
请你们帮帮忙求你了,速度7点以前速度点急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(一)将下列句子变为转述句:1、有一天,妈妈忽然对我说:“莺儿,我们回唐山去。” 2、_百度作业帮
请你们帮帮忙求你了,速度7点以前速度点急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(一)将下列句子变为转述句:1、有一天,妈妈忽然对我说:“莺儿,我们回唐山去。” 2、
请你们帮帮忙求你了,速度7点以前速度点急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(一)将下列句子变为转述句:1、有一天,妈妈忽然对我说:“莺儿,我们回唐山去。” 2、父亲说:“这是我对你们的希望。”3、他热情地和我握了握手,说:“我的国语讲得不好,是初学的。”4、王老师对同学们说:“星期天,我们一起去滑雪”。5、小红军对陈庚说:“我还要等我的同伴呢?”6、爸爸对妈妈说:“明天我出发,你别去上班了。”7、有一天,妈妈忽然对我说:“莺儿,我们回唐山去。”  8、父亲说:“这是我对你们的希望”  9、罗蒙摇摇头说:“爸爸,我也要一本书!”10、雷锋说:“大嫂,我送你们一程吧!”11、大嫂含着热泪激动地说:“同志呀,我一辈子也忘不了你的情意。”12、小鸟对青蛙说:“朋友,不信请你跳出井口看一看吧!”(二)修改病句:1.我有一条很红的鲜红的红领巾。3.中秋节的晚上,我望着天空中的月亮,天空中的星星。4.春天,路两旁栽上了绿油油的绿树。5.《中国少年报》和《儿童时代》这两种报纸我都爱看。6.灿烂的阳光淡淡地照耀着大地。7.花园里开满了各色各样的黄菊花。8.大家都讲卫生,我们的健康和疾病就有保障了。9.他的家乡是北京人。10、骄傲自满是学习上的阻碍。12、这些是唐朝出土的文物。13、看了这部电视剧,都留下了深刻的印象。14、即使你是天才,却同样离不开老师的培养教育。15、坚持写日记,写作能力就会迅速提高和扩大。16、这种不爱惜劳动成果,任意浪费,是可耻的。17、我们要增强克服困难的信心和方法。18、报晓的公鸡是起床的信号。19、我们要认真纠正自己的缺点和错误。20、多读好书,可以丰富和提高我们的知识。
Part I Multiple choice 1.It didn’t take her long _______ the few clothes she would need for her travel. A. packing
B. to pack
D. packs2.She can’t go out to work because she has to stay at home to ________ her children.A. catch up
B. put off
C. fall behind
D. care for3.The plane ___ _ ___ at about 9:35 a.m. despite the heavy fog.A. took off
B. taking off C. was taken off
D. has been taken off4.He trained her so ___ _ ___ that in 1960 she went to the Olympic Games in Rome.A. good
D. best5.History doesn’t offer us ___ _ ___ account of how they discovered this island.A. a mad
B. a peaceful C. an accurate
D. a calm6.Marco Polo’s stories about his travels ___ _ ___ into a book.A. collect
B. collected
C. were collected
D. collecting7.The schools tries various plans to improve the quality of teaching, _____ were successful and others just wasted times and money. A. some of which
B. some of that
C. some of whom
D. some of those.8.Be careful to avoid ____ my feet. A. stepping
B. stepping on
C. walking on
D. to step on9.He knows ______ to deal with men but when he meets women, he doesn’t know ______ to do. A. how, how
B. what, what
C. how, what
D. what, how 10.Everything is OK with this hotel except _ _ ___ the small size of the bedsA) \
D) ofPart II Complete the sentences 11.John says he likes his teachers in college because most of them take their jobs very (serious) _____.12.Many Chinese students in the U.S. have (achievement)_____ great success through hard work.13.At nine years of age, the little girl (remove) _____ the leg brace.14.Nobody had ever (beat)_____ Jutta.15.The (communicate)_____ between China and Europe started long before Marco Polo’s arrival in China..16.These sailors (trade)_____ silk for spices with the villagers as soon as they landed.17.Is artistic (able) _____ something you are born with, or something that you develop?18.People go vegetarian for (vary) _____ reasons,such as keeping fit and protecting animals rights.19.More than 1,000 (internation) _____ students from over 70 countries are studying in our university. 20.It is not a good idea to keep silent in an English class just to avoid (make) _____ mistakes.Part III Reading Comprehension
Nearly 500 years ago, on September 20, 1519, five ships sailed from Spain. As the ships set out, only one man knew their goal. Magellan hoped to find a passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean in order to shorten the journey to the Spice Islands. In those days, the ships had no source of power except for wind and rowing. None of the ships had accurate maps or clocks. Using the stars for guidance, Magellan and his crews finally made it across the Atlantic to the coast of Brazil. But winter had come, so Magellan decided to stop the search until spring.
