i feel like thatthat......造句

The wind blew strongly last night .
['strɔŋli, 'strɔ:ŋ-]adv.
强有力地;坚强地;激烈地;气味浓地Other emerging assets have also performed strongly.其它新兴资产也表现强劲。We know how strongly the president feels that he is right.我们知道总统多么坚定地认为自己是正确的。We know how strongly the president feels that he is right.我们都知道总统强烈地感觉到他是正确的。I feel strongly that I can still compete at the highest level.我强烈感觉到我仍可以在最高水准的比赛中打拼。供你参考,祝你学习进步!!!
strongly agree that we young should learn more social skills as well as knowledge.我非常同意,年轻人应该多学习社交技能和知识。Because they have so many history behind them , so much national religious attachment that those things come out so strongly there. 因为有很多历史,国家和宗教的感情在里头,这些因素就很重要。He believed strongly that archaeological findings were important external evidence for the basic historicity and authenticity of, for example, the patriarchal stories. 他坚信,考古发现对基本的历史真实性和,比方说族长故事的可信性来说,都是重要的外部证据。Nonetheless, I'm also going to argue that it's probably not as strongly typed as we might like. 尽管如此,我还是要说,它可能还没有我们想象的,那么强。Clearly this is a myth that Milton is identifying with very strongly here. 很明显弥尔顿与这神化产生了强烈的共鸣。 祝你学习进步,时时开心!O(∩_∩)O~~
校长置身事外,不想卷入老师间的纷争。 The principal kept himself aloof from the arguments between the teachers. 我选择了来到这里,而不是远远的置身事外; I chose to come here rather than stay away. 一旦出现什麽危险,小人总是能够置身事外。 I am always a bystander when danger comes. 在关键时刻置身事外的做法是决不不能原谅的。 To opt out at the critical moment would be quite indefensible. 他们已经意识到一旦欧洲发生战争,他们不可能置身事外。 They became aware that it would be impossible for them to sit out any war in Europe. 谈到道德伦理和当前疟疾研究及管控,喀麦隆怎能置身事外? What has Ethics got to do with state-of-the-art malaria research and control efforts, let alone in Cameroon? 这样我们必须脱离于走神,退后一步,置身事外,客观的观察它。 To do that, we must divorce ourselves from it, take a mental step back from it, disengage from it, and view it objectively. 小奥同学能置身事外的问题已经没有了,现在问题都变成他自己的了。 Gone are the days when Mr. Obama can dwell on the problems that he inherited. Now, those problems are his. 我感觉就像自己在过别人的生活。就像在所有事都变好时我却置身事外。 And I feel just like I'm living someone else's life. It's like I just stepped outside when everything was going right. 克劳斯也说,“谁能做到对暗能量的研究置身事外,谁简直就是疯了”。 He added: "You have to do what you can. You would be crazy not to look. "" 想想如今我们的世界里的纷纷扰扰,你又如何能够置身事外而不被其烦扰? Think about some of the disturbing things that are happening in our world these days.
