen to the tape and catch the main idea.2.Imitate and say.3.Read together.四. Show time.五. Assessment.Activity book
P13Lesson 15教学内容:Part
Let's say and let's sing
Let's play教学目标:1. 能听、说、读、写字母Jj,Kk,并要求学生能听懂、会说以这些字母开头的单词jeep, jump, key, kangaroo.2. 通过学唱歌曲和游戏,来复习数字。教学重点:字母的学习及发音。教学难点:字母及单词的发音准确。教学准备:教学图片教学过程:一.Warm-up.1. Everyday exercise.1)Reviewing the text of Let's talk.2)How many... can you see?2. Game time-Let's play.The numbers from 1-20二.Presentation.1. Let's sing a song. One two three four five.1) Listen to the tape and catch the main idea.2) Explain the meaning of the song.3) Sing it together.2. Learning the letter Jj, Kk.(read and write)3. Game time-Guessing game.What's this?1) While I drive a jeep. Jump like a frog. Lock the door. Jump like a kangaroo.2) Teaching these words.4.Game time-Find the kangaroo.I am a jeep. (While you act like that you drive a jeep)I jump. (Which was hit by the jeep and jump like a frog)I am a key. (While the frog get a key on the road)I am a kangaroo. (Key use itself to open the door and save the kangaroo)三.Act a little play.四.Assessment.Activity book
P15Recycle 1Lesson 19Content:recycle 1.let's act.Aim:1. the diaogue A:who's that boy? / he is my friend.2. the diaogue B:nice to meet you./where are you from?/I'm from....3. the diaogue C.what's in your box?4. the diaogue D:open it and see!/how many?/good idea./let's share.Progress:1. revision:the sentences:I have a ..../ how many... do you have?/I can see....2.learn the new conversation: how many ...do you have?I have ....3.count 16 to 20.
the words:lion,milk,lock,mouse.4. the character:L M N.5. diaogue A:listen to the tape and act.A:hello,chen jie.
B:hi,john.C:who's that boy?B:he's my friend,john.C:hello,john,I'm amy.A:nice to meet you.where are you from?
C:I'm from america.6. listen and act.C:what's in your box?A:guess.C:chocolates?
B:cookies?A:open it and see.C:oh,chocolates.how many?
B:let's count.1...20.A:let's share.B:good idea.
C:thanks.Lesson 20Content:recycle 1:let's chant,let's play.Aim:1. revision:the sentences:I have a ..../ how many... do you have?/I can see....2.learn the new conversation: how many ...do you have?I have ....3.count 16 to 20.the words:lion,milk,lock,mouse.4. the character:L M N.5.learn some new words:brother,sister,father,mother.6.let's chant.Let's go ,boys.Let's go,girls.Let'all be a family.Who plays father?Who plays mother?Who play brother and sister?I am father.I am mother.We are brother and sister.Let's go ,boys.Let's go,girls.Let's all be a family.7. let's play.Listen,jump and say.(listen to the tapy).8. the homework of workbook.Unit 4
Do you like peaches?Lesson 20教学内容:Part
Let's learn
Let's play教学目标:1.能听说、认读本课的四个单词Peach, orange, pear, watermelon。2.初步掌握回答别人是否喜欢这样东西的回答:Yes, I do. / No, I don't.3.复习上个学期学过的颜色。教学重点:学会本课的四个单词,并掌握发音。教学难点:watermelon比较难发,及Yes, I do./ No, I don't.句型的初步掌握。教学准备:录音机,教学图片教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Let's chant. "I can see a rainbow."2.Let's chant. "pink ball, purple ball...."3.Greeting.二.Presentation.1.Guessing game.I draw one part of the fruit on the blackboard, then I let them guess what it is.... Lead out the words and teach their the pronunciation.PEAR
PEACH1) What colour is it?2) The four things has their own colour, if I say yellow, then you should say out the word pear. And so on...三.Practise.1.Ask and answer.What do you like?  I like.... /I like ... and....2.Do you like...?If you like, then you should say "Yes, I do."If you don't like it, then you should say that "No, I don't." If you are polite enough, then you should say "No, I don't. Thank you.Yes, I do.
