我只想唱歌 张学友我们单纯的在一起翻译英语句子

我有3个英语方面的问题!1:Try your best to avoid brake urgently in the course of delivery.这个句子有没有语法错误?avoid 和 brake 都是动词 ,可以在一起吗?2:hop-off 瞬间离合该怎么翻译?不要用在线翻译,那上面的不准确.3:欢迎社_百度作业帮
我有3个英语方面的问题!1:Try your best to avoid brake urgently in the course of delivery.这个句子有没有语法错误?avoid 和 brake 都是动词 ,可以在一起吗?2:hop-off 瞬间离合该怎么翻译?不要用在线翻译,那上面的不准确.3:欢迎社会各界人士前来访问 这个用英语怎么翻译?关键是社会各界人士怎么翻译?我只想说明 智慧是来源于大家的,哪怕你翻译的一个不是太好的也比用翻译机翻译的要好,所以请不要用无脑翻译机.我认为回答好的不容易,如果翻的好,我会追加一倍的分.骗人是小狗.
1.第一个句子有错误:avoid doing sth 所以应为:Try your best to avoid braking urgently in the course of delivery.2.有hop off 但是中间不应该有连字符,意思是:下车(口语中);(飞机)起飞;(乘飞机)出发 瞬间离合译为:let in and out the clutch instantaneously/instantly 3.Welcome people from all areas pay a visit to us.自己译的,不对的话可以交流~!
1、这个句子好像不对,avoid后面应该加doing的形式。2、[俚语](飞机的)起飞;瞬间离合 instantaneous on-off 3、People of all walks of life are welcome to come to visit 这是我在网上找的比较现成的句子,“社会各界人士”直接用public应该也可以。
1. 这句有语法错误,avoid 后面应该加V-ing形式,这里的brake是动词,意思是刹车,后面跟着副词urgently2. hop-off 我只知道是下车、走开的意思3. People from all walks of life are welcome to visit us.
1. Brake这里是名词,表示刹车这个动作,避免刹车太急2。你这里的离合是说悲欢离合还是汽车离合器的离合?
hope-off是表示临时上下车,例如观光bus,hop-on hop-off随时上下
3。We welcome visitors from all fields(领域), 或者All are welcome to visit us。希...
have you ever felt that i have been working hard to capture you heart.for some time, i thoutht we were so close that we would be together.i don't care about what kind of relationship will be between us and i just want to be by you side.nor do i care about any promises from you.i just hope you will remember me when you are sad.you are the one who i care about most and to me, you are most important this is my best wishes for you on you birthday.
只学过英语!!这是英语翻译Are you not also aware that I have you want to catch up with the pace of the efforts of the heart I think we once so close, near to true if there is hope that with Identity...
又见翻译机,和中式英语。.. 习惯缩写了,楼主用的话,这里边的U就是you,ur就是your.别忘了哦。 have u ever noticed that i've been trying to keep step with u? it seemed very possible to be next to u. i just wanna be with u ...
Do you ever realize that my heart desiring to catch your paceOnce I really believe the short distance between us which almost makes me feel togetherNo matter who you are, i'll be with you <b...
> 灵活翻译译英语长难句
摘要:本文从分析英语长难句的结构人手,对比英汉语言之间的不同,在忠实各自文化原则的基础上,采用直译法,意译法,综合法等方法,准确理解,巧妙翻译长难句。   关键词:分析结构;翻译;方法      英语长难句可以是两个,或几个简单句合并一起的长句,可以是带有修饰性语言的复杂句子。这些长句由于其修饰性语言应用得较多或过长,也就增加了理解和翻译上的难度。在多年的英语教学中,本人发现对如何翻译好英语长句一直让学生感觉困惑和难以理解。英语与汉语是两种截然不同的语言,语法结构各自不同,但句子成分却有相通之处,即都有主语、谓语、宾语等。根据其相同点在翻译长句时,首先,不要因为句子太长而产生畏惧心理,因为,无论是多么复杂的句子,它都是由一些基本的成分组成的。其次要弄清英语原文的句法结构,找出整个句子的中心内容及其各层次意思,然后分析几层意思之间的相互逻辑关系,再按照汉语的特点和表达方式,不必拘泥于原文的形式,正确地译出原文的意思。   如何对英语长句进行分析。一般来说。造成长句的原因有三方面:(1)修饰语过多;(2)并列成分多;(3)语言结构层次多。在分析长句时可以采用下面的方法:   (1)找出全句的主干&&主语、谓语和宾语,从整体上把握句子的结构,使句子简洁化。   (2)找出句中所有的谓语结构、非谓语动词、介词短语和从句的引导词。   (3)分析从句和短语的功能,例如,是否为主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句等,若是状语,它是表示时间、原因、结果、还是表示条件等等。   (4)分析词、短语和从句之间的相互关系,例如,定语从句所修饰的先行词是哪一个等。   (5)注意插入语等其他成分。   (6)注意分析句子中是否有固定词组或固定搭配。   下面我们结合一些实例来进行分析:   例:(1)(The union leaders)(declared)(that the ultimateaim of their struggle was to increase pay and improved workingconditions for the workers.)不难看出在这些括号里的词就是句子的主语、谓语、宾语。句子可以简化为The union leadendeclared+that clause结构。抓住句子的主干后翻译时可先译主干部分。译成&工会领导人宣称&&&再继续分析。我们知道该句共有三个谓语结构,它们的谓语动词分别为declared,was to increase pay,improved,这三个谓语结构之间的关系为:The union leaders declared+that clause结构主句,was to in-crease pay,improved,是宾语从句中的并列谓语。在做了如上的分析之后,我们就会对该句具有了一个较为透彻的理解,然后根据我们上面所讲述的各种翻译方法,就可以把该句翻译成汉语为&工会领导人宣称,他们举行罢工的最终目的是增加工人工资,改善工作条件&。   例(2)The pictures that linger in his mind,called up in amoment by such sensations as the smell of roses or of new mownhay,are of a simpler nature.很显然,斜体词部分The pictures.are,of a simpler nature这些词是主语,系词,表语,就是句子的主干。这个句子是主、系、表结构。通过对句子的分析,我们可以清楚地把这个长的句子简洁化译成&&图画简洁自然&。再继续分析,斜体词pictures后的词that引起了一个定语从句,同时还作了定语从句的主语,从句中的谓语是linger。该句共有二个谓语结构,它们的谓语动词分别为:linger,is,而called up为分词短语,其它词还有介词短语等都作为状语修饰linger。   这个句子译成汉语为:&那些闻取玫瑰花香或新鲜干草的气息,便会猛然闯入记忆萦绕心头的画面,其实并不复杂。&这里我们将简洁明了转译为&并不复杂&使句子更符合汉语习惯。翻译这样带有定语从句的复杂句子感到困难的根本原因在于汉语的定语结构局限性。它在形式上虽然很接近英语的定语从句,其载荷能力却相差很大,在翻译时要特别注意。再看一个含有定语从句的句子。例(3)Before I knew it,I hadbegun my career in business-a time in my life that I feel waswasted.在这个句中,before引起了时间状语,主句为I had be-gun my career in business-a time in my life that I feel waswasted。主句中含有一个插入成分a time in my life that I feelwas wasted,还出现了that引起的定语从句,分析清楚复杂句子结构形式,句子可以为:&在我了解其真正含义前,我就开始了我的经商生涯&&我认为,那是我一生当中的蹉跎岁月&。   例(4)For a family of four,for example,it is more conve-nient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home.with almostunlimited entertainment available,than to go out in search of a-musement elsewhere.(85年考研试题)   分析:该句中共有三个谓语结构,它们之间的关系为:itis more convenient as well as cheaper to&为主体结构,但it是形式主语。