we go car people transform 这段英文dream car是什么意思思?

Unit 1 攻克堡垒_百度文库
Unit 1 攻克堡垒|
扭转(身体部位),翻动, 把…翻过来
vt. & vi. (使)转动,旋转 cause to move round a point
vt. & vi. (使)改变方向,(使朝某个方向)转弯 (cause to) change position or direction so as to face or start moving in the specified direction
vt. 瞄准,指向 aim or point (sth) in the specified direction
vt. (使)折起,(使)翻转 (cause to) move so as to face in a different direction
vt. & vi. (使)变为,(使)成为 (cause sb/sth to) become
vt. 达到,超过 reach or pass
vt. & vi. (使)变酸 (cause sth to) become sour
vt. & vi. (使)不适,作呕,恶心 (cause sth to) have a sick feeling
[C]转动,旋转 act of turning sth/ turning movement
[C]方向的改变,转折,转折点 point at which this occurs
[C]发展变化,新趋势 development or new tendency in sth
[S]机会; 顺次 a place or an appointed time in a fixed order, that gives one the chance or duty to do sth
[S]惊吓,震惊 nervous shock
turn 在《法律术语英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
转向, ... &&
turn 在《军事术语英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
转向, ... &&
turn 在《外教社财政学英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
(证券等买 ... &&
turn 在《外教社航空航天英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
盘旋 ... &&
turn 在《外教社纺织英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
转,圈,翻 ... &&
turn 在《会展英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
转向, ... &&
turn 在《金融术语英语词典 》APP的缩略释义:
转动, 旋转 ... &&
turn 在《外教社电子通信自控英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
转动 ... &&
"a bend in the road"
"a crook in the path"
the act of changing or reversing the dir
"he took a turn to the right"
(game) the activity of doing something in
"it is my turn"
"it is still my play"
"events suddenly took an awkward turn"
"the turning of the wind"
the act of turning away or in th
"he made an abrupt turn away from her"
turning or twisting around (in place);
"with a quick twist of his head he surveyed the room"
a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else);
"it's my go"
"a spell of work"
(sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive
a short theatrical performance that is part
"he did his act three times every evening"
"she had a catchy little routine"
"it was one of the best numbers he ever did"
"he did me a good turn"
taking a sho
"we took a turn in the park"
change orientation or direction, also i
"Turn towards me"
"The mugger turned and fled before I could see his face"
"She turned from herself and learned to listen to others' needs"
undergo a transformation or a change o
"We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"
"The people turned against the President when he stole the election"
undergo a c
"The water turned into ice"
"Her former friend became her worst enemy"
"He turned traitor"
cause to m
"turn a key"
"turn your palm this way"
"The trend was reversed"
"the tides turned against him"
"public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a White House intern"
"turn the corner"
"move around the obstacle"
pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific p
"The weather turned nasty"
"She grew angry"
let (something) fall or sp
"turn the flour onto a plate"
move around
"The wheels are turning"
cause to move around a center so as to
"turn a page of a book"
"They turned away the crowd at the gate of the governor's mansion"
to break and turn over earth es
"Farmer Jones plowed his east field last week"
"turn the earth in the Spring"
shape by rotating on a lathe or cutti
"turn the legs of the table"
"turn the clay on the wheel"
"In Vermont, the leaves turn early"
twist sudd
"wrench one's ankle"
"The wrestler twisted his shoulder"
"the hikers sprained their ankles when they fell"
"I turned my ankle and couldn't walk for several days"
cause to change or turn intoassume
"The princess turned the frog into a prince by kissing him"
"The alchemists tried to turn lead into gold"
"turn a somersault"
"turn cartwheels"
"the company turned a good profit after a year"
cause to move along an axis or
"turn your face to the wall"
"turn the car around"
"turn your dance partner around"
channel one's attention, interest, thought, or attention toward or
"The pedophile turned to boys for satisfaction"
"people turn to mysticism at the turn of a millennium"
cause (a plastic object) to assume a cro
"bend the rod"
"twist the dough into a braid"
"the strong man could turn an iron bar"
alter the funct
"turn the dial to 10"
"turn the heat down"
"She turned a smile on me"
"They turned their flashlights on the car"
have recourse to or make an appeal or request for he
"She called on her Representative to help her"
"She turned to her relatives for help"
"The milk has soured"
"The wine worked"
"The cream has turned--we have to throw it out"
become offic
"She is turning 50 this year"
用作动词 (v.)
The turbulence caused the plane to turn over.
Men carried corpses in blankets away from the scene and a dozen others tried to turn over a car with two bodies beneath.
At each turn the screw goes in further.
She got up and spun a little turn.
The river turns north at this point.
Nothing will ever turn him from his purpose.
The students clean the classroom everyday in turn.
用作名词 (n.)
It is now his turn to set me up to a nice dinner.
Hold the strap, please. I am making a turn now.
用作动词 (v.)
This tap won't turn.
I pressed the button and the lathe began to turn.
The stock market turned sharply.
He turned and faced her.
They turned and ran.
The tide is turning, we'd better get back.
My head is turning.
At the sight of blood her stomach turned.
The lead pipe has turned from pressure.
The blade of the knife turned in honing.
The knife's edge had turned.
He used to be a linguist till he turns writer.
S+~+ adj.
Maple trees turn crimson in autumn.
The willow twigs swaying in the breeze were turning green.
It was cloudy this morning, but fortunately it has turned fine.
When she saw this, she turned red.
His face turned deathly pale.
S+~+ n./pron.
What turns the wheel?
He turned the screw tight.
Shut the door and turn the bolt.
He turned his head and looked at me.
He turned his horse and rode away.
She turned the steering wheel sharply to the left to avoid a cyclist.
Their votes turned the election.
He was eager to get home and begin turning his ground.
The farmer turned the seeds under with a plow.
His wife turned his shirt collars when they get frayed.
He was idly turning the pages of a magazine.
He could turn a bar of steel.
She turned her ankle while ice-skating.
This hard wood turns the edge of the saw.
It turned the edge of his arguments.
