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The spy’s repeated bungling was, above all else, ______ those who wished to thwart her efforts, since it was so unpredictable as to obscure any pattern that might otherwise lead to her capture.&&
(A) an obstacle to
(B) a signal to
(C) a hindrance to
(D) an indication for
(E) a snare for
(F) a boon to
答案AC, obsure any pattern...那句是什么意思啊?之前说这个spy行动笨拙,为什么还阻止了那些阻止他努力的人。。。
The detective’s conviction that there were few inept crimes in her district led her to
impute some degree of ______ to every suspect she studied.
(A) deceit
(B) acumen
(C) duplicity
(D) shrewdness
(E) evasiveness
(F) equivocation
最后登录在线时间1082 小时寄托币2403 声望311 注册时间阅读权限30帖子精华1积分1461UID2940293
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最后登录在线时间107 小时寄托币397 声望50 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华0积分164UID3466355
初级会员, 积分 164, 距离下一级还需 186 积分
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alexl39 发表于
最后登录在线时间1082 小时寄托币2403 声望311 注册时间阅读权限30帖子精华1积分1461UID2940293
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声望311 寄托币2403 注册时间精华1帖子
toyourkingdom 发表于
-- since it was so unpredictable as to obscure any pattern that might otherwise lead to her capture.
最后登录在线时间107 小时寄托币397 声望50 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华0积分164UID3466355
初级会员, 积分 164, 距离下一级还需 186 积分
声望50 寄托币397 注册时间精华0帖子
alexl39 发表于
-- since it was so unpredictable as&&...
thanks~那这句obscure any pattern that might otherwise lead to her capture是什么意思呢。。。
最后登录在线时间218 小时寄托币397 声望64 注册时间阅读权限25帖子精华0积分358UID3455299
中级会员, 积分 358, 距离下一级还需 392 积分
声望64 寄托币397 注册时间精华0帖子
这题我也做错了,不过回头看到so unpredictable as to ...就知道自己选错了
obscure any pattern that might otherwise lead to her capture.
最后登录在线时间202 小时寄托币700 声望85 注册时间阅读权限25帖子精华1积分599UID3538705
中级会员, 积分 599, 距离下一级还需 151 积分
声望85 寄托币700 注册时间精华1帖子
aimar_07 发表于
这题我也做错了,不过回头看到so unpredictable as to ...就知道自己选错了
obscure any pattern that mig ...
+1 今天我也錯了。。。讀了好幾遍才看懂obscure any pattern that .... 這後半句。。。。ORZ 真的考試的話,我讀不懂就只好直接選一組近義詞了= =
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pp-2的难题(以review中题号为序) 68.According to one political theorist, a regime that has as its goal absolute ____, without any ____ law or principle, has declared war on justice. respectability..codification supremacy..suppression of autonomy..accountability(key) fairness..deviation from responsibility..prioritization of 通过一个政治理论家可以知道,一个政体如果以它自己的目的为绝对权威,而不服从于 法律或者准则,就已经在像正义宣战了。 That引出一个分句,后面还有一个without应该意思一样的;declare war on justice必 然是没有服从法律和准则 83.Many of the towns that have voted to keep incinerators in the county's solid waste plan have done so not because they necessarily ____ incinerators, but because they are ____ to narrow their waste-disposal options. disdain..expecting favor..inclined dote on ..eager approve of .. loath(key) deplore..unwilling 这个镇支持保持县处理垃圾计划中的焚烧场的很多人这么做,并不是他们必须赞成焚烧 场,而是因为他们不愿意削减他们的垃圾处理的信念。 vote所以loath to narrow,but引起一个转折,意思较为明显 104.It is puzzling to observe that Jones's novel has recently been criticized for its _____ structure, since commentators have traditionally argued that its most obvious ____ is its relentlessly rigid, indeed schematic, framework. attention to.. preoccupation speculation about.. characteristic parody of ..disparity violation of ..contradiction lack of ..flaw(key) 令人吃惊的是,约翰的小说最近被批评说缺乏结构,然而,评论者传统的认为它最明显的错误是无情的僵化,真正有系统的,有结构的。 