真正的主语为第二个谓语结构:to sit comfort-ably at home,并与第三个谓语结构to go out in search of a-musement elsewhere作比较。   例(5)Although some experiments show that.as an object be-comes familiar.its internal representation becomes more holis-tic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel,the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis. at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar.分析:在Although引导的分句中,谓语shows后面跟着一个长长的宾语从句,从句中先出现一个插入语as an object becomesfamiliar,之后的内容是由and连接的两套并列的主谓宾。其实and前后就是两个句子,只不过作者省略了后面的句子中与前面相同的引导词that和谓语become。   例句译为;&虽然某些实验表明,随着一个物体变得熟悉起来,其内心再现图像亦更具整体感,辨认过程相应地更趋于平行,但证据的砝码似乎在支持序列假设,至少是对于那些不甚简单、不甚熟悉的物体来说也是这样。&在句子中采用了复杂修饰、插入语、省略等。句子中有一个生词holistic,其实即使不认识,也能用合理化原则猜出它是后面serial的反义词、parallel的同义词,大约是统一、完整或同时的意思;其实只要能理解到其是与serial相反的意思即可。   综合上述翻译方法,这个句子我们可以翻译为&譬如,对于一个四口之家来说,舒舒服服地在家中看电视,就能看到几乎数不清的娱乐节目,这比到外面别的地方去消遣又便宜又方便&。   英语习惯于用长的句子表达比较复杂的概念,而汉语则不同,常常使用若干短句,作层次分明的叙述。通过对上述句子的分析,我们学会把长难句子简洁化,但只会分析句子是不够的,还需要采用正确的方法进行翻译,才能使英语长难句成为与汉语语言相符的句子。因此,在进行英译汉时,要特别注意英语和汉语之间的差异,将英语的长句分解,翻译成汉语的短句。在英语长句的翻译过程中,我们一般采取下列的方法。   1.按顺序直译法翻译。当英语长句的内容的叙述层次与汉语基本一致时,可以按照英语原文的顺序翻译成汉语。例:For instance,following the huge floods of 1998,(the govern-ment)(prohibited)(logging)in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in order to protect forests and reduce flood dangers,在例句中我们看到括号中的词语是句子的主干部分,for&,following&,in the upper&到句末这些词语都是状语部分是对整个句子进行补充,修饰的。分析完句子后再采用顺序法进行翻译,全句可译成&例如,在1998年特大洪水过后,为了保护森林和减少水患,政府明令禁止在长江上游伐木&。   2.按语意倒序法翻译。英语有些长句的表达次序与汉语表达习惯不同,甚至完全相反,这时必须从原文后面开始翻译。   例:Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth cen-tury.because nowhere in nature is it found free.owing to its al-ways being combined with other elements,most commonly withoxygen.for which it has a strong affinity.   分析:这个句子由一个主句,两个原因状语和一个定语从句组成,&铝直到19世纪才被人发现&是主干句,也是全句的中心内容,全句共有四个谓语结构,按照汉语的表达习惯通常因在前,果在后,这样,我们可以逆着原文的顺序按汉语语义将该句翻译成&铝总是跟其他元素结合在一起,最普遍的是跟氧结合;因为铝跟氧有很强的亲和力,由于这个原因,在自然界找不到游离状态的铝。所以,铝直到19世纪才被人发现&。   3.按句意以分句方式翻译。有时英语长句中主语或主句与修饰词的关系并不十分密切,翻译时可以按照汉语多用短句的习惯,把长句的从句或短语化成句子,分开来叙述,为了使语意连贯。有时需要适当增加词语。   例:All they have to do is press a button,and they can seeplays,films,operas,and shows of every kind,not to mention po-litical discussions and the latest exciting football match.(85年考研题)   例句译为:&他们所必须做的只是按一下开关。开关一开,就可以看到电视剧、电影、歌剧,以及其他各种各样的文艺节目。至于政治问题的辩论、最近激动人心的足球赛更是不在话下。&   4.直译法,意译法综合使用翻译。事实上在翻译过程中,翻译一个英语长句时。并不只是单纯地使用一种翻译方法,而是要求我们把各种方法综合使用。这在我们上面所举的例子中也有所体现。尤其是在一些情况下,一些英语长句单纯采用上述任何一种方法都不方便时,这就需要我们的仔细分析,或按照时间的先后,或按照逻辑顺序,顺逆结合,与汉语语意结合,主次分明地对全句进行综合处理,才能把英语原文翻译成通顺流畅,忠实汉语习俗的句子。   例:He said that he was assured by the State Departmentthat the U.S.is willing to normalize relations with his country.该句译为:&他说,国务院向他担保美国愿意同他的国家恢复正常关系。&   另外,英语中一些固定短语的搭配及词义在翻译中是非常重要,下面就是一些常用的结构及其翻译all but:几乎,差不多as anything:非常地anything but:根本不apart from:除了but for:要不是by far:远不,&&得多by no means:根本不bv any means:无论如何due to:由于except for:除了far from:远非in contact with:与&&联系instead of:而不是onaccount of:因为on the basis of:根据only to:结果是might/may as well:还是&&的好not so much&as:与其说&&不如说not really:远不not to mention:更不用说let alone:更不用说no more&than&:和&&一样都不no less than:简直是nothing less than:完全是cannot&too&:再&&也不过分rather than:而不是owing to:由于It is assumed that:人们认为It is said that:据说It is learned that:据闻It is supposed that:据推测It is considered that:据估计It is believed that:人们认为It is reposed that:据报道It is well-known that:众所周知Itis asserted that:有人断言It is clear/obvious/evident that:很显然It can't be denied that:不可否认It must be admitted that:必须承认It must be pointed that:必须指出等,这些短语准确理解其词义在翻译时起着至关重要的作用。   综上所述,对于英语长难句的翻译时,一定要先从分析句子着手了解句子结构,理解整句的思想。采用灵活变通的翻译方法,将长难句贴近汉语意思,完成翻译。
灵活翻译译英语长难句相关推荐  一脚。
You have to place your emotional keepsakes in storage to pursue your career. 你既然在追求职业,就当把那些引发情感的东西都锁到储藏室。emotional keepsake 引起感情回忆的(伤感的)纪念物品 。  702.
You need to put your heart into English if you really want to learn it well. 如果你真想把英语学好,你就得全心地投入。I am young at heart. at heart 从根本上来说。We are all Democrats at heart. 我们打心底都是民主党人。  703.
I jumped in the fray when my friend Christie told me she had the perfect guy for me. 我的朋友告诉我她给我物色到了一个最为般配的男友,我高兴得都发晕了。  704.
The service is quick. It's helpful. It's good karma for the day. 因着美国女影星Stone的一句话,karma(报应)也立即为大众所知。但是这个词其实并不仅仅用来表达贬义,同时也有褒义,如此句: “这项服务快捷、方便,给一天带来好运气。”How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours. 别人如何待你是别人的人生,你如何待人却是你的人生。Stone的话完全被中国记者恶意曲解,结果中国人的气不打一处来,真是Much ado for nothing.中国人经历了六十年的政治运动,还是没有学会一个简单的道理:在和平年代,凡是煽动民族情绪的运动,都是政客的别有用心。  705.
We can be close and far away. 我们可以相距千里,但仍旧心心相印。这是你可以写给你所爱的人的一句话:Though we are hundreds of miles apart, I can feel you squeeze my hand. 虽然我俩远隔千里,但我可以感受到你这紧握我手心。They are physically close, but mentally far away.他们同床异梦。你给人打电话,可以说:So close, so far away. 远隔千里,却近在眼前。  706.
Look back, 回首。有人主张要常常回首,这样可以少犯错误,也有人不主张回首,因为这样会徒添痛苦。所以也就有了两种人生观:Look back, reinvent yourself. 回首顾,再出发。Never look back, enjoy your life. 绝对不要回首,享受你的生活吧。朋友,你是属哪种人?  707.
