broken heart什么意思mirrer是啥意思

打破,使碎裂,砸破,割破 ,损坏;破碎
vt. & vi. 打破,折断,弄坏 cause a thing to come into two or more pieces, either on purpose or by chance
vt. 破坏,违反 fail to fulfil (an agreement), keep (a promise), or obey (a law)
vt. 终止,中断 come t interrupt
vt. 透露,说出 speak out
vt. 打破(纪录) do better than
vt. 削弱,减轻 fail, be destroyed, or suffer a complete loss
vi. 破晓,突然出现 dawn, come suddenly into being
[C]裂口,裂缝; 破裂 opening by made breaking
[C]间歇,中间休息; (电)断路 a pause for rest between activities
[C]改变; 中断 change or interruption in sth continuous
[C]机会 a chance
[C]逃跑 an escape especially from prison
[U]天亮,拂晓 dawn
break&:&破译;折断 ...
break&:&违反, 破坏 ...
break&:&违反, 破坏 ...
break&:&破碎 ...
break&:&断裂 ...
break&:&转 ...
break&:&暂停, 停止 ...
break&:&打破, 违犯 ...
break&:&发芽,开放 ...
break&:&广告 ...
some abrupt occurrence that interrupts
"the telephone is an annoying interruption"
"there was a break in the action when a player was hurt"
an unexpecte
"he finally got his big break"
(geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with
"they built it right over a geological fault"
"he studied the faulting of the earth's crust"
a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions);
"they hoped to avoid a break in relations"
a pause from doing something (as work);
"we took a 10-minute break"
"he took time out to recuperate"
"the breakage was unavoidable"
a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something
breaking of hard
"it was a nasty fracture"
"the break seems to have been caused by a fall"
"the break in the dam threatened the valley"
an abrupt change in the tone or register of the voice (as at puberty or due to emotion);
"then there was a break in her voice"
the opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool
(tennis) a score consisting of winning a game when your
"he was up two breaks in the second set"
an act of delaying or interru
"it was presented without commercial breaks"
"there was a gap in his account"
"he made a break for the open door"
any frame in which a bowler fails to ma
"the break in the eighth frame cost him the match"
"the breakout was carefully planned"
"She interrupted her pregnancy"
"break a lucky streak"
"break the cycle of poverty"
become separated into
"The figurine broke"
"The freshly baked loaf fell apart"
render inope
"You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart!"
"He busted my radio!"
dest cause to separate into
"He broke the glass plate"
"She broke the match"
act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts,
"offend all laws of humanity"
"violate the basic laws or human civilization"
"break a law"
"break a promise"
"The horses broke from the stable"
"Three inmates broke jail"
"Nobody can break out--this prison is high security"
"The clouds broke after the heavy downpour"
force out or release suddenly and often violent
"break into tears"
"erupt in anger"
"stop the project"
"break off the negotiations"
enter someone's (virtual or real) property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or
"Someone broke in while I was on vacation"
"They broke into my car and stole my radio!"
"who broke into my account last night?"
make submissive, obedient,
"The horse was tough to break"
"I broke in the new intern"
"This sentence violates the rules of syntax"
"She bettered her own record"
"break a record"
make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant
"The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold"
"The actress won't reveal how old she is"
"bring out the truth"
"he broke the news to her"
"unwrap the evidence in the murder case"
"light broke over the horizon"
"Voices broke in the air"
"The engine finally went"
"The car died on the road"
"The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"
"The coffee maker broke"
"The engine failed on the way to town"
"her eyesight went after the accident"
"She had broken with the traditional patterns"
make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by
"The ranks broke"
curl over and fall apart in surf or foam,
"The surf broke"
"soften a shock"
"break a fall"
"If the new teacher won't break, we'll add some stress"
"The heat wave finally broke yesterday"
vary or interrupt a unif
"The flat plain was broken by tall mesas"
"She finally broke herself of smoking cigarettes"
"break cigarette smoking"
come forth or begin fro
"The first winter storm broke over New York"
"Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months"
"His peccadilloes finally broke his marriage"
"This play will either make or break the playwright"
"The will was broken"
discontinue an ass
"The business partners broke over a tax question"
"The couple separated after 25 years of marriage"
"My friend and I split up"
"She was demoted because she always speaks up"
"He was broken down to Sergeant"
"My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me!"
"The slump in the financial markets smashed him"
change directions suddenly
emerge from the surfac
"The whales broke"
break down, literal
"The wall collapsed"
"The business collapsed"
"The dam broke"
"The roof collapsed"
"The wall gave in"
"The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice"
"Kids were break-dancing at the street corner"
exchange for sm
"I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy"
destroy the completeness of a
"The book dealer would not break the set"
make the opening shot that scatters the balls
separate from a clinch,
"The referee broke the boxers"
"The lawn mower finally broke"
"The gears wore out"
"The old chair finally fell apart completely"
"break a branch from a tree"
become pun
"The skin broke"
"The blade broke her skin"
"News of her death broke in the morning"
"We pause for station identification"
"let's break for lunch"
interrupt th
"break a circuit"
"The simple vowels broke in many Germanic languages"
"break an alibi"
"break down a proof"
"break the code"
change suddenly from one tone quality or
"Her voice broke to a whisper when she started to talk about her children"
"Report the news as it develops"
"These political movements recrudesce from time to time"
break or crack
"The glass cracked when it was heated"
"his voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir"
"stock prices broke"
"I broke my foot while playing hockey"
diminish or
"The patient's fever broke last night"
weaken or destr
"His resistance was broken"
"a man broken by the terrible experience of near-death"
用作动词 (v.)