Traditionally认为是rigid,令人吃惊的是现在lack of structure 35.Prior to the work of Heckel, illustrations of fish were often beautiful but rarely ____; this fact, combined with the ____ nature of most nineteenth-century taxonomic descriptions, often kept scientists from recognizing differences between species. impressive..inaccurate realistic..detailed traditional..progressive precise..inexact(key) distinctive.. sophisticated 在Heckel的工作之前,对于鱼的描述是美丽的但是很少是精确的;这个事实,和大多数19世纪分类描述的不精确的本质相结合,经常使科学家们无法区分不同的品种。 两个空格应该同义,而且,keep ..from recognizing differences所以应该是不精确。 82.To label the 1950's in the United States a "golden age" is somewhat ____;general prosperity increased but the gains made by women in the workplace during the Second World War were ____. nostalgic.. perpetuated facetious.. substantiated disingenuous..modified misleading..eroded(key) hyperbolic..distributed 把50年代的美国标记成黄金时代稍微有点错误;大众繁荣增长了,但是二战中妇女在工作岗位中获得的利益削弱了。 golden age somewhat 应该和负词;后半句本身有个转折 112.In come as no surprise that societies ha the character of the codes, on the other hand, can often be ____. predictable unexpected(key) admirable explicit confusing 社会有行为准则并不让人吃惊;另外一个方面,这些行为的特征通常可能是不被期望的 。 No surprise和unexpected对应,注意到on the other hand就ok 122.To have true disciples, a thinker must not be too _______: any effective intellectual leader depends on the ability of other people to _______ thought processes that did not originate with them. popular .. dismiss methodical .. interpret idiosyncratic .. reenact(key) self-confident .. revitalize pragmatic .. discourage 为了有真正的信徒,思想家不能太古怪了:任何有效的聪明的领导人依赖于其他人的重组那些不属于他们的思想过程的能力。 Not originate with them所以reenact,总之选别的都不是很好!后使用快捷导航没有帐号?
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clearly the government faced a dilemma: it could hardly_____trials, especially in the absence of irrefutable evidence, but it also would not welcome, in the midst of war, the scandal that would arise if trials were avoided.be keen onbe inclined toarrangedispense with turn its back oncredit答案选前两个, 想问的问题是,这道题找不到空格对应的地方,是 if trials were avoided这块,还是it also would not welcome。 个人初判是it also would not welcome,所以选错。 麻烦给个句子中文解释,谢谢啦
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it could hardly ___trials 跟 trials were avoided 相对应的。意思大概是政府在缺少有力的证据的时候很难倾向于审判,但这同样不会受欢迎,在战争期间如果审判被避免的话,批评就会增多
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所以空的地方应该跟avoid 相反的意思
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All Rights Reserved.新GRE的PP2里的第三道填空题为什么第一个空是PATENT,不要瞎说_百度作业帮
given how-----(the shortcomings of the standard economical model are)( in its portrayal of human behavior), the failure of many economists to respond to them is astonishing.这个是断句.可以解释成:在这个标准经济的模型在描述人类行为的方面有着------的缺点的情况下,很多经济学家没有成功地对这些缺点作出回应是令人惊讶的.overlooked (被忽视)和occasional(偶然) 表示这个缺点不明显,既然不明显,那经济学家没看出来就不足为奇了.PATENT,填进去之后,就是这个缺点十分明显的情况下,经济学家都没看出来,所以令人吃惊.逻辑就通了.astonishing 在这里表示转折,经济学家没看出来,的反义就是经济学家看出来.所以,第一空应该填一个缺点的特点,这个特点使缺点很容易被看出来,所以就是patent(明显的)


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