no harm no foul是什么意思

no harm的用法和样例:
He means no harm to anyone.
He may not be able to help but there's no harm in asking him.
I'll go with her to make sure she comes to no harm.
No harm can come of trying.
Causing no harm; harmless.
无恶果的; 无害的
If we do not flatter ourselves, the flattery of others will do us no harm.
The problem may not arise, but there's no harm in keeping our powder dry.
no harm的海词问答与网友补充:
no harm的相关资料:
Self - harm is really a broad term for many acts which cause personal harm.
He has never exhibited the self-confidence, bordering on arrogance, of his predecessor.
I felt so self-conscious under Luke's mother's intense gaze.
But now he's returned to his former self.
It ruins people's sense of self-worth, dignity.
To believe otherwise is to delude one's self.
然而自爱有时候会导致自我伤害(self-harm),因为自爱会产生对自己的过高估计,从而形成自我欺骗(self-deceit),自欺欺人通常 …
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deliberate self-harm
蓄意自伤 “自杀未遂”(attempted suicide)(也称为蓄意自伤(deliberate self-harm)) 是指试图杀死自己或故意伤害自己。这比自杀死亡 (completed suicide) 要常见得多。 原因.
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self - harm
自残 intervention on self - harm of adolescents ., 青少年自残行为及其干预.
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a history of self-harm deliberately
蓄意地 people with a history of self-harm deliberately inflict injury upon themselves , for example , by cutting or burning themselves or an overdose .的人会蓄意地伤害自己,比如,用刀割自己、烧伤自己或者过量使用物质。
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i请填写生词本名称!当前位置: &
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中文翻译英英解释n.损害,伤害;危害。 no harm done 没有人受伤,一切平安无事。 There is no harm in trying. 不妨试试。 mean [think] no harm 并没有恶意。 come to harm 遭不幸,受害。 do sb. harm = do harm (to) sb. 损害某人。 do no harm 无害。 keep out of harm's way 保持安全,避免损伤。 Harm set, harm get. = Harm watch, harm catch. 〔谚语〕害人终害己。vt.损害,伤害,危害。
例句与用法1.I have done nothing to harm anyone .我没有做过伤害任何人的任何事情。2.A man 's hat in hand never did him any harm ...对人恭敬于己无害。3.She prayed to god to keep her son from harm .她祈祷上帝保佑儿子平安。4.In this affair it can only do harm .关于这件事,它只会带来坏处。5.Unprincipled accommodation will do harm to him .无原则的迁就对他有害。6.The dissemination of error does people great harm .谬种流传,误人不浅。7.It is your duty to protect them from harm .保护他们不受伤害是你的责任。8.No harm shall come to you while i stand by .只要我在这里,决不让你受苦。9.As yet the harm done was small .顶到现在,所惹的祸还不算大呢。10.It would doubtlessly do bertha no harm .这对伯莎肯定是无害的。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
相邻词汇热门词汇irreparable harm的用法和样例:
I don't bear malice, but the fact remains that she did me the most irreparable harm.
I don't bear malice,but the fact remains that she did me the most irreparable harm.
Judge Robert Patterson said in a ruling Ms Rowling, 43, had proven Steven Vander Ark's Harry Potter Lexicon would cause her irreparable harm as a writer.
He was a demon who had murdered countless innocents, spread corruption and madness among the beasts of the forest, and nearly caused irreparable harm to Azeroth.
But I had to make my choice.I had either to submit to a system which I considered has done an irreparable harm to my country or incur the risk of the mad fury of my people bursting forth when they understood the truth from my lips.
Party B hereto acknowledges that any breach of this obligation by Party B of this Section will cause Party A irreparable harm, which may not be compensable by monetary damages along.
irreparable harm的海词问答与网友补充:
irreparable harm的相关资料:
相关词典网站:do harm to sb是什么意思? 有do harm for sb吗?(如果有的话是什么意思?)_百度作业帮
do harm to sb是什么意思? 有do harm for sb吗?(如果有的话是什么意思?)
do harm to sb是什么意思? 有do harm for sb吗?(如果有的话是什么意思?)
=be harmful to sb,意为对某人有害,后面没有的,harm和sb就这一种用法
do harm to sb 是对某人有害
do harm to sb对某人造成伤害。对某人有害貌似没有do harm for sb的说法,对某人一般用介词to哈GOGO


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