a fine blend of selected top leafimperial tobaccoo

New Balkan Sobranie Review | The #1 Source for Pipes and Pipe Tobacco Information
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&&&&December 1st, 2011
By Adam J. Smith
I would like to start this column off by thanking both Mr. Kevin Godbee , and Mr. Gregory Pease for allowing me this once in a life-time opportunity. I have to say that I was quite pleased when Kevin contacted me to inform me of the re-release of this blend (and to inform me that I was to secure and smoke some for this column), but when Greg chimed in offering to not only send me a sample of the real McC but also throw his Meridian into the mix, I was ecstatic. Not only would I get a chance to smoke a re-creation of a hallowed blend, but I would also get a chance to smoke the real- created before I was! And, as if the deal needed any sweetening, a chance to add Meridian into the experience!
I should also tell you that this article will take on a slightly different format than most of my reviews, as they have appeared in the past. I will not wax poetic about the e nor will I use anecdotes to flesh out a review into an article. No, this time, I am left with so much information that I would en so I have chosen a more simplified format. What follows is a full review on the Balkan Sobranie Re-Release as presented by Arrango Cigar and blended by the house of G a succinct review on both the Original Balkan Sobranie as presented in the ;s by the House of Sobranie, a succinct review of G.L. Pease Meridian circa 2010, and finally, the results of my own little &comparison&.
Without further ado….
Balkan Sobranie Re-Release Review
Upon receiving my tin of the re-release of this hallowed blend, the first thing that struck me was the label. While the re-creation of the original tin-art is decent, I can’t help b perhaps a pixilation if you will. I should also note that the addition of the text on the wagons
rather this seems like a last-minute addition. Upon opening the tin, I was somewhat disappointed to discover that not only was the paper liner plain, but folded and crumpled under the doily. While I realize that this does not weigh on the smoking qualities of the tobacco, it does effect ones overall impression of the product, and I feel it should be mentioned.
Close inspection of the cut reveals a melange of fine-cut ribbons, interspersed with small chunks of broken flake and the occasional strand of rough-cut. Hues of tan, copper, khaki green, dark and ch shot through with charcoal-black. The tin aroma is strong and oily, with notes of peaty camp-fire and an underlying fruitiness that is not at all unpleasant to a self-proclaimed Latakia lover.
With the charring light, the strong-peat like notes found on the tin are carried over, supported by strong sour flavours of the various Oriental leaf. There is an earthy nuttiness present, but lacking in the sweetness often found in Balkan style blends.
With the true light, the strong sour and oily Latakia notes remain in the foreground, while Earthy notes of soil, leather and leaves begin to blossom. A bold spiciness takes hold, while a slight sweetness begins to form on the back of the palate. One also notices the &rawness& of the blend at this point - while the leaf is certainly well aged, the blend itself would benefit from some time to allow the flavours to meld.
Through the mid-point of the bowl, I find the blend begins to take on an earthy, almost nutty sweetness, while losing some of its bold and spicy qualities. The big sour notes remain at the forefront, as does the rich, deep flavour of Latakia.
As I reached the heel of the bowl, the spicy bold notes come back with a vengeance, while the peaty-campfire flavours of the Latakia also ramp up. The sweetness rounds out some, with hints of earth and leather growing more prominent.
I should note that this blend left my mouth with a slightly &dirty& feeling.
The room-note on this blend is actually somewhat pleasant, despite the big, bold tin aroma and flavours. While it does deliver the camphoric peaty notes of the Latakia leaf, there is a sweet undertone that rounds out the smokiness wonderfully. While it probably wouldn’t win you any friends amongst the non-smokers, it very well could at a barbeque competition!
The nicotine level of this blend is on the high-side of medium - while it will satisfy all but the most ni if you don’t handle the vitamin N well, take this blend slowly.
Balkan Sobranie Original Review
I should note that my sample of this blend was from a flat tin, circa 1970; blended by the House of Sobranie. My sample arrived quite dry, and required re-hydrating.
Inspection of this sacred blend reveals a very uniform fine-cut ribbon blend of chocolate and nut-browns, shot through with a charcoal black. Obviously, there was bloom evident, as one would expect with a 40 year old blend.
The tin aroma but provides one with hints of cedar-campfire over an almost honey-like sweetness.
From charring light to tipping ash, this blend is deserving of the accolades it receives. While the flavour profile remains somewhat subtle for a Balkan style blend, the nuances found in the wisps of blue smoke are blended so well that one cannot help but wonder at the high quality of leaf found in days gone by.
Charring light reveals the mild, beautifully blended, slightly sour herbal notes of the Oriental leaf, which, as alluded to, are so wonderfully balanced that no one flavour leaps to the forefront of the profile. A deep and rich nutty sweetness balances out the slightly salty and cedary flavour of the Latakia. I find that this flavour profile remains somewhat mono-chromatic through the fir but that is by no means a bad thing!
As one progresses through the mid-point of the bowl, earthy notes of leather and soil take hold, rounding out the rich sweetness and mild s while a slight spiciness begins to form on the back of the palate.
As one reaches the heel, the spiciness g while the sweetness all but disappears into the background, allowing the earthy notes of soil, leather and musty leaves to blossom into the forefront of the profile.
One i I found that this blend left a honey-sweet note on my tongue for a good half an hour after finishing, with an effect not unlike licking ones lips after smoking a rum dipped cigar.
For tho the nicotine level on this blend
I would classify it as low to medium.
G.L. Pease Meridian Review
My sample of this blend was from August 2010; and arrived at the perfect humidity to smoke. Inspection of this blend reveals a &medium& cut ribbon (1mm+), with rich chocolate and mocha browns, charcoal blacks and coppery bronzes. While there was bloom evident to the naked eye, of the three blends I compared, Meridian showed the least. The tin aroma abounds with the slightly camphoric note of Cyprian Latakia supported on a honeyed sweetness.
Charring lig at least to my palate. Given the strength of the Latakia notes in the tin aroma, I expected a big hit of wet- but while the Latakia is certainly there, Greg has managed to find a wonderful balance with the sour and herbal flavours of the various &Oriental& leaf which actually emulates the cedar-like flavour of the Syrian leaf of old.
With true light, the first thing I notice about this blend is how well it highlights the sour flavours of the Oriental leaf, while underpinning said sourness with an almost citrusy sweetness. The cedar-campfire notes of the Latakia are evident (however not overpowering by any-means), while a bold and brash spiciness takes hold. I did note that through the first third of the bowl, I experienced a mouth sensation not unlike smoking a menthol cigarette (note: I did not taste menthol).
As the bowl passes through the halfway point, the sweet citrus notes grow yet more bold, moving to the forefront of the flavour profile. The &mid-range& notes continue to highlight the sour Oriental leaf, and the wonderful interplay with Cyprian Latakia (which continues to eschew the brash peatiness of Cyprian in favour of the more subtle cedar flavours of Syrian somehow…). Earthy notes of soil and leather begin to take hold on the back of the palate.
Towards the end of the bowl, the earthy notes grow even more prevalent, with bold flavours of leaves, leather and wet soil. In addition, the Latakia grows stronger, for the first time revealing the brashness I typically associate with Cyprian leaf. I find that the last half-a-dozen odd puffs of this blend bring with them a honey-sweetness that is simply amazing - a great way to cap off a bowl and leave the palate feeling light and refreshed after smoking rather heavy blend.
I should note that this blend left my mouth, and palate, with the cleanest feeling of all three of these blends. In addition, I found the nicotine level was somewhat lacking, definitely falling on the mild side of the spectrum.
Balkan Sobranie Comparison / Challenge
Before I get into the meat of this portion of my article, I should tell you how I compared these blends. First, I selected five pipes (Meerschaum, conical-bowled briar, two rounded-bowled briar, and corncob); with all three pieces of briar having recently undergone a reaming and cotton-ball/alcohol treatment. Each blend was smoked once per pipe over a period of four days. I left myself a minimum of one-hour between bowls, and utilized Tetley brand Orange Pekoe tea both during and post smoke to cleanse my palate. Each blend was smoked a minimum of once in the morning, during the afternoon, and in the evening.
