don‘t play dumbi don t know什么意思思

英语语法:I hate to play nice.请问nice是形容词,为什么可以放在PLAY后?play还有系动词性质?_百度作业帮
英语语法:I hate to play nice.请问nice是形容词,为什么可以放在PLAY后?play还有系动词性质?
英语语法:I hate to play nice.请问nice是形容词,为什么可以放在PLAY后?play还有系动词性质?
答:这是英语尤其是美语俚语,Don't Play Nice.Play Dumb,Play Dead还是歌名.表示“别装好人,装聋作哑、装傻充楞,装死”.首先我们要承认它的合法性.因为这么说的人多了,就是合乎语言习惯的一种说法.至于将它们纳入现存的语法体系,也就是要分析句子中play和nice的词性,那是语法家的事情.有几种可能:1.作为成语,不再细分.2.认为它是play to be +adj.的省略to be,不改变play原来的及物动词和nice,dead,dumb的形容词性.3.改变nice,dumb,dead的词性,或者说它是一种借用,就如我们汉语说XX很【中国】,XXX很【男人】中的‘中国’和‘男人’,本是名词,在这里用作了形容词一样,nice,dumb,dead,本为形容词,用作了名词.play保留其及物动词性质不变.4.Nice,dumb,dead 保留其形容词性不变,而延伸扩展play这个动词的用法.除了及物动词、不及物动词之外,还可以作系动词.本人比较赞成前三种,尤其是2、3种说法.第四种说法,将play纳入系动词不是很有必要.因为系动词,除Be 之外,有几类:一、变化类:turn,become,get,grow,come,go,turn out二、保持类:keep,stay,remain三、感官类:look,sound,smell,taste,feel,seem如果将play纳入系动词,则不知道该入哪一类.不会为它搞一个“假装类”吧.而且,以上几类句子,都可以用be动词来代替,句子仍然成立.如:The trees turn green.-->The trees are green.Please keep quiet.-->Please be quiet.The soup tastes dilicious.-->The soup is dilicious.且:系动词一般表示状态,没有进行时态.但:He is playing dead.就不能说成是He is dead.从play有进行时态看,play更象一个行为动词.
1 如果承认其合法性,请问在正规文体中可否这样写作,例如作文,造句,翻译(先不说论文和研究报告什么学术性的)
2 是否可以认定成play 后都可加个形容词,Don't play innocent(facetious,ironic,amateur,tired)
3 二成立的话,是否可将play换成其他动词
4 说到底其实这个形容词是修饰什么,整个句子?
答:1. 如果需要就写,比如小说中的对话,提到这几首歌。
2. 作为一种流行句式(流行歌曲和网络让它流行),你想“装”什么就“装”什么,只要合理,适当,能表达你的意思就行。但不要得出一个结论:它后面可以跟任何形容词,这是危险的推论。
3. 我们是在学外语,不是去改造或创造外语。
4. 说到底,这个是省略to be的结果。Don't play to be innocent. 不要装不懂事的样子。
因为楼上正达美举了几个例子 都是verb+adj的
刚发现我的原句其实是I hate playing nice. 和 to play nice
是否无影响?I hate playing to be nice
  play +nice, dead, dumb,等等,我也是才知道的。谢谢你的问题。
它是play to be +adj.的省略,是我的猜测。
至于hate /love/like to do sth. 和doing sth. 的区别,那是不定式和动名词作宾语时的区别。可另贴诗讨论。
楼上有有不同观点啦 vi+adj 表主语状态
意思是所有VI都可以 只要逻辑表达正确
The rich and powerful,they take what they want.
是的,有He sat there thinking.
He lay down dead. He arrieved there tired.
这些动词是不及物动词,形容词不是作表语的,跟He looked tired. 不一样。其中一点是这个不及物动词后还能加上副词如there, down之类的。它们可以认为是and was dead/ and was tired 简化省略而来的。第一句相当于:He sat there and thought(and was thinking).