No, I don't.四.Let's play--Draw and colour.Let them understand the meaning of draw.五.Assessment.Activity book P24
$2Lesson 21教学内容:Part A
Let's talk
Let's practise教学目标:1.能听会说句型Do you like...?及What about ...?并能在情景对话中,自己询问别人和表自己是否喜欢某种水果,自然运用。2.巩固上个学期学的句型I like.... Can I have some.... Have some.... 及上节课学习的四个单词Pear, peach, watermelon, orange.3.能听、说、认读Strawberry, banana, grapes.教学重点:能在情景中自然运用所学的句型。教学难点:能使学生融会贯通,举一反三。教学准备:1.给每组学生准备一张课堂上使用的表格。2.请同学们每人带一样自己最喜欢的水果(要课堂上所学的。)3. 准备Powerpoint课件。4. 教学图片和录音机。教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Let's chant: Pink ball.2.Greeting.3.Flashing game.-- The fruit flashes in a second, then say out1)" How many fruits can you see?"
The pattern is: I can see....2)"What can you see then?"
The pattern is: I can see a/ an....(Reviewing the sentence of how many... can you see? & I can see....)二.Presentation.(一) Find out the fruit.--What can you see?
The pattern is: I can see a ....Learning the words: Strawberry, grapes, banana.(二) Guessing game-What's behind?1.Use PowerPoint-What's behind the poker K? (4 times)Explain the rules of the game.I am just like a magician. While say the magic: "Magic, magic, one two three." Then show them the things behind the poker. (Reviewing the words: strawberry, grapes, banana)2.Reviewing all the words of the fruit. Ask and answer: Do you like...? Yes, I do. /No, I don't.3.What's in the plate?-Smell and answer my question.I show them an empty plate, and let them imagine and smell the smelling which in the plate. And then, answer my question: Do you like it? Yes, I do. /No, I don't.(三)Learning the sentence: Do you like...?1. Ask and answer Ss & T2. Ask and answer Ss & Ss(四)Learning the sentences "What about...?"1.Ask and answer Ss & T2.Ask and answer Ss & Ss三.Communication-Exchange fruits. T: Do you like...? B: Yes, I do. /No, I don't . T: What about...? B: Yes, I do. /No, I don't. T: Have some .... B: Thank you. T: You're welcome. Here you are. 四.Fill in the form.FoodNameapplespeachespearsorangesWatermelonsbananasgrapesstrawberryThey can leave out the seat and ask his/her friend to get the answer.The pattern is: Do you like...? What about ...?If he/ she likes the food, then they should draw a smiling face in the blank, and if they don't like the food, they should draw a sad face.Who give the answer , then he/ she can get a plate of fruit as a reward.五.Share the fruits and finish the lesson.Chant the ABCDEFGLesson 22教学内容:Part A Let's say
Let's chant教学目标:1.培养孩子听、说、读、写字母Oo, Pp, Qq,并能听懂由这些字母开头的单词,orange, peach, pear, queen, quiet.2.通过有节奏、有韵律的歌谣来复习和巩固A-Q的字母及有关食物的单词。3.能I like them very much. 表达自己非常喜欢的情绪,学习句子Let's have some peaches and pears.教学重点:字母的发音及句子的掌握。教学难点:句子的跟读,单词Queen及Quite的学习。教学准备:教学图片,录音机教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Let's chant.-Let's go boys, let's go girls.2.Who has a good memery.Ask six or seven students to stand in a row, let them use the pattern: "I like...." To say something. But the next one should remember what the former one likes and add another things.二.Presentation.(一)1.Ask and answer. Review the former lesson.Do you like...? Yes, I do. /No, I don't. They ask and I answer.  2.Lead out the sentence-Oh, I like them very much.  3.Teaching the sentences and emphasise "very much".(二)1.What's this? When I take out a picture of an orange.And this? I point to the word OK marked on the orange.They all begin with the letter O. Teach the letter O.Teach the letter P as the same way. And also review the words pear and peach.I take out a poker Q, do you know the letter? Teach the letter Q and the words which are begin with Q.-queen and quite.2.Let's review them. Play bingo.3. Find their friends.I write the small letter or the big letter on the blackboard. And let them write out their friend out.(三)Let's chant.1.What can you hear in this chant? Catch out.2.Let's chant together.三.Practise.1.Copy the letters on the activity book.2.Activity book. P25Lesson 23教学内容:Part
