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小题1:A小题2:B小题3:A小题4:C试题分析:没有什么比健康更重要的,包括金钱财富。如果我们生病了,我们当然要听取医生的建议。然而如果你在听取了医生的处方并执行后,发现有些症状你并没有,会是什么样呢?小题1:细节理解题。文章开篇一直在讨论健康的意义。由“Is there anything more important than health?I don’t think so.”可知作者认为健康比财富更重要。故选A。小题2:细节理解题。“The doctor will examine your throat,feel your pulse,take your temperature,sound your heart and lungs.After that he will advise some treatment,or some medicine.”可知医生一般是在诊断了病人的病情后告诉病人该怎么做。故选B。小题3:推理判断题。由上下文可知男子身体恢复的很好,所以应该是他“以前从没感觉那么好过”。故选A。小题4:推理判断题。男子说“从他这个年纪在开始学习吸烟是不容易的”,因此判断他在此之前不吸烟。故选C。
One day I decided to quit.I quitted my job, my relationship, my&spirituality. I wanted to quit my life.I went to the&&&& to have one last talk with God. "Can you give me one good && not to quit?" His answer surprised me. "Look around. Do you see the fern(蕨类植物) and the bamboo? When I planted their seeds, I took good care of them.The fern quickly grew from the earth.&&&& nothing came from the bamboo seed. During the following three years, the fern grew more plentiful. And&&&&, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. Then in the fifth year a&&&&& sprout(新芽) emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was&&&& small and insignificant. But just 6 months later the bamboo&&&& to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing&&&&. Those roots made it strong and gave it &&& it needed to survive.I wouldn’t give any of my creations a challenge it could not&&&&.” He said to me .”All this time you have been struggling , you have ___been growing roots . I would not quit on the bamboo.____will I ever quit on you .Don’t ____yourself with others .The bamboo had a different ____from the fern .Yet they both make the forest beautiful .Your time will ___ .You will rise high!” "How high should I rise?" I asked. "How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked &&&&. "As high as it can?" I&&&&. "Yes," He said. "Give me glory&&&& rising as high as you can."I left the forest and bring back this story. I hope it can help you see that God will never &&&on you. Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness. Bad days give you&&&. Both are necessary to life. 小题1:A.farmB.heavenC.bushes D.woods小题2:A.reasonB.senseC.responseD.explanation小题3:A.EvenB.InsteadC.YetD.Rather小题4:A.againB.always C.everD.often小题5:A.thinB.tinyC.weakD.short小题6:A.largelyB.entirelyC.seeminglyD.probably小题7:A.raised B.providedC.roseD.produced小题8:A.fruits B.leaves C.seedsD. roots小题9:A.whichB.whereC.howD.what小题10:A.presentB.exploreC.handle D.offer小题11:A.particularlyB.actually C.merely D.obviously小题12:A.EitherB.So C.NeitherD.As小题13:A.furnishB.associateC.connect D.compare小题14:A.purposeB.recognitionC. creditD.possibility小题15:A.goB.comeC.getD.leave小题 turn小题17:A.questionedB.requiredC.requested D.remarked小题 D.for小题19:A.cut upB.give up C.break upD.pick up小题20:A.experiencesB.strengthsC.awardsD.ambitions
I have a good memory of my grandfather,Jack. He was sitting in his armchair in the front room.I sat next to him. We were reading aloud,our heads bent over the page in front of us,a finger marking the words;separated by seven decades,brought together by words. It's a common scene in British families;however,in our case,the usual order of things is reversed(颠倒).Granddad had been blind since I was tiny,so I was reading to him.When reading aloud,people usually read something that's of interest to the listener. So I didn't read children's books;I read the sorts of things Granddad liked to hear about. Much of the vocabulary in Granddad’s reading material was far beyond me. When I met unfamiliar words,I'd spell them out. Granddad would help me. It must have been painful for him to hear news;but he never hurried me along or complained. Our reading wasn't really about getting knowledge. It was a way for us to spend time together.My grandfather wasn't always blind. He had been a good carpenter(木匠).The first Christmas of my parents' marriage,he built my mother a bookcase,which now belongs to my son Jonah,providing a link between four generations.I was a fortunate child;I spent a lot of time with my grandfather,and he opened the world to me in a particular way. Reading was our way of building a relationship that has had a lasting effect on me. In the school holidays,I sometimes accompanied him on trips to the seaside with the local association for the blind. This might seem strange,but I felt that my personal value was realized because I could finally do something for Granddad.A decade later,I found a position in a nursing home,which reminded me of my early experiences;reading to senior citizens was a connection back to Granddad. More than simple conversation,reading aloud is a connection between two individuals and it can have a big emotional(情感的)effect on elderly people.