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What is next to the lab?应该怎么回答应该回答An office.还是 The office?_百度作业帮
What is next to the lab?应该怎么回答应该回答An office.还是 The office?
What is next to the lab?应该怎么回答应该回答An office.还是 The office?
An office不用特指! 希望能够帮到你!
an office 个人觉得应该是泛指不是特指
没有特指 an officeWhat is the Medical Futures Lab?
Medicine is in the midst of a shift never before seen.
Information and technology are advancing at rates faster than our ability to adapt. Technological changes along with the social force of the Health 2.0 movement are redefining the role of the physician. The doctor of 2050 will think and work in a way that can only be imagined by the current generation. But we are effectively unprepared to deal with what lies ahead.
The Medical Futures Lab (MFL) is a center dedicated to the study and understanding of medicine at its evolving intersection with technology. Our goal is to imagine and predict the future of medicine as a means of preparing the next generation of physicians, patients, and other healthcare stakeholders for the challenges that lie ahead.
The MFL is bringing the undergraduates of Rice University together with humanist scholars, computer scientists, creative designers, medical students and doctors from both University of Texas Health Science Center and Baylor College of Medicine.
A few of our most recent projects:
Medical Media Arts Lab
Built as a mashup of the design principles of IDEO and iterative studio critique model of the Rice Schools of Architecture and Engineering, the Medical Media Arts Lab is a Rice University undergraduate course that seeks to teach collaborative problem solving in health care. Working with the the Texas Medical Center’s most vexing communication and visualization challenges, the Media Arts Lab seeks to train the next generation of health care professionals to think differently.
Our work recently caught the attention of the Association of American Medical Colleges – you can read about some of our students on their innovation blog, .
Medicine and Media
Many brilliant minds (such as our friend Roni Zeiger) have said that patients are the most underutilized resource in healthcare.
What many people don’t realize is that Electronic Medical Records (aka EMRs or EHRs) are the sexiest media in medicine. This course lays out a framework for our mostly pre-med students to understand how visual images from X-rays to fMRI scans to episodes of Grey’s Anatomy and ads for Celebrex shape doctors’ and patients’ understanding of health and disease. Once we work through these kinds of visual representations, we tackle the visualization of data and patient stories in the form of the dreaded EMR. Why is the usability and visual interface of this screen that occupies the center of almost all medical encounters today so inadequate for its users? Our students have imagined and designed incredible solutions to the challenge of making EMRs useful for doctors and patients.
In the spring of 2012, the Medical Futures Lab offered Medicine in the Age of Networked Intelligence, a provocative 50,000 foot view of medicine and its radical disruption. The course was huge success and drew the attention of the social health community well beyond the confines of Rice University and Texas Medical Center.
We’re thrilled to announce that our course will be offered in the Spring of 2015 as a globally available professional development course through MOOC leader . Reshaped and formatted for professional online consumers, Medicine in the Digital Age will deliver a comprehensive overview of our evolving healthcare landscape.
Beyond the rich insight available over its 4 week duration, this course represents one of the first collaborative efforts between a major American university and medical school.
and be part of history.
The Doctor of the Future
A new series of interviews that face the question, what will the doctor of 2050 look like and what will she/he need to be able do?
This provocative project will begin a conversation about the evolving role of the health care provider.
To understand how we should prepare physicians for a very different future, we will ask questions and listen to millennial leaders, engaged patients, and inspiring thinkers from outside of medicine. Look for Doctor of the Future in the fall of 2015.
Medicine X | Ed
We are proud to be collaborating on a new venture at Stanford’s Medicine X conference called . Under this heading, Medicine X will play an active role in cultivating the kinds of educational resources needed to help doctors, patients, and all other healthcare stakeholders to become truly engaged digital citizens. The Medical Futures Lab is thrilled to be on the Advisory Board for this exciting new venture, especially because it means we get to work with the brilliant and inspirational Dr. Larry Chu.
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Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
According to the New York Times, ('s parent company) Google has a secret skunkworks lab called . That happens to also be the name of a , but that only lasted a couple of days. According to the article, Google's super secret Google X lab is cooking up things like space elevators, robotics projects, and the infamous .The article cites dozens of off the record interviews, but the idea just sounds a lot like something Google would do.
Google has been increasingly interested in consumer products, robotics, and space exploration. They've got insane amounts of money as a company, Google's founders love big ideas. The ideas listed in the article are mostly not that far-fetched. Some may be difficult, but they're not inconceivable.Space ElevatorsThis is an idea that's been , and it's a common staple in science fiction stories.
