
英语中列举 and so on 如何用?能否举个例子?_百度作业帮
英语中列举 and so on 如何用?能否举个例子?
英语中列举 and so on 如何用?能否举个例子?
"he inquired about the varieties, specifications and price, and so on and so forth."
他询问了品种、花色和价格等情况A high-level language needing a compiler to translate it into machine language. These languages include APL,COBOL, pascal, C, PL-1, and so on
需要用编译程序将其语句翻译成机器语言的高级语言,这类语言有APL,COBOL,pascal,C,PL-1等.This more complex computer could design one still more complex and so on and so on and so on
这台更复杂的电脑又能设计出一台比其更复杂的电脑,依此类推,一代代地研制下去The common used long-term solvency ratios are debt ratio, times-interest-earned ratio and so on.
常用的长期偿债能力比率主要是负债比率、赚取利息倍数等.And all that
.等等"mobile phone exchanges, base stations and mobile phone subscribers, such as portable phones, handsets and so on."
主要有移动电话交换机,基站及移动台用户."Under such circumstances, Europe produced many new creations and inventions in the realms of art, science, music, architecture and so on."
在这种环境下,欧洲在各个领域出现了大量的创新发明,特别是体现在美术、科学、音乐、建筑等方面.Research the relative benefits and drawbacks of different equipments, such as treadmills, stationary bikes, free weights, and so on
对步行板、蹬踏车、杠铃等不同器械的优缺点进行一番调查比较.The English language boom stems from a variety of sources:weald trade,diplomacy,pop culture,science and so on.
英语的迅速普及是有各种根源的,世界贸易、外交、大众文化、科学等等."' Rest ', in terms of muscle relaxation and so on, can be achieved by a brief period lying, or even sitting down. "
从放松肌肉等方面来考虑,通过短暂的躺卧或者只小坐片刻皆可达到"休息"的目的.On Mondays he might go to school in blue, on Tuesdays in green, on Wednesdays in brown, on Thursdays in black, and so on
周一上学他穿蓝色装,周二绿色,周三棕色,周四黑色,等等.The ministry of defense had various departments to control the infantry, the cavalry, the elephants, the chariots, the navy, supply and so on
国防部下设管理部门,管理步兵、骑兵、战象、战车、海军、供给等."The weight of the frame, Body, and so on, applies an initial compression the springs."
车架、车身等部件的重量使弹性元件受到预压."Key services refer to the services such as postal savings, express mail service and so on."
重点业务指的是邮政储蓄、特快专递等业务.Besides pineapples, we have papaya, mango, banana and so on.
除了菠萝外,我们还有木瓜,芒果,香蕉等等."The restaurant serves fish, pork, beef, and so on."
餐厅供应鱼、猪肉、牛肉等等.The IDE disks are controlled by the IDE controller chip and the SCSI disks by the SCSI disk controller chips and so on
IDE磁盘被IDE控制器芯片控制而SCSI磁盘由SCSI磁盘控制器芯片控制.The satellite has sent back such information as temperature, radiation, and so on.
卫星已把温度、辐射等信息传了回来.They like climbing, running, diving, swimming, lifting, jumping, and so on.
他们喜欢登山、赛跑、潜水、游泳、举重及跳高等.These weak interactions are easily disrupted by changes in pH, ionic strength, heating, physical forces, addition of organics, and so on.
这些微弱联系很容易因pH值、离子强度、加热、物理刺激加入有机物质等的因素变化而被破坏.These mineral properties include the color, streak, luster, hardness, crystal form, specific gravity, cleavage, fracture and so on.
这些矿物的物理性质包括颜色、条痕、光泽、硬度、晶形、比重、解理、断口等等."and personal certificates such as education, health, passports approved by the state, and so on."
各种个人证明如学历证明、健康证明等,还可邮寄护照及其他东西.A computer is an erudite tutor, and a talented secretary who can draw up documents, manage data, design blueprints, type papers and so on
计算机是一个知识渊博的家庭教师,是一个有才华的“秘书”,他能够起草公文、管理数据、设计图纸、编写稿件等等.For example,hotel reservation,ticket reservation,restaurant reservation and so on.
比如说,旅馆预订,票子预订,餐厅预订等.There is also a record of an artist painting a winnowing fan for a king with the figures of snakes, dragons, horses, carts and so on.
并记载有位画家为周君画筛米用的簸箕,上面画有龙蛇、禽兽、车马与杂物.A long-lost brother, who was presumed dead, was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero's downfall. And so on.
主人公一位长期失散的兄弟,大家都以为死了,实际上一直活着,并且正在策划暗算主人公;如此等等.She has many accomplishments, being able to sing, play the piano, draw, and so on.
她多才多艺,能唱、弹钢琴、画等等.Because of the high cost of wall tiling, ducting for services, lift structures and so on.
这是由于墙面镶贴瓷砖、设备的管沟、电梯结构等的造价非常高的缘故.Nowadays there's a lot of good fishing gear available: reels, fiber glass rods and so on.
现在有很多好的钓具:线轴、纤维玻璃钓竿等."For example, high strength reinforced bar, stainless steel medium plate, auto wheel rim steel and so on. "
I like apple, pear, peach and so on.
"he inquired about the varieties, specifications and price, and so on and so forth."
他询问了品种、花色和价格等情况A high-level language needing a compiler to translate it into machine language. These lan...


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