求大神告诉我怎么tagxedo 下载creator进不去了

求大神告诉我怎么Tagxedo creator进不去了?
求大神告诉我怎么Tagxedo creator进不去了?
前两天,图说Picsays发布了一片博文关于:图说分享—-文字云工具推荐 ,其中重点推荐了一个工具Tagxedo,这篇文章以金城武为例使用Tagxedo工具制作的文字云示范。 1. 输入网址:/app.html 2. 点击shape旁边的三角符号,浮动窗口 3. 点击增加图片 4. 将事先准备好的图像增加进去 5. 拉动threshold和blur,调整文字填充的范围,在显示中,黑色的带有tagxedo的是文字填充的区域, 6. 调整范围: 7. 点击接受确认文字显示范围。 8. 更改填充文字。既然用的是金帅锅的侧脸,那我们就去找和他有关的新闻吧。文字信息的输入有三种方式: A. 直接输入链接 将维基百科中金城武的链接输入: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E9%87%91%E5%9F%8E%E6%AD%A6 B. 输入关键词或一段话 C. 支持txt文档,这个和直接输入文本的差异不大。 如果你发现文字云中有些文字的拆分不对请点击word layout option→skip进行修改: 点击词条,该词条变为黄色,第一列从keep变为skip,这个词就不会出现在文字云中。 如果有些文字是不许出现的,可以在word layout option→word的第一行进行更改。 9. 更改配色主题: 如果你对默认配色不满意,可以点击theme右边的三角箭头,弹出了已有的配色主题,如果这些配色仍然不满足需求,可以点击右下角的add themes。 在对话框中原文是:‘Blue Meets Orange’ 080 f0f0 d0a030 c06010 其格式是’主题名称’组成的网页颜色代码(用空格隔开) 我们可以将其修改为’金城武’ ff20a0 ffffc0 c0ff00 20ffff,同时设定该主题的背景为白色。点击提交后即在下方生成了新的主题。点击之后即将其运用于文字云。 如果需要调节文字在颜色主题内的切换只需要点击color右侧的刷新按钮。 10. 切换文字方向 在现在的图中文字是各种方向的有的,如果你对文字的方向有特殊的需求,点击orientation右边的三角形,里面有四种方式可供选择。Any是没有方向而言,角度完全随机,第二个是水平方向,第三个是垂直方向,第四个是水平和垂直相结合。 11. 如果需要的对文字和显示进行其他的设置可以点击word layout option进行。 12. 在这个软件中的操作步骤会记录,如果你调整后觉得下过并不好,点击左侧的history找到之前的版本返回即可。 13. 如果觉得文字云的轮廓不明显,可以点击shape单词将轮廓进行加载,使之更加明显。然而这个只是显示上的差别,只有通过截图才能体现。 14. 确定当前的文字云后,可以进行生成分享了。可以生成为不同大小的图片(jpg png),可以进行打印(如果你安装了虚拟打印机就可以生成为PDF),可以生成web链接或者html代码。 PS:这个网站的访问需要代理服务。
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号Launch a web browser (Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc.) In your address bar type in
and hit "enter". Once on the website, on the left side of the screen "start now" will appear and select that.
Select "yes" when the window pops up asking you to install Microsoft Silverlight. A sample word cloud will appear.
Select "load" which is under the heading words on the toolbar which is located on the left side of the screen. This is where you will type in your own words into the text box indicating "enter text".
4Click "submit" once desired text you want is entered.
Choose a theme. Themes are located under respins on the toolbar. There are many themes to choose from, select a theme which matches your subject and a theme which you enjoy.
Now, choose a color. On the left hand side of the screen is a toolbar which will allow you to select "color". Although a theme designates which colors are put into your word cloud, you can switch the colors around to designate a certain color with a certain size of word.
Select a font.
Choose a shape under the heading respins. Shapes are very exciting because they add meaning to the words which you entered into the word cloud. You are able to select an image from the list provided or add your own image.
Select the orientation you would like your words to appear as. This option is on the toolbar under respins. They can be scattered, horizontal, or vertical.
Make final changes. Decide whether you want to change word options, if so select "word options" under "words" and you can choose from editing many word options such as including punctuation or not. Decide what layout options you want, do you want words to appear more emphasized, if so change this by selecting "layout options".
Finish! When you have finished, select "save" which is located at the top of the toolbar under the heading "words". You now have the option to save in many different formats. Saving as an "image" to your documents seems to be the easiest and most convenient way because you have the option of putting it exactly where you want it without later having to find it on the Internet somewhere.
Select "image 125KP JPG". Title your image. Select "save". For later use, open up your documents and open the word cloud up.
Use it to personalize something. Print it out on your computer and hang it on your wall.
Can you tell us about
Can you tell us about
Can you tell us about
Vegetable curries?
Can you tell us about
Tell us everything you know here. Remember, more detail is better.
Please be as detailed as possible in your explanation. We will take your detailed information, edit it for clarity and accuracy, and incorporate it into an article that will help thousands of people.Don't say: Eat more fats.
Do say: Add fats with some nutritional value to the foods you already eat. Try olive oil, butter, avocado, and mayonnaise.
At any time you can add more words into the world cloud.
Remember to save your work in progress often in order to avoided your work being lost by simply selecting the "save" button which is located at the top of the toolbar under "words".
It is easier to upload a list of words into the textbox provided than typing in your own words one by one.
A computer (PC or Mac) *An Internet connection *Text from a place of your choice or words that randomly pop into your head that you are willing to type in or upload
A place on your hard drive to save the final product (preferably create a folder)
Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 192,971 times.
26 Co-authors【文字云制作】为什么Tagxedo - Creator这个网站打开了也出不来_技术宅吧_百度贴吧
为什么Tagxedo - Creator这个网站打开了也出不来那个制作的界面 Silverlight已安装
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