
He can lift heavy itemsHe always encouraged me when I'm sad, he cares about meHe is my idol.
1.No matter where I am,you ‘re always (here)with me,supporting (me) and encouraging me.( 这个我假设你是要当面说出来或者是像演讲答谢部分那类型的语气,念的时候逗号停顿,整体地念supporting me,完了略停顿,再念and encouraging me ...如果书面的话,那个here就可以去掉了,supporting后面的me也可以去掉~)2.I saw you at the first sight,(回顾过往,平静陈述型)I could see you at the first sight.(强调心理上很安心,一眼就能看见)My eyes were captured at the first sight of you.(这个...我就不确定表达是否无误,但想说的就是一种第一眼看见就移不开视线,强调一种情难自禁的感觉)因为不知道你想要的是什么感觉的...所以给了几个版本,时态上,1部分句子所陈述的我觉得任何时候都适用,所以选了现在进行时或说现在时,2部分句子我假设的是过去时,你就看着挑来用吧~因为我不是native speaker,所以不保证没错误...希望能帮上你~
No matter where I am, you will always be with me,
support and encourage me silently. I saw you at my first glance.
1.No matter where I go, you will be by my side, silent support me, encouraged me, 2.I saw you at the first time.
Wherever I am, you will always be there to support me and encourage me by heart.I spotted you at first glance.
1, no matter where I am, you will be at my side, silently support me, encourage me, 2, I first saw you.
1. " No matter where I am, you'll always be by my side supporting me silently and encouraging me." 2. " I saw you at the first sight./ My eyes were captured by you at the first sight." 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!
1Wherever I am,you'll always be by my side supporting me silently and encouraging me.2It's you that the first time I saw .( 强调句式)
This is a piece of classical old song which makes lots of people bravely face the difficulty.Therefore,it is not only a piece of music but also a spirit,namely the spirit which can encourage others.For example,we can listen to this song when we are caught in the difficulty.And it will give us the spirit of overcoming the difficulty.它也能让我们战胜困难:It can make us overcome the difficulty.希望能帮上你!
This old song is classic. It has helped many people to face their challenges bravely. So I think it is more than just a song, but a spirit, which encourages people to move on. We can listen to it at a time when we are in trouble and it gives us the will to conquer our difficulties.
This is a classic old song,which encourage people to face difficulties.So I think it's not just a song,it's also a kind of spirit,a spirit that encourages people.For instance,when we are in trouble,we can listen to this song,it gives us the courage of overcome all the difficulties.
This is an old classic song,which makes many people face difficulties bravely.so,I think it is not only just a song,but also some kind of sprite,a sprite of stimulating others.for example,when we meet a difficuty,we could listen to this song,which would give us the sprite that can overcome any difficuties.
This is a classic old songs, so they brought a lot of people the courage to face the difficulties, so I think this is not just a song, it is a spirit, the spirit of an incentive to others, for example, we encounter difficulties , we can listen to this song. It has given us a spirit can overcome difficulties.
This is a classic old songs, so they brought a lot of people the courage to face the difficulties, so I think this is not just a song, it is a spirit, the spirit of an incentive to others, for example, we encounter difficulties , we can listen to this song. It has given us a spirit can overcome difficulties. 加分哟
This is a classic songs, it makes many people bravely facing difficulties, so I think it is not only a song, it is a kind of spirit, a spirit of others, for example, when we encounter difficulties, we can listen to this song. It gives us a can overcome difficulties.
This is a classical old song, it once brought lots of people the courage to face the difficulties in life,so I think this is not just a song,it’s a spirit,the spirit of an incentive to others, for exa...
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英文翻译and get my feet back on the ground:&&&& actively support:&&&&I; me:&&&& pull oneself ...
例句与用法1.U should always come around and get my feet back on the ground你总会来到我的身边.鼓励我振作起来2.And get my feet back on the ground鼓励我振作起来


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