Let's talk
let's practise
let's check教学目标:1.在学习Do you like ...? Yes, I do. /No, I don't.的基础上,学习Sorry. Certainly.等延伸语言。2.完成Let's check.教学重点:sorry, certainly的发音。教学难点:sorry, certainly的发音。教学准备:教学图片教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Let's chant.2.Greeting.3.Finishing the form. Use the pattern: Do you like...? Yes, I do. /No, I don't like....FoodNameapplespeachespearsorangesWatermelonsbananasgrapesstrawberry二.Presentation.(一)1.Use "Sorry, I don't like...." Ask and answer.2.Reviewing the words.3.Teaching the word FRUIT/FRUITS.(二)1.Teacher ask and students answer.Do you like...? /Can I have some/ an/ a...? /Sure, here you are.Lead out "Have some more."Try to say "No, thank you."2.Teaching the sentence: Have some more?3.Student ask and teacher answer.Use the same pattern, they should ask me " Have some more?"4.Lead out "Certainly."(三)Listen and say.1.Listen to the tape and catch the main idea.2.Try to say.三.Practise.Act out the talk.四.Assessment.Let's check.Lesson 24教学内容:Part
Let's sing
C story time and culture.教学目标:1.学唱an apple a day.2.能听懂It's cheap. I'm full. No way. Doggy bag.鼓励接受能力较强的孩子在日常生活中使用这些句子。3.了解"打包袋"的知识。在英美等国家,人们说Doggy bag.的意思是把食物带回去给狗吃。其实大部分人是留给自己吃。要养成勤俭节约的好习惯,吃汉堡包、热狗等属高热量食品,应少吃。平时要多吃豆类、蛋类及蔬菜、水果。教学重点:学生能愉快地学习。教学难点:学生能愉快地学习。教学准备:教学图片教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Let's play bingo.2.Greeting.二.Presentation.1.Listen to the tape and imitate.2.Teach the words "keep" and "doctor"3.Let's sing together.三.Story time.1.Listen to the story.2.Catch the main idea and translation.3.Explain "I'm full.", "It's cheap.", "Doggy bag.", "No way."If the get enough time, then I can let them act the story out.四.Culture.Doggy bag.Lesson 25教学内容:Part
let's do教学目标:1.能四会字母Rr, Ss, Tt.并让学生听懂,会说以这些字母开头的单词rainbow, rain, snake, squirrel, tiger, taxi.2.巩固字母A-Q教学重点:字母的发音及以这些字母开头的单词的发音。教学难点:单词的认读。教学准备:教学图片教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Let's play bingo.2.Listen and paste.When you hear the letter, you should write it down and paste it on the other's back.3.Simon says.Review let's do.When I say "simon says" , they can do, if not they cannot do anything.二.Presentation.1.Listen and draw. ( review the colour)2.Lead out the word "Rainbow, rain, snake, tiger, taxi"3.Guess the sound of the animal.三.Practise.1.Find the neighbour.2.Divided the whole class into two groups. And the one part say the letters, the other part say words.四. Let's do.1.Listen to the tape and do.2.Listen to the tape and say.3.Listen to the tape, do and say.五. Assessment.Activity book.Unit 5
Where is my ruler?Lesson 26教学内容:Part A
Let's learn and let's play教学目标:1.学习几个表示交通工具的单词:bus, taxi, jeep, bike以及短语"look out"。2.学习新句型Where is...?让学生学会在实际生活中提问物品所在位置。教学重点:学会本课新句型,并能学着提问物品所在位置。教学难点:解决taxi的发音,了解where is=where`s,然后掌握新句型。教学准备:1.准备玩具bus, taxi, jeep, bike, plane, doll。2.准备一个大信封和一个眼罩。3.准备音乐磁带和小球。教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Chant2.Greeting.3.Review these words: car, box, ball, plane, dollAsk and answer: What's this? Do you like cars?(......)二.Presentation.1. T: Look! What's this?