When the winter had passed, Magellan and his men sailed south. 13 months after leaving Spain, Magellan found the passage he had been looking for. Thirty-eight days later, they reached the Pacific. Magellan wept at the sight. He called the sea Pacific, which means calm, peaceful.
At last, they had reached the Philippine Islands. Sadly, Magellan was killed there during a battle. With their leader gone, the sailors’ spirits sank. But they sailed on and finally reached the Spice Islands.
Three years and one month after leaving Spain, only one of the five ships reached home. Out of more than 200 men who set out, only 18 survived
Although Magellan didn’t live to celebrate, he is remembered today as the leader of the first around-the-world journey in history. Many people believe that Magellan’s voyage was the most remarkable in history.
21.When the five ships sailed from Spain, _________.A. everybody knew their goalB. Magellan knew where the passage wasC. Magellan took European traders to the Spice IslandsD. only Magellan had a clear idea of the goal22.How did Magellan and his sailors figure out the direction to sail?A. By the stars in the sky.B. By the map they had.C. By radio or GPS devices.D. By the direction the wind was blowing in.23.When did Magellan and his men reach the Pacific?A. In December, 1519.B. In November, 1520.C. In October, 1520.D. In December, 1520.24.Why did Magellan call the ocean the Pacific?A. Because he finally got to it.B. Because it was a new ocean.C. Because it was called the Pacific then.D. Because after struggles crossing the Atlantic, he saw it as calm and peaceful.25.There is a high position for Magellan in history for all the following reasons EXCEPTthat ______.A. he led the first around-the-world journey in historyB. he didn’t live to celebrate his success C. his voyage proved that the world was roundD. his voyage showed how to sail all the way around the world It was beautiful morning that summer day. I neatly packed everything that I needed into my car. Then, I started my car and drove out of my large neighborhood in Lawrenceville. I glanced back at my hour for one last time and knew life would never be the same.Arriving at college that day, I realized that I had lost many things. First, I lost my parents’ guidance I had had all of my life. The comfort and support of my family would not be there as much as it used to. Also, I left some of my closest friends. Many of them chose to go to different colleges. It is difficult to keep in touch with friends that are far away. Finally, I noticed that I missed my hometown. I had lived near big stores and several movie theaters. Here, at college, I feel as if I am in the country. I can’t find any store as big as those in Lawrenceville. Now that I have been in college for a few weeks, I am discovering that it is not as bad as I thought it would be. First of all, I have gained new friends from all parts of Georgia and maybe they will become some of my closest friends. Secondly, I have been able to be more independent. Lastly, I have learned to be more responsible for my actions. I know that homework always comes first and that my social life can wait until all my work is done.26.From what we learn from the text, we can assume that the author is __________.A. a college professorB. a college student’s parentC. a high school studentD. a college student27.When talking about going to college, what are the author’s two main points? A. She has very good parents and also very good classmates. B. She has lost many things, but gained many things too. C. She has gained new friends and learned to be more responsible for her actions. D. She left home on a beautiful summer day and arrived at her college far away in the country.28.What did the author know when she glanced back at her house one last time? A. College life would be better than that at home. B. She would not be able to see her neighbors in the future. C. Life would never be the same. D. She would need a new car soon.29.From what the author has written in the text, what can we know about the author’s mother?A. She took good care of her daughter when she stayed at home.B. She’s a very good cook.C. She’s a beautiful woman.D. She taught her daughter how to read and write.30.What is the second thing that the author has lost since she arrived at college?A. Her parents’ guidance.B. The happy times she spent with her friends.C. Shopping at the big stores in her hometown.D. Her neighborhood. On line advertising is the means of selling a product on the Internet. With the arrival of the Internet, the business world has become digitalized(数字化) and people prefer buying things online, which is easier and faster. Online advertising is also known as e-advertising. It offers a great variety of services, which can not be offered by any other way of advertising.
One major benefit of online advertising is the immediate spread of information that is not limited by geography or time. Online advertising can be viewed day and night throughout the world. Besides, it reduces the cost and increases the profit of the company.
Small businesses especially find advertising cheap and effective. They can focus on their ideal customers and pay very little for the advertisements.
