sony z3 tabletT COMPACT 有没有陀螺仪

游戏平板对决:Shield Tablet VS Z3 Tablet
Nvidia已经确定,将于3月3日在旧金山召开发布会,号称将重新定义未来游戏。从外界多个猜测来看,Nvidia&极有可能发布新一代游戏平板电脑&Shield&tablet&2,搭载更强劲&GPU&性能的&Tegra&&X1&芯片。目前专门以游戏为卖点的平板电脑产品还很少,Nvidia这款产品自然备受关注。前段时间,EA&的&CFO&布莱克?约根森(Blake&Jorgensen)在也&Technology&Internet&&&Media&Conference&2015大会上也持有同样的看法,他认为平板电脑在未来几年内,性能将比家用游戏主机更加强大。无论如何,现款Nvidia&Shield&tablet&是目前市面上唯一一个以游戏为卖点的平板电脑。那么,还有没有一款也与游戏比较沾边的平板电脑值得一看呢?有,索尼去年发布的一款名为&Xperia&Z3&Tablet&Compact&的电脑,也是一款游戏平板,其配备的“PS4&Remote&Play”应用可体验永无休止的游戏体验,同时也是唯一一款可以通过&WiFi&串流&PS4&游戏的平板电脑。在&Nvidia&正式发布其最新的游戏平板电脑之前,我们来简单的比较一下当下这两款号称提供最佳游戏体验的平板电脑。设计和屏幕Nvidia&Shield&tablet&和索尼&Xperia&Z3&Tablet&Compact&平板电脑都采用了能够单手握持的&8&英寸屏幕,并且拥有相同&&像素的分辨率(283ppi)。不过索尼利用自家特丽珑显示技术可让屏幕提供更自然的色彩显示。三围方面,Shield&tablet&是&223.5&x&127&x&9.1&mm,Xperia&Z3&Tablet&Compact&是&213.4&x&123.6&x&6.4&mm。前者重量达到&390g,后者仅有&270g,而且还支持IP68级别的防水防尘功能,无需担心液体损坏平板电脑。性能两款平板外形尺寸还有些许相似,但硬件配置就完全不同了。索尼&Xperia&Z3&Tablet&Compact&搭载了来自高通的&Snapdragon&801&四核处理器,主频为&2.5GHz,集成&Adreno&330&GPU。Nvidia&Shield&tablet&则搭载了自家的&Tegra&K1&芯片,处理频率为&2.3GHz。得益于高通芯片先进的集成通信模块,Xperia&Z3&Tablet&Compact&直接支持&LTE&4G&网络,而&Nvidia&Shield&tablet&需额外购买&4G&版本。性能上简单从跑分来看,Tegra&K1&的天赋一览无遗,其跑分高达&42997&分,Xperia&Z3&Compact&跑分也不差,42476&分的成绩其实差不多。至于RAM运存容量,索尼的Xperia&Z3&Tablet&Compact提供3GB&RAM+16GB存储空间,Nvidia Shield&tablet则是2GB&RAM+32GB储存,两款平板电脑都支持储存空间的扩展。摄像头索尼是世界上最杰出摄像器材设备商之一,所以索尼自家的平板电脑自然更侧重于摄像能力。Xperia&Z3&Tablet&Compact&配备了&810&万像素的主摄像头,F2.4&光圈,前置摄像头也有&220&万像素。在摄像功能上支持自动对焦、触摸对焦、数码防抖、脸部识别、笑脸识别、白平衡设置、连拍模式、数码变焦、地点标记、HDR&模式、全景拍摄、特效和自拍功能等。主打游戏的&Nvidia&Shield&tablet&自然在相机部分略逊一筹,所配备的只是一枚&500&万像素的摄像头,不过也支持自动对焦和&HDR&模式,前置摄像头同样为&500&万像素,为爱自拍的用户提供更清晰的自拍成像。连接性索尼的平板电脑支持&LTE&Cat&4&和&HSDPA+&(4G)&网络、蓝牙&4.0&和&802.11&a/b/g/n/ac&Wi-Fi、NFC、Miracast、Tethering&和&Computer&Sync,机身上设有&USB&2.0&接口。Nvidia&Shield&tablet&平板电脑缺少&NFC&和&Miracast&支持,不过也支持&LTE&网络,支持&802.11&a/b/g/n&Wi-Fi、蓝牙&4.0、机身上设有&mini&HDMI&接口、USB&2.0&接口,提供Tethering网络共享和Computer&Sync同步功能。操作系统Nvidia&Shield&tablet&已经收到了最新的&Android&5.0&Lollipop&系统升级,应该说是除了&Nexus&9&之外市面上唯一一款获最新升级的平板电脑了。索尼&Xperia&Z3&Tablet&Compact&还是&Android&4.4&KitKat&操作系统,究竟何时升级&Android&5.0&还是个未知数。游戏潜力Shield&tablet&平板电脑配备了一个&Wireless&Controller&无线游戏手柄,上面设有完整的摇杆、按钮,类似于目前索尼和微软游戏主机的解决方案。通过&GameStream&技术和可将&4K&内容输出到显示器和电视机上,再配合无线手柄大屏游戏。Nvidia&为该平板电脑内置了&Shield&Hub&游戏商店,提供超过&400&个针对&Tegra&K1&芯片优化的游戏,同时还具备&ShadowPlay&游戏录制功能,并且还整合了&Twitch&平台,因此玩家可边玩边在&Twitch&上进行直播。Xperia&&Z3&Tablet&Compact&也有&DUAL&SHOCK&无线手柄和可镶嵌自家设备的&GCM10&手柄配件。不过其看重的并非平板电脑本身的游戏,而是与&PS4&兼容带来的游戏体验。简单的说,如果你不想在大屏幕上玩游戏的话,大可打开&Remote&Play&应用程序,将&PS4&主机的游戏通过&Wi-Fi&串流到平板电脑上,再配合手柄玩远程&PS4&主机的游戏。价格索尼&Xperia&Z3&Tablet&Compact&的报价为329美元起(直接换算后约合人民币2050元),Nvidia Shield&tablet&基础WiFi版本为299美元,LTE版的售价则为399美元,两者换算后价格分别为1870元和2490元。
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版权所有 鲁ICP备号索尼Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact解读 支持三防
