
9 月25 日中午,贵港市覃塘区黄练镇新朱村一村民不慎掉进黄练河中,被暴涨的洪水围困在河中在建大桥的桥墩上,生命危急.接到报警后,时任贵港市公安消防支队特勤大队大队长的黄建平立即率领战友们紧急赶赴现场组织救援.面对快速上涨的洪水和被困群众的急迫呼救,黄建平同志临危不惧,舍生忘死,冲锋在前,奋力下水救人.当他游出50 多米远时,不幸被突然袭来的洪峰卷入桥墩下湍急的洪流中,壮烈牺牲,年仅34 岁.感想:黄建平同志舍己救人、无私无畏的英雄壮举,我要学习他视人名的利益高于一切永远忠于党、忠于祖国、忠于人民的优秀品质;学习他牢记宗旨、舍己救人、无私奉献的高尚情操;学习他扎根基层、热爱本职、努力工作、奋勇争先的工作作风;学习他爱岗敬业、奋发有为、勇创一流的进取精神.
谁家有个难事、急事,他总是第一时间给予协助解决。员工乔迁现场有他的搬家队;员工的亲人生病住院有他慰问。 我想,吴智勇平时工作那么忙碌,却总是帮别人解决一些琐事,还关心员工家人,真是一个好党员!
呵呵O(∩_∩)O~,感受有点少哦!!!!!!能不能帮我写《我与XXXX》的作文 250字左右 ·_百度作业帮
能不能帮我写《我与XXXX》的作文 250字左右 ·
能不能帮我写《我与XXXX》的作文 250字左右 ·
不知是哪个贱手贱嘴的家伙把这件事告诉了芳悦,我想,一场恶战就要开始了,她一定会和我大吵一架的.现在,只有道歉才是最有效的办法.于是,下课后,我找到了她. “你知道了吗?”我故意试探地问.“知道了.”她用很温柔的语气回答.我没有再说什么,只是静静的注视着她的举动.她的脸上没有写出我想象中的愤怒与怨恨,而是平静和温柔.“你能把它划掉吗?自从有了它的出现,我们的距离好像一下子变得很遥远!”我点了点头,说着,划掉了那行字,并从旁边写到“永远是朋友!”她笑了,笑得那样迷人,那样甜美,好像就是她那颗宽容的心.
  我与小狗琪琪  都说狗是人类最好的朋友,我以前也有一个小狗朋友,它的名字是我给他取的,叫琪琪,就是我名字的最后一个字,一听就是我的亲密好友,在生活中,我与它也是亲密无间的,下面就向你们介绍我与它的趣事吧。  记得刚从宠物店买琪琪到时候,它还趴在车窗上,呆呆的看着已远去的“老家”,没想到狗还“思乡”呢,现在,我的家就是它的家,它再也不“思乡”了。  刚开始到我们家,...
我和朋友我和朋友我和朋我有个非常好的朋友叫潘梅思远,他长着圆圆的脑袋,白净的脸上嵌着一双闪闪发亮的眼睛。他特别喜欢笑,每次一有开心的事情,就露出一口洁白的牙齿。 潘梅思远不但性格非常开朗,也爱帮助人,不管谁遇到了困难,他都会主动去帮助,所以大家都非常喜欢他。我俩的关系尤其好,经常在一起玩,可以说是形影不离、亲密无间。 记得一次体育课上,老师让我们练长跑。我从小体弱多病,所以没跑多远就腿脚发软,又不...
