i have a good job. i like to treat a ladytreat me like a fool

there is a great tendency among some people I know to treat young children like slave labor.i don't think you should.i think you should give them a job which is going to be useful to you,no one that you would object to doing yourself and,if possible,_百度作业帮
there is a great tendency among some people I know to treat young children like slave labor.i don't think you should.i think you should give them a job which is going to be useful to you,no one that you would object to doing yourself and,if possible,
there is a great tendency among some people I know to treat young children like slave labor.i don't think you should.i think you should give them a job which is going to be useful to you,no one that you would object to doing yourself and,if possible,one which is going to be of some educational benefit to them.A job I would suggest is hand weeding.
在我认识的一些人中有一个很大的倾向就是对待孩子像奴隶劳动.我不认为你应该.我认为你应该给他们一个对你有用的工作,没有人会反对自己做,如果可能的话,这个工作将对他们有一点教育意义.我建议是用手除草工作.i have a good job. i like to treat a lady like aprincess. i'm a good lo_百度作业帮
i have a good job. i like to treat a lady like aprincess. i'm a good lo
i have a good job. i like to treat a lady like aprincess. i'm a good lo
这句话的意思是:我有一份不错的工作,我喜欢把一个女生当做公主来照顾,(所以)我是一个很不错的(员工)。由于最后一个单词没有写完整,所以推断意思是 ”员工“,希望可以帮到你。How to be a Good Wife to your Husband - 12 Qualities a Man looks for in his WomanUpdated on November 12, 2013
Qualities of a Good WifeEvery married man wishes to have a good wife. Many people advise the new bride to be a good wife to her husband. But what are the makings of a good or perfect wife? Many of women do not know about it. Most of these qualities of a good wife are already inbuilt in a woman and the rest can be developed.
In India the qualities of a good wife or
should have are summed up in the verse from Neethisaram.
'Karyeshu Dasi, Karaneshu M Bhojeshu Mata, Shayaneshu Rambha, Roopeshu lakshmi, Kshamayeshu Dharitri, Shat dharmayukta, Kuladharma Pathni'
Given below are some tips on being a good wife.
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How to be a Good Wife to your Husband?
How to be a Good Wife? Keeping the Man HappyI am a film believer of ‘what you give is what you get in return’ as far as human behavior is concerned. If you are a good wife to your Husband and treat him right, he would cherish you, love you and nurture you in return.
Want to know how to keep your Husband happy? Here are some of the Qualities a man looks in his wife.
1) Be pleasant: It is said that 'we need to treat others the way we want ourselves to be treated’. Never be rude to our husband, family and friends. Be warm, kind, positive, understanding and friendly. Work to be pleasant toward your husband. Don’t be one of those people who make everyone around feel bad just because they have had a hard day. Welcome your husband with a smile when he comes home instead of a sour face. A good wife honors her hubby by keeping a pleasant tone in her voice, a happy smile on her face and a neat and clean appearance. Listen to him talk about his day especially if it was a difficult one. If you don't like how you partner treats you, take a minute to notice how you treat your partner and correct your behavior.
2) Treat your Husband with Respect: If you expect respect from others we need to treat others with respect too. Haven’t we all heard ‘Give respect and take respect’? Respect can be reflected in the way one talks and behaves. Always speak in a loving way and refrain from speaking in a harsh manner. A good wife respects her hubby and she never chooses to belittle strike, humiliate or otherwise harm him in private nor in public. It is better to watch what you say and think before speaking as it is not possible to take back the words once they are said. A good wife will treat her man with respect in front of others and at home.
3) Communicate: Communication is the key to a good and solid marriage. Do not hide things from your husband or keep secrets after marriage. Be honest to him. Find time to sit and talk with your husband on a daily basis even if it is for only half an hour. If you let things bottle up and feel that you cannot share with your husband anything then your marriage is in trouble. Be a good listener when your husband is talking. You may have a dozen important things to tell him but allow him to talk first. Don't greet him with complaints and problems the moment he comes back from work. Good Communication also helps to build trust and strengthen your relationship. After marriage the wife and husband are a team or partners. Do not take any major decisions about the family without consulting with husband. Fights or problems may happen in between the two but do not let the world know about it rather solve it between yourselves. The fight you had last week over shopping or whatever is over and done with. So move on with it and stop rehashing old stuff and reminding him of his faults. Do not resort to name calling, hitting, spitting, breaking dishes or anything else when you lose your temper. If you do he may actually start to fall out of love with you and you could lose him all together.
