
请问草甘膦铵盐 灭生性除草剂 10克对多少清水呢?200克参合多少公斤水了?谢谢了_百度知道
请问草甘膦铵盐 灭生性除草剂 10克对多少清水呢?200克参合多少公斤水了?谢谢了
农药产品大全草甘膦真的像某些科学家所宣扬的是安全的吗? | 谣言粉碎机小组 | 果壳网 科技有意思
研究揭示欧盟批准农达依据的是伪科学草甘膦是除草剂农达的主要成分。根据一项新的同行评议研究结果,欧盟批准草甘膦依据的是伪科学。此项发表在《环境和分析毒理学》上的研究揭示,有关草甘膦的行业研究可追溯到20世纪80年代,其中一些是孟山都公司所做,这些研究显示这一化学物质可导致实验室动物的出生缺陷。但负责向欧盟委员会和成员国通报行业研究情况的德国政府当局淡化了这一发现,使大家对草甘膦的安全性产生了错误的印象。欧盟在2002年批准草甘膦。科学政策平台本月地球开源组织研究主任、此项研究的共同作者克莱尔·鲁滨逊表示:“德国当局引用不相关的数据使导致出生缺陷这样的重要发现“消失”,甚至将出生缺陷重新定义为“发育变异”。“结果,德国制定了草甘膦暴露的安全水平,并且得到欧盟当局的承认,而这可能根本不安全。”这一研究发现支持吉勒斯-艾瑞克·瑟兰尼教授的团队于9月发表的一项独立研究。瑟兰尼发现饲喂低浓度农达和抗除草剂转基因玉米的老鼠肿瘤发生率、死亡率以及器官损伤程度上升了。有毒的农达的浓度远低于饮用水和饲料中允许的浓度,更比英国面包中的低数千倍。德国联邦风险评估研究所(BfR)回应了瑟兰尼的研究,挺身而出为其辩护。BfR引用了草甘膦的行业测试检查结果,该测试结果显示该化学制品并不致癌。这些行业测试以及德国当局1998年的评估结果支持欧盟批准了草甘膦。而这一研究是首次经同行评议的,分析草甘膦登记审批有效性的研究。这些行业研究报告在商业机密性保密规则下仍然处于保密状态,此项研究的作者没有看过这些行业研究报告。然而,他们可以要求德国政府公开信息以审查德国当局相关的报告。这一新研究主要对草甘膦导致的出生缺陷进行了试验,同时,德国当局的报告显示行业研究报告也暗示草甘膦致癌。然而德国当局并不理会草甘膦的致癌作用,因为此作用并不呈线性剂量反应模式,即效应并不随剂量的增加呈直线增加趋势。克莱尔·鲁滨逊表示,从科学上讲,德国当局忽视草甘膦的致癌性是没有道理的。瑟兰尼的研究显示农达的毒性呈非线性模式。这是影响荷尔蒙的化学制品的已知特征。德国当局的行为显示公民不能相信管理方关于草甘膦、农达以及抗除草剂转基因作物的安全性声明。他们必须自己想办法尽可能减少接触。德国作为草甘膦“报告起草人”成员国,负责评估行业研究报告,在业界和欧盟当局之间充当联络人。德国依然担当此种角色,正为欧盟2015年对草甘膦的重新审批进行评估。克莱尔·鲁滨逊指出,是时候全面修订杀虫剂和转基因食品安全评估方法了。同时,草甘膦审批的行业测试报告也必须在因特网上公开。(来源:世界农化网)我们知道美国现在所种植的绝大多数转基因大豆玉米和棉花为抗除草剂作物。而除草剂的主要成分就是草甘膦。另外美国农业部的报告中首次承认了:一些研究显示,应用在转基因作物上的化学物质与多种疾病有关。关于草甘膦,美国环保局已经发过报告估计很多人没看过,我摘抄一段大家看看:Short-term: EPA has found glyphosate to potentially cause the following health effects when people areexposed to it at levels above the MCL for relatively short periods of time: conincreased breathing rate.Long-term: Glyphosate has the potential to cause the following effects from a lifetime exposure at levelsabove the MCL: kidney damage, reproductive effects.草甘膦的毒性在维基百科里也有反映:对人体影响[url=]编辑[/url]草甘膦一般在口服后15分钟内便可能产生呕吐及喉部疼痛现象,另外接着可能产生腹痛及腹泻症状。病征通常在服用量超过100毫升较明显。中毒者不能透过催吐来解毒,而只能透过解除各种病征来舒缓病况。致癌性与转基因食物[url=]编辑[/url]由于草甘膦的优异除草性能,透过基因改造,可使作物能耐草甘膦。不过,草甘膦本身是致癌物质,对人体有害,所以对食水中的残留草甘膦含量有严格的规定。根据于2011年12月进行的一项研究,在受验的一批市区居民的尿液样本内,所有样本均发现其残留草甘膦含量比欧盟食水内的残留标准高出5到20倍,足以证明草甘膦在人类的整条食物链内不断残留积累。所以现时有建议完全禁用草甘膦。
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引用 的话:我觉得用的农药有毒和作物有害是两个不同的概念啊!不要转移炮火,继续对准转基因本身。呵呵,我是外行,不要喷为什么不要转移炮火,如果这个农药确有安全问题,不应该关注吗?
