
常德桃花源大桥首次接受全面“体检”-春运网|||||||||||||||||||>>>正文常德桃花源大桥首次接受全面“体检”  正在进行体检的桃花源大桥。    桃花源大桥资料图  红网常德站9月26日讯(分站记者 黄刚) 9月25日,常德市桥梁管理处邀请湖南省桥梁检测专家,使用专业设备将对桃花源大桥进行体检,从桥梁主体结构到附属构造物,从桥面铺装、桥梁栏杆,到水底的桥台、桥墩基础,所有部位进行一次“深度体检”。  上午,记者在常德桃花源大桥上看到,一辆橘黄色的大车在桥面上缓缓移动,旋转平台上伸出的长臂直接探到桥下,并稳稳托起一个狭长的工作平台,这是检测桥梁的工程车辆。此次“体检”是桃花源大桥开通半年多来首次接受的全面体检。  据相关技术人员介绍,这种新型桥梁检测车360度旋转的基座可向斜上方伸出一个支架,支架末端是可以垂直伸缩的吊篮,最下方有个袖珍操作室,旁边又伸出一个横向的斗状平台,供携带各种专业检测设备的技术人员在这个平台上安全作业。检测人员将在未来的一个星期内,对整座桥梁进行全面检测维护,保证桥梁更安全地运行。  桃花源大桥位于武陵区落路口港口上游约400米,与常德沅江一大桥相隔5500米。全长528米,宽32米,双向6车道,桥身采用双塔斜拉式设计。相关新闻推荐新闻请选择省份交通:让世界惊叹的中国工程《老外看中国--中国山地公路、桥梁之旅》
  High Bridge Trip Photo Album/Week 2  原帖地址/wiki/index.php?title=2013_High_Bridge_Trip_Photo_Album/Week_2  China High Bridge Trip Photo Album  Chongqing and Hunan Provinces  中国高桥之旅第二周 重庆和湖南   压题图:湖南矮寨大桥,后面是三姊妹峰  The special spans visited during our second week included Wulingshan, Furongjiang, Aizhai, Mengdong, Qingping and Lishuihe Bridges. We also toured the amazing Tianmen Mountain, Zhangjiajie and Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon parks.  第二周值得一提的桥梁有武陵山大桥,芙蓉江大桥,矮寨大桥,猛洞河大桥,青坪大桥,澧水搭桥。我们还游览了梦幻般的天门山、张家界峰林和张家界大峡谷公园
  The first G65 expressway crossing of the mighty Wu Jiang River near Wulong City takes place within a spectacular gorge with cliffs that rise hundreds of meters high. Image by Eric Sakowski / G65包茂高速在武隆县城附近首次跨越伟大的乌江,在一个两岸峭壁直立数百米壮观的峡谷中  The Wujiang Wulong River Bridge has a central span of 200 meters. Image by Eric Sakowski / 武隆乌江大桥中跨200米
  The new Wujiang beam bridge in the center of Wulong City.Image by Eric Sakowski / 新乌江大桥位于武隆县城中心  A triple span Wujiang River arch bridge in the center of Wulong city. Image by Eric Sakowski / 武隆城中心的三联跨乌江拱桥  The arch bridge we all photographed. Image by John Morrison.我们都在拍的一座拱桥  突然发现我们国家的天空不像柴说的那么不堪啊。。。。。
  The spindly piers of the new 2-lane Gouearxia Bridge. The 190 meter span beam crossing bypasses an older road that twisted down into the bottom of the canyon. Image by Richard Scott.狗耳峡大桥 修长的桥墩。这座190米主跨的梁桥代替了原先曲折蜿蜒到沟底的旧公路  The central span of the Gouearxia Bridge is 145 meters high. Image by Eric Sakowski / 狗耳峡大桥145米高  Previous decathlon events have taken place that required contestants to rappel over the side of the bridge. Image by Eric Sakowski / 曾经在这里举行过绳降活动,参赛者需要用绳子从桥上降下去  The spectacular Furongjiang beam bridge with a central span of 240 meters. Image by Richard Scott.壮丽的 芙蓉江大桥 为主跨240米梁桥   The Furongjiang gorge looking north from the deck of the beam bridge. Image by Eric Sakowski / 从桥面看北侧的芙蓉江峡谷  The Furongjiang beam bridge is 240 meters above the river. Image by Eric Sakowski / 芙蓉江梁桥距离水面高达240米!  (芙蓉江大桥侧面)  The east pier of the Furongjiang Bridge is 110 meters tall. Image by Eric Sakowski / 芙蓉江大桥东桥墩110米高  The Furong River gorge looking south. Image by Bruce Lee.南侧的芙蓉江峡谷
  祖国强大了,真感到骄傲!感谢楼主!  也感谢每一个为了建设祖国付出汗水和努力的劳动者!
