this is betty ___ russia ,anddoin what she likess __ to mu

BBC - 1xtra
On Air Now
16:00 – 17:45
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Jenna G recommends
Listen Now:DiaryJenna G's diaryIf you missed the shows this weekend then you have missed Sunday's very special FINAL show from yours truely...Jenna G. (OMG talking in the 3rd person, already im a deluded pop star). Listen back to burning question and Sundays classic music selection plus my teary good bye!
Its been an amazing 4 years here at 1Xtra so many people have helped me off & on mic and i want to say thank you to all 1Xtra/Radio 1 staff i've worked with and most importantly you lot out there for tuning in every weekend. I 've had the most amount of fun and i cant wait to get working on my MUSIC!!
Stay in touch on myspace/facebook and keep up to date with my music and musings at
. Sorry for crying on 2nd to last link, they were happy tears, honest....
' Nothing is permanent except change... ' HeraclitusThis weekend Sandy and I turned into video critics on the show. So many play list tracks being released in September so the production lines are overflowing with some amazing and original ideas. Wiley's
is by far the best, longside Master Shortees but there are some others. However we we're thinking that due to the quick turn around of some of these videos the originality is being left out. Ok so not hating but here's the vid's that let us down....first up I hate to say this cause I love the tune but Taio Cruz
is so disappointing. When I listened to this track initially I thought he was talking about a wife, a woman, an angel someone who is more than a sexual object....then you get Roxanne from Hollyoaks mouth wide open, awkwardly pinning him up against walls and sliding all over him in a towel!?!? Not necessary its a perfectly good song and I don't need to see Taio as a sex meister to appreciate his music, so stop with the non-existent sexual tension already!! Next up Sway & Lemar with the 'omg they brought it back' red padded velvet wall set up in
married with Vaseline lenses and the shuffle....which I know was supposed to make it look a bit vintage crew weren't convinced especially after the amazing effect on the retro Summertime (by the same people?!??). Finally and I know loads of people will disagree with me but I have to say something...Rhianna's !?! Ok now its an amazing look, performances are so real and disturbing (get it) but it doesn't go with the sound of the track at all. Styling is stunning and very now (gothic, emo, McQueen) however the track is more Euro poppy, spandex and glitter...rant over, im back next week with nuttin but luv and some dope dnb mash ups!!!!Doneao on the show today, takling us through an album he relates to alot....Brown Sugar from D'angelo. One thing that stuck out to me in terms of why he likes this because he reckons he looks so like him right i missin something?Did you miss me?? Dont worry ill be on the all week, so listen back at your leisure to this weekends 8hours of fun and frolics known as 9am til 1pm on 1XTRA.
This week Mike Antony reminded us just how old
he is thanks to his choice of essential holiday album. MC Maestro aka Liam wowed the nation with his gyal lyrics on Ova 2 U, which included the word lampoon, G) We sampled this weeks new dvd and cinema releases. Played brand new music from Moka & the Machine, LIttle Jackie and Wiley. Plus we made ridiculously large statements like 'everything sounds better in drum and bass'...two hard days work if you ask me!!I wanna be a white van woman, high up on the road and beeping sexy drivers!! HIred a big LWB van to move some stuff back home to Manchester this week and felt like Queen of the road in that beast of a least i know what im gonna do career wise if this radio lark doesnt work out laa!
ALso this week cant get enough of Lil Waynes new single, 'A Milli' i know i know other peeps were on it first, but me nah care its big...check the video link on my his page xWoke up this morning a little down...just like Keli on the texes...fourty minutes with my 1Xtra family and im on the road to recovery. Shouts to everyone that got in touch today and without even knowing it put a massive smile on my face. Even the scary stalker tex's were nice and pleasent today...what a difference hip-hop at G)
Heres a lil sample (copy/paste) from one of my fav texes this weekend, from my new admirer J-Dot Man...
"You & I, -we should get engadged, have a coupla babies, then go to a rave, drink some guiness, act real tuff, then I'll dust you off with ' pledge', cos bayby your so super-buff"
Step off Shakespeare!
England suck at football and so this weekend we will not be joing in the rest of Europe playing in host countries Austria and Switzerland for Euro 2008! Not to miss out on the european footie bonanza 1Xtra Breakfast's Trevor Nelson set up a little sweepstake for the 1X DJs. Teams were selected randomly from a hat on Fridays show by Charlie Uchea (Big Brothers biggest b**tch, even though she kept that under wraps this week!) I have last Euro winners Greece so come on you greeks, land of the gods lets show em how its done!!HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERY BODY!!
Had a wicked NYE at Reg's Pyjama Party, rolled with my sister, Dev
and his cousin was a funny ole night, Ladders Up?
Best idea for a party though cause you dont have to worry about what your wearing, m and my sis went in matchin 1Xtra dressing gowns and trainers ha ha!! Nuff respect to all those in attendance Estelle, Iyare, J2K, Uche, the Marvelous Mon-e Mon and most of all Reg thanks for tha invite!!
Didn't get up to Leeds for 1Xtra NY's Day bash, like Mike Anthony who was alone on air this morning (Treble went Leeds, and their suppose to be a team!) i am screwing
but hey thats old news and theres far more fabulous parties im going to and will take Mike with me in the 07, which ya'll cant come too , so in the words of Catherine Tate (who should really say no to cameos alondside Neil tennant in cheap sci fi efforts) 'look at my face, am i bovered though?'.
Read Jenna's 2006 diary entries .A kick and a punch for the first of the month! Forgot to say it on the show, happy June people can't believe this year is whizzing on by! Got the perfect album for the summer though, a classic from the alternative hip-hop collective The Pharcyde, you have to have it and i told you just why on the show today! Playing 3 tracks from this dope album so wasn't enough but definately gives you the right vibe. and be seduced by the soft Dilla beats on She Said, everything that is hip-hop and more on Drop and the one everyone knows thanks to lil Ms Mya sampling it for one of her anything tracks...Runnin! The album got a lot of love in the studio and on the texes, definate classic if you dont know then get to!!
Big up to all that got involved this weekend, muchos fun, esp those texes we can't air!! PLease please please can someone tell me what the hell is going on in London next weekend to do with Prince? A random texers got me all excited, but cant find nuttin on the interent...boooo!I had to write at least one entry in my diary for May and im glad i waited cause today is a biggun!