Basically, you take a space station that orbits the earth at the same speed as the earth's rotation, so it's always in a fixed spot. Next, you connect that space station to the
using a gigantic and really strong cable. You can then use that cable to pull objects and people to space without nearly as much energy expenditure as you'd need to launch rockets. You could use this for observation or as a launching pad for space missions.It's a great idea for scientists, tourists, and astronauts. And the company that invents a working model could make a fortune in government contracts alone. That doesn't mean there's not a lot of money between idea and final project.Tweeting RefrigeratorsLast year at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, I saw nearly every appliance company come up with a variation of this.
Fridges text you to tell you you're low on milk, washers tell you that your laundry is done, and ovens that let you look up recipes on the Internet. These haven't been huge consumer hits - yet, but they will be, and it's more likely than not that Google will be playing catch-up with this idea, just like they are with .
I'm surprised nobody has thought to market retrofitted "dumb" appliances with cheap Android tablets.In fact, the entire idea of connected appliances was already announced at the Google developer , Google I/O. The framework is called , and it allows smart communication between devices. What would be really cool and innovative is if Google also introduced the devices. I'd love to see what Google would do with an energy efficient washer or how they'd solve the problem with last year's crop of smart fridges - you have to scan in receipts or otherwise enter all the products you purchase. A truly smart fridge would just know what's in it.Self Driving CarsWe already know this one exists, and they did a good job of keeping a lid on the project until they announced it, unlike the "" rumors that circulated for years before they released Android. According to the Times article, the idea most likely to see consumer release soon is the driver-less car. They've certainly gained the most media attention, and Google may be looking for ways to manufacture them inside the US. My bet is they strike a deal with
or a similar company instead of going with one of the big automakers.I think it's pretty obvious that Google does have a skunkworks lab that does robotics research. It's also obvious that they're not going to disclose intellectual property until they've filed a patent, but it's super fun to think of the crazy things Google could invent.
Google X, the Secret Google Lab英语情景对话问题1.-- I can just stop in to see if the any lab is open,right?-- Sure,stop in any time.我查字典stop in 翻译成在家呆着,在这里应该怎么翻译正确呢?2.-- What about copies of these videos?Is there just one copy _百度作业帮
英语情景对话问题1.-- I can just stop in to see if the any lab is open,right?-- Sure,stop in any time.我查字典stop in 翻译成在家呆着,在这里应该怎么翻译正确呢?2.-- What about copies of these videos?Is there just one copy
英语情景对话问题1.-- I can just stop in to see if the any lab is open,right?-- Sure,stop in any time.我查字典stop in 翻译成在家呆着,在这里应该怎么翻译正确呢?2.-- What about copies of these videos?Is there just one copy of each in the series?I don't want to miss out everyone comes in a once.-- Oh,no.We have several copies of each tape of Spanish accident series.这里面的copy 和 comes in a once 还有Spanish accident
"Sure,stop in any time." >>这里意思是>>> 在任何时候也可以过来copy/copies >意思是> video(影片) 有多少影片"拷贝"可以借/出售comes in a once >意思是> 在同一时间来Spanish accident >这里意思> 只是影片名字
1、应该可以翻译成停留我只能留在这里,看看哪个实验室开了,对吗?2、第二个只知道大概意思,帮不上忙了~~~Questions and Answers - What is the difference between atoms and elements?
What is the difference between atoms and elements?Get ready for an imperfect analogy.Imagine going to an ice cream store. Let's say that they have 30 different flavors of ice cream. Those are elements, the things that I have available to build my dessert from. The smallest amount of ice cream that the store will sell to me is a scoop. This is an atom. If I want, I can put two or more scoops of ice cream together. This is a molecule. If my molecule has more than one flavor of ice cream, I can call it a compound.So, in summary:element - a basic substance that can't be simplified (, , , etc...)atom - the smallest amount of an elementmolecule - two or more atoms that are chemically joined together (H2, O2, H2O, etc...)compound - a molecule that contains more than one element (H2O, C6H12O6, etc...)What's wrong with the ice cream analogy? Splitting an atom creates different elements (split an oxygen atom and you don't have oxygen any longer). Splitting a scoop of ice cream results in smaller blobs of the same flavor. For the analogy to hold true, the flavor of the ice cream would have to change when you split a scoop (the chocolate 'element' would have to change into some other 'element' (flavor)).
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