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英文翻译cotton- quilted jacket
例句与用法I can make this padded jacket do for another winter .我这件棉袄凑合着还能穿一冬。My wadded jacket and pants had been dried above the stove棉袄棉裤在炉子上烤干了。 For my mom , i am the apple of her eye对我妈妈来说,我就是她的贴心小棉袄。 Heart - to - heart warmness - story about deng yingchao and a cotton - pabbed coat邓颖超和一件棉袄的故事Tomorrow is supposed to be mind - numbingly cold . i need to get out my heavy winter jacket明天应该非常冷。我需要拿出我的厚棉袄了。 Each of the three guards of heaven was given a begging bowl and warm clothing but no food下凡前,三个侍卫给发了棉袄和托,要找东西裹腹便得向路人讨钱。 Nastasya ivanovna , what will my children be ? she asked the buffoon , who came towards her in his womans jacket她问那个穿着女短棉袄向她迎面走来的侍从丑角。 For me them niggaz ll hide you , where nobody ll find you if you eatin motherfucker , then your dogs should be eatin too你觉得无聊我觉得好突然走到那天台上去大叫还穿棉袄就用冷水去洗澡The next two days saw a sharp drop in temperature in hong kong , and the fellow initiates again set out for the yen - chow street overpass to distribute thick cotton - padded coats and scarves to more street people往后的两天气温骤降,同修再次前往钦州街天桥一带,为更多的露宿者派发厚棉袄和颈巾。 There has been an international vogue for chinese - type fashion in recent years , and wang - chen s cheongsams , padded jackets and embroidered designs have become de rigeur for young beauties who want to stand out in the crowd近几年中国风引领世界流行,王陈彩霞所设计的旗袍棉袄绣花图案,成为名媛贵妇外出应酬的必备服装,在人群中异常耀眼。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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英文翻译xiongnu:&&&&Xiongnu,an ancient nationali ...:&&&& pe ...
例句与用法The huns were civilized and assimilated by the chinese .匈奴人被中国内地的人所开化和同化了。Research on the causes of the hunnish south transfer匈奴人南下入塞原因考The fortification was built to protect various dynasties from invasion by huns , mongols , turks and other nomadic tribes建造该要塞的目的是保卫各个朝代,防御匈奴人、蒙古人、突厥人以及其他游牧部族的入侵。 The emperor valens dies at the battle of adrianople when he misjudges the strength and resolution of the goths . the goths are being driven into roman territory by the huns罗马皇帝瓦林斯由于错误估计哥特人的力量和决心,在阿德里安堡战役中牺牲。哥特人是被匈奴人赶入罗马境内的。 Some 1 , 600 years have passed since they began to redraw the boundaries of europe , yet their names are best remembered for the anti - social and savage behaviour always associated with vandals , goths and huns自从他们最初重新划分欧洲国界之时起, 1600多年已经过去了,然而他们却因为反社会以及他们的野蛮行为而最为人们铭记在心? ?而且始终让人想起汪达尔人、哥特人与匈奴人。 The nations took attila , who was doomed to destroy them , for a conqueror similar to other conquerors , and it was necessary for both to reveal their missions , that they might be kno one was compelled to say , i am th and the other , i am the hammer of god , in order that the divine essence in both might be revealed .译注把那个恢复他视觉的天使看作一个普通的青年人,各国把那个受天命来毁灭他们的阿提拉古代匈奴人的国王。译注与其他的征服者当作同类看待,因此为了让人们认识他们,承认他们,他们不得不宣布他们的使命。前者不得不说:我是主的天使。 Drifting over the calm sea with wind was a boat , messing to somewhere unknown . since descart and barten escaped from that town , these two men hadn ' t talked to each other for a long time , but were both thinking of their own things on their minds . descart was sitting on the deck , reviving all kinds of things in the past . once upon a time , he was ever defending his motherland as hard as possible , but now , actually his enemy turned to his motherland , just becuse he ' s a hun - a hun who h on the contrary , barten was thinking the unborn destiny of descart and he , he thought they weren ' t now only the huns ' enemies but also the king ' s . he didn ' t know how long they two could live , even thought perhaps they ' d die just over the sea . but he was more anxious about descart , he knew his friend was much more anguish , so he was going to follow descart anywhere , at one time do they spill enemies ' blood , at one place do they live somewhere found . anyway , tied forever海面上,一艘船在缓缓的飘荡着,伴随着海风,毫无目的的往未知的地点漂去,迪斯卡德与巴顿自从从那座城镇逃出来后,两人很久都没有说话,都在想着各自的心事,迪斯卡德静静的坐在甲板上,回忆着以前的种种,曾经,他曾那样拼命着保卫着祖国,而现在,他的敌人竟然就是自己的祖国,而原因,就因为他只是一个未曾做过任何坏事的匈奴人;相反,巴顿所想的,是他与迪斯卡德以后的命运,他认为现在他们既是匈奴人的敌人,又是国王的敌人,他不知道他们两还能活多久,甚至认为,他们有可能就死在海面上,但是,他更担心迪斯卡德,他知道他的朋友远比自己痛苦的多,所以,他打算永远跟着迪斯卡德,杀敌人的时候一起杀,找个地方住下的时候就一起住下,反正,是永远不分开了。 &&
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英文翻译peruvians:&&&&Peru:&&&& pe ...
例句与用法It ' s peruvian . isn ' t it great ? - yeah-是秘鲁人,不错吧? -是She ' s peruvian她是秘鲁人。 We have peruvians here to prove it , and we have mexicans , and germans , the english , polish , ( columbian我们这里有秘鲁人、墨西哥人、德国人、英国人、波兰人, (哥伦比亚人! ) He said peruvians had defeated the ambitions of venezuelan president hugo chavez , who strongly endorsed mr . humala他说,秘鲁人击败了委内瑞拉总统查韦斯的野心,查韦斯强力支持乌马拉。 Topping the results of the study were peruvians with more than half of them working more than 48 hours a week全球工作时间最长的国家是秘鲁,超过一半的秘鲁人一周的工作时间超过48小时。 The region s folklore is one of the richest expressions of peruvian folk art , reflected in the festivities for the这地区的民谣是秘鲁人最丰富的民间艺术展示之一,反应了维京的拉堪地拉瑞亚的庆典情况。 Topping the results of the study were peruvians with more than half 50 . 9 per cent of them working more than 48 hours a week全球工作时间最长的国家是秘鲁,超过一半的秘鲁人一周的工作时间超过48小时。 The region s folklore is one of the richest expressions of peruvian folk art , reflected in the festivities for the这地区的民谣是秘鲁人最丰富的民间艺术展示之一,反应了维京的拉堪地拉瑞亚的庆典情况。 Topping the results of the study were peruvians with more than half ( 50 . 9 per cent ) of them working more than 48 hours a week全球工作时间最长的国家是秘鲁,超过一半( 50 . 9 % )的秘鲁人一周的工作时间超过48小时。 " a lot of ailing peruvians are turning up in chilca , a dusty desert town on the pacific coast 40 miles southeast of lima“很多生病的秘鲁人转向了智利卡,一个离利马东南部40英里的太平洋海岸充满灰尘的荒凉小镇。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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