Shouts out to the Link This massive who laughed in the face of the Worlds Hardest Game by getting to level 8 and 10, way further than myself and studio crew managed. We salute you gamers, out for yourself see how well you do....Managed to grab two of the new Gladiators whilst they were in the building this morning...ok let me rephrase that...there was no way that a dude as fit as Spartan was gonna be in the building and i wasnt gonna get to cop a feel. (Tempest was also here, however i dont fancy her nor does she have any body parts im fascinated by...unlike Rod aka Spartan who has many!) Que studio crew and myself thinking of questions that meant i could have a feel of those muscles with out comin across as a perv....hmmmmm.
Listen back to
show to hear how well we disguised my blatent perving! For the rest of the day im gonna be gazing longingly at my picture with the oh so Tempting Spartan ( and the lovely Tempest who i would have paid more attention to if there wasnt an Adonis sat 2 foot away from me...)
Gladiators tomorrow from 6pm Ladies (& Gents) READY!!To the gurl on the tex who broke up with her boyfriend on Friday night
- requesting sad ass love songs is not going to help the matter at all!
To everyone in the 1Xtra offices - NO IM NOT FLIRTING WITH RUSSELL BRAND ON THE , he's actually flirting with me...were you even paying attention?
To Chelsea ....... (thats air)
To Twin B - You never bought me a birthday present, your potential income this )
To the 39yr old woman on the who can still get her legs behind her head - the studio crew (all male) and myself salute you!On todays ... chart topper Robyn passed through the studio, i gossiped about Jay-Z and Beyonce's first tiff as husband and wife, we heard T-pain and Akon like you've never before and Faith SFX (whose name i said right only once during the whole 4 hours) reviewed the brand new film, Street Kings, which stars Common and The Game. All this plus your requests...its no wonder i didnt have time to tell you bout where im playing tonight in London, click the link if your in town and wanna pass by...gonna be big playing tonight Skinnyman, Sarah Love, Goldielocks , my bad self and many many more!!
Maybe see ya later, if not prepare yourself for a husky sounding G)
P.S it took me an 4 hours to eat one yougurt today....thats gotta be a rercord?I missed 1Xtra live in Coventry last week but mini me aka my niece Jade represented me to the fullest, here she is with the 2 artists i was most looking forward to getting my hands on...i mean see....
Apparently Jade got more time with Chris Brown than our very own Tim Westwood did...check his video from backstage in search of Mr Brown on the 1Xtra .I just heard that their is a film coming out called 'Son of Rambow'....OMG for real did Sly actually go there?
I have no time to check this out right now however i think the answer lies here....Yeah its my birthday month!! In less than 20 days ill be a year older and wiser, closer to the new twenty, thats what up!
Going live from today is the , linked to my stumble upon account this will have all items featured on Saturday's show ready and waiting for the click of your mouse! Links will also be added during the week so make sure you dont miss any check back regularly!
If your already on
lets be friends, keep me up to date with any links i might have missed!
S)This morning i had to go to a speed awareness class in London, it was instead of 3 points on my license and before i say anything negative i must say i learnt some stuff that might save some lifes in the near future, which was good....however i spent most of the morning stiffling laughs and being talked to like a 5 yr old.....'Can anyone tell me why we shouldnt speed, anyone anyone.....' Classic
Another im not dissing but observation is regarding the paper The Voice. Now i rarely read it, its even rarer i see one left around the office but whenever i do, i make an effort to read it, working for a black music station an all dat! Anyways on the 2 occasions i have read it
the behind the scenes celebrity gossip from Jasmine Dotiwala has been about her and Mariah Carey....erm, is their anything else this woman can talk about other than the worlds most random friendship, which im not knocking by the way, but why would i be bothered about MAriah giving you facials and making you eat food in front of her....feeder!! . Is MAriah Carey that interesting a subject that im dynig to know what she did this christmas...As long as it wasnt carolling down my road in a power ballad stylee ya i the only one irked by this irrelevant indulgance?
Even after reading the disclaimer at the side of Jasmines page im still at a loss as to exactly why this got printed, yes its factual but not informative, Mariah is a celebrity but shes not that current....hmmmm i wonder?Hmmmm its been a mad long weekend, spent the whole of Saturday after the show at the Bfi in London, taking part in BBC Blast Film Festival, which was dope! Check out the to see what went down and how you can get involved in the next one.
As for todays show, im still giggling from how many things went wrong in the studio, bare air from the ova 2 u requesters thanks to a dodgy phone line!
to see just how well i handled it....
Dunno what im gon do with myself tonight thanks to their being no Golden Globe Ceremony...i feel robbed im an award show addict and a press conference is just not gonna suffice! I need my yearly fix of expensive dresses, red carpet snobbery, long speeches, sly digs and those oh so fake
'im so happy for you' stares from the losers....please please please award show gods dont take away the Oscars too!I am facebook group obsessed, great way to start a new year out with the old and in with the new but totally pointless websites for me to spend my time browsing when i should be writing hit pop songs!
'My plan for mini world domination' group has come on leaps and bounds since last weeks Link This where i unveiled my sim-like virtual city to the nation. If you havent joined the revolution click or check out the previous diary entry and get involved!
Todays new group is Sleeveface, for the vinyl junkies and photography nuts get on this, its dead simple check my contribution and then click the link to see more!
Heres the oh so amusing where i discovered this vinyl phenomenon!Happy New to You!!
My resolution for 2008 is world domination, help me by clicking on the link below...Big up to eveyrone that tuned into me during the 07! All film reviewers, IGTHI selectors, Over 2 U djs and the fabulous rest. Heres wishing you the best sucess for the New Year, lets kick 2007 to the curb.
My new years resolution is to learn a new language...think i might start with .
Happy New Year ya'll xxTwas the Saturday before xmas and all through the station, requests were being played for the whole of the nation.
There was festive songs from hip hop dudes and internet links to get you in the turkey mood!
My favourite part was at the end where i told you tomorrow we do it all again....
Dam i've been hit hard by the cheesy xmas card rhyming bug, quick show me something funny!
Perfect back to normal and back in the studio tomorrow from 9am!Happy Birthday to my lovely niece Jade, shes legs 11today!!
Birthday cake for all i say!
Totally obsessed with
at the moment as well, like i needed another reason to be on the internet, you caught that bug yet?I love Alicia Keys however her clothes scare me....mentioned in todays show that she might be in co-horts with the devil and heres the Kanye West is by far the best rap artist in the scene at the moment, his concert this week (thanks Trevor!) at the 02 had to be one of the most visually pleasing hip hop shows i've seen in a long time...not to mention the slew of hits that the oh so tight band with full string section pumped out for the hour and a half that he was on stage.