If you discover a fire, break the glass to sound the fire alarm.
To frighten the dog, he broke a twig from the tree.
The spy had finally broken the code.
One hates to break with an old friend.
When she went to break the news to Harriet, however, Emma found her quite unperturbed by it.
Their good cheer broke after repeated setbacks.
Stock prices broke when the firm suddenly announced layoffs.
The cold spell broke yesterday.
用作名词 (n.)
A break in the pipe was found out.
There is a break during the performance for the audience to take a rest.
The audience certainly want the television programming without commercial breaks.
The dog made a break toward the open field.
He finally got the big break in life.
用作动词 (v.)
Glass breaks easily.
Oak may bend but will not break.
The rope broke when they were climbing.
Friction against the rock, combined with the weight of the climber, caused his rope to break.
We had no sooner set out than a thunder storm broke.
The storm broke before they reached shelter.
The spell of fine weather has broken.
The boy's voice is beginning to break.
Day had broken, and he cast his net for the last time.
Things were breaking badly.
Things were breaking right for us.
His mother's heart will break if he leaves her.
Bo they broke even at the end.
Taylor's business just managed to break even last month.
We need to take £5200 each performance just to break even.
When the bank broke, many people were ruined.
S+~+ adj.
Three prisoners broke loose as they were being taken to another prison this morning.
Violence broke loose in the city last night.
The bag fell on the floor and broke open.The sweets went everywhere!
S+~+ n./pron.
The thief broke the window and got into the house.
The boy fell from the tree and broke his leg.
The river broke its banks.
I slipped on the stairs and broke my ankle.
Every great novel has broken many conventions.
A clarion call broke the morning stillness.
He told an interesting story to break the ice.
We have broken the back of the job.
I had to break the appointment because I was sick.
I am sorry that I broke my promise.
We are to blame in the first place for breaking our own rules.
You're breaking the law.
An action will be taken against anyone who breaks the law.
No difficulty can break her will.
We broke our journey to Rome at Venice.
He came in second, but still broke the Olympic record.
The tree breaks the wind.
The tall hedge breaks the force of the wind.
用于be ~ed结构
Grasslands have been broken and planted to wheat.
School regulations could not be broken.
The strike was broken, of course, but mainly by a series of adventitious developments.
“But I was there!”Jane broke in.
“But what's to happen to us?”one of the villagers broke in.
S+~+ n./pron.+adj.
I'm afraid I must break this conversation short.I have to go now.
He broke the door open.
用于be ~ed结构
The visit was broken short because there was talk of war.
用作名词 (n.)
There is a break in the water pipe.
He continued forward until a break in the ice was clearly visible.
They found the break in the pipe line and set to repair it.
We heard the break and saw the glass fall out of the window.
Pitch bleeds freely from break in the bark.
Water speeded through the break in the basement wall.
Most waste was caused by yarn breaks.
He jubilantly called for a break.
The children have a break between classes at school.
There was no break in the rains.
At our school the morning break lasts only ten minutes.
He lay down for a while during every break.
Go on and take your coffee break.I'll cover for you until you return.
A break in the circuit caused the lights to go out.
There was a break in the conversation.
There will be a break in the weather.
We are waiting for a break in the bad weather.
The parents noticed a break in the child's voice.
父母亲注意到孩子的嗓音突然变 了。
I don't want any break in my way of living.
I noticed a curious break in her voice.
There are breaks for the commercials in the TV program.
This is your big break.
He's had a good year with several big breaks.
I know you had a rotten break.
The prisoner made a break for freedom.
When the guard is not looking, make a break for it.
用作动词 (v.)