Just two or three lifetimes ago, most people in what are now called industrialized countries lived by farming. 在现在称之为工业化国家,仅仅在两三代人之前,大家都是生活中农业社会。口语里用lifetime来代替generation。  708.
The petrochemical refining industry helped lift Singapore out of the economic baseline.石油冶炼将新加坡从简单的经济中提升了出来。Give us a baseline definition of culture. 文化最基本的定义是什么?  709.
The bubble burst of the stock market has brought the high inflation. 股票市场的泡沫破灭带来了巨大的通货膨胀。bubble up 是“上升”的意思 bubble-up economic作长期计划的经济,例如投资教育、基础设施等。Marxism bubbled up in China in 40s. 四十年代,马克思主义在中国得到兴起。  710.
The end of the last millennium was best remembered as the birth of the triad “Bio, Nano and Info”. 上一个千年的末期因为诞生了这三样科学而将被人纪念:生命科学、纳米技术以及信息产业。nano是nanotechnology的简称。     
  Great, thanks
  版主。麻烦你 传一份给我 好码 。。我 看了 以下很有用 ,单我 不是经常上网,所以不 太方便,就麻烦你了   E
楼主,谢谢你啊,如果有机会的话可否介绍些关于记单词的方法  很多单词我会说不会写,再次感谢
  Thanks for u,with your help,i think we can improve our English quickly!!
is amazing
that your child can understand this column. Good for you.    作者:yjh1962 回复日期: 21:31:11 
  留名~~~    辛苦,楼主!
There are many good native eats in this town.这里的eat做“餐厅”解。native eats 经营本地风味特色的餐厅。  712.
The Swan is a classy Chongqing restaurant that attracts hoards of famous (and non-famous) people. “天鹅”是家上档次的、经营重庆风味的餐厅,吸引了不少名流(和非名流)。  713.
This is a posh restaurant. I would suggest dressing up. No flip-flops.这是家装修豪华的餐厅,我想大家还是穿正式点,不要穿拖鞋。This is a rather swanky restaurant that serves up fine Chinese food at a price. 这是家高档餐厅,中国菜做得相当不错,价钱也不菲。Posh和swanky都是指高档餐厅。   714.
Is the restaurant in Beijing International Hotel casual or dressy? Is there a dress code for its restaurants? 北京国际饭店内的餐厅穿着可以是便装呢还是要比较正规?穿着有什么要求吗?  713.
eatery, 相对于正式的餐厅,比较随便点的餐厅叫eatery,到这种餐厅打赤膊、穿拖鞋都可以。You can’t treat our guest in that eatery, take him to some place really nice. 你不要再那家没档次的餐厅招待我们的客人,带他去家好点的餐厅。  715.
I won’t recommend that restaurant to anyone. 那个餐厅太次,不要去。(直译是,我才不会给任何人推荐那家餐厅呢!)This is the last restaurant I will recommend. 我绝不会推荐这家餐厅。(不要翻译成“这是最后一家我要推荐的餐厅。”)He is the last person I want to see.我才不想见他呢。或者:He is the last person I want to be around.  716.
You know what, people found rat droppings in the food one time, and some other health hazards as well. The owner is running this restaurant into the ground. 你知道吗,这家餐厅不干净,有人曾在菜里发现了老鼠屎,还有其他一些伤身的东西,这家餐厅正毁在这老板手里。 run something into the ground 把东西给毁了。  717.
In fast food restaurants, you look for what you want at the chart on the wall, while in regular ones, you will be given menus.   718.
He is engaged in the food and beverage business (industry). 他从事餐饮业。  719.
There is a lot of booze at the party. You need to tell your children not to touch it. booze酒,“这个聚会上会有大量的酒,你得告诉你的孩子不要去碰。”boozy dinner / boozy lunch 有酒喝的晚餐或午餐。  720.
Eating breakfast helps to jumpstart the brain, so to speak! 有这么一说,吃早餐能帮助启动大脑功能。jumpstart, 启动,so to speak有这么一说  
  I have copied all of these sentences. Thanks so much.
  弄到俺网站上了/Article/English/.html  大家不要光看不背啊。背下来才是自己的!
  to be share. ths
  thanks..........for your sharing.
  1. 请大家帮我去顶一下我的一篇短文“表明一下“转载”有什么难?”,不要让此文沉下去。  2. 有些朋友要我发全文,现在“紫电书生”做了件很好的事,请去那里下载: 回复日期: 23:26:56   
    弄到俺网站上了/Article/English/.html    大家不要光看不背啊。背下来才是自己的!
  请大家帮我去顶我的一篇短文:“表明一下“转载”有什么难?”    721. 在112句里我们讨论了ball的三个口语用法,其中有:The ball is in your court now. 轮到你了;由你发言了;由你做决定了。 或者说,You have the ball now. 现在我们再来讨论几个涉及ball的用法:That is a totally different ball game. 那是完全不同的一种环境(制度)。  722.
drop the ball, 失手,犯错(球到手了却不知为什么丢了)A. You can trust me. B.
I don't know. Every time I depend on you, you drop the ball. A. 你可以相信我。B. 那我就不知道了。每次我需要你时,你都辜负了我。I thought Sam was going to reserve the room, but somebody dropped the ball. 我以为Sam会定房间呢,看来有人并没有定。  723.
That’s the way the ball bounces. 这是没办法的事。球蹦起来是无法掌控的,可能会把窗给砸了。你犯了错,就替自己开脱说That’s the way the ball bounces.  724.
He has a lot of balls in the air, such as writing, givin and he can handle them all.
他又是写作,又是授课,事情很多,但他都能应付。这个用语出自杂耍,一个人要抛出几个球都能接住。  725.
Every time when there is a problem, politicians will play the blame game. 每次出问题,政客们就忙着玩起推卸责任的游戏。  726.
He is just a rookie police officer, and in two years, he will be just as corrupt as anyone. 他刚刚当上警察,用不了两年,他就一样贪了。刚参加工作不到一年的人叫rookie,a rookie teacher, a rookie officer, and so on.   727.
The bureaucrats have a strong itch to control the life of ordinary citizens. 官僚都有一种强烈的愿望,就是要控制普通公民的生活。I have a strong itch to travel.我很想去旅游。  728.
Ronald Reagan最有名的一句话:Government is not solu government is the problem. 政府不是我们问题的答案,政府就是问题本身。  729.
The government is making windfall profits from everyone.
windfall 横财  730.
Restriction of human rights is morally and ethically wrong. 限制人权从道德与道义上来讲都是错误的。  
He has been railroaded by a government agency that is out-of-control. 在口语中,railroad做动词使用时,意思是“诬陷、陷害”。“政府部门无法无天,将他陷害。”  732.
They go and worship idols because of their fear that their ill-gotten gains will be taken away sooner or later. ill-gotten gains 非法所得。他们求神拜佛因为他们害怕他们的那些不义之财会迟早被缴获。  733.
She said: “I have to drink with my leaders again tonight. That’s part and parcel of the job”. 她说,“今晚又得去陪领导喝酒了,这是我工作范围内的活。”part and parcel of, 逃不了的一部分。  734.
As a result, we have to rewrite our playbook for the way we do business in these challenging times. 结果,我们得重新制定出工作策略,来应付时代的挑战。  735.
High这个词谁都认识,如果用得好,也有妙趣。Anyone who can take the time and learn English is high on my list. 凡愿意花时间学英语的人都受到我的敬佩。high on one’s list 受到敬佩  736.
I have high hopes for this class. 我对这个班寄予了很高的期望。You are getting my hopes high for him. 你让我对他寄予了极高的希望。  737.