In choosing my criteria for scoring, I decided that I would ignore room-note for two reasons. Firstly, these are three Latakia forward blends. Let’s face it, none of them smell all that wonderful to anyone but a Latakia smoker. Secondly, the three blends offer up such a similar aroma that I never would have been able to differentiate between what is latent stale smoke and what is emanating from my bowl.
I chose four main criteria on which to rate these blends against my sample of the Original Balkan S these are: Appearance, Tin Aroma, Flavour, and Burning Quality. I broke flavour down into an additional four criteria, being charring light, top 1/3, mid-point, the cumulative winner of which will take the category overall.
This is what I found.
Appearance Winner: G.L. Pease MeridianWhile the cut of the Arango re-release of Balkan Sobranie does indeed resemble the fine-cut shag of the blend as produced by the House of S I found that the colours of the Meridian more closely resembled the component leaf the original.
Tin Aroma Winner: G.L. Pease Meridian
This category was extremely close, however the Arango re-release lacked the marked honeyed sweetness found in the Original.
Flavour Winner: G.L. Pease Meridian
As I noted above, I broke this down
and I should tell you that Meridian took three of them. While I did find that the Arango re-release more closely matched the flavour profile of the Original at the heel, I found both the Latakia and the sour Orient and the blend lacking the sweetness that characterizes the Original. I suspect this is by in large due to the Original having 40 years of aging to allow the flavour profile to meld and round out, while the re-release does have a rawness about it, due to being blended &yesterday& as it were. However, I wasn’t asked to compare how this blend would stack up in 40 so I have to go with my guts…er…tastebuds.
Burning Quality: Arango re-release Balkan Sobranie Original Blend
While I found that all three of these blends burned very well, I found the fine-cut ribbon of the Arango re-release actually burns the best…yes, blasphemy, I know. I am sorry folks, I would like to tell you that the Original lit itself, and didn’t require any tamping or relights, but that just isn’t the case (however, I am the only person in my household currently not laid up with a flu - I like to think that this is due to the Original Blend being the cure for the common-cold.).
Overall Winner: G.L. Pease Meridian
While the Arango re-release of the Balkan Sobranie blend is a wonderful tobacco in its own right, and given time to age, may even become as sought after as its namesake. However, if you want to try something that resembles the real McCoy, the Original Balkan Sobranie Original Blend, you would be better served with Gregory Pease’s Meridian. While not an exact clone, Greg has outdone himself on this one, not only recreating a hallowed blend of past (whether intentional or not!), but even managing to emulate the distinct subtle and complex flavour of Syrian Latakia through blending alchemy, and prime Oriental and Cyprian leaf.
Now if you are looking Now if you are looking to try a bold and brash Balkan blend that will grab a hold of your tastebuds and take no prisoners, the Arango re-release blend is going to be right up your alley. While it does lack in the sweetness found in the Original blend and in Meridian, it more than makes up for it in bold and is certainly a quality blend. It’s just not the Original Blend as was produced by the house of Sobranie to my palate.
S I highly recommend it - and if I get the chance, I plan to cellar more than a few tins of this new blend, along with a few tins of Greg’s Meridian.
&- Adam J. Smith
Epilogue - G.L. Pease
When Kevin told me he was asking Adam to review the recently revived Balkan Sobranie, and figuring that Adam hadn’t been on the pipe smoking planet long enough to have experienced the original Balkan Sobranie Smoking Mixture, I decided to sweeten things up a little with a mid-1970s sample from a 1-oz tin I’d recently opened. (You can be jealous, now.) Of course, we all know it’s unfair, if not impossible, to compare a newly produced tobacco to one with 40 years under its belt, but I thought it would be fun for Adam to at least have the experience of smoking the old stuff, and that it might broaden the base of experience he could draw from when writing his review. The tobacco was a bit on the dry side, but was still smoking beautifully, and hadn’t really lost anything, so I bagged up a few grammes to send him, and didn’t bother with rehydrating.
I also had a recently opened tin of the first-production run of my own Meridian, with about a year behind it. I’d received a few emails from people suggesting that they found it similar in character, in some ways, to the old Sobranie, so I figured he might enjoy some of that, too. I bagged up bit, and sent it on its way to the Great White North along with the original Sobranie.
I did label the bags’ contents, but said nothing more to Adam about them, other than what they were and the fact that they were on their way, and that I looked forward to reading his review of the Sobranie re-release.
It was certainly not my intention for his his review to turn into some sort of &comparison,& with all the awkwardness that entails, so I was pleasantly surprised by his choice to add reviews of the other two blends, bringing some interesting perspective to the picture. In retrospect, it might have been better to send him the tobaccos blind, but that would have been something quite different. I’m thrilled with his reaction to Meridian, of course. Now, if I could just get the stuff into Canada without having to disguise it as illicit drugs, which sail through customs far more efficiently than tobacco.
In the future, we may do more of these multi-tobacco reviews, if the readers like them, and our resident reviewers are game.
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Prosciutto di Parma con Melone e Pere & 12Sliced Parma prosciutto served over fresh melon and pear
Insalata Caprese con Carciofi & 10Diced fresh mozzarella, grape tomatoes, basil, and artichoke hearts tossed with Balsamic vinaigrette
Alici Marinati con Quattro Colore & 12Marinated fresh anchovies with radicchio, hearts of palm, arugula and roasted peppers
Salumi Assortiti con Verdure della Casa & 12Imported capoccolo, artisan sopressata and dry sausage, olives, house marinated vegetables, grilled eggplant, ricotta salata and Reggiano Parmigiano cheeses
Peperoni Imbottiti & 12Home roasted peppers filled with fresh mozzarella cheese and Parma prosciutto, then baked with fresh basil
Polenta con Salsiccia e Porcini & 12Soft polenta topped with roasted sausage, porcini mushrooms and demi glace
Gamberi al Pesto con Insalata Ceci& 12Shrimp saut&ed with a basil pesto and served with a chick pea and tomato salad
Portobello con Gorgonzola & 12Portobello mushroom cap roasted with imported gorgonzola cheese
and served with a Balsamic glaze and baby greens
Avocado con Gamberi e Granchio & 13Half an avocado filled with shrimp and crab meat salads and a citrus-saffron sauce
Insalata del Sole
& 9Baby greens with imported gorgonzola cheese, sunflower seeds, and dried apricots with a peach vinaigrette
&Cellar& Mista &8"House salad" of baby lettuces, grape tomatoes, walnuts, shaved fennel and Balsamic vinaigrette
Rigatoni con Gamberi e Asparagi & 22Tube pasta saut&ed with whole and chopped shrimp, asparagus and pink sauce
Rigatoni alla Checca & 20Tube pasta with fresh chopped tomatoes, basil, sweet onion and fresh mozzarella
Gnocchi alla Bolognese & 22Potato dumplings saut&ed in the classical sauce of ground veal, pork and beef
Perciatelli Carbonara
& 22Long pasta tossed with salumi, prosciutto, pancetta, onion, and cream then finished with egg and Parmigiano