我不懂生物,就是想来弄懂它!正好在查文献,顺手在wos上查了一下半衰期一、人体斯里兰卡的研究太生猛了,直接找了601个人喝36%的草甘膦,27%啥事没有,63.7%轻微中毒,5.5%中重度中毒,3.2%(19个人)挂了。。。半衰期3.1小时。当然,这是急性情况,慢性长期的我没仔细找。虽然在人体里面存在时间不长,但是从下面水和土壤的情况看,还是有可能遇到长期慢性接触的情况的Roberts, Darren M., Nick A. Buckley, Fahim Mohamed, Michael Eddleston, Daniel A. Goldstein, Akbar Mehrsheikh, Marian S. Bleeke, and Andrew H. Dawson. "A prospective observational study of the clinical toxicology of glyphosate-containing herbicides in adults with acute self-poisoning." Clinical toxicology 48, no. 2 (2010): 129-136.Context. The case fatality from acute poisoning with glyphosate-containing herbicides is approximately 7.7% from the available studies but these have major limitations. Large prospective studies of patients with self-poisoning from known formulations who present to primary or secondary hospitals are needed to better describe the outcome from acute poisoning with glyphosate-containing herbicides. Furthermore, the clinical utility of the glyphosate plasma concentration for predicting clinical outcomes and guiding treatment has not been determined. Objective. To describe the clinical outcomes, dose–response, and glyphosate kinetics following self-poisoning with glyphosate-containing herbicides. Methods. This prospective observational case series was conducted in two hospitals in Sri Lanka between 2002 and 2007. We included patients with a history of acute poisoning. Clinical observations were recorded until discharge or death. During a specified time period, we collected admission (n = 216, including five deaths) and serial (n = 26) blood samples in patients. Severity of poisoning was graded using simple clinical criteria. Results. Six hundred one pati the majority ingested a concentrated formulation (36%, w/v glyphosate). Twenty-seven percent were asymptomatic, 63.7% had minor poisoning, and 5.5% of patients had moderate to severe poisoning. There were 19 deaths (case fatality 3.2%) with a median time to death of 20 h. Gastrointestinal symptoms, respiratory distress, hypotension, altered level of consciousness, and oliguria were observed in fatal cases. Death was strongly associated with greater age, larger ingestions, and high plasma glyphosate concentrations on admission (&734 μg/mL). The apparent elimination half-life of glyphosate was 3.1 h (95% CI = 2.7–3.6 h). Conclusions. Despite treatment in rural hospitals with limited resources, the mortality was 3.2%, which is lower than that reported in previous case series. More research is required to define the mechanism of toxicity, better predict the small group at risk of death, and find effective treatments.