Don’ I have friends in high places. 不要惹我,我在政府里有很硬的后台。  738.
in high gear, 全速,高潮。in high spirits,情绪高昂。The exam season is in high gear and everyone is in high spirits. 这两个词组意思很相近,前者的主语可以是物也可以是人,后者的主语一般就只能是人了。When Yaoming is in high gear, no one can stop him.   739.
To achieve human rights, we have to refuse violence and seek the moral high ground. 要想获得人权,我们一定要拒绝暴力,而寻求道德高地。Taking The Moral High Blogging Ground 网络写作的道德要求(例如那些转帖又不表明为转贴的,都是无德贴。)  740.
This can help you reach that higher ground. 这会帮你更上一层楼;这会帮你进入更高的境界。  
  能麻烦楼主把这些资料发我的油箱吗?    谢谢楼主了,辛苦了。
The new job keeps you on your toes? 新的工作让你忙得晕头转向吧。The boss gave me a couple of extra things to do just to keep me on my toes. 老板又给我指派了几件额外的事做,就是不想让我有半点空隙。  742.
hard-nosed, 又可以说hard-headed,讲究实效的,务实的,不拖泥带水的,不讲面子的。He is a hard-nosed boss.这个老板精得很。  743.
down-to-earth,这是个褒义词,为人诚恳,不骄傲。He is down-to-earth. 他这个人很实在。例如,down-to-earth的人是不会花一大笔钱去买名牌的。We need to develop a down-to-earth approach to learn English. 学英语要采取务实的方法。(例如不去梦想半年内突破英语和韩语。)  744.
down-home: 很简单的、每天都经历的、单纯(只能放在名词前做形容词):He did it with down-home heart. 他带着一颗诚挚的心完成了这事。My tastes are turning to down-home cooking. 最近我的胃口只想吃家常便菜。(你天天陪人大鱼大肉吃了几天后可以说的话)I enjoy down-home cooking. 我就喜欢家常便菜。建议旅游区的小餐厅可以用这个做英文招牌,可以吸引很多外国游客。He's a down-home sort of guy. 他心地善良。  745.
down with the kids,
我们看到down with 时容易联系到“打倒”如Down with the Party,但这个词的意思是,“与孩子打成一片,有年轻人的朝气,像孩子般,”。I almost broke my neck the other day learning how to skateboard but hey I'm down with the kids!前两天我学玩滑板,差点把脖子都给摔断了,但是我在和孩子打成一片了。  746.
但是“down on the kids”意思与“down with the kids”截然相反,是“辜负了孩子”的意思。I don’t want to be a kid in today’s China, toxic milk powders for babies, shoddy buildings for kids, heavy load of homework for teens. We grown-ups are down on the kids. 我才不想做当今的中国的小孩,婴孩吃毒奶粉,孩子去豆腐渣学校,青少年有堆积如山的作业。我们成年人在儿童培养上完全失败。We can be down on anything, but we should never be down on the kids. 相当于我们说的,再穷也不能穷孩子。  747.
After my graduation, I was thrown a real-world test immediately. 我刚一毕业就遇上了一次真实世界的考试。  748.
I could count the number of days she was really studying back in school on one hand. count on one hand, 又作count on the fingers of one hand:屈指可数。她在学校读书的日子我是可以屈指可数。I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times she's actually offered to buy me a drink. 她请我喝过几次茶那是屈指可数。  749.
a straight-laced boss: 对员工要求严格、苛刻、横挑鼻子竖挑眼的老板。Her straight-laced mom doesn’t like her miniskirts because it makes her look like a floozy. 她那严谨的老妈不喜欢她的超短裙,因为这会让她这看上去像坏女孩。floozy 妓女,生活放荡的女人。英语中有许多词表示“妓女”,常用的有:hustler, street girl, streetwalker, hooker, harlot, lady of pleasure, prostitute, sporting lady(千万不要翻译成“爱好运动的淑女”), whore, woman of the street, working girl, call girl, comfort woman(慰安妇)。  750.
The new job might bring you more money, but it requires longer hours, so you’d better balance that out in your thoughts. 新的工作可能会有更高的薪水,但工作时间也更长,所以你得好好想想,权衡清楚。balance out:权衡利弊,平衡。You need to balance out your stress. 你的设法减轻压力。要注意,不要把balance out与out of balance搞混淆。     
  窃取你这么多  我来顶顶..  
  Mark here .   thanks a lot .
  Thanks so much !  
  Lots of good sentences. Let more and more people learn good English.
  偶尔去了第一页,才忽然发现,此帖已发了整整一年。写完了500句后,觉得达到了目标,所以封了笔。三个月后再来“英语杂谈”,发现还有人在顶这帖,看大家如此厚爱,深觉鼓舞,于是又重新开始,并且把目标由原来的500句提高到了1500句。而今天已经走过了750句,刚好一半。前750句花了约9个月时间,所以后750句预计应该九个月后能完工。  我的句子来源基本上有两个,一是在与老外接触时听到的句子。我一般随身带一个小笔记本,听到什么口语就即刻记下,第二来源就是通过阅读,包括网上的一些辞典。写外语学习帖一般不要求作者自己去造英文句子,但翻译部分应该由作者完成。我就是走的此道,除了少部分句子是我自己造的,绝大部分都是网上、书上摘录的、或“道听途说”的。翻译部分都是由本人完成。  在“英语杂谈”连载帖中,好像只有两个帖是正而八经的原创帖,一是安迪的帖,二是本人的了。可惜这个安迪好像在休假或者已退休,近来不再现身。  谢谢大家给我的鼓励,同时也请大家不光顶此贴,而且也帮顶我其他的帖,其他帖也很重要,例如,我最近在做“英语杂谈”的净化工作:希望那些转贴能如实申报。但这需要大家帮忙顶我,才能达到效果。也希望你能参与,专门去查查,有哪些帖是转贴又不标明的。  大家有什么问题也可以提出来,问题不一定放在跟贴部分,你可以用内部信箱。但是这类问题我一般是不答的,诸如“如何学好英语,记单词有什么诀窍”,这些问题一般都是初学者问、初教者答的事。我的帖已表明是高级帖,就是说,你的英文得有一定的程度。另外我希望大家能互动,例如我希望大家能套there are two kinds of, one is, the other is,但没有一人回应。学英语的有效方法之一是不要怕错、要勤动笔,持之以恒,必有成果。  写此帖虽然很花费时间,但乐在其中,也就不觉得是费时的活了。  一年一晃就过去了,正所谓“光阴似箭”。今天的十句就谈谈时间好了。  751.
Time flies like an arrow. 光阴似箭。Life goes by so fast you even don’t realize it. 相反的说法:Time goes by so slowly.时间过得真慢。Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. 光阴似箭,你生命里,人客来了一批,走一批。  752.
Time is still. Time stands still. 时间停滞了。  753.
Time is of the essence. You need to know the clock is ticking for your decision. 时间才是关键,你要知道作决定所剩下的时间不多了。the clock is ticking for, 时间不多了。  754.
Your life is slipping away. 你的生命正在不知不觉中消失。The death clock will remind you just how short life is.死亡之钟在提醒你,生命短暂。  755.
To write a high quality blog post is actually quite time consuming. 要写出一个高质量的帖实际上是很花时间的。The time is tight.时间紧迫。  756.
There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing. 要完成所有的事,时间总是会不够;但要完成最重要的事,时间却总会够的。  757.
race against the clock. 与时间赛跑The court's decision has put the clock back a hundred years. 法院的判决让时光倒流了一百年。It's a race against time to get the building finished before the rainy season sets in.这是在与时间赛跑,一定要在雨季来临前把房子盖好。  758.
