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香蕉BANANA一串香蕉a hand of bananas香蕉水 thinner of nitrocellulose lacquer 香蕉苹果banana apple香蕉管banana tube香蕉花蕾male bud香蕉细胞【医.
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Flower Of Banana 香蕉的花蕾Flower Of Banana 跳跳猴A Naughty Monkey 晨露The Dew Of The Morning 夏天的蒟蒻Summer Konnyaku 水晶葡萄Crystal Grape 美酒夜光杯Sherry And Night—.
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Teacher: good afternoon. My name is, to jinan in eastern shandong province, is from. High school students. This opportunity to introduce yourself here, and I feel very honored. I'd be happy to answer your questions of any today, and I hope I can have a wonderful performance. I started learning from junior high school, because it is very popular in Japanese language and also filled with infinite in Japan, so my Japanese scores have been relatively stable. But because long-term didn't learn English, so can English level can not very well, but I also had not been abandoned for English learning, this summer vacation I will prepare for evil mend English, become an excellent bilingual. Because English is not my strong suit, so I still use Japanese to introduce yourself properly.
Good afternoon ,teachers.I'mXXX,from Shandong province,Jinan.I'm studing in Senior2 from XXXschool.It's my pleasure to stand here and introduce myself.I'm glad to answer all of the questions that you give me.I hope I can do my best today.I have learned Japanese since I was in Junior.I like this language very much and I like the country.So I always do a great job in Japanese.Maybe I don't speak English very well since I haven't learnt English for a long time.But I never give up studying English.I want to charge in during the summer adn try to become an excellent bilingual student.Since my best language isn't English ,so I want to introduce myself in Eng...
Teachers, good afternoon. My name is, I come from jinan in eastern shandong province. I am a High school student. This opportunity to introduce yourself here, and I feel very honored. I'd be happy to answer your questions today, and I hope I can have a wonderful performance. I started learning from junior high school, because it is very popular in Japanese language and also filled with infinite in Japan, so my Japanese scores have been relatively stable. But because I haven't learnt English for a long time, so maybe my English level is not very well, but I also had not been abandoned for English learning, this summer vacation I will prepare for evil me...
Good afternoon,my dear teachers.My name is XX from ShanDong Jinan. I am a high school student in grade 2. It my pleasure to have this oppotunity of standing here to give my self-introduction to you and I'd like to answer every question that you ask and I do hope that I can give all of you a good impression. I had started to learn Japanese since I was a middle school student because of the admiration of the country and also its language.
Teacher: good afternoon. My name is, to jinan in eastern shandong province, is from. High school students. This opportunity to introduce yourself here, and I feel very honored. I'd be happy to answer your questions of any today, and I hope I can have a wonderful performance. I started learning from junior high school, because it is very popular in Japanese language and also filled with infinite in Japan, so my Japanese scores have been relatively stable. But because long-term didn't learn English, so can English level can not very well, but I also had not been abandoned for English learning, this summer vacation I will prepare for evil mend English, be...
Good afternoon, everyone. it's my great honor to stand here.I'm looking forward to any of your answeres, and hope I'll give you a wonderful performance.But first of all, I'd like to introduce myself to you all. My name is XX. I'm a senior-two-student from Jinan, Shandong.I've been studying Janpanese since junior school.Because of my long-standing interest in both Janpanese and Janpanese culture, I maintained excellent marks, always. However, my English may not be as good as my Janpanese since I've not studied English for quite a long time. But this does not mean that I'll give up English. In fact, I shall spend my this summer holiday looking intp Engli...
Good afternoon, my name is, I'm from jinan city of shandong province. Aand i'm a senior two student. It's my great honor to stand here to have this opportunity to introduce myself. I'm glad to answer all your questions and I hope today I'll give you an excellent performance. I've learned Japanese since junior high school because I really love and look forward to the Japanese language and cluture so my results in Japanese are always stable but because I haven't learned English for a long time, my english might not be very good. But I still don't give up learning it and in this summer vacation, I'll try my best to put up with my english and striving to b...
出门在外也不愁香蕉 [xiāngjiāo]
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