In particular i fell in love with his drummer Spanky, who bashed the hell out of some sick beats and had a huge gong behind his rig....dope. It made me start obsessing over drummers an instrument i have alot of interest in...especially when some one cute and talented is playing them, trawling the internet found my baby Travis Barker...doing the Crank Dat drummer boy style!!!
Finally i can say it, we can all shout it from the rooftops, even though we already did like a month ago when she was in here fat as anything with her baby weight!
JLo IS preggers, like erm duh, the worst kept secret this year in show business, why the hell else would she have put weight on her nose and wear Homer SImpson inspired Mumu's.
A fat nose gives the baby game up straight away and theres nothing you can do about that
Im scared that when i eventually bear a child my nose is gonna get really fat and then i wont be able to loose my excess nasal could you do that, get rid of nose fat?Aint been on here in a while so i have to come back with some thing special. I might be late on this but its still a classic video of our times....with a You Been Framed moment right at the end...que Jeremy Beadle!BIG SHOW TODAY if you missed out, shame on you, make it up by listening back to my chat with
and the review of his brand new movie Deathproof as well as a look at the new Adam Sandler comedy 'I Pronounce you Chuck & Larry'.
Spending the rest of my day getting ready for a knees up in Brighton at Devotion, gonna be singing there for the first time in over a year, yeah! Bring on the Brighton ravers.
Also trying to wipe from my memory the hideous rap that my old chum Simon 'i made green, from blue' Webb subjected the nation to at this weeks MOBO's....i cant believe i went a whole 3 hours on air without mentioning it!! What the hell are you gwarning with Mr Webb, first off the multicoloured beard was so black man midlife crisis and your late 20's bruv. Secondly do you know the calibre of model you were so graciously allowed to walk onto stage with, which lead me to thirdly WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING 32 BARS WITH NO MUSIC WHEN YOU CANT EVEN SPIT BRUV!!!
I like Simon, he's a fellow Manc, hard grafter and has reaped many rewards, maybe not that street but when has he ever been,
the Lighthouse Family styled album and his top hatted rock track for The Silver Surfer, i was still with him,
but im finding it hard to take him seriously at all after Wednesday...
Cant even find a clip online of his rapping (which im so tempted to put a C in front of),
thats how bad it was, people dont want to laugh they just want to forget the all consuming shame that crept through their body whilst watching his oh so desparate display.
For more pleasant memories of the MOBO's check out our very own Mobo Oh my gosh i interviewed Quentin Tarrantino and hung out with him in the hotel bar for a couple hours afterwards.
I am amazed at how cool this dude is, ridiculous bar company and a great choice in cocktails! Tune in on Saturday for the formal interview and i might just let off a few gems of wisdom from Tino to me to you.
Also in attendance at the hotel today was one of my favourtie characters from Balls Of Steel, The Urban Cowboy.... Everybody down now get down, 1, 2 and 3 strike!!!!Oh my gosh, i seen Unklejam last night at Islington Academy. They rocked out so hard, i love Bobby in his back to front braces, dudes r funky as hell. New album drops very soon im dying to get my hands on a copy as some of the tracks they dropped last night were hot as hell!!
What could possibly ruin the fun of last nights concert and this mornings amazing viewing of DEATHPROOF oh yeah getting your car towed in central london and having to walk down the scariest corridor a thousand leagues underground in order to get it back!
Good job im interviewing Quentin Tarrantino later...that will cheer me up!!No rest for the wicked, loads of films for me to go see this week. American Gangster, the new Denzel Washington biopic, the first film offering from Catherine Tate as Mrs Radcliffe in her Revolution and kick starting it all off, the one im most looking forward to Deathproof from Quentin Tarrantino, make sure you tune in on Saturday for Tarrantino flavoured moive hour!
Back from 5 days of raving, and man am i tired. Sun and Bass in Sardinia is an amazing dnb festival on the beautiful island of Sardinia which runs for 7 days
and features the best DJ's & MC's that the scene has to offer. The clubs are so stussh looking, and open air with non stop parties from 3pm to 7am every day. Perfect except when your trying to get some rest after a mad summer, i've come back more battered than i left!
Best bits for me the sun, the gnocchi, the girls from Peterborough and the Tirimisu! Check out my online gallery on 1Xtras' pagesSo painfully tasty seeing as it was invented on the Island, they dont ramp!
Was so much fun hanging out with old friend and making new ones, shouts go out to Marcus Intallex, DRS, Bailey, Storm, Fierce,
ALix Perez, Calibre, Break, A-sides, Nu:tone, Soul Train, Kemo, Lynx . Nuff luv to Alicia aka Indi, Sami, The Boro gurls, Kate, Garfield and not forgetting the ones who made it happen Stephano, Martina and the whole Sun n Bass crew! See ya next year.Words fail me this weekend, finally downloaded pictures off my camera from the past 2 crazy weeks so ill let them do the talking.
Bank holiday weekend started at SW4 in south London, it was packed!
Next up was Carnival on the monday, shooting the video to 'Work It Out'
with Die & Clipz.
Next up was the Carnival after party, dnb crew in full effect Justice & Dynamite MC scrub up well dont they!
Next up was Prince at the 02, with my friend Charlotte!
This time i got Prince pillow cases...its like he's really there!
Went back there this week to see Elton John with my MUM!
My fav picture though from the past fortnight has to be this.
These are glasses to make you feel and see like your drunk, they also make me look like a proper weirdo!Just met Ross from friends!!!!!! Its so weird, i was only watching him on tv this morning and there i was chatting to him about trainers and his feature film directorial debut, Run Fat Boy Run!
The funny thing was he actually sounded like Ross, duh but i mean his voice is exactly the same, duh im gonna stop typin now....
For a full round up of mine and David Schwimmers chinwag plus a host of other stars from the brand new movie Run Fat Boy Run choon in this Saturday morning from 9am for Lights Camera Action!
Check out the gallery A kick and a punch for the first of the month, but no nip or a kick cause i clearly wasnt that quick.....BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND!!!
