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Release Date
by Trevor Burnham
Over the last five years, CoffeeScript has taken the web development world by storm. With the humble motto “It’s just JavaScript,” CoffeeScript provides all the power of the JavaScript language in a friendly and elegant package. This extensively revised and updated new edition includes an all-new project to demonstrate CoffeeScript in action, both in the browser and on a Node.js server. There’s no faster way to learn to write a modern web application.
by Noel Rappin
Does your Rails code suffer from bloat, brittleness, or inaccuracy? Cure these problems with a regular dose of test-driven development. Rails 4 Test Prescriptions is a comprehensive guide to how tests can help you design and write better Rails applications. In this completely revised edition, you’ll learn why testing works and how to test effectively using Rails 4, Minitest 5, and RSpec 3, as well as popular testing libraries such as factory_girl and Cucumber. Do what the doctor ordered to make your applications feel all better. Side effects may include better code, fewer bugs, and happier developers.
by Paolo Perrotta
Write powerful Ruby code that is easy to maintain and change. With metaprogramming, you can produce elegant, clean, and beautiful programs. Once the domain of expert Rubyists, metaprogramming is now accessible to programmers of all levels. This thoroughly revised and updated second edition of the bestselling Metaprogramming Ruby explains metaprogramming in a down-to-earth style and arms you with a practical toolbox that will help you write your best Ruby code ever.
by Avdi Grimm
Are your Ruby methods timid? Do they constantly second-guess themselves, checking for nil values, errors, and unexpected input? With Confident Ruby, you’ll learn patterns, idioms, and language features that help to write code in a clear, straightforward style. Your code will be more testable, easier to read, and easier to debug. And you’ll be a happier programmer!
Foreword by Sandi Metz, author of Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby.
by José Valim
Get ready to see Rails as you’ve never seen it before. Learn how to extend the framework, change its behavior, and replace whole components to bend it to your will. Eight different test-driven tutorials will help you understand Rails’ inner workings and prepare you to tackle complicated projects with solutions that are well-tested, modular, and easy to maintain.
This second edition of the bestselling Crafting Rails Applications has been updated to Rails 4 and discusses new topics such as streaming, mountable engines, and thread safety.
by David Copeland
Speak directly to your system. With its simple commands, flags, and parameters, a well-formed command-line application is the quickest way to automate a backup, a build, or a deployment and simplify your life. With this book, you’ll learn specific ways to
write command-line applications that are easy to use, deploy, and maintain, using a set of clear best practices and the Ruby programming language.
This book is designed to make any programmer or system administrator more productive in their job. This is updated for Ruby 2.
by Sam Ruby
Rails just keeps on changing.
Both Rails 3 and 4, as well as Ruby 1.9 and 2.0, bring hundreds of improvements, including new APIs and substantial performance enhancements. The fourth edition of this award-winning classic has been reorganized and refocused so it’s more useful than ever before for developers new to Ruby and Rails.
Rails 4 introduces a number of user-facing changes, and the book has been updated to match all the latest changes and new best practices in Rails.
This includes full support for Ruby 2.0, controller concerns, Russian Doll caching, strong parameters, Turbolinks, new test and bin directory layouts, and much more.
by Dave Thomas, with Chad Fowler and Andy Hunt
Ruby is the fastest growing and most exciting dynamic language out there. If you need to get working programs delivered fast, you should add Ruby to your toolbox.
This book is the only complete reference for both Ruby 1.9 and Ruby 2.0, the very latest version of Ruby.
by Sam Ruby
This edition of this award-winning classic has been reorganized and refocused so it’s more useful than ever before for developers new to Ruby and Rails.
Rails 3 was a major release—the changes weren’t just incremental, but structural. So we decided to follow suit. This book isn’t just a mild reworking of the previous edition to make it run with the new Rails. Instead, it’s a complete refactoring.
You’ll still find the Depot example at the front, but you’ll also find testing knitted right in. Gone are the long reference chapters—that’s what the web does best. Instead you’ll find more targeted information on all the aspects of Rails you’ll need to be a successful web developer.
This edition is for Rails 3.2.
It has been replaced with the .
by Clay Allsopp
Make beautiful apps with beautiful code: use the elegant and concise Ruby programming language with RubyMotion to write truly native iOS apps with less code while having more fun. You’ll learn the essentials of creating great apps, and by the end of this book, you’ll have built a fully functional API-driven app. Whether you’re a newcomer looking for an alternative to Objective-C or a hardened Rails veteran, RubyMotion allows you to create gorgeous apps with no compromise in performance or developer happiness.
July 22, 2014:
All projects have been updated for compatibility with iOS7 and RubyMotion 2.0. Refined code to use more idiomatic Ruby when possible. Fixed external URLs that have been moved or deprecated. Fixed errata.
by David Bryant Copeland
Speak directly to your system. With its simple commands, flags, and parameters, a well-formed command-line application is the quickest way to automate a backup, a build, or a deployment and simplify your life.