[摘要]这款Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact拥有8英寸的屏幕,机身尺寸213.4 x 123.6 x 6.4mm,重量为270克,是目前世界上最轻薄的平板电脑。
腾讯数码讯(编译:多多)在今年九月的IFA展会上,发布了平板电脑3 Tablet Compact。据悉,这款索尼平板电脑将会于本月初在美国出货。从现阶段掌握的数据来看,这款Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact拥有8英寸的屏幕,机身尺寸为213.4 x 123.6 x 6.4mm,重量为270克,是目前世界上最轻薄的平板电脑之一。日前,索尼发布了一组有关这款Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact的信息图,从图上我们可以看出这个平板电脑的多个特性。其中包括防水性、IP68认证机身等。另外,这一次索尼的信息图还展示了一些格外有趣的信息,例如说这款平板电脑要比巧克力曲奇还薄,机身重量比仓鼠还要轻,一起来看看吧。索尼Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact运行Android 4.4 KitKat系统(预计明年年初将升级为Android 5.0 Lollipop版本)。这款平板电脑采用8英寸1200 x 1920 IPS显示屏,内置2.5 GHz高通四核心dragon801处理器,运行内存为3 GB。摄像头方面,配有220万像素的前置摄像头以及810万像素的主摄像头。电池容量为4500毫安时,并且配有microSD卡槽。此外,索尼Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact还提供远程遥控PlayStation4的应用程序,让游戏玩家能够更深刻的体会到平板电脑的便捷之处。据悉,32 GB、Wi-Fi版索尼Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact售价为499.99美元(约合人民币3100元)。白色版现在即可预定,而LTE版本预计会稍后推出。来源:查报价,看新品,尽在腾讯数码官方微信 扫描左侧二维码即可添加腾讯数码官方微信您也可以在微信上搜索“腾讯数码”或“qqdigi”,获取更多数码资讯。
Copyright & 1998 - 2015 Tencent. All Rights Reserved& Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact
1: Design and Screen
Attractive, slim design
Excellent screen
Good battery life and fast-charging feature
Too much bloatware
Pricier than the Android competition
Review Price ?329.00
What is the Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact?The Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact is the large-screen sibling of the
mobile phone, offering a similar waterproof design but with a tablet form factor. It's blessed with a wafer-thin waterproof casing, a quad-core 2.5GHz chipset, a Full HD screen and an 8.1-megapixel rear camera for photography and video capture. It also features NFC for wirelessly exchanging data at close quarters.Although the early crop of Android tablets were big 10-inch affairs, the Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact – as the long-winded name suggests – is slightly easier to slip into your bag at the beginning of your morning commute. Its 8-inch screen puts it in the same bracket as the ,
and , all of which are small-scale slates that are ideal mobile travelling companions.SEE ALSO: Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact – DesignSony's designers have clearly found their signature look, as the Xperia range has remained largely unchanged in style for a couple of years now. The company favours sharp, straight edges and a mixture of metal and plastic, and the Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact inevitably follows suit.At 6.4mm it's almost impossibly thin for a tablet, and by keeping the overall weight down – it tips the scales at just 270g – Sony has created a device which won't put any undue strain on your