break away( v.+adv. )
突然离开; 突然挣脱 leave or escape from suddenly
break away
The rhino broke away and ran not at us, but along the rocky bank beside us.这头犀牛突然跑开了,但它没冲着我们跑来,而是沿着我们旁边的石堤跑了。
They attempted to break away to form an independent state.他们企图分裂出去成立一个独立的国家。
break away from sb/sth
The criminal broke away from the policemen who were holding him.那罪犯从抓着他的警察手里逃脱了。
The prisoner broke away from his guards while being taken to another jail.犯人在被押送到另一座监狱的路上突然挣脱看守跑了。
He was unable to break away from their grip.他无法从他们手里脱逃。
与…决裂; 从…退出 cease connection with, or loyalty or obedience to
break away from sb/sth
He broke away from all his old friends.他和老朋友断绝了来往。
He broke away from his family and has gone to live in Australia.他离家出走,去澳大利亚定居。
He has already broken away from the Party.他已脱离了党。
Fortunately, he broke away from that lawless group years ago.幸而几年前他就脱离了那个不法集团。
改掉; 放弃 give up
break away from sth
We must break away from convention and adopt as many advanced techniques as possible in order to build our country into a powerful modern state in not too long a historical period.我们必须打破常规,尽量采用先进技术,在一个不太长的历史时期内,把我国建设成为一个现代化强国。
Modern music has broken away from 18th century rules.现代音乐摆脱了18世纪的模式。
break down( v.+adv. )
损坏,发生故障 stop working, running or operating
break down
The bridge broke down.桥坍塌了。
The car broke down on the way.车子在路上出了毛病。
Her telephone had broken down.她的电话出了故障。
The washing machine seems to have broken down again.洗衣机好像又坏了。
The elevator broke down and we had to walk up to the tenth floor.电梯坏了,我们只好走到第10层楼上去。
Telephone communication with all but a few outposts has broken down.除了几个前哨据点外,与所有地方的电话联系都已中断。
用于 be ~ed 结构
By then the gate was being broken down.那时候大门快要被砸开了。
拆散; 分类 separate into smaller parts in order to und classify
John broke down the washing machine.约翰拆开了洗衣机。
After a frank exchange of ideas, the two of them finally broke down their long-standing prejudice against each other and became friends again.开诚布公地交换思想之后,他们两人终于解开了长期存在的疙瘩,重归于好。
break down into sth
The newly published booklet breaks down into three parts.这本新出版的小册子分成三部分。
The figures break down into several kinds, showing us different ways of looking at the firm's activities.这些数字分成几类,为我们显示了观察该公司活动的几种不同方法。
break sb/sth
down into sth
We broke down the students into several small groups when we have oral class.上口语课时,我们把学生分成若干个小组。
In drafting the outline, please break it down into three parts.起草大纲时,请把它分成三个部分。
Chemicals in the body break down our food into useful substances.体内的化学成分把我们吃的食物分解为有用的物质。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The figures must be broken down into several lists.这些数字应被分成若干项。
Water is readily broken down into hydrogen and oxygen.水可以很容易地分解为氢和氧。
衰弱下来 suffer poor health
break down
He broke down under the strain of his position.他的公务繁重,身体变坏了。
Peter broke down and was unable to work for a year.彼得病倒后一年不能上班。
Your health will break down if you work too hard.如果你过分辛劳,会把身体搞垮。
His health has broken down completely.他的身体已完全垮了。
The old man's health broke down after a serious illness.那位老人生一场大病后,健康衰退了。
痛哭 lose control of one' burst into tears
break down
She broke down at the news of her mother's death.听到母亲去世的噩耗,她不禁哭了起来。
She broke down when she heard the news, but quickly recovered.听到这消息时,她控制不住自己哭了起来,但很快她就平静下来了。
Peter broke down and wept when he saw the deer that he had shot.彼得见到那只被他打死的鹿时,忍不住掉下了眼泪。
The speaker's words were so moving that Mrs. Smith broke down and had to leave the room.讲话人的言辞非常动人,使史密斯太太痛哭起来,最后她只好离开会场。
克服 overcome
By helpful kindness the teacher broke down the new boy's shyness.老师和蔼可亲的态度减轻了这个新来的孩子的羞怯。
The teacher helped her break down her shyness.老师帮助她克服她的害羞弱点。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The obstacle was finally broken down.阻力终于被克服了。
失败,破产 fail and come to a halt
break down
Our plans have broken down.我们的计划破产了。
His plan broke down when it was put into practice because he had not given enough attention to details.他的计划在实践中失败了,因为他对细节问题没有引起足够的重视。
Talks have broken down over the disputed territory.谈判由于领土争论而破裂了。
粉碎,压倒 crush
We have broken down the resistance of the enemy.我们已经打垮了敌人的顽抗。