二、土壤1.从这篇看,百草枯确实最厉害,半衰期上年。草甘膦个把月Cheah, Uan-Boh, Ralph C. Kirkwood, and Keng-Yeang Lum. "Degradation of four commonly used pesticides in Malaysian agricultural soils." Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 46, no. 3 (1998): .First-order kinetics were observed for the degradation of 2,4-D, lindane, paraquat, and glyphosate in sandy loam and muck soils, with the exception of glyphosate degradation in an anaerobic muck. Short half-lives were observed for 2,4-D in aerobic (3.4 days) and anaerobic (9.3 days) muck soils, while longer half-lives were found for glyphosate (19.2 days) and 2,4-D (35.9 days) in the sandy loam. Long half-lives were observed for lindane (1.0-1.7 years) and paraquat (1.4-7.2 years) in the soils. The results of the laboratory studies on the degradation of the pesticides in the Malaysian soils showed little difference from the results reported in soils from other parts of the world.
2.这篇好像是模拟的,考虑了不同土壤环境,草甘膦也上年Eberbach, Philip. "Applying non‐steady‐state compartmental analysis to investigate the simultaneous degradation of soluble and sorbed glyphosate (N‐(phosphonomethyl) glycine) in four soils." Pesticide Science 52, no. 3 (1998): 229-240.The decomposition behaviour of glyphosate in four Victorian soils was investigated at two temperatures using non-steady-state compartmental analysis. At 25°C, glyphosate degradation was shown numerically to be derived from two different sources where the rate of release from each source behaved in accordance with first-order kinetics. Over the first 40 day period for each of the soils, glyphosate was derived simultaneously from the labile and non-labile phase, whilst after the first 40 days, glyphosate was derived solely from the non-labile phase. At this temperature, the amount of glyphosate partitioned into the labile phase ranged from 24·1 to 34·5%, whilst the amount partitioned into the sorbed, non-labile phase ranged from 67·2 to 74·9%. The half-lives for glyphosate within each phase was calculated and ranged from six to nine days for the labile phase to 222–835 days for the non-labile phase. Glyphosate appeared to be more strongly held in the acidic Rutherglen soil than in the alkaline soils studied, and this was thought to be related to the substantially lower pH and higher Fe content of the acidic soil. At 10°C, glyphosate was shown numerically to be derived from two different sources for two of the soils. However, for the two remaining soils, glyphosate appeared to be derived either from a single phase or from two phases at either the same rate or at differential rates where the rate of release from one phase was sufficiently fast to mask the rate of release from the other. At this temperature, more glyphosate was partitioned into the non-labile phase of the Walpeup and Rutherglen soils than at 25°C. However, the rate of release of glyphosate from this phase increased for the Walpeup soil relative to that at 25°C, but decreased substantially for the Rutherglen soil. This suggests that different mechanisms for the binding of glyphosate into the non-labile phase may exist between soils. (C) 1998 SCI.
三、水顺便看到一篇讲水中半衰期的,60~770小时Mallat, E., and D. Barceló. "Analysis and degradation study of glyphosate and of aminomethylphosphonic acid in natural waters by means of polymeric and ion-exchange solid-phase extraction columns followed by ion chromatography–post-column derivatization with fluorescence detection." Journal of chromatography a 823, no. 1 (1998): 129-136.The quantitative trace determination of glyphosate and its major metabolite, aminophosphonic acid (AMPA) in natural waters was achieved by means of ion-exchange chromatography. Fifty mi of natural water sample was preconcentrated by a two-step procedure: first the sample was percolated through a polymeric cartridge, LiChrolut EN, then through an anion-exchange column mechanism, and finally analyzed by ion-exchange chromatography followed by post-column reaction coupled to a fluorimetric detector. Linear calibration graphs were obtained between 5 and 200 mu g l(-1). Limits of detection ranged from 2 mu g l(-1) ofglyphosate and 4 mu g l(-1) of AMPA. A study of the degradation of glyphosate in environmental waters under characteristic con ditions was carried out to figure out the main degradation pathways of this compound. Half-lives of glyphosate varied from 60 h for ground water samples exposed to sunlight to 770 h for those stored under dark conditions.