  Just a few kilometers east of the Furong River is the Luoyan arch bridge which spans across a cut 120 meters deep. Image by Eric Sakowski / 芙蓉江大桥东侧数公里外是洛堰拱桥,跨越120米深的深沟  A view looking north up the Luoyan River gorge. Image by Eric Sakowski / 从洛堰河峡谷北望  Our journey along the Wujiang River took us across this new concrete arch span just west of Pengshui City. Image by John Morrison.我们沿乌江的旅程带我们跨越这座彭水县城边的新拱桥  A view of Pengshui City from the old national road. Image by Eric Sakowski / 从老国道看彭水县城
  The second G65 crossing of the Wu Jiang is across this 200 meter beam span. The railway line crosses on the lower beam. Image by Eric Sakowski / 第二座G65高速公路乌江大桥是这座200米跨度的梁桥。邻近的铁路线走较低的桥  The third G65 crossing of the Wu is on yet another giant beam span. Image by Eric Sakowski / 第三座乌江G65高速公路梁桥  After a day of traveling along the Wu River, we finally went up the Yu River gorge which is a tributary and a major river in its own right. Several small arches carry the local roads high up along the slope. The Image by Eric Sakowski / 沿乌江跑了一天,我们终于来到御河河谷,这是一条不小的支流。小拱桥上是乡间道路  A footbridge across the Yujiang River near the G65 expressway. Image by Eric Sakowski / 一座步行桥在G65高速公路旁跨越御河  The G65 crossing of the Yujiang River is about 100 meters high. Image by Eric Sakowski / G65跨越御河的桥大约100米高  The Wushan Mountain Bridge east of Qianjiang City carries the older national road more then 150 meters above a deep river gorge. Image by Eric Sakowski / 黔江城东的老国道 巫山大桥 横跨深邃的峡谷,超过150米高
13:22:44  Siduhe in all its glory! With a deck nearly 500 meters high, this is far and away the world's highest suspension bridge. Image by Richard Scott.  四渡河大桥 全景!桥面距离水面近500米高,这座桥比世界其他高桥高很多 (但2015年后会被中国多座桥逐一超越)  The giant yellow towers support a Ta......  -----------------------------  我的老家啊
每次回去到这都感慨一下 本人湖北恩施巴东人 以前读书的时候到到武汉要八小时以上
走318国道 堵车是经常的 这逆天的路一通 从野三关到宜昌只要1个小时 野三关到宜昌几乎全是桥和隧道 到武汉4小时左右
到村里的路现在准备扩宽成双车道 到小组的路三年内估计也就全部成硬化路了 家乡的变化虽然比不上上外面 但是也在稳步增长 唯一遗憾就是老家只剩老人和少量小孩了 不过我觉得也没什么 人口以后集中居中是趋势 我老家还在野三关里面 更加偏僻 70年代才通公路
当年小日本打到那都找不到路进去 人口都搬出来 有利于恢复生态 现在家里野猪成灾了 去年回家过年猎杀2头
  顶 加油!
13:22:44  Siduhe in all its glory! With a deck nearly 500 meters high, this is far and away the world's highest suspension bridge. Image by Richard Scott.  四渡河大桥 全景!桥面距离水面近500米高,这座桥比世界其他高桥高很多 (但2015年后会被中国多座桥逐一超越)  The giant yellow towers support a Ta......  -----------------------------  @三峡野人王
15:01:01  我的老家啊
每次回去到这都感慨一下 本人湖北恩施巴东人 以前读书的时候到到武汉要八小时以上
走318国道 堵车是经常的 这逆天的路一通 从野三关到宜昌只要1个小时 野三关到宜昌几乎全是桥和隧道 到武汉4小时左右
到村里的路现在准备扩宽成双车道 到小组的路三年内估计也就全部成硬化路了 家乡的变化虽然比不上上外面 但是也在稳步增长 唯一遗憾就是老家只剩老人和少量小孩了 不过我觉得也没什么 人口以后集中居中是趋势 ......  -----------------------------  没事可以回老家度假啊,山好水好人好,肯定很舒服啊!
14:56:11  这些人是间谍吗,想将来军事打击中国要塞收集情报?  -----------------------------  虽然相关数据的确有点敏感,但是觉得这情报基本也用不上,要是打仗打成这样,都打到西南了,那也是甩核弹的事情了
  为中国工程师和建筑工人喝彩鼓掌!  工程师立国,工业化立国真的不是那帮公知律师屎学家嘴里天天比比歪的抿煮所能埋没的!  ——————————————————-  所以说文科无用  还是有道理的
  Still one of the world's highest cable stayed bridges at 263 meters, the Wulingshan Bridge opened in 2009 with a span of 360 meters. Image by Eric Sakowski / 高达263米的 武陵山大桥 2009年通车,主跨360米 ,目前仍是世界最高的斜拉桥之一(重庆已建成最高桥)  PS: 此桥更多资料 /wiki/index.php?title=Wulingshan_Bridge  The Wayyaobao Bridge carries the G65 about 80 meters above a deep mountain ravine. Image by Eric Sakowski / G65瓦窑堡桥高约80米  The Qianjiang arch bridge carries national route 319 to a new airport that serves the city of Qianjiang. Image by Eric Sakowski / 319国道黔江拱桥通往一个新机场  Several new apartment complexes have sprung up around the new bridge crossing. Image by Eric Sakowski / 新桥周围耸立起许多新公寓
13:22:44  Siduhe in all its glory! With a deck nearly 500 meters high, this is far and away the world's highest suspension bridge. Image by Richard Scott.  四渡河大桥 全景!桥面距离水面近500米高,这座桥比世界其他高桥高很多 (但2015年后会被中国多座桥逐一超越)  The giant yellow towers support a Ta......  -----------------------------  @三峡野人王
15:01:01  我的老家啊
每次回去到这都感慨一下 本人湖北恩施巴东人 以前读书的时候到到武汉要八小时以上
走318国道 堵车是经常的 这逆天的路一通 从野三关到宜昌只要1个小时 野三关到宜昌几乎全是桥和隧道 到武汉4小时左右
到村里的路现在准备扩宽成双车道 到小组的路三年内估计也就全部成硬化路了 家乡的变化虽然比不上上外面 但是也在稳步增长 唯一遗憾就是老家只剩老人和少量小孩了 不过我觉得也没什么 人口以后集中居中是趋势 ......  -----------------------------  我太爷那辈人 吃盐都是徒步沿着这山上的小道去野三关背的 100多公里 直线距离没那么远 全是上山 下山 过河 绕弯 那辈人吃的苦无法想象 看着瘦 力气大 用背篓背东西400斤徒步一百多公里 还全是小路 真的无法想象 我试过我的极限 背过一根木头250斤 走平路 不到20米扔地上了 半天没缓过来
