onsave electricityy是什么意思

MAG Energy - Save money on electricity
MAG Energy is NOT an energy company.& We work on behalf of our customers to protect them from the energy companies pricing practices and ensure that they are always paying the lowest price for their home/business electricity.&&
Switching your electricity provider is easy and painless.& It takes only three minutes to switch and in turn you will save a lot of your hard earned money.& Switching is seamless and you will not notice any sort of service interruption.& Your local utility company still owns and maintains the transmission and delivery of your electricity into your home or business.& The only change is who you are paying on a monthly basis.
We take the guesswork out of trying to decipher what you are currently paying and what you might save by switching.& You might even be in a good contract, in which case we would tell you not to switch.& Let us help you by doing the analysis for you.&
DON'T pay more for your electricity than your neighbor!
We guide you to the best provider with the best pricing for your particular energy usage patterns.
We watch rates 24x7x365.& If rates change, we will advise you if there is reason for you to take action.
Most electricity companies expect you to forget when your contract renews as most people do. Then they will automatically put you on an expensive month to month contract.& We will monitor your contract renewal and make sure that you are always in the lowest priced contract.
Save money on your energy costs
MAG Energy
Copyright (C)2015 MAGhg, LLC all rights reserved -& Save money on your energy costs.


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