Fast forward to what is happening now, I am so happy that everything has worked out fine. 长话短说,提到现在的情况,我很满意结局都很美满。fast forward, 看DVD,想省却一些内容,就按“快键”,这里意为“长话短说”,很生动。Fast forward to 2009! 展望2009!  759.
My late-night thoughts bend to contemplations about how short my remaining time is.半夜三更,我不由自主地思考,我的年数已经所剩无几了。  760.
对时间描述得最为精辟的莫过于旧约传道书3:1-8(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 )。这一段的中文随便去查哪本圣经都可以查得到。或者,哪位朋友把中文查到,然后贴在跟贴里。  For everything there is a season,  And a time for every matter under heaven:  A time to be born,  A time to plant, and a time to pluc  A time to kill,  A time to break down, an  A time to weep,  A time to mourn,  A time to throw away stones, and a time to ga  A time to embrace, And a time to re  A time to seek,  A time to keep, and   A time to tear,  A time to keep silence,  A time to love, and a time to hate,  A time for war, and a time for peace.  
  传道书3:1-8  3:1
凡 事 都 有 定 期 , 天 下 万 务 都 有 定 时 。
生 有 时 , 死 有 时 。 栽 种 有 时 , 拔 出 所 栽 种 的 , 也 有 时 。
杀 戮 有 时 , 医 治 有 时 。 拆 毁 有 时 , 建 造 有 时 。
哭 有 时 , 笑 有 时 。 哀 恸 有 时 , 跳 舞 有 时 。
抛 掷 石 头 有 时 , 堆 聚 石 头 有 时 。 怀 抱 有 时 , 不 怀 抱 有 时 。
寻 找 有 时 , 失 落 有 时 。 保 守 有 时 , 舍 弃 有 时 。
撕 裂 有 时 , 缝 补 有 时 。 静 默 有 时 , 言 语 有 时 。
喜 爱 有 时 , 恨 恶 有 时 。 争 战 有 时 , 和 好 有 时 。
  mark and follow up
Are you jetlagged at all? Jetlag可作动词用,但一般作名词:Are you suffering from jetlag at all? 这句话很实用,见了老外没话可说就说这句话。  762.
I had a grand time with my friends. 跟这些朋友玩得很痛快。也可以用great来代替grand, 但这里只能用grand:A grand Opening. 隆重开业。the Grand Canyon 大峡谷。(与长城比较:the Great Wall。)  763.
I’m open to other options. 我可以考虑其他的方案(选择)。  764.
报纸上由三副或四副漫画成一组的漫画叫comics, or comic strips, or funny book,or cartoon art。连环画则叫graphic novel,因为有故事情节(也有“sequential art”的用法)。This graphic novel is actually a satire of American society for adults. 这部连环画是给成人读的,讽刺美国社会。  765.
Their words mean squat. Squat原意是“蹲下”,口语里意思是一钱不值。“他们的话信不得。”These bureaucrats will give themselves some awards that mean squat. 这些官僚给自己颁奖,毫无意义。  766.
Obama最近讲了一句话,引起共和党人的围攻:You can put lipstick on a pig. It is still a pig. 你可以给猪涂口红,但猪仍旧是猪。也有用on a donkey/frog来代替pig。意思原为“浪费时间”,像是cosmetic project, (面子工程,费时但没有什么实际的用处)。因为共和党副总统是位刚刚提名的女性,所以共和党人就在那里嚷了,说Obama是在侮辱女性。也有人加几个字:You can put lipstick on a pig all day long, but it's still a pig. 与pig一个相关的词是piggy,Uncle Sam dips into its piggy bank to pay for financial bailouts. 美国政府从储备金中掏钱来挽救金融市场。408介绍过piggy bank。  767.
They need some helpful tips to try to make do in this rough economy. make do 就是struggle的意思。”在经济不景气的情况下,他们需要一些知识帮助他们度过难关。”We had to make do on less income. 收入减少时,我们得咬紧牙关。类似的结构:make a go: 意思是取得成功。They have made a go of the business. 他们的业务相当成功。  768.
My computer is acting again. I hate it when it hangs up on me and I can't click anything我电脑又出麻烦了,我什么文档也点不开,恨得我咬牙切齿。My computer is acting up on me.  769.
My computer is so sluggish, it must have caught a worm. 我的电脑慢得如蜗牛,肯定是染了病毒。a worm就是a computer virus。(专家会说,worm与virus不同,但通俗用法上是一样。)  770.
Good things happen in twos. 好事成双。  
  LZ希望你好人做到底发个完整的文档给偶 THANKS!  偶的邮箱:wangzj_
        lz强人~~~~~~~~~    赞~!~~!~!    能有高人整理出来就好了~!    LZ可以考虑出书了!~    BTW你那个Englishlaoshi的blog被关闭了!~!  有新的吗?!  很想看看你其他方面的文~~!      
  再次感谢啦! BTW,你的blog 被关啦?!!!  
  3q  学习了
  奥运前,因为太多的反动文章,我的博客被和谐掉了,然后,北京的人为了向外表明我国兑现了承诺,于是开放了几家以前封掉的网站。    作者:资本的社会主义 回复日期: 0:37:58       BTW你那个Englishlaoshi的blog被关闭了!~!    有新的吗?!    很想看看你其他方面的文~~!
  市面上有很多很好的英语口语教材,只是我几乎一本也没有读过。    作者:蒲公英ccwa 回复日期: 11:44:49   
  我真的是忍不住要罵人了~~樓主這么辛苦把東西貼出來﹐竟然還有人厚著臉皮要樓主發你郵箱﹐典型的腦殘﹐連自己整理資料的耐心都沒有﹐還談什么學習哪﹖﹖類似的人間或出現几個﹐人家樓主是懶得理你們﹐我就姑且當一下這個壞人吧~~~~以后請不要這么明顯的表達你們是智障一族這一事實~~~~  好不﹖      作者:孤独_幻影 回复日期: 21:34:25 
    LZ希望你好人做到底发个完整的文档给偶 THANKS!    偶的邮箱:wangzj_  
A. How do you feel? B. I feel run over. 你感觉怎样?糟透了。run over 就是车子从你身上压过去,B君说感到是被车撞了,那种感觉可想而知。  772.
I know what you have been through.
我知道你所经历的(痛苦)。这是安慰人的话。  773.
I was totally blown off. 我高兴死了;我都懵了。Why do girls blow off nice guys for the bad guys?为什么女孩们都喜欢坏男人,而拒绝好男人。  774.
She was excited about this guy, but her mother said: Flash in the pan. 她为这个男人很动心,但她母亲说,表面上看不错,但过不久就会让你失望的。(当年淘金的人,拿着盘子去淘,看到有闪光的东西就以为是金子,但结果却叫人失望。)  775.
A nice girl is like a solo multi-million dollar lottery ticket win. Sure, it happens, but like once every couple of years. 如今好女孩就像独中百万彩票,当然,也不是没有,但这只是几年才遇上一回的事。  776.
I echo his comments. 我完全赞同他的意见;我与他有同感。或者说:I am totally with you.   777.
Like-minded people should work together.志同道合的人应该团结一致去奋斗。  778.
Our stores are the world’s local stores. 我们商店立足地方,遍布全球。这是一句很好的广告词,即拉近与一个地方顾客的距离,又标明了自己是个国际公司。   779. You need to get this boy back in the box. 你得管管这孩子了。  780.
As an old saying goes: the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Whoever makes the loudest complains gets attention. 老话说得好,得到机油的是响轮。谁的抱怨声音最大,谁就会得到帮助。这句话相当于“会哭的婴孩有奶吃”。    
a body double, 替身演员,Stallone hires a body double for Rambo. 史泰龙雇用替身演员演兰宝。 body doubles,替身与被替身的演员, stunt 特技替身。口语里替身又叫stand-in.(代课老师叫fill-in teacher)  782.
dreamboat不是“船”,而是“偶像”,此词多为女性用。He is the romantic dreamboat. 他是爱情偶像。I thought he was my dreamboat, but now I realize, he's just a silly old punt. 我以为他就是我梦中情人,但我现在才发现,他不过是个又笨又老的家伙。  783.