wrists. There's no discomfort to be had holding it with just one hand, which makes it ideal for when you're riding on public transport and need another arm free to steady yourself between bumpy stops. The weight's been kept down by not using much metal in the construction – unlike the Xperia Z3 phone, the Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact only has metal corners, with the material which runs around the edges actually just metallic-effect plastic.The back of the tablet is plastic as well, which doesn't look as premium as the glass used on the Xperia Z3 phone, but has the positive effect of making the device less likely to slip out of your hand and onto cold, unfeeling concrete. Its matte texture also improves grip, but such safety comes at a cost – the overall effect is less striking that the aluminum-encased iPad mini, and it also picks up marks and scratches a little too readily for our liking.In terms of buttons, Sony has kept things simple here. The power and volume keys are located on the right-hand edge of the Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact, right in the middle so they're easy to reach during use, as that's where your fingers will naturally rest. Elsewhere you'll find the microSD slot – and SIM card slot if you've opted for the cellular version – behind a panel, and a similar compartment on the bottom edge for the micro-USB socket.Both of these panels must be carefully re-sealed after use to ensure the device maintains its water-resistant talents. If you're worried about water getting in after repeated removal of the USB charge panel, you can buy the optional charging dock, which tops up the tablet via two pins on the left-hand side.Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact – ScreenThe display is a 1200 x 1920-pixel Triluminos panel with a pixel density of 283ppi. It's impressively punchy and colourful, with excellent brightness and good readability in direct sunlight. The glass is supposedly shatter-proof and comes equipped with an oleophobic coating to prevent the build-up of unsightly fingerprints. We naturally weren't brave enough to test the former, and the latter seems like a rather hollow boast – after only a few minutes of use the screen was awash with smudges and greasy prints.While it's true that in terms of pure pixels the Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact's display is trailing behind those seen on its rivals, you never really get the feeling that you're missing out. Text is sharp and images look clear and defined, so unless you're planning on taking a magnifying glass to the screen, you're unlikely to pine for additional pixel density. Viewing angles are also excellent, with the picture remaining clear and legible regardless of how you hold the tablet.