Its been big so far, singing with the Shapeshifters yesterday at SW4 festival in London, was amazing i think about 10,000 people watching us on the main stage, it was a sea of bodies...most of them scantily clad as well thanks to the glorious sunshine! Today's show was full of Carnival madness we got the horns, whistles and bontempi percussion instruments out, pus we had a classic album chosen by The Queen of Soca Alison Hinds, cant wait to see her perform at the Carnival After Party tomorrow night!! Now im off to the Carnival with Die to film 1st half of video for our tune Work It Out longside Clipz, shooting 2moro down there as well from 5am for the filpside Number 1 with Ben Westbeech!!! Its gonna be madness but worth it the 12 is killer keep an eye out AUdio Zoo, Oct...What a frantic 2 weeks, i've been Munich, Istanbul, Manchester and fabulous Chelteham hee hee but im back and ready for the shows this Carnival weekend!
Been catching up on all the office goss, reading DJ's diarys and getting myself back on top of things. That new Souljah Boy dance is the funniest thang i've ever seen, DJ B im coming round yours to join your dance troop....oh yeah!
Papers today are horrific, Amy Winehouse what the hell is going on with you? Please get rid of Blake he is no good, like seriously no good. Bleeding from your toes, eye make up smudged, ignoring your family and friends. This is 50 times worse than Brittany please can someone stop it, its awful to watch such an amazingly talented person act like this.
Blake you suck, go play with the traffic.I cant really remember what i did at the beginning of the week....OH WAIT YESH I WENT TO SEE PRINCE AGAIN! No wonder my mind was hazy, he blew it tee hee. Inspired as i was i raced up the motorway to my home town Manchester to record a little something for Zed Bias new album. Was the most fun i've had in a studio for a long time. Sound experiments and vocal instruments oooo wee cant wait for that to drop.
Not about next week, instead the bubblelicious Max will be holding down the fort, whilst im singinG me heart out with the Shapeshifters ayt Global Gathering in Turkey.
Have no idea what its gonna be like apart from the fact that its gon be hot, my aim is to come back black.
On the UCAS hotline Thursday when all ya exam results are released, holla and i might be chatting to you. Also gonna be reporting into TX and TXU during the day on the goings on at the Ucas HQ in Cheltenham
Im so nervous for ya'll even though i i know you)
Good Luck xoWhat a funny Saturday night, east end of london with my gyal pal Siobhan, she is crazy!
I got chatted up by a dude with a chicks hair cut and skinny jeans who reckoned he was an architect, no disrespect but mate your not that good at dressing your self, how you gonna design a house?
Another man that got way to into his appearance, Craig of the David's, he is way too buff, like one of those guys in the gym with no neck and thighs as thick as my body. As a eloquent texer put it during the show, he should have spent more time on his chorus than he did in the gym...nah mean!!Eddie i want that line is so relevant now hee hee. Let this be a lesson to all men who are slack enough to joke about their responsibilities and air their dirty will come back and bite you on the butt!
On a lighter note the sun is beaming down today can hardly believe the devastation i witnessed the other week on way to Wakestock all the flooding and rain, complete contrast check it.OMG I GOT TO SEE PRINCE LAST NIGHT AT THE OPENING OF HIS 21 DATE SHOW AT THE 02....
I have tickets for later in August but my friend Jason had a spare one, knew im a fan and invited me along...i didnt cry til the end when he looked at me during Sometimes it Snows in April. This man is amazing if you didnt know you better get to!!Oh my gosh i think im gonna Global Gathering last night, had a wrist band for free drinks in the bar man self service...bull in a china shop anyone!?! Was one of the most fun times i've had at a festival and there were three reasons for that....1 as i mentioned free booze, 2 - 1Xtra were reppin for the dnb massive Marky & L Duoble smashed it with Rage on the mic.
The 3rd and final good thing about Global was the amazing air display the red arrows put on. It was like Top Gun over the main stage, loop de loops, near misses they even made a love heart in the air....liked the crowd needed any more pursuading! David Guetta though on the main stage missed a trick cause he just played poo house whilst they were flying, he could of drop Berlin, the place would have gone berserk ha ha Yeah i know ages since i've written up on what a gwarn but i been so busy.
Festival season in full swing means i've been off somewhere every weekend to brave porta loos and mudslides.
Today is no different off to Global Gathering to keep the Shapeshifters company on the Nocturnal terrace, cant be letting that free booze go to waste hee hee! If you see me down there holla, lets have a boogie hee hee.
Tune into tomorrows for a much anticipated IGTHI from one of the stations biggest mueso's, Benji of B will be taking us through a seriously classic album
Hasta la vista babies
xOMG listening to the Prince album Planet Earth for the 2nd time already today. I LOVE THIS MAN!! As do a heck of alot of you lot out their, shops round 1Xtras studios are sold out of the sunday paper that gave the album away for free. Love the fact i get up at 6am on a sunday for the first time ever i've got something out of it!!
Already have my favourite tracks. Future Baby Mama and Chelsea Rogers, brilliant titles i think im gonna cry, such a big album thank you Mr Mail but most of all THANK YOU OH PERFECT PURPLE ONE!Smug couples suck.
Backing each other up, taking on each others greivances.
When did being a couple become the loss of individuality, morphing into one unified idiot!
Example Posh n Becks, Cheryl Tweedy & Ashley Cole, Brangelina....see just one name for the most hideous of these uber couples.
Oh and no im not a bitter single, just a concerned observer3 reasons to be happy this week.
I just voiced a documentary on my all time fav artist, life long inspiration and general bad man, Prince. Its gonna be on 1X the 1st of August, Chaka Khan, Trevor Nelson, Dr Fink, Jimmy Jam and a whole host of other people from the purple mans past,taking you through the truth about Prince! Yay, maybe he'll listen to the doc, fall in love with my voice, inspired write me an album as amazing as Purple Rain, then he'll fall in love with me whilst we're recording, we'll get married and have lots of miniature babies and start our own Partridge family, but with more funk! What it could happen!?!
Is anyone jealous? I had a spare ticket as well seeing as Dev was sleeping off his morning show and never called me...or was I suppose to call him? Anyways its amazing, cheesy but man the effects are really good. Its funny nicely paced and not to heavy on the geekdom that was the cartoon. Just got the competition prizes as well, brand new Transformers merchandise. Your gonna have to prize this Optimus Prime mask from my dead body, its the shizzle my nizzle! Stay tuned from 9am on Saturdays to be in with a chance to win movie memorabilia, DVDs and anything else we get our hands on. This Saturday
we're going Harry Potter crazy,
loads of 'magic' prizes for all you muggles out there.
Lastly or thirdly the reason to be happy this week.....oh wait no that was 2 weeks ago....erm ok I aint got a third thing yet this week, but I know there will be, all good things come in threes!The quote of the year so far on todays show, thanks to TX @ Live Earth.
