The roof wasbe slated forinstead of thatched. 看看

instead of
英[?n'st?d ?v]
美[?n'st?d ?v]
phr. 代替;作为…的替换
A spirit lamp burns spirits instead of oil.
I might have two families to stand by me instead of one.
1.Stress benefits instead of features.
2.We're footing it instead of riding.
3.Javert, you deserve promotion instead of degradation.
4.The roof was slated instead of thatched.
5.Fold your sweaters instead of hanging thb.
好文推荐:slate roof and the;
slate roof;
the slate roof;
the slate roof and the
1. The contract specifies red tiles, not slates, for the roof.
合同规定屋顶用红瓦, 并非石板瓦.
2. They roofed the house with slates.
3. A swift rose soundlessly over the slate roof and the heat shimmered on the roughcast walls.
4. The roof was slated instead of thatched.
5. The roofs are covered with stone slates.
1. slate roof and the
a swift rose soundlessly over the slate roof and the heat shimmered on the roughcast walls .一朵怒放的玫瑰在石板屋顶无声无息,亮光在粗糙的墙壁上闪烁。
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2. slate roof
a swift rose soundlessly over the slate roof and the heat shimmered on the roughcast walls .一朵怒放的玫瑰在石板屋顶无声无息,亮光在粗糙的墙壁上闪烁。
- 基于5个网页
3. the slate roof
a swift rose soundlessly over the slate roof and the heat shimmered on the roughcast walls .一朵怒放的玫瑰在石板屋顶无声无息,亮光在粗糙的墙壁上闪烁。
- 基于4个网页
4. the slate roof and the
a swift rose soundlessly over the slate roof and the heat shimmered on the roughcast walls .一朵怒放的玫瑰在石板屋顶无声无息,亮光在粗糙的墙壁上闪烁。
- 基于4个网页
1. Roof Slater and Tiler
and Air-conditioning Mechanic 冰箱空调修理工 4312-11 Roof Plumber 屋顶水管工 4431-17 Roof Slater and Tiler 屋顶石板瓦匠和盖瓦工人 4413-11 Solid Plasterer.
- 基于1个网页
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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方便的话,请您留下一种联系方式,便于问题的解决:屋顶草坪,roof turf英语短句,例句大全
词句:屋顶草坪,roof turf1)roof turf屋顶草坪1.Technique of establishing roof turf with Sedum lineareand Mentha pulegium was discussed by studying matrix and its thickness in Shenzhen.从基质配方和基质厚度两个方面探索了利用佛甲草和萼唇薄荷建造屋顶草坪建植技术,结果表明:配方为泥炭∶花泥∶沙∶椰糠=3∶3∶2∶1(体积比)的基质最适合用作屋顶建坪;深厚的基质有利于屋顶草坪草的生长。2.The construction technique and standard of the roof turf and its establishment and management technique of Changhong Business Centre were summarized in this paper.本文概述了长虹商贸中心屋顶草坪的坪床建设技术、施工规范以及草坪的建植与管理技术。2)planting roof turf屋顶建坪3)roof apron屋顶停机坪1.According to the author’s actual engineering design experience,from the characteristics of the construction of high-rise ward building,the problems in the design of surgical wards and ward flow and in the design of the roof apron were discussed,and the relationship of the location of operation department and the equipment,Layout mode of oper.根据作者所参加的实际工程设计的经验,从高层病房楼的建筑特点出发,对高层病房大楼建筑设计中的手术部设计、病房层设计、屋顶停机坪设计等一些问题进行了探讨,并提出了手术部的位置与设备层的关系、手术部双层布置模式与内部流线关系、病房层设计与医辅用房的关系、屋顶停机坪与高层病房楼的关系等设计对策,希望对于今后的高层病房楼建筑设计有所裨益。4)greensward roof草皮屋顶1.The author with the reverse principles,designs the water proof of roof as the inverse roof,instead of heat-preservating and adiabatic layer with base material layer,and planting greensward on it,and forming a greensward roof.采用逆作原理,将屋面防水设计为倒置屋面,并用基质层代替保温隔热层,在其上种植草皮,形成草皮屋顶。英文短句/例句1.The dusting with red dust should be considered a warning to take cover, under metal or sod roof structures, out of the wind.红色尘埃的沙尘暴应被认为是一个应该立即隐蔽在金属屋顶或草皮屋顶的避风的建筑里的警告。2.A thin square of turf or sod used for roofing.