S: It`s a box.T: Yes. It's a box. It's a toy box. Car, box, ball, plane and doll are toy.Repeat: toy box.2. Show the new sentence:  Where is my car? (Show the car and Repeat: car)  It's in the toy box.(Teaching: in the toy box) Teaching these new words as the same way: bus, taxi, jeep, bike3. Teaching sentence: Look out!4. Read and Repeat: Let's learn三.Practice.1. The teacher show a part of picture, then let the students say the right words as quickly as they can.2. Game: Find----Where is....?3. Find out the toy四.AssessmentActivity book P30Lesson 27教学内容:Part A
Let's talk and let's practise教学目标:1.复习表示交通工具的单词:bus, taxi, jeep, bike以及短语"look out"。2.通过情景会话,让学生学会提问和回答物品所在位置,并能在实际生活中应用。教学重点:学会本课新句型,并能学着提问和回答物品所在位置。教学难点:了解on, under和in的不同用法,然后掌握新句型。教学准备:1.准备玩具bus, taxi, jeep, bike, plane, doll。2.准备眼罩和头饰。3.准备音乐磁带和小球。教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Everyday practice:A: Where is the bus? (taxi, jeep, bike)B: It's in the toy box.2.Review these words: bus, taxi, jeep, bike二.Presentation.1.Teaching new section:on the toy box /in the toy box /under the toy boxPoint:"under" pronunciation2.Read and repeat: Let's talk三.Practice.1.Ask and answer A: Where is my pencil? B: It's in your pencil-case.(on, under)2.Listen and draw3.Find and guess4.show the dialogue四.AssessmentActivity book P29Lesson 28教学内容:Part A Let's say
Let's do教学目标:1.培养学生听、说、读、写字母Uu, Vv, Ww,并能听懂由这些字母开头的单词,umbrella, under, vest, violin, window, wind.2.通过有节奏、有韵律的歌谣来复习和巩固A-W的字母。教学重点:字母的发音。教学难点:V的发音及Ww的书写教学准备:教学图片,字母卡,录音机教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Everyday exercise:A: Where is the ....?B: It`s in/on/under the book/chair/desk(...).2.Game: draw and guess二.Presentation.1.Show the picture and ask: What's this?
Answer: It's an umbrella. (Teaching" umbrella")T: What letter is this?
S: It's Uu.( Teaching"Uu")T: Where is the monkey? Yes,it`s under the umbrella. ( Teaching"under")2.Teaching "Vv" and"Ww"3.Listen and read:Let`s say4.Listen and do: Let`s do三.Practice.1.Game:Finding2.Look and draw3. Copy the letters on the activity book.4.Read and do: Let`s do四.AssessmentActivity book. P31Lesson 29教学内容:Part
Let's talk
let's practise
let's check教学目标:1.在学习Where is ...?