They broke down all opposition.他们粉碎了一切反对行动。
break in1( v.+adv. )
〔说明〕 break in通常不用于进行体。
打断,插嘴说 interrupt a conversation
Don't break in when he is telling the story.他讲故事的时候别打断他。
I could have told the story better if so many people had not broken in.假如没有那么多人插嘴,我的故事还能讲得更好些。
break in on〔upon〕 sth
I'm sorry to break in on your private thought, but I think we should get on with some work.对不起,打断了你的思考,不过我想我们该干点工作了。
Now and then a bird's song broke in upon the silence of the wood.鸟鸣声不时打破林中的寂静。
The man rushed in and broke in on our conversation.那人跑进来,打断了我们的谈话。
闯入 force one's way into
We were watching TV when he broke in.我们正在看电视,他突然闯了进来。
He broke in and stole my money.他破门而入偷走了我的钱。
The policemen broke in and found the old man dead in his chair.警察破门而入,发现老人坐在椅子上死了。
(使)逐渐合用 (cause to) let sb/sth get used to a new sth
It takes a new secretary one month to break in.新来的秘书要一个月的时间熟悉工作。
The young athletes are breaking in well.那些年轻的运动员正受到很好的训练。
break sb/sth
They are going to break in the apprentice as a lathe operator.他们将培养那个学徒开车床。
Two weeks in the new office should be enough to break you in.你在新办公室呆上两周的时间就足以适应了。
Don't drive
I'm still breaking it in.别把这新车开得太快,我仍在试开这部车呢。
用于 be ~ed 结构
When horses are about six months old, they have to be broken in.马长到六个月左右就得训练。
开始工作 begin work
Two hundred more new recruits broke in at the steel plant last year.去年又有两百名新学徒来到钢铁厂工作。
break in2( v.+prep. )
闯入 force one's way into
break in sth
The robbers broke in the gate and took away all the valuable things.强盗们打破大门,拿走了所有值钱的物品。
The firemen could enter the burning house only by breaking in the door.消防队员只有打破门才能进入着火的房子。
break into( v.+prep. )
〔说明〕 break into通常不用于进行体。
闯入,强行进入,破门而入 force one's way into
break into sth
They broke into our house under cloud of night.他们趁黑闯进了我们的房子。
Last night a burglar broke into my house.昨天夜里一个贼闯入我的家。
The thief broke into the house in broad daylight.窃贼竟在大白天闯入屋里行窃。
We had to break into the house as we had lost the key.因为我们弄丢了钥匙,所以不得不破门而入。
The thief broke into my house and stole my wife's furcoat.窃贼潜入我家偷走了我妻子的裘皮大衣。
Bandits broke into our house and stole all our money.强盗闯入我们的住宅,偷走了所有的钱。
Last night somebody broke into Mr.White's house and took away a lot of things.昨晚有人闯进怀特先生的家并拿走了许多东西。
A thief can break into a car in under ten seconds.窃贼十秒钟之内就能把车撬开。
Burglars broke into the art gallery through the roof, shinnied down the rope and stole five valuable paintings.窃贼沿绳索从屋顶爬下,闯入了美术馆,偷走了五件珍贵的画作。
Burglars broke into the empty flat while the tenants were away on holidays.在房客们外出度假的时候,几个盗贼闯进了无人住的公寓。
The guerrillas broke into the armoury and carried off 22 rifles.游击队员打进武器库,夺走了22支步枪。
Thieves have broken into some of the pyramids and taken away many of the treasure to foreign countries.窃贼曾闯入一些金字塔把很多珍宝弄到了外国。
He can't have done it.Someone broke into the bank around 6.30 and he was with me at the time.QED.那不可能是他干的。有人在6点半左右闯进银行,而当时他和我在一起。证明完毕。
The cattle broke into the wheat field and did much damage.牛群闯进麦田,毁了不少庄稼。
The police surprised a burglar breaking into a store.警察意外地发现了一名盗贼闯入一家店铺。
He was caught in the act of breaking into the house.他在破门而入的时候被抓住了。
用于 be ~ed 结构
This box looks as if it's been broken into.这箱子看上去好像被撬开过。
Three houses in our street have been broken into this week.我们这条街本周有三家被盜。
The policemen found that the house had been broken into and everything stolen.警察发现房子被砸破,里面的一切都被偷走了。
进入新行业enter a new line of business
break into sth
She is trying to break into journalism.她正努力在新闻界找寻立足之地。
The company is having difficulty breaking into new markets.该公司在打入新市场时遇到困难。
打断,打扰; 占用 take up
break into sth
He broke into our meeting.他打断了我们的会。
Her mother's voice broke into her thoughts.她母亲的声音打断了她的思绪。
He became so pensive that she didn't like to break into his thoughts.他陷入沉思之中,她不想打断他的思路。
Don't break int they are discussing something important.不要打断他们的谈话; 他们正在讨论重要的事情呢。
My aunt's regular visits break into my weekend.我姑母的不断来访打扰我度周末。
不得不动用一部分(钱财等)use part of (sth such as money) unwillingly
break into sth
I didn't want to break into a twenty-pound note.我并不想找开一张20 英镑的钞票。
I had to break into my savings to pay for the trip.我得动用积蓄支付旅行费用。
