
今天的XX课上(写课程名),我没有控制住自己的贪玩/贪睡/……的个性,就不自觉地XX(写罪名),在此过程中,XX(写领导的级别及姓名)发现了我的这一严重错误,并及时地对我进行了指出和纠正。 现在想起我当时的行为,可真是千般懊恼,万番悔恨。在目前的情况下,尤其是xx期间(可写什么大检查、百日活动之类),我利用这宝贵的学习时间来XX,真是极其不该。这样的行为,不但使对教员/老师的不尊重,对我们这个集体的不负责,更是对自身的要求不严,约束不够。这不但使教员/老师对我产生了极为不良的印象,同时也令教员/老师对我们整个XX这个集体留下了极坏的印象,使我们的集体在校园内丢了脸,掉了队。在校内进行“……”(特别活动名,如“百日安全大检查”之类)的时候,我竟犯了这样的错误,使我们的这个集体的形象受到极大损坏,究其根本,谈其关键,在于平日里我一罐对自己放松要求,放低标准,从而导致了自己在不经意间再次犯错,,违法了队/班规,破坏了队/班纪。 我的这一行为,对不起XX,对不起XX,……(写领导级别或姓名,按级别从高到低写,最好全部写到,但切忌一定要从高到低写)。 如果自己平时能像其他同学一样,向骨干/班干部多学习,对自己要求严格,对自身提高标准,想必就不会犯下此类严重错误。 世上是没有后悔药的,事已至此,多说无意,唯有以此教训为诫,以此事件为警,借作此次检查为契机,从现在起,提高对自身的要求,加强自我约束,强化自身责任感,深化集体主义荣誉感,在学校内在XXn内(写班级名),争当一名作风优良,学习踏实的学员/学生,为我校我班/队争光添彩,同时也为自己留下一笔宝贵的财富。
出门在外也不愁十万火急 英语检讨书唉,上外教课玩手机被收了,- -要我星期五10点前交一份500字的检讨,这不是要我命吗TT哪位好心的锅锅姐姐能帮忙写下,_百度作业帮
十万火急 英语检讨书唉,上外教课玩手机被收了,- -要我星期五10点前交一份500字的检讨,这不是要我命吗TT哪位好心的锅锅姐姐能帮忙写下,
十万火急 英语检讨书唉,上外教课玩手机被收了,- -要我星期五10点前交一份500字的检讨,这不是要我命吗TT哪位好心的锅锅姐姐能帮忙写下,
Today,I harbored guilt and remorse to you to write this Jiantao Shu to extend to you my speech class a profound understanding of this bad behavior and no longer is the time in class gossip determination.I have this for my mistakes to feel ashamed,I really should not have the time to speak in the early study hall,I should not be contrary to the provisions of the teachers,we as students should first complete listen to the teacher is saying and I do not have a good attention to the teacher saying.I am sorry,I hope that teachers can forgive me wrong,I repent this really deep.I would like to avoid such errors,he hopes teachers can believe that my heart repentance.I believe that this attitude of the teacher to see my also know that I am right that this incident has a profound attitude of repentance,I am so great importance to this event,hope that teachers can be forgiven for my mistakes,I can assure the teacher to ensure the future will certainly not will be in the early study hall,and any other class,said gossip.Therefore,the teacher who let me Xiejian Tao,but to me a deep understanding of this point.Secondly,I speak in class when the behavior of gossip is also a disrespect to the teacher's work performance.China is one of ceremonies,from ancient times to pay attention to respect for teachers,which is a traditional virtue in the past I have ignored it.Set aside the one level,not just a teacher,regardless of any people,we all should respect him,respect his work,his fruit of labor.I do so,as a direct result of the lack of respect for teachers,lack of respect for others,lack of respect for others,the adverse effects of labor.As a contemporary high school students,one being educated people,this show clearly does not meet the social demands of us.Again,I am still in such an act caused the students in the school and its bad influence and undermining the school's image.Should be maintained between students learning from each other and promote each other,well-disciplined,and I am such a performance,give the students brought a bad head,is not conducive to the building of the school style of study.The same time,the image of the school caused some damage,we should be to preserve rather than destroy it!For this matter,the serious consequences of a profound reflection on me to do:1.In the middle of the students had a negative impact,as I say gossip during class time,it may affect the class of discipline,so that other students are also speeches,have not been properly and lectures,and this was also the parents of other students is not responsible for.2.Affect individual comprehensive level of improvement to make their own instincts to improve conditions in being able to improve.Now the wrong has been cast,I am deeply remorseful,and in-depth review their own mistakes.3.Ideological consciousness is not high,lack of knowledge of wrong,imagine if I had realized the seriousness of this matter,the error can not happen.'s Blame all the problems I am also able to achieve a modern high school students should have the level of awareness of the problem,for the diligent work of teachers can make a return,I feel more and more clear the seriousness of mistakes,for which I will in later years the more stringent demands on themselves,in the carefully complete the job,absolutely do not speak in class when the gossip simultaneously,so that their words and deeds are consistent with a modern high school students.As a class,when a member of gossip,I feel it is necessary to conduct a review of our action,so excited in accordance with the requirements of the teacher quality and quantity of sodium in a Jiantao Shu.To ferret out the root causes of their mistakes are looking for fine organize,and to recognize the possible serious consequences.I hope the teacher able to go to a profound understanding of the performance,and usually quite good's sake,leniently dealt with,concern and care to my teacher and classmates continue to monitor to help me correct the shortcomings and to achieve greater progress.In the future I will certainly learn in class do not speak gossip,and actively contribute to class for the class Tim glory!Asked the teacher to believe me!
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