She turned a pirouette on the ice.
The little girl turned a neat circle on the ice.
It has just turned twelve.
She turned seventeen the day she graduated.
Frost turns the leaves early.
The hot weather turned the meat.
The hot weather has turned the milk.
He was turning wood on a lathe.
The stink of the rotten fish turned my stomach.
Sorrow has turned her brain.
Too much praise turned his head.
He turned the question every way but could find no answer.
用于be ~ed结构
His mind was turned by his losses.
His head was not turned with success.
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
Fear turned her pale.
Worry turned the poor old man's hair grey.
The north wind turned the leaves yellow.
The last light of the setting sun turned the entire sky red.
Turn the prisoners loose.
Who turned those children loose in my kitchen with my cooking things?
It would be irresponsible to turn such a man loose on society.
We turned the dog loose.
v -ed as o-Compl.
I had my old suit turned.
v -ing as Attrib.
His induction as a teacher was a turning point in his life.
用作名词 (n.)
Each turn of the wheels brought them nearer home.
He gave the handle a turn.
This loose screw needs a turn or two.
How many turns are necessary?
Don't take the turn too fast.
He made an about turn.
He took a sudden turn to the left.
The path before us is full of twists and turns.
Things took a new turn.
Matters have taken an unexpected turn.
We are waiting for the turn of the tide.
My turn will come.
It's your turn to read now.
Whose turn is it next?
You've missed your turn, so you'll have to wait.
Shall we take a turn in the garden?
Let's go for a turn in the car.
I took a turn on a bicycle just now.
This is a coil of 1000 turns.
The next turn in the show is a song-and-dance act.
The show opened with a comedy turn.
He was of a melancholy turn of mind.
She has a quaint turn to her dress.
He didn't like the turn of the sentence.
You gave me quite a turn when you shouted out like that.
The news gave me quite a turn.
What a turn you have given me!
He had a turn of dizziness.
She's had one of her turns again.
He has done me an ill turn.
One good turn deserves another.
用作动词 (v.)
turn about( v.+adv. )
(使)转过身来 (cause to) face about
turn about
About turn!向后转!
All of a sudden he turned about and saw me.他突然转过身来看见了我。
He suddenly turned about and dashed against me.他突然转过身朝我撞了过来。
Saying that she checked and sharply turned about to hide her face.她说着突然停住了,猛地转身背过脸去。
After swimming a mile, the boys turned about and swan back to the shore.游了一英里之后,孩子们转身游回岸边。
The ship turned about and left the battle.那只船调转船头,退出了战斗。
He saluted smsrtly, about faced, and marched out.他干净利落地敬了个礼,向后转,开步走了出去。
turn sb/sth
The chauffeur turned the sedan about.司机把轿车掉了个头。
反复思考 consider and reconsider in various aspects
He was still turning the question about when he fell asleep.他快要入睡时还在反复考虑这个问题。
turn against( v.+prep. )
(使)转为反对; (使)变成和…敌对 (cause to) change from liking sb/sth to disliking him〔her,it〕
turn against sb/sth
The newspaper turned against the President.报纸转而攻击总统。
The advantage abruptly turned against them.有利的条件突然变得对他们不利起来。
Nothing could make me turn against my country.什么也不能使我背叛我的祖国。
His stomach turned against food.他吃东西时反胃。
turn sb against sb
He tried to turn the children against their mother.他试图使孩子们反抗他们的母亲。
turn around〔round〕 (v.+adv.)
(使)转身,(使)转换方向 (cause to) be in another direction
turn around〔round〕
The little girl turned round and ran to her mother.小女孩转过身来,奔向她母亲。
I turned around and saw Jane was sitting directly behind me.我一转身,就看见简正坐在我的后面。
The oil market turned round very sharply about a week ago.大约一星期以前,石油市场形势突变。
Turn your chair round to the fire.把你的椅子转向火炉。
We've come too far, turn the car round and go back.我们已经走了很远,把车掉过头来往回开吧。
(使)好转 (cause to) change for the better
turn around〔round〕
Do you think our housing sales will turn round during this year?你认为今年我们的住宅销路会好转吗?
We want to turn the economy round.我们要使经济好转。
They turned the situation round for the better.他们扭转了局面。
使变得完全不同,曲解 make an idea or an opinion completely different
He turned my question around so that it sounded foolish.他把我的问题歪曲得听上去愚蠢可笑。
改变意见 change one's idea or argument
turn around〔round〕
He seems to have quite turned round.他似乎完全改变了意见。
〈非正〉作出努力 make an effort
turn around〔round〕
I'd better turn round and get some work done.我最好还是努力做些工作。
完成任务并准备返回 finish one journey and prepare to return
turn around〔round〕
These big ships need half a day to turn round.这些大型船只需要半天时间完成装货再次开航。
I'll send some more men to help you turn the plane round.我将增派人手协助你使飞机起飞返航。
turn aside( v.+adv. )
(使)让开; (使)转变方向 (cause to) turn to one side or in a (cause to) leave the given path
turn aside
He turned aside and let those who were waiting pass by.他闪到一旁,让那些等候的人过去。
She turned aside to hide her blushes.她转过脸去,不让人看见她脸红。
On our journey, we turned aside to see the views.在旅途中,我们改变了原定的路线去看风景。
Never turn aside from the path of rectitude.不可背离正道。
Armor-plate can turn aside bullets.装甲钢板可以把子弹挡开。
They tried to turn aside his anger.他们试图消掉他的怒气。
turn away ( v.+adv. )
转过脸去 move in a direction away from sth/sb
He turned away and refused to listen.他转过脸,不愿再听下去。
She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood.看到这么多血,她恐惧地转过脸去。
I turned away, for the sight was too sad to look at.我转过脸去,因为那情景实在太惨了。
She turned away her face.她把脸转过去。
Please don't turn your head away when I'm trying to kiss you.我要吻你时请别把头扭过去。
拒绝(某人)进入; 拒绝帮助 refuse
refuse to help or support
turn sb/sth
He turned away a beggar from his door.他把乞丐自门口逐走。
He never turned away anyone who asked for his help.任何人来找他帮忙,他都从不拒绝。
The cinema is the seats are all sold.电影院谢绝人们入内,因为票都卖完了。
It's very difficult to he has already turned away three applicants this morning.要想让经理满意实在太难了,今天上午他已经撵走了三位求职者。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The stadium was so full that thousands of fans had to be turned away.体育场已爆满,不得不把数千名球迷拒之门外。
I'm afraid your request for a pay rise has been turned away.恐怕你提出的加薪要求已遭拒绝。
turn back( v.+adv. )
(使)往回走 (cause to) return in the direction from which one has come
We had to turn back because the road was blocked by snow.因为路被雪封住了,所以我们只好往回走。
turn sb/sth
The police turned them back.警察把他们赶回去了。
用于 be ~ed 结构
We were turned back at the frontier.我们在边境那儿被赶了回来。
The children were turned back at the gate.孩子们在门口被挡住了。
They had intended to escape from the country, but they were turned back at the border.他们企图逃离该国,但在边境被挡回。
The wheel of history can never be turned back.历史车轮决不能倒转。
翻起,折转 move so as to face in a different direction
He turned back the coverlet and slipped between the sheets.他掀开床罩,钻进被单里。
Don't turn back the corners of the pages to mark your place.别折书页的角来标明你读到的地方。
turn down( v.+adv. )
减少; 关小 reduce (flame, a sound, etc.) by moving a switch or other control
The housing sales have been turning down since the summer.入夏以来,房屋的销售量日趋减少。
Investments turned down considerably during the economic crisis.在经济危机中,投资大大减少了。
Please turn the radio down. I'm trying to sleep.请把收音机的音量拧小,我想睡觉。
Can you turn the flame down on your cigarette lighter?你能把打火机的火苗拧小一点吗?