In a word, online advertising is a cheap and effective way of advertising, whose success has so far fully proved its great potential.31.According to the first paragraph, buying things online is more
_____ .A. convenientB. fashionableC. traditionalD. reliable<pared with any other way of advertising, online advertising _____ .A. attracts more customersB. displays more samplesC. offers more servicesD. makes more profits33.Which of the statement is TRUE of online advertising?A. It has taken the place of traditional advertising.B. It will make the Internet technology more efficient.C. It can help sell the latest models of digitalized products.D. It can spread information without being limited by time.34.Who can especially benefit from online advertising?A. Local companiesB. Small businessesC. Government departmentsD. International organizations35.This passage is mainly about
_____ .A. The function and the use of the InternetB. the application of digital technologyC. the development of small businessesD. the advantages of online advertising
PartⅣ Translation—English into Chinese 36.Not until this week were they aware of the problems with the air-conditioning units in the hotel rooms. A. 这个星期旅馆里的空调间出问题了,他们没有意识到。B. 直到这个星期他们才意识到该修理旅馆房间里的空调了。C. 直到这个星期他们才知道旅馆房间里的空调设备有问题。D. 他们查不出旅馆房间内空调的故障,这个星期会请人来检查。37.We sent an e-mail to your Sales Department a week ago asking about the goods we had ordered. A. 一周前你方销售部发来电子邮件,询问我方是否需要购买该产品。B. 一周前我们给你方销售部发了电子邮件,查询我们所订购的货物。C. 一周前我们给你们销售部发了电子邮件,想核查我们要买的货物。D. 一周前你方的销售部派人来核实我们的订购货物的有关电子邮件。38.Candidates applying for this job are expected to be skilled at using a computer and good at spoken English. A. 申请该岗位的应聘者应熟练使用计算机并有良好的英语口语能力。B. 本项工作的申请人希望能提高使用计算机的能力和善于说英语。C. 本工作的受聘人员在应聘前应受过使用计算机的训练并懂得英语。D. 申请人在应聘本岗位时有可能被要求使用计算机和说良好的英语。39.It is widely accepted that the cultural industry has been one of the key industries in developed countries. A. 发达国家广泛接受,文化是支撑国家工业发展的关键事业。B. 发达国家已普遍接受,文化产业应看成一种关键性的事业。C. 大家普遍接受,发达国家应把文化事业看成一种关键产业。D. 人们普遍认为,文化产业已成为发达国家的一个支柱产业。40.If your company insists on your price, we will have to turn to other suppliers for the goods. A. 假如贵公司要调整价格,请及早告知我们,以便另做安排。B. 假如贵公司提高价格,我方不得不从其他地方另寻货源。C. 如果贵公司不给折扣价,我们不得不采用其它方式购货。D. 如果贵公司坚持你方报价,我方只能找其它供应商进货。41.First of all, I appreciate your advice on my decision to go to work in the computer company.
A. 我首先感谢你们的决定,让我到这家电脑公司来工作。 B. 我首先感谢你的建议,我已经决定去一家电脑公司工作了。 C. 首先,很高兴到贵公司来听取你们在计算机方面的意见。 D. 首先,感谢你对我决定去那家电脑公司工作所给予的建议。42.Many good movies have been produced recently, but I still prefer to watch old movies because they are more interesting. A. 人们对电影是有兴趣的,特别是对老片子,所以我主张放映老片子。B 近来拍了很多好的影片,既古老又饶有趣味,我觉得人人都喜欢看。C. 近来制作了很多好影片,但是我还是喜欢老片,因为老片更有趣。D. 很多好的影片是最近拍的,但我依然觉得过去拍的影片很有意思。43.If the new payment methods make it easier for consumers to pay, could the make it easier for criminals too? A. 如果这些新的付款方式更便于消费者付款,是否对罪犯也更方便呢?B 如果新的购物方式更容易使消费者满意,难道对罪犯不也是如此吗?C. 如果新的购物方式更方便了顾客,不也就更容易使人犯罪吗?D. 如果新的付款办法便于人们消费,不也就更易于犯罪了吗?44.Although Tom finished the race in the last place, he still received enthusiastic cheers from the audience.A. 尽管汤姆最后一个到达终点,他仍然受到观众的热烈欢呼。B. 尽管汤姆最后一个跑到了终点,他仍然从观众那里获得了热烈的欢呼。C. 尽管汤姆没有跑到达终点,他仍然受到观众的热烈欢呼。D. 由于汤姆没有跑到终点,他没有受到观众的热烈欢呼。45.Great changes in a country’s social structure have always caused stresses.A. 一个国家社会阶层的重大变化总会带来压力。B. 一个国家社会结构的压力总引起巨大的变化。C. 一个国家社会结构的巨变总会导致紧张状态。D. 一个国家社会阶层的重大变化总是很突然的。46.PartⅤ Writing请写一封感谢信收信人:Tom写信人:Peter写信日期:日内容:感谢Tom 参加你的生日聚会。没有Tom的参加那天晚上你心情没有那么愉快。并再次表示真挚的感谢。注意信函格式
日期:月、日、年Dear Tom,
Yours sincerely,
太极吧吓人了   --来自助手版贴吧客户端
解:(1)、F浮力= ρ
gv =1N(2)F浮力=mg
ρ gh=10^3pa


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