小题1:What can we know from the first paragraph?A.The author's grandfather was born blind.B.The author is seventy years younger than her grandfather.C.The author often sat opposite to her grandfather while reading.D.It's quite common in Britain that children read to their grandfathers.小题2:Why didn't the author choose to read children's books?A.To expand her knowledge.B.To make her vocabulary bigger.C.To show off in front of her grandfather.D.To satisfy the needs of her grandfather.小题3:How did the author feel during the trips with Granddad?A.Proud.B.Troubled.C.Curious.D.Embarrassed.
“Mom, I have cancer.” These four words catapulted my son and me on a journey that lasted two years. On that day I felt a wave of paralyzing fear.Scott was the oldest of my four children. He was 33 years old and a successful assistant principal at SamRayburn Hifht School in Pasadena, Texas. He and his wife Carolyn were busy raising four active children. Scott was 6’2’’, weighed 200 pounds and had never been sick a day in his life.A few month earlier a mole(痣)on his neck had changed color. “Dr.Warner called,” Scott said that spring morning. “It’s melanoma.(黑素瘤)” I tried to comfort him, naming all the people I knew who had survived skin cancer. Yet, I felt small tentacles of fear begin to wrap around my chest.Our next stop was MDAnderson, the famous cancer hospital in Houston. Scott had surgery at the end of May and was scheduled for radiation treatments over the summer recess. “There is an 80 percent chance it won’t reoccur,” the doctors said. At the end of summer, all his tests came back negative and Scott was back at school in the fall. However, in December, Scott discovered a lump on his neck. It was examined and the result came back “malignant.(恶性的)” We now realized that Scott fell into the 20 percent category. I could feel the tentacles tightening around my chest. He entered the hospital for an aggressive treatment, a combination of interferon and interleukin.After five months of treatment, he had radical surgery on his neck. The test results were encouraging, only three of the 33 lymph nodes(淋巴结) removed were malignant. We were very hopeful.For the next six months, Scott’s follow-up visits went well. Then in October, X-ray revealed a spot on his lung. The spot was removed during surgery and the doctors tried to be optimistic. It was a daily battle to control the fear and panic each setback brought.In January, he was diagnosed as having had a “disease explosion.” The cancer had spread to his lungs, spine and liver and he was given three to six months to live. There were times during this period when I felt like I was having a heart attack. The bands constricting my chest made breathing difficult.When you watch your child battle cancer, you experience a roller coaster of emotions. There are moments of hope and optimism but a bad test result or even an unusual pain can bring on dread and panic.Scott was readmitted to the hospital for one last try with chemotherapy. He died, quite suddenly, just six weeks after his last diagnosis. I was completely destroyed. I had counted on those last few months.The next morning I was busy notifying people and making funeral arrangements. I remember having this nagging feeling that something was physically wrong with me. It took a moment to realize that the crushing sensation in my chest was gone. The thing every parent fears the most had happened. My son was gone. Of course, the fear had been replaced by unbearable sorrow.After you lose a child, it is so difficult to go on. The most minimal tasks, combing your hair or taking a shower, becoming monumental. For months I just sat and stared into space. That spring, the