Can you continue on without being disturbed by them too? 卡尔洛·安切洛蒂试图置身事外,全力以赴周四意大利杯的四分之一决赛。 Carlo Ancelotti has tried to stay out of the matter and focus on Thursday's Coppa Italia quarter-final. 专家表示,要透过交易手段大幅削弱全球暖化效应,美国绝不可置身事外。 For trading to dent global warming significantly, experts say, the U. 即便是他们有时转向你,礼貌地问你个问题,你知道你还是“置身事外”的。 and even if they turn to you sometimes and ask you a polite question you know you are "outside them". 如今我已不再置身事外,一切色彩皆已入声音与气味。且如曲调般绝美地鸣响。 I no longer have to do without now, all colors are translated into sounds and smells. and they ring infinitely sweet like tones. 目前政府为发展文化创意产业提供了很多优惠政策,制卡和会员卡制作企业不能置身事外。 At present the Government for the development of cultural and creative industries provides a number of policy business card printing and membership card making enterprise cannot stand aloof. 如果你牵连进去,它就会获得你的能量并强大起来,如果你只是置身事外的观察,它会消失。 If you get involved, it feeds on your energy and grows. If you simply stand aside and watch it, it passes away. 永恒不变的法则是能量代码,一旦运转起来就不能停止,无论什么结局说法,他们必须置身事外。 Immutable laws are codes of energy that once put into motion cannot be stopped and they must play themselves out to whatever conclusion. 一篇博文称绝大多数富豪榜上的人可以逃脱牢狱之灾仅仅是因为他们贿赂了官员而得以置身事外。 One blogger argued that the vast majority of those on rich lists had escaped jail simply because they had bribed officials to stay out of it. 他一度对此次选举冲突摆出一副置身事外的姿态,而现在却坚决的斥责镇压群众和选举舞弊的那方。 Once he posed as standing above the electoral fray, but he has now firmly come down on the side of repression and electoral fraud. 例如,曼联未曾想到,当皇马以天价买人时,英超主要球队绝不考虑此种价码,而曼联自己也置身事外。 Manchester United, for instance, never imagined that they would have to stand aside while Real Madrid went shopping at prices none of the principal English clubs could contemplate. 总统不会涉足2008年的竞选活动,我们故意置身事外,即使有时不理会那些攻击让我们感到很为难。 This president was not involved in the [2008] campaign, we studiously stayed out of it, even when it was very hard for us sometimes to let attacks go unanswered. 她非常冷静地思考着自己的处境。好象置身事外,她甚至没有特别因为荒地女巫的对她所作的事而感到愤怒。 She thought about her situation, quite calmly. Everything seemed to have gone calm and remote. She was not even particularly angry with the Witch of the Waste. 在起诉三鹿之前,一些表示要向患病幼儿家庭提供法律援助的律师称他们受到多方面压力,要求他们置身事外。 The Sanlu lawsuit comes as some lawyers who offered to assist families of sickened children report being pressured to stay away from the issue. 因此,只有当一个人既无银行储蓄,又无包括房改房等在内的任何形态的物业所有权时,他才能够大致置身事外。 Thus, only when a person neither bank savings, nor included in any housing reform, the Housing and property ownership patterns, he can generally avoid. 为了消磨无聊的时光,商人和军人开始谈起话来,而第三名男士似乎置身事外,满足地聆听着雨点打落在屋顶上的声音。 To pass the time of day, the merchant and the soldier fell into conversation with one another, while the third seemed content to listen to the sound of the rain pelting the roof. 意大利总理西尔维奥o贝卢斯科尼扮演一名对这场家庭纠纷置身事外的无聊警察,他告诉傻了眼的邻居们没什么好看的。 The Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, has played the role of a bored policeman outside a nasty "domestic", telling gawking neighbours there is nothing to see. 此刻,他坐在江宁路一座写字楼25楼的阳台上,俯瞰阳光照耀下的上海房市,可以凭着置身事外的理性来评判这个市场。 At this moment, he sat Jiangning Road, a 25 floor office balcony, overlooking the sun shines, Shanghai Municipal Housing, to be based out of rational judgment of the market. 全球化时代,任何一场局部的疫病都有可能演化成全球性公共卫生事件,没有哪个国家、民族和个人能确保自己置身事外。 The era of globalization, a part of any disease may evolve into a global public health incidents, and no country, peoples and individuals to ensure their stay. 但奥巴马显然没有让诸如中国、印度以及巴西等发展最快的发展中国家置身事外,而这正解释了现在谈判陷入僵局的原因。 But Obama pointedly did not let the most rapidly developing economies — China, India, and Brazil — off the hook, illustrating the impasse that has blocked progress to date.
i feel very happy
happy. (我快乐)I
angry .(我气)
I feel bad when I catch a cold.I feel
so sorry to hear that your mother is ill.
I feel well today.
can you feel my world!
i am feeling better now.
I feel tired.
I feel you are a good student.