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& Time Inc. (UK) Ltd , All rights reserved索尼 Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact:名称变长,个子变小了(更新:动手玩)
经验,那在平板产品线上,实在没有理由不尝试一番。于是在今天的 IFA 发布会上,8 吋大小的 Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact 正式亮相了。这台 6.4mm 厚、0.6 磅(约 270g)重的设备是目前市面上最轻薄的 8 吋平板,而且其性能甚至比 10.1 吋的
来得更强。其内部搭载了 2.5GHz 的 Snapdragon 801 处理器,同时还有 3GB RAM,屏幕分辨率为 1080p。按照官方说法,它能连续播放 13 个小时的视频。
除了硬件之外,Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact 在软件部分也有一定的提升。和
一样,它也得到了 DSEE HX 加持,音乐播放效果应该会比之前更好。除此之外,它还是第一款加入了 PlayStation 4 Remote Play 的平板,让使用者可以在设备上控制游戏主机,或者在电视被占用的情况下充当备用屏幕。为了满足玩家的需要,索尼甚至还为它推出了一款适用于 DualShock 4 手柄的,这样一来你就不用为找地方放平板而烦恼了。
据悉 Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact 将于今年秋季上市,会分为 Wi-Fi 和 LTE 版本。具体的售价,就有待索尼日后公布了。
Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact 動手玩
Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact 中文动手玩
在动手玩之前,先回答大部份人的问题:是的,Z3 Tablet Compact 可以打电话。不过它跟 Z2 Tablet 一样都必须以耳机或蓝牙装置才能使用,不然的话就得像大部份可通话的平板一样必须用扬声器来接听电话。虽说名为 Compact,但以已经用了 Z Ultra 好一段时间的小编而言,尽管它有着 0.64cm 的薄度,而且拿起来也不重,但还是觉得这样的宽度单手手持更吃紧了一些,基本上想要勉强单手操作是不太行得通的。其背面的质感比起 Z2 Tablet 变得比较粗糙且较硬的感觉,拿起来没有之前橡胶感觉的那样止滑舒适,而且无论黑色白色都是类似这样的手感表现,有一种粗犷的感觉。
在平板上预载的 Android 4.4.4 系统上,个人倒是发现其通知列似乎跟之前的版本相比要来的短了很多(如上图,这还是开了编辑快速设定才会多了下面这行),这点在其他这次发布的机型如 Z3 上倒是没有这样的变更,也与之前印象中 Sony 的平板界面之下有点不同。然后编辑"快速设定"按钮的界面也有改变,变成直接从下方拖曳的直觉方式 -- 总算不用再慢慢试顺序了 XD。
拥有 IP65/68 防尘防水等级的 Z3 Tablet Compact,它的防水盖的设计也有别于以往,必须说... 变得难开了不少,找了相当久才能找到开盖的缝,而且只有圆弧底部的侧面才能看到,但这样某方面而言也减少了不小心拨开的机率。边框的部分还是看得到 Sony 独有的磁吸式充电接点,而绕到平板对面的电源按钮,则是让人有点不习惯它直拿时变成有点偏上的设计(不太"平衡"耶)。
屏幕表现方面,可能是最近看习惯 2.5K 屏幕了,更别说这次的 8 寸平板它也比 Z Ultra 要大了一点,所以现场看屏幕的锐利度表现竟然会觉得有点不够锐利(看来眼睛真的是被养坏了),还好 Sony 独有的 Triluminous 技术,还是让屏幕不论在可视角或者是色温表现上有着不错的水准,不过认真看了一下,貌似这次的面板是有比较偏冷的取向就是了。系统顺畅度而言,就现场的使用,感觉反应十分良好,毕竟使用的是 2.5GHz 的 S801 处理器还有 3GB RAM,相信就算跑负荷较重的游戏应该也还是可以胜任无虞才是啰。
[Ross Wang 撰写本文动手玩心得部分]
SONY成功屠版! 完蛋,睡觉前手贱看了大法的产品发布,激动了,这下要睡不着了 @tenasama我现在也持有跟你一样的心情,决定通宵.顺便考虑下Z2 tablet和z3 tablet compact要哪个. 光从正面看好像一卷白色 Nexus 7 II 加了个Sony的logo… 乍一看```好像Z2的放大版~ 买买买!(老板,再来个ipad mini 2!) 求出Google Play Edition...或者Nexus 8!!! 如果LTE版本的可以打电话的话,3K价格可以一战三棒一众7/8寸板 缩放大法! 拿个平板也要单手操作是有多大仇....Z Ultra那货是手机啊...... 求確切的三圍尺寸啊~ 找了好久都沒找到,都是 只有厚度的說~ 电池容量参数有谁知道吗?比较关心这个。有没有为ps4 入 sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact的_百度知道
有没有为ps4 入 sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact的
用来remote play吧有啊。不过这个平板除了悠着点好其他都比较一般,还不如买个其他的平板破解remote play来的爽快


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