
12月份我就要考四级了。我的英语成绩很差。不知道该怎样复习。求助啊。。各位给我指条命啊。。&该回答于日 13:06:34被采纳为最佳答案还有两个多月的时间,完全来得及。真题是王道!首先买一份四级真题,一份真题用一周的时间去研究,把真题里的生词用法全部掌握了,各个题型的文章当做晨读材料。(IP:
第楼 回答: 时间:日 7:37There is a sentense called& A word changes the world&
Personally, I think you have to improve your vocabulary, you can get up 1 hour early than normal days to read and recite new words and articles until you December. &Slow and steady wins the race& Be confident第楼 回答: 时间:日 9:04还有两个多月的时间,完全来得及。真题是王道!首先买一份四级真题,一份真题用一周的时间去研究,把真题里的生词用法全部掌握了,各个题型的文章当做晨读材料。第楼 回答: 时间:日 9:39现在开始去研究往年的考试真题,从听力开始,听力是多熟悉那种环境的推测能力阅读的话多做做,方法是先看题目,再做,养成快速阅读的习惯。作文每星期规定自己背一篇英语美文,掌握一些基本得连接语句,再附加一些高级词汇就差不多了!希望你英语四级一次通过哦!第楼 回答: 时间:日 15:45英语学习培训: 请加群号:。随时随地学习英语,新兴的环境让你学习的更舒心。一个月让菜鸟变高手的地方,这里会给你带来意想不到的惊喜,赶快来吧。不能为空!
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1. Hi, Jack, where do you live now? 你好,杰克,你现在住哪儿?
2. I live at 203 Curzon Street. 我住在可胜街203号。
3. Curzon Street? Isn't Mary living there? 可胜街?玛丽不是也住那儿吗?
4. Yes, she lives just across the street. 是的,她就住在街对面。
5. How long have you stayed there? 你在那儿住多久了?
6. Just a few months. 才几个月。
7. How about Mary? How long has she lived there? 玛丽怎么样?她在那儿住多久了?
8. She's been living there since her birth. 她生下来就住那儿。
9. Will you stay there for long? 你会在那儿待很长时间吗?
10. No, I'll move to Hollywood next month. 不,我下个月搬到好莱坞去。
11. Oh, really? I'm moving there too. 真的?我也会搬到那儿去。
12. Great. Then we can drink beer together. 棒极了,我们可以一起喝啤酒了。
13. Yes, and you may stay there longer. 对,而且你也许会在那儿住久一些。
14. I hope so. 希望如此。
15. I'm sure we'll have a good time. 我相信我们会很开心的。
《中国人说英语为什么听起来没有礼貌?》文章转自网络,非原创。中国人的英语以Chinglish或Chenglish闻名于世。中国人最大的英语发音问题就是没有连读,但这都不是最主要的语言问题。老外们时常议论,很多中国人在说英语时,听起来没有礼貌;并不是这些中国人本身没礼貌,而是他们还没有习惯英语的礼貌表达方式。比如,中国人在餐厅或咖啡厅,会说:“我想要一个汉堡包”或者“我想要一杯咖啡”。但是,如果直接把这些话翻译成英语“I want to have a hamburger.”或“I want to have a coffee.”老外们会觉得这样说话很没有礼貌,当然他们也不会直接告诉你。而在西方国家,老外们一般会说:“Could I have a hamburger, please?”或“Can I have a coffee, please?”在这里joy同学又提到一个需要注意的问题,“打工的孩子最容易不注意的是see you.See u应该是客人说的,隐含了他觉得不错他会再来的意思,而店员最好用低调一点的bye,用see u太强势了。另外人家说谢谢,你也不用说you are welcome, 这实在是太正式了,有点真把自己当回事觉得帮了人家的味道。回答cheers或no worries就好,如果仅仅是对方爱说谢,你甚至可以不回应他的谢,直接说你要说的就好,如果是买了他的东西他谢你,更不能说you r welcome了,最好也谢对方” 再比如,中国人在拒绝别人邀请的午宴或晚宴时,会说:“抱歉,我不能去,我还有别的安排。”翻译成英文就是“Sorry,I can’t. I have another appointment.”如果这样说,那别人第二次也许不会再邀请你了。老外们一般会这样说:“That is a good idea! I would like to join in but I have another appointment today.” 我们可以从中总结一些“有礼貌”的技巧:1、西方人(主要指有一定修养的欧美人)在与他人交流时,比较多地使用情态动词:can、could、may、might、would等等;情态动词(Modal Verbs)又称为情态助动词(Modal Auxil-iaries),表示说话人的语气,可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等,使得说话的语气比较有礼貌。2、比较多地使用虚拟语气,比如would (had) rather、would (had) sooner、would (just) as soon等等,或者在陈述句中使用过去式表示虚拟语气,或者使用if等引导的从句表示“可能性”。这样说话可以使人感觉表达者是在考虑达到最佳的结果或方式,尽量避免不好的结果或方式,或者推测可能出现的问题,并找出可能解决的办法。3、往往在句尾加please,而不是在句首加please。当please用在句首的时候,语气听起来就比较强,听起来像命令。比如请求别人做某事的时候,我们中国人会说“请在周一前给我回复。谢谢。”但是如果你直接用英语说“Please reply to me by Monday. Thank you.”听者会觉得你是在命令他,一点礼貌也没有。而如果这样说:“Could you please reply to me by Monday? Thank you.”就显得有礼貌了。4、在陈述句的表达可能显得生硬、没礼貌时,尽量使用疑问句、否定句或从句,尽量避免自己的主观判断或武断,以积极的、建议的、比较的、人性的语气,代替消极的、命令的、直接的、武断的语气。5、说话要以他人为中心,以肯定他人、赞同他人为前提,让自己显得谦卑、渺小。说完之后,还要附带一句“Thank you”或“Thanks”。其实,这种礼貌的表达方式是来自古老的中国。这是东西方文化的共同点,也是为人处世的基本原则。