引用 的话:ls就不要在这里班门弄斧了,信不信lz分分钟秒了你?那你倒是找点正经的材料来给我看看?就会说风凉话有人要半衰期数据,我找来一些,是算衰变快还是慢?急性的影响和慢性的影响是否有区别?长期的人体试验我估计是没有的,那么在猴子身上的有没有?老鼠的试验有些人认为太短。
引用 的话:这不是找了601个人让他们去喝36%的草甘膦,而是从医院里面找了601个喝过草甘膦的人(估计是喝农药自杀的人)。这样的话看看3.2%的死亡率说明了这真不是一种靠谱的自杀方法。否则做个临床实验死19...我偷懒没仔细翻文章说“Large prospective studies of patients with self-poisoning from known formulations who present to primary or secondary hospitals are needed...”是希望找自杀的但是后面说"We included patients with a history of acute poisoning. "从字面看仅仅是急性中毒的病人,也不一定是喝过草甘膦的人当然,咬文嚼字跑题了,这不是重点伦理确实值得质疑,可能是一开始以为安全,结果出人命了,但有数据不发白不发……
引用 的话:招募志愿者喝农药的文章100%发不出来的We included patients with a history of acute poisoning.这句话指的应该也是不慎接触到或者想自杀喝农药的...是,那么应该理解为不慎接触到或者想自杀喝农药的,农药里面是草甘膦的,然后又到一二级医院救治的那些病人,从这些人身上拿了血液数据,也可以算招募
引用 的话:好没幽默感啊我不像你是来找乐子的,你好有趣啊,哈哈哈
引用 的话:这个不能算招募了。招募专用于前瞻性的研究。这种中毒类的只能做回顾性的。okok,不是招募,include只是纳入他们的研究我更关心的是lz提到《环境和分析毒理学》上的研究,作者之一克莱尔·鲁滨逊,这篇文章是否可信,几时找来看看以及 说“农药能在食物上残留100ml?”从其土壤、和水的半衰期可达1个月看,不是没有可能累积到100ml的,况且“病征通常在服用量超过100毫升较明显”,少于100ml也有可能中毒?那么,草甘膦的安全剂量到底是多少,是因为没有标准,所以农业部进口转基因大豆的时候也不检测?
引用 的话:不太可能累积到100ml说明书上10%草甘膦的最大用量是1.5KG每亩 我们就算超量100%,3KG每亩因为没说清楚100ml指的是草甘膦,还是10%草甘膦,我们暂且认为是10%草甘膦...谢谢分析,我之前没有想得那么细致。就看大豆吧,大豆亩产量算它150kg,参考网上说的平均水平。10%草甘膦的最大用量是1.5KG每亩。算它如果没有流失,那么1kg大豆上沾着0.01kg的10%草甘膦,1g的100%草甘膦。相对密度:0.888 g/mL,1g就是1.13mL,数量级还是不小的。当然,农药不可能全沾在作物上,下个雨,洗一洗,残留的量可能指数级减少。所以,100mL确实不太可能。但是,抱歉我没完没了地纠缠~查了一下lz所贴wiki上这100mL的出处,文献5,是这篇“张芹. 除草剂年年春急性中毒临床分析[J]. 中国工业医学杂志,-32.”摘抄里面的一些句子1.除草剂年年春(glyphosate-surfactantherbicide)为N-(膦酸甲基)甘氨酸异丙胺盐(isopropylamine)(41%)与非离子性界面活性剂聚氧乙烯胺(polyoxyethyleneamine)(15%)和水共同组成的一种褐黄色溶液,其译名为草甘膦2.年年春对人体的中毒机制,目前仍不十分明确,据早期的临床观察,主要以肠胃道系统毒性为主,另外由于脱水可导致低血压及肾功能的损害或肾功能衰竭,并推测可能产生溶血反应[9]。Sawada等推测成分中非离子界面活性剂(nonionicsurfactant)是引起临床症状的主要因素3.年年春在人体内的药物动力学尚不清楚,一名患者在口服后7小时血浆glyphosate为69.2ppm,但第2、第4天则不能测出(&10ppm)。另一名患者口服后30分钟,尿中含有高浓度的glyphosate(15000ug/ml),3天后也不能测出(&25ug/ml)。4.9例患者中,4例轻度中毒(口服剂量为25~50ml),5例中重度中毒(口服剂量为100~500ml)(1例静脉注射100ml),全部好转出院。Talbet等报告93例[7]以及Tominack等报告97例年年春中毒[2]致死剂量分别是(184±70)ml(范围85~200ml)及(263±100)ml(范围150~500ml),但也有人服年年春500ml仅出现轻中度中毒[7]。虽然从这篇文章看,草甘膦似乎不累积,但是安全剂量应该远小于100mL,25mL就轻度中毒了。当然有人就说你为什么揪住草甘膦不放,其他农药更毒,半衰期更长,那我只好坦白我对生物、化学知之甚少。其他农药更不好,我现在知道了,接下来也要关注。