It`s in /on /under the ....的基础上,学习"Excuse me,can I use...?No problem."等扩展内容。2.完成Let's check.教学重点:Excuse me, problem的发音。教学难点:Excuse me, problem的发音。教学准备:教学图片教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Everyday exercise2.Let`s chat.3.Game:listen and doPut your pencil on your pencil-case.Put your book under your pencil-case.二.Presentation.1.T:I want to draw an apple.T:Oh,where is my pencil?Is it under the book?No.T:Excuse me,can I use your pencil?S:No problem. Teaching:"use" and "no problem"2.T:Look,is`s here.3.Let`s talk4. Teaching:"Excuse me." and "Sorry."三.Practice.1.Make a talkA:Can I use ...?B:No problem.Guess!Where is is?A:In your pencil-case?B:Yes./No.2.Act the talk3.Ask and answer:Let`s practice四.Assessment1.Let's check.2.Activity book. P32Lesson 30教学内容:Part
Let's learn
C story time and culture.教学目标:1.能听、说、认读lamp,desk,walkman,chair这些单词。2.复习巩固lamp,desk,walkman,chair这些单词。3.了解国际六一儿童节的内容。4.能听懂故事。教学重点:掌握单词。教学难点:巩固单词。教学准备:教学图片,单词卡,录音机教学过程:一.Warm-up.1. Greeting.2.Everyday exercise3.Make a talk:A:Can I use ...?B:No problem.Guess!Where is is?A:In your pencil-case?B:Yes./No.二.Presentation.1.Show the picture and ask:What`s this? Answer:It`s a desk.(Teaching "desk") Teaching :chair2.Teach the words "lamp" and "walk"3.Listen and read:Let's learn.三.Story time.1.Listen to the story.2.Catch the main idea and translation.3.Explain "Hide and Seek.", "behind", "find."If the get enough time, then I can let them act the story out.四.Culture.Children`s Day.五.Practice.1.Game:guess2.Game:listen and colour六.AssessmentActivity book. P33Lesson 31教学内容:Part
let's sing教学目标:1.能四会字母Xx,Yy,Zz.并让学生听懂,会说以这些字母开头的单词fox,box,yellow,yo-yo,zoo,zebra.2.通过学唱歌曲巩固字母A-Z教学重点:字母的发音及以这些字母开头的单词的发音。教学难点:单词的认读。教学准备:教学图片,字母卡教学过程:一.Warm-up.1.Let's play bingo.2.Listen and do.  Simon says.Review let's do.When I say "simon says" , they can do, if not they cannot do anything.二.Presentation.1.Show the picture and ask:What`s this? Answer:It`s a box. T:What letter is this?
S:It`s Xx.( Teaching"Xx")T: What`s in the box?Yes,it`s a fox. ( Teaching"fox")2.Teaching "Yy" and"Zz"3.Listen and read:Let`s say4. Let`s sing.三.Practice.1.Game:find the friend2.Look and draw3. Copy the letters on the activity book.5. Sing the song四.AssessmentActivity book. P34Unit 6
At the zooLesson 32教学内容:Part A
Let's chant
Let's chant教学目标:1.复习字母,及以这些字母开头的单词,并以歌谣的形式将英语字母背诵下来。2.学习常见的英语缩略词,A.M.(a.m.), P.M.(p.m.), TV, CD, VCD.3.学习中国,加拿大,英国,美国的国名缩写,并识别四国的国旗,并通过歌谣的形式让他们了解四国国名的简称和全称。教学重点:字母的复习教学难点:四国国名的全称教学准备:教学图片教学过程:一.Warm-up.1. Greeting.2. Let's chant or let's do.二.Presentation.1. Reviewing the letters and the words begin with these letters.2. Let's chant. ABCDEFG...a. Listen to the tape.b. Try to chant after the tape.c. Teaching the sentence "Now you can say your ABC's.d. Let's chant with the tape together.3. Knowledge.There are a lot of meanings between the different arrangement in alphabetical orders.A.M. stands for morningP.M. stands for afternoonTV
VCD4. PRC, CAN, UK, USAAll of them are with big letters, and the whole name of there words of country. Teaching "The United Kingdom"5. Let's chant.a. Listen to the tape and catch the main idea.b. Do and chant.c. Chant with the music.Lesson 33教学内容:Part A
Let's learn
Let's learn and let's sing教学目标:1.学习形容词tall, short, small, big, long及两个关于动物的单词giraffe, deer.2.能唱They are in the zoo.复习句型Where is ...?及动物。教学重点:5个形容词的区分教学难点:short的两种意思,区分他们之间的意思。教学准备:教学图片教学过程:一.Warm-up.1. Greeting.2. Let's do and let's chant.二.Persentation.1. Let's sing a song.a. Listen to the tape and how many animals can you catch through the tape?b. Teach the word "giraffe".c. Open the book and read the lyric.d. Ask six students to act and each one should sing a sentence.2. Review the word "giraffe" and lead out the other words: tall, short, small, big, long, deer.三.Practice.1. Two boys , one is tall and the other is short.2. Show them two pencils, one is long and the other is short.3. Show them two erasers, one is big and the other is small.4. Guessing game.I describe a student and let them guess who is he or who is she!5. Let them describe themselves like me.a. Practise in pairs.b. Stand in the front of the classroom and say.四.Assessment.Activity bookLesson 34教学内容:Part A