  The new Qianjiang River Pipeline Bridge rises more then 147 meters above the canyon floor. Image by Eric Sakowski / 新 黔江油气管线桥 约有147米高   The Qianjiang River from the pipeline arch bridge. Image by Eric Sakowski / 从油气管拱桥上看黔江河面  I have come across something new and spectacular every trip I have taken to China but the most incredible find yet may well be the epic cliff sculpture of the goddess Avalokite?vara (观音) just south of Qianjiang City. The bas-relief sculpture is reportedly 123 meters high with a width of 69 meters but the full height above the river is around 275 meters based on the height of the nearby pipeline bridge. This is approximately the same height as the entire Stone Mountain in Georgia which is 263 meters from the summit to the surrounding terrain. The sculpture on Stone Mountain is just 48 x 23 meters with the outer cutout measuring 109 x 58 meters. This would make the Qianjiang Avalokite?vara sculpture the largest of its type in the world. What is not clear is how much of the surface is made of concrete rather then just pure stone carving. Image by Eric Sakowski /   经过了不少新奇壮观的旅程,但最不 可思议的发现是黔江城南峭壁上正在雕刻一尊观音女神像。这尊浅浮雕菩萨像有123米高,69米宽,但从河面算起雕像顶部约有275米高。大约和乔治亚州石 山的相对高度一样。石山上的雕塑只有48*23米,外框109*58米。这使得黔江观音像成为这类浮雕中最大的。目前不清楚的是其表面有多大会是混凝土而 不是完全从石面雕刻出。  The face of the goddess Avalokite?vara. The buddhist figure or deity is an important religious figure in many other countries including Burma, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, Japan, and Nepal. Image by Richard Scott.观音像的脸部,这尊菩萨的手指或者说手印在很多国家是重要的宗教标志。如缅甸,越南,泰国,韩国,日本,尼泊尔等。  If you look carefully you can see the fingers of the goddess. Image by Richard Scott.如果仔细看能看到女神像的手指  The scaffolding rises nearly a thousand feet from the river floor. Image by Eric Sakowski / 脚手架顶端距离河面近一千英尺
  The Ganxigou Bridge is one of the highest beam bridges on the G65 at 151 meters. The river continues to travel into an underground cave located directly beneath the point this photo was taken. Image by John Morrison.  干溪沟大桥 是G65途径的最高梁桥之一,高151米。这条河流进摄像者站立的地面下一个溶洞里  (译者注,有误,此桥名为沿溪沟大桥。干溪沟大桥是武陵山大桥原名)  PS:更多此桥资料图片:/wiki/index.php?title=Yanxigou_Bridge  The orange truss pipes of the Xisha Bridge make it pop out among the green foliage along the G65. The gorge drops 217 meters below the deck level. Image by Eric Sakowski / 橙色钢管拱使 细沙大桥 在G65的绿色环境中非常醒目。峡谷在桥下217米深  PS:更多此桥资料图片:/wiki/index.php?title=Xisha_Bridge  A dam was constructed just a kilometer downstream of the Xisha Bridge. Image by Eric Sakowski / 细沙河大桥下游仅一公里兴建了一座水电站
  This giant G65 expressway viaduct leaps almost 90 meters above the small buildings of Youyang City. Image by Eric Sakowski / 巨大的G65高架桥在小城酉阳顶上90米高空通过  These 2 traditional minority women mark the gateway to Hunan Province. Image by Eric Sakowski / 两个身着少数民族服装的女性形象构成了重庆到湖南的大门
  The Aizhai Bridge never ceases to amaze those who first come upon it. The main span of 1,076 meters is still the longest of the world's 100 highest bridges. Image by Richard Scott.矮寨大桥 每次都会使初看到它的人吃惊。其主跨1076米(原文有误,是1176米)仍是世界所有高度百米以上桥梁中最大的。  PS 关于矮寨大桥更多资料和图片:  /wiki/index.php?title=Aizhai_Bridge  Richard Scott and Mr. Chen take in the scenery 330 meters above the river canyon. Image by Eric Sakowski / 理查德斯科特和陈先生以330余米高河谷为背景留影  Public walkways inside the truss allow visitors to experience the height of the bridge in a way few other spans allow. Due to the construction of a whole new visitors center on the north side of the bridge, the walkway was unfortunately closed during our visit. Image by John Morrison.观光步道可以让游客穿行在桥梁桁架中获得最佳体验。因为正在北侧修建一条新通道,原有的通道不幸在我们游览的几天关门歇业。  A view from the old national road that winds down to the town of Aizhai. Image by Eric Sakowski / 从矮寨镇盘旋而上的旧国道上观景  The tightrope from a 2012 event with Adili Wuxor was left up. I would have liked to try it with a balance pole. Image by Richard Scott.2012阿迪里走钢丝活动用的钢索。其实我也想一试  If you look carefully you can see the tightrope cable passing through the top of the picture. Image by Richard Scott.如果你仔细看,能看到桥边走钢丝用的绳子  The 3 sisters watch over the town of Aizhai and the DeHang River canyon. Image by Eric Sakowski / 三姊妹峰俯视矮寨镇和德夯峡谷
  The small town of Aizhai. Image by Eric Sakowski /
矮寨小镇  Our hotel in the town of Aizhai. Image by Bruce Lee.我们在矮寨镇的宾馆  Certain villages in China share similar architectural features such as this group of buildings between Aizhai and Jishou. Image by Eric Sakowski / 中国中部村庄的面貌大体类似,就像这些位于矮寨和吉首之间的建筑。