Turn the light down, or it will hurt your eyes.把灯拧小点,不然会弄坏你的眼睛。
As the kettle began to sing, he went over to turn down the gas.水壶开始响了,于是他走过去把煤气关小。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The theatre lights were turned down.舞台灯光暗淡下来。
拒绝; 驳回 refuse or reject
turn sb/sth
We have had to turn down four applicants already.我们已不得不拒绝了四位申请者。
She has turned down an invitation to visit that country.邀请她访问那个国家,她没有同意。
I don't understand why they turned down my suggestion.我不明白他们为什么拒绝接受我的建议。
I was selected to be foreman but I turned it down because I didn't want to stay there long.我被选为领班,但我拒绝了,因为我不想在那儿久留。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Why was I turned down for the job?Is it because I'm a woman?为什么不录用我?因为我是女的吗?
The proposal was turned down at the plenary meeting of the committee.在委员会全体会议上,这个建议遭到了拒绝。
His application for a visa was turned down by the consulate.他的签证申请被领事馆拒绝了。
turn in1( v.+adv. )
(使)向内弯曲 (cause to) face or curve inwards
Her feet turn in as she walks.她走路时两脚向内曲成八字形。
My big toe on the right foot turns in.我右脚大拇指向内弯曲。
It was the narrow shoes that turned my toes in.窄紧的鞋把我的脚趾弄得向内弯曲了。
上交,呈交 hand in
The teachers have to turn in the reports at the end of the school year.教师们在学年结束时得交成绩报告单。
Those who want to go are to turn in their application before Friday.想去的人必须在星期五以前提出申请。
He has already turned in his resignation.他已经提交了辞呈。
I'll have to turn it in first.我得先把它交上去。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Our papers have to be turned in one week before the examination.我们的论文必须在考试前一周交上去。
归还,退还 return
They turned in their old uniforms for the new ones.他们交回旧制服,以旧换新。
You must turn in your equipment when you leave the army.你离开部队的时候,应该把一切装备上交。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Tickets may be turned in at the box office.可以在票房退票。
上床睡觉 go to bed
What time do you usually turn in?你一般什么时间上床睡觉?
It's not a good habit to turn in and get up late.晚睡晚起是一种不良的习惯。
The campers usually turned in as it got dark.野营的人通常天一黑就睡觉。
告发,出卖 deliver sb to or put sb under the control of the police, authorities, etc.
turn sb/oneself
I promise never to do it again! Please don't turn me in.我保证再也不做这种事了! 请别告发我。
They turned the man in to the police for smuggling.他们向警察告发了那人,因为他走私。
James is so mercenary that he'd turn in his own mother for the reward money.詹姆斯太唯利是图了,他为领取赏钱竟出卖了自己的母亲。
The escaped criminal decided to turn himself in.那逃犯决定去自首。
放弃; 离开 leave
I'm going to turn in my night shift.我要下夜班了。
Jim decided to turn in his job and look for a new life.吉姆决定放弃那个工作,去寻求新的生活。
I've had enou I'm going to turn it in and go home.今天我工作干得够多了,我不打算再干了,要回家去了。
He is determined to turn in smoking.他决心戒烟。
turn in2( v.+prep. )
开车拐入; 把…转向…
move sth in another direction
turn in sth
The driver had difficulty turning in such a narrow drive.司机很难拐进这么窄的路。
turn sth in sth
He turned his attention in another direction.他把注意力转向另一个方面。
turn inside out( v.+adv.+adv. )
(把…)翻过来 make the inside face towards
turn inside out
The umbrella turned inside out.伞撑翻了。
This useful coat turns inside out so that you you can wear it on wet days, too.这件大衣很有用,可以翻过来,下雨天也能穿。
turn sth inside out
He turned his pocket inside out to show me that it was empty.他把口袋翻出来让我看里面是空的。
彻底搜查,彻底查看 check thoroughly
turn sth inside out
If you don't give us the evidence we want, we will turn the place inside out.如果你不交出我们所需要的证据,我们将对这地方进行彻底搜查。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The city was turned inside out in the hunt for the terrorists.这座城市在搜捕恐怖分子时给兜底查遍。
turn into( v.+prep. )
(使)变成 (cause to) transform into
turn into sb/sth
Joan is turning into quite a skilled musician.琼正在变成一个技艺精湛的乐师。
He's turned into a nice boy after all.他终于变成了一个乖孩子。
In the fairy tale the frog turned into a prince.在那个神话里,青蛙变成了王子。
Water turns into ice when the temperature is below freezing.温度到零度以下时,水就结冰。
The friendly discussion had turned into a violent argument.友好的讨论变成了唇枪舌剑。
turn sb/oneself/sth into sb/sth
Her bitter experience has turned her into a stronger person.痛苦的经历使她变得更坚强了。
Is it possible for such a person to turn himself into a good writer?这样的人有可能成为一名优秀作家吗?