了解英语中礼貌的表达方式,尽量让自己的英语表达更有礼貌,融入社会。..................................................................................................................................................PS你们看不来下面是在搞笑么?!!!!!说到这里,我们索性再八一八英国人那些弱爆了的思维吧。当英国人夸你“很不错”时,当英国人“顺便说一句”时,当英国人说“基本同意”时,他们想表达的实际含义是什么呢?而你又是如何理解的呢?千万不要误会他们的意思,闹出笑话!When the British say "I hear what you say. " They mean "I disagree and do not want to discuss it further." But what others understand is "He accepts my point of view."当英国人说“我听到你所说的了”时,他们的意思是“我不同意也不想就其做进一步讨论”,而其他人却理解成了“他接受了我的观点”。 When the British say "With the greatest respect... " They mean "I think you are an idiot." But what others understand is "He is listening to me."当英国人说“出于最大的尊重…”时,他们的意思是“我觉得你太二了”,而其他人却理解成了“他正听我说话呢”。 When the British say "That's not bad. " They mean "That's good." But what others understand is "That's poor."当英国人说“不算太糟”时,他们的意思是“太好了”,而其他人却理解成了“太差了”。 When the British say "That is a very brave proposal. " They mean "You are insane." But what others understand is "He thinks I have courage."当英国人说“那真是一个非常有勇气的提议”时,他们的意思是“你真是疯了”,而其他人却理解成了“他觉得我很有胆识”。 When the British say "Quite good. " They mean "A bit disappointing." But what others understand is "Quite good."当英国人说“很不错哦”时,他们的意思是“有点小失望”,而其他人却理解成了“真心不错”。 When the British say "I would suggest... " They mean "Do it or be prepared to justify yourself." But what others understand is "Think about the idea, but do what you like."当英国人说“我想建议的是……”时,他们的意思是“去实践或者做好准备证明你自己”,而其他人却理解成了“考虑一下他的点子,但还是做我想做的”。 When the British say "Oh, incidentally / by the way... " They mean "The primary purpose of our discussion is..." But what others understand is "That is not very important."当英国人说“顺便说一句……”时,他们的意思是“我们讨论的最根本目的是……”,而其他人却理解成了“接下来的话不是非常重要”。 When the British say "I was a bit disappointed that... " They mean "I am annoyed that..." But what others understand is "It doesn't really matter."当英国人说“我对……有点小失望”时,他们的意思是“我对……很恼火”,而其他人却理解成了“无伤大雅”。 When the British say "Very interesting. " They mean "That is clearly nonsense." But what others understand is "They are impressed."当英国人说“非常有意思啊”时,他们的意思是“那明显是瞎扯淡”,而其他人却理解成了“那真是让人印象深刻”。 When the British say "I'll bear it in mind. " They mean "I've forgotten it already." But what others understand is "They will probably do it."当英国人说“我刻在脑子里了”时,他们的意思是“我已经不记得了”,而其他人却理解成了“他们大概会去做的吧”。 When the British say "I'm sure it's my fault. " They mean "It's your fault." But what others understand is "Why do they think it was their fault?"当英国人说“我确定是我错了”时,他们的意思是“那其实是你的错”,而其他人却理解成了“为什么他们会觉得是他们的错呢?” When the British say "You must come for dinner. " They mean "It's not an invitation, I'm just being polite." But what others understand is "I will get an invitation soon."当英国人说“你一定要来赴宴”时,他们的意思是“那绝不是什么邀请,我只不过想礼貌一些”,而其他人却理解成了“马上我就会收到一个邀请了”。 When the British say "I almost agree. " They mean "I don't agree at all." But what others understand is "He's not far from agreement."当英国人说“我基本同意”时,他们的意思是“我一点儿都不同意”,而其他人却理解成了“他真的是非常非常同意啊”。 When the British say "I only have a few minor comments. " They mean "Please re-write completely." But what others understand is "He has found a few typos."当英国人说“我只是有一点儿建议”时,他们的意思是“请从头到尾地重写一份吧”,而其他人却理解成了“他只不过发现了一些言语错误”。 When the British say "Could we consider some other options?" They mean "I don't like your idea." But what others understand is "They have not yet decided."当英国人说“我们可以再考虑一些其他的选择吗?”时,他们的意思是“我着实不喜欢你的点子”,而其他人却理解成了“他们还没有决定下来吧”。
