Hankering和Kingdom 怎么用22个字组成一句话话

英语翻译很简单的一句话,Kingdom rise kingdom fall_百度作业帮
英语翻译很简单的一句话,Kingdom rise kingdom fall
英语翻译很简单的一句话,Kingdom rise kingdom fall
在浩瀚的历史长河之中,崛起和衰亡了无数的国家。hankeringly, adverb
desire, need, yearning, hunger, yen, thirst.
to have a restless or incessant longing (often followed by after, for, or an infinitive).
; < early Dutch dialect hankeren (cognate with Dutch hunkeren), frequentative of hangen to
hankerer, noun
UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, (C) Random House, Inc. 2015.
Examples from the Web for
Contemporary Examples
Some would no doubt keep dancing as they waited for the L train, hankering for the next episode of Morning Gloryville.
May 7, 2014
Indeed, this is not the kind of shop that would appeal to the 50-something woman with a hankering for flash and sizzle.
November 3, 2012
But Israelis and Palestinians don't vote in U.S. elections, whether they're hankering for peace or not.
September 5, 2012
Historical Examples
There has been no hankering for it or for strong drink since.
Think I'm hankering about being smashed flatter'n a pancake, do you?
Silas K. Boone
"I was brought up in the business, and have a hankering for it yet," returned the young man, frankly.
James Fenimore Cooper
I liked it much better than that of my father, but still had a hankering for the sea.
Benjamin Franklin
"I b'lieve you ha' a hankering arter the lad yet," said Rushmere, tartly.
Susanna Moodie
For all that, a hankering after Beaurepaire was observable in her.
Charles Reade
It came from all Paris, urged on by brutish fever, a hankering for death and blood.
Emile Zola
British Dictionary definitions for
foll by for, after, or an infinitive. to have a yearning (for something or to do something)
hankering, noun
C17: probably from Dutch dialect hankeren
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition (C) William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.
(C) HarperCollinsPublishers , , ,
Word Origin and History for
"mental craving," 1660s, see .
c.1600, of unknown origin, probably from Flemish hankeren, related to Dutch hunkeren "to hanker," perhaps an intensive of Middle Dutch hangen "to hang" (see
(v.)). If so, the notion is of "lingering about" with longing or craving. Related: Hankered; .
Online Etymology Dictionary, (C) 2010 Douglas Harper
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渴望( hanker的现在分词 );
a hankering for a wealthy lifestyle
She's always hankering after excitement.
From time to time we all get a hankering for something a little different.
Humans cannot have a society where the majority of the men are hankering to kill each other.
If I had a hankering for an imposing SUV, I would probably start shopping for a used Chevy Suburban.
But if you have a hankering for authentic Belgian fries, there's only one place to go.
N-COUNT 渴望;热望
A hankering for something is a desire or longing for it.
搭配模式usu N for/after n
From time to time we all get a hankering for something a little different...
Have you always had a hankering to be an actress?
1. a yearning for something or to do something
hangdog a. 卑鄙的,惭愧的hankering a. 渴求的, 追求的heretofore adv. 至今为止
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hangdog a. 卑鄙的,惭愧的hankering a. 渴求的, 追求的heretofore adv. 至今为止
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Hankering and Despair --Comment on the novelette of Wheat fields over the city of Wacheng眷恋与决绝——解读《瓦城上空的麦田》
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日&-& hankering&&lack of desire 渴望&&不渴望
heinous&&commendable 可憎的&&值得赞美的
heinous&&admirable (No.1) 极可憎&&可钦佩的
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hanker after
贪图 Character
- Chinese Character... ... 试图[intend] 贪图[hanker after] 希图[ try to].
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热中 热爱[词汇]_互动百科 ... 热轧【 hot-roll】 热中【 hanker after】 热战[shooting war].
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追求 GRE逆序_馆档网 ... canker 溃疡,弊害 hanker 渴望,追求 hunker 蹲下.
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海康 首页-隋唐五金电器专卖-淘宝网 ... —奔泰 Canature —海康 Hanker —康富乐 Kemflo.
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hanker after women
沾花惹草 ... 不好惹[ not to be pushed around] 沾花惹草[ mess around with love affairs] 同本义[cause].
- 基于58个网页魔兽剧情阿尔萨斯弑父时最后一句话是什么?(好像是this kingdom 什么什么的)_百度知道
魔兽剧情阿尔萨斯弑父时最后一句话是什么?(好像是this kingdom 什么什么的)
Terenas: Ah, my son……Arthas: And you no longer need to sacrifice for your people, no longer need to bear the weight of the crown. I&#39;ve taken care of everything. Terenas:What is this thing! what are you doingmy son! Arthas:Succeeding you, father! Arthas: This kingdom shall fall! From the ahes there will arrive a new order, and it&#39;ll shake the very foundation of the world!泰瑞纳斯王:啊…我…… 阿尔萨斯王:您再必您民殚精竭虑您再必您王冠堪重负我已经接管您切泰瑞纳斯王:干我阿尔萨斯王:继承您王位我父亲……阿尔萨斯王:王毁灭并且片废墟降临全新秩序颠覆整世界根基
AH,MY SON,YOU needn&#39;t spend your life on your people any more,i&#39;ve taken care of every thing what is this what are you doing my son? succeeding you father! ah.....用翻译....陛:我孩 (阿尔塞斯举起剑) 陛:我孩手 阿尔塞斯:我夺取皇位 铛(剑响皇冠落血溅墙) 陛:啊......


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