Daydreaming alone can't turn you into your heart's desire.光是做白日梦不能使你如愿以偿。
The farmers turned the sterile land into high fields.农民们把不毛之地变成了高产田。
Every time she is rude to you, try turning her hard words into a joke against herself.每当她对你撒野,你就把她的那些粗话看成奚落她自己的笑话。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The old building was turned into a library.这座旧房子被改成了图书馆。
The mice were turned into horses by a magic spell.一阵咒语把那些老鼠变成了马。
Scientists used to think that common metals could be turned into gold.过去,科学家曾认为一般的金属能变成金子。
译成 translate sth from one language into another
turn sth into sth
Can you turn the sentence into English?你能把这个句子译成英语吗?
turn off1( v.+adv. )
(把…)关掉 (cause to) stop working by a switch control
The tap won't turn off, and there is water all over the floor.水龙头关不上,满地都是水。
He turned off the water.他关上了水龙头。
We have to turn off the motor of the car while gas is being put in.加油时我们必须把车的发动机关掉。
She turned the gas off and went upstairs.她把煤气关上,就上楼去了。
Shall I turn the oven off?我把烤炉关掉好吗?
The switch was sticking and we couldn't turn the heat off.开关卡住了,我们没法关掉暖气。
Please turn off the wireless.请关上收音机。
If you don't like the programmes, you can simply turn off the television.要是你不喜欢这些节目,你完全可以把电视机关掉。
转向; 拐弯 go in another direction
The road to Watts turns off here.去瓦茨的路从这里拐弯。
Is this where we turn off for Hull?这是我们要转向赫尔的地方吗?
Go straight ahead as far as the highway turns off for the farm.一直往前走,直到公路拐向一个农场的地方。
You must turn off to the right when you reach the post office.在走到邮局前面时,你必须向右转弯。
完成 finish
I turned off a good piece of work this morning.今天上午我出色地完成了一件工作。
After a little while, the English teacher turned off an epigram.过了一会儿,英文老师作出了一首讽刺诗。
The lathe will turn off the whole of a leg of a table in two revolutions.车床旋转两次可生产出一根完整的桌子腿。
(使某人)感到厌烦 (cause sb to) dislike sb/sth or lose interest in sb/sth
Half the crowd turned off when the speaker began talking about pop music.讲话人开始谈起流行音乐时,一半听众兴味索然。
The boy often turns off his mother.这孩子经常使他母亲烦恼。
That man is so arrogant! He really turns me off.那人太傲慢了! 他真使我感到讨厌。
Her singing may turn you on, but it turns me off.她的歌声也许你喜欢听,但我却感到厌烦。
Her unfortunate manner of speech really turns me off.她说话时的那副倒霉样子真叫我没法再喜欢她。
Such poor teaching always turns students off.这种低质量的教学总是倒学生们的胃口。
解雇,辞退 fire sb
I have turned off my maid.我已把女仆辞了。
用于 be ~ed 结构
When some of the workers in the factory were turned off by the boss, a strike was called.当厂里几名工人被老板解雇时,罢工开始了。
His faithful servant was turned off without a penny after twenty years' service.那位忠实的仆人给他效劳了二十年,最后一文没拿就被解雇了。
turn off2( v.+prep. )
转向,拐弯 leave (a road) and go in another way
turn off sth
Let's turn off this busy road and find a quieter way.咱们不走这条拥挤的路,另找一条清静的路走。
His home isn't far from the next intersection, so please turn off the highway there.他家离下一个交叉口不远,请在那儿把车开出公路。
使离开(某处) make sb/sth leave some place
turn sb/sth off sth
Turn that cat off my chair!把那只猫从我的椅子上赶走!
用于 be ~ed 结构
Unwanted visitors will be turned off my land.让那些不受欢迎的来客离开我的领地。
(使)厌烦…,(使)对…失去兴趣 (cause sb to) dislike sb/sth or lose interest in sb/sth
turn off sb/sth
I turned right off that subject when we got the new teacher.换了新老师,我马上就不喜欢那门课了。
turn sb off sb/sth
He is fairly good-looking but his bad breath turns me off him.他长得相当英俊,可是他嘴里发出的臭味使我对他失去了兴趣。
That hour of food poisoning has turned me off oysters for life!那一回食物中毒已使我一辈子不吃牡蛎了!
turn on1( v.+adv. )
打开 turn a switch to obtain a flow of water, gas, etc.
This tap is stiff, it won't turn on.这个龙头太紧,拧不开。
Please turn it's getting dark.天要黑了,请把灯给我打开。
Now that the pipe is mended we can turn the water on.既然管子修好了,我们可以开水管了。
I feel a little bit cold. Shall I turn the fire on?我有点冷,我能把火点着吗?
He turned the radio on to listen to the midday news.他打开收音机,收听午间新闻。
用于 be ~ed 结构
You should light the gas as soon as it is turned on.一扭开煤气管,你就应该点燃煤气。
(使)感兴趣; (使)兴奋 (cause to) become interested or excited
Some of the students really turned on to these different courses.一些学生真的很喜欢这些名目繁多的课程。
Many young people are taking drugs to turn on.许多年轻人吸毒寻求刺激。
What kind of music turns you on?你特别爱听什么音乐?