而Sb. played dead. 跟它们还是不一样的。不能加副词吧?也不能说成:sb. played and was dead。吧?这个play应是行为动词,表示“表演,扮演,装成”,我一直认为它是sb. played to be dead. 的省略to be. play有及物动词的特性。
play dead, play dumb, play nice 会象go swimming, go fishing 一样,成为一种表达法。其中go和swimming 的词性,一般人就不再深究了。如果立志要成为一个语法学家,将一些语法现象作出合理的解释,这些问题很有意思。
play nice是一个短语,play这里当然还是动词,不过习惯或者约定俗成的缘故,用nice,play nice指好好合作,我是这么理解的。
play nice是一个词组,有“表现好”的意思。
play nice应该是魔兽世界里的一个专有词组。 Play Nice 其实在国外并不是某个工会的精神,这是一种处处洋溢的一种氛围. 它体现在以下几个方面:1.礼貌待人: pls, hello, thank,Welcome,gratz,thanks for gruop, thanks to invite, Welcome back,这些礼貌用语充斥任何地方任何队伍,不...
我痛恨装好人。play nice 是英语中的习惯用法而已,类似的还有,play dead 装死 play dumb
装聋作哑,可以理解为play 此处类似于系动词
个人理解如下,不好请批评啊~世上本没有路,走的人多了也便有了路……语法只是一种工具,帮助理解而已,见多了,心里就没有语法了,一切都很自然。诸如此类的还有很多play dead 装死play cool耍酷play hard-to-get装清高play后面的,多是假的,违背真心的。...
这是不及物动词 加形容词 结构 这种结构 完全符合 英语语法后面的形容词 的作用
历来 有不同的说法1 双重谓语2主语补语3表语4 伴随状语以上说法 都有道理一般说法 是 形容词 作伴随状语再如 he arrived tired.they came back ,happy...
. play 是不及物动词
后面的形容词 是说明主语的
这和副词作状语修饰动词 不一样
但 可以 看作伴随 状语
本来就是 完全合法的 句子结构
完全可以 用这样的结构写作 只有意思 和逻辑 没问题
2 可以 只要形容词 与主语是主表关系
3 不及物动词 后面 可以跟形容词 作伴随状语 但与主语是主表关系
4形容词是说明 主语的
也可以看作省略being的 现在分词 作伴随状语
如the sun rose red
play没有系动词词性,这里是“我讨厌表现得好的好”的意思。可以说是固定这么用的play dumb是什么意思_play dumb在线翻译_play dumb什么意思_play dumb的意思_play dumb的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
play dumb是什么意思
play dumb是什么意思 play dumb在线翻译 play dumb什么意思 play dumb的意思 play dumb的翻译 play dumb的解释 play dumb的发音 play dumb的同义词
play dumbplay dumb 网络解释1. 装傻& & 4. Bullshit! 废话 | 5. Play dumb. 装傻 | 6. Shameless!无耻2. 装聋作哑& & pick up and IGave卷铺盖走了 | play dumb装聋作哑 | play hob with给捣乱,任意歪曲3. (装疯卖傻)& & 18.Nothing tricky(不准耍花招) | 19.Play dumb (装疯卖傻) | 20.Join the party(同病相连)4. 打马虎眼& & 168.走马观花 superficial | 169.打马虎眼 play dumb | 170.发人深省 food for thoughtplay dumb 网络例句1. Don't play dumb, I know that you ate the last piece of cake. & &别装傻了,我知道是你吃了最后一块蛋糕。2. Don't play dumb,I know you ate the last piece of cake. & &别装傻了,我知道是你吃了最后一块蛋糕3. Don't play dumb, nigger. You know who this is. You got my money? & &别装傻 黑鬼你知道我是谁你拿到钱了吗?4. Don't play dumb with me. If you think you can fool me, you are sorely mistaken. & &别跟我装聋作哑,如果你以为能骗我,就大错特错了。5. Just play dumb? It can't be real. & &装傻?太不可思议了,对我来说太无聊了。6. A: I know nothing about the matter.B: Don`t play dumb! & &A:我对这件事一无所知。B:别装傻了!7. Don't play dumb with me . You definitely know what Jack is doing. & &别跟我装傻,你绝对知道杰克在搞什麼。play dumb是什么意思,play dumb在线翻译,play dumb什么意思,play dumb的意思,play dumb的翻译,play dumb的解释,play dumb的发音,play dumb的同义词,play dumb的反义词,play dumb的例句,play dumb的相关词组,play dumb意思是什么,play dumb怎么翻译,单词play dumb是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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display: 'inlay-fix'bdsm is dirty?: 50 shades of I don’t give a fuck >> Dumb Domme
So some interview with an actor I don’t know, from a movie I won’t watch, based on a book I haven’t read, published yesterday in a magazine I don’t read.
