
I have many hobbies, such as, reading books, listening to music, collecting stamps and so on. But my favourite is playing badminton. When I was six years old, my mother began to teach me how to play badminton. The white ball flew in the air and it was very beautiful and exciting. So from then on I l的翻译:我有许多的爱好,例如,读的书,听听音乐、 集邮等。但我的最爱打羽毛球。六岁的时候,我的母亲开始教我如何去打羽毛球。白球飞在空中,非常漂亮,非常令人兴奋。所以,从此以后,我喜欢打羽毛球。更重要的是,我觉得打羽毛球是使强和健康的最佳方法之一。它也可以让我很多朋友。我经常放学后和朋友打羽毛球。有时我玩它我母亲和我的朋友们在周末。当我打羽毛球时,我忘了我所有的忧虑,它带给我很多的 happinesss。长大了,我想成为一名羽毛球运动员。所以我必须发挥得很好。我现在有一个羽毛球的教训,我现在正在进步很大。我相信我可以很好打羽毛球和我的梦想会成真。 什么意思?中文翻译英文,英文翻译中文,怎么说?
I have many hobbies, such as, reading books, listening to music, collecting stamps and so on. But my favourite is playing badminton. When I was six years old, my mother began to teach me how to play badminton. The white ball flew in the air and it was very beautiful and exciting. So from then on I l
我有许多的爱好,例如,读的书,听听音乐、 集邮等。但我的最爱打羽毛球。六岁的时候,我的母亲开始教我如何去打羽毛球。白球飞在空中,非常漂亮,非常令人兴奋。所以,从此以后,我喜欢打羽毛球。更重要的是,我觉得打羽毛球是使强和健康的最佳方法之一。它也可以让我很多朋友。我经常放学后和朋友打羽毛球。有时我玩它我母亲和我的朋友们在周末。当我打羽毛球时,我忘了我所有的忧虑,它带给我很多的 happinesss。长大了,我想成为一名羽毛球运动员。所以我必须发挥得很好。我现在有一个羽毛球的教训,我现在正在进步很大。我相信我可以很好打羽毛球和我的梦想会成真。
我的爱好,例如,看书,听音乐、搜集邮票等。 但我最喜欢的是打羽毛球。 当我是六岁,妈妈开始教导我如何发挥羽毛球。 白球飞在空中,它也很美丽,令人振奋。 因此,从那时我喜欢打羽毛球。 更令人鼓舞的是,我认为打羽毛球的最佳途径之一是,使强大和健康。 它也可以让我很多的朋友。 我经常发挥羽毛球与我的朋友在学校。
我有许多的爱好,例如,读的书,听听音乐、 集邮等。但我的最爱打羽毛球。六岁的时候,我的母亲开始教我如何去打羽毛球。白球飞在空中,非常漂亮,非常令人兴奋。所以,从此以后,我喜欢打羽毛球。更重要的是,我觉得打羽毛球是使强和健康的最佳方法之一。它也可以让我很多朋友。我经常放学后和朋友打羽毛球。有时我玩它我母亲和我的朋友们在周末。当我打羽毛球时,我忘了我所有的忧虑,它带给我很多的 happinesss。长大了,我想成为一名羽毛球运动员。所以我必须发挥得很好。我现在有一个羽毛球的教训,我现在正在进步很大。我相信我可以很好打羽毛球和我的梦想会成真。它们在很多地方对我们的健康有害翻译_百度知道
They are harmful to us in many way互搐皋诽薤赌鸽涩龚绩s
They do us harm in many ways.
They are harmful to our health
in many ways.
It's bad for our health in many aspects
Eating too much ice cream is bad for our health,so I never eat them.