Modern music turns some of the young people on.现代音乐吸引了一批年轻人。
I'm not impressed by their choice of candidate. He's not likely to turn the voters on.我对他们选定的候选人没什么印象,他不大可能让选民们感兴趣。
The silk dress she was wearing really turned him on.她穿的绸料衣服确实使他兴奋不已。
It takes a really special kind of teacher to turn on these disappointed students.需要一位确实具有特殊才干的教师来使这些感到失望的学生振作起来。
Go fishing if you must—whatever turns you on!如果你一定要去钓鱼的话,你就去吧——你竟然这么感兴趣!
用于 be ~ed 结构
I'm not turned on by modern pop music.我对现代流行音乐不感兴趣。
turn on2〔upon〕 ( v.+prep. )
将…对准…,将…指向… set or direct in a particular direction
turn sth on〔upon〕 sb/sth
The police turn their guns on the bank robbers as they are running away.警察将枪对准逃跑中的银行劫匪。
The firemen turned their hoses on the blazing building.消防队员把水龙头对准熊熊燃烧的大楼。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Cannons were turned on the city and street fighting broke out.大炮对准那个城市,巷战开始了。
进攻,攻击 attack
turn on〔upon〕 sb/sth
The cat turned on me and bit me in the leg.那只猫向我袭击,咬伤了我的腿。
The furious dog turns on every stranger who comes near.那条凶狗对每个走近它的陌生人都要扑上去。
Why did she turn on me like that?Have I said something to offend her?她为什么攻击我,我说了什么得罪她了?
There's no need to turn on the driver. It was the rain that spoiled our visit.不必责备司机,是天下雨破坏了我们的访问。
用于 be ~ed 结构
I did not expect to be turned on by a person whom I had friended.我没有料到会遭到一个我曾作为朋友看待的人的攻击。
视…而定; 关键在于 depend on
turn on〔upon〕 sb/sth
Every design turns on the chief engineer.每一项设计都要靠总工程师把关。
The question turns on this point.问题由这一点决定。
The success of a picnic usually turns on the weather.一次野餐的成功一般要靠天气。
The case turns on the judge's opinion of the prisoner's character.这个案子取决于法官对案犯品性的看法。
The correct interpretation of the sentence turns upon this word.这句话的正确解释取决于这个词。
Everything turned upon the result of the battle.一切取决于战斗的胜败。
turn on〔upon〕 wh-clause
Our planned outing turns on whether the day will be fine tomorrow.我们计划中的郊游将取决于明天是否天晴。
The expedition turns on whether you can get up early tomorrow.探险取决于明天你们是否能起得早。
turn out( v.+adv. )
关灯 make a light go out
Don't forget to turn out the light when you leave the classroom.你离开教室时别忘了关灯。
生产,制造; 造就,培养 nurture
turn sb/sth
The factory turns out 100 automobiles a day.这家工厂日产汽车100辆。
She turned out six full-length novels in her life.她一生写了6部长篇小说。
This university has turned out some first-rate scholars.这所大学培养了一些第一流的学者。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Many TV sets have been turned out by this factory.这家工厂生产了许多电视机。
结果是,原来是 happen to be in the end
turn out (to be) n./adj.
but later he turned out to be a cheat.他自称是个医生,结果证明他是个骗子。
The day turned out (to be) a fine day.那天倒是好天气。
The English evening turned out a great success.结果英语晚会开得很成功。
It turned out just the opposite.结果恰恰相反。
His statement turned out to be false.他的供述结果是假的。
Everything turned out well.结果是事事顺利。
it turn out that-clause
It turned out that he was never there.原来他根本没去过那儿。
出勤; 为职责或某事件而集合 come out or gather for duty or some event
Not many men turned out for duty.没有多少人出勤。
Very few people turned out for the rally.没有几个人参加这个集会。
Fire engines turned out as soon as the fire broke out.一起火,消防车立刻就赶到。
turn out of( v.+adv.+prep. )
赶出 expel sb out
turn sb out of sth
The landlord turned the people out of their homes because they couldn't pay the rent.房东把这些人从他们家里赶了出来,因为他们交不起房租。
用于 be ~ed 结构
He was turned out of the hotel because he was drunk.他因醉酒被赶出旅馆。
He was turned out of the hall for making too much noise.他吵得太厉害,所以被赶出了大厅。
turn over( v.+adv. )
(使)翻转; 打翻; 调转 (cause to) fall over , upset, change position by rolling
He was turning over in bed.他在床上辗转反侧。
The car struck the wall and turned over.汽车撞到墙上,翻了。
Having read page one, he turned over to page two.他读完第一页后,就翻到第二页。
The engine won't turn over because the battery has run out.这台发动机不能运转了,因为电池已经用完。
turn sb/sth
The nurse turned the old man over and gave him an injection in the left buttock.护士给那位老人翻过身,在左臀上打了一针。
If you turn over a turtle on its back, it becomes helpless.假如你把海龟翻过来,它就无能为力了。
The demonstrators damaged a bus and turned over a police car.示威的群众毁坏了一辆公共汽车,并推翻了一辆警车。
I turned over a page or two of the novel, but was not interested.我将这本小说翻阅了几页,觉得没有什么兴趣。
A big wave turned the boat over.一个大浪掀翻了小船。
Be careful how you turn your collar over to be in the latest fashion.你一定要按最时髦的款式把领子翻下来。
That record is finished. Turn it over to play the other side.这盘唱片这面已走完,翻过来听另外一面。
I know the boy behaved very badly on his last visit, but I promise you that he's turned over a new leaf and will be good from now on.我知道这孩子上次来访时表现得很恶劣,但我向你担保他已经改邪归正了,从今以后就安分守己了。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The soil must be thoroughly turned over before planting.一定要先把土地深耕一遍再下种。
仔细考虑 think about or consider thoroughly
He remained in his study, turning over the matter in his head.他留在书房里,反复考虑了这个问题。
I will turn the matter over in my mind and tell you tomorrow what I have decided.我要考虑这件事,明天把决定告诉你。
The technician turned over the knotty problem for a long time until he found a solution to it.技术员把那个难题考虑了好长时间,直到想出一个解决的办法。
移交; 交给; 让位于 give the control of sth to
turn sb/sth
over (to sb)
To whom should we turn over the key when we leave here?在离开这里时,我们把钥匙交给谁呢?