出门在外也不愁i feel like是什么意思_i feel like在线翻译_i feel like什么意思_i feel like的意思_i feel like的翻译_911查询
i feel like是什么意思
i feel like是什么意思 i feel like在线翻译 i feel like什么意思 i feel like的意思 i feel like的翻译 i feel like的解释 i feel like的发音
i feel likei feel like 网络解释1. 我想& & I'll call you.我会打电话给你.
| 7 I feel like我想 | 11 I have 我有2. 我想/我感觉& & It is said that Chinese is one of the hardest languages to learn to write. 据说中文... | 3. I feel like... 我想/我感觉...... | Sometimes I feel like a university degree is out of my reach. 有时我觉得大...3. 我觉得& & But you, you can't stand that.|但是你,你不能接受这一点 | I feel like...|我觉得... | I feel like no ebb's allowed.|我觉得你没法接受失落4. 我想要& & * I don't think... 我认为......不.......
| * I feel like... 我想要.......
| * I don't really enjoy... 我不是很喜欢....... i feel like 网络例句1. When I'm with you,I feel like... & &当我和你在一起的时候,我感觉我是。。。2. I don`t feel like it. & &我不想吃。3. I don't like what I feel. & &我不喜欢我的感觉。4. When I'm with you,I feel like... & &当我和你在一起时,我觉得我像。。。5. I mean, I feel like... & &我是说,我觉得6. I don't feel like it. & &我不想去7. When I'm with you,I feel like... & &当我和你在一起时,我觉得像。。。i feel like 情景会话1. 在家&&A: I wonder what we should have for dinner this evening.&&&&&&我们今天的晚餐该做什么吃呢?&&B: Are you asking me?&&&&&&你在问我吗?&&A: Yes, I am. I really don’t feel much like cooking, but the family must eat.&&&&&&是的。我真不太想做饭,但全家总得吃饭吧。&&B: Well, you know me. I can always eat pizza – or spaghetti.&&&&&&哦,你是知道我的。意大利饼和实心面条我是吃不厌的。&&A: So I’ve noticed. You’re putting on a little weight, aren’t you?&&&&&&这我已经注意到了。你胖了不少,是吧?&&B: I know. Don’t remind me. I’m starting a new diet the day after tomorrow.&&&&&&这我知道,用不着你提醒我。后天我要重新节食。&&A: It’s about time.&&&&&&你是该节食了。2. Bob on the Telephone-(鲍勃在打电话)&&A: Hello, Pete. This is Bob. How are you?&&&&&&你好,皮特,我是鲍勃,你怎么样?&&B: Oh, I'm fine.&&&&&&啊,我很好。&&A: Where were you this afternoon? You missed an important lecture.Not sick, I hope.&&&&&&今天下午你在哪儿?你错过了一堂重要课。我想你没生病吧?&&B: No.&&&&&&没有。&&A: That's good. The next time you decide to skip class, check with me first.It wouldn't do for both of us to be absent.We need at least one complete set of notes.&&&&&&那很好,下次你决定要逃课的话,先告诉我一下。我们两人都缺席不太好。我们至少应有一套完整的笔记。&&B: OK.&&&&&&好的。&&A: By the way, are you still in timewasting mood?&&&&&&顺便问问你,你现在还是觉得无聊吗?&&B: Yeah,a little.&&&&&&有点。&&A: Good. Why don't you come over after supper?Joe's off somewhere with date, and I don't feel much like working.&&&&&&好,晚饭后你来好吗?乔出去约会了,而我不大想工作了。&&B: How about eight o'clock?&&&&&&八点左右来怎样?&&A: Well. And bring some records over, why don't you?&&&&&&好极了!带一些唱片来好吗?&&B: Okay. See you then. Goodbye.&&&&&&好,到时见,再见。i feel like是什么意思,i feel like在线翻译,i feel like什么意思,i feel like的意思,i feel like的翻译,i feel like的解释,i feel like的发音,i feel like的同义词,i feel like的反义词,i feel like的例句,i feel like的相关词组,i feel like意思是什么,i feel like怎么翻译,单词i feel like是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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