Papardelle con Grancio e Pesto
& 25Wide ribbon pasta with jumbo lump crab and basil pesto cream sauce
Papardelle con Salsiccia e Spinaci & 23Papardelle saut&ed with sausage, spinach, fresh tomato sauce and drizzled with truffle oil
Fettuccine con Salmone Affumicato & 22Ribbons tossed with smoked salmon, peas, Italian speck and cream sauce
Fettuccine con Ragu di Coniglio & 23Ribbons tossed with a sauce of roasted rabbit
Ravioli "Marco Polo" & 22Venetian style seafood ravioli served in a light tomato and tarragon sauce, garnished with fried ginger
Ravioli di Carne alla "Montepertuso"& 23Meat filled pillows saut&ed with mixed olives, light tomato sauce and goat cheese
Risotto con Granchio e Gamberi & 23Arborio rice served "alla unda" with lump crab meat, shrimp, and peas, with a touch of tomato
Risotto ai Porcini & 22Arborio rice cooked al dente with sliced Italian Porcini mushrooms and grated Reggiano Parmigiano
Lombata di Vitello al Giardino & 4214 oz. long-rib veal chop pan roasted and served with gorgonzola cream sauce and caramelized shallot
Filetto al Barolo e Porcini& 398 oz. Filet mignon pan roasted with Italian Porcini mushrooms and Barolo wine sauce
Scaloppine alla Veneto & 28Scaloppine of veal loin saut&ed with artichokes, pine nuts, sun dried tomatoes and white wine
Scaloppine ai Porcini & 29Scaloppine of veal loin with an Italian porcini mushroom cream sauce
Carre D'Agnelo alla Marsala & 41Rack of lamb, roasted and served with an imported Marsala wine and demi glace sauce
Osso Buco D'Agnelo con Risotto alle Verdure & 33"3 hour" braised American LAMB shank with vegetable risotto
Fagiano e Anatra con Mele & 32Pheasant and duck breast pan roasted and served over caramelized shallots, apples and cream
Salmone con Funghi Marinati e Olive Secche& 30Wild salmon fillet roasted with house marinated mushrooms, oil cured olives, and a touch of tomato sauce
Salmone al'Finocchio& 30Wild salmon fillet saut&ed with fennel, sweet peppers, caper berries, tomatoes, and Italian speck
Dentice alla Romana & 31Snapper fillet saut&ed with artichokes, diced tomatoes, and basil served with a saffron and white wine sauce
Duetto Verde e Nero & 32Giant shrimp and snapper saut&ed with green olives, dry black figs and fresh rosemary
in a white wine lemon sauce
Please note: Plate sharing charge of $4.00
18% gratuity may be added to groups of 6 or more,
and to separate checks
Sweet WineSauternes, Ch&teau Doisy-Vedriness, Bordeaux - g.8.00
Vin Santo, Felsina - g.15.00
Pinot Noir, Deglace, Adelsheim
Irish CreamO&Mara&s, Irish Country Cream - g.5.50
PortRamos Pinto, &Unfiltered&, Douro - g.7.00
Ramos Pinto, Vintage, Douro - g.12.00
Gould Churchill, Tawny, 10 Yr. - g.10.00Malbec, Malamado, Late Harvest - g.10.00
Ramos Pinto, Vintage, Douro - g.12.00
Sherry (Sweet)Moscatel Emilin, Lustau, Spain - g.7.50
Pedro Ximenez, Lustau, Spain - g.7.50
PX, Bodegas Toro Albala, Grand Rsv. 1982 - g.12.00
SparklingMoscato, D&Asti, Di Gresy, La Serra -½ btl
Coffees & TeasEspresso - Regular or Decaf - 3.00, Dbl. 5.00
Cappuccino - Regular or Decaf - 3.75
Latte - Regular or Decaf - 3.75
Columbian Coffee - Regular or Decaf - 2.50
Hot Tea selection - 2.50&
TIRAMISU FIORENTINO & 7Classically light version of coffee-soaked lady fingers and mascarpone cream
STRUDEL alla &BOLZANO& & 7Puff pastry filled with roasted apples and raisins, served warm with imported hazelnut or vanilla ice cream
TORTA di CIOCCOLATA & 7&Almost Flourless&, dense, rich, semisweet chocolate tort served slightly warm with chocolate sauce and crème Anglaise
TORTA di PANE & 7Italian bread baked with pure vanilla and chocolate chips, served warm with either imported hazelnut or vanilla ice cream
CIOCCOLATISSIMO & 8Baby chocolate cake with molten chocolate center, served warm with imported hazelnut or vanilla gelato, chocolate sauce and crème Anglaise
SORBETTI/GELATTI & 7Your choice of: lemon, or raspberry
sorbet, hazelnut gelato, or vanilla ice cream
FRUTTI di BOSCO & 7Light crust tart filled with pastry cream and topped with assorted wild berries
MOUSSE DI CIOCCOLATA & 9White and dark chocolate mousse covered in dark chocolate, served with Amareno black cherry sauce
Dense almond and amaretto cookies
&Perfect for dipping&
½ glass (1.5 oz.) serving
Apple Strudel / Adelsheim Deglace - 15
Frutti di Bosco / Doisy- Vedrines, Sauterne - 13
Vanilla Gelato / Lustau Pedro Ximenez Sherry - 11
Biscotti / Vin santo Felsina - 16Prices subject to change
Prosecco, TerreDomini, Extra Dry, (Veneto)
100% Prosecco.Pale yellow in color with greenish reflections. Rich with live aromatic notes, fresh perfume, suave and delicately fruity with a fine and lingering perlage.
Prosecco, Brut Zardetto, (Veneto)
Crystal clear with a hearty white foam and fine perlage. Fresh fragrant aromas, a delicately soft and harmonious taste are the hallmarks of this quintessential aperitif wine.
Prosecco, Garbel, A. Adami, Brut, DOC (Treviso)
This dry, crisp, pleasantly tart wine, is produced from
the hilly vineyards in the Colli Trevigiani area. The ample
nose releases crisp-edged, complex fruit notes of ripe peach
and melon, and the palate is full-flavored with a crisp acidity.
A wonderful, versatile sparkling wine.
Bellavista, Franciacorta, Cuvee Brut, (Lombardia)
Franciacorta, a region in Lombardy's lake country, produces sparkling wines of very high quality, made in the traditional Champagne style. A clear straw-colored wine, with frothy mousse and persistent
pinpoint bubble. Crisp apple and toasty aromas lead into a rich, tart and creamy flavor.
Champagne, Brut, Laurent Perrier
g. 22.50&&& 1/2 btl 38.00
A superb, true, old house Champagne with subtle, creamy fruit and a stellar, zesty finish. High Chardonnay content blended from over 50 &crus&. Appropriate for any occasion or celebration.
Roederer Estate L'Hermitage, 2000, (Anderson Valley)
This is the only California vintage sparkling wine.
Excellent balance and great finesse. Delicate apple,
soft and fresh on the palate with citrus and fresh
honey characters on a long finish. It is well-balanced
with little acidity-an elegant and very complex wine.
Louis Roederer Vintage Rose, 2000, Reims, France
70% Pinot Noir, 30% Chardonnay
This Rose has a shiny, slightly deep golden
color, with a light, yet abundant fine, long-lived
bubbles. The generous and complex nose reveals
candied fruits. Supple, ripe flavors of cherry, apple,
strawberry jam and honey.
Sauvignon Blanc, Joel Gott, (California)
New and unique Sauvignon Blanc made with 100% Sauvignon Blanc grapes from vineyards in Monterrey, Lake and Napa County. Fermented in 100% stainless steel preserves the purity of the fruit. This wine exhibits aromas and flavors of passion fruit, melon, citrus, and hints of jasmine.
The Crossings Sauvignon Blanc, (New Zealand)
The color is vibrant with a crisp and subtle green hue.
The wine presents powerful aromas of passion fruit on the nose.
On the palate, there are flavors of lime zest, melon, and white
floral notes framed by a structured yet supple mid palate, racy
acidity and mineral undertones of Awatere Sauvignon Blanc.
Sancerre, Pascal Jolivet, (Loire Valley)
100% Sauvignon Blanc grapes.
Pale whitish straw in color. The nose is fresh, clean with
notes of lime peel, green herbs, and black currant. On the
palate it is fresh, the acidity is is tempered by very subtle
very clean, alive, racy, youthful. Overall,
a dry and elegant wine. Very typical sancerre.
Sauvignon Blanc, Pouilly fume, (Loire Valley)
The Sauvignon Blanc grapes, also known as "Blanc Fume" are produced in soils composed of
50% chalk, 30% flint and 20% chalky clay. The grape juice is fermented naturally, without adding cultivated yeasts, producing a Pouilly-Fume with real character: mineral aromas and flavors with finesse and elegance.