Bob turns over most of the money he earns to his mother.鲍勃把他赚的绝大部分的钱都交给了他妈妈。
He has turned over the business to his son.他已把业务交给他的儿子。
Mr. Collins will turn over his work to Mr. Giles when he goes away.克林斯先生走时会把工作交给贾尔斯先生。
This difficulty is not something we can deal with, so we had better turn it over to the manager.这个困难不是我们能解决得了的,还是把它交给经理吧。
The victim turned the pieces of the exploded bomb over to the police.受害者把弹片交给了警察当局。
I turned the thief over to the guards at the building.我把小偷交给了大楼警卫。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Luckily, my watch was turned over to the property office.很幸运,有人把我的手表交到了失物招领处。
turn to1( v.+adv. )
开始积极工作 begin to work hard
It is time we turn to.是我们开始工作的时候了。
The workers soon turned to and got the task done quickly.工人们马上动手,很快就完成了任务。
turn to2 ( v.+prep. )
(使)转向 move one's body or head so as to face sb/sth
turn to sb/sth
Turn to the right.向右拐。
“Just a minute,” the American says, turning to his hostess.“且慢!”那美国人一边说着一边转向他的女主人。
turn sth to sb/sth
He turned his back to me.他转过身去,背对我。
I love turning my face to the sun in the early spring.初春时节我喜欢仰面晒太阳。
The actress always turned her left profile to the cameras.这位女演员总是把她的左侧面对着摄影机。
She's a most useful person in the office, she can turn her hand to anything.她无所不能,是办公室里很能干的人物。
Why are all the people in the village turning a cold shoulder to me?What have I done to offend them?为什么全村的人都不理我? 我干了什么得罪他们的事儿了?
(把注意力等)转向 direct (one's attention, mind, interest, etc. towards sth)
turn to sth
More and more people turn to computer science.愈来愈多的人从事计算机科学研究。
For relaxation he turns to tennis.他开始以打网球作为消遣。
He turned to his work again.他又干起工作来。
He has turned to the practice of medicine.他开始行医。
After this heartbreaking experience,Thorpe turned to professional sports.在这次令人心碎的经历之后,索普转向职业运动。
He couldn't earn a living as a novelist, so he turned to journalist.他靠写小说不能维持生计,因此改行当了记者。
turn sth to sth/v-ing
We are all turning our thoughts to the matter.我们大家都开始转而考虑这个问题。
You should turn your thoughts to something more important.你该把思想集中在更重要的事情上。
He turned his energies to completing the job.他集中精力完成那项工作。
翻书到 look at (the stated page) in a book
turn to sth
If you turn to page 40, you will find it.翻到第40页,你就会找到的。
Turn ahead to the third chapter.请往下翻到第三章。
I turn to the front and try to outline the book.我翻到卷首,试着将全书作一概述。
Let me turn to my notes to refresh my memory of the figures.让我翻翻记录回忆一下那些数字。
求助于 go to sb/sth for help, advice, etc.
turn to sb/sth (for sth)
He turned to me for help.他向我求助。
I have no one but you to turn to.你是我唯一可以请求帮助的人。
She often turns to the book for guidance.她经常参考那本书。
Painful illness led him to turn to drugs.生病疼痛致使他用起麻醉药物来。
One can always turn to music for comfort.人总可以在音乐中寻得安慰。
We often turn to this handbook for information.我们经常查阅这本手册,寻找资料。
Even when they read, they don't turn to the dictionary every time they see an unknown word.甚至在阅读时,每当遇到生词,他们也不求助于词典。
用于 be ~ed 结构
He was turned to for advice by all sorts of people.各种各样的人都向他求教。
(使)变成 (cause to) change to
turn to sth
It is getting colder, and I think the rain will soon turn to snow.天越来越冷,我想雨很快就会变成雪。
The snow turned to rain as we got further down the mountain.我们再往山下走雪就成了雨。
Soon her glee turns to fear.很快她的欢欣变成了恐惧。
turn sth to sth
Is it the low temperature that turns the water to ice?是低温使水变成冰的吗?
Where can I turn these pounds to dollars?我到哪儿把这些英镑换成美元呢?
My wish is to turn my skills to the service of mankind.我的愿望是用自己的本领为人类服务。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Their friendship was turned to enmity through idle gossip.无聊的闲言碎语使他们之间的友谊变成仇恨。
turn up ( v.+adv. )
开大; 翻起 increase the sound, move upward so as to face in a different direction
I feel cold and I'd like to turn the heat up a little.我觉得冷,想把取暖器开大一点。
He turned up the collar of his coat.他把大衣领子翻起来。
The ploughman turned up some buried treasure.那农夫用犁翻起了若干埋葬的财宝。
出现; 找到 find
She turned up at the last moment.她在最后一分钟来了。
It's time to set off, but no one has turned up.是出发的时候了,但一个人也没有来。
I turned up at the address he gave me but the house was empty.根据他给的地址,我找到了房子,可是屋里空无一人。
She is still waiting for something to turn up.她仍在等候机会出现。
About 3000 turned up for this rally.约有3000人参加这次集会。
The book you've lost may turn up one of these days.你遗失的那本书也许这几天会找到。
Please see if you can turn up any information on the proposed bypass scheme.请想想,你能否找到什么关于所提议的旁路方案的资料。
用作名词 (n.)
at every turn
老是; 处处 everywhere
We were thwarted at every turn.
Death lay in wait for him at every turn.
During my stay in Beijing,I came across old friends at every turn.
轮流地; 交替地 in rotation
We did the work by turns.
She was by turns ecstatic and terrified.
There were twelve of us in the boat and we rowed by turns.
do a good turn
做有利于(某人的)事 do sb a favour
do sb a good turn
Being made redundant actually did me a good turn because I soon found a much better job.裁员实际上帮了我一个忙,因为我很快找到了一份更好的工作。
She had done m I was touched by this last one.她帮了我许多忙,最近这次帮忙使我很感动。
He did me a good turn by lending me his bicycle.他借给我自行车,帮了我一个大忙。
依次,轮流地 in succession
They answered the teacher's questions in turn.
