
英语好的人来帮帮忙啊各位大虾,帮帮偶啊,3篇英语作文``` 初二滴1.tony常感到累,老是担心考试,心理紧张,睡不着觉,如果你是他的朋友请你 给他几条建议.60字左右Dear tony,
I am sorry to h_百度作业帮
英语好的人来帮帮忙啊各位大虾,帮帮偶啊,3篇英语作文``` 初二滴1.tony常感到累,老是担心考试,心理紧张,睡不着觉,如果你是他的朋友请你 给他几条建议.60字左右Dear tony,
I am sorry to h
英语好的人来帮帮忙啊各位大虾,帮帮偶啊,3篇英语作文``` 初二滴1.tony常感到累,老是担心考试,心理紧张,睡不着觉,如果你是他的朋友请你 给他几条建议.60字左右Dear tony,
I am sorry to hear that you are not felling well.I think you should...________________________________________________________________2.国庆节就要来临了,你的计划是什么?请以my vacation plan 为题写一篇文章70词左右.写清去的地方,时间,原因,活动————————————————————————————————3金秋的周末,晴朗的天气,快约上几个好朋友去旅行把.假设你是赵强,请你通过e-mail的方式向你朋友张鹏发出邀请,并组织好这次旅行内容提示:1.对张鹏发出邀请2你的计划简介,包括活动内容,时间,地点等3提醒他需要准备的东西4约定出发时间和见面地点5.80次左右dear zhang peng,
I hope all is going well...........Hope to see you soon!
zhao qiang————————————————————————————————就3篇,大虾帮帮偶啊,不要说什么看不懂,咱写的够清楚了,题目都抄下来了```不要太深奥滴````只要按要求,够字数就OK```希望能用上初二学过的句型```咱给的分也不底挖,希望能有好心人帮偶..要速度
1Dear tony, I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.I think you should do something that is helpful to your moods.
First,you should konw that exams are just a few questions. You shouldn,t be afraid of them.
Second,you should study more hard that you can get good achievement in exams.Like this,you won,t feel too bad.
Best wishes to you!
My vacation
How excited I am!The National Day is coming.I will do sth in the holiday.
To keep healthy,I will go hiking to Mount Tai .I thought that it would be a good choose to spend the holiday.If necessary,I will visit my relatives and friends.Certainly,I would like to play basketball or play computer in my free time.
Oh,I almost can,t wait for the vacation.I thought I will have a good vacation.3dear zhang peng,
I hope all is going well these days.I miss you very much.
we are going to have a travel,would you like to come?If the answer is yes,please remember these things.
The travel include a picnic and a hiking.We will start at 8:00 a.m. on this Sunday at the school gate .You should take something to eat ,something to drink.OK,everyting is ready.Let,s make it at 7:30a.m.at the school gate.I hope we can have a good time during the travel.
Hope to see you soon!
Zhao Qiang 不知道一些单词或者词组你学过没,将就着用吧
Dear tony, I am sorry to hear that you are not felling well.I think you should go walking before go to bed,then you can have a good rest.And youshould not stressed out,so you should listen to the...英语作文.根据中文提示和英文内容,写出意思连贯符合逻辑,不少于60词,假如你是李明,你美国笔友Tony遇到了一个难题,发邮件向你求助,请回信并写出个人看法,并提出解决问题的建议(2-3条),_百度作业帮
英语作文.根据中文提示和英文内容,写出意思连贯符合逻辑,不少于60词,假如你是李明,你美国笔友Tony遇到了一个难题,发邮件向你求助,请回信并写出个人看法,并提出解决问题的建议(2-3条),注:不要出现真实姓名和学校以下是Tony来信 Dear Li Ming:My friend David doesn't do well in English .He often wants to copy my answers .I think it's wrong for him to do that .However,his parents will punish him if he can't get a high store .I don't want David to get into trouble .What should I do?Yours,Tony.
dear Tony:
i am happy hearing from you!i
can understand your feeling!so the followings are my ideas.
first you can tell David it is bad for him bravely.Next you can help him study his English,For example,you can remember words with him together .Finally you shoud urge him to study his English.
well,i believe if you help him improve his English ,and you will get along well with him better!求英语作文本一篇!!!题目如下 新的学期开始了 你告别初中,步入高中,开始了紧张的学习和更加丰富的生活。现请你将新学校的情况及新学期的感受发e-mail告诉你的美国网友tony.要求:_百度作业帮
求英语作文本一篇!!!题目如下 新的学期开始了 你告别初中,步入高中,开始了紧张的学习和更加丰富的生活。现请你将新学校的情况及新学期的感受发e-mail告诉你的美国网友tony.要求:
求英语作文本一篇!!!题目如下 新的学期开始了 你告别初中,步入高中,开始了紧张的学习和更加丰富的生活。现请你将新学校的情况及新学期的感受发e-mail告诉你的美国网友tony.要求:1,、正确使用书信格式2、表达准确,行文连贯3、词数不少于八十亲们帮帮我吧!!!!!
Dear Sandra,
How have you been these days?I'm writing to you and I'm giving an introduction of my school and some of my hobbies.My school's very big that includes 24 clesses,3 grades.And i'm...英语作文,一封给妈妈的信假如你是Tony,近来一直因为妈妈无法理解你而感到难过,请你静下心来,写一封信给妈妈,告诉她你真实的想法.内容要点:1.表示理解妈妈的期盼,但自己有自己的打算2._百度作业帮
英语作文,一封给妈妈的信假如你是Tony,近来一直因为妈妈无法理解你而感到难过,请你静下心来,写一封信给妈妈,告诉她你真实的想法.内容要点:1.表示理解妈妈的期盼,但自己有自己的打算2.叙述最近发生的几件事(妈妈阻止我看足球赛,做完功课也不让看杂志,听音乐等)3.表明自己爱妈妈,但不想妈妈太过于严格.Dear Mum,I don't think you understand my life.后面怎么写?写的好可以追加,至少70词.
Dear Mum,I don't think you understand my life.I feel really sad for this situation.You have your own experiences,but I have my own concern.I fully respect your expectation,but in fact,I have my own plan for the future.I also want to get your understanding about my own life.For me,I considered that I have the right to watch socer game which you strongly stopped me without any reasonable reasons.I really would like to read some magzines or listen some music after I finished my homework,it's really a pitty that you still cannot accept.I love you so much mom,but I really don't want you are so strictly to me.I want to have a nicely life together with you and I also hope you can feel good to my performances.All my good wishes to you,Yours,XXX大学英语B 电大统考 2012年必备作文_百度文库
大学英语B 电大统考 2012年必备作文
大​学​英​语​B​ ​电​大​统​考​ 02​年​必​备​作​文


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