White Zin., Dom. St. George, (Sonoma)
This delicate wine hints of ripe pear and rich Zinfandel grape flavors. It is distinctly fruity, well balanced, and smooth.
Pinot Grigio, Villa Pozzi, (Sicily)
Clear to light straw colored, this Pinot Grigio exhibits soft
aromatic flavors of roses and soft honeysuckle that are an
indicative of the refreshing and rounded fruit style. Structured, well balanced and clean with a firm and crisp finish.
Pinot Gris, A to Z, Oregon
Juicy, bright and succulent on the attack, this wine
showcases flavors of tangerine, melon pineapple and wet
stone. The wine is framed with ripe acidity giving classic
Oregon Pinot Gris proportion and lift to the richness.
Pinot Grigio, Bottega Vinaia, (Trentino)
A classic Pinot Grigio produced from some of the oldest single vineyards, made in a reserve style. Beautiful fruit with perfect balance and a fabulous finish.
Domaine, Pinot Gris, King Estate, Oregon
Explosive fruit entrance with flavors of melon,
tropical fruit and honey, with a citrus zest finish.
Rich and balanced, crisp and clean, this wine has
rounded texture and body.
100 % Pinot Gris grapes, grown in the Estate's
certified vineyards.
Pinot Grigio, Colle Duga, (Friulli)
100 % Pinot Grigio. Nice fruity bouquet. Clean and Crisp with a long finish. Medium- bodied, well structured and balanced. Just a delicious Pinot Grigio.
Soave, &San Vincenzo&, Anselmi, (Veneto)
A special blend of Garganega, Trebbiano, and Chardonnay with no malolactic fermentation. The fruit is well expressed in the bouquet. On the palate, the wine is fresh with a lingering persistence and balance.
Pino & Toi, Faustus Maculan, (Veneto)
Made from Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, and Tocai, Pino & Toi is pale yellow in color with an intense and fruity nose with hints of refreshing citrus. On the palate the wine is balanced with loads of fresh peaches and pears followed by a crisp finish.
Bianco, La Segreta, Planeta,
This Sicilian wine is a blend of 50% Grecanico, 30%
Chardonnay, 10% Viognier, and 10% Fiano.
The Chardonnay gives it a backbone. The flavors of the other three varietals make this wine stand out as a glass of sunshine on a rainy spring day. The Fiano gives it a slight herbal grassy taste. The viognier brings in the citrus taste and the floral aroma. The Grecanico adds a slight sweetness.
It is fermented in steel tanks so it tastes bright, fresh, and clean.
Vermentino Brigante, Santa Lucia, (Maremma)
Light straw yellow with green tinges. Elegant bouquet.
A refreshing wine on the palate, well structured and with
plenty of fresh fruit flavors, balanced acidity, and a long,
zesty dry a finish. It makes a great aperitif and an excellent
pairing for seafood dishes. 100% Vermentino grapes.
Chardonnay, Dom. St. George, (Sonoma)
Supple, full flavored Chardonnay with subtle citrus and oak aromas. Lively and refreshing on the tongue with a long, crisp finish.
Chardonnay, Hawk Crest, Napa, CA
From the Monterey coastal area, produced by the owners of Stag's Leap Wine Cellars, comes
this Chardonnay characterized by crisp apple and citrus flavors.
Chadonnay, Antinori, Castello Della Sala, (Umbria)
Pale yellow with golden hints. Fruity fragance with
typical variétal character. Good marked vanilla and
toasty flavors. Well-structured and élégant, with good
minéral content.
Chardonnay, Bouchaine, (Carneros)
This Chardonnay comes only from fruit grown in our
Carneros estate Vineyards. Its brilliant straw gold color
is the first hint of its bright and refreshing character:
citrus flavors and a touch of minerality, an splash of
acidity, all touched by an effortless accent of oak.
Girard, Chardonnay, Russian River Valley
The French oak aging on this Russian River Chardonnay,
offers wonderful aromas of citrus, tropical fruit, vanilla and
crème brulee. On the palate, there's a rich, creamy texture
from sur lie aging that is balanced with surprising acidity.
Verget St. Veran, Terro de Davaye (Burgundy)
100% Chardonnay grape.
This White Burgundy is noted for its rich creamy flavors.
It has aromas of jasmine, honey and caramel. A big round
Chardonnay that will go with almost all rich dishes.
Jean-Mary Guffens
is the owner and winemaker.
Pouilly-Fuisse, Joseph Drouhin, ( Burgundy)
100 % Chardonnay grape.
This white Burgundy comes from the slopes of Solutre and
Vergisson in the towns of Pouilly and Fuisse.
A seductive wine and a really nice expression of the Chardonnay
grape! The colour is golden, with some green reflections. Among
the floral and fruity aromas, almonds and ripe grapes dominate.
On the palate, the wine is refreshingly and ethereal in its lightness.
Mer Soleil, Chardonnay, By Caymus,
100% Chardonnay grapes
from Santa Lucia Highlands.
Bold, full-bodied and lush in texture, yet balanced by
cool-climate acidity. Amber-gold in color and fully ripe,
with aromas and flavors reminiscent of tropical fruit,
honeysuckle and citrus. The lots from individual vineyard
blocks are aged in French oak barrels and the wine
is composed from only the lots that showed the desired
complexity and richness. Winemaker: Chuck Wagner
Chardonnay, &Overlook&, Landmark, CA
Impressive with its rich, complex flavors of peach, pear, and nectarine. Gaining in intensity and richness before finishing with a soft, buttery aftertaste. A lovely wine.
Viognier, Cline, (Sonoma Coast), CA
Viognier (pronounced vee-oh-nyay) is a variety characterized by low yields and small planted acreage, Viognier is one of the world's most rare and most treasured wines. This wine is loaded with
peaches, apricots, floral and citrus notes.
Viognier, Miner, Simpson Vineyard, (California)
Fresh and fragrant the distinct floral aromas of jasmine
and geranium are integrated with white ripe peach.
On the palate delightful acidity and minerality prevail
with classic Trefethen Riesling flavors of lime, peach
and a touch of refreshing kiwi and melon. A lingering
essence of grapefruit gives this wine a lively finish.
Dry Riesling, Trefethen, (Napa)
Aromatically complex with citrus and honeysuckle notes on the
nose and plush feel on the palate, our Viognier consistently
displays a fine balance of natural acidity and intense concentration.
Stainless steel fermented to allow the vibrant, tropical and stone fruit
characteristics of this varietal to shine.
Riesling, Noble House, (Bernkastel)
Harvested in Bernkastel, this wine has an agreeable ripe peach and apricot aroma, typical of the Middle Mosel slate terrain. Long, slightly sweet finish makes it an easy drinking selection, perfect with many fish dishes.
Caymus, Conundrum, white blend, (California)
1/2 bottle 19.00
This is a blend of
Sauvignon Blanc, Muscat Canelli
Chardonnay and Viognier grapes. Powerful aromas of green apple,
tangerine zest and honeysuckle. Core flavors of apricot, melon pear and light vanilla are beautifully balanced by the sparkling acidity of citrus fruit. The lush, creamy mouth-filling texture is match by a floral and
bright tropical fruit notes and leads to a full, powerful finish.
Merlot, Villa Pozzi, (Sicily)
This Merlot is deep red with pronounced cherry, ripe chocolate and
wild plum flavors. Intense and vibrant on the palate.
Ripe, well structured, round with a rich long finish.
Merlot, 14 Hands, Columbia Valley, WA
A classic Washington State Merlot dominated by notes of blackberries
with nuances hints of cherries and spices to add complexity and depth.
Luscious and velvety on the tongue, a very sensual wine.
Merlot, Colle Duga, (Friuli Venezia)
100% Merlot
Displaying intense flavors of berries and plums, this full bodied
wine is soft on the palate with no sharp edges and a remarkable,
persistent finish. A really delightful find.