The teacher spoke to each of his pupils in turn.
I'll see you all in turn.
I will see you, each in turn.
A big thing can be divided into many small parts which in turn can be divided into still smaller parts.
on the turn
即将改变; 走另一条路 go a different way
His luck is on the turn.
The tide is on the turn.
Public opinion on this issue seems to be on the turn.
The milk is on the turn.
out of turn
不合时宜,轻率 not at the correct or permitted time
Don't play out of turn.
You must not speak out of your turn.
She loses friends by speaking out of turn.
She was scolded for speaking out of turn.
serve sb's/one's turn
合用,管用 act as a temporary
This knife will serve my turn.
The bolt is worn and not an exact fit but it will serve its turn until I can buy a new one.
take a turn for the better〔worse〕
好转; 恶化 deteriorate
The patient took a turn for the better.
I hope the weather takes a turn for the better before the barbecue on Saturday.
The situation in that country is taking a turn for the worse.
take turns
替换,轮流 do sth one after another or in regular order
take turns (at) v-ing
Mary and Helen took turns at sitting up with their sick mother.玛丽与海伦轮流陪伴病中的母亲。
They took turns at watching him when he had a fever.他发烧时,大家轮流看护他。
The three men took turns driving so one would not be too tired.那三个人轮流开车,这样谁也不会太累。
take turns to-v
The students took turns to clean up their classroom.学生们轮流打扫教室。
正好,恰好 exactly
The meat had been cooked to a turn and was delicious.
turn(s) of phrase
措词特征 manner of saying〔writing〕 sth
Why don't you ask Hal to help you write the application?He usually has a good turn of phrase.
I don't often agree with his points of view but I enjoy reading his articles for their turns of phrase.
turn of speed
快速运行 fast rate of movement
The lorry is very economical on fuel and yet has a good turn of speed when required.
He stepped into the lift, but Dr. Hasselbacher, putting on a turn of speed, entered too.
turn of the century
本世纪初 the beginning of the century
He was born at the turn of the century.
Great changes took place in this country at the turn of the century.
用作动词 (v.)
用作名词 (n.)
Florence and her dowry..were lost..by a turn of the dice.
出自:B. H. Malkin
In a few turns of the hands of the..clock.
出自:J. Ruskin
Waters turning busy mills.
出自:W. Cowper
He turned the heating wheel.
出自:G. Greene
She turned the ring on her finger round and round.
出自:A. Christie
A newly skinned beaver slowly turning over a fire.
出自:H. Norman
turn后接副词away表示“离开,走开,把…打发走”; 后接副词back表示“折回,返回”; 后接副词down表示“拒绝接受某人〔某事〕”; 后接副词in表示“睡觉,转身进入,拐入”“把某物上交,把某物交出”; 后接副词off表示“关(自来水、电源、煤气等)”; 后接副词over表示“翻身,将…翻身”; 后接副词out表示“结果是…,证明是…”“撵出”“生产”; 后接副词up表示“出现,出席,到达”“发现”。
turn a hand和turn a hair通常用于否定结构。例如:When we were all hurrying to get the house ready for foreign guests, only he sat reading and wouldn't turn a hand.正当我们都为外宾来访忙于布置屋子的时候,唯独他坐着看书,不来帮忙。We watched him closely throughout the interrogation, but he didn't turn a hair.在审讯中我们一直注视他,可他一点也不动声色。
在口语里, turn可表示“惊吓,震惊”“不适,疾病的发作”,作“惊吓,震惊”解时,通常用作单数形式。
turn, alter, become, change, convert, modify, vary
Whatever we do, we can't change〔alter〕 the facts.不管我们做什么,我们总不能改变事实。
He has changed〔altered〕 a lot since I last saw him.自从上次见面到现在,他变了很多。
The weather changes〔alters〕 almost daily.天气差不多天天在变。
1.change在这几个词中是最普遍、最不正式的一个,可用于任何变化的过程,而不论变化的性质和程度; alter指局部的、表面的、轻微的“改变”“改动”,修改后仍基本上保持原状; alter和convert都指形式和用途上的局部微小改变; turn指彻底改变,以至面目全非,且常用于朝坏的方向改变; modify指限定在一定范围内的修改或修饰,以使之更完美; vary则指事物或其一部分暂时地或反复地变化,从而使事物各部分呈现不同外貌和特点。例如:
When matter changes to a substance different from what it was, the change is a chemical change.当物质变成和原来不同的物质时,这种变化是化学变化。
The plan is O.K. at large, but I suggest it be altered.该计划总的来说是可以的,但我建议做进一步修改。
Pressure varies directly with temperature and inversely with volume.压力随温度成正比例变化,与容积成反比例变化。
All the bank bill was converted into cash.所有的银行票据都兑换成了现金。
Those who were once for him have turned against him.那些原来支持他的人现在转而反对他。
The newspaper turned against the president.该报转而攻击总统。
After he left the university, he became a teacher, but he later turned to translation.他大学毕业后当了教师,但后来转向翻译工作。
2.convert可指改变信仰,尤其是宗教信仰; modify指态度变温和。例如:
He has converted from Buddhism to Catholicism.他已放弃佛教改信天主教了。
You'd better modify your tone.你最好缓和一下你的口气。
He will have to modify his views if he wants to be elected.他如果想当选,就得把观点变得明朗些。
turn, become, come, go, grow
<e多指向好的方向转变; go往往指向坏的方面转变; become指向好的(也可指向坏的)方面发展, turn是正式用语,指向好的,也指向坏的方面转变。试比较:
When did that style of dress come into fashion?
When did that style of dress go out of fashion?