一块草皮用以铺屋顶的一块薄草皮3.a thatched roof [cottage]葺草屋顶 [茅屋]4.a native American dwelling frequently having an oval shape and covered with bark or hides.美国土著居民的居所,通常它呈椭圆形,屋顶是用草皮或兽皮覆盖着。5.The rain will rust the iron roof.雨水将使铁皮屋顶生锈。 E usually built of blocks (of sod or snow) in the shape of a dome.一种爱斯基摩人住的小屋;通常是用冰块或草皮或雪块建成的,呈现圆屋顶形。7.The house is called a sod house or soddy.那么房子就叫做草皮屋或草屋。8.The tiny cottage with its thatched roof was as pretty as a picture.这个茅草屋顶的小屋很好看。9.They topped off the hut with a straw thatch.他们给小屋盖上茅草屋顶。10.The roof of the granny's hut came down during the night.老大娘草屋的屋顶在夜间塌下来了。11.The straw roof harbored countless sparrows.麦草屋顶成为无数麻雀的庇护所。12.The roof was slated instead of thatched.那个屋顶不是用草而是用石板盖的。13.A web of palm branches formed the roof of the hut.构成草屋顶棚的网状结构14.a house roof made with a plant material (as straw).用一种植物原料(如稻草)做的屋顶。15.The Selection of Turf Medium in Roof Greening in the Tianshui Area天水地区屋顶绿化中草坪基质的选用16.Sheets of corrugated iron are often used for roofs and fences.波纹铁皮常用以建造屋顶和围墙。17.a hut crudely roofed with strips of bark简简单单用树皮作顶的小屋.18.Hailstones rattled on the tin roof.冰雹落在铁皮屋顶上发出砰砰声.相关短句/例句planting roof turf屋顶建坪3)roof apron屋顶停机坪1.According to the author’s actual engineering design experience,from the characteristics of the construction of high-rise ward building,the problems in the design of surgical wards and ward flow and in the design of the roof apron were discussed,and the relationship of the location of operation department and the equipment,Layout mode of oper.根据作者所参加的实际工程设计的经验,从高层病房楼的建筑特点出发,对高层病房大楼建筑设计中的手术部设计、病房层设计、屋顶停机坪设计等一些问题进行了探讨,并提出了手术部的位置与设备层的关系、手术部双层布置模式与内部流线关系、病房层设计与医辅用房的关系、屋顶停机坪与高层病房楼的关系等设计对策,希望对于今后的高层病房楼建筑设计有所裨益。4)greensward roof草皮屋顶1.The author with the reverse principles,designs the water proof of roof as the inverse roof,instead of heat-preservating and adiabatic layer with base material layer,and planting greensward on it,and forming a greensward roof.采用逆作原理,将屋面防水设计为倒置屋面,并用基质层代替保温隔热层,在其上种植草皮,形成草皮屋顶。5)thatched roof茅草屋顶6)thatch[英][θ?t?][美][θ?t?]屋顶草,茅草延伸阅读屋顶绿化草坪品种及建植特点小草要在屋顶上生长并非易事。屋顶草坪绿化,首先要考虑屋顶生长植物较为困难的特殊情况。因为屋顶的生态环境因子与地面有明显的不同,光照、温度、湿度、风力等随着层高的增加而呈现不同的变化。屋顶的环境对于草坪的生长有利有弊,从光照上讲,屋顶比地面接受的太阳辐射、光照强度要大,光照时间要长,有利于草坪的生长,但由于屋顶钢筋混凝土等屋面材料经太阳辐射升温快,反射强,造成屋顶白天温度比地面高3℃至5℃,晚上温度由于风力较大而比地面低2℃至3℃,冷热变化大,暴冷暴热的屋顶又不太利于草坪的生长。再加上屋顶风力较大,水分散失很快,没有地下水分可利用,补充水分难。综合利弊,屋顶草坪生长在一个资源受限、生态环境相对较为恶劣、养护较为不便的生态环境中,对于草坪的生长不利。此外,屋顶草坪生长的坪床也与地面截然不同。既要注意避免草坪的根系破坏房屋屋面结构,造成渗漏,又要考虑屋顶的负荷以及坪床对草坪生长所需的营养贮备和供给。因此,鉴于屋顶承受的负荷和草坪建植、管理的不便,屋顶常采用粗放、自然式的草坪。当然,也可以根据屋顶的实际承重和所需草坪的类型来建植精细的、适于观赏的草坪,要依据不同的需求而变化。同地面草坪一样,屋顶草坪的建植可以采用直接播种在坪床上的方法,也可以采用培植好带泥土的草皮进行建植,还可以在有卵石的屋顶(下面有2至3厘米的草皮层,上面有1至2厘米的细卵石覆盖)上种植草坪。只是精细管理、适于观赏的草坪要求坪床厚度在15至25厘米,种植的品种为草地早熟禾、高羊茅以及黑麦草等。对坪床的土壤类型要求比较严格,一定坪床的土壤类型仅适合特定草坪种类。粗放、自然式的屋顶草坪坪床在15厘米以下(包括卵石屋顶),常播种羊茅一类低矮的草坪草种,如具短匍匐茎的紫羊茅以及细弱羊茅、普通早熟禾等均为适宜的品种。另外,值得一提的是,粗放管理的草坪在草坪生长稀疏时,苔藓褐景天科的植物易于侵入。在我国南方地区,用景天科的一些植物来绿化屋顶,其管理更加简单方便。例如,景天科植物佛甲草,已被广泛运用于深圳、长沙屋顶绿化。经上海市农科院环境科学研究所试验,佛甲草在上海地区完全可以作为屋顶绿化材料,只是有些季节性草色变化,绿色期长达330天。对于在倾斜的屋顶上建植草皮,为了使草皮以及坪床在倾斜的屋顶上易于固定,采用一些特殊的措施是必要的。例如,在屋顶上铺设木条网格或带钩刺的塑料垫,也可使用重量轻、安全性高、便于铺设的材料作为草坪的底层结构。在自然界中,有许多可以作为屋顶绿化用的材料。要根据当地的生长条件,当地的物种资源,选择适合当地屋顶绿化用的材料。还可以利用生态学原理,形成屋顶绿化多种群落结构,多种草类和多种草花结合,让屋顶更美丽,更丰富多彩。(来源:中国花卉报)The roof was slated instead of thatched.看看_百度作业帮
The roof was slated instead of thatched.看看
The roof was slated instead of thatched.看看
The roof was slated instead of thatched. 那个屋顶不是用草而是用石板盖的.


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