Northstar, Merlot, Columbia Valley, WA
Structured with power and elegance, the rich, concentrated front and middle palates roll
seamlessly into the generous, silky finish. Aromatics and flavors offer concentrated black cherry, plums and currants. Rich, deep and velvety.
Merlot, Stags Leaps', (Napa)
This Napa Valley Merlot begins with aromas of back cherry,
brambles, cedar and fennel. The palate reveals layers of black
plum, licorice and vanilla supported by firm, but fine tannins.
full-bodied mid palate carries through to a nice long finish
of blackberry jam and dark chocolate.
Merlot, Shafer, (Napa Valley, CA)
76% Merlot, 17% Cabernet Sauvignon, 7% Cabernet Franc
Perfumed aromas of dark fruit. Opulent flavors of red and
black, pepper, strawberry and plum.
Easily, Shafer's greatest Merlot ever! Rich, robust, sweet, refined tannins.
Chianti, Biagio, Castellani, (Toscana)
Young and elegant wine with rich plum, bramble fruit flavors and a slight hint of cherries. It is produced from grapes grown in the Chianti DOCG Region of Tuscany, predominantly Sangiovese and Canaiolo.
Chianti, Melini, (Toscana)
One of the oldest Chianti estates in Tuscany that produces this elegant, supple wine that is mostly from Sangiovese grapes.
Sangiovese, Losco,
(Maremma Toscana)
100% Sangiovese grapes from Maremma Toscana.
Deep ruby red in color, it is dry, rich, and intensely supple.
Ripe, well balanced and harmonious.
A delightful "Chianti" style wine.
Chianti Classico, Fonterutoli, Mazzei, DOCG, (Toscana)
90% Sangiovese, 10% Malvasia Nera, Colorino, and Merlot.
A well proportioned, elegant body, dark berry, fresh spice flavors, intense, smooth taste. Rich and harmonious, with an impression of spice and mineral on the long aftertaste.
Aged 12 month in small oak barrels.
Chianti Classico, Riserva, Antinori, DOCG, (Toscana)
90% Sangionese, 10 % Cabernet Sauvignon
Deep, intense ruby red color with
fragrance of an elegante
fine wine. In the palate the wine is rich, full boddied, well-balanced
with fine sweet tannins and a pleasant persistence. Aged 14 month
in French Oak, and one year in the bottle before release.
Chianti Classico Rsv., 2001 (Toscana) Badia A Pasignano, Antinori
100% Sangiovese. W.S 91Traditional in its complexity, roundness and elegance, yet
modern in its intense fruitiness accessibility and soft tannins Deep dark cherry, chocolate and vanilla flavours.Aged 12 month in oak barrels and 14 in the bottle before
released.Best to drink. Best after 2005.
Col D'Orcia, Rosso Di Montalcino, 09, (Tuscany)
100% Sangiovesse Grosso.
Deep ruby red with an intense, fruity bouquet. It is a
full-bodied wine crafted from pure Sangiovesse Grosso layered with the delicate nuances of the wood on a very long aftertaste. It is considered a more vivacious style of wine, combining freshness with structure, and can be approached at a very early age. Well structured with rich chewy tannins. Dry red wine.
Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, Aida, (Italy)
100% Montepulciano grape.
Ruby red with purple shades. Floral and fruity fragance with a hint of violet, cherry and plum. Full structure, fruity flavor. Rich soft tannins.
Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, Trinita, (Italy)
"90 Wine Spectator" 100 % Montepulciano grape. Big and Powerful, with black pepper, dried fruits and hints of toasted oaken coffee. Full-bodied, chewy and long finish.
Nero d'Avola, Villa Pozzi, (Sicily)
7.50gl 28.00
100% Nero d'Avola grape
Dark purple with reddish-violet edge, typical of this grape.
Ripe, fruity, silky with a nice structure and rich soft tannins.
Super friendly, and definitely an amazing value.
Nero D'Avola, Zisola, (Sicily)
Deep purple. Aromas of wild berries and hints of spice.
Rich flavors of blackberry and dark cherry. Ripe and structured.
Aged 10 month in oak for soft sophistication. The wine is evolved,
layered, and shows great depth and personality.
Primitivo, Castello Monacci, Piluna (Puglia)
100% Primitivo grape from the Estate Vineyards.
Black ripe fruit and spiced aromas, with notes of pepper and
toasty vanilla. On the palate it has a robust and concentrated
character, a firm structure and small black fruit and licorice notes
on the aftertaste,
Rich, ripe and well structured
Malbec, Santa Julia, Reserva, (Mendoza, Argentina)
This Santa Julia Malbec is a rich full-flavored wine which
has benefited maturation in French oak for 10 month,
giving structure and harmony. Intense plum and coffee
aromas combined with spicy, smoky notes and vanilla finish.
Malbec, Famiglia Bianchi, (Argentina)
An intense purple-red color. This Malbec has a luscious, intense fruit
aroma, with hints of ripe plums, cherries and berries.
The flavors mimic the aroma, with a massive, yet soft and silky, mouth feel and a lush, long finish.
Malbec, Cruz Andina, Mendoza, (Argentina)
85% Malbec, 10.5% Cabernet Sauvignon, 3% Merlot, 1.5% Bonarda
Dark, powerful, dense red with a considerable amount of oak. The aromas
and flavors suggest
fresh fruit- blackberry and plum-. Mint and mineral
notes complement and complex the fruitiness. The wine's
texture is supple
and rich, with soft, ripe grape tannins along with firm oak tannins from 16
month French oak aging. The wine is very engaging and genuinely good.
Limited production: 980 cases made. WS 91
Malbec, Antigal Uno, Mendoza, (Argentina)
This Estate Malbec is a very intense red with deep violet hues.
Beautiful bouquet with intense fruit and significant notes of oak.
Full-bodied, rich, and well structured, yet silky with an elegant finish.
Estate grown and bottled. Amazing value!
Zinfandel, Seghesio,
Climatic-induced spicy undertones mark this vintage.
Vibrant display of acidity enhances the briary raspberry
and blackberry varietal expression. Lush, velvety mouth feel
interwoven with fine, integrated tannins creates a smooth
richness. Full-bodied and well balanced.
Zinfandel, Branham Rockpile, (Sonoma)
This wine is a deep ruby color, with bright blackberry aromas
and smoky notes,
big tannins nicely balanced with ample dark fruit on the finish.
95% Zinfandel - 5% Petit Sirah
Aged sixteen month in 100% French Oak.
Shiraz, Layer Cake, Barossa Valley, Australia
Dark, dense and creamy, complex aromas of plums, cherries, blackberry, pepper, mocha and dark chocolate
This is one inky S an explosion of dark, super ripe wild blackberry and exotic spices. A pure fruit bomb with a lingering finish.
Shiraz, Moorooroo, Barossa Valley, 2003
100% Shiraz from Schild Estate, Australia,
The grapes come from 160 year old vines.
The color is deep ruby red with a full and rich fruit bouquet.
Polished, round and generous with its red cherry-tinged
blackberry and currant flavors, playing exuberantly against
a bed of refined tannins. Hints of dusky spice and grilled
game waft through the background. Stylish and graceful.
Petite Sirah, Nord Estate Wines, Napa, 2004
95% Petite Sirah, 5% Merlot
This muscular wine envelops your mouth with the flavors and scents of blackberry, black pepper and spiced plum.The wine appears almost blue-black in the glass, while its dense, concentrated tannins maintain a balance with the rich fruit flavors. Limited production (194 cases).This wine was aged in French Oak barrels for 16 month.
Pinot Noir, Rodney Strong, (Russian River Valley)
Estate Vineyard. 96% Pinot Noir, 4% Syrah
Supple in texture, with rose petals and red fruit aromas. This
medium bodied wine is aged in small French oak barrels, which
adds a subtle, toasty vanilla character and a hint of spice.