<e的主语往往是人; become的主语可以是人或物; 而go的主语多是物。
<e的表语通常是形容词; become的表语可以是形容词、代词或名词(须加不定冠词); go和grow的表语为形容词; turn的表语可以是形容词或名词(不加不定冠词)。
turn, depend, hang, hinge
depend侧重思想上的悬念,无法进行预测,常指对某物的未来情景捉摸不定; hinge侧重思想上的悬念; hang不太侧重事件的捉摸不定或没把握的成功等; turn侧重旋转和对变化的、偶然的东西的依赖。例如:
Whether he goes back to jail depends on whether he violates parole.他是否重回监狱得看他假释期是否犯罪而定。
Everything hinges on where we go next.一切要看我们下一步去哪里而定。
The future of the company hangs on the outcome of his meeting.公司的前途取决于这次会议的结果。
The success of the negotiations turns on getting the agreement of the Italian delegation.谈判的成功依赖于取得意大利代表团的同意。
turn into, become
become着重目前状态; turn into着重改变用途。例如:
The storeroom has become a workshop.
The storeroom has been turned into a workshop.
turn out, bear, produce, yield
bear表示“产仔或结果实”,可引申指“再生产”; produce的用法更广,可指生产一切有形的或无形的东西; yield也表示生产,但强调结果与回报,而不是所做的努力; turn out强调结果,但同时还侧重先前付出的劳动与艰辛。例如:
The soil bears good cotton.
Gas can be produced from coal.
His business yields big profits.
This factory can turn out 100 cars a day.
turn out, prove
这两者的共同意思是“证明”。其区别在于:prove的主语可以是人,也可以是事物; 而turn out的主语一般是物,有时含有“意外”的含义,常用于口语中。例如:
His first attempt proved successful.他的第一次尝试证明是成功的。
They proved that he was guilty.他们证明他有罪。
As it has turned out, there was no need to worry.结果证明当初不必担心。
They took turns at watching the baby.
They took turns watching the baby.
We took turns with them standing guard.
We took turns with them at standing guard.
误 The young woman turned a musician.
正 The young woman turned musician.
正 The young woman became a musician.
析 turn后接名词作表语时,名词前不用任何冠词,即使主语是复数,名词也不用复数。而become后接名词时,名词前要有冠词,或可以用复数形式。
误 Her face turned to white at the news.
正 Her face turned white at the news.
误 His hair turned to grey fast.
正 His hair turned grey fast.
析 turn to表示“朝…方向转动”; 而turn作“向…转变”解用作系动词时,其后直接跟形容词作表语。
误 He turned to fifty on his last birthday.
正 He turned fifty on his last birthday.
误 She has not yet turned to sixteen.
正 She has not yet turned sixteen.
误 It has turned to ten o'clock.
正 It has turned ten o'clock.
析 turn 用在年龄和时间方面表示“(年龄)刚过…”“(时间)已到…”时,是及物动词,其后直接加宾语。
误 He turned a deaf ear about our request for help.
正 He turned a deaf ear to our request for help.
析 “充耳不闻”“置之不理”可以说 turn a deaf ear to,介词 to 不可改为about。
误 He turned back to find a policeman eyeing him suspiciously.
正 He turned round to find a policeman eyeing him suspiciously.
析 turn back意为“返回”“走回原地”; “转身”“扭过头来”可以说turn round。
误 Be sure to turn down the light when you leave the room.
正 Be sure to turn off the light when you leave the room.
误 Would you please turn off the radio a little?The baby is sleeping.
正 Would you please turn down the radio a little?The baby is sleeping.
析 turn down意为“把(收音机音量等)开小”“把(声音)放低”; “关上(收音机、电灯,水龙头等)”用turn off。
误 They always turn into me when they are in trouble.
正 They always turn to me when they are in trouble.
误 She had no one to turn into for advice.
正 She had no one to turn to for advice.
误 The child turned into its mother for comfort.
正 The child turned to its mother for comfort.
误 It was dark. There was no one into whom he could turn for help.
正 It was dark. There was no one to whom he could turn for help.
析 turn into意为“变为”“使变为”,而表示“找某人寻求(帮助、建议等)”常说turn to sb for...,其中的介词to不能换为into。
误 Bob turned a blind eye at the “No Fishing” sign.
正 Bob turned a blind eye to/on the “No Fishing” sign.
析 “对…视而不见”“故意不理会”可以用 turn a blind eye to/on sth,这里介词 to 或 on 不可以换作 at。
误 The robbers had turned the room inside out.
正 The robbers had turned the room upside down.
析 turn sth inside out意为“把里面的东西翻出来”“彻底搜查”; 表示“翻转”“倒放”“彻底弄乱”时可以说turn sth upside down。
误 The square looks more splendid with all the lights turning on.
正 The square looks more splendid with all the lights turned on.
析 with短语在句中作伴随状语, turn on有被动意义,因此用过去分词短语。
误 Turn over your trousers legs and they won't get wet.
正 Turn up your trousers legs and they won't get wet.
析 turn over意为“翻转”,而“卷起”用turn up。
误 The cap of the bottle opened with a turn.
正 The cap of the bottle opened at a turn.
析 turn与动作名词搭配表示“一次性动作”,常用介词at而不用with。
误 When you reach the end of this road, take the turn to the left.
正 When you reach the end of this road, take a turn to the left.
误 His condition took the turn for the worse during the night.
正 His condition took a turn for the worse during the night.
析 “转向…”“向…发展”是take a turn to〔for〕,不用定冠词the。
误 They got on the bus by turns.
正 They got on the bus in turn.
误 They spoke by turns at the meeting.
正 They spoke in turn at the meeting.
析 by turns是“交替”“轮流”的意思,多指两个人或两个行为之间的交替进行; 如表示“按顺序”则应该用in turn。
误 At night we watched at his bedside by turn.
正 At night we watched at his bedside by turns.
误 We took turn at nursing the sick child.
正 We took turns at nursing the sick child.
析 turn在by turns和take turns等短语中,习惯用复数。
☆ 直接源自古英语的turnian,意为旋转;最初源自古法语的torner,意为转动。
turn 在《外研社英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
转身;回头 ... &&
turn:turn n. 转动, 旋转, 转变方向, 轮流, 时机, (一)回, 倾向, 癖性v. (使)转动, 翻转, 扭转, (使)变质, 超过(年龄,数量等), 车(成) 英英解释:名词turn:1. a…


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