flowers began to pop up in my garden. Friendswood was coming back to life but I was dead inside. During those last weeks, Scott and I often spoke about life and death. Fragments of those conversations kept playing over and over in my mind.“Don’t let this ruin your life, Mom.”“Make sure Dad re models his workshop.”“Please, take care of my family.”I remember wishing I could have just one more conversation with him. I knew what I would say, but what would Scott say? “I know how much you love me, Mom. So just sit on the couch and cry.” No, I knew him better than that. Scott loved life and knew how precious it is. I could almost hear his voice saying, “Get up Mom, Get on with your life. It’s too valuable to waste.”That was the day I began to move forward. I signed up for a cake decorating class. Soon I was making cakes for holidays and birthdays. My daughter-in-law told me about a writing class in Houston. I hadn’t written in years, but since I was retired I decided it be time to start again. The local college advertised a Life Story Writing class that I joined. There I met women who had also lost their children. The Poet Laureate of Texas was scheduled to speak at our local Barnes and Noble. I attended and joined our local poetry society. I never dreamed that writing essays and poems about Scott could be so therapeutic. Several of those poems have ever been published. In addition, each group brought more and more people into my life..I don’t believe you ever recover from the loss of a child. Scott is in my heart and mind every day. However, I do believe you can survive.Scott fought so bravery to live and he never gave up. He taught me that life is a gift that should be cherished, not wasted. It has taken years to become the person I am today. The journey has been a difficult, painful process but certainly worth the effort and I know that my son would be proud.小题1:How old was Scott probably when he died?A.33B.35C.37D.40小题2:What does the underlined sentence “ The bands constricting my chest made breathing difficult” probably imply?A.It implies that Scott’s mother was likely to have a heart attack.B.It implies that there was something wrong with Scott’s mother’s chest.C.It implies that Scott’s mother was very upset and panic because of Scott’s severe illness.D.It implies that the cancer had spread to her chest just like her son.小题3:Which of the following statements best shows the author’s feeling about Scott’s death?A.It was a daily battle to control the fear and panic each setback brought.B.She felt a wave of fear.C.She felt a feeling of fear begin to wrap around her chest.D.The fear had been replaced by unbearable sorrow.小题4:From Scott and his mother’s conversation, we can know that Scott is ________.A.considerableB.humorousC.determinedD.sensitive小题5:The author intends to tell us takes a long time to make a person recover from the shock of losing a childB.Scott is proud of his is full of happiness and sorrow.D.We’d better make our life count instead of counting your days.小题6:What might be the best title of the passage ?A.Life is valuableB.Grieving and RecoveryC.Love and sorrowD.Alive or dead
Half a year before graduation from college, my son began to seek a job. &&&&the financial crisis, fewer companies would like to &&&&&new staff. My son targeted a company that was &&&&&to hire only one person&&&&there were more than twenty people filling their resumes.After the interview, there would only be 3 who could enter the final round, which would later &&&&&&one person to be employed. Everything seemed to go quite &&&&&&and my son passed the first round and entered the final round in a week.On the day of the final interview, my son and other two&&&&&&arrived at the interview place on time, &&&&&&the test. Unexpectedly, the interview was unbelievably &&&&&. The interviewer only said to them, “All of you are very super. Please go home and wait for our &&&&&. We will tell you the &&&&&&in 3 days. Good luck to all of you!” On the morning of the third day, my son received a text from the company shortly after breakfast that he was not employed. We all felt very &&&&&.In nightfall that day, my son suddenly told me &&&&&&on the phone, “Dad, I have been employed!” Greatly surprised, I could not wait to ask him, “What’s the whole &&&&&?” My son told me that he received another text saying that he was employed. Actually the first text sent to my son was also &&&&&&of the test in the interview. Three men received the same text this morning and only my son’s &&&&&&was “Thank you” while the others said “Goodbye”.Only then did I know that my son’s “hope” &&&&&&in that way. That is, when you feel disappointed, do not&&&&&&to say “thank you” to the one who disappoints you. Saying “thank you” shows respect for others’ work and shows your grand &&&&&. Therefore, while under the same condition, you will get the upper hand in terms of &&&&&&compared with others!