lz所贴的文章原文应该是这一篇里面提到的《环境和分析毒理学》上的研究文章是Teratogenic Effects of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides: Divergence of Regulatory Decisions from Scientific Evidence期刊Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology,是OA,非SCI(可信度?)作者所属的机构是“Earth Open Source”,这似乎是一个颇具影响力的反转组织,随便一查就看到了一篇孟山都在自己网站反驳他们的文章。孟山都否定Earth Open Source关于农达和出生缺陷的报告,认为他们的产品是安全的我大概看了下,孟山都认为EOS的数据不可信,EOS认为所谓农达安全的研究很多是孟山都支持的。反正我是看不明白了。另附2篇草甘膦安全性的SCI文章1.Williams, Gary M., Robert Kroes, and Ian C. Munro. "Safety evaluation and risk assessment of the herbicide Roundup and its active ingredient, glyphosate, for humans." Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 31, no. 2 (2000): 117-165.认为是安全的2.Marc, Julie, Odile Mulner-Lorillon, Sandrine Boulben, Dorothée Hureau, Ga?l Durand, and Robert Bellé. "Pesticide Roundup provokes cell division dysfunction at the level of CDK1/cyclin B activation." Chemical Research in Toxicology 15, no. 3 (2002): 326-331.大概说,单一的草甘膦没什么,但农达里含草甘膦,这么一混合物对人体有影响, our results question the safety of glyphosate and Roundup on human health
引用 的话:我本科是学力学的,目前正在在职准备法律专业的研究生考试,对于生物学和化学的知识仅仅持续到高考。但是我是这样想的,针对转基因这个问题,你们到底想得到什么呢??或者说你们的目标是什么??第一,如果你们...1、请参考楼上我贴的材料并回应,至少是有一篇SCI文章提出质疑的2、请不要无中生有,肆意夸大,我们现在探讨的是草甘膦是否如传说中那样安全。另外,农药有毒,“那又怎么样”——那么我们能否改良?从理论上讲,草甘膦只作用于植物,是一种低毒农药,已经是一种改良,这个出发点是好的。但正如lz所说,有毒就有毒,“有毒非要说对人体健康没有任何危险”,这是不正义的,你是否应该对此有职业敏感?3、所以你的立场还是草甘膦安全,而你提到的立法、代表、敏感词硬是把它以致癌的名义禁了,那么你即将进入的法律界是何等黑暗?
引用 的话:孟山都当然会认为他们的论文不可信,因为孟山都要推广农达,这是必然的。一个产品是否安全能否自己说了算?这不是很明显的道理吗?无论如何,孟山都显然对于草甘膦的毒性进行了隐瞒和美化宣传,这是不可否认的...确实,孟山都资助了很多研究,可信度也不高。鉴于我今天比较勤快,贴一下那个美国环保局关于草甘膦毒性的文件Technical Factsheet on Glyphosate另外刚浏览到一个有意思的帖子,里面也提到了Earth Open Source关于农达和出生缺陷的报告天涯的,可能要被喷
引用 的话:你算的不是草甘膦残留,而是“用能杀死1亩地杂草的草甘膦拌1亩地产的黄豆”草甘膦是喷的,黄豆是在豆荚里的,一点都沾不上。。。。最多是有一些从根或者叶吸收进来,也没听说富集在种子里所以,喷1....确实,这个残留应该是很少的。我的问题一直没有人回答,是不是因为残留量很低,毒性可以忽略,所以农业部不检测?