  The G65 crosses the Tonghe River on this large viaduct before the exit into Jishou City. Image by Eric Sakowski / G65包茂高速在这座高架桥临近吉首城处跨越峒河  A giant new visitors center was built in 2012 to increase tourism in the area. Image by Eric Sakowski / 一座大型游客中心建于2012年,为以后迎接更多游客  There is not much to see in the visitors center except for a simple model of the region around the Aizhai Bridge. Image by Eric Sakowski / 游客中心没什么可看的,只有矮寨地区很简单的模型  The many geological features in and around the town of Aizhai. Image by Eric Sakowski / 矮寨镇及其周围 众多的地质景观  The new parking area that was constructed for the Aizhai Bridge walkway access. Image by Eric Sakowski / 矮寨大桥人行通道口的新停车场  With half a dozen new bridges over 100 meters high, we took an early trip 140 kilometers along the new Zhangjiajie expressway between the G65 and the city of Zhangjiajie. The highway was not scheduled to open until the end of 2013 but was nearly finished. Image by Eric Sakowski / 我们沿还没完全竣工的到张家界高速公路前进(张花高速),这条路140公里长,有至少6座高逾百米的大桥,预定2013年底竣工。不过2013年8月已经可以勉强行驶了  With paving still underway on certain sections of the highway, we had to switch sides from time to time going along either the westbound or eastbound lanes when necessary. Image by Richard Scott.因为路面还在铺装,我们必须绕开铺装的部分,一会走左边,一会走右边
  The highest bridge on the route is over the Mengdong River. The concrete filled steel tubular arch has a span of 255 meters and a height of 232 meters over the old river level. Image by Richard Scott.这条路上最高的桥是 猛洞河大桥,255米主跨,232米高的钢管混凝土拱桥。  Party time on the Mengdong Bridge! Image by Eric Sakowski / 猛洞河大桥上的聚会  The downstream dam below the Mengdong crossing. Image by Eric Sakowski / 猛洞河大桥下游的水库  Note the simple wood plank platforms overhanging the side of the arch ribs. Image by Eric Sakowski / 注意看拱肋边悬空的木平台  This unknown beam bridge was our most difficult span to cross as the railings were still being constructed. Image by Eric Sakowski / 这座不知名梁桥最难通过,因为还在施工
  This massive beam viaduct was over 150 meters above a small river. The piers have 3 progressively larger stages as they descend to the valley floor. Image by Eric Sakowski / 这座大型高架桥超过150米高  Not to be confused with the previously unknown viaduct, the Qingping Viaduct is also 150 meters high and has piers with 3 stages of thickness. Image by Eric Sakowski / 青坪大桥 也有150米高,不过别和刚才那座弄混了  These bridge piers are as tall as a 50-story building. Image by Eric Sakowski / 这些桥的桥墩差不多有50层楼那么高  An overview of the Qingping Viaduct. Image by Eric Sakowski / 青坪大桥全貌
  祖国这么大,桥梁这么多 真想去看看
  The Qingping Bridge tunnel entrance at the west end of the viaduct. Image by Eric Sakowski / 青坪大桥西端隧道入口  The one-of-a-kind Lishuihe Bridge tower design. The truss suspension bridge crosses 330 meters above the Lishui River with a central span of 856 meters. Image by Eric Sakowski / 澧水河大桥 桥塔设计。这座桁架悬索桥跨越澧水,高达330米,主跨856米   PS关于此桥更多资料图片:/wiki/index.php?title=Lishuihe_Bridge  The red cables contrast nicely with the gray towers. Image by Richard Scott红色的主缆和灰色的桥塔对比鲜明  Most suspension bridges have a small upward bow or camber in the middle. Since the Lishuihe Bridge grade is continuously rising, a bow would only add to the steepness of the grade and so the truss and deck were designed to be straight. Siduhe and Aizhai suspension bridges are also flat for the same reason. Image by John Morrison.绝大部分悬索桥中部是稍微向上弯曲的。澧水大桥桥两端不等高,因此桥面是直的,没有中间突起。四渡河与矮寨大桥也一样。
  @梦回汉唐-19 14:52:15  让那些成天唱衰的人看看吧,感觉东西部的差距不很大啊,处处繁荣!  -----------------------------  还是比较大的
比如上面四渡河大桥 附近 我的老家 好多人包括本人都是在外面讨生活 家里盖的房子基本上就耗光几年的积蓄 在老家发展的有发大财的 几百万 几千万身家的也不少 但是大部分在家里发展的收入还是比不上在外面干活
  The spectacular peaks and spires of the mountain range south of Zhangjiajie. The great hole of Tianmen Mountain can be seen towards the left. Image by Bruce Lee.张家界城南的壮丽山川。能从画面左侧看到天门山的巨洞  Tall high rises seem to pop up in rural areas almost as frequently as in the city areas in China. Image by John Morrison.高层建筑在中国不仅城里有,乡下也频繁出现  Dancers in downtown Wulingyuan city - the gateway to Zhangjiajie national park. Image by John Morrison.武陵源的大妈爱跳广场舞  Bruce takes a walk through the cold river water that flows out of the mountains of Zhangjiajie national park. Image by Richard Scott.布鲁斯沿寒冷的河水走了一段。该河从张家界国家公园流出
13:22:44  Siduhe in all its glory! With a deck nearly 500 meters high, this is far and away the world's highest suspension bridge. Image by Richard Scott.  四渡河大桥 全景!桥面距离水面近500米高,这座桥比世界其他高桥高很多 (但2015年后会被中国多座桥逐一超越)  The giant yellow towers support a Ta......  -----------------------------  @三峡野人王
15:01:01  我的老家啊
每次回去到这都感慨一下 本人湖北恩施巴东人 以前读书的时候到到武汉要八小时以上
走318国道 堵车是经常的 这逆天的路一通 从野三关到宜昌只要1个小时 野三关到宜昌几乎全是桥和隧道 到武汉4小时左右
到村里的路现在准备扩宽成双车道 到小组的路三年内估计也就全部成硬化路了 家乡的变化虽然比不上上外面 但是也在稳步增长 唯一遗憾就是老家只剩老人和少量小孩了 不过我觉得也没什么 人口以后集中居中是趋势 ......  -----------------------------  @鬼肚子
15:02:33  没事可以回老家度假啊,山好水好人好,肯定很舒服啊!  -----------------------------  山绝对好 水绝对清 野猪绝对多 去年过年回家就猎杀了2头 小时候跟我爷爷上山打兔子是我最喜欢的活动 我们那里的农地有一半是大跃进时候开荒开出来的 现在都在逐步退耕还林了 旅游开发也在做 城镇附近也开始有工业区在做 相信过不了多久我会回到家乡 不用再出来跟爷爷奶奶两地相隔了