Pinot Noir, Rex Hill, Willamette Valley, OR
This 100% Pinot Noir is burgundy red with fresh aromas of Bing cherries, ripe raspberries, plums, currants, tobacco and smoke. Juicy red fruit flavors and ripe acidity. Ripe tannins and a succulent texture.
Pinot Noir, Belle Glos, Las Alturas, By Caymus
100% Pinot Noir from Santa Lucia Highlands of Plummy
black cherry and sweet black licorice aromas lead to layered flavors of rich plum. This earthy but elegant wine is supported by a lush, velvety texture and long, fruit-driven finish.
Decoy, Napa Valley, Meritage, (Duckhorn)
Decoy is produced from classic Bordeaux varietals:
45% Cabernet Sauvignon, 36% Merlot, 11% Cabernet Franc,
8% Petit Verdot. Barrel Aging: 16 month.
This inviting wine is well- rounded with forward fruit,
balanced by smooth tannins and a lingering finish. The flavors are ripe with fresh fruit complemented by
a spicy note of white pepper.
Ferrari Carano, Tressor, 2008, (Sonoma)
Bordeaux style wine. The grapes are hand harvested from dry-farmed, low-yielding vines primarily on our mountain vineyards. Delicious aromas of black tea, cedar, earth, vanilla, blackberry and cassis combined with rich, wild berry flavors and a full mid-palate with considerable, round tannins. This wine's upfront silkiness and roundness make for a delicious selection.
Blend: 67% Cabernet Sauvignon, 12% Petit Verdot, 11% Cabernet Franc, 10% Malbec
Palazzo della Torre, Allegrini, (Veneto)
A smooth, full bodied cru made in the ripasso style. 70% of the grapes are vinified immediately and the remaining are left to dry until the end of December when they are vinified and re-fermented with the fresh grapes. The result is higher alcohol content, rounder style and more extraction than a Valpolicella Classico. Wine Spectator &90.&
Barbera D'Asti, Violanda,
This 100% Barbera is grown in the hillsides of the commune
of Agliano Terme.
Deep ruby red with a dry round taste. Bright red fruit tones
that feature hints of violets, earth and plum with just a
whisper of tannin.
Velvety, harmonic and medium-bodied.
Dolcetto d'Alba, G. D. Vajra, DOC, (Piemonte)
This varietal from the Piemonte region of Italy is a dry,
lighter bodied red with lots of character. Ruby red color,
with aromas of raspberry and blueberry. Vibrant juicy fruit
on the palate, low levels of acidity and mild tannins.
Slovenian oak. Bright and clean. 100% Dolcetto
Poderi Colla, Bricco del Drago, Alba, 2001, Italy
This wine is the product of a unique vineyard
hill just outside the town of Alba in the
Bricco del Drago.
The particular
soil and climate conditions contribute full body
and intriguingly complex and fine aromas to
this blend of 85% Dolcetto and 15% Nebbiolo.
Cabernet Sauvignon, 14 Hands, Columbia Valley
92% Cab. Sauvignon, 3% Merlot, 1% Cab. Franc, Syrah & Petit Verdot
Features aromas of red currants and raspberries with subtle
hints of spice. Spiced cherry and plum flavors are joined by
notes of cocoa and complemented by fine, velvety tannins.
Cabernet Sauvignon, Raymond, Sommelier Selection
81% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Merlot, 4% Cabernet Franc
This Sommelier Selection Cabernet Sauvignon, is soft and
elegant, supported by a lovely structure. Its expressive nose
is complimented by a very lush and velvety mouthfeel.
Cabernet Sauvignon, Stratton Lummis, CA
Half of the grapes come from around Oakville, the
wines from this area are extremely rich and
elegant, and the other half come from Rutherford.
These two areas enriched each other when blended
A real serious cab with soft tannins and
light oak in perfect balance.
Cabernet Sauvignon, Santa Lucia, (Maremma)
100% Cabernet Sauvignon from the Maremma Toscana.
Dark red, opulent, round, and ripe. Soft tannins and silky.
Only 416 cases made.
Cabernet Franc, Dare, Viader, (Napa)
Beautiful cherry red with aromas of red berries, plums,
sweet spices. On the palate, the wine shows enticing flavors of black
cherries and strawberries supported by velvety tannins.
Fully integrated oak flavors and well-defined mid palate.
Finishes with dusty tannins and lingering sweet fruit.
Cabernet Sauvignon, Caymus, (Napa)
Powerful aromas of ripe blackberry and dark cherry, with notes
of vanilla, cocoa and rose petal. In the mouth the wine exudes richness
and a finely-grained "cocoa" texture with low acidity expressing breadth
and richness on the palate. Our bottling of Napa Cabernet Sauvignon
is dark, opulent and
supple, and clearly expresses the Caymus style.
Cabernet Sauvignon, Shafer, One Point Five
99% Cabernet Sauvignon, 1% Petit Verdot, from The Stags Leap District. Dense purple color, aromas of pure, elegant black fruit, dark chocolate, and spice, followed by
rich, juicy flavors of blackberry and black cherry, chocolate, and cedar, with ripe, smooth tannins and a long finish.
Medium to full-bodied with good acidity, a voluptuous texture and impressive purity and length.
Cabernet Sauvignon, Jarvis, (Napa)
This 100% Cabernet Sauvignon shows rich ripe flavors and
complexity of fruit from start to finish. Twenty four month of aging
in new French oak Barrels contributes a beautiful toasty vanilla character
to its rich raspberry intense aroma. Once in a bottle, this wine received an additional 3 year of cave aging. Unfined and unfiltered.
Cabernet S., Caymus, "Special Selection"
Deep garnet color. Beautifully concentrated dark berry and cassis aromas
lead to flavors of black cherry, blueberry, ripe currant and cocoa, nicely balanced with toasty oak. The wine has a lush, expansive
mouthfeel with soft tannins and firm texture. Long
finish with powerful impressions of fruit. Rich and well structured.
Cabernet Sauv., Halo, RSV. Trefethen, 2004 (Napa)
96% Cabernet Sauvignon, 4% Petit verdot. Oaknol District
100% Hillspring Vineyard, 29 month in French Oak.
Aromas of blackberries, bay leaves, and eucalyptus. Subtle notes of
tobacco, smoke, and hearth, dance in the background, deriving from
the soil itself. This vintage is exceptionally balanced and complex with
additional flavors of dried black cherries, raspberries, etc. and a long
spicy finish of black pepper, nutmeg, and thyme.
Brunello, Col D'Orcia, (Toscana)
Spicy, rich, ripe, friendly on the palate with flavors of black cherry and notes of cedar. The tannins are soft making this wine more accessible and easier to drink. An exceptional value.
Brunello di Montalcino, Altesino, (Toscana)
Made from 100% Sangiovese Grosso grapes hand harvested.
Aged for three and a half years in Slovenian oak.
The ruby red color tends toward garner with age. The bouquet
displays ample aromas of violet, wild berries, tobacco, chocolate
and vanilla on the palate. Is rich, full- bodied and velvety with
juicy tannins framing a balanced acidity.
Brunello, Greppone Mazzi, Ruffino, 2004
Ruby red with garnet hues. Displays a full-bodied
structure. It is lush and enveloping on the palate, with soft
tannins and a tight, vibrating texture, full of fruity notes.
Deep floral bouquet, with a long and lingering aftertaste.
Brunello di Montalcino, Poggio Antico, 2000 Riserva
The nectar of kings, queens and popes.
Brunello (the little dark one) is a Tuscan dialect name for a
particular strain of Sangiovese grown in Montalcino, where
drier, hotter and more Mediterranean climate produce a
muscular grape capable of making
a rich, dark, concentrated
red (heavier and more tannic than Chianti).
Deep ruby color with aromas of blackberry and licorice.
Full-bodied, rounded and concentrated, elegant and
Barolo, G. D.
Vajra, 07, (Piemonte)
100 % Nebbiolo grape
Less tannic, more approachable, fruit-driven barolo.