I shall have to break into my savings to pay for the holiday.我只好取出部分存款来支付度度假的费用。
Not unless there was an emergency would she break into that precious hoard of hers.不到紧急时,她不动用她宝贵的储存。
begin (sth such as a movement) suddenly突然开始(某动作等)
begin suddenly to give voice to (a sound)突然(哭、笑、说、唱等)起来
突然做 burst suddenly into
break into sth
5When he saw me he broke into a run.看到我他拔腿就跑。
5Catching sight of her,Jack broke into a run.杰克一看见她,赶紧就跑。
5He broke into a run when he saw the police.他看见警察,撒腿就跑。
5He had broken into a trot.他突然小跑起来。
5As soon as they smelled grass,the cows broke into a trot.牛群一闻到青草的芳香,就开始慢跑起来。
5When the horses reached the field they broke into a brisk trot.马到了田野后就轻快地跑了起来。
5The horses broke into a mad gallop when they heard the gunshot.马听到枪声都突然狂奔起来。
5The runners broke into a sprint a few hundred yards from the finish.选手们在离终点几百码的地方开始冲刺。
5I felt frisky,as if I might break into a dance.我感到很欢快,似乎要跳起舞来。
5As I grew more afraid,I broke into a cold sweat.我越来越害怕,霎时出了一身冷汗。
5Her face broke into a huge smile.她立刻笑容满面。
5The old man’s face broke into a grin.老人的脸上绽出笑容。
5The audience broke into applause.观众中爆发出热烈的掌声。
5The audience broke into rapturous applause.听众中爆发出一片欢呼喝彩声。
5The crowd broke into loud cheers when the President's car appeared.当总统的车出现时,群众开始大声地欢呼。
5The visitors broke into exclamations of wonder when they saw the magnificent Great Wall.看到雄伟的长城,游客们惊叹不已。
The singers broke into song.歌手们一下子就唱了起来。
6After a long silence,she broke into a laugh.她沉默了很久之后忽然笑了起来。
6When I told him the story,he broke into a laugh.当我把这件事告诉他时,他突然大笑起来。
6When I told them my story the girls broke into tears.当我给女孩子们讲了我的身世后,她们都哭起来了。
把…分成 divide sth into
break sth into sth
7The cake just broke into pieces when I cut it.我刚切,蛋糕就碎成一块块的了。
7Mary broke the chocolate into pieces, one for each person.玛丽把巧克力分成小块,每人一块。
7His sleeve caught the glass.It fell and broke into pieces.他的袖子挂了一下玻璃杯,杯子掉到地上摔碎了。
7The crew escaped,but the ship was broken into pieces.船员们脱险了,但船被打得粉碎。
7The glass broke into hundreds of pieces.那块玻璃摔得粉碎。
7In some American schools,one school year is broken into three semesters.在美国的有些学校,一学年分成3个学期。
break of( v.+prep. )
戒除 cure sb of a bad habit, etc.
break oneself/sb of sth/v-ing
You must break yourself of the bad habit of interrupting a speaker.你必须改掉打断别人讲话的坏习惯。
We must break the child of his habit of biting his nails.我们必须使这个孩子改掉咬指甲的习惯。
She broke me of getting up late.她使我改掉了睡懒觉的习惯。
The mother wants to break her child of sucking the thumb.这位母亲想使她的小孩子改掉嘬拇指的习惯。
I am trying to break myself of smoking.我在努力戒烟。
Several times I have made up my mind to break myself of smoking.我曾几次下决心要戒烟。
break off( v.+adv. )
(使)分离; (使)脱离 separate or remove by force
The mast broke off.船的桅杆突然断了。
Many branches broke off in the strong wind.大风把许多树枝刮断了。
The wing of the plane broke off in mid-air and plane crashed.机翼在空中脱落,致使飞机坠毁。
He tried to break off the broken branch but failed in his attempt.他试图把已折断的树枝拽下来,但是没有成功。
Try not to break off the iron-bar.You are not strong enough.你别想把铁栅栏弄断,你没那么大的劲。
Mary broke off some of the chocolate to give to the children.玛丽把巧克力掰开分给孩子们。
停止,中止; 断交 end or disc put an end to
I don't know why he broke off in the midst of his speech.我不知道他为什么讲着讲着突然停了下来。
He broke off in the middle of his story.他正讲着故事,突然不讲了。
We were discussing our plans, but had to break off when the telephone rang.我们在讨论计划时电话铃响了,我们只好停止讨论。
He broke off in the middle of a sentence.他在一个句子的中间停了下来。
Let's break off and have a cup of tea.咱们歇一会儿喝杯茶吧。
He was busy writing the article all the morning, only breaking off occasionally to have a cup of coffee.他一个上午都在忙于写那篇文章,只是偶尔停下来喝杯咖啡。
They broke off for twenty minutes when the machine broke down.机器出故障时,他们停止工作20分钟。
They broke off their conversation when they heard a strange sound.他们听到一个奇怪的声音,于是中断了谈话。
Jim broke off telling the story to answer the telephone.吉姆中断了正讲着的故事去接电话。
Those two countries have broken off relations again.那两个国家又一次断交了。
Greece broke off relations with Turkey.希腊断绝了与土耳其的外交关系。
We may break off relations with that country.我们有可能同那个国家断绝关系。
break one's word
食言 fail to keep a promise
I have promised to take my wife out tonight, and I dare not break my word.