引用 的话:农达在GMO没流行之前就在用 跟GMO也没直接关系农达的安全性是可以讨论的 不过也就跟航油里面能不能加四乙基铅 非洲疫区能不能喷DDT 或者面粉能不能加增白剂一样小崔的宣传片纯属歪楼接着歪楼跑题不针对GMO、农药,我们看到多种疾病发病率在上升、低龄化,这是否由所有现代化进程产生的新材料/物质、新环境、新节奏/压力所造成,在千万年传统环境中缓慢演化的人类难以适应这一快速变化,请教你的看法?(当然,科技进步消除了许多疾病,延长了寿命,显然需要肯定)(再括号,可能人类基因不适应寿命增加表现出原本短寿时无法表现出的缺陷……)
1.楼主所提的那个美国环保局关于草甘膦毒性的文件,Technical Factsheet on Glyphosate,指出长期接触草甘膦有潜在的可能引起肾脏损害和生育问题。MCL标准是0.7mg/L,如果是百科查的0.888g/mL的密度,那么1L水中8e-4mL草甘膦,这个量是很小的吧,比食盐的安全剂量好像还小吧。环保局的结论是哪里来的,可靠吗?Drinking Water Standards MCLG: 0.7 mg/L MCL: 0.7 mg/L HAL(child): 1- to 10- day: 20 mg/L; Longer-term: 1 mg/L Health Effects Summary Acute: EPA has found glyphosate to potentially cause the following health effects from acute exposures at levels above the MCL: con increased breathing rate. Drinking water levels which are considered "safe" for short-term exposures: For a 10-kg (22 lb.) child consuming 1 liter of water per day, upto a ten-day exposure to 20 mg/L or up to a 7-year exposure to 1 mg/L. (这里的安全时间,一般人可能接触不了那么就,所以还是比较安全的,但是对于农场附近的人来说,是不是有可能风险大很多)Chronic: Glyphosate has the potential to cause the following health effects from long-term exposures at levels above the MCL: kidney damage, reproductive effects. Cancer: There is inadequate evidence to state whether or not glyphosate has the potential to cause cancer from a lifetime exposure in drinking water.
2.这篇SCI文章一些反转人士也引用,大概说单一的草甘膦没什么,但农达里含草甘膦,这么一混合物对人体有影响, 作者质疑其对于人体健康的安全性。里面用的剂量是1-10mM,这个量也很小。CDK1/cyclin B对健康重要吗,文章可信吗?Marc, Julie, Odile Mulner-Lorillon, Sandrine Boulben, Dorothée Hureau, Ga?l Durand, and Robert Bellé. "Pesticide Roundup provokes cell division dysfunction at the level of CDK1/cyclin B activation." Chemical Research in Toxicology 15, no. 3 (2002): 326-331.To assess human health risk from environmental chemicals, we have studied the effect on cell cycle regulation of the widely used glyphosate-containing pesticide Roundup. As a model system we have used sea urchin embryonic first divisions following fertilization, which are appropriate for the study of universal cell cycle regulation without interference with transcription. We show that 0.8% Roundup (containing 8 mM glyphosate) induces a delay in the kinetic of the first cell cleavage of sea urchin embryos. The delay is dependent on the concentration of Roundup. The delay in the cell cycle could be induced using increasing glyphosate concentrations (1-10 mM) in the presence of a subthreshold