
  半年前我参加了一个中国著名的翻译比赛,最终得知颗粒无收。我不想给人一种酸葡萄的感觉,但用事实说话。下面的文章请各位自由评论。  首先是我给杂志社写的信。  《中国翻译》杂志的编辑,你们好   我写此信的目的是对2013年"韩素音翻译赛"汉译英组别的评判结果提出质疑。   我仔细研读了今年比赛一等奖的作品,并与我自己的翻译稿做了对比,发现一等奖的作品实在很难说比我的技高一筹。在多处关键表达,如”抄号族“、”偷拍党“、”触电“、”逆袭“、”内忧外患“和多种句型上一等奖的作品都明显逊于我的。举例来说,如果仔细阅读原文标题”消失的行业“,这样的措辞隐含的意思是完成时,”消失的“应该至少对应英语中的一个过去分词,而不是现在分词。而我的处理方式是西方媒体喜闻乐见的”标题用习语夺人眼球“的方式。此外,中翻英的目的是为了把中文的信息传达给外国人看,需要符合英语的表达方式和句型结构。在此方面,我的作品(请允许我不谦虚)明显好于一等奖的作品。而如果说中翻英的作品失去了这个重要的向外交流的目的,我觉得这样的翻译变成了自娱自乐。   我是抱着仰慕韩素音奖在中国的影响力和知名度才来参加比赛的,并不一定说是要得如何的奖项。但当我得知你们原本定在11月15日宣布的获奖名单已经提前告知了部分参赛选手和部分院校,而原定于11月底召开的颁奖典礼在未经任何另行通知的情况下,已经在10月底举行,对于如此轻率而不严肃的做法,我深感诧异和气愤,但更多的还是对该比赛的无限失望和痛心。   如果贵杂志社举办本次比赛还有一点点为了推进中国翻译事业的目的,而不是纯粹为了盈利和与某些院校合作进行一些交易行为的话,请仔细阅读附件中的两篇译文(本人的和一等奖的),然后给我一个合理的解释。   另外,既然贵杂志社已经贴出一等奖的获奖作品就表示你们有信心它可以接受千千万万网名的评论,那我将把我和一等奖的作品贴于各大英语和翻译网站,让世人评说。   传统百货会否成为“消失的行业”  数据显示,2011年中国电子商务市场整体交易规模达到7万亿元,同比增长46.4%。电商营销取得的成绩,对传统百货行业的市场占有率是极大的挑战。越来越多的人去网购,在需求短期之内没有大幅变化的情况下也就意味着相应的百货商场客源流失。业内人士表示,近年来百货业销售下滑较大的品类也正是方便网络购买的品类,比如家电、IT产品和纺织品,甚至是奢侈品。  同时,一些传统百货商场还面临沦为电商“试衣间”的尴尬。不少人去实体店确定了衣服等物品的款式、尺寸之后到网上支付购买,由此诞生了“抄号族”、“偷拍党”。随着网购市场的日益庞大,服装、化妆品和家居用品等都已经纳入涉猎范围,消费者线下选货线上购买。  电商侵占市场之外,行业之内的激烈竞争也不容小觑。传统百货商场之间同质化较严重,造成同业之间竞争激烈,近年来全国多个城市都在大力建设购物中心等大型商场,使本来就竞争激烈的百货商场经营更加困难。走在城市的商业街区,几乎所有的百货商场在销售内容、店面设计和产品布局等方面大同小异。一博士生说,从北京走到福州,看到各个城市的商场几乎是一样的。  “内忧外患”之下,传统百货是否会成为下一个“消失的行业”?多位受访专家表示,传统百货行业面临较大的竞争压力,但并非没有机会。依靠线上线下一体,差异化竞争,商业模式创新等方式,百货行业或可成功“逆袭”。  据了解,目前“触电”的百货商场并不在少数。2012年以来,北京的大型百货都相继上线了自己的电子商务平台。天津百货大楼的电子商务正在筹划实施中。  同时,百货商场应该针对目标客户群体走错位经营、差异化营销的路子。一博士生导师强调,尽管最近几年百货商场面临的商业环境更加严峻,来自电商和大型商业综合体的竞争更加激烈,但对百货商场的客户群体只是分流了一部分。百货商场应该深耕目前所占有的客户群体,完善售后服务,探索针对客户的个性化服务。  另外,传统百货应该借助购物中心的发展势头趁机转型。据了解,零售业的业态构成与人均GDP水平存在一定的对应规律。人均GDP处于3000美元至5000美元,以大型综合超市为主,在5000美元至1万美元则以购物中心、专卖店、专业店、便利店为主。而2011年我国人均GDP已经超过5000美元,传统百货业可以趁机向购物中心等方向转变。  A篇  Traditional Department Stores: the “Disappearing Industry”?  According to the statistics, the total transactions of China’s e-commerce market hit RMB 7 trillion in 2011, with an annual increase of 46.4% compared to the previous year. The achievements of the e-commerce have posed a great challenge to the market share of traditional department store industry. Given no substantial change in demand for the short term, the fact that a growing number of people go online shopping means the corresponding customer loss for the department stores. Insiders said that the categories in the department store industry with considerable sale decline in recent years were precisely those convenient to purchase online, such as household electrical appliances, IT products, textiles, and even luxury goods.  At the same time, some traditional department stores also face the embarrassment of being reduced to the “fitting room” for e-commerce. Many people go to the stores to choose the style and size of clothes and other products, and then purchase them online, which gives birth to the so-called “number-copying clan” and “secret-photographing clan”. With the expansion of online market, clothes, cosmetics, household products and other items have all been embraced into online shopping, where the consumers select products at stores and buy online.  E-commerce’s occupation of the market aside, intense competition within the industry, which has resulted from serious homogenization among traditional department stores, cannot be underestimated either. Besides, recent years have witnessed a surging wave of building shopping centers and malls by a large number of cities across the country, which adds to the difficulty in operating department stores given the already fierce competition. Almost all the department stores in the commercial blocks present quite similar sale contents, store design and product layout. According to a Ph.D. candidate, the shopping malls of different cities from Beijing to Fuzhou share much resemblance.   Under both internal and external pressure, will the traditional department stores become the next “disappearing industry”? Several experts interviewed have said that although the traditional department store industry is facing huge pressure from competition, it does stand a chance. By virtue of the integration of online and offline sale, differentiation competition and business mode innovation, department store industry may successfully “counter-attack”.   It is learnt that a considerable number of department stores have “gone online”. Since 2012, large department stores in Beijing have successively launched their online e-commerce platforms. The e-commerce of Tianjin Department Store is currently under implementation as well.  