英语xx变了作文500字,xx knows best,写某个家庭成员对自己的爱,80字左右,谢谢

你可能喜欢以MY FAMILY为题写一篇不少于80字的英语作文家庭成员:父亲走船,爷爷奶奶妈妈在家务农,我们的家和和美美,非常温馨.大意是这样,可以添加,尽量80字左右谢谢了_百度作业帮
以MY FAMILY为题写一篇不少于80字的英语作文家庭成员:父亲走船,爷爷奶奶妈妈在家务农,我们的家和和美美,非常温馨.大意是这样,可以添加,尽量80字左右谢谢了
以MY FAMILY为题写一篇不少于80字的英语作文家庭成员:父亲走船,爷爷奶奶妈妈在家务农,我们的家和和美美,非常温馨.大意是这样,可以添加,尽量80字左右谢谢了
“我家里有五口人.他们是我的父亲,我的母亲,我的祖父母和我 .我的父亲是一位船夫和他走船.我的爷爷和奶奶都很健康.他们和我的母亲在家里干农活.他们非常善良,勤劳.我们彼此非常相爱.我们的家庭是非常温馨甜蜜.”英文:"There are five people in my family.They are my father,my mother,my grandparents and my.My father is a boatman and he walks ships.My grandpa and grandma are very healthy.They and my mother do farm work at home.They are very kind andhardworking.We love each other very much.Our family is very warm and sweet."英语作文,xx knows best,写某个家庭成员对自己的爱,80字左右,_百度作业帮
英语作文,xx knows best,写某个家庭成员对自己的爱,80字左右,
英语作文,xx knows best,写某个家庭成员对自己的爱,80字左右,
可以从祖国历年来的巨变来写会很不错.第一,可以罗列中国的悠久历史文化,顺便引用一些有名的古诗,列举文化名著; 第二,举例子,用中国近年来发生的大事,比如汶川大地震,金融危机,嫦娥一号的发射,北京奥运会的举行,60周年国庆阅兵; 第...英语作文,xx knows best,写某个家庭成员对自己的爱,80字左右,_百度作业帮
英语作文,xx knows best,写某个家庭成员对自己的爱,80字左右,
英语作文,xx knows best,写某个家庭成员对自己的爱,80字左右,
1.我心中的风景 在漫长的生命长河中,时间在慢慢的消逝,但是生命一些美好的瞬间刻在了我们心中.它也许没有那么的令人震撼,没有那么的精彩动人.而在我们心中却是那么的美好.在我的心中,有一幅美好的画面.那是在一个炎热的夏天,我去我小...英语作文 dad knows best_百度作业帮
英语作文 dad knows best
英语作文 dad knows best
The process of Özil's departure from Real Madrid began at the end of last season. Özil and his father asked for a contract extension to 2019 and €7 million after tax per season. But the club made its intentions clear: "Now is not the time".The player's father was very upset when he left the offices at the Bernabéu and began to put feelers in the market with the aim of pressuring Madrid with worldwide bids. At the same time, he constantly told his son that the club did not value him and that he should think about changing teams. Thanks to his father's insistence, the player began to believe what he was told."He loved Real Madrid, but they have done his head in", said a person who has accompanied the player throughout his career. "He doesn´t know what he has done yet, but in a few weeks he'll realise what a mistake he's made. I hope I'm wrong, but his father may have put a finish to his career with this decision. He was going to be a legend in Madrid, but we'll see what happens when he is training in the rain at Arsenal with lower-level players".望采纳!


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