iOS8.1.1Apple store里面怎么itunes找不到iphoneTunes store?

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Users have can greater control over their privacy with Apple's iOS 8 update, thanks to newly added options to hide individual photos, and to hide App Store purchases directly from an iPhone or iPad.
Pictures can be hidden from the Years, Collections, and Moments views in the Photos app by simply long-pressing a picture. This pops up a menu with options to "Copy" or "Hide" the image.
Once "Hide" is tapped, iOS 8 presents a warning informing users that "This photo will be hidden from Moments, Collections and Years but still visible in Albums." Users can then choose to verify they wish to hide the picture, or cancel.
The standard Photos view allows users to find images from large collections more easily. Hiding an image from this view, but keeping it in the Albums view, makes it harder to find certain images without the need to delete or transfer them, or store them in a third-party app.
Users who have enabled Family Sharing can also hide App Store purchases more easily in iOS 8. Previously, to hide past purchases, users had to launch iTunes on their Mac or PC. But with iOS 8, users can hide purchases from directly within the App Store application.
Choose the Updates menu, then tap Purchased. If you have Family Sharing enabled, choose "My Purchases," and downloaded applications &&both free and paid & are listed. These can be sorted by "All" or those "Not on This iPhone."
Simply swipe an app to the right to display the red "HIDE" option. Tapping this removes the application from the Purchased view.
It should be noted that doing so hides, but does not remove, the application from past purchases. That means the app can always be re-downloaded for free, and searching for it in the App Store will still show an iCloud redownload button.
iOS 8 does not give users the ability to hide other iTunes Store purchases directly from their device. To hide those past purchases, iTunes must still be accessed on a Mac or PC.
For more iOS 8 features, see AppleInsider's ongoing , which shows you how to
to share apps, music, movies and other c how to easily create a
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Previous Comments
iPhone 4s with 8.0.2, not working. Maybe this is 8.1 beta?
Originally Posted by Fede777
iPhone 4s with 8.0.2, not working. Maybe this is 8.1 beta?
No, screenshots are from 8.0.2 on an iPhone 6. Have tested with 5s and 5 as well, but don't have a 4S to test.
It's not working for me running 8.0.2 on iPhone 6 plus. I wonder if there is a setting somewhere to enable it.
Originally Posted by nhughes Quote:
Originally Posted by Fede777
iPhone 4s with 8.0.2, not working. Maybe this is 8.1 beta?
No, screenshots are from 8.0.2 on an iPhone 6. Have tested with 5s and 5 as well, but don't have a 4S to test.
Does not appear to work on my 5. Swiping right takes me back to the previous (updates) screen. Works on my iPad, but requires swiping left.
Yes, you have to swipe from the right to the left, like the Delete gesture. I tried both anyway, doesn't work.
Originally Posted by muppetry
Does not appear to work on my 5. Swiping right takes me back to the previous (updates) screen. Works on my iPad, but requires swiping left.
Do you have Family Sharing enabled?
Originally Posted by nhughes Quote:
Originally Posted by muppetry
Does not appear to work on my 5. Swiping right takes me back to the previous (updates) screen. Works on my iPad, but requires swiping left.
Do you have Family Sharing enabled?
No - not on either device.
That's exactly what I was gonna post, I read it again and realized that. I have one device only, so no.
But it would be a cool option for anyone, not just for Family Sharing.
Originally Posted by muppetry
No - not on either device.
Yeah, as I said in the article, it requires Family Sharing. You could always create a family account and just have yourself on it.
Originally Posted by Fede777
That's exactly what I was gonna post, I read it again and realized that. I have one device only, so no.
But it would be a cool option for anyone, not just for Family Sharing.
Agreed. You can still hide any purchase through iTunes on a computer, though that's obviously not as convenient. Just go to the iTunes Store, choose Purchased, and mouseover a purchased item to see an "X" appear in the upper left of the item. This allows you to hide music, movies, TV shows and apps.
whats the point of "hiding" if the pics still show up in other albums and in imessenger recent pics?
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更多ying zhong产品怎样升级ipad appstore版本?怎样升到5.1 iOS以上?_百度知道
怎样升级ipad appstore版本?怎样升到5.1 iOS以上?
这要看你的是iPad几代。如果是iPad 1,那系统最高就只能升级到IOS5.1.1,无法直接在iPad上的App Store中使用新注册的Apple ID下载应用,只能到电脑上的iTunes Store 下载,再同步安装到iTunes 。如果是iPad 2以上的机型,可以升级系统到IOS8.0.2,升级之后就可以在 App Store 中使用新注册的Apple ID下载应用。升级方法:1、如果没越狱,可以在 iPad——设置——通用——软件更新 中直接点 更新 升级。2、如果越狱了,必须连接电脑上的iTunes ,点 恢复iPad 升级。当然,没越狱的也可以采用2的方法升级。注意:不管用哪种方法升级,都应该先连接电脑上的iTunes 备份数据。
只能升级系统了,系统是8.02,app store升不了级啊
你升级系统,app store 就更着升级了


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