(Thank you so much
for an awesome translation!)微笑的确是非常重要的。微笑比起任何谦逊的措辞都更能够使你显得更加礼貌。如果你展现出了使人安心的微笑,你可以询问更加私人和不便的问题,下面我会举几个例子。当你询问一些信息时Excuse me, *smile* could you tell me where the exit is?【打扰一下,(微笑)请问您能告诉我出口在哪儿吗?】Excuse me, *smile* do you have the time?【打扰一下,(微笑)请问您有时间吗?】Excuse me, *smile* where could I find a restroom?【打扰一下,(微笑)请问洗手间在哪里?】Excuse me, *smile* where would I find the nearest hotel?【打扰一下,(微笑)请问最近的旅馆在哪里?】Excuse me, *smile* I'm looking for The Great Gatsby.【打扰一下,(微笑)请问《了不起的盖茨比》被放在哪里?】请求I'm sorry, *smile* could you please sign here?【打扰一下,(微笑)请问您能在这儿签名吗?】*smile* Would you please let me know when she arrives?【(微笑)请问您能告诉我她什么时候到吗?】Could you please call me back when it's convenient? (You're probably on the phone, but you could smile anyways to make yourself feel happier.)【请问您能告在方便的时候回电给我吗?(你或许正在打电话无法让对方看到你正在微笑,但是你依然可以微笑,这会让你自己的语气更友善)】Excuse me, *smile* is this seat taken?【打扰一下,(微笑)请问这个位置有人了吗?】Excuse me, *smile* do you mind if I use/borrow/take this? (In this case, you are asking if the person would object, so "No" = "No, I don't mind" = "Yes, go ahead")【打扰一下,(微笑)请问您建议我使用/借用/拿走这个吗?(在某些情况中如果你在询问时如果他拒绝了,或许他的意思是“不=不,我不介意=可以,那去吧”)】 (此处可能有翻译错误,望指正)Excuse me, *smile* Professor Lawrence, I injured my writing hand yesterday. I was wondering if I could have some extra time on tomorrow exam? I have a doctor's note here.【打扰一下,(微笑)劳伦斯教授,我昨天写字的手受伤了,关于明天的考试,我想您是否能给我调整一下时间,这是我的医生处方】*smile* May I go to the bathroom? (This is a pet peeve of many middle school teachers. A student usually asks, "Can I go to the bathroom?" and the teacher might respond sardonically, "I don't know. Can you?" which implies that the student does not have the ability to go to the bathroom.)【(微笑)我可以去洗手间吗?(此处有一个经常受中学老师抱怨的问题。学生经常会问“我可以去洗手间吗”而老师通常会讽刺性地回答“我不知道,你觉得你可以吗?”事实上暗示了学生不应该在课堂上去洗手间。)】当你想要多了解一个人时,你或许会问这些问题对于这些更加私人化的问题,我建议您问间接性的广义的问题,使得被询问者可以自由地回答。在他/她讲述自己故事的过程中,您或许能够了解想要了解他的信息。*smile* I hope I'm not intruding, but could you tell me about your childhood?【 (微笑)我希望我没有冒犯您,但是请问您能告诉我关于您童年的一些事吗?】Actually hoping to know,【事实上提问者希望了解以下信息】When was the person born?【被询问者是什么时候出生的】Where was the person born?【被询问者在哪里出生】Where did the person grow up?【被询问者是什么地方长大的】Does the person have any siblings?【被询问者有什么兄弟姐妹】What kind of people are her or his parents?【被询问者的父母是哪种人】Was the person a good student?【被询问者是一个好学生吗】If you don't mind me asking, *smile* what do you think about love?【如果您并不介意的话(微笑)请问您对“爱”有什么理解?】Actually hoping to know,【事实上提问者希望了解以下信息】Is the person single?【被提问者是单身吗?】Is the person interested in a relationship?【被提问者对恋爱有兴趣吗?】What kind of past relationships did she or he have?【并询问着的上一段恋爱经历是怎么样的】如何开始一段对话Excuse me, *smile* which book are you reading? It looks really interesting!【不好意思(微笑)你正在看哪本书?它看起来很棒!】Wow, *smile* that's a great shirt! Where did you get it?【喔!(微笑)这件衬衫看起来好赞,你从哪里买的?】在所有的这些问题前,你都可以添加一段朋友间的问候A: Hi, how are you?【嗨,你过得怎么样】B: Great, how are you?【不错,你呢】A: Excellent! I'm staying here for a couple days and I was wondering if you could recommend some fun things to do around town?【很棒,我会在这儿呆几天,你能告诉我这周边有什么好玩的东西吗?】