Corinne Bailey Rae was talking about her natural hair style and how by not relaxing is eco friendly when she said 'Afro hair will save the planet' Does that mean Ronnies bald head is harming it?WoW, what a week i've had. Instead of being locked up in studios out of daylight as is the norm, i've been all over the show. Brawling in the press pit at the Harry Potter premiere, boppin in the VIP box at the Justin Timberlake Concert , dressing up like Linda Leyton (Beats International) for Twins old skool b-day party! Im knackered and catching up on some tv this saturday night with a take away and a bottle of wine. Heres my week in pictures...
Harry Potter & Theo Walcott (who was supposed to appear in The Order of the Phoinex) at the European premiere.
Justin Timberlake Concert, true blue JT we luv you!!
Old skool style for Twin B's birthday, 90's flashy fashion, had gold leggings and roll socks on to complete the look...
And check out Dev's look for the party! Bobby Brown in the place!No more cigarettes inside any public does this work if you live in a flat?
Also whats gonna happen to all those amazing ashtrays in ale houses around the country, homeless destitute.
Oh yes and what about all the little dwarves in the north whose lively hood was supplying the ashtray demand.
Woo yeah smoke free uk, meet you round back of bike sheds!I've only been away a week but it feels like a year!
So much going on in 1Xtra towers, it feels like a new school term after summer hols. New faces, new desks...but no new men, booooooo. We need a little more decoration!
Off on a marathon movie this afternoon Die Hard 4 and Harry Potter bring it on. Yippee kye yeah, you muggles!Mista Jam in for me in style this weekend, while im sloshing throught the mud in Cowboy boots @ Glastonbury!
Was much fun, wish ya'll could've been there with me, maybe i would have got less mud on me...hee hee!Shouts to all crew in the Dance lounge tent that came to get on down to Dnb the Die & Clipz way!
See a few famous face the one that got me the most excited was Pete from Big Brother, he even swore! lmao
i didnt stay too long, though i dont like the mud and man was there lots of it!!
It got the best of my boots though, left them exactly where i took em off, no way were they comin in my car!Sunday, its all about the remix, forget about G-Child & Seani B cause theres a new King (Queen) in town, listen back to todays show for the exclusive Umberella remix by my good self and the sunday morning 1xtra texin crew. Big up to all co-writers, please contact PRS for your royalty cheque,)
Im off to Ibiza this week for the first time ever! Im mad excited, only there for 2 days before i return to the UK for Glastonbury with Die & Clipz, have no idea how im getting there or back but hey its festival season bring on the mayhem. If your gonna be there and have a camp fire would love to sit around toasting marshmallows and singing songs in a round stylee. Shouts to Mista Jam who will be looking after my shows next week, ill be tuned in and missin ya'll!A week out the country was just what the doctor ordered.
Kept up to date with the home of new black music through the website, something which made me smile, then laugh insanely was the Ace & Vis logo comp. You lot are killing it,
please let me see the boys down Southend in this get up, pure gangsta!!Reminisce on the love we had!! Or about cartoons really, so many people taking it back to the old skool like Dizee . Have spent past few hours searching out dvds of some of the titles of your favourite, heres a quick list to bring those memories flooding back! Super Ted, Cities of Gold, Pole Position (oh way oh, oh way oh),, Denis the Menace, Thundercats, Count Duckula, Family Guy (its all about the baby), She-ra, the Poddington Peas, He-man, Gummi Bears, Kissyfur. The 2 that literally had me buggin out though was the debut effort of Ren & Stimpy's designner 'Galaxy High'
How far this cartoons influence spread....Kanye West anyone?
The second mindblower came from the lovely Tina from TX, back in 1988 the beeb made Terry Wogan voice a cartoon series called 'Stop It & Tidy Up' check it out man.
Such a blast from the past buried in my brain, they lived in the land of 'Do as your told' and other characters included 'Brush ya Teeth' 'Sit Down' and the 'Big Bad I Said No', lmao.
Big ups to all reminiscing massive hope i've sparked something off in ya'll.
Lastly im am flippin over the , im so into comic stuff at the moment, this is the shizzle my nizzles!This week has had a hokey kokey feeling, Emily put her right foot in (her mouth), Paris put her left foot out (of jail), Big brother put two boys in
(the house), Leslie out, Paris in and shaking all about and last night i was turning around at St Marys College in Twickenham with the Shapeshifters.
Ooo i love a good party game and a minature convieniant that i got this in the post this morning ....
Kylene is a winner!! 2 tickets to Beyonce's concert in Manchester, me home town, big up ya self gurl have a wicked time. Shouts to Zef in Nott's winging its way to you a bumper pack of Dreamgirl goodies. Thats what you get when you tune in early on a Saturday morning, freeness, films and mucho musico!
Off out into the sun bombing but you never seen me right!!
Back 2moro (hopefully) with a classic female album on IGTHI, clue.....PUSH IT!A kick and a punch for the first of the month....Im ill, like sick and im not talking in hip hop speak.
Me back me back me back me back back back rae.
Me nose, me chest me head me throat , owwww.
On a lighter note i did a gig on Sunday with Sweetie Irie and his amazing band, other performers on the night was DRW and the mighty mighty Unklejam, who remembered me, im so humbled and now have digits to stalk electrosoul pioneers ha ha ha ha ha.I HATE BANK HOLIDAYS.
Waste of a decent day off, no where you wanna go is open.
I spend most of it catching up on House work, myspace and bill paying seeing as its the only day off i actually get to do something on.
To top it all off its raining, which means no tanning, no frolicking in the park, no washing the car, no family pinic and sports day which turns into world war 3 and most of all no BBQ.
Really when there is no sun they should just cancel it.
Im thinking back to last year when i was on a beach, yes i was working but oh it was so much fun, roll out the sun!Up in Bristol this weekend, Friday night at Dojo's and i cant wait.
Its been a year since i performed there prior to For Lost Friends being released, so much has happened good and bad thanks to this project so it will be great to go and give thanks to those that bought the album..even if we havent seen any money off it yet....knowing that it got out there and people are still feeling it means way more.
Keep the change B)I know im not in this weekend but i had to pass by the office today so i could post this dedication diary entry.
I hosted an amazing event today in Leicester Square, where school children from Bristol, Hull and London came down to the Odeon to watch their own films on the big screen.
Todays ceremony was put on by Over to You and
and was all about rewarding the hard work each school put into their productions.