小题1:A.As toB.Due toC. Owe toD. Contrary to小题2:A.promoteB.trainC. employD. discover小题3:A.encouragedB.allowedC. supposedD. intended小题4:A.whileB.sinceC. thoughD. if小题5:A.meetB.attractC. decideD. represent小题6:A.slowlyB.smoothlyC. secretlyD. silently小题7:A.membersB.studentsC. friendsD. candidates小题8:A.waiting forB.watching overC. thinking aboutD. looking into小题9:A.formalB.simpleC. funnyD. strange小题10:A.informationB.noticeC. orderD. return小题11:A.resultB.choiceC. markD. idea小题12:A.satisfiedB.puzzledC. disappointedD. shocked小题13:A.doubtfullyB.excitedlyC. calmlyD. worriedly小题14:A.matterB.causeC. conclusionD. interview小题15:A.middleB.endingC. partD. course小题16:A.respondB.replyC. problemD. question小题17:A.changedB.grewC. cameD. developed小题18:A.expectB.forgetC. dislikeD. regret小题19:A.generosityB.curiosityC. dignityD. personality小题20:A.abilitiesB.strengthsC. challengesD. opportunities
Audrey Hepburn (奥黛丽·赫本) won an Academy Award as Best Actress for her firstmajor American movie, Roman Holiday, which was released in 1953. But she is remembered as much for her aid work as for her acting.Born in Belgium in 1929, Audrey’s father was British and her mother was Dutch. Audrey was sent to live at a British school for part of her childhood. During World War II, she lived and studied in the Netherlands. Her mother thought it would be safe from Gerrnan attacks. Audrey studied dance as a teenager and during college when she returned to London after the war. But she realized she wasn’t going to be a ballerina(芭蕾舞女演员). So she began taking acting parts in stage shows. Later she began to get small parts in movies.But it was Audrey Hepburn’s move to America that brought her true fame. In 1951 she played the character“Gigi”in the Broadway play of the same name to great critica1 praise. Two years later, Roman Holiday made her a star at the age of 24.Audrey made more than 25 movies. Among her most popular roles was Holly Golightly in Breakftist at Tiff any’s in 1961. Three years later she played Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady.She was married two times and had one son by each husband. In 1989, the UN Chi1dren’s Fund named Audrey a goodwill ambassador. She travelled all over the world in support of UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会)projects. The UN agency said she was a tireless worker. She often gave 15 interviews a day to gain money and support for UNICEF projects.Audrey Hepburn often said her loyalty to UNICEF was the result of her experiences as a child during World War Ⅱ. She said she knew what it was like to be starving and to be saved by international aid. She was a goodwill ambassador until her death in 1993 from colon cancer.小题1:In Paragraph 1,“her aid work”means&&&&&.A.winning an Academy Award as Best ActressB.taking acting parts in stage showsC.making her own moviesD.acting as a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF小题2:The reason why Audrey lived and studied in the Netherlands was that&&&&&.A.she wanted to be a ballerinaB.her parents were from was safe thereD.the education there was excellent小题3:We can infer from the passage that&&&&&.A.Audrey’s parents lived in Germany during World War ⅡB.Audrey lived in America in the 1950sC.Audrey was made to give up dancingD.the character“Gigi”in the Broadway play was her most popular role小题4:&&&&&is NOT mentioned in the passage about Audrey Hepburn.A.MarriageB.IdentityC.ContributionD.Religion小题5:&&&&&is the right order for Audrey’s life.①The first time she began to play in movies.②She returned to London from the Netherlands.③She won an Academy Award as Best Actress.④She travelled all over the wor1d in support of UNlCEF projects.⑤She played a part in My Fair Lady.A.②①③⑤④B.①②③⑤④C.②①⑤③④D.①②⑤③④