提问者 的感言:太谢谢你了,帮我完成了作业。
其他回答 (1)
Too much ice-cream is bad for our health,so we can't
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There are many benefits of electronic dictionary, the first is its convenience, and the second is to provide pronunciation, and the third is that it also comes with other functions, such as the calculator can do. Of course, it also has its bad parts, the first is harmful to our eyes and affect visio
There are many advantages of electronic dictionary, the first of which is convenient, it is the first 2 may be provided, the pronunciation is that it also comes with 3 other functions such as it can be done. It was, of course, it also has its bad places, the first one is harmful to our eyes, and aff
The electronic dictionary advantage has very much, first is it facilitates quickly, second is may provide the pronunciation, third is it also supplements other functions, for instance may make the calculator.Certainly, it also has it not good place, first is harmful to our eye, affects the vision, s
Electronic dictionary has many of the benefits, the first is it convenient, the second is to provide the pronunciation, and the third is that it also comes with other features, such as calculators can do. Of course, it also has its bad places, the first is bad for our eyes, vision acuity, the second
Electronic dictionary has many of the benefits, the first is it convenient, the second is to provide the pronunciation, and the third is that it also comes with other features, such as calculators can do. Of course, it also has its bad places, the first is bad for our eyes, vision acuity, the second
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Many of us spend a large chunk of our waking lives at work, but rarely do we give much thought to how our on-the-clock environment might be affecting how we feel around the clock.很多人大部分醒着的时间都在工作,却很少想过工作环境会对自身的情绪带来怎样的影响。
Open offices could be making you unproductive and unhappy.开放式办公室可能会使你效率低下、情绪低落。
A 2011 review of studies examining the effects of various types of office environments found that open offices -- though they do tend to foster a spirit of innovation and a collective mission -- can have a negative impact on workers when it comes to focus, productivity, creativity and job satisfaction, the New Yorker reported.& 2011年据《纽约客》报道,一则检验不同工作环境影响的研究评论发现,开放式办公室原以为可以促发创新精神和团结合作,但其实却对员工的专注力、效率、创造力以及工作满意度等方面有着消极影响。
Employees in open offices may also experience higher stress levels and less concentration and motivation than those working in standard offices. This may be in part due to the fact that interruptions are more frequently experienced by employees in open offices, which can be a major hindrance to productivity. 较之于在标准办公室工作的员工,开放式办公室的员工还可能遇到更大压力,专注力和动力也会被削弱。一方面,这可能是因为在开放式办公室,员工更容易被频繁打扰,进而极大影响了工作效率。
A 2013 study of 42,000 U.S. workers also found that employees with private offices were more satisfied at work than those who worked in open spaces.2013年,一份调查了4.2万位美国员工的研究发现,拥有个人办公室的员工要比在开放式环境下办公的员工更满足。
Your work environment could be upping your stress levels.你的工作环境可能会增加你的压力。
More than eight in 10 U.S. workers report being stressed about their jobs, and a
poll found that 42 percent of U.S. workers have left a job due to an excessively stressful environment. The same poll also found that 61 percent of American workers believe that work stress has been a cause of illness for them.超过8/10的美国员工表示对自己的工作倍感压力。最近,网站的一项调查也发现,由于工作环境压力太大,42%的美国员工选择了辞职;该调查还发现,61%的美国员工认为工作压力已经成了他们生病的致因。
A Cornell study, cited by the New Yorker, also found that workers who were exposed to the noise level of an open office for three hours had higher levels of the hormone known as&, which is associated with the body's stress response.《纽约客》杂志引用的一项康奈尔研究也发现,处于嘈杂的开放式办公室长达3小时的员工更容易出现肾上腺素增高,而该激素和人体压力大有关联。
You may be more susceptible to getting sick.你可能会更容易生病。
One in four U.S. employees goes to work sick, according to a recent survey by NSF International, and particularly in an open office environment, it's easy to see how colds can get passed around.根据NSF机构的近期调查,1/4的美国员工带病上班,尤其在开放式办公环境,感冒细菌就很容易传染。
Poor air quality can also contribute to illness. The air inside a commercial building can sometimes be up to 100 times more polluted than the air outside, Bloomberg Businessweek reported.糟糕的空气质量也会导致生病。据《彭博商业周刊》报道,商业楼里的空气有时要比户外空气脏100倍。
A noisy workspace could be killing your concentration.嘈杂的工作环境可能会扼杀你的专注力。
With phones ringing and colleagues chatting, typing and moving around, open offices are notoriously noisy and distracting -- and the sound levels can have a significant impact on worker well-being. A 2006 UCSF study found that workers in open offices were more likely to perceive noise than those in
offices, in addition to temperature-related discomfort and poor air quality.伴着电话铃声、同事聊天声、敲击键盘和走动的声音,开放式办公室变得非常嘈杂分神,而且噪音会极大危害员工的健康。2006年,加州大学旧金山分校的一项研究发现,相对于单独办公的员工,开放式环境里的员工更容易察觉到噪音、温度带来的不适以及糟糕的空气质量。
Noise-related distractions in open offices are the &enemy of focus,& Diane Hoskins, co-chief executive of the Gensler architecture firm, told the New York Times, adding, &It&s meaningful time that&s being lost.&&开放式办公室内的噪音类干扰是专注的头敌。& Gensler建筑公司的联合总裁戴安-霍斯金斯对《纽约时报》说道,&宝贵的时间会因此而被浪费。&
A sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of disease.久坐的工作方式增加患病风险。
We've all heard that &sitting is the new smoking,& and it might actually be true: Your desk job could literally be killing you.我们都听过&久坐如同吸烟&的说法,其实这一说法很可能是正确的:你的伏案工作确实会加害于你。
In many offices, sitting at a desk in front of a computer screen is the only acceptable way to go about your everyday work. Research has linked a
lifestyle -- the kind many desk
lead -- with a higher risk of diabetes and
events. Sitting at a desk all day can also contribute to aches and pains, while staring at a computer screen for hours on end can trigger vision problems and headaches.在很多办公室,面对电脑坐着办公是能够搞定日常工作的唯一方式。研究发现,不少人都经历的久坐生活方式很容易诱发糖尿病和心血管病。全天坐在办公桌前也会导致腰酸背痛,而且,持续盯着电脑屏幕也会造成视力问题和头痛现象。
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