  The Tianmen Mountain Ropeway had long lines but was well worth the wait. 天门山索道站排长队。不过值得等  A green lake more then 1,000 meters below the summit of Tianmen Mountain. 天门山下千米处有个碧绿的湖泊  The square sections of glass must be walked on with booties to avoid scratches. 到玻璃步道行走必须戴鞋套  The glasswalk near the summit of Tianmen Mountain is spectacular with a vertical drop of over 250 meters. 天门山顶的玻璃步道垂直高度高达250米  This stretch of the cliffwalk does not have glass but it is the highest such walkway in the world with a straight vertical drop of 366 meters. This is considerably more then the Grand Canyon Skywalk in the U.S. state of Arizona with a drop of 219 meters. 这个天空步道尽管没有玻璃,但距离下方垂直距离是世界最高的,高达366米。显著高于美国大峡谷天空步道的219米  Another cantilevered platform around 50 meters high. 另一处悬空观景台大约50米高
15:47:29  The spectacular peaks and spires of the mountain range south of Zhangjiajie. The great hole of Tianmen Mountain can be seen towards the left. Image by Bruce Lee.张家界城南的壮丽山川。能从画面左侧看到天门山的巨洞  Tall high rises seem to pop up in rural areas almost as frequently as in the c......  -----------------------------  我小时候就是坐这个的 土家族
哈哈 从上面摔下来过 家里叫凉背篓
  A view looking west from the summit of Tianmen Mountain. 从天门山顶向西看  The large complex of museum buildings we never had time to explore. Maybe next time. 一大片博物馆似的建筑我们这次没时间去,或许下次再去(这明显就是个庙嘛)  The suspension footbridge.步行吊桥  A few of the 99 turns along the bus road to the Tianmen Mountain cave. 天门山盘山公路“99道拐”的一小部分  The gondola leaps between several peaks that are separated by drops of over 100 meters.索道建在一系列群峰上,之间相隔逾百米深谷  The many peaks of Tianmen Mountain. The summit in the middle is where the BASE jumpers launch themselves off a platform every October during the Red Bull World Wingsuit League event. 天门山群峰。中部的顶峰就是每年十月红牛翼装飞行大赛中低空跳伞者起跳的地点。  A view of the Tianmen Mountain hole which has a clear opening height of 125 meters. The steps to get up to the hole are also 125 meters in height. 天门山“洞”的正面照。洞口125米高,下方台阶也有125米高  A new plaza was completed in 2013 to handle the bigger crowds and includes the addition of a hotel. 2013年建立了一个新广场,以便容纳更多游客。同时广场地面下还建有一个宾馆  Part of the hotel and the main lobby have glass panels over them.此山顶宾馆的部分位置有玻璃观景台  开始不务正业了啊。。。
  The lower half of the exhausting stair climb. 颇费体力的台阶下半部分  A view of the imposing hole with thousands of tons of rock more then 100 meters above your head! 天门山“洞”内部。数千吨岩石构成的天然拱顶在百余米上方  Our second day in the Zhangjiajie region began with a tour of the amazing Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon, a private park 20 kilometers east of the national park. The owner and chief architect of the park and its attractions is also a skilled engineer whose ambitious plans include nothing less then the construction of the highest and longest suspension footbridge ever constructed with a deck more then 250 meters above the canyon. Even more amazing he wants the entire span to be covered in glass panels. The cable shown above was placed along the exact alignment of the planned 430 meter suspension bridge. 我们在张家界的第二天始于一趟张家界峡谷有趣的旅行,一个私人经营的公园位于张家界国家公园以东20公里。该公园经营者打算修建一座世界最高、最长的玻璃吊桥横跨张家界大峡谷。超过250米高,由玻璃地板铺砌。规划跨度达430米。(此后为配合环保要求,又加长了)  The bridge engineer ZhiDong Chen and his wife SiQing Luo show us the new design proposals that were modified from the original cable stayed design by Israeli engineer Haim Dotan桥梁工程师陈志东和他太太罗思青给我们看了新设计,从原先的斜拉桥变更为悬索桥,由以色列工程师海姆多昙设计。  A view of the gorge where a wood walkway allows visitors to hike along the river where there are waterfalls, caves, a small glass bridge and a boat ride. 一条木板道路让游客可以沿河徒步,那里有瀑布、溶洞、小玻璃桥和一条漂流道  Many borings that were drilled on the west side plateau. 西侧已经打了许多钻孔取岩芯研究地质  A series of switchback stairs descend down into the grandest part of the canyon.螺旋形楼梯通往谷底
14:13:51  我们还有什么理由不热爱这个国家?不拥护中国共产党?  -----------------------------  讲得好!
我们这个民族就是要有志气。 祖国万岁。
  To make the descent even more fun, the owners built a smooth stone marble slide down the canyon. 为增加乐趣,经营者建了一条光滑的石质滑道通往谷底  A view of the bridge crossing site from the river. 仰视未来人行玻璃天桥将要跨越的地方  Completed in 2011, this small glass bridge was a trial run for the giant bridge that will be constructed in 2014. 这座小玻璃桥建于2011,作为大玻璃桥的试验。大玻璃桥预计2014年开工  The trail continues on through a large cave. 步道通往一个溶洞  A classic footbridge crosses over a cave creek along the trail.步道上的一座传统拱桥越过小溪  At the end of the trail a boat takes visitors across a huge man-made lake that was created by the park's chief engineer ZhiDong Chen. 步道的终点,一艘船载运游客通过一个大型人工湖
13:19:23  The Shuanghekou Bridge on the G50 is most impressive for its piers which are 163 meters tall. Image by Richard Scott.  双河口大桥 也是沪渝高速上令人印象深刻的桥梁之一,其桥墩高达163米。 (桥面高200余米,沪渝高速鄂西段200余公里内,桥面距离水面高200米以上的大桥有9座,接近中国以外所有国家高桥总和。在中国西南,这样的高速公路有多条)  /p/mh/.jpg......  -----------------------------  刚才专门去搜了一下宜万铁路溶洞内景的图片,真难以想象当初是怎么在这种地方开出隧道的!