I really enjoyed all the films, forgotten how mad high school kids are and the vibe in the cinema was wicked, I had little to non involvement with this project and i still feel like i got alot out of it.
So my dedication for today is, do something for the kids afterall they are our future....Im so jealous of Martin in New York riding through central park and flying between the skyscrapers!!
Listen back to
for his rather jammy review of Spiderman 3...i havent even seen it but after his Large popcorn rating and all your tex's im dying to see Peter in the black suit...i guess he'll be looking quite slim in it! lmao.
Best news of the day, i made a very passing reference to it during the show. Regulars will know im obsessed with Ben Westbeech, usually referring to him as my future husband etc, anyways all the public one way flirting has paid off...he left a message on my phone this week! I am the butt of all office jokes as i am yet to call him back, big mouth but not so surprisingly no cahones.....
Oh last but not least, got screenings all over the country for 28 Weeks Later this week so if you fancy seeing this film before anyone else and telling us all about on Lights camera Action, , fill out our form and we could be calling you very soon.
Back tomorrow with a classic uk album, still no one has even mentioned this dude in this ...can you guess who it is yet??What a cool weekend
I had, so much love to send out
to tha dnb massive in Linz & Hanover (that's Austria & Germany).
Mad parties, fantastic crowds and lots of fizzy pop!! Had my first taste of Jagermeister, some herbal lliqueurwhich helps digestion...oh and gets you completely smashed! You will have to refer to blog for the photo evidence, beware children its not for the faint hearted.
On my way back from Germany i got stuck on a train with my brand new crush a non smoking, non drinking Norwegian, who was fascinated by my tales of alcoholism and debauchery. Needless to say i havent heard from him since...first time i've ever seen myself as unattracttive due to my habits and not my big bum!
On a lighter note Kelis is back in the country performing at some festival, a year after her album tour was cancelled and tickets still not refunded, finally her fans that have been waiting nearly 360 days can get their tickets exchanged as previously advertised....erm no they cant!! Thanks alot miss thang i am currently using my tickets from last years cancelled gig to keep my breakfast table steady!Ooooh its all happening, just seen video for an upcoming pop single im involved in, man i look dope in a boiler suit! Check it out
More info on when and where you can see all that coming soon....Links for the day....What a week im brain dead and have only bullet points to express myself...
Fickle girls, footballers wifes, those that think by having a man their complete make me LMAO!!
Kirsten Dunst makes me wanna buy
London makes me wanna go back to Manchester.
The fleeting hot weather makes me wanna run away to Hawaii.
Ikea makes me wanna buy things i dont need.I was in Tallin,
Estonia last night, still not to sure where Estonia is but i know
we flew over Germany to get there and its near Russia.
I had no expectations at all as i didnt know anything about this place which may be why i've fallen in love with Europes silicon valley (wikipedia fact). Its clean, surprisingly colourful has beautiful people and fabulous bars oh and its the only place in the world (so i was told) where you can get a beer cocktail... Trust me they are the sheet man for real, how happy do i look?
Shouts to Kuno @Club Prive, DJ 'i only eat steak and ice cream' SS and my partner in crime for the evening DJ Mosus, oh and all you dnb ravers from Tallin, you rock i had fun, thank you for teaching me foreign swear words and getting me drunk on Absinth and vodka yeah it was messy, but a whole lot of fun!Tonight was so much fun meeting ya'll down at the 1Xtra Lights Camera Action Preview Screening of Alpha Dogs. The Plymouth ladies were enjoying their first trip to London, Jack and fam had a wicked day in the capital. was great seeing some Manchester heads in there, what up Dale? I love getting to see what you lot look like, after months of tex's, jokes and our occasional chats on air! Got a picture of the screening crew, will sort that out tomorrow, just wanted to shout out all the guys and girls that came to London and hung out with us, was mucho fun!!
Tomorrow im off to shoot a video, for the next project im involved in, its gonna be set in a nuclear bunker somewhere in Essex....random i know but all to tha good. Will post some piccies when i get the chance.Ooo i hope theres a fit camera man or some cute always ma)Finally im in my new flat here in London, and for the first time in 3 years im gonna be living on my own.
I swear its an amazing feeing thats welling up inside of me now, no body else's mess to come home too, no bodies else's friends to be polite with. Naked ramblings at what ever time of the day, FREEDOM!
They say that moving is one of the most stressful things you can do in life, i will agree but driving a white van balanced it out for me!! I love it and also know what im gonna do if this whole music thing ever crumbles and fades away. White van woman a me dat!!HAPPY EASTER YA'LL! Im off to my sisters for a girly bank holiday, Mums coming iver we're all gonnd lay low like vegetables, watch some TV and eat some serious amounts of food!! Yay finally im getting a day or 2 of rest, been moving in the new flat this week, bit of a last minute thing so no one to help me carry my thousand boxes. I realised after the 4th car trip, that i have more than enough clothes and shoes to last a life time. Note to shops every where if you see me coming please shut down!
Also my phone has been trapped in one of the boxes on the move, dunno which one yet, still unpacking but getting worried that im not gonna find it before it runs out of power, so shouts to all my friends who i havent spoke to since erm sure their used to it by now. Im always separated from my phone i think i need to invest in implants....thats a phone implant in my head!!
Justin Timberlake comp kicks off tomorrow, if ya'll wanna wi tickets to an exclusive preview screenign of JT's new flick then listen up for the dog barks starting tomorrow from 6am all through daytime. Txt 88111 in reply to tha barks and you could be winning the golden tickets which included travel and accomadation!
back next Sat from 9am. Yo big show today, if ya missed it, SLAP!!
Listen back for the next
, find out what Chris in Edinburgh thought of Danny Boyles new Film Sunshine, what else is good to check at the cinema over the Easter Break and my firstplay of the funniest grime tune i've heard in a while, Lips to Da Floor, its the sound track to the latest viral smasher on Youtube
Big up tha one's like Dubbledge & Beni G for the tune, i swear i laughed so much a small bit of wee fell out!Im so excited! Off up to Manc for a reunion like no other this evening. Eardrum vs Spellbound its a guest list only event at Roadhouse celebrating 2 of Manchesters biggest club nights from yester year. Gonna be a proper trip down memory lane, all be it quite a quick one! Have to be back on the road and in the studio for 2moros show, another pass through my home town...maybe one day ill get to stay in my house longer than 4 hours :(
Seen 300 this week, oh how my lovelife is gonna be stale for a bit, while i find the Spartan of my dreams... leather shorts, capes, swords and shields, now thats what i call a pulling outfit! Full movie review from
Mike ANtony next week on LCA.The end of another weekend, i cant believe its half way through March! Man where does the time go? Gave away premiere tickets on show, as well as chatting to the lovely Neyo about his first cinema release 'Stomp The Yard'. He said i have the flyest trainers in the world, dont believe me? Tune in next Saturday 9-12 ill prove it lmao, also gonna be giving away a SPIKE LEE DVD BOX SET on the show. A great collection of all the mans classic work. Early birds catch the worm on LCA (thats Light Camera Action if ya dont know!).