Navy Fires at Spy Satellite: Bull's Eye! 海军向间谍卫星发射导弹:正中目标。bull’s eye黑色靶圆,靶心,因此转义为“打中了,往死里打,”。Your remark about corruption hit the bull's-eye. 你对腐败问题的看法一针见血。If both men and women could just shoot a little lower in the bulls-eye, I think these kinds of questions would disappear. 如果男女双方吵架时能互相手下留情不往死里打,我相信许多的问题都能迎刃而解。hit the mark or hit the nail on the head也是同样的意思。  784.
Jack was every inch a sailor. 杰克是个天生的水手。That music excites every inch of me. 这首曲子让我全身兴奋。I am giving you every inch of my love, please don’t refuse me. 你不要拒绝我,我把全部的爱都奉献给你。另外表示爱的句子:I love you with every inch of my heart and soul . I love you sweetheart to the moon and back.  785.
Our training will put you in front of the crowd. 我们的培训可以让你出人头地(或让你脱颖而出。)另一个说法是:make you stand out among the crowd.  786.
He has proven through his success that he bears the CEO title well. 他的成功证明他的总裁头衔实在是实至名归。  787.
I am bored out of my mind. 我腻透了。  788.
She puts a new spin on cuisine. 她改进了烹饪。  789.
south and north 这两个词初一生都认识,但还有个很口语的用法:north代表上升,增长,多;而south意思为掉价。I believe it is somewhere north of 70 percent. 我相信大概在70%以上。Gold prices now are going south by 20%. 黄金价格掉了20%。  790.
He is putting the finishing touches on his new book, set for publication this year. 他正在给书做最后的润色,预计今年出版。the finishing touches, 快完工的阶段。另外要了解这两个词组: woman’s touch; magic touch  
  很好  收了
  LZ辛苦了!谢谢楼主!                                        我才上大学,LZ能不能给我一些建议啊?!不胜感激....
  thanks for share,learn a lot
  真的很谢谢信天优啊 一直在关注你的帖子!
Many cannot come. On the plus side, the mayor has confirmed he can come. 很多人来不了,但不错的是,市长已经决定要来参加。on the plus side, 好的一面,积极的一面。相反的用法是:on the down side。  792.
Happiness is not about being loved, it is about loving someone else. 幸福不是让人来爱你,而是你去爱人。Real love breaks the bond of selfishness. It makes you larger. 真爱让你脱离自私的捆锁,让你变得崇高。  793.
In the depths of God’s love, I find comfort and peace, though my enemy is against me. 纵然仇敌逼迫我,但在上帝的深厚大爱里,我找到了安慰与平安。depth用复数时表示很“浓厚”的意思:Even in the depths of darkness, a little lightness finds a way in. 在浓浓的黑夜里,一点星火也能显出光辉。(出淤泥而不染之意。)比较单数的用法:In the depth of winter I finally learned that there within me lay an invincible summer.  794.
I was deserted by my no-good boyfriend, and I want to study Japanese hard. 我被那一无是处的男朋友给甩了,我要用功读日文。Desert:甩掉,口语里多用dump。注意:no “good guy”与no-good guy意思并不一样。no “good guy”是与“good guy”相对比。No-good是说这个人或物本身一无是处。  795.
I want somebody to belong to and somebody to belong to me. 我渴望属于一个人,也渴望这个人属于我。  796.
You need try to sidestep this kind of situation in your love life. sidestep 避免  797.
I will stand by for you. 我随时恭候你。stand by 等候  798.
I would like to be on the same wave length as members of a younger generation. 我希望总是能与年轻一代同呼吸共命运。on the same wave length 直译是“同一个频道”  799.
This is the first time Chinese people have realized that human rights are universal. This is a quantum leap in Chinese consciousness. 这是中国人第一次认识到,人权是普世的。这在中国人的灵魂深处是一次质的转变。质的转变是a quantum leap,而不是quantity change。  800.
A. Do you want to join us? A. 你想和我们一同去吗?B.
Count me in. 把我算上。  
  go ahead
Kenneth Lee Rothey, whose Chinese name is 路乞, was a big shot in Wuhan. He even earned a nickname, ''the foreign Lei Feng.& K.L.R.的中文名字叫“路乞”,在武汉可是曾经风光一时呀,甚至得了一个外号叫“洋雷锋”。a big shot: 重要,了不起,猛批。They take a big shot at those corrupted officials. 他们把矛头直接对准了腐败的官吏。  802.
Yes, that rings a bell. I heard his story some place. It was a heartwarming and inspiring story. He started a campaign to clean trash from city streets.
To Chinese people, he came across as a very caring individual who wanted to do good things. 是,想起来了。我在什么地方听过他的事迹,是个很温馨、鼓舞人的故事。他发动大家在城市街道上捡垃圾。在中国人的印象里,他是个乐于做好事,很能体贴他人的好人。It rings a bell. 想起来了。heartwarming: 暖人心的,温馨的。inspiring: 鼓舞人的。come across as: 给人的印象是  803.
You know what, he was actually a criminal on the run. He was on the most wanted list of the International Police.但你知道吗,他实际上一直是一个在逃犯,是上了国际刑警通缉令上的人。on the run: 在逃犯,又可以说a criminal at large。the most wanted list: 通缉令。the blacklist: 黑名单。  804.
What crimes was he engaged in? 他犯了什么罪呢?或者说,What crimes did he commit?  805.
He is a white collar coyote. He also did money laundering. He successfully stayed away from justice by hiding himself in China for three years, but finally he was picked up by American cops and taken back to the States the end of past June. 他是个专做白领偷渡的蛇头,他也犯有洗钱罪。他在中国躲了起来,逃过了法律制裁达三年之久,但最终还是被美国警方于六月底给带走了。Coyote原意为小狼,但口语里指蛇头,很多人将蛇头翻译为snakehead,这是直译,但现在英语世界也渐渐接受了snakehead一词。Did you make it across with a coyote? 蛇头把你带过边境了吗?We paid a coyote ten thousand bucks a piece to get us in to the United States. 我们每人都付了一万美元给蛇头带我们进到美国。  806.
Is that right? I also heard that he is a Mormon missionary. 是吗?我还听说他是摩门教的传教士呢。  807.
Mormon sucks. A Mormon guy was found guilty of having ten wives recently. Mormon doctrine states that their members must be living in polygamy in order to enter the highest heaven. Their members have the rampant practice of taking underage girls as polygamous wives. 摩门教恶心。有个摩门家伙最近被判罪因为他娶了十个老婆。摩门教教义说,一个人要进入天国的最高境地就要多娶老婆。他们成员盛行娶好些未成年女孩做老婆。polygamy 一夫多妻制,underage girls as polygamous wives,这又叫child brides, 类似于中国旧时的“童养媳”。  808.
That is against modern precepts. 这是违背现代理念的呀。  809.
Well, not necessarily against every man’s modern concept. I bet that some Party members may want to be converted to Mormon, since they have lovers and concubines in droves. 嗯,但倒不见得是违背每个人的现代理念。我敢打赌,有些党员就想皈依摩门教,他们可是二奶三奶成群结队呀。in droves: 成群结队。precept, concept 意思相近,放在一起记比较好。  810.
There you go.