  At the end of the show, entire sections of Tianmen Mountain are lit up including the giant hole just barely visible at the top center of the image. The two sides of the rock bridge in the center connect at the end of the show allowing the Weedman and the Fairy Fox to finally meet. Image by Bruce Lee.天门山下看秀。  (将干燥的大型溶洞洞厅改建为歌舞剧场,是中国西南常见的办法。因溶洞遍地都是,规模又大,不可能都观光游览。但却可以遮风避雨作为大型活动场所无需修建)  A giant pagoda marks the official east entrance to Zhangjiajie national park一座高大的观光塔标志着张家界国家公园的东门  The upper half of the Bailing elevator百龙电梯的上部  A wider view reveals the lower half of the elevator which is actually located in an underground tunnel. Promotional images do not show this hidden deception.广角镜头才能看出百龙电梯的下半截其实在地下隧洞中。一般照片都不会显示下半截  The elevator line that winds into the bottom of the mountain.电梯入口深入山内  The top of the elevator rewards visitors with a jaw-dropping view of the towering spires that inspired the look of the movie Avatar. 电梯顶端的景色令人目不暇接,仿佛进入电影&阿凡达&中的潘多拉星球  Several of the photo spots have Avatar-like creatures. 有些照相地点有类似阿凡达中的生物骑乘  The Zhangjiajie Park footbridge with a height of 140 meters above a deep crevasse. Image by Eric Sakowski /   龙腾网   张家界公园步行桥 跨越深邃的峡谷裂缝,高达140米  When large crowds were on the bridge, the deck began to have a disconcerting back and forth movement of several centimeters. This could easily be fixed with horizontal bracing below the deck but given the ugly look of the bridge, a better solution might be to replace it with a classic arch bridge. Image by Bruce Lee.  当桥上人过多时会开始摇晃。这容易解决,只要底部打上横撑即可。但那样会很难看,更好的办法是将此桥改造为拱桥  A view looking south from the footbridge.从步行桥南望  A view of the Bailong elevator taken by photographing the reflection of the elevator ceiling and flipping it right side up. 从百龙电梯向外看  变成游记了。。这帮老外啊
  New apartment buildings along the Lishui River in Zhangjiajie. 张家界澧水河畔的新公寓  Our drive along the national road to Jishou passed under the Qingping Bridge we had driven over 3 days earlier. 我们沿国道赶回吉首,经过3天前路过的青坪大桥下方
  A giant new city center along the expressway to Jishou.   吉首市旁边的新城市中心
  High Bridge Trip Photo Album/Week 3  /wiki/index.php?title=2013_High_Bridge_Trip_Photo_Album/Week_3  Guizhou and Yunnan Provinces  第三周 贵州和云南省  压题照片,北盘江花江大桥 (年间的世界最高桥)  The special spans visited during the third week included Balinghe, Dimuhe, Beipanjiang 2003, Beipanjiang 2009, Beipanjiang High Speed Railway, Beipanjiang 2016, Liuchonghe, Xixi, Luojiaohe, Yanjinhe, Liuguanghe, Wujiang, Hutiaohe and Zhuchanghe Bridges. We also toured the famous Zunyi conference building.  本周我们将游览的独特桥梁包括坝陵河大桥,抵母河大桥,北盘江2003桥(花江),北盘江 2009桥(沪昆),北盘江高速铁路桥,北盘江2016桥(都格),六冲河大桥,西溪大桥,落脚河大桥,盐津河大桥,六广河大桥,乌江大桥,虎跳河大桥, 朱昌河大桥 。我们还将游览著名的遵义会议旧址
  There was no better way to kick off the 3rd week then our tour of Balinghe Bridge, the longest and highest in Guizhou Province. A group of CCTV producers met us at the bridge to talk about the possibility of doing a world record bungee jump from the bridge for an episode of the China Guinness TV show. Although the bungee attempt has been put on hold we had a pleasant afternoon with Guizhou highway leader Zhou Ping and producers Wang Wei, Pia and Gao MingZe. 我们第三周旅途开始的地方是贵州最大最高的大桥—— 坝陵河大桥。没有什么比这更激动人心。一些CCTV的制作人遇到我们,大家谈论能否策划一个世界最高的蹦极活动记录入吉尼斯大全。尽管后来蹦极活动没有实际举行,我们和贵州公路部门领导之一周平,CCTV制作人王巍、Pia以及高明泽一起度过了一个愉快的下午。   PS此桥更多震撼图片/wiki/index.php?title=Balinghe_Bridge  Bruce speaks with Zhou Ping and Pia.布鲁斯在和周平、Pia聊天  Pia and Zhou Ping enjoy the view from the 370 meter high Balinghe Bridge. Zhou Ping is one of the central highway construction leaders who oversees several billion dollars of new expressways in Liupanshui County, Guizhou. Pia和周平欣赏370米高的坝陵河大桥景观。周平目前是贵州公路建设部门领导者之一,主管价值数十亿美元的六盘水等地高速公路建设。(周平简介   http://www./zhuantizhuanlan/kejijiaoyu/kejishifangc/tupianxinwen/8290.html   贵 州人,原籍江西,毕业于同济大学桥梁专业,90年代赴日本留学,拿到博士学位后留在日本建筑事务所。2002年放弃高薪回到当时一无所有的家乡。后主持修 建世界最大山地桥梁坝陵河大桥,目前为毕节到都格高速公路建设总指挥,其中包括世界最高的北盘江都格大桥及抵母河大桥、总溪河大桥等。未来还有更多超级项目 在等待。和他差不多时间出国的科技人才,滞留国外者大多还在给外国老板打杂。)  We were all amazed by the cavernous Balinghe truss which is 10 meters deep.我们都为坝陵河大桥钢桁梁人行通道里的美景心旷神怡  Due for completion in 2014, the new Balinghe visitors center will allow tourists to take an elevator up the east tower for a walk inside the giant truss. 预计2014年完工的坝陵河游客中心将使游客们能乘电梯到达钢桁梁中的人行通道  The west end of the Balinghe Bridge truss. 坝陵河桥桁梁西端  CCTV assistant Gao MingZe poses in front of the 1088 meter main span of Balinghe. CCTV助理高明泽在1088米主跨的坝陵河桥前留影  Lunch near the famou Huangguoshu waterfalls. 在著名的黄果树瀑布附近共进午餐
13:24:10  /p/mh/.jpg......  -----------------------------  尼玛,逆天啊!