八)积极乐观??  31.生命之宴该是如此吧!我对生命中的涓滴每有一分赏悦,上帝总立即赐下万道流泉;我为每一个音符凝神,他总是倾下整匹的音乐如素锦.生命的厚礼,原来只赏赐给那些肯于一尝的人.??  32.世界本来就不“完美”.我们不快乐的程度取决于现实跟它们“应该是”的样子之间有多大距离.如果我们不凡事苛求完美,快乐这档子事就简单得多了.??  33.在生与死之间还有一段美妙的征程,叫做生活.这是一段神奇的旅途,它应该充满了梦幻、想象、知识、现实和领悟.??  34.如果你意识到,生命是一条单向车道,你永远不可能再次路过相同的风景,那么你就应该全身心地去享受生活,而这就是快乐的真谛了.??  35.古往今来,尽管人生虚无的悲论如缕不绝,可是劝人执著人生爱惜光阴的教诲更是谆谆在耳.两相比较,执著当然比悲观明智得多.悲观主义是一条绝路,冥思苦想人生的虚无,想一辈子也还是那么一回事,绝不会有柳暗花明的一天,反而窒息了生命的乐趣.不如把这个虚无放到括号里,集中精力做好人生的正面文章.既然只有一个人生,世人心目中值得向往的东西,无论成功还是幸福,今生得不到,就永无得到的希望了,何不以紧迫的心情和执著的努力,把这一切追求到手再说?求一篇关于一个博客或者一则新闻的想法的英语作文,200-250字即可._百度作业帮
As a kind of most avant-garde stuff in modern information society,blog is appealing to an increasing number of people.To my mind,however,the matter should be observed dialectically due to its particularity and complexity.Blog undeniably wields numerous merits.It in the first place serves as an effective means of communication,through which blog users are able to vent their spleens and share their various feelings with each other.Secondly,blog proves to be a terrific platform.for learning.By updating one’s blog pages and browsing others’,one thus has instant access to a wide range of cyber materials and may keep him-/herself informed of the most current events and knowledge.While taking blog browsing and bruiting for granted,we should not overlook its downsides---a problem inevitably confronting nearly every issue of controversy.Inasmuch as blog is a public medium that denies nearly no admission,one’s privacy is hereby easily subject to potential infringements.A more severe problem than this is that the current blog pages on the web are rife with worthless or even detrimental things,say,fraudulent advertising,hype,personal attack,pornography and violence,or even reactionary propagation.Weighing the above discussed,we are justified to believe that,despite the many shortcomings it possesses,blog basically turns out to be a favourable thing,and would be more so provided supervision from both the public and the government is imposed upon it and self-discipline within the blog users is strengthened.急求一篇介绍美国的英语文章,最好在250字左右._百度作业帮
The United States of America (commonly referred to as the United States,the U.S.,the USA,the States or America) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district.The country is situated mostly in central North America,where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington,D.C.,the capital district,lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans,bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south.The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent,with Canada to its east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait.The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific.The country also possesses several territories,or insular areas,scattered around the Caribbean and Pacific.At 3.79 million square miles (9.83 million km²) and with more than 300 million people,the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area,and third largest by land area and by population.The United States is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations,the product of large-scale immigration from many countries.[7] The U.S.economy is the largest national economy in the world,with an estimated 2008 gross domestic product (GDP) of US$14.3 trillion (23% of the world total based on nominal GDP and almost 21% at purchasing power parity).[4][8]The nation was founded by thirteen colonies of Great Britain located along the Atlantic seaboard.On July 4,1776,they issued the Declaration of Independence,which proclaimed their independence from Great Britain and their formation of a cooperative union.The rebellious states defeated Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War,the first successful colonial war of independence.[9] A federal convention adopted the current United States Constitution on September 17,1787; its ratification the following year made the states part of a single republic with a strong central government.The Bill of Rights,comprising ten constitutional amendments guaranteeing many fundamental civil rights and freedoms,was ratified in 1791.In the 19th century,the United States acquired land from France,Spain,the United Kingdom,Mexico,and Russia,and annexed the Republic of Texas and the Republic of Hawaii.Disputes between the agrarian South and industrial North over states' rights and the expansion of the institution of slavery provoked the American Civil War of the 1860s.The North's victory prevented a permanent split of the country and led to the end of legal slavery in the United States.By the 1870s,the national economy was the world's largest.[10] The Spanish–American War and World War I confirmed the country's status as a military power.In 1945,the United States emerged from World War II as the first country with nuclear weapons,a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council,and a founding member of NATO.The end of the Cold War left the United States as the sole superpower.The country accounts for approximately 50% of global military spending and is a leading economic,political,and cultural force in the world.[11]


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