break out( v.+adv. )
〔说明〕 break out不用于被动结构。
突然发生,爆发 occur suddenly
Influenza usually breaks out in winter.流感通常在冬天发生。
The famous anti-feudal and anti-imperialist May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919.著名的反帝反封建的五四运动于1919年在北京爆发。
A fire broke out in the lower story during the midnight and soon the whole building was in flames.午夜时分楼下着了火,不一会儿整栋大楼都烧起来了。
Warm applause broke out after his speech.他演讲结束后响起了热烈的掌声。
Something unexpected always breaks out in this area.在这一地区总有意想不到的事情发生。
向外砸开 break sth in an outward direction
We had to break the door out to escape from the fire.我们不得不把门砸开以逃避火灾。
break out in( v.+adv.+prep. )
开始显露,开始现出 begin to show sth
break out in sth
The little girl broke out in rashes on her back, so she couldn't go to the kindergarten.小女孩背上起了疹子,所以她不能去幼儿园了。
The child broke out in measles.那孩子出麻疹。
爆发出,突然发出声音 give voice to (a sound) suddenly
break out in sth
He suddenly broke out in a rage of sobs and curses.他突然大声哭泣和咒骂起来。
Mary broke out in loud laughter.玛丽突然放声大笑。
When they heard of the surrender of Nazi Germany, they broke out in tears and laughter.当他们听说纳粹德国已投降时,激动得又是哭又是笑。
吓出一身冷汗 show signs of great fear
break out in a sweat
She was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat.她吓得浑身直冒冷汗。
When I thought that no one was coming back to save me,I broke out in a cold sweat.当我想到无人返回来救我时,我吓出了一身冷汗。
When he heard the news that he was fired, he broke out in a sweat on his forehead.当他听到被解雇的消息时,额头上冒出了冷汗。
Half an hour after taking the medicine, the patient broke out in a sweat and began to feel better.服药后半小时病人出了一身汗,感到舒服多了。
The farmers working in the fields broke out in sweats under the hot sun.在田野里劳动的农民们被烈日晒得大汗淋漓。
break out into( v.+adv.+prep. )
Willow trees breaking out into buds foretell the coming of spring.
突然发出; 迸发出 suddenly begin
Once they understood the joke, they broke out into laughter.
Even though things have gone wrong, you needn't break out into such a fury.
The wicked woman broke out into curses.
break out of( v.+adv.+prep. )
逃出 free oneself from
break out of sth
Three men broke out of prison yesterday.昨天三名囚犯越狱逃走。
The thief broke out of the prison and escaped.那贼越狱逃跑了。
The guerrilla fighter managed to break out of the room where he was imprisoned.那位游击队员终于从囚禁他的屋子里逃了出来。
I should like to break out of this meaningless way of life.我倒是想摆脱这无聊的生活方式。
Many playwrights have broken out of the old traditional straight jacket.很多剧作家从传统的禁锢中脱颖而出。
break over( v.+prep. )
吞没; 淹没 flow with force across sth
I could see the line of white foam where the waves broke over the beach.
As a child,I used to enjoy watching the stormy waves breaking over the harbour wall.
They prevented the flood from breaking over the dam.
雷鸣般地响起 begin forcefully near sb
The young singer was pleasantly surprised when waves of cheering broke over her at the end of her first performance.
break through1( v.+prep. )
凿穿 break a way through sth solid
We had to break through the solid wall to reach the prisoners.
冲破障碍 force a way through
It was quite some time before they managed to break through the enemy's blockade.
The Allies finally broke through the German lines.
The strikers struggled to break through the police line.
The sun broke through the clouds and shed its golden light all over the land.
The river broke through its banks, and flooded the country for many miles around .
战胜,克服… find a way to deal with
It seemed that I could not find a way to break through such a barrier of difficulties.
The manager has found a way to break through such a barrier of financial difficulties.
No matter how hard one tries to bring him out, it's almost impossible to break through his reserve.
break through2( v.+adv. )
现出,露出 appear
The sun broke through after days of rain.
冲破阻力向前 advance in spite of opposition
Foreign forces have broken through on the coast.
在某个领域方面有进展或突破 make advances in discovery or any other aim
Scientists think they have broken through in their attempt to find the causes of many major diseases.
Now that broken through in the field of medicine, we can expect more women doctors.
break to( v.+prep. )
向…透露〔说出〕 tell (usually bad news) to (sb) in a kind way
break sth to sb
They dare not break the news to him.他们不敢把那消息透露给他。
Will you break the news of Henry's death to his wife, or shall I?亨利的死讯是由你去告知他妻子呢还是我去?
You are not to break the matter to anybody.你不要把这件事泄露给任何人。
He broke it to her gently that her son had been arrested.他低声告诉她,她的儿子被捕了。
They dare not break the sad news to her on account of her illness.他们不敢向她透露噩耗,因为她在生病。
No one was anxious to break the news of the accident to the injured person's family.没有人急于把这次事故的消息告诉受伤者的家属。
break up( v.+adv. )
结束 end the term
The meeting didn't break up until eleven o'clock last night.昨晚的会议直到十一点才散。
What do you plan to do when school breaks up?学校放假后你们打算做什么?
破碎,分解 sca come to an end
The cup fell on the cement floor and broke up.杯子掉在水泥地上打碎了。
When does the ice break up on the river?河里的冰什么时候融化?