Off to spoil my Mum, who i love truely madly and deeply, resepct to all the baby mothers, grandmas, and plain old mummy's today its your day gurls get loads of free sheet and be happy!Again in a different stu stu studio, EMI west end central lmao.
Working on various things pop and alike....interestingly enough though i did write a hook or 2 for some potential Kano tracks, got a sneak preview of the new album as well. Nice nice!
You know 1Xtra will bring you all that new music first man we is the home of it!!Stu stu studio, got to hear nearly finished version of first im so excited. Had the creative meeting with Director and peeps today. Trudi who did the Shake Your Body video is gonna make it look fly as hell i can just tell! I've got my lips sealed so all im saying is hypersleep chambers oh yeah baby!Yayayayayayayayayayay i won not one but twooooooo times at last nights 1Xtra dnb !
Obviously im hungover but i had to drop a line in today to say a massive thanks, to everyone that voted, bought the album, came and seen me and the band, requested the song on the radio....blah blah blah my head hurts but im so humbled right now.
SPANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART (whilst clutching porcelain god).Oh my gosh, only 8 hours to go til i find out if im a isnt everything but it is the only option!
Having second thoughts about my outfit, off to top shop to accessorize....Big up to the band drinving down the motorway as we speak, ready for thr gig tonight!
Im so excited!I felt quite poo this morning, all bunged up with a cold, freezing cold, bloody weather!
Anyway loads to make me smile
and shake off the Ka ka feeling in , played tracks from one of my fav hip-hop album 'Bizarre trip to the Pharcyde', makes me reminisce, oh happy days. Also kicked off the whole Ya Mama jokes vibe on the tex, LMAO how am i finding this still funny at my age? Heres my pick of the bunch! 'Your Moms so dumb she sent me a fax with a stamp on it!' - S.C in North London, 'Your Mum is so fat everytime she turns round its her birthday!' - Browne on the tex, 'Your Mums so dumb she tried to put m'n'm's in alphabetical order' - Gaby on the tex, 'Your Moms so fat she fills in for the Hoover Dam when it goes on holiday' - Matt from North London,.....amd on and on and on... i tell ya whoever cuts me up o the road today is geting a earful! LMAO
In conclusion, its Biggie Day on 9th March ill be reppin with my Versace shades and my doll, yes thats right i said dollFull of a flu, but its all worth it. Had a great week in Sarm studio's with the Shifters, oooo the album is shaping up nicely. Forgot how fun studio life is shouts to Kirk the Killer Cappucino maker, Greg the Don Juan of the desk, Chez who killed it every night with a fat meal and pudding to die for...i swear the best Tirimusu ever, and thats big talk from me!
So cant wait for Monday its the big Xtra bass kick off and 6 days closer to finding out if im a winner at the awards....I aint beggin but if you havent voted go online and im up for 3 awards please dont let me do a Lily Allen and walk away with nothing, lmao.
Back 2 moro with tickets to give away to the awards and playing some classic west coast hip to the hop, nah tha G dont stop!I cant stand the rain...Stormy weather...Blow the man down, great songs but not the best weatehr conditions to walk to work in. Bloody weather, bloody london, bloody everything.
On a lighter note, Flostradamus came on my shuffle, all is well again!Man i had such a fun birthday week! Started off pretty awful, long story but lets just say a life lesson before my special day!
Anyways im stoked cause i got some cool as hell prezzies my niece smacked it with a Mo Pod which is a little penguin that spins and lights up when my phone rings, she knows her Aunties a gadget freak! Big up all the birthday shouts i got from 1Xtra, Myspace and anywhere else, made me feel very special,)
The best part of the week has to be the fact that i met UnkleJam after their amazing support slot at Nelly Furtados gig on Wednesday!! I cant tell you how excited i was to speak to them, i turned into a 13yr girl! Im so not the kind of person to get star struck but i totally geeked out in front of them....what an idiot *blush* Anyways check out the picture evidence on my myspace
pic, i look so happy !!No more fizzy pop for Miss Stoned, what the hell was that all about?
The Brits what a waste of tv space, in reflection I did my own equally important 1Xtra Saturday Morning Takeover awards on the show today, big up Rece in Telford The best cup of tea maker, for the rest of the winners!
Corey from Brum reviewed the new brit flick Hot Fuzz which sounds hilarious, might go catch that this weekend at me local cineplex, lol. Dont forget you can be a reviewer for Lights Camera Action just fill in the form.
Finally this week i ended up at a Fashion Week party, yeah little old me! Velda Lauder designs fabulous corset's and burlesque style garms and has dressed one of my style icons Dita Von Teese. Her party was in a lingerie shop in a posh part of London!
After many a glass of champers i found myself for the first time in a corset...
Oh my gosh i got a waist and it was so not as uncomfortable as i thought. In fact)Yesterday sucked...i wasnt expecting anything but still. No flowers, not even a my one card off me Dad, erm i mean Anon e Mouse! Why doesnt anyone secretly fancy me and want to do anything about it? Another commercial holiday has made me feel bad, yeah Hallmark!Back from Paris, had a gig at I Love Jungle on Saturday night longside Dj Mosus
it was absolutely heavy!!! I had so much fun, this is for sure one of my favourite places to play in France, just good vibes and good peoples yo! Shouts out to Kolsick, Hugabass, Carlito, Clare, Luxy, Peyo, Sweed, Youthstar & Youthman, Bryan & Darrison, Hive & Gridlock,
(my new fav designners) and all the ravin crew, stay fly til next time ya'll!This week I've been mingling with the stars! I was in London's Leicester Square for the big film premiere of Music and Lyrics starring the charming Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. !
Hmm... think I could get used to all this Hollywood glamour....
If you wanna review movies as part of Lights Camera Action 17 DAYS TIL MY BIRTHDAY Y'ALL!
Just thought i'd let you know now so you have enough time to send any birthday wishes or huge pressies to 1Xtra., Po Box 1X, London, W1X...Just incase ya'll didnt have a place to send your gifts *wink wink* Im begging i know but you have as you get older else you dont get nothing!!