The structure is more like a serious Langhe Nebbiolo
with extra density at mid-palate and texture that few nebbiolos have. Beautiful bouquet, good fruit intensity but not heavy.
Barolo Castiglione, Vietti, (Piemonte)
100% Nebiolo
Warm, dense and full-bodied. Flows effortlessly across
the palate with generous fruit and fabulous overall balance.
Mature and opulent with a nice underlying structure.
Barolo, Prunotto, DOCG, 2001, (Piemonte)
The wine is ruby red with orange reflections. The nose is full with hints of dry roses and violets. With maturity, truffles come through in the perfume. This Barolo is dry, full bodied, and elegant with an ideal balance of alcohol, acidity, and tannin.
Barolo, Pio Cesare, (Piemonte)
100% Nebbiolo grapes.
The color is an intense glossy garnet with orange
reflections. The bouquet is ethereal with very pretty
plum and fresh flower aromas follow through to a full
bodied palate with velvety tannins and a long long
finish. Layered and serious, dry and austere.
Barolo, Riserva, Salvano, 2001 (Piemonte)
Barolo is undoubtedly the most prestigious Italian wine and a milestone in the Piedmont and Langhe tradition. The Barolo Riserva Selezione Vinorum from Salvano is an excellent example of this prestigious wine. Ruby red in color with orange hues, an intense bouquet with scents of violets and a full body. At least five years ageing in oak barrels give the wine its traditional dry and velvety taste.
Barolo Rapet, Ca'Rome, 07, (Piemonte)
Is made exclusively from the Nebbiolo grapes of the
Serralunga vineyard. Sublime bouquet, magnificent structure, full-bodied, rich tannins, with a delightful long finish. So fragrant and complex, this wine is a real show-stopper and a tribute to Barolo's great legacy.
Barolo, Luigi Einaudi, Costa Grimaldi (Piemonte)
The Estate was founded in 1897
by Luigi Einaudi,
first president of the Italian Republic. Today, direct
descendants owned the State and Winery.
Garnet red wit austere and velvety
on the palate, with long finish of goudron and spice.
In time the wine is fine tuned to greater complexity
acquiring notes of truffles and leather.
Langhe, Gaja, Sperss, Nebbiolo, 2001, (Piemonte)
94% Nebbiolo, 6% Barbera.
Displays the austere character typical of Serralunga
terroir: deep, structure and lots of ripe tannins. Dense,
this beautifully integrated wine
possesses low acidity as well as a terrific finish.
Barbaresco, Bel Colle, Verduno, Italy
Bel Colle is a small winery
located in the Barolo area of Piedmont. This wine is made with Nebbiolo grapes from the Barbaresco and Treiso communes, is aged in Slovenian oak casks for 12 to 24 months.
The red garnet color acquires orange highlights with aging.
The bouquet has flowery and dry fruit
fragrances with pleasant spicy notes.
Barbaresco, Moccagatta, (Piemonte)
Moccagatta bottles 3 Barbarescos from 3 crus of radically different character: (Basarin, Cole and Bric Balin). The "Bric Balin" is the
jewel of the estate. Mature entirely in part-new
barrique, it is an elegant, velvety wine with dense red
fruits, cocoa and spice. Dry, full-bodied, rich, warm, silky tannins and a long finish. Lots going on.
Barbaresco, Pio Cesare, Alba, Italy
Pio Cesare has been producing wines since 1881.
This wine has quiet class and
grace with an elegant body.
It is glossy garnet in color with light ruby shades.
The bouquet is
intense and fragrant, with a hint of violets, cinnamon and vanilla.
The palate is dry, full and vigorous, with overtones of peach. 100% Nebbiolo.
Passo IGT, Stefano Accordini, 06, (Valpolicella)
60% Corvina, 15% Rondinella, 15% Cabernet Sauv., 10% Merlot
Deep red with violet shades. Pleasant spicy bouquet with
scent of ripe red fruit. Warm, rich, and well structured.
The 2006 vintage in Valpolicella was one of the best of the last decade. This wine was made with the same technique
as an Amarone. Age 12 month in new French Oak.
Amarone Della Valpolicella, Ca' Bertoldi
Well structured, rich, lots of fruit. Made from
Corvina, Corvinone and Rondinella grapes in the
traditional method of "Withering" where grapes are
left in fruit-drying rooms for a natural super-
ripening and drying
month before pressing.
Recioto della Valpolicella, Vantini, (Veneto)
This sweet red wine made with the same grapes as the
Amarone but is bottled earlier. Is sweet, dark red, full bodied,
velvety and delicate with aromas of dry
Pronounced and
harmonious with a sweet expression
and a lingering aftertaste.
Bertani, Villa Arvedi, (Veneto)
The grapes come from the Valpantena hills, the only "cru" denomination in Valpolicella. The color: intense purple.
Full-bodied, vibrant red fruit flavors, soft, supple tannins.
70 % Corvina Veronese, 30% Rondinella.
Amarone Della Valpolicella, Zonin, (Veneto)
great wine made from grapes subjected to
drying on grates until the end of January. The
result is a full- bodied, balanced, silky and
elegantly structured wine with aromas of ripe
cherries and jam blend with notes of chocolate
and spices.
Amarone Classico, Costasera, Masi, (Veneto)
Grape varieties:70% Corvina, 25% Rondinella, 5% Molinara
Deep ruby red with aromas of ripe fruit and cherry jam.
Clean on the palate, smooth and well structured.
Full-bodied. Long and delicate finish with hints of
cinnamon andVanilla.
Super Tuscan, Poggibano, San Felice (Maremma Toscana)
60% Merlot and 40% Casbernet Sauvignon.
This blend makes a full bodied, dark red, dry and rich
in tannins wine. Produced in the Tuscan Maremma
where the weather and soils are extremely favorable
for producing great wines with austere character.
Super Tuscan, Sorbaiano Rosso delle Miniere
This Super Tuscan is a dry, full bodied wine with chewy
tannins and aromas of dried fruit.
Dark red color well structured and beautifully crafted.
Made with 60% Sangiovese, 30% Cabernet Franc and
10% Malvasia Nera.
Super Tuscan, Modus, Ruffino, 2007, (Toscana)
50% Sangiovese, 25% Cabernet Sauvignon, 25% Merlot
Ruby red with garnet hues. Complex bouquet with intense notes of mature fruit and hints of spices.
Lush and impressive, full-bodied structure, eriched by the
finesse of its silky tannins. Persistent finish with an aftertaste
of blackberry and cocoa.
#25 Wine Spectator Top 100 wines of 2010
Super Tuscan, Vigorello, San Felice, (Toscana)
The first &Super Tuscan& Wine Spectator &90.& Wonderful berries, chocolate, and cherries on the nose follow through to a medium to full-bodied palate. Fine tannins and vanilla aftertaste in a beautiful blend of 60% Sangiovese and 40% Cabernet Sauvignon.
GAJA Ca Marcanda Magari, (Maremma)
Deep garnet with blue tinges. Lush Merlot fruit and
spicy Cabernet aromas. Magari showcases the essence
of the upper Maremma. It's full, rich, well-rounded
wine, with an elegant, silky finish. W.S. 92
50% Merlot, 25% Cabernet Sauv., 25% Cabernet Franc.
Tignanello, Antinori, (Toscana)
Founded in 1385, Antinori is one of the oldest wineries in Italy. This vintage, 1997, was one of the great years of production for this revered producer. The wine is a super concentrated blend of Sangiovese and Cabernet with an immense amount of tar in the nose with hints of cracked black pepper, bell pepper, cedar and licorice notes. Here is one of the most sought-after vintage Tuscan reds.
Guado al Tasso, Antinori, 2008, (Bolgheri)
On the nose the wine shows elegant notes of toasted oak, coffee, and spices followed by aromas of plums and black currants. On the palate, the initial impact is soft but firm with a vein of acidity which gives greater freshness and crispness than usual. The tannins are extremely elegant and the aftertaste is very persistent, with sustained and lingering notes of the coffee, berry fruit, and toasted oak. WE 98
65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20 % Merlot, 12% Cabernet Franc, 3% Petit Verdot
Castello Dei Rampolla, Sammarco, 1990 (Toscana)
85% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Sangiovese.
