
<meta property="og:title" content="Classical Mechanics: Transformations, Flows, Integrable and Chaotic
By J. L. McCauley. Cambridge University Press, 1997. vii+189 pp.
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Journal of Fluid Mechanics - Abstract - Classical Mechanics: Transformations, Flows, Integrable and Chaotic
By J. L. McCauley. Cambridge University Press, 1997. vii+189 pp.
ISBN 0 521 48132 5. &70.00 (hardback); and 0 521 57882 5. &24.95
Classical Mechanics: Transformations, Flows, Integrable and Chaotic
By J. L. McCauley. Cambridge University Press, 1997. vii+189 pp.
ISBN 0 521 48132 5. &70.00 (hardback); and 0 521 57882 5. &24.95
(paperback).Classical Mechanics: Transformations, Flows, Integrable and Chaotic
By J. L. McCauley. Cambridge University Press, 1997. vii+189 pp.
ISBN 0 521 48132 5. &70.00 (hardback); and 0 521 57882 5. &24.95
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<meta name="citation_title" content="Classical Mechanics: Transformations, Flows, Integrable and Chaotic
By J. L. McCauley. Cambridge University Press, 1997. vii+189 pp.
ISBN 0 521 48132 5. &70.00 (hardback); and 0 521 57882 5. &24.95
<meta name="rft_atitle" content="Classical Mechanics: Transformations, Flows, Integrable and Chaotic
By J. L. McCauley. Cambridge University Press, 1997. vii+189 pp.
ISBN 0 521 48132 5. &70.00 (hardback); and 0 521 57882 5. &24.95
Table of Contents - Volume 371 - 1998
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By J. L. McCauley. Cambridge University Press, 1997. vii+189 pp.
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Classical Mechanics: Transformations, Flows, Integrable and Chaotic
By J. L. McCauley. Cambridge University Press, 1997. vii+189 pp.
ISBN 0 521 48132 5. &70.00 (hardback); and 0 521 57882 5. &24.95
Volume 371,
September 1998 pp 379-381
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
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Herbario Nacional
Responsable de la colección
Dr. David Sebastian Gernandt
Responsable de la subcolección
Dr. Abisaí Josué García Mendoza
&Ultima actualizaci&n
Información Taxonómica
Ep&teto espec&fico
Nombre Cient&fico
Agave xylonacantha Salm-Dyck
Autor del nombre
Gentry, Howard Scott, 1968
Información Curatorial
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Crutchfield, John con Marshall C. Johnston
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Información Geográfica
Continente u Oc&ano
América del Norte
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Estado o Provincia
Gonzales, 13 miles west of..on the Mante road
Elevaci&n m&nima (metros)
Forma de citar esta p&gina
Instituto de Biolog&a. "Agave xylonacantha Salm-Dyck - IBUNAM:MEXU:AGA8276".
UNIBIO: Colecciones Biol&gicas. .
Universidad Nacional Aut&noma de M&xico. Consultada en: .
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& 2004 - 2016 Universidad Nacional Aut&noma de M&xico
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