Anyways, had so much fun playing Chaka Khan tracks on todays show, we listened to The Platinum Collection which covers 20 years of her career. Oh how you 'felt for' the 80's dance vibe and you agreed their 'Aint nobody' like Ms Khan
for some serious female vibes. Yes Shaun in London as a music lover and a vocalist i am seriously loving off Chaka, her sound her career and her success...Do you need even more proof that Chaka is the bomb check out this mad clip of her , aint she funky?The early bird caught the worm this morning!
Want proof that getting up early on a Saturday morning
is worth it, then
to todays show, where we gave away Dreamgirl goodie bags and premiere tickets to the new Hugh Grant & Drew Barrymore film, Music & Lyrics.
Its a lovely day outside so im off to east london, me and my sister are gonna wash our cars in the rare winter sunshine. Cant stop singing 'put em on the glass'... lmao!!Knee's alot better, havent been spending more than 5mins on it at a time this week, after trip to A&E on monday where Dr Ash advised rest! Duh, of course, anyways spent way to much on taxi fares and now im thinking about getting a moped...hee hee. Last time i got on one i scraped the bottom of my left foot off...but im confident that the money saved will lead me to drive safely...
Now the question is what coulour should i get?OOOwwwwww my knee is mash up :(
Celebrating last night and my red boots had a little to much Vimto, ended up slamming my full weight on one knee on cobble stones. Feel like Tiny Tim...lame.OOoo im so excited off to my lawyers this afternoon to go through the heavily negotiated contract thats gonna sign me up for a commercial album. I know vague but all will be revealed soon....10 shows in a row, and 4 more to go in this broadcast marathon of mine! Am having a fun day though cause it snowed this morning, I won a snowball fight with a squirrel and I got to reminisce about booty call tracks and first kisses in the chat room during the show.
Oh to be young and promiscuous once again, obviously packing tha doms!
Got to big up Synapse my band for their amazing hard work the past 2 days...find out what we were doing in Millocco studios later on in
2007... Here's a pic of most of the crew at the end of the session.
Check us in
tee hee....Cute guys on the tube make monday mornings worth it! Didnt have any game though on the packed out tube, asked ya'll what you would have done and oooooo im getting me some tomorrow!!
for tips people on how to make a move in public, lmao!Strictly sunday vibes, chillin and saving my voice for 2 days of recording that starts tomorow with my live band!! Im so excited, big up all promoters from 2006 that let us come and play around the UK and inspired us to get the live set documented!
Oh and im off now to interview Ms Knowles aka Beyonce ahead of the UK premiere of Dreamgirls tonight, really should of thought about that this morning when i was throwing on the nearest thing to my want more?Six days down and 8 shows left to go!! Im on a 1Xtra show marathon, filling in for Nesha 12-2 all this week and next....I am tired :(Friday and i was alright when i woke up, now im pee'd off and let down, thank goodness for Over 2 You this afternoon the music selection was on point had me happy for at least 2 hours...back in 2moro for the normal show, no ya not gettting rid of me that easily lmao, bring on the weekend!Chat room today, my fingers hurt, got so much jokes from the pirate shenanigans!
Oh Vis had the same top on today as yesterdy, is this cause he has 2 or because he didnt go home last night.....LL Cool J has a phobia of Umbrellas...does this mean he's wet? LMAO I on the other hand have phobias of pretty normal stuff spiders, being in open water, china dolls and swallowing a Spider..... to todays show to find out what ya'll are afraid of, know someone called Gem? You better hide the ketchup bottle! Biggin up pictures people have done of me and for me Francois sent in this little sketch during yesterdays show
My new myspace buddy
drew this awesome likeness!
Check out his site (click on his name) to get your ve)Back from New York City 8am this morning, passed through my gates to drop off my bags full of shopping then straight to the 1Xtra towers of fun for the first of a fortnight of me filling in on Neesha's lunchtime slot!
Im knackerd a little jetlagged, but so excited to be back at the that normal? Forgot to give thanks on air to those that made the trip. Nuff respect to the Shapeshifters for taking me to The Big Apple, Frankie Knuckles for the vip treatment, Elfrieda for the lovely lunch uptown, Lola the best travel companion (i swear they should sell her at duty free), Nate Mars you hooked up the bad bwoy trainers and Sammy Von Mashenhausen for well just being you really hunny!
Back tomorrow to entertain you while you munch ya lunch!People from Chicago have sexy ass voices, FACT!
Spoke to Common today during the show about his role in the new movie Smokin Aces and i gotta say...DAMMM heis voice is super fine, sounded alot like my current squeeze who is also from the windy city (Chicago) and has a voice like chocolate sauce, mmmmm. Anyways i didnt drool over him like the rest of the studio crew (sha right!) instead we chatted about the film before giving away a VIP package to 1Xtras preview screening of Smokin Aces here in London next week. Big up to Becky in Swindon our winner, who was well chuffed and so she should be too, she got free travel and accomadation in the hella swanky hotel where the screening itself is taking place! Nice one Becky have a wicked time!
Listen back to
for the next seven days. I did my second ever interview with mister super fine and oh so talented rapper Common and Daniel from London expertly reviewed Will Smiths new tear jerker Pursuit of Happiness (no i didnt spell it wrong, watch the movie you'll understand) of course accompanied by the hottest music on those digitals airwaves.
Back tomorrow im now off home to google everything their is to find out about my new favourite tv programme Ugly Betty, nerds rule xxHAPPY BIRTHDAY V!!
Went to the 10 year party last night at Bar Rhumba where Bryan G was playing some killer classics, however the party for most of the night was in the back room....Big up to Dj Peanut and crew they smacked the non dnb selection for all the bar dancing massive, drawing a wide range of genres and killing it everytime. I had so much fun my head hurts so off fo)So first week of the new year and its all going on. All this week Rampage have been giving away tickets for 1Xtras exclusive preview screening of Smokin Aces the new film with Alicia Keys & Common and this Saturday im giving away the big bad VIP package. We're gonna pay for your travel to the London screening on the 10th and put you up for the night in one of the cities finest hotels. But wait theres more...on Saturday i'll be doing a live phone interview with Common himself. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, i mean aaa im so excited......he is super fine in this movie and im a sucka for that Chicago drawl...tune in on Saturday to see if i actually stick to the movie questions or just drool all over him, haha, oh and to be in with a chance to win listen from 9am!!
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