Exhibits complex aromas of mixed berry fruit, dry cranberry and minerals. The rich flavors lurking in the full-bodied palate precisely reflect the nose and finish long with ripe, yet tongue-clenching tannins. Remarkable body and extract.
Special Note on the 1990:
Garnet shades edge the medium ruby core. The 1990 has evolved gracefully and now exhibits complex aromas of mixed berry fruit, dried cranberry and mineral. The fruit is gradually turning leaner with time, evolving into secondary characteristics of tobacco leaf, dried pine needles and orange peel. Though more austere than in its younger days, this wine still possesses remarkable body and extract.
Sigalus, Vin De Pays d'OC, (Languedoc)
50% Cabernet Sauvignon, 50% Merlot
This estate wine is highly concentrated with very ripe black fruits.
Lush and rich aromas, deep and complex, with strong velvety tannins. Aged for 12 month in French Oak. Unfiltered.
Magrez Tivoli, Haut Medoc, (Bordeaux)
42% Merlot, 58% Cabernet Sauvignon.
The grapes are hand- picked and manually destemmed.
The wine is run off directly into new French oak
barrels for malolactic fermentation and aged for 18
Deep red with a full body.
Chateau Latour, Pauillac, 1999 (Bordeaux)
75% Cabernet Sauv.. 20% Merlot, 4% Cabernet Franc, 1% Petit Verdot
Wine Spectator 93
Full-bodied red-ruby, shows blackberry aromas,
with a hint of spice, firm but gentle tannins and
dark chocolate and coffee aftertaste. Long,
long finish. Just sensational texture and balance.
Chateau Margaux, Grand Cru, 1995, (Bordeaux)
75% Cabernet Sauv 20% Merlot, 2% Cabernet Franc,
3% Petit Verdot.
Wine Spectator 100
1995 is a true great vintage with all the hallmark
characteristics: power, depth, richness, complexity,
subtlety and harmony. Elegant in every way with
flavors of fruits, spices and spring flowers. This full
bodied wine has plenty of tannins and flavors that are
delicious and that linger on and on. Aged 18
months to two years in oak after which the wine
is refined but not filtered.
One of the best known wines in the world.
Port, "Unfiltered", Ramos Pinto, Douro, Portugal
This unfiltered vintage is a blend of several excellent
vintages aged in wood for six years.
This ruby port has a vibrant youthful color with dry plum, fig and berry scents.
Rich, subtle wine with fine, generous
structure and remarkable persistence.
Churchill's, 10 year old Tawny Port, (Douro, P.)
This Tawny starts its life like young Vintage Port.
Although fully aged in wood, it still retain the freshness
of youth, which is reflected its
darker brick red colour and
lively flavors. It has an impeccable definition and richness,
a velvety texture and a long lusty finish.
Port, Vintage, Ramos Pinto, Douro
Opaque purple color. On the nose great complexity, ripe black fruits with a mineral hint. On the palate huge concentration and tannic structure, fine acidity.
Less than one fourth of the wine produced by this vineyard is selected to be bottled as Vintage Port.
Don Pedro Ximenez, Grand Reserva 1982
From Bodegas Toro Albala.
Grapes are carefully harvested and concentrated by the sun
to produce Don PX Grand Reserva, which is quietly aged in oak for dozens of years prior to its bottling and shipment. Just an amazing dessert wine!
Pinot Noir Deglace, Adelsheim, OR.
1/2 btl 70.00
A rare dessert wine from Pinot Noir grapes frozen
harvest and then pressed after partial thawing.
Apricot pink in color with strawberry, nectarine, and
orange blossom aromas.
Enough acid to be in
perfect balance to accompany fruit sorbets, apple
tarts or chocolate.
Vin Santo, Vigna del Papa, (Toscana)
From choice Trebbiano and Malvasia grapes, withered, then soft- pressed and barrique-aged for 5 years.
Medium-sweet, full bodied, high acidity with superb roasted fruit and salty mineral notes. &Devinely inspired.&
Sauternes, Château Doisy-Vedrines, (Bordeaux)
80% Semillon, 15% S. Blanc and 5% Muscadelle grapes.
The color is yellow gold with a beautiful brightness. Super intense aromas of dried pineapple, apple tart and Pecan pie with honey. Full bodied and medium-sweet with lovely honey character and a medium finish. Aged for 18 to 20 month in new Oak barriques. It needs at list 5 years of bottle aging
Moscato D'Asti, Di Gresy, (Piemonte)
1/2 btl 25.00
Naturally fermented, this fruity Moscato is
delightfully light drinking with a long, but crisp finish. Often lends itself to appetizers as well. Sweet sparkling dessert wine.
New To Our Wine List
Quintessa, Red Meritage, 2008, (Rutherford, Napa)
Blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc,
Carmenere. Aged 20 month in Oak Barrels.
Rich deep red with aromas of plum and raspberry.
The wine enters the palate with sweet red currant, plum
fruit flavors and a silky mouthfeel. Concentrated dark
flavors emerge with succulent balanced tannins, well
integrated oak and sweetness from the rich, ripe fruit.
Barolo Sori, Conterno Fantino, 06, (Piemonte)
100% select Nebbiolo Cru from southern exposed vines.
Saturated ruby red with aromas of raspberry, coffee,
smoked minerals and flowers. Massive and intense with
powerful, dense fruit and peppery nuances. Its incredible
opulence and texture thoroughly buffer the tannins
allowing the finish to express outstanding sweetness and
persistence. Best after 2014.
Tenuta dell'Ornellaia. 2004, (Bolgheri )
60% Cabernet Sauv. 25% Merlot, 12% Cabernet Franc, 3%PetitVerdot 2004 can be considered as one of the major expressions of Ornellaia and represents an excellent example of a classic vintage in Bolgheri. The ideal conditions during the growing season lead to a perfect combination of ripeness, flavour complexity and finesse. The velvety opulence of the Merlot is balanced out by the racy and elegant tannic structure of the Cabernets, which are further amplified by the small addition of Petit Verdot.
WE 98 WS 97 WA 95
T Vine Grenache, 2007, (Napa)
100% Grenache from Frediani's Vineyard old vines. Aged
11 month in one year-old seasoned French oak.
This wine is made in a South France style that works to
preserve the natural characteristics of the fruit.
An amazing bouquet or ripe fruit and flowers. In the palate
is an explosion of unique, intense flavors that are perfectly
balanced with rich tannins and a chewy finish. Lots of fruit.
525 cases made.
Shafer, Cabernet Sauv. Hillside Select, 2007, (Napa)
100% Cabernet Sauvignon sourced from Shafer Stags Leap
Estate. This release displays classic Stags Leap District beauty with rich, perfumy aromatics that seem to push out of the bottle. The flavors of blackberry, cassis, black cherry, warm plum pie, dark chocolate, and a touch of vanilla are elegant and mouth filling, with ripe and refined tannins. Aged for three years in oak barrels, and one year in the bottle prior to release.
Robert Parker 98
Cliff Lede, Poetry, Cabernet Sauvignon, 2008, (Napa)
78% Cabernet Sauv, 11% Cab. Franc, 8% Merlot, 2% Petit Verdot, 1% Malbec
Seductive aromas of raspberry mousse, violets, allspice and graphite emanate from the glass. The palate is a combination of power and finesse. Rich layers of chocolate and cassis develop quickly in the mid-palate supported by a classic Stags Leap minerality. Luscious, soft, rounded tannins extend into the lengthy finish. It has it all! 960 cases made.
Robert Parker 93
Prices subject to change
Serving Dinner Tuesday through Sunday • 5pm - 10pmReservations Recommended, Call 386-258-0011 • Attire: Business Casual
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