At the age of three, I wasdiscovered to be totally deaf. Having consulted many specialists, my parents made a(n) &&&&&that would forever alter my future. &&&&&sending me to a special education school for the deaf, they chose an ordinary one for me. All of my schoolmates and teachers there would have &&&&&hearing.I experienced great &&&&&throughout my primary school because, in addition to the problems of &&&&&with the other students, I also &&&&&with most of my school work. I seemed to spend every spare moment doing homework just so I could &&&&. &&&&for me, Mrs. Jordan, my 5th grade teacher, changed all of that with a simple three-word phrase. One morning, she asked the class a question. I &&&&&her lips and immediately raised my hand. Here was an opportunity to impress the powerful teacher and even my classmates. Although a little afraid when I heard my named called, I felt unusually &&&&&because I was sure I had the right answer. I took a deep breath and &&&&&answered Mrs. Jordan's question.Her response &&&&&all of us. Mrs. Jordan enthusiastically &&&&&her right foot on the floor and turned her right hand around in a full circle &&&&&it pointed directly at me. With shining eyes she cried, "THAT'S RIGHT, STEPHEN!"For the first time in my young life, I was an instant star. My heart burst with &&&&.& Smiling widely, I sat a little taller in my chair. My confidence &&&&&like never before. I decided right then and there that I would make a(n) &&&&&in this world. No matter how many &&&&&I might come across in life, I knew I could overcome them. The very three-word phrase entirely &&&&&my young life. From that day on, my grades and speech improved greatly, my &&&&&among my classmates increased, and my viewpoint on life did a complete turnabout. 小题1:A.decision B.effortC.commitment D.attempt小题2:A.Apart from B.Rather thanC.Regardless of D.Instead of小题3:A.strong B.normal C.weak D.sharp小题4:A.excitement B.sympathy C.anxiety D.authority小题5:A.making upB.getting away C.coming up D.fitting in小题6:A.struggled B.handled C.impressed D.absorbed小题7:A.leave behind B.turn out C.take off D.keep up小题8:A.Gradually B.Eventually C.Luckily D.Subsequently小题9:A.found C.observed D.appreciated小题10:A.confident B.embarrassedC.frightenedD.jealous小题11:A.carelessly B.nervously C.casually D.naturally小题12:A.fooled B.delightedC.surprised D.upset小题13:A.hit B.stepped C.placed D.settled小题14:A.unless B.since C.after D.until小题15:A.regret B.pride C.envy D.courage小题16:A.increased B.declined C.escapedD.built小题17:A.fortune D.difference小题18:A.feelings B.obstacles C.competitions D.opportunities小题19:A.devoted B.surrounded C.occupied D.transformed小题20:A.hardshipB.character
A boy and a girl were a couple of lovers. The girl liked feeling rain, so the boy was always holding the umbrella when it rained and most part of the umbrella was over the girl. Rain showered the boy every time but he said nothing except looked at the gift's face, which was full of silent satisfaction. He felt very happy, so did the girl. One day they went out for a walk. They were walking hand in hand passing a building which was under construction. The girl jumped with excitement and said something. The boy seldom talked only feeling excited as she felt looking at her silently. When the girl was talking, a not big or small stone fell down from the building toward the girl's head! At that moment the boy took the girl in his arms so suddenly and so strongly that the girl let out a scream. He meant to protect the gift with his body. But the boy turned over to make his own body downward before they dropped on the ground. As a result, only the girl's hand was smashed by the stone and fractured.The girl came back to earth and cried with pain, tears weeping up. She thought the saying that “The husband and the wife are birds in the same forest essentially, but when serious tragedy comes, they will fly separately” was really not wrong! With this, she straggled and stood up from. the boy's body keeping from the pains and slowly ran away without glancing at the boy.At the time, the boy was calling the girl's name in a weak voice, his lips were already white. He took out his mobile phone and dialed the girl's number, but the girl didn't answer. He dialed again she didn't answer again. For several times, he gave up. But his fingers pressed something on the mobile. At that time, beside the boy, the blood spread slowly, his hand hung and the mobile phone lay in the blood, he had no strength to press the “SENT” key yet.The next day, when the girl heard of the news that the boy was being rescued, she ran to the hospital without considering her anger. When she hurried to the hospital, the doctor had alread the cause of his death was that his lung had lost too much blood.It was because, when the boy meant to protect the girl with his body he found that there was a steel stick under them, so he turned over to make it inset(="put" into) his own body.The boy's mother passed the boy's mobile phone on to the gift.The girl read the message that hadn't been sent: “Honey, I'm sorry, I still couldn't protect you and made you wound... “Upon this, the girl couldn't help crying...Please treasure the one you love and believe his or her LOVE!