Meanwhile, department stores should follow the strategy of differentiated management and marketing in line with target customers. As a Ph.D. supervisor emphasized, although in recent years the department stores faced increasingly severe business environment and intense competition from e-commerce and large commercial complexes, they lost only a portion of their customers. Department stores should further cultivate their current customer group, improve after-sale services and explore personalized service for customers.  In addition, traditional department stores should take advantage of the momentum of shopping center for transition. It is learnt that there is a correspondence law between the structure of retail industry and per capita GDP. The per capita GDP of $3,000-5,000 corresponds to large-scale comprehensive supermarkets mainly, while per capita GDP of $5,000-10,000 corresponds to shopping centers, franchised stores, specialty stores, and convenience stores. As China’s per capita GDP has surpassed $5,000 in 2011, traditional department stores should seize the opportunity to transform themselves into shopping centers or other forms.  B篇  Will the Department-store Industry Bite the Dust?  Statistics show that in 2011 China’s e-commerce turnover reached 7 trillion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 46.4%. The boom of e-commerce has gravely threatened the market share of traditional department stores. These days, more and more people choose to shop online, which means that if there is no profound change in demands within a short time, department stores will continue to lose their customers. Indeed, insiders say that the commodities subjected to the most significant decline in sales at department stores during recent years are those suitable for online purchase. Such commodities include home appliances, IT products, textiles, and even luxury goods.  Meanwhile, some department stores are being relegated to the “fitting rooms” for e-commerce. Many people would record the size and style of a garment in a physical store before buying an identical item online, hence the buzzwords “size scribbler” and “sneaky shutterbug.” As China’s online shopping market expands—covering such areas as clothing, cosmetics, and home supplies—customers are inclined to choose offline and buy online.   Besides the encroachment of e-commerce, the fierce competition within the department-store industry is not to be underestimated: Department stores have become dangerously homogeneous, thus causing intense competition among themselves. In recent years, quite a few cities have striven to build
this has in fact worsened the already cut-throat situation. Take a stroll in any commercial district and one will see department stores strikingly similar in terms of product type, product arrangement, and store design. Just as a doctoral student once said, “department stores are practically the same in every city, whether in Beijing or Fuzhou.”  Caught between the internal rivalry and external threat, will the department-store industry be the next in line to perish? Some experts note that though under great competitive pressure, the industry faces no threat of demise and may even turn the tables through online and offline business integration, diversified competition, business model innovation, and the like.   At present, a fair number of shopping malls are known to have gone digital. Since 2012, large department stores in Beijing have been putting their e-commerce platforms online. (The platform of Tianjin Grand Department Store is in the works.)   Department stores should also use differentiated marketing tactics geared toward their customers. A doctoral adviser stressed that despite the harsher business environment over the years and the stronger competition from e-commerce and large-scale commercial complexes, department stores had lost only some of their customers and thus should cultivate deeper relationships with their existing customers, enhance their after-sales services, and develop their personalized services.   Moreover, department stores should capitalize on the rise of modern shopping centers to restructure themselves because there seems to be a link between the composition of the retail industry and GDP per capita. When a country’s GDP per capita is between $3,000 and $5,000, hypermarkets usually dominate. In contrast, when it is between $5,000 and $10,000, shopping centers, along with exclusive, specialty, and convenience stores, are likely to take over. China’s GDP per capita already exceeded $5,000 in 2011, so department stores are well-placed to change into shopping centers.