All you’ll need is Ruby, and the ability to install a few gems along the way.
Examples written for Ruby 1.9.2, but 1.8.7 should work just as well.
by Matt Wynne and Aslak Helles?y
Your customers want rock-solid, bug-free software that does exactly what they expect it to do. Yet they can’t always articulate their ideas clearly enough for you to turn them into code. The Cucumber Book dives straight into the core of the problem: communication between people. Cu it’s a testing, communication, and requirements tool – all rolled into one.
by Avdi Grimm
Writing code that works is hard. Writing code that handles unexpected errors and still works is really hard. Most of us learn by trial and error. This short book removes the uncertainty.
With over 100 pages of content and dozens of working examples, you’ll learn everything from the mechanics of how exceptions work to how to design a robust failure management architecture for your app or library. Whether you are a Ruby novice or a seasoned veteran, Exceptional Ruby will help you write cleaner, more resilient Ruby code.
by José Valim
Rails 3 is a huge step forward. You can now easily extend the framework, change its behavior, and replace whole components to bend it to your will, all without messy hacks. This pioneering book is the first resource that deep dives into the new Rails 3 APIs and shows you how to use them to write better web applications and make your day-to-day work with Rails more productive.
Everything covered in this book is valid through at least Rails 3.1
For Rails 4, have a look at the .
by Noel Rappin
Rails Test Prescriptions is a comprehensive guide to testing Rails applications, covering Test-Driven Development from both a theoretical perspective (why to test) and from a practical perspective (how to test effectively). It covers the core Rails testing tools and procedures for Rails 2 and Rails 3, and introduces popular add-ons, including RSpec, Shoulda, Cucumber, Factory Girl, and Rcov.
Please see our
updated for Rails 4.
by David Chelimsky, Dave Astels, Zach Dennis, Aslak Helles?y, Bryan Helmkamp, Dan North
Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) gives you the best of Test Driven Development, Domain Driven Design, and Acceptance Test Driven Planning
techniques, so you can create better software with self-documenting, executable tests that bring users and developers together with a common language.
Get the most out of BDD in Ruby with The RSpec Book, written by the lead developer of RSpec, David Chelimsky.
by Dave Thomas, with Chad Fowler and Andy Hunt
Ruby is the fastest growing and most exciting dynamic language out there. If you need to get working programs delivered fast, you should add Ruby to your toolbox.
This book has been superseded.
Please see
for Ruby 1.9 and 2.0, or
by Chris Pine
For this new edition of the best-selling Learn to Program, Chris Pine has taken a good thing and made it even better. First, he used the feedback from hundreds of reader e-mails to update the content and make it even clearer.
Second, he updated the examples in the book to use the latest stable version of Ruby, and also to use code that looks more like real-world Ruby code, so that people who have just learned to program will be more familiar with common Ruby techniques.
Not only does the Second Edition now include answers to all of the exercises, it includes them twice.
First you’ll find the “how you could do it” answers, using the techniques you’ve learned up to that point in the book.
Next you’ll see “how Chris Pine would do it”: answers using more advanced Ruby techniques, to whet your
appetite as well as providing sort of a “Rosetta Stone” for more elegant solutions.
This fourth printing of Learn to Program, 2nd edition has been updated for Ruby 2.0.
by Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas, David Heinemeier Hansson, et al
This book is obsolete.
by Adam Keys
This screencast series is not being sold as they are out of date—the example applications are based on the release of Sinatra.
Sinatra is a small Ruby web application framework that packs a big punch.
It’s also a lot of fun!
You can use Sinatra to write tiny, focused web applications and lightweight REST services very quickly.
And sometimes a lean and mean web app is all you need.
If you haven’t given Sinatra a look, now’s a great time to get a fresh perspective on web development.
Learn how to get the most out of Sinatra from Adam Keys, an experienced Ruby and Sinatra developer.
by Dave Thomas
Metaprogramming lets you program more expressively. This makes your code easier to write and easier to maintain and extend. Learn both the hows and whys of metaprogramming Ruby from Dave Thomas, one of the most experienced Ruby programmers in the western world.
by Brian Marick
Are you a tester who spends more time manually creating complex test data than using it? A business analyst who seemingly went to college all those years so you can spend your days copying data from reports into spreadsheets? A programmer who can’t finish each day’s task without having to scan through version control system output, looking for the file you want?
If so, you’re wasting that computer on your desk. Offload the drudgery to where it belongs, and free yourself to do what you should be doing: thinking. All you need is a scripting language (free!), this book (cheap!), and the dedication to work through the examples and exercises.
by Dave Thomas, with Chad Fowler and Andy Hunt
The Pickaxe book, named for the tool on the cover, is the definitive reference to Ruby, a highly-regarded, fully object-oriented programming language. This Second Edition has more than 200 pages of new content, and substantial enhancements to the original, covering all the new and improved language features of Ruby 1.8 and standard library modules.
Other titles…


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