  A statue on the pathway leading to the Huangguoshu waterfalls.到黄果树瀑布的路上立有一尊塑像  Reported to be the largest waterfall in China, the Huangguoshu falls measure 78 meters tall by 101 meters wide. 据说是中国最大的瀑布,黄果树瀑布高78米,宽101米。  (译者注:旅游区当然要商业宣传,实际黄果树瀑布目前贵州最大的瀑布都排不上,赤水四洞沟瀑布的高、宽、水量都比黄果树大,当然比起美洲最大瀑布还是小)  There are many walkways and stairs and even a footbridge within the Huangguoshou gorge. 黄果树峡谷中有许多步道、楼梯甚至一座步行桥  A pathway winds around the canyon to the backside of the falls.一条小道通往瀑布后方  A constant mist keeps the hillside foliage thick and green.瀑布形成的水雾使周围长满绿色植物  There is a beautiful cave hidden behind the falls. 瀑布后有一个美丽的溶洞  A second set of waterfalls drop another 5 meters. 第二级瀑布5米高  This suspension footbridge allows guests to cross back over the river. 人行悬索桥让游客自由穿梭河两岸  Highway leader Zhou Ping brought us all to a special restaurant where the food is cooked at the table on hot plates. 高速公路领导周平带大家到一个餐厅吃饭,食物在桌上的热盘子中烹饪。(烙锅)
  Our second big tour of Guizhou Province was across the gargantuan Dimuhe footbridge that was constructed to allow workers to access the north slope where construction is underway on the new G56 Dimuhe suspension bridge. The chicken-wire span is 300 meters above the reservoir surface and has a main span of 510 meters - even longer then the Brooklyn Bridge. 我们在贵州省的第二个主要目标是穿越巨大的抵母河临时便桥。这座施工用人行桥是为方便工人们在抵母河峡谷两岸穿梭。抵母河大桥 位于G56杭瑞高速公路,高达360米。人行便桥距离水面也有300米高,跨度达510米!甚至比著名的布鲁克林桥跨都长  We had a little rain at the beginning of the walk but luckily it stopped a few minutes later.尽管天气有点小雨,但幸运的是雨很快停了  The Dimuhe footbridge actually crosses a shallow reservoir created from a dam 2.5 kilometers downstream of the crossing. 抵母河人行桥实际跨越一个由下游2.5公里处大坝形成的浅浅的水库  A crane can be seen where the south tower of the Dimuhe suspension bridge is under construction. The 4-lane suspension truss span of 538 meters will cross more then 300 meters above the reservoir. Expect an opening in early 2016. 一台吊机能在对面抵母河南主塔建设地点看到。这座4车道钢桁梁悬索桥主跨538米,跨越300多米深的峡谷,预计将于2016年竣工。  (目前已合拢,2015年内肯定能竣工,杭瑞高速贵州云南边境4座超级高桥中,只有最难的北盘江都格大桥要等到2016年通车,其余都可2015年竣工)  A view of the footbridge from the north slope. 从北岸俯瞰人行便桥  工程兔艺高人胆大啊!