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  我记得韩素音在《尘世的花》中写了这么一句:The Western Powers...now found themselves hoist with their own petard.  话说hoist with one's petard的意思是made to suffer by some evil plan with which one had intended to harm others.即害人反害己。
邢玥 女 上海师范大学天华学院英语系
梁法丽 女 信阳师范学院华锐学院外语系
谭杰茜 女 暨南大学翻译学院
徐燕云 女 宁波大学科学技术学院
徐钰曌 男 暨南大学翻译学院
叶嘉红 女 暨南大学
方亚婷 女 安徽师范大学外国语学院
何玲 女 安徽师范大学
李西贝 女 首都师范大学外国语学院
刘晓晨 女 全国妇联交流与合作中心
缪建维 女 上海师范大学天华学院英语系
汪淑慧 女 无
张晓菲 女 天津财经大学人文学院
陈聪 女 西南财经大学 经贸外语学院
陈欢 女 安徽师范大学外国语学院
陈曦明 男 辽宁省大连外国语大学
程林华 女 上海理工大学外语学院
党莉莉 女 西北师范大学
邓韵珂 女 华南农业大学
丁云 女 青岛科技大学外国语学院
鄂晓萍 女 北京萨维翻译有限责任公司
何宇菲 女 北京大学
胡倩倩 女 上海师范大学天华学院
胡珊珊 女 上海师范大学天华学院
黄丽 女 华东理工大学
黄蔚 女 上海师范大学天华学院
蒋述 女 中南大学外国语学院
李丛婵 女 中华女子学院外语系
李青兰 女 广东省珠海市暨南大学翻译学院
李志洋 男 许昌学院外国语学院
厉峥 男 盐城工学院
梁靖尚 男 西南财经大学
刘琼 女 北京航空航天大学
刘旋 女 上海师范大学天华学院
罗柏清 女 暨南大学翻译学院
宁振穗 女 天津财经大学
钱芳芳 女 盐城工学院
任小慧 女 河南省信阳师范学院华锐学院
时园园 女 天津城建大学
宋琦 女 河南许昌学院外国语学院
苏芷琪 女 广东省暨南大学珠海校区
汪淑华 女 安徽师范大学外国语学院
王洪焕 女 安徽师范大学外国语学院
王庆华 女 上海师范大学天华学院
王诗韵 女 安徽师范大学外国语学院
王文婷 女 大连外国语大学
王月旻 女 江苏省盐城师范学院
吴晓晓 女 吉林大学 经济学院
谢春红 女 同济大学
谢店红 女 四川外语学院成都学院
谢天宇 男 哈尔滨商业大学
杨帆 女 上海师范大学天华学院
叶泓 女 无
俞德海 男 福建医科大学外国语学院
袁峰 男 无
张骜 女 广东外语外贸大学
张丽红 女 上海对外经贸大学
张文倩 女 上海对外经贸大学
张艳荣 女 天津财经大学
张溢华 女 大连外国语大学
张志云 男 上海外国语大学高级翻译学院
赵晨辉 男 常州信息职业技术学院
赵天一 女 大连外国语大学
赵希 女 天津财经大学
周曌 女 北京外国语大学
朱博 女 上海师范大学天华学院
林玥 女 上海财经大学经济学院
黄飞飞 男 上海市包玉刚实验学校中学部
金锦 女 东华大学外语学院英语系
刘民芳 女 广东外语外贸大学
窦惜梅 女 安徽师范大学外国语学院
胡晓露 女 宁波大学科学技术学院人文学院
刘燕燕 女 福建师范大学外国语学院
谭敏 女 广西师范大学漓江学院
朱博 女 上海师范大学天华学院
陈杰 女 吉林农业大学发展学院
董亚 女 西安外国语大学
胡梦琪 女 西南财经大学经贸外语学院
黄利华 女 广东培正学院外国语学院
黄小鹏 女 霍金路伟律师事务所驻北京代表处
蒋欣 女 暨南大学翻译学院
李亚芬 女 南京航空航天大学
连伟煌 男 宁德师范学院
梁亚楠 女 中南大学外国语学院
刘浦 女 河南省许昌市许昌学院
刘亚方 女 天津财经大学
吕莉 女 天津大学文法学院
吕薇 女 中国印钞造币总公司国际业务部
沈冬欢 女 厦门大学
时磊 男 南通雄风国际经贸有限公司
宋虹 女 中央编译局 中央文献翻译部
宋金莹 女 北京思必锐翻译有限责任公司
万娇娇 女 安徽师范大学外国语学院
汪书铭 男 浙江越秀外国语学院
王春霞 女 福建农业职业技术学院
王金岳 男 中国人民解放军防化学院
王雯雯 女 中国人民大学外国语学院
王振华 女 广东培正学院
魏芹 男 国家自然科学基金委员会国际合作局
翁月彩 女 浙江越秀外国语学院
吴晨晨 女 华东师范大学
吴枫北 男 中南大学外国语学院
鲜艳 女 四川农业大学
杨陇 男 商洛学院
曾小云 男 山东中医药大学
张卉 女 上海外国语大学
张巧雅 女 南京师范大学
张文婧 女 中南大学交通运输工程学院
张依晨 女 中南大学外国语学院
张珍珍 女 信阳师范学院华锐学院
邹红丽 女 上海师范大学外语学院
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