Those guys can get off easily with just a slap on the wrist even if they get caught. ( or a slap-on-the-wrist punishment.) 你说得不错。这些人就算被发现了,也会不了了之,轻易就走脱的。There you go. 表示赞同对方的说法。get off: 走脱。a slap on the wrist, 在手腕上打一下,表示处罚很轻微。get caught 被发现。  
  perfect  amazing
  make me crazzzzzy
  thank you !!!
  leave zhua
  北京体育大学大四的韩宇:  你爸爸韩合义,母亲李德华(都在中国出版对外贸易总公司工作,李德华在报刊出口部)他们借了我家五万多快钱,四年多了,一直赖账不还!!我们是一对来北京打工的农村夫妇,在北京近10年省吃俭用存下了几万块钱就这么被借走不还!我们带着一个3、4岁的小孩子,叫我们怎么生活下去?法院已经裁决要求韩合义、李德华还钱,但是他们就是躲着不见人!
  第一次看到如此一贴,感谢分享 ,楼主辛苦了
  Mark ~~~
I am off the subject. 我走题了。Do they go off the subject often and get lost in their words? 他们是不是常常离题、信口开河?You are off the subject. I am lost in your words. 你走题了,你的话让我迷茫。  812.
140题是Turnoff,相反的说法是turn-on:Confidence will always be a major turn-on. 自信总是一个主要吸引人的优点。  813.
There are thousands of articles on English learning in Yingyu Zatan(英语杂谈). How can you keep up with all this reading? Well, focus on Teacher Xin’s. Teacher Xin’s column offers enough stuff to keep you abreast of today’s English. 英语杂谈有上千的文章论说如何学好英文,你怎么可能把这些文章都读完?专心读信老师的文章。信老师的文章足可以让你跟上当代英语。keep up with 与 keep someone abreast of 是同一个意思。  814.
Xin’s column helps you not only with your English learning, but also with a broad scope of knowledge, thus you gain confidence with people. 信老师的文章不仅帮助你学英文,还让你获得较为广泛的知识,这样你在与他人交往时就会信心十足了。  815.
The most important thing is to develop a burning internal urge for improving and honing your English skillset. 最为重要的事是,你得有一股内在的激情想要改进提高你的英语综合技能。 a skillset, 通常写为a skill set, 指综合技能,不是单单一项。例如,听、说、读、翻译技能都过关,就是a skill set,如果只有其中一项,就是a skill。  816.
A. Teacher Xin, I think I suffer from shyness. What can I do?
B. Winning the war with shyness takes practice. You should know that people generally are friendly, and you should not feel insecure and fear that you are being judged with every word you say. 要想战胜胆怯需要多练。你该知道,人通常还是非常友善的,所以你不必提心吊胆,老是担心别人会对你的话去斤斤计较。  817.
Ordinary families do not have any savings to fall back on in an emergency. 一般家庭没有任何储蓄可以对付意外事件。 fall back on 依靠。  818.
The computer is acting on me today. 今天电脑有点不正常。  819.
Soccer kind of fell upon me. 我是不由自主地爱上了足球。  820.
Here's the tag line. 这是最重要的话。通常电影海报上会引用电影里一句给人印象最深的话,这就是tag line.   
A chance meeting with her has changed his life. 一次与她的邂逅相遇改变了他的一生。a chance meeting, 偶尔相遇。I met him by chance. 我偶尔遇上了他。I am quite certain the
chances are low. It has never happened before. 我敢肯定,这样的机率很低,这事从来没有发生过。  822.
What exactly are you giving her besides an open wallet? 除了慷慨外,你还能给她什么呢?an open wallet, 敞开的荷包,这里意思是“大方”。To those bureaucrats, the government equals an open wallet. 对于这些官僚而言,政府就是一个敞开的金库。  823.
I am not your ATM machine. 我不是你的自动提款机。  824.
I am not an open checkbook to you. 我又不是你的财主。an open checkbook 任由你填写的支票簿。比较a blank check。  825. I have two beefs with your argument. 对你的观点,我有两点不同的意见。beef 口语里意思是吵架,不同的意见。 Why do you want to have beef with me? 你为什么要跟我过不去?I won’t buy that beef from you. 我才不会听你这套胡说。  826.
two sides: There are always two sides to every story, and there are two sides to this story.
每个事件都有两个不同面,这个事件就有两个不同面。(这是你陈述、辩护自己观点比较好的开场白。)  827.
It generated strong feelings from people. 这引起了大家的强烈反应。Those on both sides of the issue agree it generates strong feelings.   828.
If news media people had an ounce of integrity, they would not report such a one-sided story from the local government. 如果这些新闻从业人员还有一点点良知的话,就不会仅仅报道来自地方政府的一面之词了。  829.
These are the two sides of the same coin. 也可以作:These are the two sides of a coin. Rewards and punishments are two sides of the same coin – both are used to control people, and neither works very well. 奖励与惩罚实际上是一个硬币的两面,都是用来控制人的,但是两者都不能取得很好的效果。This will always be a two-sided argument.
比较:two edged sword,双刃的剑。  830.
I cannot understand why a minor disagreement escalates into a fist-fight. 我真不明白为什么一点意见不合就变成了拳头相见。  
  谢谢鼓励,但一次就够了。    作者:长春工程学院 回复日期: 12:52:09   
pass the buck 推诿责任。Passing the buck is a way of life for Chinese bureaucrats. 中国官僚最拿手的就是打太极拳。以前美国人打牌,怕有人做小动作,庄家前放一把小刀,状如小公鹿,所以这刀叫“buck”,谁舞弊,刀就飞了过去。轮到下个人做庄,刀就传到下一个人。也就是pass the buck。后来美国人比较文明了,就改为放一银元。所以后来美元就叫bucks。杜鲁门有句最有名的话。I am the ultimate responsible person in this organization. Everyone can pass the buck to me, but I cannot pass the buck to others. The buck stops here. 我是这个组织的最高负责人,谁都可以把责任推到我这里,但我绝不会把责任推给别人。问责到此为止。胡哥什么时候也能说同类的话呢?  832.
I don't usually get peeved by misleading articles, knowing that they are merely for propaganda. 我知道那些专门误导读者的文章都是宣传工具,所以我通常是不会对这些文章较真的。peeve 生气。a pet peeve 指让你生气不舒服的小事,但可能对别人并不会产生什么影响。That is a pet peeve. 类似151句:something get under one's skin。
My pet peeve is that so many people here are coping articles written by others. 叫我头痛的是太多的人抄别人的东西。  833.
Whoever controls the flow of information controls the mind of people. 谁掌控了信息传播谁就控制了大众的头脑。  834.
This is a small token of my appreciation. 感谢人送礼物时必说的话。a token of my love  835.
Get over it. 算了,不要再计较。 You need to get over it. 你得忘记这事了。 I can never get over it. 我总是无法忘怀。  836.
City white-collar women who have succeeded educationally and professionally are the least likely to marry down. 城市白领女性受过良好的教育,事业有成,一般很难与比自己条件差的男人结婚。Men tend to marry down more easily. 男性不在乎与比自己条件差的女性结婚。 marry down 与条件比自己差的人结婚。  837. You are on top of the game today. 你今天表现出色。on top of the game与on the cutting edge(见第187句) 是同一个意思。You need to stay on top of your game if you want to stay valuable and in demand.
你如果想要得到重视、重用,你就得表现优秀。in demand 得到重用。  838. This is a classic David versus Goliath showdown. 这是一场典型的小人物挑战巨人的决斗。  839.
I have now taken it upon myself to champion my two favorite causes, the English language and human rights. 我主动承担了全力以赴地来推动我所喜爱的两项事业:英语与人权。  840.
You can’t be serious. 你不会当真吧!No one takes you seriously except yourself. 除了你自己,并没有人把你当根葱。You take yourself too seriously. 你太把自己当回事了。    
  我的神哪。。。看了2小时了,还没看完。。  这个太专业了。。  留个爪,以后再看
  非常棒的帖子,收藏了学习。    8过,lz的博客为什么关闭了呢?
  thank you very much for hard working,you did really did a good job.
  thank you very much for hard working, you did really a good job, i admire your excellent English.