小题1:The underlined word fractured here probably means ___________.A.shakenB.brokenC.abandonedD.touched小题2:The girl didn't want to answer the boy's' call because ____________.A.she didn't hear itB.she was seriously hurtC.she was angry with himD.she had her phone broken小题3:Which of the following words may best describe the boy’s behavior?A.gentle and devotedB.brave and handsomeC.rough and selfishD.intelligent but silly小题4:From this passage we can conclude that&&&&&&&&& is happy and love is is important between should express his love in should love a person who is brave
Back in the fifteenth century, in a tiny village near Nuremberg, lived a family with eighteen children.In spite of the hopeless condition, two of the children, Albrecht Durer and Albert, had a dream.They both wanted to pursue their talent for art.After many long discussions, the two boys finally worked out an agreement.They would toss a coin.The loser would go down into the nearby mines and, with his earnings, support his brother who attended the academy.Then, when that brother who won the toss completed his studies, in four years, he would support the other brother at the academy. Tossing a coin, Albrecht Durer won and went off to Nuremberg.Albert went down into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years, supported his brother, whose work at the academy was almost an immediate sensation(轰动).By the time he graduated, he had earned considerable fees for his outstanding works. When the young artist returned to his village, the Durer family held a festive dinner to celebrate Albrecht’s triumphant(胜利的)homecoming.Albrecht drank a toast to his beloved brother for the years of sacrifice that had enabled him to complete his dream.“And now, Albert, blessed brother of mine, now it is your turn.Now you can go to Nuremberg to look for your dream, and I will take care of you.” Tears streaming down his pale face, Albert sobbed, “ is too late for me.Look...look at what four years in the mines have done to my hands!The bones in every finger have been broken at least once, and lately I have been suffering from arthritis(关节炎)so badly in my right hand that I cannot even hold a glass to return your toast, much less draw delicate lines with a pen or a brush.” To show thanks to Albert for all that he had sacrificed, Albrecht Durer painstakingly drew his brother’s injured hands with palms together and thin fingers stretched skyward.He called his powerful drawing simply “Hands”, but the entire world almost immediately opened their hearts to his great masterpiece and renamed it “The Praying Hands”.The next time you see a copy of that touching creation, let it be your reminder—no one ever makes any success alone!小题1:Why did the two brothers work out the agreement?A.They were so curious as to make a joke.B.Their family couldn’t afford the academy.C.One of the brothers was supposed to go into mines.D.They wanted to support the other sisters and brothers.小题2:The underlined word “whose” in Para.2 refers to _____&.A.the Durer family’sB.the minersC.Albert’sD.Albrecht’s小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT true about Albrecht Durer?A.He began to earn his living after graduationB.He did perfectly well at the academyC.He wanted his brother to go to the academyD.He created great masterpieces小题4:Which of the following is the correct order of the story?a.Albrecht went to Nurembergb.Albert supported his brotherc.The Durer family held a festive dinnerd.Albrecht drew his brother’s injured handse.The brothers tossed a coin.A.b, a, c, d, eB.a, e, c, d, bC.e, a, c, b, dD.e, a, b, c, d小题5:What can we learn from the story?A.One can achieve success simply on his ownB.Any success requires the help of others.C.It’s other people who contribute to one’s successD.Nobody could succeed without good guidance


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