4) Be Supportive: A husband expects wife’s support and understanding especially in times of troubles. A good wife loves her hubby through his successes and failures and provides reassurance when he's feeling down. She is a nurturer and an equal partner in the marriage. Support your husband in all stages of his career and life. Do not belittle your man or hurt his ego. It is often heard saying that ‘a wife can make a man or break a man’. There’s no quicker way to build resentment in your man than to criticize him or belittle him especially in front of others. Be proud of him on his accomplishments and genuinely complement him. If you do this you can expect your husband to behave with you in the same manner and also respect you more for your support and thoughtfulness. When you don’t agree with him respectfully let him know you don’t agree.
5) Do not nag: No man would like a nagging wife. If you want to get your own way ask him nicely. Many wives think that is the only way to get her husband to do things is by nagging. But the truth is that your nagging can create unwanted rift or can make things worse between the two of you. Your husband is a grown man with his own thoughts and desires. Just because you think he should be doing something particular doesn't mean he has to do it.
6) Give him his space: As a wife you need to understand that your husband has a life other than you also. He has his family, friends and colleagues who too are part of his life. He also may have some hobbies or passions he is involved in. Don’t expect his undivided attention. Don’t stop him if he wants to go out and hang out with his friends sometimes or engage in a hobby or sport that he likes. An interfering wife can sometimes be too irritating.
7) Keep him happy in Bed: Sexual intimacy is one of the most essential things in any marriage. When you please your man, he would be obliged to please you too. Please your man in bed. If you cannot keep your man happy in Bed he may go where he can get it. After all, a Man is a man! According to research, the major reason
is mostly physical whereas for a woman it is emotional.
8) Plan Surprises: Men like surprises too. It can be anything like organizing his birthday party without him knowing about it or planning a special night of passion by playing a seductress. Your surprises do not have to be elaborate and can be as simple as making him his favorite snack or any of his favorite dishes once in a while even if you would rather eat something else.
9) Express your love and appreciation often: Men likes praises and appreciation. Make the best of your time together. Men like to hear the words ‘I love you’ too. Also join him in activities that he's interested in even though you would have preferred to do something else. Give him a thoughtful gift once in a while. Make it a point never to forget the special days in his life. Pamper him very often, especially when he is at home. You can even cook for him or give him a good massage. Making him dependent on you by doing his chores when he is at home is not a bad idea. Let him miss you and think about you when you are not around. These gestures won’t go unnoticed and it may even inspire him to do something nice for you. Don't withhold affection.
10) Honesty, Loyalty and Dedication: A good wife would be honest, loyal and dedicated to her husband. Marriage is a lifelong commitment and the vows you have taken at the time of marriage should be kept in all conditions.
11) Prepare yourself: A good wife honors her hubby by keeping a pleasant tone in her voice, a happy smile on her face and a neat and clean appearance. Take special care about your appearance and every day. Include exercises or yoga in your daily routine. Be hygienic. Some woman feel that once they are married why they should dress up or take care of their appearance. A man likes his wife to smell good. If you are unhealthy or not presentable your man may cheat you behind your back.
12) Prepare the House: Maintain a clean house all the time. Clear away the clutter and spend time decorating the house. Apart from this be wise with money and take all the responsibilities of a wife seriously without complaining.
Do you want a Good Husband who would love you and cherish you? Then treat him exactly the way you want him to treat you. If you want your Husband to treat you like a Queen, you should treat him like a King. In this modern world where most Wives also work the above advice may not be fully practical. But at least some efforts can be put to put these tips into practice. If you are working, you may keep a maid for doing the household chores of cooking, cleaning etc.
I am sure any man would be happy to get a good wife with all the above said qualities. Anyways, I have some advice for Men who were overjoyed seeing this Hub. Marriage is a two sided relationship and you have to play your role too in a perfect manner if you expect your wife to be an ideal one.
Have I left anything? Please feel free to add through comments.
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This is the plight of most Women who are Married and also have children. So the least a Husband could do is being a Good Husband and appreciate her efforts.
If you are looking for the Qualities of an Ideal Husband, you have come to the right place. This Hub talks about 11 Qualities of a Perfect Husband.
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