  一下拿走这么多,真不好意思。。  祝福我能学习好!
  thank you very much   god bless you
  NICE    楼主好心地 也好见地啊    支持一个
    841. This restaurant easily tops Beijing’s list when it comes to choice. Guests can find almost anything their tastebuds desire for dinner. 如果你想在北京品尝最好的烹饪,这家餐厅肯定是榜上有名。(或榜上排名前几名。)可以说只要食客能想得到的佳肴在这里都能找到。Come to choice 找最好的餐厅。  842.
Learn how to boost your powers of persuasion and get what you need in a business/relationship.
学会提高说服人的本领,你就能在生意场上游刃有余。(或在感情方面)。比较前面所学:to hone your ability。  843.
You know that to cross a street in China requires some special skill. You need to learn how to bob and weave around slow-moving pedestrians and cars at the traffic. 你知道在中国过马路是需要点特别技能,你要学会在拥挤的交通中,在那些走得慢的行人和汽车中穿梭自如. bob 轻轻地跳跃,weave原意是织布,这里是指“在人群中穿来穿去”。  844.
I am sorry I haven’t replied to you sooner, because my phone is on the fritz. 对不起,我没有及时给你回电话,因为我的手机死机了。  845.
Freeze. Police! 站住,警察!freeze 在平时场合也能用,并不是只有警察才这么说。例如你叫人不要动,就说:Freeze.  846.
Let’s give him a big hand. 让我们给他热烈掌声。Put your hands together for him. 现在给他热烈的掌声。He won a standing ovation. We can’t get enough of this guy. 大家起立向他鼓掌,我们感到还不过瘾。(还想听听他的更多发言。)  847.
The company is making money hand-over-fist. 这个公司赚得盆满钵满。也可以是说花钱如流水:He is a playboy, and spends money hand-over-fist. 他是个花花公子,花起钱来大手大脚惯了。  848.
You can cut the tension with a knife. 这里气氛紧张得可以用刀来削。  849.
It is just a feel-good move. 这不过是一种自我安慰的措施。  850.
She is a scatter brain. 她总是丢三落四。相当于absent-minded,但也有“没有头脑,傻瓜”之意。也有将两词合成一个词的:a scatterbrain。  
  mark mark mark
  真好, 有点小补充啊,713. This is a posh restaurant。 这个形容词英国普通人会用, 但是老师说这个词一般是commoner 才会用的。
  留个记号 谢谢
  I have a QQgroup,the number is:,who like English can join us ,welcome to my QQ group.
  好文  顶!  
  a mistake in arongfang's sentence. it should be:  Whoever likes English can join us, or is welcome to join us.    作者:arongfang 回复日期: 16:33:48   
    I have a QQgroup,the number is:,who like English can join us ,welcome to my QQ group.
The Olympics brought friends to us from every corner of the Earth. 奥林匹克给我们带来了来自五湖四海的朋友。也可以说from four corners of the Earth.   852.
Olympic history abounds with tales of athletes who overcame crippling adversity to win gold medals, but Karoly Takacs' comeback may be the best. 奥运史册记载了众多运动员历经磨难,顽强拼搏,最终夺取奥运金牌的事迹。然而在这些数不胜数的感人故事中,卡乐里&#8226;塔卡克斯(Karoly Takacs)的归来也许应算是最耐人寻味的。  上面这句话出自“原版英文阅读网”。中文翻译得不错,只是comeback翻译得不到位。Comeback意为“起死回生,东山再起。” Since making his decision to comeback to soccer last year following the incident which cost him nearly his life late in 2006, the 24-year-old guy has tried not to reflect too often on that moment. 2006下半年他重伤几乎丧命,但他仍旧定下心志,要东山再起,从那一刻起,24岁的小伙子就决定不再对以往耿耿于怀。  853. Walk 作及物动词: We should not just talk the walk, but also walk the talk. 我们不能只清谈如何行,而且要行所言。Aliens may have already walked the earth.外星人很可能已经来到过地球了。  854.
Pen 作及物动词:He pens a column in Yingyuzatan. It becomes one of the most widely read here.他在英语杂谈写一个专栏,是点击率最高的文章之一。 He poised to pen the new deal. 他倾向签署这项生意。  855.
Gossip problems usually develop slowly, and a timely discipline can often head them off. 流言蜚语通常形成过程很慢,及时的训诫便可以杜绝这现象。head off 砍头,杜绝  856. Lotteries have operated for many years in China, raking in billions of money annually in ticket sales. 彩票已经在中国发行很多年了,每年都是上百亿的进账。rake本意是扒草,钱一捆一捆地进,就像扒草一样,很生动。This is a successful company that has raked in the profits. 比较上面的第847句子hand-over-fist.
She raked her fingers through her hair. 他用手指梳理了一下头发。  857.
She started as a street-level salesperson. 她是从最底层的销售人员开始做起。  858.
I am not always vacillating and second-guessing myself. 我做事并不是总是犹豫不决,瞻前顾后的。vacillate: His tendency to vacillate makes him a poor leader. 他做事不果断,领导能力差。second-guessing 就是你做了一个决定,又回头看是不是作对了。也有“事后诸葛亮”的意思。  859.
Myanmar illegals risk life and limb to enter Singapore. 缅甸非法移民冒着生命危险偷渡进入新加坡。life and limb是一个固定词组,意为“生存、生命”。In order to keep life and limb together she worked sixty hours a week. 为了能够生存,她每周工作六十个小时。  860.
Banzhu got cowed down by pressure from the net police. 因着网警的压力,斑竹只好屈膝。  
  very good ! Thank you!
  thanks!it helps a lot!
几个有关hell的表达法:When she was young, she is a hell-raiser. 她年轻时谁都不敢惹她。a living hell, 人间地狱。They seemed hell-bent on fighting corruption. 他们势要与腐败斗争到底。The poor woman's been going through hell over the last few weeks, not knowing whether her son was alive or dead after the earthquake. 这个可怜的女人过去的几周里如同经过了地狱一般,因为她不知道她的儿子在地震后是生是死。  862.
前面提到了eat作名词用,现在来看read作名词:These are my all-time favorite reads. 这些都是我百读不厌的好书。  863.
I have come to realize that my workout does more than k it helps keep my life together. keep something together 保持良好状态;相当于keep something in good shape. 我已经意识到,锻炼不仅让我保持最佳的健康,而且让我有整个生活都有条不紊。  864.
make the rounds, 由一人传递到另一人,到处转。The rumor making the rounds in Washington is that the ambassador will be leaving. 华盛顿盛传大使即将离。Tony and I made the rounds of the museums in the city. 我和土尼在市的一些博物馆留恋难返。Every new executive must do the rounds of all the departments in the company. 每次新任总管都得到所有的部门走访一遍。  865.
Here is some food for thought. 这里是给你思考的一些资料。  866.
use it or lose it. 不使用就废弃。A foreign language is something you use it or lose it. 外语是不用即丢。  867.
make it or break it. 不成功即成仁,成败在此一举。I have to take this calculated risk, it is a make-or-break move. 我得好好掂量一下危险,这可是成败在此一举呀。  868.
Love him or leave him. 要就爱上他,要就离开他。(意即不要不爱了却还藕断丝连。)   869.
You can learn English from roots up. root 词根。你可以从词根开始学英语。  870.
This couple went around and around like this for two hours. 这对夫妻就是这样来来回回吵了两个小时。  
  伟大的楼主啊,我只想说句:谢谢你!  您的这种耐心和坚持,着实让人佩服!


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