concentration of Roundup 0.2%, while glyphosate alone was ineffective, thus indicating synergy between glyphosate and Roundup formulation products. The effect of Roundup was not lethal and involved a delay in entry into M-phase of the cell cycle, as judged cytologically. Since CDK1/cyclin B regulates universally the M-phase of the cell cycle, we analyzed CDK1/cyclin B activation during the first division of early development. Roundup delayed the activation of CDK1/cyclin B in vivo. Roundup inhibited also the global protein synthetic rate without preventing the accumulation of cyclin B. In summary, Roundup affects cell cycle regulation by delaying activation of the CDK1/cyclin B complex, by synergic effect of glyphosate and formulation products. Considering the universality among species of the CDK1/cyclin B regulator, our results question the safety of glyphosate and Roundup on human health.3.农业部因为没有推广抗草甘膦转基因大豆所以不检测草甘膦,其他已制定标准的作物都已经有了推广转基因品种?对于进口大豆,光靠抽样检测可以算不严谨吗?或者说,是检出率太低,达标率太高,所以省了节约成本吗?中国:现已制定了草甘膦11项残留限量标准(mg/kg),分别为稻谷0.1、小麦6、小麦粉0.5、全麦粉5、玉米1、水果0.1、甘蔗2、棉籽油0.05、茶叶1、柑橘0.5、苹果0.5。由于我国没有推广抗草甘膦转基因大豆,同时草甘膦也不能在大豆田应用,因此目前尚未制定草甘膦在大豆中的限量标准。美国(进口大豆主要来源国)大豆草甘磷残留限量为20mg/kg。我国尚未制定该除草剂在大豆中的残留限量。为防止草甘磷残留可能带来的风险,国家质检总局及出入境检验检疫机构将大豆草甘磷残留列为安全卫生监控项目。从抽样检测监控数据分析,大多数批次进口大豆未检出草甘磷,少部分虽有检出,但均低于我国小麦草甘磷限量标准,即6mg/kg。
引用 的话:我等只会百度谷歌维基,如果你有权威的答案,不妨放出来,不要对我们冷嘲热讽维基对于半数致死量的解释(median lethal dose),简称(即),在毒理学中是描述或的毒性的常用指标。按照...求解答105楼106楼我的问题,谢谢
引用 的话:我是被。你看我没有实际地讨论任何问题嘛。求解答105楼106楼我的问题,谢谢
引用 的话:我觉得吧,第一个确实是定的比较低,一个是考虑到水可能不是草甘膦的主要摄入途径,另一个也要考虑达标问题,只要几乎所有饮用水都能达标,肯定是定的越低越好第二个问题我实在不了解第三个问题……从草...美国环保局的要求应该是会比较严格吧,他们最好饮用水都是纯天然矿泉水……不过他们的结论应该也不是乱写的,是有根据的。草甘膦急毒性是低,长期毒性按他们的说法显然是有的。我国农业部既然认为草甘膦安全,为什么要给一些品类制定检测标准;其他国家检测进口转基因大豆,我们为什么不测?说到底,不是态度问题就是利益问题。所以说,这个问题,如果相信老美,争论就到此结束,草甘膦有长期毒性,需要检测;如果相信天朝,那么,草甘膦是比食盐还安全,无需检测,不用关心残留,但是我希望能看到推翻美国环保局结论的证据。
引用 的话:关于你的第二个问题,1-10mM的草甘膦的浓度一点都不算低,换算成mg/L的话是1.69-16.9mg/L,远高于 你第一个问题中提到的草甘膦的MCL:0.7mg/L相比食盐,我觉得草甘膦的...确实,环保局MCL的浓度是很低的,所以1-10mM看着很高。但生理盐水是1L水中放9克盐,比16.9mg又大多了。这1.69-16.9mg就能影响什么CDK1/cyclin B(我懒得细查了,求科普),所以确实值得质疑其安全性。草甘膦的毒性是很低,但我们这里探讨的是它到底有没有一些权威声称的那么低。前面提到earth open source的报告,如果确实影响生育,那么问题就比较严重了。如果他们的证据没有说服力,那么一个低毒的农药当然是大家更希望看到的。
引用 的话:这个实验组只做了动物细胞实验,没有做毒理。所以只是推测有影响,并质疑了草甘膦的安全性。从目前的检测标准来看,如果草甘膦的使用是规范的,是达不到文献中的浓度的。我个人觉得这只是文章的卖点。不...那篇文章,可以继续查引用它的文章,看别人对它的评论至于毒性比较,这不是农业部先在那里和食盐比LD50嘛
引用 的话:哎,直拳点赞不觉得那样吵有什么赞,掉价


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