Let's talk
Let's practise.教学目标:1.学习使用Look at.... It has.... 的句型介绍动物的特征。2.复习巩固句型I have....及5个形容词。教学重点:句型Look at.... It has....的掌握。教学难点:句型Look at.... It has....的掌握。教学准备:教学图片教学过程:一.Warm-up.1. Greeting.2. Let's chant.二.Persentation.1. Listen, do and show.a. tall, short, long, short, big, small.b. Make yourself tall/ small.Make your eyes big/ small.Make your arms long/ short.c. sing it with the tape.2. Let's do and review the words they learned yesterday.3. Guessing game.One student face to the blackboard and guess, one student describe himself or herself.三.Practise.1. Can you describe your friends?The pattern is Look at.... He/ she has ....Practise in pairs.2. Describe the animals.The pattern is Look at.... It has....Practise in pairs.四.Listen to the tape.1. Listen to the tape and catch the main idea.2. Read the passage.Lesson 35教学内容:Part B
Let's talk and Let's practise.教学目标:1.学习常用的表达方法Yeah. You're right. It's so....2.培养学生的兴趣。教学重点:培养学生的兴趣。教学难点:培养学生的兴趣。教学准备:教学图片教学过程:一.Warm-up.1. Greeting.2. Let's do and let's chant.二.Presentation.1. Look at me. I have.... Describe themselves.2. Show the animals and say.The pattern is Look, I have a.... It has....3.
I have some picture here.A: Look at the....  B: It's....A: Yeah. It's so...  Teaching the sentence It's so....When I paste the picture on the blackboard and let them practise.4. Describe.The... is....三.Practise.Act like animalsA: Hello, I am.... I'm from.... Where are you from?B: Hello, XXX. I'm from....A: Look, I have a.... it has....B: Oh, it's so....A: And I'm tall. You're short.四.Listen.1. Listen to the tape and catch the main idea.2. Read the passage.Recycle 2Lesson 36Content:recycle 2:let's act.Aim:1. revision:1) the words:tall,big,long,short,small.2) the words: tall,giraffe,short,deer.3) the sentences:it's so tall./it's so short.look at....4) practise:I have a bird.it's small./I have a rabbit.it has long ears2. practise these diaogues.Key:1.i can get the apples.2.my nose is long.3. can I have a peach,please?Progress:Diaogue:A:I'm tall.i can get the apples.
B:my nose is long.i can get the pears.C:I'm strong.i can carry the fruit.
D:I can get the grapes.A:wow.so many fruits.
B:yeah,let's count.C:four peaches,twelve pears.A:let's eat..
B:can I have a peach,please?C:I like bananas.
D:me too.A:sure.
B:oh,where's my banana?C:look,it's there.
D:ha,ha.4. practise and act.Lesson 37.Content:recycle 2:let'listen,color and say.Aim:1.revision:1) the words:tall,big,long,short,small.2) the words: tall,giraffe,short,deer.3) the sentences:it's so tall./it's so short.look at....4) practise:I have a bird.it's small./I have a rabbit.it has long ears1. revision:the words refer to the fruits.2. revision:the words refer to animals.3. revision:the words refer to colors.4. revision:the words refer to transpasitions.Progress:1.revision:the words:tall,big,long,short,small. tall,giraffe,short,deer.the sentences:it's so tall./it's so short.look at....practise:I have a bird.it's small./I have a rabbit.it has long ears2.revision:the words refer to the fruits\animals\colors\transpasitions.1. which animal do you like best?please answer with I like....best.2. do you know what they wanna get best?please turn to page 70.find and draw with line.use your favourite color,ok?3. answer my question as this form:...likes....
got it?4. look at this picture,what can you see in it?5. answer to my question with I can see... in the picture.6. revision the words:color. Red.black.purple.pink,orange,yellow,green,blue.7. but there're so many blank need you paint,do it as they say,ok?8. where's taxi/bike/boat/chair/bus/car/desk/plane?color them with the correct colors.9. finish the homework in your workbook.


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