As reported by European academic journal ElleUK, in doing “research” for his 50 Shades of Grey role as gazillionare Twue Master Dom McDommersons, actor Jamie Dornan visited a “dungeon” and observed some goings on.
Dornan’s reflections on his visit has leather panties in a twist all over Kinkville:
The inference here, as I read it, is that he felt “dirty” after watching people play, or perhaps that he felt “dirty” after being in a “dungeon,” or maybe he felt dirty for having been a voyeur to other peoples’ play.
…and that’s to be expected, right? I mean, while the reality is that most play spaces are clean and safe, and the reality is that BDSM is a perfectly healthy expression of sexuality… the reality is ALSO that dungeons are supposed to make people feel dirty, and sometimes kinky people enjoy feeling dirty.
Kinky people often describe themselves and their play as “dirty” — being dirty, feeling dirty, doing dirty things, having dirty sex with dirty boys and dirty girls — so is it really such a big deal that Dornan inferred similar things?
I don’t think so, but I might be in the minority. The responses on Twitter weren’t nearly as sarcastic or layered as Carolyn Cox’s response over at The Mary Sue, but she seemed to read Dornan’s statements as insulting, too:
“Hahahah, how hilarious! Sexual preferences that deviate from the norm are repulsive, even when all parties involved are consenting! Unless, of course, you can exploit and chronically misrepresent those preferences in a highly problematic film, in which case deviancy is hot, hot, hot!
I know I’m being harsh on poor hapless Dornan [. . .], but the ease with which he dehumanizes BDSM participants is yet another indicator that the 50 Shades‘ creative team doesn’t understand or respect the very lifestyle it’s ostensibly showcasing. Considering the movie already promotes an essentially abusive relationship, further lack of nuance or appreciation is a genuinely scary prospect.”
Carolyn Cox,
The Mary Sue
Of course, Cox makes a larger point by juxtaposing the idea that consensual BDSM is “dirty” against a film/novel that appears to use BDSM as a means (a gimmick? a sleight of hand? a misrepresentation?) to glorify an abusive relationship. I mean, even though the larger point is true, and important, I’m just not sure what Dornan said about wanting to take a shower translates to finding BDSM replusive or dehumanizing its participants.
I guess I just find the outrage a bit overzealous.
I mean, if you are (or you want to be) sensitive to people calling you (or what you do) “dirty,” then you maybe should stop calling yourself “dirty” and stop calling what you do “dirty.” Right? Otherwise, maybe just loosen up those twisted leather knickers.
Now… let’s get to the real controversy, shall we?
I was far more offended by Defamer‘s outrageous, egregious, and insulting error…
I am outraged, offended, incensed, and insulted — all of those. ALL OF THEM. (dominant is an adjective,
dominate is a verb)
As for 50SoG, I won’t read it — not on some moral grounds, but on the grounds that I just don’t read fiction (and if/when I do, it isn’t erotica).
As for ElleUK magazine, Jamie Dornan, and the rest of it, I’ll continue not giving 50 Shades of Fucks.
In fact, I give negative 50 fucks.
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