  The Sancha River 300 meters below Bruce's feet. 三岔河在300多米深处  The Dimuhe footbridge as seen from the south tower of the highway suspension bridge. 从大桥未来的南塔处看抵母河施工便桥  Dimuhe north slope footbridge anchorage. 抵母河施工便桥北侧的锚碇
  @鬼肚子 105楼
14:47  The new Wujiang beam bridge in the center of Wulong City.Image by Eric Sakowski / 新乌江大桥位于武隆县城中心  A triple span Wujiang River arch bridge in the center of Wulong city. Image by Eric Sakowski / 武隆城中心的三联跨乌江拱桥……  -----------------------------  在这么学术性的场合吐槽好吗??⊙_⊙  
  The foundation of the Southwest Dimuhe tower was nearly complete. 抵母河西南塔的塔基基本完成  Our second bridge tour of the day was at the tower site construction of the new Beipanjiang 2016 cable stayed bridge that will carry the G56 expressway more then 500 meters above the Beipan River今天我们的第二个目标是到达 北盘江2016桥的东塔建设工地参观。此桥规划于2016年建成,位于杭瑞高速公路(杭州到瑞丽)G56云南和贵州两省交界处。东塔在贵州,西塔在云南,这座桥建成后将有500多米高。(564米)  The massive east tower will rise to 269 meters making Beipanjiang 2016 Bridge the world's 10th tallest bridge as well as the world's highest bridge of any kind ever built.巨大的东塔将达到269米高,这使他不仅成为世界桥面最高的大桥,桥塔高度也进入世界前十(通车时是第8) (桥塔顶到北盘江江面有730多米高)世界桥梁桥面高度排名:  /wiki/index.php?title=List_of_500_Highest_International_Bridges  A view of the east tower construction area across the canyon in Yunnan Province. The main span of 720 meters will rank it among the world's 15 longest cable stayed structures and first among truss deck cable stayed bridges. 从云南侧隔峡谷远看贵州侧的东塔。此桥主跨720米,建成后跨度将排名世界斜拉桥前15位,钢桁梁斜拉桥的第一位  The depth of the Beipan River gorge is hard to see from the upper slopes. 北盘江峡谷的深度几乎看不见底
  The Beipanjiang 2003 suspension bridge was once the highest in the world and still ranks among the most scenic with a thin 1.5 meter deck crossing 366 meters above the original level of the Beipan River.北盘江2003桥(花江)曾经是当年世界最高桥(也是第一座突破300米高度的),目前仍然是世界风光最优美的山地桥梁之一。仅有1.5米厚的桥面横架在北盘江江面之上366米高。   PS:此桥更多图片和相关资料 /wiki/index.php?title=Beipanjiang_Bridge_Guanxing  There is always a group of tourists visiting the 2-lane bridge which has walkways on both sides. 北盘江花江大桥 总是不乏游客,桥面两边都有人行道  A drainage hole in the road deck.桥面上的一个落水洞  A view of the Beipan river gorge. Water from the Beipan flows south, eventually emptying into the South China Sea near Macau and Hong Kong. 北盘江峡谷景观。江水从北盘江南流,最终汇入珠江进入香港和澳门之间的南海  A steel wind barrier covers the edge of the concrete deck.混凝土桥面两侧有钢质栏杆  The concrete underside of the Beipanjiang 2003 Bridge.北盘江2003桥的混凝土桥面板下方
  The Beipanjiang 2009 Bridge is the 3rd of 4 bridges we visited that cross high above the Beipanjing River.北盘江2009桥(沪昆高速桥)是我们游览的第3或4座北盘江桥   The 4-lane bridge has a span of 636 meters and carries the G60 expressway 318 meters above a dry region of the Beipanjiang River.这座4车道高速公路桥是G60沪昆高速跨越北盘江的通道,主跨636米,高达318米,位于相对干燥的地区。 (可惜和同样位于沪昆高速的坝陵河大桥距离太近,以至少有人知)  Our fourth and final Beipanjiang Bridge visit was to the spectacular new Beipanjiang High Speed Railway Bridge. The concrete arch will be the largest of its type in the world with a clear span of 445 meters. The twin track rail line will cross 283 meters above the river making it the highest railway bridge on earth! 我们将游览的最后一座北盘江桥是宏伟壮观的 北盘江高速铁路桥。这座桥将是世界主跨最大、最高的混凝土拱桥,有445米主跨,283米高  A new pipeline bridge across the Bei Pan River. 北盘江上的一座新油气管线桥  A highline more then 300 meters above the canyon is used to lower the arch sections into place. 一条高空缆索距离谷底300多米,用来吊装桥梁钢结构  Steel tube truss staging area. 钢管拱堆放地
  Several of the steel arch truss pieces were placed in the river, awaiting their turn to be lifted into place. 一些钢管拱放在河里等待起吊  A shed protects a local road along the western edge of the river canyon. 一座保护当地公路的顶棚位于峡谷西岸  The truss staging platform on the edge of the east slope. 东坡下的钢管拱堆放平台
  Catenary suspension bridges like the one shown above are very rare outside of China so we decided to drive over this one and take a closer look. 钢板索桥在中国外非常罕见,所以我们决定从这座桥上驶过以便仔细观看  The flexible deck is composed of dozens of bolted steel plates. 柔性桥面由数十块钢板锚固而成
  After a rainy drive north of Zhijin City we stopped at this restaurant along national road 209. Lee told us it was a historic stop as the Red Army had also eaten there. We had a fun discussion of politics in China past and present. 雨中开了一天,到达了织金县城北部,在209国道旁的一家餐馆休息。李告诉我们这里曾是红军当年长征停留的地方。我们对中国的过去和未来展开了有趣的讨论。
  Opening in 2013, the giant Sunziyan Bridge carries the Zhijin-Qianxi expressway north across a gorge more then 150 meters deep. 2013年建成的巨大的 笋子岩大桥 属于织金到黔西高速公路的一部分,跨越150多米深的峡谷  One of the world's 10 highest bridges, the Liuchonghe Bridge has a central cable stayed span of 438 meters supported on towers 190 and 157.6 meters tall. Image by Bruce Lee.世界十大高桥之一,六冲河大桥 是一座主跨438米的斜拉桥(桥面高330米),两个桥塔分别高190和157米   /wiki/index.php?title=Liuchonghe_Bridge  Bruce checks out some of the cable dampeners of the Liuchonghe Bridge. 布鲁斯检查一些拉索的减震器  A view looking more then 330 meters down to the Liuchong River.从六冲河大桥上看330多米下方的六冲河河面  Unlike many other expressway bridges in western China, Liuchonghe was built with no safety lanes. 和中国其他高速公路桥不同,六冲河大桥没有安全车道  (此桥不在干线高速上,预估车流量很小)  To get the ultimate bridge photo you often have to suffer through a lot of mud, sweat and tears!为了拍到最佳桥梁照片,我们时常要走入泥地,付出汗水和泪水  One of two high suspension bridges along the old Guibi highway between Guiyang and Bijie, the Xixi suspension bridge opened in 2001 with a thin 1.5 meter concrete deck. 西溪悬索桥 是贵毕公路上两座最高的悬索桥之一,2001年通车,混凝土桥面板仅有1.5米厚  /wiki/index.php?title=Xixihe_Bridge_Guibi  Xixi Bridge has a main span of 338 meters. 西溪大桥主跨338米


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