- - - - -Smiling is really important. Smiling will make you seem more polite than any modest diction. If your smile is reassuring, you can ask more personal and inconvenient questions. I'll give some examples,Questions you ask for informationExcuse me, *smile* could you tell me where the exit is?Excuse me, *smile* do you have the time?Excuse me, *smile* where could I find a restroom?Excuse me, *smile* where would I find the nearest hotel?Excuse me, *smile* I'm looking for The Great Gatsby.RequestsI'm sorry, *smile* could you please sign here?*smile* Would you please let me know when she arrives?Could you please call me back when it's convenient? (You're probably on the phone, but you could smile anyways to make yourself feel happier.)Excuse me, *smile* is this seat taken?Excuse me, *smile* do you mind if I use/borrow/take this? (In this case, you are asking if the person would object, so "No" = "No, I don't mind" = "Yes, go ahead")Excuse me, *smile* Professor Lawrence, I injured my writing hand yesterday. I was wondering if I could have some extra time on tomorrow exam? I have a doctor's note here.*smile* May I go to the bathroom? (This is a pet peeve of many middle school teachers. A student usually asks, "Can I go to the bathroom?" and the teacher might respond sardonically, "I don't know. Can you?" which implies that the student does not have the ability to go to the bathroom.)Questions you might ask a person you want to know more aboutFor more personal questions, I'd suggest asking indirect, open-ended questions and letting the person talk. In the course of telling her or his story, you'll probably learn what you want to know.*smile* I hope I'm not intruding, but could you tell me about your childhood?Actually hoping to know,When was the person born?Where was the person born?Where did the person grow up?Does the person have any siblings?What kind of people are her or his parents?Was the person a good student?If you don't mind me asking, *smile* what do you think about love?Actually hoping to know,Is the person single?Is the person interested in a relationship?What kind of past relationships did she or he have?Conversation startersExcuse me, *smile* which book are you reading? It looks really interesting!Wow, *smile* that's a great shirt! Where did you get it?In front of any of these questions, you can always add a friendly greeting.
A: Hi, how are you?
B: Great, how are you?
A: Excellent! I'm staying here for a couple days and I was wondering if you could recommend some fun things to do around town?- - - - -相关答案
对物提问用:what,如:What is it?It is a book.对人提问用:who,Who is this man?He is our English teacher.对时间提问用:when/ what time When do you get up?I get up at six.对地点提问用:Where Where is my book?It is on the desk.对..的 提问用:whose Whose book is this?It's mine.对数量提问用:how many/ how much How many people are there in your family?There are three.对价钱提问用 how much How much are there apples?They are 6 yuan a kilo.初中还有:how long/how old/how far/how high等等,有不明白的可以问我
这要有具体情况 一般来说事情用what
人物用who 或whom
时间用what time 或when
地点用 where开发商参照拙政园造苏州园林,每套别墅约售价5亿。
  许多中国网友关心年轻人发展的问题。潘基文对此表示“这是一个年轻的世界,超过一半以上的人口年龄在25岁以下。我们必须为未来给予非常大的关注和投资。” 在潘基文看来年轻人更值得关心和投资,青年发展正是他任期内的工作重点。此前,他创立了秘书长青年特使一职,首位特使上任时年仅27岁,是联合国里“最年轻的小伙子之一”。
生活时尚&搭配博主 /生活时尚自媒体 /时尚类书籍作者
主演:尚格?云顿/乔?弗拉尼甘/Bianca Bree
主演:艾斯?库珀/ 查宁?塔图姆/ 乔纳?希尔


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