The men in the garage will break up the old cars for their parts.汽车修理厂的工人要把那些旧车拆掉取零件。
She broke the old furniture up and sold the wood.她把旧家具砍成碎木块当柴火卖了。
破裂 end the relation with
I hear that Jim and Mary are breaking up.我听说吉姆和玛丽要分手了。
The husband and wife are always quarreling and their relations are breaking up.这对夫妇总吵架,他们的关系正在破裂。
The small country is going to break up with the superpower.这个小国决定同超级大国决裂。
They were happy together, until the war came and broke up their home.他们在一起过得很幸福,直到战争爆发破坏了他们的家庭。
It was money trouble that broke up their marriage.是为钱的事他们的婚姻才破裂的。
放假 end for a holiday
When does your school break up?你们学校什么时候放假?
We break up next week.我们下周放假。
(使)散开,(使)解散 (cause to) cease to be together
The crowd broke up.人群散开了。
They break up the meeting.他们散会了。
The reactionary police tried to break up the strikers' protest rally, but failed.反动警察企图冲散罢工工人的抗议集会,但未能得逞。
Divorce broke up a lot of families.离婚拆散了许多家庭。
(使)极其焦虑和痛苦 (cause to) suffer sev make sb grieve
He may break up under this trouble.碰上这桩麻烦事,他可能会感到十分苦恼。
The terrible news will break him up.这可怕的消息会使他极为痛苦。
使开心或发笑 amuse sb greatly
Peter just broke up when we told him what had happened.我们告诉彼得发生了什么事情时,他简直乐坏了。
H I couldn't stop laughing.他的故事真逗,我简直笑破了肚皮。
break up into( v.+adv.+prep. )
分成几个部分 divide sth into smaller parts
up into sth
Difference of opinion broke up the party into fractions.意见分歧使这个党分裂成各个小派别。
The method of breaking up the whole into parts is often used in mathematics.数学上经常使用化整为零的方法。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The job can be broken up into several activities, which provides some variety.这工作可以分成几项来做,这样就有一些变化了。
After his death, his land was broken up into areas suitable for building houses.他死后,他的土地被分割成适合建筑房屋的小块地皮。
break with( v.+prep. )
断绝关系,决裂 end a friendship or association with
He broke with his friend over a very small affair.
I hear that the old man has broken with that treacherous son of his.
One by one he broke with all his old friends.
He recently broke with the party he had belonged to.
破除,改变 give up or make an end of
The sports club decided to break with some of the past practices.
It's not easy to break with old habits, for they die hard.
用作名词 (n.)
倒霉 bad luck
I've had a series of bad breaks recently and it's about time my luck changed for the better.
break of (the) day
黎明,破晓 dawn
We had a long drive ahead of us so we got up at break of day to make an early start.
We started with the break of the day.
I arrived at the break of the day.
get the breaks
运气好,侥幸 gain the luck
That fellow gets all the breaks.He has been working there only six months and already has been promoted to the position of vice-president.
good break
好运气 good luck
He certainly got a good break when he began
yet he deserved it because previously he had got a series of bad breaks.
make a/the break
离开 leave
I've decided to make the break and work for somebody else.
make a/the break with
与某人〔某物〕断绝关系 break off relationship with sb/sth
It took him unusual courage to make the break with his family.
Abstract painters made a break with the tradition.
After the death of his wife, he made a clean break with all his old associations and left for South America.
without a break
不间断地 uncontinuously
She has been weeping since midnight without a break.
I've been writing since one o'clock without a break.
She's worked for 27 hours without a break.
He travelled all the way to London without a break.
I really was run down after working a whole year without a break.
用作动词 (v.)
(眼泪)夺眶而出,(疾病、火灾) 突然发生,(部队)突围,(战争)爆发
用作名词 (n.)
The last of the sun came through in the breaks between the strips of matting.
出自:E. Hemingway
We cannot hear a break between sounds of less than one tenth of a second.
出自:D. Attenborough
He noticed..a break in the wall of buildings.
出自:J. Cheever
A natural Inclination to break Windows.
I've broke my trusty battle-axe.
出自:Sir W. Scott
Once I broke four gramophone records over his head.
出自:N. Coward
Break the three eggs into a mixing bowl.
出自:Daily Telegraph
You ought to break this habit.You ought to break off this habit.You ought to break yourself of this habit.
break用作及物动词时,除作“弄断”“弄碎”等解,还可作“透露”解(主要是美国口语),与agreement, promise, law, regulation, rule, vow, word等词搭配时,还可作“违背,违犯”解。可接简单宾语,也可接以形容词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。
break一般不用于进行式,但如果动作持续时间较长,也可用进行式。例如:By then the gate was being broken down.那时大门就要被砸开了(“砸开”要一段时间)。
可以说break ground〔record, a stick, one's neck, one's mind, bad news, a vase, a system, promise, monopoly〕等,但“扯破衣服”不用break,要用tear。
break有时可作“就餐”或“吃”讲,其对象总是第一餐fast(斋期)。例如:I have broken my fast.我已吃过早饭了。
在口语中, broke可用作形容词,表示“身无分文的,破产的”。例如:It's no good relying on I'm broke.别指望我付车费了,我身无分文。
break用作名词的基本意思是“裂口,裂缝; 破裂”,用于时间可表示“间歇,休息时间”,也可指旧方式或生活习惯的“改变”或“中断”,是可数名词。
break off, break out of, break up, break with
这组短语容易混淆,应注意区分:break off作“暂停,中断”解,指人突然终止某种正在进行的活动或已形成的关系,如谈话、婚约等; break out of意为“脱离,逃脱”,指人或物从很危险的、被禁锢的状态中逃脱出来或从俗套中脱颖而出; break up表示“分开,解除”,指使某种相对完整的东西自身解体,还可专指“放假,放学”等; break with作“终止,断绝”讲,常专指人结束自己与他人的友谊、关系,还可指放弃、革除旧习惯等。
break, demolish, destroy, ruin
1.destroy和ruin这两个词所表示的“毁坏”都含有“彻底”的意味,有时可互换。destroy强调“彻底性”; ruin强调不可修复。例如:
The rain has ruined〔destroyed〕 the crops.这雨把庄稼全毁了。
2.break, destroy和demolish的主语可以是人,也可以是事物; 而ruin的主语多为天灾人祸等无形的力量。例如:
The windshield broke but did not shatter.挡风玻璃裂了,但没有碎。
All the intruders were destroyed.所有的入侵者都被歼灭了。
That street was demolished a few years ago.那条街于几年前拆除了。
She has a very real grievance against the hospital since the operation which ruined her health.自从她做过手术后,健康状况变坏,所以她确实对医院有怨言。
3.break的宾语可以是有形物,也可以是非物质性的事物; destroy和demolish用于具体事物可指“高楼大厦”等; 用于抽象事物时destroy指“名誉”“声望”等, demolish则指某人的论点、论据等。ruin的宾语则多是美好珍贵的事物。例如:
His mother's heart will break if he leaves her.如果他离开母亲,她的心会碎的。
All his hopes were now destroyed.他的一切希望现在都破灭了。
We have demolished all her arguments and she has nothing more to say.我们推翻了她所有的论点,她无言以对。
The manuscript was ruined by long exposure in the cold damp cellar.手稿在地下室因长期受阴冷潮湿的破坏而无法辨认了。
4.break可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词; destroy和demolish只用作及物动词; 而ruin多用作及物动词,偶尔可用作不及物动词。例如:
She broke a vase uncarefully.她不小心打破了一只花瓶。
The cup broke when it fell on the floor.茶杯掉到地上摔破了。
The mad dog ought to be destroyed.这只疯狗应该杀死。
They are going to demolish that old factory.他们准备拆毁那家旧工厂。
I was rui I'm a ruined man!我被那场官司搞垮了,现在已经倾家荡产!
break, burst
这两个词均可表示“破裂”。二者区别在于:break一般指外力猛然损坏坚硬的东西; 而burst一般指内部的力量冲破某封闭状态而损坏某物。例如:
They broke a bomb shell.
The bomb burst.
break, crack, shatter, wreck
这组词的共同意思是“破裂,使破裂”。它们的区别在于:break引起的外力多是碰撞、挤压、敲打等,强调动作突然而有力,以及动作的结果,但不强调破损的程度; crack侧重于指突然发出易碎物品破裂时那样的尖声,也可指因干裂而引起裂口; shatter则强调动作的结果,碎片散得到处都是,物体彻底毁坏; wreck指将整体破坏成废物和碎片。
break, dawn
这两个词都可作“破晓”解。其区别在于:break的主语只能用 而dawn的主语用day和morning都可以。例如:
The day breaks at five.
The morning〔day〕 dawns at five.
break rank 打乱队形
break the ranks 走出队伍
break, pause
1.break指突然的短时中止; pause指短时的休止间歇。例如:
She has worked for 16 hours without a break.她一口气工作了16个小时,没有休息一会儿。
The workmen took a break so we enjoyed a brief respite from the noises.工人们休息了一下,所以我们能享受片刻的安宁。
Government sources said there would be no prolonged pause in the war.据官方消息,这场战争的时间不会长。
He came to a pause and then went on reading.他停顿了一下,又继续念下去。
误 He had a fall on his way home and his leg was broken.
正 He had a fall on his way home and broke his left leg.
析 break作“摔坏,跌伤”解时,除非特殊修辞需要,一般不用被动结构。
误 His house broke into last night and a lot of things were stolen.
正 His house was broken into last night and a lot of things were stolen.
析 break into意思是“闯入某地”,主语是物时,谓语动词须用被动结构。
误 Let's take break.
正 Let's take a break.
析 break作“中间休息”解是可数名词,其前的a不可省略。
错句:she broke the bar of chocolate to three pieces.
纠正:she broke the bar of chocolate into three pieces.
☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古英语的brecan,意为打破,粉碎,破坏;最初源自原始日耳曼语的brekan。
[释义]We are going to break our journey at a little village by the sea.
break&:&断路 ...
break&:&打破;使碎 ...
break:介绍 Break (of service) 网球术语。「破发点」,意指发球方输掉该局局点。 参考 百度百科、雅虎百科、GG百科、114百科…


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